Men of other Races consider Black Men ugly

And cumskins and sandniggers when they first went to Africa and took slaves did much, much, much more to niggers and their land than all this lmao.
arabs never conquered subsaharan africa retard

europeans did and occupation didnt last long not even 100 years and we were the last continent to be conquered. And blacks sold slaves to arabs so stop waving that over my head congradulations we you were able to successfully get us to sell off the lower beings from our societies to you
I posted multiple studies in which black men outranked white men and we know white men are more attractive than asian men. Also how do you respond to the one study which had a large sample size just going to ignore it? Keep coping chink man, even korean women living in australia rated korean men as least attractive sample size for the study was above 100

So now we have three studies where chink men are rated as LEAST attractive

dating studies are cope, ur dating studies also say 6'6 men have the same dating pool as 5'7 men, that men at 45 are most attractive and that men who are bald are more attractive than blonde men. Plus who cares? Blacks get to fuck women and get their best sex while they are young and fertile and other races can betabuxx and date women? So what how is that a good situation for you?

Im not sure if thats correct anymore, I based that statement off of the "bobs and vagene" meme but after actually getting to know indians irl I realize most arent like that and have discarded my racism towards indians. Most indians are quite high inhib atleast the ones Ive met.

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Congradulations showing that the tallest chinks are two inches shorter than the western average "disproves" my point

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That specific data point is based on males rating female faces so why would men have a higher bias towards rating asian women married to white men as more attractive than asian women married to white women despite not knowing the race of the husbands of the women who are married to them.

Plus I can understand why you dont want to believe blacks get attractive women of different races, but its common sense that even subpar white men can get with decent asian women

Meanwhile in the present niggers are fucking all other races off foids, keep living in the past chink man.

Ironic you call menas that derogatory word when they mog chink men to oblivion


50 IQ mentally disabled retarded nigger monkey thinks 5.8 feet equals 5'8 lmao. Renders your arguments invalid. You do know that there are 12 inches in a foot right? Cope harder, East Asians are going to become the tallest and strongest race in the future just like they were for the vast majority of history. Northern Chinese Americans and central Chinese Americans are already taller than white Americans and the gap is only increasing, meanwhile black Americans have stayed a pathetic manlet cuck 5'9 and will stay at that height or stagnate. China has won every single Olympic weightlifting championship since 2000, only cucked by complete poverty before that year.


doesnt matter we can cherry pick examples of anything to prove a point lol

View attachment 2303519

You see how easy it is to play that game? thats why you should only rely on data, and data says that women find chink men repulsive.

More like data says women find disgusting subhuman nigger monkeys repulsive. Black women in Africa worship Chinese men and Chinese men are building entire harems of sheboon whores while abusing and oppressing and beating the men to death withotu consequences. My data is 20+ official articles and videos. Your data is one cherrypicked swimming pool tweet which is likely fake, AND some random fake Twitter accounts from Looksmax threads. There are no articles or videos on the internet even insinuating that this is even remotely widespread except for a coping nigger dog finding cherrypicked accounts to cope with the fact Chinese are mass fucking his race of women and abusing and cucking niggers in their own countries. There are absolutely zero articles of widespread Chinese women ever wanting to come close to subhuman Negroid monkey men, meanwhile Africans are literally saying Chinese men are becoming a major problem for them by taking all their sheboon whores from them and pumping and dumping them and leaving them with genetically superior Blasian babies.





Let's be real. Niggers are the most cucked submissive slave race in history. Bred to be cucked and fucked and raped by other races. It's in their submissive bottom bitch cuck DNA.
Their ugly whore sheboon women are the property of other races of men for all of history. Never conquered land outside your own borders like the uncivilized unformidable estrogen pumped beta bitch cucks you are.
arabs never conquered subsaharan africa retard
View attachment 2303527

europeans did and occupation didnt last long not even 100 years and we were the last continent to be conquered. And blacks sold slaves to arabs so stop waving that over my head congradulations we you were able to successfully get us to sell off the lower beings from our societies to you

Every single part of Africa got colonized and raped of resources by Europeans. Submissive cuck slave race didn't even fight back like SEA or Native Americans did against European colonization. Your unformidable piss weak beta bitch cuck race has never conquered land outside your own borders and we both know it, niggers are the most enslaved and cucked race in history bar none. Why do you think niggers were enslaved so much and own as slaves so widely throughout the world and not Asians, Arabs, Meds, Nafris, Turks, Germanics, Celts, Persians for example? Do you have a source of it being niggers being the ones who sold niggers to Arabs? Because Arabs literally didn't think you had the mental capability to even converse much less trade. Unless you're talking about Caucasoid Horn niggers.


Oh, you're also ignoring the fact that even today Chinese rape and abuse you disgusting submissive subhuman cucks with no consequences. The fact is, Chinese men are mass fucking nigger sheboons and impregnating them and leaving them, and it's becoming a huge problem across Africa. The other way around is not happening. There are dozens of articles on this, as well as dozens of articles on the abuse, rape, and slaughter of you disgusting subhumans by Chinese Changs with no consequences. Chinese literally BOAST of abusing you niggers in public in Africa with absolutely zero consequences. Bred to be cucked, fucked, raped, and abused by superior races. Every single race and society with a racial hierarchy put Negroid nigger slaves at the very bottom, from the Arab caliphates to Nazi Germany to pre-modern America, when niggers were viewed and treated as subhuman and given less rights even after being freed from slavery while Hispanics, Asians, Indians, etc. all had the same rights as white people in America. You were subhuman scum from the beginning.

Poorest, lowest IQ, lowest lifespan, highest death rate, highest divorce rate, lowest happiness, utter shit tier race no matter the country and wherever you go. Life as a nigger is an absolute worthless dogshit life. Meanwhile, East Asians are the richest, highest IQ, highest lifespan, and lowest death rate and the gap between them and other races in the west in terms of wealth is only increasing. Oh, they're also improving at everything else faster than any other race, including wealth, IQ, test scores, height, physicality, Olympic medals, economy, technology, military, etc. Meanwhile the gap between niggers and other races in terms of stuff like wealth and living conditions is only getting bigger and bigger. Changs live a peak epitome dopamine-filled life, and even subhuman Asians STEMcel can just go to areas with subhuman Asian STEMcel populations and enjoy life. It's only going to get better and better from here for East Asians and worse and worse from here for ugly nigger monkey subhumans. Your race was made to be bottom tier worthless shitstain dregs no matter where you go disgusting rape baby subhumanoid faggot, seethe more for your Asian golden bvll masters disgusting nigger dog.




