MakinItHappen "Prince Aladdin" Facial Analysis. (Written & Authored by Korea)



Fire burning inside
Dec 4, 2021
Pics used of me using the FRONT-camera (Salludoon taught me the Pakistani O'Pry G)

2759593 d52459782a5b142128afe425b16a9b3d

2759652 ww

ESR: 43% (Flaw #1)
Intercanthal Width: .88 Eyes Apart or 8mm Apart, this and your ESR would classify your eyes as very close set (Water) (Flaw #2)

MFR: .98 (Ideal)
FHWR: 1.94 (Ideal)
Gonion to Zygo Width: 87% (Ideal)
Bitemporal to Zygo Width: 89% (Ideal)
Mouth to Nose Ratio: 1.51 (Ideal)
Chin to Philtrum: 2.6 (Ideal)
Lower to Upper Lip Ratio: 1.5 (Ideal, but a ratio like 1.61 - 1.7 looks best)
Total FWHR: 1.31 (Ideal)

Quite a alot of your ratios are ideal except for the eye area.

This disrupts the EME Angle, which is basically the angle which the pupils make with the mouth. The Ideal is 47 - 50, but you're at 44.

I won't be counting this as an objective "flaw" on it's own, but rather it'll effect the final score.

I've seen your side profile before, and I don't remember anything really being off except for the Orbital Vector, and a Slight Dorsal Hump? (Flaw #3 - #4)

Just incase I'm wrong, I'll put a rating with these 2 flaws included and one without.

Eye Area.
Dark Dense, Slightly Positive Eyebrows.
Long Prominent Eyelashes.
Minimal UEE.

Negative Canthal Tilt (Flaw #5).
PFL to Height Ratio: 2.77 (Flaw #6) The ideal is 3.0 - 4.1.

Nose bridge is symmetrical.
Minimal to No nostril show.
Sharp Nose Tip.

The Alar Width continues into the Sclera. This isn't actually caused by the Alar Width itself, but rather the close-setness of the eyes (Flaw #7)
Slight Dorsal Hump in profile view.

Good Coloring.
Cupid's Bow.

Neutral: The Cupid's Bow width is few mm wider than the nostril width. This isn't Ideal, but it's better than not having a cupid's bow.

The Lip Seal is somewhat squiggly (Flaw #9)
The Oral Commissures exceed the pupil (Flaw #10) This is another flaw indirectly caused by the very narrow IPD.

Chin Has good vertical height.
Chin is as wide as the mouth.
The Labiomental Angle seems good.

Cons: None.

If I remember seeing your side profile correctly, the ramus sits slightly below the mouth.(Ideal)
V-Taper to Chin.

Gonial Asymmetry.

There seems to be quite a bit of asymmetry with the Gonial Eversion. It appears one side of the jaw has a Straight Tilt, while the other side has an obvious inward tilt. (Flaw #10)

Overall Rating would be about 5 - 5.1 PSL excluding the EME & Side Profile.

Without seeing the side profile, I can't give a Truly Accurate Rating.

If the side profile has flaws, the Score would float around 4.5- 5 PSL Flat.

This rating was mostly hinderd by your IPD. You have a Good Eye Area & Nose. Also, a decent jaw. When the IPD gets this narrow though, it starts destroying harmony.

Also remember Astaine Scored 4.75 - 5, I was using a different scale in that thread.
  • JFL
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Much thanks for your hard-effort @Korea

Bow GIFs | Tenor
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This shit gonna turn into a 15 page thread.......WATCH!
michael jackson halloween GIF by Vevo
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Penis Length (flaw 11)
  • JFL
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Alright boys.

Stop spamming it with old jokes.

This isn't the special-needs centre.
  • JFL
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Contacting the mods. It's not off-topic section lmao
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Nigga that was middle of the 2020 pandemic and extremely overweight and unkept.

Prior to bone-graft too.

Stop bringing up the past. It's boring.
bone graft did nothing
keep coping about tooth loss
  • JFL
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Just to add boys:

Im getting this cleaned up and all of you ban warnings.

