life will NEVER be enough for you, and the blackpill will ALLWAYS follow you. life is a game where you must gamble and cannot win everything.



Feb 7, 2024

i was just daydreaming today as i do. i was listening to nightcall and imagining i was sitting in the stands of my high school football field. I'm a middle aged man. bundled in a wool coat. its a crisp fall afternoon, homecoming. i imagine my son on the field. a dark tall broad shouldered figure.

they make the winning touchdown and go fucking berserk throwing helmets and screaming and shit. i cant imagine a more rewarding human experience.
i imagine my son going to homecoming the next day. taking his cute girlfriend who has been with him since freshman year. he gets her flowers and i roll my black c4 z06 out of the garage.

i ponder this fantasy for a little but in my mind i see the pieces fall. i think about the girl i have now. a cute little latina girl, someone i really enjoy bieng around unlike most girls. someone who understands high iq autist shit i say. legitimately pleasant and smart.
however she's a big eyed small jawed 5'3 Latina. i know that should i have kids with this girl they would be jawless bug eyed 5'7 120lb spics sitting on the bench while someone else wins at life.

so what does this knowledge do. it haunts me 24/7, i don't want this fantasy, i need it. millions of years of genetic competition has resulted in me. my most powerfull weapon is my brain and i must use it 24/7 to win. i see no other way to look at life.

here's the worst thing. in the back of my mind i know, even if i find a 6'0 bonified chad factory.

plus embryo selection, experimental prenatal hormone alteration, CRISPR, growth/development maxxing from birth to 18yo. i might still end up with a 5'7 100lb ltn


that's the fucking game. no matter how much you optimize, nothing is guaranteed.
heres the other fucked thing. its ALSO possible i have kids with the 5'3 latina

and out of sheer luck i end up with a fucking 6'2 spicmogger.


this shit cannot be predicted, sure it may be unlikely but still.

the fact that in life i must work every day in grueling pursuit and even if its achieved. even if all the thousands of pieces fall as they should. ever single one. at the end of the day i am just making my dice roll a little better. i still might roll a 1 on the d20 that determines your fate in this unfair world. and if i don't try at all. if i let it go, enjoy the little things and forget about my mission. i still might win, i might roll a 20 and all that shit didn't matter after all.

bluepilled people do the second one. they don't care and it works out sometimes, sometimes it doesn't.

most moggers aren't the product of a Stacy and a Chad, they are the product of normal people, mostly whites with striking features just without harmony, hooded eyes but of no aesthetic appeal, ogre jaws with mass yet not sharp, foreword growth on a crooked midface. and of course much more complex craniofacial factors. however when the genes line up in the right order, (totally random) the POTENTIAL for a mogger is born. most wont reach it, but some will.

its really the ultimate ascension. not just to ascend yourself to look a bit better. but to ascend the base of your offspring. i slightly mog my parents, by far mog my grandparents. i only wish my kids will mog me to oblivion. otherwise i serve no purpose except to pollute my bloodline.

imagine your born some 5'7 bug eyed no jaw incel spic because your white 5'10 star athlete HTN father decided he liked a boneless Latina because she made him happy or some stupid shit.
jfl at that fucking retardation. shoulda married a tall strong bony white foid no matter the cost. the entire fucking life of my offspring literally depends on it. if i have 4 kids say they live 75 years that's 300 years of fucking life. 300 years of being a mogger or being a incel. all on me. not to mention my grandkids ets... who will my 5'7 ltn kid have kids with, maybe he is cucked, marries a single mother. maybe he gets with a femcel/ltb. his life will suck but will the life of his 5'5 incel kids have.

you get the idea. its a race to the top or a race to the bottom.