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50 IQ mentally disabled retarded nigger monkey thinks 5.8 feet equals 5'8 lmao. Renders your arguments invalid. You do know that there are 12 inches in a foot right?
Sorry about that your right, im not use to converting between centimeters and feet.
East Asians are going to become the tallest
they arent even in developed east asian countries you guys are still manlets who are 5'7 on average.
stayed a pathetic manlet cuck 5'9 and will stay at that height or stagnate
The average black person person living in the USA is 5'9-5'10, while the average chinese person is 5'6. Even when we cherry pick the TALLEST east asian group theyre still only as tall as an average black. So what happens when I do the same thing you do and cherry pick the tallest black group.


Malnourished starving africans height mogging well fed east asians in developed countries by 6 inches :feelskek:
More like data says women find disgusting subhuman nigger monkeys repulsive.
yet women fuck us the most meanwhile your race remains incels
Every single part of Africa got colonized and raped of resources by Europeans. Submissive cuck slave race didn't even fight back like SEA or Native Americans did against European colonization.
native americans literally got wiped out by europeans lol, and colonization lasted longer in SEA and in india than it did in africa, so whos really cucked?
Meanwhile, East Asians are the richest, highest IQ, highest lifespan, and lowest death rate and the gap between them and other races in the west in terms of wealth is only increasing
all that only to get mogged by 2 psl white men
Do you have a source of it being niggers being the ones who sold niggers to Arabs?
and you called me 50 iq " They would then buy black slaves who they would use to carry the raw materials and also work in their plantations abroad."

View attachment 2303521

50 IQ mentally disabled retarded nigger monkey thinks 5.8 feet equals 5'8 lmao. Renders your arguments invalid. You do know that there are 12 inches in a foot right? Cope harder, East Asians are going to become the tallest and strongest race in the future just like they were for the vast majority of history. Northern Chinese Americans and central Chinese Americans are already taller than white Americans and the gap is only increasing, meanwhile black Americans have stayed a pathetic manlet cuck 5'9 and will stay at that height or stagnate. China has won every single Olympic weightlifting championship since 2000, only cucked by complete poverty before that year.

View attachment 2303523

More like data says women find disgusting subhuman nigger monkeys repulsive. Black women in Africa worship Chinese men and Chinese men are building entire harems of sheboon whores while abusing and oppressing and beating the men to death withotu consequences. My data is 20+ official articles and videos. Your data is one cherrypicked swimming pool tweet which is likely fake, AND some random fake Twitter accounts from Looksmax threads. There are no articles or videos on the internet even insinuating that this is even remotely widespread except for a coping nigger dog finding cherrypicked accounts to cope with the fact Chinese are mass fucking his race of women and abusing and cucking niggers in their own countries. There are absolutely zero articles of widespread Chinese women ever wanting to come close to subhuman Negroid monkey men, meanwhile Africans are literally saying Chinese men are becoming a major problem for them by taking all their sheboon whores from them and pumping and dumping them and leaving them with genetically superior Blasian babies.





Let's be real. Niggers are the most cucked submissive slave race in history. Bred to be cucked and fucked and raped by other races. It's in their submissive bottom bitch cuck DNA.
Their ugly whore sheboon women are the property of other races of men for all of history. Never conquered land outside your own borders like the uncivilized unformidable estrogen pumped beta bitch cucks you are.

Every single part of Africa got colonized and raped of resources by Europeans. Submissive cuck slave race didn't even fight back like SEA or Native Americans did against European colonization. Your unformidable piss weak beta bitch cuck race has never conquered land outside your own borders and we both know it, niggers are the most enslaved and cucked race in history bar none. Why do you think niggers were enslaved so much and own as slaves so widely throughout the world and not Asians, Arabs, Meds, Nafris, Turks, Germanics, Celts, Persians for example? Do you have a source of it being niggers being the ones who sold niggers to Arabs? Because Arabs literally didn't think you had the mental capability to even converse much less trade. Unless you're talking about Caucasoid Horn niggers.

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View attachment 2303549

Oh, you're also ignoring the fact that even today Chinese rape and abuse you disgusting submissive subhuman cucks with no consequences. The fact is, Chinese men are mass fucking nigger sheboons and impregnating them and leaving them, and it's becoming a huge problem across Africa. The other way around is not happening. There are dozens of articles on this, as well as dozens of articles on the abuse, rape, and slaughter of you disgusting subhumans by Chinese Changs with no consequences. Chinese literally BOAST of abusing you niggers in public in Africa with absolutely zero consequences. Bred to be cucked, fucked, raped, and abused by superior races. Every single race and society with a racial hierarchy put Negroid nigger slaves at the very bottom, from the Arab caliphates to Nazi Germany to pre-modern America, when niggers were viewed and treated as subhuman and given less rights even after being freed from slavery while Hispanics, Asians, Indians, etc. all had the same rights as white people in America. You were subhuman scum from the beginning.

Poorest, lowest IQ, lowest lifespan, highest death rate, highest divorce rate, lowest happiness, utter shit tier race no matter the country and wherever you go. Life as a nigger is an absolute worthless dogshit life. Meanwhile, East Asians are the richest, highest IQ, highest lifespan, and lowest death rate and the gap between them and other races in the west in terms of wealth is only increasing. Oh, they're also improving at everything else faster than any other race, including wealth, IQ, test scores, height, physicality, Olympic medals, economy, technology, military, etc. Meanwhile the gap between niggers and other races in terms of stuff like wealth and living conditions is only getting bigger and bigger. Changs live a peak epitome dopamine-filled life, and even subhuman Asians STEMcel can just go to areas with subhuman Asian STEMcel populations and enjoy life. It's only going to get better and better from here for East Asians and worse and worse from here for ugly nigger monkey subhumans. Your race was made to be bottom tier worthless shitstain dregs no matter where you go disgusting rape baby subhumanoid faggot, seethe more for your Asian golden bvll masters disgusting nigger dog.
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every single thing you claim asian men are doing in africa is actually being done by white men in asia,

fake twitter accounts? I can easily claim the articles are faked as well propoganda made by the chinese.

