Looksmaxxing journey ends for me here

How low inhib do you have to be to order all this shit online? IDK how much the police care about shit like this exactly but if you get busted I'm sure it's a huge fine or some jailtime
At least in my country (Europe) the customs and the police don't give a shit unless you order psychedelics.It's not like we are buying cocaine and making mad bank.
Idk but sounds a bit weird here where I live to say that, I mean it’s not manly. I should have demanded him to prescribe that shit I know, but remember my social skills are similar to a 5 years old kid’s
Man up my nigga, you will regret this your whole life.
Unless of course you get your stuff from somewhere else, like the internet.
  • +1
Reactions: Vanillestorms
legit hairloss is no joke. im on dut minox and ru and im still scared of the reaper's scythe striking me down tbh. its fucking ptsd man.

Stay strong brah, the power of his scythe may seem insurmountable, almost impossible to overcome at first, but with the big 3 at your side perhaps you were one of the chosen few to overpower it.
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How low inhib do you have to be to order all this shit online? IDK how much the police care about shit like this exactly but if you get busted I'm sure it's a huge fine or some jailtime
They aren't gonna go through the trouble of getting a warrant, raiding you, proving you ordered it just to bust you for a few vials of test. They don't have an unlimited budget and have way bigger fish to fry. As long as you aren't importing a shitload of drugs you're perfectly safe.
Just checked, doesnt ship to where I live jfl

Where you live?
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel
Go see another dermatologist and tell him you are a passive homo in case they refuse to prescribe you because of erectile disfunction
How low inhib do you have to be to order all this shit online? IDK how much the police care about shit like this exactly but if you get busted I'm sure it's a huge fine or some jailtime
Yes, but chances of getting caught are low.
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel and androidcel
get em off the net?
I hate when they won't prescribe stuff.
if you get busted I'm sure it's a huge fine or some jailtime

What a fucking idiot.

Pretty sure those are steroids, you're allowed to have them in most countries (I live in the UK where it's legal).

Man said jail time ??? You'd be unlucky to get arrested for possessing these.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Extra Chromosome and androidcel
op is retarded, just buy it online
get on fin and save for a hair transplant :sneaky:...
Look on the bright side.

Being a baldcel is better than being a manlet
  • JFL
Reactions: Extra Chromosome
Get a hair transplant. It's like $2000 for a quality HT in Turkey.
Never take finasteride, it destroys sperm quality.
If you jave a ht the surgeon will ask you to take fin or minox to maintain the hair behind the transplant so that you don t have an island on your hair
never began.
There is a post about a hair piece by any another balding guy here. Have you considered that? His result looks quite natural
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel
Buy it on the dark web.

Or just shave it all off and be confident :y'all::bluepill:
There is a post about a hair piece by any another balding guy here. Have you considered that? His result looks quite natural
Im taking Fin boy

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