hope you liked this serving of autism from @BWC_virgin, fastest dick in the west and HIGHEST IQ shitposter on offtopic!
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: greywind, User28823, Haydez and 5 others
just enjoy being cucks. dnr a letter btw
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: watah and actualunderstander
first of all shitty ass nigger song

i might still end up with a 5'7 100lb ltn
no u won't, u're just coping cause u know u won't/can't do all that
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: greywind, chadpreetsingh, watah and 1 other person
Genetic optimization is really a fascinating topic, genetics maxxing should be more studied upon in this forum since that literally makes or breaks a persons entire life
  • +1
Reactions: stomped ltn, greywind, chadpreetsingh and 3 others
Thanks bhai
no u won't, u're just coping cause u know u won't/can't do all that
well first of all its impossible to do all of that perfectly, but lets say i get a pretty good foid, tall maybe 5'8 talented athlete with good bones. in combo with me i doubt my kids will be incels. but its entirely possible they turn out to be just kinda mid or just get a relitivly bad genetic recombination that makes them well below the genetic threshold they should have been. for example my buddy whos parents are like 6'0 and 5'7 ended up bieng 5'8.(obviously height is one of many factors but its easy to measure) nothing wrong with him at all he's very healthy and gl with wide frame. however somehow he ended up barely taller than his mom.

just a thought

face is even more brootal. all the pieces must fall in place pretty well. and its very hard to predict.

this is Johnny depp and amber herds son. should i even say any more like even with the best parents its possible and realistic to combine them terribly.

one kid i know, his parents are like 5'4 and 5'9 probably. is like 6'3 at 15 yet has the biggest hooked jew nose i have ever seen. people underestimate the randomness of these things

but yes if you breed with a chad factory and do all that other shit chances one of your kids wont be mogger is low. still maybe only a 80% chance of success tho
  • JFL
Reactions: NZb6Air
They didn’t make a C4 Z06
Mentally ill cumskin ramblings
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, hardmaxxx and Bitchwhipper2
Fuck I meant the zr-1

I would prefer a C6 Z06 anyway, sick of 80s sports cars.

Foids only see price tag and model year anyway so cars are quite the pointless thing if you’re a wagecuck like me.
I would prefer a C6 Z06 anyway, sick of 80s sports cars.

Foids only see price tag and model year anyway so cars are quite the pointless thing if you’re a wagecuck like me.
Yeah I just like how the c3 and c4 look, they still have the remnants of the 60s styling. I guess somehow in my mind I imagine the C4 being more realistic to maintain over this hypothetical scenario, but maybe I’m wrong. Carb might be preferable actually. I just don’t see a lot of well maintained C3s.

Also I don’t care what materialistic foids think
Yeah I just like how the c3 and c4 look, they still have the remnants of the 60s styling. I guess somehow in my mind I imagine the C4 being more realistic to maintain over this hypothetical scenario, but maybe I’m wrong. Carb might be preferable actually. I just don’t see a lot of well maintained C3s.

Also I don’t care what materialistic foids think

The C3 looks amazing but is really crude with leaf springs, drum brakes and carbs. I bet there are kits available to improve all that though. Easy to retrofit EFI on the engine and perhaps some turbos.

I will just rent a car for when I need to take photos for materialistic foids. Yeah I showed up in my Porsche 924 because the 992 Turbo in my photos was getting serviced JFL. I’m a Porsche collector JFL. blah blah dumb foids.
The C3 looks amazing but is really crude with leaf springs, drum brakes and carbs. I bet there are kits available to improve all that though. Easy to retrofit EFI on the engine and perhaps some turbos.

I will just rent a car for when I need to take photos for materialistic foids. Yeah I showed up in my Porsche 924 because the 992 Turbo in my photos was getting serviced JFL. I’m a Porsche collector JFL. blah blah dumb foids.
I wanna get a 944 shell and LS swap it lol it would be sick, old 944s are cheap and there’s a lot of info/parts for those swaps. Polly gotta find a good LS3.

Foids don’t know car shit but when I step on 500+hp in my 3000lb car they will prolly think it’s cool.

Also yeah C3 looks sick, I feel like if I got an old one I would just run it stock untill the engine/trans was through and then swap something else into it. Suspension is shit tho, c5 handling is actually decent from what I have heard. Idk about c4
I wanna get a 944 shell and LS swap it lol it would be sick, old 944s are cheap and there’s a lot of info/parts for those swaps. Polly gotta find a good LS3.