Chink men are "mass impregnating african women" but go into africa and see how long you have to wait before you see a blasian person. Chinks are disgusting to literally every race of women on earth and mog no one not even indians

meanwhile high class chink women are importing scandinavian sperm to ascend their chink genes
Never conquered land outside your own borders like the uncivilized unformidable estrogen pumped beta bitch cucks you are.
crazy how women would rather fuck "estrogen pumped beta bitches" over chink men, goes to show how subhuman the average chink man is to women
Last edited:
Oh, you're also ignoring the fact that even today Chinese rape and abuse you disgusting submissive subhuman cucks with no consequences. The fact is, Chinese men are mass fucking nigger sheboons and impregnating them and leaving them, and it's becoming a huge problem across Africa. The other way around is not happening. There are dozens of articles on this, as well as dozens of articles on the abuse, rape, and slaughter of you disgusting subhumans by Chinese Changs with no consequences. Chinese literally BOAST of abusing you niggers in public in Africa with absolutely zero consequences. Bred to be cucked, fucked, raped, and abused by superior races. Every single race and society with a racial hierarchy put Negroid nigger slaves at the very bottom, from the Arab caliphates to Nazi Germany to pre-modern America, when niggers were viewed and treated as subhuman and given less rights even after being freed from slavery while Hispanics, Asians, Indians, etc. all had the same rights as white people in America. You were subhuman scum from the beginning.

Poorest, lowest IQ, lowest lifespan, highest death rate, highest divorce rate, lowest happiness, utter shit tier race no matter the country and wherever you go. Life as a nigger is an absolute worthless dogshit life. Meanwhile, East Asians are the richest, highest IQ, highest lifespan, and lowest death rate and the gap between them and other races in the west in terms of wealth is only increasing. Oh, they're also improving at everything else faster than any other race, including wealth, IQ, test scores, height, physicality, Olympic medals, economy, technology, military, etc. Meanwhile the gap between niggers and other races in terms of stuff like wealth and living conditions is only getting bigger and bigger. Changs live a peak epitome dopamine-filled life, and even subhuman Asians STEMcel can just go to areas with subhuman Asian STEMcel populations and enjoy life. It's only going to get better and better from here for East Asians and worse and worse from here for ugly nigger monkey subhumans. Your race was made to be bottom tier worthless shitstain dregs no matter where you go disgusting rape baby subhumanoid faggot, seethe more for your Asian golden bvll masters disgusting nigger dog.
didnt read
There are absolutely zero articles of widespread Chinese women ever wanting to come close to subhuman Negroid monkey men
View attachment 2303521

50 IQ mentally disabled retarded nigger monkey thinks 5.8 feet equals 5'8 lmao. Renders your arguments invalid. You do know that there are 12 inches in a foot right? Cope harder, East Asians are going to become the tallest and strongest race in the future just like they were for the vast majority of history. Northern Chinese Americans and central Chinese Americans are already taller than white Americans and the gap is only increasing, meanwhile black Americans have stayed a pathetic manlet cuck 5'9 and will stay at that height or stagnate. China has won every single Olympic weightlifting championship since 2000, only cucked by complete poverty before that year.

View attachment 2303523

More like data says women find disgusting subhuman nigger monkeys repulsive. Black women in Africa worship Chinese men and Chinese men are building entire harems of sheboon whores while abusing and oppressing and beating the men to death withotu consequences. My data is 20+ official articles and videos. Your data is one cherrypicked swimming pool tweet which is likely fake, AND some random fake Twitter accounts from Looksmax threads. There are no articles or videos on the internet even insinuating that this is even remotely widespread except for a coping nigger dog finding cherrypicked accounts to cope with the fact Chinese are mass fucking his race of women and abusing and cucking niggers in their own countries. There are absolutely zero articles of widespread Chinese women ever wanting to come close to subhuman Negroid monkey men, meanwhile Africans are literally saying Chinese men are becoming a major problem for them by taking all their sheboon whores from them and pumping and dumping them and leaving them with genetically superior Blasian babies.





Let's be real. Niggers are the most cucked submissive slave race in history. Bred to be cucked and fucked and raped by other races. It's in their submissive bottom bitch cuck DNA.
Their ugly whore sheboon women are the property of other races of men for all of history. Never conquered land outside your own borders like the uncivilized unformidable estrogen pumped beta bitch cucks you are.

Every single part of Africa got colonized and raped of resources by Europeans. Submissive cuck slave race didn't even fight back like SEA or Native Americans did against European colonization. Your unformidable piss weak beta bitch cuck race has never conquered land outside your own borders and we both know it, niggers are the most enslaved and cucked race in history bar none. Why do you think niggers were enslaved so much and own as slaves so widely throughout the world and not Asians, Arabs, Meds, Nafris, Turks, Germanics, Celts, Persians for example? Do you have a source of it being niggers being the ones who sold niggers to Arabs? Because Arabs literally didn't think you had the mental capability to even converse much less trade. Unless you're talking about Caucasoid Horn niggers.

View attachment 2303548

View attachment 2303549

Oh, you're also ignoring the fact that even today Chinese rape and abuse you disgusting submissive subhuman cucks with no consequences. The fact is, Chinese men are mass fucking nigger sheboons and impregnating them and leaving them, and it's becoming a huge problem across Africa. The other way around is not happening. There are dozens of articles on this, as well as dozens of articles on the abuse, rape, and slaughter of you disgusting subhumans by Chinese Changs with no consequences. Chinese literally BOAST of abusing you niggers in public in Africa with absolutely zero consequences. Bred to be cucked, fucked, raped, and abused by superior races. Every single race and society with a racial hierarchy put Negroid nigger slaves at the very bottom, from the Arab caliphates to Nazi Germany to pre-modern America, when niggers were viewed and treated as subhuman and given less rights even after being freed from slavery while Hispanics, Asians, Indians, etc. all had the same rights as white people in America. You were subhuman scum from the beginning.

Poorest, lowest IQ, lowest lifespan, highest death rate, highest divorce rate, lowest happiness, utter shit tier race no matter the country and wherever you go. Life as a nigger is an absolute worthless dogshit life. Meanwhile, East Asians are the richest, highest IQ, highest lifespan, and lowest death rate and the gap between them and other races in the west in terms of wealth is only increasing. Oh, they're also improving at everything else faster than any other race, including wealth, IQ, test scores, height, physicality, Olympic medals, economy, technology, military, etc. Meanwhile the gap between niggers and other races in terms of stuff like wealth and living conditions is only getting bigger and bigger. Changs live a peak epitome dopamine-filled life, and even subhuman Asians STEMcel can just go to areas with subhuman Asian STEMcel populations and enjoy life. It's only going to get better and better from here for East Asians and worse and worse from here for ugly nigger monkey subhumans. Your race was made to be bottom tier worthless shitstain dregs no matter where you go disgusting rape baby subhumanoid faggot, seethe more for your Asian golden bvll masters disgusting nigger dog.
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they arent even in developed east asian countries you guys are still manlets who are 5'7 on average.

