Lol just bring up the jews if you want to drive sjws insane



Jan 2, 2019
Just trolled a bunch of sjws on reddit where I created this thread asking something along the lines of "if racism is not possible towards the most powerful groups then doesn't that mean nazis can't be racists towards jews" and basically the whole thread was just them trying to rationalize how this isn't true somehow or simply denying outright that jews have more power than whites. Tbh bullshit like this is largely why I think an sjw civil war is inevitable at some point. What happens once the non-Asian non-Jewish sjws realize that these groups actually make even more money than whites and will always tower over other minorities? This contradiction in their ideology will only be tolerated for so long. At some point civil war will become inevitable.
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They think the jews are white . And in a majority white country whites have more politival power because they are the majlrity
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Except they don't. Many sjws make a distinction between whites and jews.

When they are talking to people that see jews diffrent from whites . They will make the distinction otherwise they wont
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When they are talking to people that see jews diffrent from whites . They will make the distinction otherwise they wont

Sorry but this is just utter bullshit. Sjws DO make a distinction between jews and whites. The "all whites are nazis/racists" meme doesn't apply to jews in their mind, because jews are "historical victims of racism" or some bullshit. You are utterly deluded if you think sjws view whites and jews as the same group. They don't.
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jews are white when convienent
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sjw ideology wasnt ever intended to succeed it was created by intel agencies as disinfo, keep people distracted and turn genuine left wing movements into race/gender/fag politics shitshows, etc. Ted K. has an interesting passage relating to this in his manifesto (disavow violence btw) when he talks about modern "leftism". (the same way genuine right wing movements are coopted/neutralized via wignat shit like TWP/costume nazis and mkultra shooters like the guy in new zealand)

the tumblr tier sjw stuff was first deployed during occupy to turn that movement impotent

many young men I know were there at the beginning and it was pretty promising but within a few weeks they had implemented the "progressive stack" in meetings, white men werent even allowed to speak, and all talk about bankers/wealth inequality/globalism/etc. had been completely subordinated to the typical retarded critical race and gender theory/"we are on occupied first peoples land"/world is going to end becuase of global warming/white-privilege-all-hetero-sex-is-rape rhetoric

its a tool that isnt designed to be internally consistent or to actually accomplish any of its stated ends, cant be understood outside of this lens
sjw ideology wasnt ever intended to succeed it was created by intel agencies as disinfo, keep people distracted and turn genuine left wing movements into race/gender/fag politics shitshows, etc. Ted K. has an interesting passage relating to this in his manifesto (disavow violence btw) when he talks about modern "leftism". (the same way genuine right wing movements are coopted/neutralized via wignat shit like TWP/costume nazis and mkultra shooters like the guy in new zealand)

the tumblr tier sjw stuff was first deployed during occupy to turn that movement impotent

many young men I know were there at the beginning and it was pretty promising but within a few weeks they had implemented the "progressive stack" in meetings, white men werent even allowed to speak, and all talk about bankers/wealth inequality/globalism/etc. had been completely subordinated to the typical retarded critical race and gender theory/"we are on occupied first peoples land"/world is going to end becuase of global warming/white-privilege-all-hetero-sex-is-rape rhetoric

its a tool that isnt designed to be internally consistent or to actually accomplish any of its stated ends, cant be understood outside of this lens

Sorry but I don't buy it. What do the elites intend to do once the new generation of sjw fanatics start voting for extreme far-left figures? And don't say it can't happen because traditional democratic elites are already in panic by the rise of the likes of AC. Sorry but I think you are giving the elites way too much credit. I use to think everything was a big conspiracy but I can now see that it's actually all just the result of massive amounts of stupidity. The elites aren't as smart as they are made out to be. Look at Brexit. Sure it's being canceled but can you honestly say with a straight face that the entire shitshow has benefited the elites somehow? If they are so smart why did they even allow any of this to happen at all?
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Sorry but I don't buy it. What do the elites intend to do once the new generation of sjw fanatics start voting for extreme far-left figures? And don't say it can't happen because traditional democratic elites are already in panic by the rise of the likes of AC. Sorry but I think you are giving the elites way too much credit. I use to think everything was a big conspiracy but I can now see that it's actually all just the result of massive amounts of stupidity. The elites aren't as smart as they are made out to be. Look at Brexit. Sure it's being canceled but can you honestly say with a straight face that the entire shitshow has benefited the elites somehow? If they are so smart why did they even allow any of this to happen at all?

Certain elements of it have gotten out of control but not in a way that is fundamentally threatening to the power structure/the oligarchs. If AOC or any of those types got elected the only part of their plan they would be allowed to implement would be the elements which are not threatening to the elites, i.e. open borders, anti white stuff, speech regulations, retarded gender stuff, "green new deal" type social engineering projects and austerity measures (smart cities, carbon tax, meat taxes, "live in a tiny house bugman, its trendy", "eat the bugs slave" etc.).

They didnt want trump elected but what has he really accomplished. The only real threat is open and free communication and information access on the internet but thats being shut down incrementally. If you look at the span of history the small interruptions like brexit are noise over a larger trend towards global favela ruled by tiny incestuous elite. who knows tho tbh
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If AOC or any of those types got elected the only part of their plan they would be allowed to implement would be the elements which are not threatening to the elites

And if she or somebody else more radical refuses? Kill her? Drive our out via scandal? And will the population buy this after the 10th candidate has been murdered or driven away? These strategies don't work if you do it over and over because then the population will get wise. And don't say they can prevent it with media control because radicals have existed and gotten into power long before the days of the internet or even independent media.
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I dream of the day when sjw's are treated like the hate group that they are and driven out of society.
towards global favela ruled by tiny incestuous elite.
I think they aren't even incestuous thats just a vestige from banking families
eventually we will see people coming from the slums who betabux running the show. basically competitive parity for power. people like jeff bezos who are completely unimpressive and totally fake but do whatever they need to make money that they have no use for anyways. betabux globalism.
I think they aren't even incestuous thats just a vestige from banking families
eventually we will see people coming from the slums who betabux running the show. basically competitive parity for power. people like jeff bezos who are completely unimpressive and totally fake but do whatever they need to make money that they have no use for anyways. betabux globalism.
Those people are cope elite. People like zuckerberg didnt get where they are by accident. Most of them got seed money/tech and im sure have some sort of epstein style dirt on them. The real elite probably arent public facing and have more sophisticated meand of exerting power then just having a lot fo money.

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