Foids don’t know car shit but when I step on 500+hp in my 3000lb car they will prolly think it’s cool.

Also yeah C3 looks sick, I feel like if I got an old one I would just run it stock untill the engine/trans was through and then swap something else into it. Suspension is shit tho, c5 handling is actually decent from what I have heard. Idk about c4

I am trying to build 300 hp 2000 lb forced induction 924 eventually. It’s fun to build things but ultimately waste of money. By the time it’s finished average city car will have 500hp electric motors.

944 with LS swap is nice but I would rather build up a C3 instead, looks a lot nicer.
I am trying to build 300 hp 2000 lb forced induction 924 eventually. It’s fun to build things but ultimately waste of money. By the time it’s finished average city car will have 500hp electric motors.

944 with LS swap is nice but I would rather build up a C3 instead, looks a lot nicer.
Yeah true, money pit tho. I have a little go kart I built and I probably put the better part of 1k into that shit

Cars are expensive
bro thought he was onto something
Yeah true, money pit tho. I have a little go kart I built and I probably put the better part of 1k into that shit

Cars are expensive

I just spent 1k on putting brembo fixed calipers and that’s just the calipers, I have to build the mounts myself. :feelsuhh:
I just spent 1k on putting brembo fixed calipers and that’s just the calipers, I have to build the mounts myself. :feelsuhh:
dumping thousands of hours and dollars into metal works of art (death traps)

and your kids will probably sell them for 10% of what you put into them after you die. brootal
dumping thousands of hours and dollars into metal works of art (death traps)

and your kids will probably sell them for 10% of what you put into them after you die. brootal

I can’t have kids so it doesn’t matter. I will probably die by crashing it.
  • +1
Reactions: BWC_virgin
Same here bro I don't know if I just wanna have fun in life with a chill fun wife or legit have kids I mean you see those couples that are like legit made for eachother those old ass 60 year old white seniors that go for walks no kids never argue they looks like they're having fun why have kids?
I had this one asian chick who liked me but she was 4'10 or 4'9 this was way before gay tiktok edits blew shit up so you know this was genuine she was 16 I was like 17 way back before covid and i just turned her down due to her height i still stalk her socials now shes still single l0l...

But i had a genuine fear and still do of short subhuman children there is no way over a foot of height difference is my son reaching even 5'10 and her frame was so small nah. I watched a lotta bp content as a teen then.

I was obviously autistic i took everything very literally "omg if u fuck her ur gonna raise 5'3 turbo manlet broo" like OD tiktokcels rn their just children who got OD'd and think they know it all phase, bottom line have fun don't have kids. If you really care go for 5'8 bony stephanie l000l
  • JFL
Reactions: watah
It's not fair thats selfish as fuck think about it u got lucky to reach 6 foot in the first place and you chose to fuck ur son over wifing up some 5'1 cute faced asian chick (since we dgaf about daughter they usually come out fine) but really? You should be ashamed of urself not saying height is everything but make his life easier not harder for absolutely no reason there's nothing being short benefits over being tall literally 0.
I had this one asian chick who liked me but she was 4'10 or 4'9 this was way before gay tiktok edits blew shit up so you know this was genuine she was 16 I was like 17 way back before covid and i just turned her down due to her height i still stalk her socials now shes still single l0l...

But i had a genuine fear and still do of short subhuman children there is no way over a foot of height difference is my son reaching even 5'10 and her frame was so small nah. I watched a lotta bp content as a teen then.

I was obviously autistic i took everything very literally "omg if u fuck her ur gonna raise 5'3 turbo manlet broo" like OD tiktokcels rn their just children who got OD'd and think they know it all phase, bottom line have fun don't have kids. If you really care go for 5'8 bony stephanie l000l
yeah brootal, female selection forces men to be arfiticially selective. i dgaf if a girl is 5'0 or 6'0 both could be very attractive. but deep down i know my kids need to be at least average height to succeed in this world. so women under 5'5 are basically out, ideally 5'7+