They're growing in height faster than any other country so they will be, especially since other races are not only not growing, they're stagnating or decreasing in height. I'm between 6'1 and 6'2 and I can almost guarantee you're an undergrown starving African manlet cuck shorter than me lmao.

The average black person person living in the USA is 5'9-5'10, while the average chinese person is 5'6. Even when we cherry pick the TALLEST east asian group theyre still only as tall as an average black. So what happens when I do the same thing you do and cherry pick the tallest black group.

View attachment 2303607

Malnourished starving africans height mogging well fed east asians in developed countries by 6 inches :feelskek:

Lol no, the average nigger in the USA is 5'9 not 5'10. And you do realize the majority of China is still poverty ridden as fuck compared to the US right? Lots of rural rice farmers. It's improving extremely quick though. Northern Chinese zoomers in big cities literally average 5'11 in height already and are only growing. The "tallest" East Asian group is literally the MAJORITY East Asian group lmao. When combined, northern Chinese and central Chinese outnumber all other East Asians combined. Just not in the west. Chinese are literally the only East Asians that really natter since they vastly outnumber all other East Asians combined on a global scale and Koreans and Japanese are pretty much just Chinese offshoot descendants. And on an EQUALIZED scale, in the SAME country, Chinese heightmog subhuman nigger monkeys to oblivion. I'm not Japanese or Korean, I'm Chinese, so talking about offshoots is irrelevant. And only a tiny, tiny tribe is that tall and they're mutated Horn nigger Caucasoids. Either way, they're not getting taller while East Asians are. The fact is that under equal conditions, Chinese are taller than niggers and the gap is only growing bigger.

every single thing you claim asian men are doing in africa is actually being done by white men in asia,

Copium. Whites get abused and bullied in Asian majority states in their own countries. Hapa children get picked on and and bullied to death in Chinese schools while Slavs and Central Asian whites get raped and genocided in Chinese concentration camps, so it's the Chinese abusing others again rather than getting abused in their own countries like submissive nigger cucks have been for all of history. There are more Chinese male Russian female relationships in Russia alone than WMAF in all of the United States combined. Eastern Europe has always been filled with East Asian sperm through their YDNA replacements. East Asia is not a colonized weak nation relying on foreign aid like Africa is and the population is 99.99% East Asian. If a white foreigner stirred up any trouble he'd be dealt with immediately. Meanwhile, Chinese foreigners come and mass fuck your women and abuse your subhuman kind with zero consequences.

Not to mention, whites literally have East Asian YDNA all across Europe while Asians have zero white DNA lmao. Meanwhile 1/3 of African Americans have white YDNA. East Asian conquerors have fucked, cucked, raped, conquered, slaughtered, and subjugated whites and MENA for all of history. Whites have never done the same except a couple nukes on Japan after their heavily luck-based industrialization. MENA have never done the same ever, while over 90% of the Arab/Turk/Iranic population was exterminated by Mongols and their entire society and Islamic Golden Age was completely eradicated. Meanwhile, both whites and MENA have enslaved and raped disgusting submissive subhuman niggers for all of history with absolutely zero pushback. So no, it would actually be the other way around.

fake twitter accounts? I can easily claim the articles are faked as well propoganda made by the chinese.

You can find interracial porn of every race of man and every race of woman everywhere. There's a difference between unofficial twitter accounts with porn videos which serve the intention of being porn to jack off to rather than claiming or meaning anything, and dozens of official articles and videos claiming and confirming mass fucking and abuse of niggers by Changs. Also, why the fuck would China make itself look bad by saying it abuses Africans? Exactly lmao. Making up 500 copes when I destroy your arguments.

A cherrypicked video of one single situation and posts doesn't change the dozens upon dozens of articles and videos of Chinese men mass cucking disgusting nigger men in their own countries being a trend. The fact is you can't find a single official article or report saying this is anywhere near remotely widespread or becoming a problem while I can find DOZENS upon DOZENS. You're literally searching up random and fringe posts with one video each to try and cope in your nigger delusions lmao. No Chinese men give a fuck about 1 in a million fringe examples while African men literally do interviews and make articles complaining about getting utterly cucked by their own whore women lusting for Chinese cock like they've done to foreign enslavers for all of history. Chinese own your nigger monkey cuck slave subhumanoid kind.


Asian-looking north Vietnamese are basically genetically the same as southern Chinese. The most prolific sperm donor in a majority white country is lierally some Vietnamese manlet lmao. White whores were feening and begging for that superior golden sperm, fucking taking flights for it just to pay thousands of dollars to raise a half Asian baby by themselves. I can cherrypick shit too. Meanwhile, no women in the world wants disgusting ugly nigger children who look nothing like them don't resemble humans. Niggers are globally despised and look down upon.

The fact is that for pretty much all races, Chinese male interracial outnumbers Chinese female interracial globally and it's not even close. South Korean men also have much more foreign wives than South Korean women have foreign husbands.


"The number of marriages between Russian women and East Asian men beats all records.
East Asian men over the past decade have become the most eligible suitors for 'Russian wives.'
If throughout the entire post-Soviet period until 2012, Turkish men held the leadership among foreign suitors for our compatriots by a wide margin, then since 2012 the situation has changed dramatically.
So, the number of marriages where the wife is Russian and the groom is Chinese, concluded in 2019, for the first time exceeded 5 thousand, where the groom is from South Korea - 3.5 thousand. In the last 5 years, the annual growth in the number of such marriages has exceeded 15%. And all indications are that the trend will only intensify.
Recall that the number of Russian wives living in Turkey in 2016 exceeded 100 thousand. At the same time, the number of children from such mixed marriages was slightly more than 240 thousand.
In East Asia, the number of Russian wives is approaching the 50,000 mark, and there are already more than 110,000 mixed descendants. It is noted at the same time that a large number of Russian women have children from Asian men, not being legally married to the latter.
The main feature of Russian women with an East Asian groom is their young age. The average age of a Russian wife is 22 years, the average age of having a child in a joint marriage is 23.7 years. By comparison, Turkish men are especially popular with women who already have children from previous marriages.
Russian women note that in East Asian men they are attracted to family orientation, reliability and loyalty; at the same time, in Turkish men it repels - a large number of prohibitions for a wife; and in domestic - laziness and a high percentage of divorces. Marriages with East Asian men break up after 3 years only in 17% of cases, while marriages with Russian men break up more than 70%."