Fucking keyboard spartan NPCs have become rock hard with erections since I arrived back on the seen.
Nigga that was middle of the 2020 pandemic and extremely overweight and unkept.

Prior to bone-graft too.

Stop bringing up the past. It's boring.
Your IPD is still the same as the before despite getting a bone graft
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Your IPD is still the same as the before despite getting a bone graft

Ok but why use retarded pics of me almost obese in weight, without a graft AND using the back selfie camera in poop lighting?

Makes no sense. Fucking stop being a clown. You talk about jester maxxing being gay, look at the state of you?

Reported all this nonsense to mods. Rules state these antics are only for the Off-Topics section.
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Reactions: Deleted member 15827
Sez you who made a new account after deleting your first
doxxed @ForeverRecession @Introvertednarc and @VicMackey ex
and created an alt account @plato

Lol you seriously believe that Plato character was me? Do I come across as the type of character to give a fuck?

This is boring bro. Stop being a boring person and enjoy your life you pathetic lifeless keyboard spartan warrior.

After you delete you can recreate after 6 months and I did exactly that. Move on. I've reported this to @her

It's basically harassment by incels on a Chadpreet because he's better looking than them.
  • JFL
Reactions: .👽., StrangerDanger and Birdcell
Sez you who made a new account after deleting your first
doxxed @ForeverRecession @Introvertednarc and @VicMackey ex
and created an alt account @plato
We've been so fixated upon upper eyelid exposure as a species we never stopped to question whether it's really the under eyes that need hooding. :Comfy:
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, elzde95, StrangerDanger and 3 others
We've been so fixated upon upper eyelid exposure as a species we never stopped to question whether it's really the under eyes that need need hooding. :Comfy:

Offer your constructive feedback high inhibition boy:


if he is rating in his own scale this would translate to 4-4.1 psl or 3.5-4 psl with side profile flaws..

Not factoring in height and ethnic pheno in the west since its face only

seems kinda accurate
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member and MakinItHappenReturn
if he is rating in his own scale this would translate to 4-4.1 psl or 3.5-4 psl with side profile flaws..

Not factoring in height and ethnic pheno in the west since its face only

seems kinda accurate

Lmao I am not average you fucking racist bastard

5'8 is below average not manlet

Fuck off outta the thread you imbecile

@Korea lol average looking?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, Mrinfinityx and Korea
Too many of these niggas have the bad videos of me fat and looking wrecked in their heads to ever see me in any other light it's such a joke. Simpletons.
Lol are those 2 pics morphed or something cause you actually look decent in them ngl
  • +1
Reactions: Edgar
Lmao I am not average you fucking racist bastard

5'8 is below average not manlet

Fuck off outta the thread you imbecile

@Korea lol average looking?
:blackpill:Objectively Average:blackpill:

These ratings do not take into account.

"Appeal" or "Racial Disadvantages"

Someone can be objectively average, and still have an overall above average appearance with adding things like.

Hair, Skin Quality, or Physique.
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Reactions: Deleted member 3946
Disenguous fucking morons

Imagine saying i'm 4 psl after this ugly punchable fucking twat duck faced fuck is given 5.5

2753831 side
2753803 2753704 72F62B1D 2790 4753 AA26 7DA2CE5DA6DB
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, Deleted member 17344, elzde95 and 4 others
:blackpill:Objectively Average:blackpill:

These ratings do not take into account.

"Appeal" or "Racial Disadvantages"

Someone can be objectively average, and still have an overall above average appearance with adding things like.

Hair, Skin Quality, or Physique.

Oh Yeah Sure GIFs | Tenor

I'm objectively average and this faggot is a Chad

2753831 side
2753803 2753704 72F62B1D 2790 4753 AA26 7DA2CE5DA6DB

It's pathetic. You faggots talk so much shit. Fuck off. Back to the real world where WOMEN make the UNCONSCIOUS decisions.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15827, Mrinfinityx and Korea
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Someone can be objectively average, and still have an overall above average appearance with adding things like.

