MASSIVE HEIGHT-PILL for 5'7-5'9 niggas. Brutal eye-opening & thought-provoking comment on why the shorter the girl the more she NEEDS you to be 6'2+


I will prove you have a self-serving bias, meaning you think because you are 6'7 and don't get digits it's not a 'serious' halo

There are literal studies out there showing that the number 1# common theme in relationships/marriages that last long is the height differential between both partners. Studies found that when the difference was 5 inches or more that the relationship/marriage tended to last a lot longer.

This can only tie in quite obviously to the fact women in relationships with taller men are more subconsciously willing to submit and listen to them because they tower over them in stature and command their respect, which doesn't require raising or voice, arguments or even violence.

This is intrinsically inbedded in a female FROM 1,000s OF YEARS OF EVOLUTION. It is absolutely nothing to do with 'social construction'. They feel safe and secure and CONSTANTLY reminded they are the female in the relationship.

i wish i never find this website ffs

new girl stop GIF
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its not larp. me and @LooksOverAll are incel because hypergamy has grown out of proportion and we both live in a country where the standard for the looks threshhold is very high. me and him are both very nt and liked by friends but it still doesnt matter because FACE. height is useless after 5'9 anyway, his height could also be a failo because its intimdating. we dont live in a shithole like you and have time to post some dumb videos of our face to get some fame on looksmax. we live in the real world unlike you, step in the real world bitch. get a degree and go to university to make ur subhuman family proud because relationshipwise nothing good is going for you, thats for sure


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Frauding height doesnt mean jack shit, its all about the presence and you cant make yourself a taller presence by just saying your taller than you really are jfl
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I am 6ft tall barefoot :Comfy: and I get heightmogged on campus :Comfy: Zoomers being taller is not a meme:Comfy:
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Well the difference is that I'm offensively ugly. Not just recessed or bad eye area or birdecel, those guys had friends and shit in high school. I'm talking ogre af with a long ass face, big ass nose, and big ass forehead and inbred slav pheno. Something like this:

View attachment 1442022

People used to say I looked like him due to my pheno and nose, even though my jaw and chin are dogshit compared to his lmfao. Luckily I was able to get rhinoplasty and hair transplant over quarantine so I went from offensively ugly to somewhere around normie.

By criticizing my face, I mean they would just say I'm ugly asf or insult my big ass witch nose or hairline. Normies don't know about recession or anything, so all the birdcels and chinlets didn't get insulted. Also the usual like people just taking random pictures of me to make fun of me on snapchat and group chats about how ugly I was.

Are you planning on getting off T ever or staying on it? I'd blast T right now but scared of hair loss and never being able to get off it. It could probably still benefit me facially since I have a lot of babyfat left in my face.
Damn that's absolutely brutal, I thought you'd be way too intimidating at your height for that, but you musta been quite skinny. Normies cope too, half of them would kill to be 6"7. I knew many ugly dudes in HS, but we didn't bully them, just didn't acknowledge them.

I'm probably gonna be on T for life, I don't have a problem with that since I'm bodybuilding. Exogenous T is far superior anyway, even if you have the same levels you will look way better on TRT as it is stable, natural production fucking sucks dick, it goes up and down 24/7 and you can't make gains anywhere what you would on TRT even with the same levels. It might benefit you facially, but not in the short term if you use a high dose. The aromatization into estrogen will cause lots of water retention and puffiness, but can be easily countered with an AI. Just be careful with it, there are so many dumbfags who crash their E on this forum it's unbelievable.

If you don't want to stay on T permanently, you can easily do a PCT, but you'll lose some gains.
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height is cope past 5’10
Everyday that retarded channel tells guys that if you arent 6'10 and 6psl you cant land an avg girl despite the fact that we know the most funny looking dudes who are avg height can do better than an ugly tall guys. The black pill is real and its extreme but these retards take it to a whole new level.
It's a halo past 6'1 if you are also broad shouldered and at least a 5/10 normie

Do you disagree with this?
yeah i agree height can be a halo but face trumps all, i would rather be a 5’10-6’1 chadlite than a 6’2 normie
yeah i agree height can be a halo but face trumps all, i would rather be a 5’10-6’1 chadlite than a 6’2 normie

That is a VERY dumb comparison

If Chadlite was 5'7 you would opt 6'2 normie
That is a VERY dumb comparison

If Chadlite was 5'7 you would opt 6'2 normie
honestly i would rather be 5’7 chadlite, i’m a narcy who likes looking in the mirror all the time, i don’t give a shit about height
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honestly i would rather be 5’7 chadlite, i’m a narcy who likes looking in the mirror all the time, i don’t give a shit about height

You'd rather be a legitimate manlet with a Chadlite face

Ok what about if we bumped the normie up to High Tier 6/10 Normie and left both heights the same... THEN?!
You'd rather be a legitimate manlet with a Chadlite face

Ok what about if we bumped the normie up to High Tier 6/10 Normie and left both heights the same... THEN?!
bruh i like latinas, and latinas don’t give a shit about height, so yes i’d rather be a manlet but a good looking face
I'm 6' and my whole family is short. There are only two males in my extended family that are in my height range with me being one of them. I don't see myself as being able to afford marrying a short girl because I don't want my son to end up short like my Gen X - boomer relatives who are just fine because they're from a generation where people were shorter.

I see this girl's perspective totally.
Wow, going up to random tall guys to make a TikTok video to shit test the 5'9" (ideal male height) Chads in her DMs. Height being attractive is a social construct used to make men insecure.
This is the biggest heightmog coper in the site.
Looking like this at 5'9 is ideal. The taller you are the more fucked up proportions you might have. A good frame at tall body is more rare than you think

This guy looks like a sex machine and only 5'9 with huge laycount

whats his penis size?
Dn rd but how come you're dating a short girl then?

Stop with these faggot threads wasting time trying to get attention of 15 year olds

Dont you have any other interest or ambition in life or are you just another dull minded pajeet?
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