Chinks are disgusting to literally every race of women on earth and mog no one not even indians

crazy how women would rather fuck "estrogen pumped beta bitches" over chink men, goes to show how subhuman the average chink man is to women

Copium, Chinese are gods to be worshipped by African sheboon slaves. Your own ugly whore sheboon women choose Chinese men over your subhuman race. They build entire fucking harems and pump and dump them and leave babies for some nigger cuck to raise, ugly cuck African niggers are even complaining about it and saying it's becoming a major problem. Niggers are utterly disgusting subhumans to every single race of woman. Ugly Negroid slaves do absolute shit in every single dating study for a reason lmao, literally the least attractive to every single race but their own who legit only go for them because they literally can't get any other race of guy lmfao. If other guys even showed an ounce of interest they'd leave their cuck men and hop on interracial cock like they've done for all of history.

Outside of the west which lifts them up hard like they are paraplegic abused disabled dogs, the vast majority of women would rather fuck a dog than a disgusting ugly nigger slave monkey. Your people were raped and slaughtered and subjugated for all of history by superior races, your women were fucked by all races in whichever country you go, with nigger mtDNA contributions to MENA and African Americans being highly significant while their YDNA was cucked and replaced. Throughout all of history, it was all East Asian men replacing YDNA and doing the fucking of other races of women while their mtDNA has remained untainted by other races for all of history. Throughout all of history, nigger sheboon slaves were getting mass fucked by their masters while their cucked submissive slave men worked the fields for them while jerking off and watching.

theres no such thing as a "chang" rices are capped at 6/10

This 15 year old rice facially mogs the entire purebred Negroid race back to their shit filled mud huts in sub-Saharan Africa.

didnt read

You read and accepted every single molecule, you just couldn't disprove it because everything I said there is factually based. The life of a disgusting subhuman nigger monkey is truly a sad one and it's only getting worse for them from here on out.

I would stomp the recessed peanut skulls of your entire worthless Negroid monkey family and shatter them into millions of tiny little pieces and stomp their disgusting little subhuman brains out into a gooey pink paste. I'd force your subhuman coalskinned 50 IQ twink runt of a father to helplessly jerk off in a corner while your sheboon whore mom chokes her ugly forward maxilla on my big Chinese cock just like your whore sheboon cousins are doing to mine in Africa as we abuse and torture their subhuman nigger monkey brothers, fathers, and cousins to death for fun. I'd utterly dominate and curbstomp your ugly shitskin cuck nigger father to near death with my bare hands, pounding his disgusting sub-3 boneless hideous abomination of a face in til it becomes even more of a disgusting subhumanoid mess while he begs and cries for it all to stop like the pathetic little twink cuck sissy faggot slave he is. After I get bored of dominating and shitstomping your submissive bottom bitch twink cuck of a father, I'd spray my supreme golden Han piss on the remainder of his broken down battered face and make him lap up the leftovers of my urine dripped onto the floor. He'd enjoy every single second of lapping up my genetically superior golden piss like the thirsty cock-starved nigger slave dog he is. Then I'd force him to brutally rape you for hours on end while you weep and sob and take it all in powerlessly like the helpless submissive little estrogen-pumped baby bitch you are. After your worthless abused pussified submissive slave of a father has brutally raped and sodomized you to the point where you're utterly incapable of even standing up, I'd carve out all his disgusting slimy worthless nigger organs slowly and painfully and force feed every single one to you piece by piece while your whore mother watches in glee as I eliminate her disgusting spawn and its subhuman father and make both of them excruciatingly suffer.

Then, I'd make your dirty whore black slave of a mother brutally torture you with extensive Zhongshan-style lingchi, gleefully slicing your worthless subhuman 5'6 nigger runt body slowly and painfully to death piece by piece while you scream in pain and beg for mercy like the helpless little submissive twink baby faggot you are. She'd enjoy every single second of it, knowing that her disgusting worthless genetic dead end Vietcuck abomination of a son would be utterly erased from this Earth and she'd get a new Chinese-Vietnamese mixed baby from supreme Han conqueror seed. I'd fill her every inch and crevice of her tiny jungle gook roastie body up with my supreme high T Chinese sperm cells til every single one of her tight little slutty nigger holes are overflowing with my Han sperm and her disgusting nigger blood, and painfully yet pleasurably make every inch of her roastie nigger body convulse in utter ecstasy and orgasmic pleasure. I'd implant my genetically superior seed into her just like my brethren in Africa, the Chinese Ubermensch sperm she relentlessly begs and pleads for to replace the inferior disgusting worthless genetics of your worthless little cucked faggot subhuman father that I brutally tortured to death. Then I'd toss your worthless used up sheboon whore of a mother away on the streets like worthless discarded waste while she cries and weeps and begs for more of my superior Han sperm, thinking about it every single second of the day for the rest of her short miserable poverty ridden welfare monkey shithole nigger life. Your entire bloodline is worth less than the disgusting dog shit under my boots that I scrape off with utter contempt, know your fucking place under your Chinese masters you disgusting little ugly Negroid monkey subhuman scum.

Your race is literal buck broken rape victim slave cucks of your Chinese masters. The Nafris had their turn, the Arabs had their turn, the Meds had their turn, the Germanics had their turn. Every race when dominant had their turn raping Africa of resources and enslaving their submissive cuck men and mass fucking their sheboon whore women. Chinese own your subhuman race in Africa little dog, and spics will own you when they become dominant in America, and MENA in Europe.

None of your hilariously pathetic nigger cope changes the fact that Chinese male nigger female outnumbers the other way around by tens or hundreds of times. Not to mention, I'm rated HTN+ by everyone I showed pics to here and lost my virginity at 15 and you're a permavirgin KHHV basement rotting Urkel cuck who will never ascend above LTN lmao. Disgusting nigger slave subhuman, you and your minimum wage welfare monkey cuck dad will watch helplessly as Chinese Changs torture and abuse your subhuman kind into complete submission and mass fuck your Chinese cock-starved thirsty sheboon whore women who worship us like supreme deities come to liberate them from disgusting nigger subhumans.