You've seen my physique when I actually was a hard core gym rat. Means nothing. Anybody can get a good body.

Takes 4 weeks of solid training and clean diet for anyone that's had one before. That comes in no-time. Currently working on it.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 15827 and Korea
Lmao I am not average you fucking racist bastard

5'8 is below average not manlet

Fuck off outta the thread you imbecile

@Korea lol average looking?
you son of pajeeta whore do you really think you are 5 psl? How fucking delusional you need to be
And learn to read you fucking rat i think you are BELOW AVERAGE IN THE WEST

And now go fucking kill yourself you disgusting ugly fuck

either way your shitlife is worthless
  • JFL
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Lol are those 2 pics morphed or something cause you actually look decent in them ngl

FRONT camera.

@Salludon taught me after I couldn't understand how his shit was so clear. Told me he was using front on latest iPhone.
  • +1
Reactions: Korea
you son of pajeeta whore do you really think you are 5 psl? How fucking delusional you need to be
And learn to read you fucking rat i think you are BELOW AVERAGE IN THE WEST

And now go fucking kill yourself you disgusting ugly fuck

either way your shitlife is worthless

Blocked not reading this poop. You've got too many unflattering pics and videos stuck in your mind. PUSSY. You're jealous.

I've fucked and am fucking the white girl(s) you didnt' get shit from. You jealous pussy incel.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 14984
He's not Chad lol.

Your issue is the IPD, it destroys harmony is important places.

You have a good facial structure, eye area, and nose carrying you.

You gave him a 5.5 psl

He has two good things about his face and the rest is either average or below

Eye-area, cheekbones.

All this autistic analysis about this is a joke:

2753831 side

His face is caved in, his nose is squashed and all you see is Richard Ramirez because of complexion, hair and eye-area

Get real.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member
His pheno and bones are considerably better than yours

His bones are not. You have the videos from the pandemic stuck in your face.

It's a racist thing.
You gave him a 5.5 psl

He has two good things about his face and the rest is either average or below

Eye-area, cheekbones.

All this autistic analysis about this is a joke:

View attachment 1556961

His face is caved in, his nose is squashed and all you see is Richard Ramirez because of complexion, hair and eye-area

Get real.
NO I DIDN'T you can even see in the post I said.

"Also remember Astaine Scored 4.75 - 5, I was using a different scale in that thread."

Me naming him "Ramirez" was nothing more than a forum joke.
  • +1
Reactions: MakinItHappenReturn
I just made a big ass thread explaining the importance of having the latest camera etc lol.

If you use the Telephoto Lens on the iPhone 12 Pro from ~4 - 8 feet away.

There's 0 distortion.

And I'm using a shitty Huawei phone as well lol so even this isn't accurate.

I'll look into getting that phone may be we'll see. My Huawei phone is from 2015. Some second hand shit off Amazon lol
  • +1
Reactions: Korea
Blocked not reading this poop. You've got too many unflattering pics and videos stuck in your mind. PUSSY. You're jealous.

I've fucked and am fucking the white girl(s) you didnt' get shit from. You jealous pussy incel.
you are 30 year old son of a whore who is fucking his own hand at most

your gf is a whore and you are paying to fuck her while she would give me head any time of the day you fucking incel oldcel
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member and Deleted member 14984
And I'm using a shitty Huawei phone as well lol so even this isn't accurate.

I'll look into getting that phone may be we'll see. My Huawei phone is from 2015. Some second hand shit off Amazon lol
The Ratios such as.

Chin to Philtrum
Jaw / Cheekbone width are distorted by bad pictures.

What I've noticed though, is that IPD and EME angles are only ~3 - 5mm off.

So if the root issue is the IPD, the rating may not change much picture from picture, unless you can personally vouch for having good IPD.
  • +1
Reactions: MakinItHappenReturn
NO I DIDN'T you can even see in the post I said.

"Also remember Astaine Scored 4.75 - 5, I was using a different scale in that thread."

Me naming him "Ramirez" was nothing more than a forum joke.
why are you trying to please him like that?

we both know he is fucking ugly and below average in the west and incel?