my preference (basically no height preference) would be about 5'5-5'7, but becouse of the BP I would say the ideal LTR foid height is for sure 5'9-6'1, even though i am 5'10.
yeah brootal, female selection forces men to be arfiticially selective. i dgaf if a girl is 5'0 or 6'0 both could be very attractive. but deep down i know my kids need to be at least average height to succeed in this world. so women under 5'5 are basically out, ideally 5'7+

my preference (basically no height preference) would be about 5'5-5'7, but becouse of the BP I would say the ideal LTR foid height is for sure 5'9-6'1, even though i am 5'10.
Even my friend agreed 5'7 is the best height honestly not too tall not too short and already cute face is great 5'9 is too tall I have a 5'9 female relative and shes at my eye top of her head im 6'1 thats too tall wayy to tall go for 5'7
you might think it would be awkward to be shorter than your girl or whatever but immagine explaining that to your 5'6 son

little awkward height difference is worth if for your son to be 6'3

its a selfless act to select women based on retarded shit like height becouse otherwise your sons will suffer the concequences of womens judgment, i suppose this makes individual women selfless too in selecting tall men so their sons will not be judged badly by woman as a whole, how fucked is the world.
Even my friend agreed 5'7 is the best height honestly not too tall not too short and already cute face is great 5'9 is too tall I have a 5'9 female relative and shes at my eye top of her head im 6'1 thats too tall wayy to tall go for 5'7
yes but compare dating a girl who is a little tall for your preference to your son bieng short his entire life.
  • +1
Reactions: watah
Just wait until you can edit the genes of your kids before they're born (its coming soon trvst I saw a gerbert johnson thumbnail)
Just wait until you can edit the genes of your kids before they're born (its coming soon trvst I saw a gerbert johnson thumbnail)
Yeah their is already minor gene editing like I mentioned as well as embryo selection although at some point in gene editing is it even your kid anymore?
dnr but agree
well first of all its impossible to do all of that perfectly, but lets say i get a pretty good foid, tall maybe 5'8 talented athlete with good bones. in combo with me i doubt my kids will be incels. but its entirely possible they turn out to be just kinda mid or just get a relitivly bad genetic recombination that makes them well below the genetic threshold they should have been. for example my buddy whos parents are like 6'0 and 5'7 ended up bieng 5'8.(obviously height is one of many factors but its easy to measure) nothing wrong with him at all he's very healthy and gl with wide frame. however somehow he ended up barely taller than his mom.

just a thought

face is even more brootal. all the pieces must fall in place pretty well. and its very hard to predict.
View attachment 3334040
this is Johnny depp and amber herds son. should i even say any more like even with the best parents its possible and realistic to combine them terribly.
View attachment 3334052View attachment 3334053

one kid i know, his parents are like 5'4 and 5'9 probably. is like 6'3 at 15 yet has the biggest hooked jew nose i have ever seen. people underestimate the randomness of these things

but yes if you breed with a chad factory and do all that other shit chances one of your kids wont be mogger is low. still maybe only a 80% chance of success tho
that guy reeks of poor childhood development not bad genes. if youre fat in childhood youll grow like shit
Why the fuck you care about your kids life quality? Your here worrying about him while he will be a gay faggot watching gay cartoons if this jestered western society clownworld keeps evolving how it does. You life for yourself and your kids will get fed ecofriendly plastic vegan soft garbage anyway so why care? Your kids won't care anyway and they will get kids with 4'11 ltb while you're out here worrying about it :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
Why the fuck you care about your kids life quality? Your here worrying about him while he will be a gay faggot watching gay cartoons if this jestered western society clownworld keeps evolving how it does. You life for yourself and your kids will get fed ecofriendly plastic vegan soft garbage anyway so why care? Your kids won't care anyway and they will get kids with 4'11 ltb while you're out here worrying about it :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
no there is hope still
Genetic optimization is really a fascinating topic, genetics maxxing should be more studied upon in this forum since that literally makes or breaks a persons entire life
Normies will call it eugenics and
Never allow it
Normies will call it eugenics and
Never allow it
It dosent matter, eugenics happens whether you want it or not, thats the beauty of it, it is an unstoppable force of nature just like gravity

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