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I'm between 6'1 and 6'2 and I can almost guarantee you're an undergrown manlet cuck shorter than me lmao.
Im the same height and not even done growing jfl

And you do realize the majority of China is still poverty ridden as fuck compared to the US right?
Im talking about in the USA, the average chink man is 5'6 - 5'7 and the fact the tallest chink men are less than an inch taller than the AVERAGE black man are less than are the same height as the average white man proves asians are literally a race of manlets. And keep in mind blacks in the USA are poor and have bad nutrition.
and dozens of official articles and videos claiming and confirming mass fucking and abuse of niggers by Changs. Also, why the fuck would China make itself look bad by saying it abuses Africans? Exactly lmao.
and there are dozens of articles about white men mass fucking asian women, and "changs" dont exist asians are capped at HTN.
You read and accepted every single molecule, you just couldn't disprove it because everything I said there is factually based.
Nothing you said was based on anything factual, you can find articles claiming to "disprove" evolution of course youre rotten chink brain cant understand that the news isnt a trust worthy source often times.

White whores were feening and begging for that superior "chink" sperm
show me a single news article of whites begging for manlet small dick chink sperm?
This 15 year old rice facially mogs the entire purebred Negroid race back to their shit filled mud huts in sub-Saharan Africa.
mogged by the average white man

I would stomp the recessed peanut skulls of your entire worthless Negroid monkey family and shatter them into millions of tiny little pieces and stomp their disgusting little subhuman brains out into a gooey pink paste. I'd force your subhuman coalskinned 50 IQ twink runt of a father to helplessly jerk off in a corner while your sheboon whore mom chokes her ugly forward maxilla on my big Chinese cock just like your whore sheboon cousins are doing to mine in Africa as we abuse and torture their subhuman nigger monkey brothers, fathers, and cousins to death for fun. I'd utterly dominate and curbstomp your ugly shitskin cuck nigger father to near death with my bare hands, pounding his disgusting sub-3 boneless hideous abomination of a face in til it becomes even more of a disgusting subhumanoid mess while he begs and cries for it all to stop like the pathetic little twink cuck sissy faggot slave he is. After I get bored of dominating and shitstomping your submissive bottom bitch twink cuck of a father, I'd spray my supreme golden Han piss on the remainder of his broken down battered face and make him lap up the leftovers of my urine dripped onto the floor. He'd enjoy every single second of lapping up my genetically superior golden piss like the thirsty cock-starved nigger slave dog he is. Then I'd force him to brutally rape you for hours on end while you weep and sob and take it all in powerlessly like the helpless submissive little estrogen-pumped baby bitch you are. After your worthless abused pussified submissive slave of a father has brutally raped and sodomized you to the point where you're utterly incapable of even standing up, I'd carve out all his disgusting slimy worthless nigger organs slowly and painfully and force feed every single one to you piece by piece while your whore mother watches in glee as I eliminate her disgusting spawn and its subhuman father and make both of them excruciatingly suffer.

Then, I'd make your dirty whore black slave of a mother brutally torture you with extensive Zhongshan-style lingchi, gleefully slicing your worthless subhuman 5'6 nigger runt body slowly and painfully to death piece by piece while you scream in pain and beg for mercy like the helpless little submissive twink baby faggot you are. She'd enjoy every single second of it, knowing that her disgusting worthless genetic dead end Vietcuck abomination of a son would be utterly erased from this Earth and she'd get a new Chinese-Vietnamese mixed baby from supreme Han conqueror seed. I'd fill her every inch and crevice of her tiny jungle gook roastie body up with my supreme high T Chinese sperm cells til every single one of her tight little slutty nigger holes are overflowing with my Han sperm and her disgusting nigger blood, and painfully yet pleasurably make every inch of her roastie nigger body convulse in utter ecstasy and orgasmic pleasure. I'd implant my genetically superior seed into her just like my brethren in Africa, the Chinese Ubermensch sperm she relentlessly begs and pleads for to replace the inferior disgusting worthless genetics of your worthless little cucked faggot subhuman father that I brutally tortured to death. Then I'd toss your worthless used up sheboon whore of a mother away on the streets like worthless discarded waste while she cries and weeps and begs for more of my superior Han sperm, thinking about it every single second of the day for the rest of her short miserable poverty ridden welfare monkey shithole nigger life. Your entire bloodline is worth less than the disgusting dog shit under my boots that I scrape off with utter contempt, know your fucking place under your Chinese masters you disgusting little ugly Negroid monkey subhuman scum.

Your race is literal buck broken rape victim slave cucks of your Chinese masters. The Nafris had their turn, the Arabs had their turn, the Meds had their turn, the Germanics had their turn. Every race when dominant had their turn raping Africa of resources and enslaving their submissive cuck men and mass fucking their sheboon whore women. Chinese own your subhuman race in Africa little dog, and spics will own you when they become dominant in America, and MENA in Europe.

None of your hilariously pathetic nigger cope changes the fact that Chinese male nigger female outnumbers the other way around by tens or hundreds of times. Not to mention, I'm rated HTN+ by everyone I showed pics to here and lost my virginity at 15 and you're a permavirgin KHHV basement rotting Urkel cuck who will never ascend above LTN lmao. Disgusting nigger slave subhuman, you and your minimum wage welfare monkey cuck dad will watch helplessly as Chinese Changs torture and abuse your subhuman kind into submission and mass fuck your Chinese cock-starved thirsty sheboon whore women who worship us like supreme deities come to liberate them from disgusting nigger subhumans.
didnt read + not even chink women like chink men
my virginity at 15 and you're a permavirgin KHHV basement rotting Urkel cuck who will never ascend above LTN
I lost my virginity at 16 after looksmaxxing for two years and have a body count of 2 after spending some time in summer camp now that Im looksmaxxed. Im already mogging the average chink males bodycount. You can cope all you want but the truth is foids will never give it up to chink men as easily as they give it up to us
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This 15 year old rice facially mogs the entire purebred Negroid race back to their shit filled mud huts in sub-Saharan Africa.
still subhuman to foids cause hes a chink
why the fuck would China make itself look bad by saying it abuses Africans?
didnt you claim that chinks openly brag about abusing africans? Suffering from retrograde amnesia chink man? And its obvious to spread propoganda about chinese superiority. Go to africa and see how long it takes for you to find a blasian person, jfl chinks have shit smv everywhere and foids will NEVER fuck them
A cherrypicked video of one single situation and posts doesn't change the dozens upon dozens of articles and videos of Chinese men mass cucking disgusting nigger men in their own countries being a trend.
I can find dozens of videos like this lol, nigger men and white men esepcially are cucking chinks hard

a literal subhuman white man treated like a God in chink land

You can find interracial porn of every race of man and every race of woman everywhere
theres more accounts of chink women lusting for bbc than black women lusting for chink micro penis
You read and accepted every single molecule
no I just skimmed through it and responded to what caught my eye.
Outside of the west which lifts them up hard like they are paraplegic abused disabled dogs, the vast majority of women would rather fuck a dog than a disgusting ugly nigger slave monkey.
women dont have the freedom to fuck who they want like in the west, the west doesnt lift blacks up lol women fuck based on what there genetics tell them to do, which is why chink men get less sex and will always get less sex. Mogged even by indians who are failoed way harder by the media than chinks.
They're growing in height faster than any other country so they will be, especially since other races are not only not growing, they're stagnating or decreasing in height. I'm between 6'1 and 6'2 and I can almost guarantee you're an undergrown starving African manlet cuck shorter than me lmao.

