Maxillary projection (which strongly relates to pfl) is inversely related to IQ 100% tbh


Deleted member 9467

Sep 2, 2020

Left is high IQ, commonly found it high class circles

Right is low IQ, commonly found it low class circles

My theory is that worse ur maxilla the less easy it is to breathe, the more cortisol u have, the more ur brain overthinks (related to ADHD and stuff)(and I imagine thinking is like working out for the brain - and ppl who overthink are the analog to gym rats who train to much) --> higher IQ.

What the chess world champ looks like:


What the typical giga IQ piano prodigy looks like:


This is why neotony leads to higher IQ: neotony --> smaller splanchnocranium --> less maxillary projection or less maxillary development ON AVERAGE (the more likely u are to be recessed) --> higher IQ
  • JFL
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Reactions: Iblamejordan, Deleted member 5180, EverythingMattersCel and 8 others
So true. I have a brutally recessed maxilla and am giga high IQ. Problem is everyone irl thinks I'm retarded and even members on this forum think I'm low IQ after seeing my recessed maxilla.

I literally got put into a special ed class in high school just off my appearance and when I scored 99th percentile on the ACT the same year the teachers were surprised and thought I cheated or something, so did my classmates. Everyone in the class was an asymmetric recessed subhuman and they saw me and thought I'd fit right in.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 15899, Lmao, Yuya Moggershima and 7 others
maxilla is LIFE
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Reactions: Deleted member 5180, Jason Voorhees and AutisticBeaner
Magnus was the first thing that popped into my head lol
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees and Deleted member 14478
So true. I have a brutally recessed maxilla and am giga high IQ. Problem is everyone irl thinks I'm retarded and even members on this forum think I'm low IQ after seeing my recessed maxilla.
Might be more because of your posts
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15899, EverythingMattersCel, Jason Voorhees and 4 others
same thing with me, I have completely recessed maxilla. But I have better grades from everyone in the class. and have above average iq. the chads I have met are mostly dumb af. I have only met 1 chad in my life who was actually really smart.
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees, thereallegend and Deleted member 7725
Might be more because of your posts
My posts are high IQ. People see my face and my signature and automatically assume I'm retarded. So much for a "blackpilled" forum.
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees and .🇹🇩.
people with good maxilla has more open airway so your ideal is completely wrong(NVM I MISREAD) but agree with the neoteny part
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  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees, Deleted member 9467 and lutte
My posts are high IQ. People see my face and my signature and automatically assume I'm retarded. So much for a "blackpilled" forum.
No your posts are retarded you might have high iq but you have no self reflection and probably bad social skills
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees, LastHopeForNorman and AlwaysHaveQuestions
No your posts are retarded you might have high iq but you have no self reflection and bad social skills probably
He’s 5 foot five and he larps as 6 foot seven
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 5180, Jason Voorhees, gamma and 1 other person
So true. I have a brutally recessed maxilla and am giga high IQ. Problem is everyone irl thinks I'm retarded and even members on this forum think I'm low IQ after seeing my recessed maxilla.

I didn't see your face but I still think that you are retarded Nigger

muh height is cope:feelshaha:
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees, Deleted member 2729, AlwaysHaveQuestions and 1 other person
No your posts are retarded you might have high iq but you have no self reflection and probably bad social skills
You assume they're retarded because they go against your world view. They're objectively correct.
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Reactions: the next o'pry and Jason Voorhees
No your posts are retarded you might have high iq but you have no self reflection and probably bad social skills
have to give him the truth
my first impression of him was how little self reflection he has
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  • JFL
Reactions: Jason Voorhees, LastHopeForNorman and lutte
What's his face rating
4 out of 10 tops he is heavily recessed and has a chin the size of a coin
He has blue eyes good colouring and low hairline
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  • Woah
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  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 14848, TrestIsBest, Jason Voorhees and 4 others
High IQ thread. The site needs more of this.
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Reactions: Deleted member, Jason Voorhees and Deleted member 9467
beautiful & stupid > ugly & smart
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Reactions: Deleted member 5180, TrestIsBest, lutte and 3 others
JFL being good at chess or a musical instrument doesnt equate high iq.
Hikaru did an iq test live on stream and got a dogshit result.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Jason Voorhees and Deleted member 9467
High IQ thread. The site needs more of this.
Not really this might go for extremes but malocclusion (recession) is correlated with lower intelligence in studies
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees, AutisticBeaner and Deleted member 9467
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
people with good maxilla has more open airway so your ideal is completely wrong but agree with the neoteny part
Can u elab? My argument is less open airway = higher IQ
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees and AlwaysHaveQuestions
It's called sarcasm...
that was just for reacts ngl
i just noticed you because you have very abnormal reacting patterns. i eventually realize you only react to posts that reinforces your point of view rather than it being good for you or not
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  • JFL
Reactions: LastHopeForNorman, Jason Voorhees, Deleted member 9467 and 1 other person
Any evidence or just spewing shit out like every other "heightpilled" user on here?
Extremely tall guys can get gfs even if their face is a bit funky either you're overrating your face or have social issues (I assume the latter)
  • +1
Reactions: Jason Voorhees
JFL being good at chess or a musical instrument doesnt equate high iq.
Hikaru did an iq test live on stream and got a dogshit result.

An IQ test u can live stream prob isn't very accurate or legit

In my experience musicians (especially classical) have giga high iq

And ur delusional if u think being top 100 in chess doesn't flat out guarantee that ur IQ > 130 at the very least
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees and Deleted member 7725
Can u elab? My argument is less open airway = higher IQ
yea mb i misread. i think iq has some relation with inhibition but idk much about it
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Extremely tall guys can get gfs even if their face is a bit funky either you're overrating your face or have social issues (I assume the latter)
Where's the evidence? You're just making this up.

I have 0 social issues. I'm NT. My face isn't funky, it's ugly. I was compared to this guy in high school:

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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
Meso/dolicho is ideal. over for brachycels
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees and Deleted member 7725
I doubt that but it sounds like you're more of a 2/10 in that case
Probably. People on this forum won't rate lower than a 4 unless you're severely deformed.
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  • So Sad
Reactions: JosephGarrot123, lutte and Jason Voorhees
Not really this might go for extremes but malocclusion (recession) is correlated with lower intelligence in studies

Yeah I noticed that contradiction too. I was thinking that if we corrected for environment my theory would stand well. Like with thes ame rly good diet and nutrition and quality upbringing
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Reactions: lutte and Jason Voorhees
Over for this forum tbh
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Reactions: Jason Voorhees
In which uni did u do ur PhD in Bro science?
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  • JFL
Reactions: AtlasTH, abeilletoimême, gamma and 1 other person
I think it's more that prodigies like these tend to stay inside and it causes them to do less sports and mouth breathe more so they end up with a shitty maxulla
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Reactions: Deleted member 9467 and Jason Voorhees
An IQ test u can live stream prob isn't very accurate or legit

In my experience musicians (especially classical) have giga high iq

And ur delusional if u think being top 100 in chess doesn't flat out guarantee that ur IQ > 130 at the very least
I dont think chess is an accurate way cause its basically extremely narrowed down compared to everyday tasks so you just have to practice the same thing over and over again, which doesnt mean you have good cognitive capabilites. Your theory isnt 100% bs tho, in my opinion subhumans always do better in school than chads.
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Reactions: Deleted member 9467 and Jason Voorhees
Meso/dolicho is ideal. over for brachycels
The diagram in my post was a of typical Caucasian skull. U could reproduce the same diagram with an east Asian skull shape for example and it would produce similar results
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