Your threads shouldnt be biased just because u like someone
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The Ratios such as.

Chin to Philtrum
Jaw / Cheekbone width are distorted by bad pictures.

What I've noticed though, is that IPD and EME angles are only ~3 - 5mm off.

So if the root issue is the IPD, the rating may not change much picture from picture, unless you can personally vouch for having good IPD.

Let me put it to you this way. If we were to meet irl you would rate me above that twink. Definitely.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 14984 and Korea
why are you trying to please bin like that?

we both know he is fucking ugly and below average in the west and incel?

Your threads shouldnt be biased just because u like someone
This thread has no bias.

I called him Objectively Average.

I didn't account for any of the "JBW" or height that could make even a good face.

"Below Average in the West"
This thread has no bias.

I called him Objectively Average.

I didn't account for any of the "JBW" or height that could make even a good face.

"Below Average in the West"

Bro lol I am not below average looking in any single nation in the world - this is absurd lol

I've been found super cute all my life baring a brief period where I'd gained excessive weight

This is overthetop and ridiculous :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Stop the stupidness.
  • +1
Reactions: Korea
There were literal girls simping me when I was a cam boy back in the day.

Do you know how much laughter would come about if they heard you say below average looking :ROFLMAO:
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 14984
Imma learn to just not take this forum seriously. This is dumb. It's just everyone desperate to be light skin.
Bro lol I am not below average looking in any single nation in the world - this is absurd lol

I've been found super cute all my life baring a brief period where I'd gained excessive weight

This is overthetop and ridiculous :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Stop the stupidness.
I didn't say you were below average, that was him.

I specifically said, I only rated your face.

I don't know about the SMV or JBW bs getting into face ratings lol
  • +1
Reactions: MakinItHappenReturn
This thread has no bias.

I called him Objectively Average.

I didn't account for any of the "JBW" or height that could make even a good face.

"Below Average in the West"
How is he objectively average

His eyes area is literally shit and close set and the fact he is taking it as a pfp is cringe af

however his useless worthless shitlife and getting cucked by his used up gf is enough of real world expierence for him

while i cum RAW in the pussy of your "gf" you will suck it out after i finished while jerking your micro dick like the abused dog you are @MakinItHappenReturn

AND @Korea does he mog birdcel in your opinion?
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You better have learned your lesson. To keep your mouth shut and be a good pajeet. You were humiliated and let back on the forum because of mercy, now keep the little dignity you have left and sit down
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 14984, Deleted member, ROTTING and 1 other person
How is he objectively average

His eyes area is literally shit and close set and the fact he is taking it as a pfp is cringe af

however his useless worthless shitlife and getting cucked by his used up gf is enough of real world expierence for him

while i cum RAW in the pussy of your "gf" you will suck it out after i finished while jerking your micro dick like the abused dog you are @MakinItHappenReturn

AND @Korea does he mog birdcel in your opinion?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member, Truemaxxer and StrangerDanger
How is he objectively average

His eyes area is literally shit and close set and the fact he is taking it as a pfp is cringe af

however his useless worthless shitlife and getting cucked by his used up gf is enough of real world expierence for him

while i cum RAW in the pussy of your "gf" you will suck it out after i finished while jerking your micro dick like the abused dog you are @MakinItHappenReturn

AND @Korea does he mog birdcel in your opinion?
Mainly it's his indivdual features holding against his otherwise bad ratios.

For instance, even tho his ESR and Intercanthal Width is bad, the length of his eyebrows, eyelashes are good features standalone.

His IPD is the main reason I gave the "range" of scores. Being Objectevly Slightly Below or Just average.

This accounts for the Lens Distortion.

Also, keep in mind this was just the front. I usually combine the Front & Side Profile for a final rating.

His could be either higher or lower.
You better have learned your lesson. To keep your mouth shut and be a good pajeet. You were humiliated and let back on the forum because of mercy, now keep the little dignity you have left and sit down

He mogs you bro. His T level is 1.2k natty
  • JFL
Reactions: Mrinfinityx

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