Lol no, the average nigger in the USA is 5'9 not 5'10. And you do realize the majority of China is still poverty ridden as fuck compared to the US right? Lots of rural rice farmers. It's improving extremely quick though. Northern Chinese zoomers in big cities literally average 5'11 in height already and are only growing. The "tallest" East Asian group is literally the MAJORITY East Asian group lmao. When combined, northern Chinese and central Chinese outnumber all other East Asians combined. Just not in the west. Chinese are literally the only East Asians that really natter since they vastly outnumber all other East Asians combined on a global scale and Koreans and Japanese are pretty much just Chinese offshoot descendants. And on an EQUALIZED scale, in the SAME country, Chinese heightmog subhuman nigger monkeys to oblivion. I'm not Japanese or Korean, I'm Chinese, so talking about offshoots is irrelevant. And only a tiny, tiny tribe is that tall and they're mutated Horn nigger Caucasoids. Either way, they're not getting taller while East Asians are. The fact is that under equal conditions, Chinese are taller than niggers and the gap is only growing bigger.

Copium. Whites get abused and bullied in Asian majority states in their own countries. Hapa children get picked on and and bullied to death in Chinese schools while Slavs and Central Asian whites get raped and genocided in Chinese concentration camps, so it's the Chinese abusing others again rather than getting abused in their own countries like submissive nigger cucks have been for all of history. There are more Chinese male Russian female relationships in Russia alone than WMAF in all of the United States combined. Eastern Europe has always been filled with East Asian sperm through their YDNA replacements. East Asia is not a colonized weak nation relying on foreign aid like Africa is and the population is 99.99% East Asian. If a white foreigner stirred up any trouble he'd be dealt with immediately. Meanwhile, Chinese foreigners come and mass fuck your women and abuse your subhuman kind with zero consequences.

Not to mention, whites literally have East Asian YDNA all across Europe while Asians have zero white DNA lmao. Meanwhile 1/3 of African Americans have white YDNA. East Asian conquerors have fucked, cucked, raped, conquered, slaughtered, and subjugated whites and MENA for all of history. Whites have never done the same except a couple nukes on Japan after their heavily luck-based industrialization. MENA have never done the same ever, while over 90% of the Arab/Turk/Iranic population was exterminated by Mongols and their entire society and Islamic Golden Age was completely eradicated. Meanwhile, both whites and MENA have enslaved and raped disgusting submissive subhuman niggers for all of history with absolutely zero pushback. So no, it would actually be the other way around.

You can find interracial porn of every race of man and every race of woman everywhere. There's a difference between unofficial twitter accounts with porn videos which serve the intention of being porn to jack off to rather than claiming or meaning anything, and dozens of official articles and videos claiming and confirming mass fucking and abuse of niggers by Changs. Also, why the fuck would China make itself look bad by saying it abuses Africans? Exactly lmao. Making up 500 copes when I destroy your arguments.

A cherrypicked video of one single situation and posts doesn't change the dozens upon dozens of articles and videos of Chinese men mass cucking disgusting nigger men in their own countries being a trend. The fact is you can't find a single official article or report saying this is anywhere near remotely widespread or becoming a problem while I can find DOZENS upon DOZENS. You're literally searching up random and fringe posts with one video each to try and cope in your nigger delusions lmao. No Chinese men give a fuck about 1 in a million fringe examples while African men literally do interviews and make articles complaining about getting utterly cucked by their own whore women lusting for Chinese cock like they've done to foreign enslavers for all of history. Chinese own your nigger monkey cuck slave subhumanoid kind.

View attachment 2303673
Asian-looking north Vietnamese are basically genetically the same as southern Chinese. The most prolific sperm donor in a majority white country is lierally some Vietnamese manlet lmao. White whores were feening and begging for that superior golden sperm, fucking taking flights for it just to pay thousands of dollars to raise a half Asian baby by themselves. I can cherrypick shit too. Meanwhile, no women in the world wants disgusting ugly nigger children who look nothing like them don't resemble humans. Niggers are globally despised and look down upon.

The fact is that for pretty much all races, Chinese male interracial outnumbers Chinese female interracial globally and it's not even close. South Korean men also have much more foreign wives than South Korean women have foreign husbands.

View attachment 2303681

"The number of marriages between Russian women and East Asian men beats all records.
East Asian men over the past decade have become the most eligible suitors for 'Russian wives.'
If throughout the entire post-Soviet period until 2012, Turkish men held the leadership among foreign suitors for our compatriots by a wide margin, then since 2012 the situation has changed dramatically.
So, the number of marriages where the wife is Russian and the groom is Chinese, concluded in 2019, for the first time exceeded 5 thousand, where the groom is from South Korea - 3.5 thousand. In the last 5 years, the annual growth in the number of such marriages has exceeded 15%. And all indications are that the trend will only intensify.
Recall that the number of Russian wives living in Turkey in 2016 exceeded 100 thousand. At the same time, the number of children from such mixed marriages was slightly more than 240 thousand.
In East Asia, the number of Russian wives is approaching the 50,000 mark, and there are already more than 110,000 mixed descendants. It is noted at the same time that a large number of Russian women have children from Asian men, not being legally married to the latter.
The main feature of Russian women with an East Asian groom is their young age. The average age of a Russian wife is 22 years, the average age of having a child in a joint marriage is 23.7 years. By comparison, Turkish men are especially popular with women who already have children from previous marriages.
Russian women note that in East Asian men they are attracted to family orientation, reliability and loyalty; at the same time, in Turkish men it repels - a large number of prohibitions for a wife; and in domestic - laziness and a high percentage of divorces. Marriages with East Asian men break up after 3 years only in 17% of cases, while marriages with Russian men break up more than 70%."

Copium, Chinese are gods to be worshipped by African sheboon slaves. Your own ugly whore sheboon women choose Chinese men over your subhuman race. They build entire fucking harems and pump and dump them and leave babies for some nigger cuck to raise, ugly cuck African niggers are even complaining about it and saying it's becoming a major problem. Niggers are utterly disgusting subhumans to every single race of woman. Ugly Negroid slaves do absolute shit in every single dating study for a reason lmao, literally the least attractive to every single race but their own who legit only go for them because they literally can't get any other race of guy lmfao. If other guys even showed an ounce of interest they'd leave their cuck men and hop on interracial cock like they've done for all of history.

Outside of the west which lifts them up hard like they are paraplegic abused disabled dogs, the vast majority of women would rather fuck a dog than a disgusting ugly nigger slave monkey. Your people were raped and slaughtered and subjugated for all of history by superior races, your women were fucked by all races in whichever country you go, with nigger mtDNA contributions to MENA and African Americans being highly significant while their YDNA was cucked and replaced. Throughout all of history, it was all East Asian men replacing YDNA and doing the fucking of other races of women while their mtDNA has remained untainted by other races for all of history. Throughout all of history, nigger sheboon slaves were getting mass fucked by their masters while their cucked submissive slave men worked the fields for them while jerking off and watching.

This 15 year old rice facially mogs the entire purebred Negroid race back to their shit filled mud huts in sub-Saharan Africa.

You read and accepted every single molecule, you just couldn't disprove it because everything I said there is factually based. The life of a disgusting subhuman nigger monkey is truly a sad one and it's only getting worse for them from here on out.

I would stomp the recessed peanut skulls of your entire worthless Negroid monkey family and shatter them into millions of tiny little pieces and stomp their disgusting little subhuman brains out into a gooey pink paste. I'd force your subhuman coalskinned 50 IQ twink runt of a father to helplessly jerk off in a corner while your sheboon whore mom chokes her ugly forward maxilla on my big Chinese cock just like your whore sheboon cousins are doing to mine in Africa as we abuse and torture their subhuman nigger monkey brothers, fathers, and cousins to death for fun. I'd utterly dominate and curbstomp your ugly shitskin cuck nigger father to near death with my bare hands, pounding his disgusting sub-3 boneless hideous abomination of a face in til it becomes even more of a disgusting subhumanoid mess while he begs and cries for it all to stop like the pathetic little twink cuck sissy faggot slave he is. After I get bored of dominating and shitstomping your submissive bottom bitch twink cuck of a father, I'd spray my supreme golden Han piss on the remainder of his broken down battered face and make him lap up the leftovers of my urine dripped onto the floor. He'd enjoy every single second of lapping up my genetically superior golden piss like the thirsty cock-starved nigger slave dog he is. Then I'd force him to brutally rape you for hours on end while you weep and sob and take it all in powerlessly like the helpless submissive little estrogen-pumped baby bitch you are. After your worthless abused pussified submissive slave of a father has brutally raped and sodomized you to the point where you're utterly incapable of even standing up, I'd carve out all his disgusting slimy worthless nigger organs slowly and painfully and force feed every single one to you piece by piece while your whore mother watches in glee as I eliminate her disgusting spawn and its subhuman father and make both of them excruciatingly suffer.

Then, I'd make your dirty whore black slave of a mother brutally torture you with extensive Zhongshan-style lingchi, gleefully slicing your worthless subhuman 5'6 nigger runt body slowly and painfully to death piece by piece while you scream in pain and beg for mercy like the helpless little submissive twink baby faggot you are. She'd enjoy every single second of it, knowing that her disgusting worthless genetic dead end Vietcuck abomination of a son would be utterly erased from this Earth and she'd get a new Chinese-Vietnamese mixed baby from supreme Han conqueror seed. I'd fill her every inch and crevice of her tiny jungle gook roastie body up with my supreme high T Chinese sperm cells til every single one of her tight little slutty nigger holes are overflowing with my Han sperm and her disgusting nigger blood, and painfully yet pleasurably make every inch of her roastie nigger body convulse in utter ecstasy and orgasmic pleasure. I'd implant my genetically superior seed into her just like my brethren in Africa, the Chinese Ubermensch sperm she relentlessly begs and pleads for to replace the inferior disgusting worthless genetics of your worthless little cucked faggot subhuman father that I brutally tortured to death. Then I'd toss your worthless used up sheboon whore of a mother away on the streets like worthless discarded waste while she cries and weeps and begs for more of my superior Han sperm, thinking about it every single second of the day for the rest of her short miserable poverty ridden welfare monkey shithole nigger life. Your entire bloodline is worth less than the disgusting dog shit under my boots that I scrape off with utter contempt, know your fucking place under your Chinese masters you disgusting little ugly Negroid monkey subhuman scum.

Your race is literal buck broken rape victim slave cucks of your Chinese masters. The Nafris had their turn, the Arabs had their turn, the Meds had their turn, the Germanics had their turn. Every race when dominant had their turn raping Africa of resources and enslaving their submissive cuck men and mass fucking their sheboon whore women. Chinese own your subhuman race in Africa little dog, and spics will own you when they become dominant in America, and MENA in Europe.
View attachment 2303669

None of your hilariously pathetic nigger cope changes the fact that Chinese male nigger female outnumbers the other way around by tens or hundreds of times. Not to mention, I'm rated HTN+ by everyone I showed pics to here and lost my virginity at 15 and you're a permavirgin KHHV basement rotting Urkel cuck who will never ascend above LTN lmao. Disgusting nigger slave subhuman, you and your minimum wage welfare monkey cuck dad will watch helplessly as Chinese Changs torture and abuse your subhuman kind into complete submission and mass fuck your Chinese cock-starved thirsty sheboon whore women who worship us like supreme deities come to liberate them from disgusting nigger subhumans.

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the average height for black men aged 20 -29 is 177.4 which is nearly identical to the tallest group of chinks, average blacks are as tall as the tallest chinks. So what if I compare the tallest blacks to the tallest chinks .


poor malnourished nilotes height mogging well nourished chink men in western countries by 6 inches, over for chinks genes no wonder women wont fuck you guys
I'm between 6'1 and 6'2 and I can almost guarantee you're an undergrown starving African manlet cuck shorter than me lmao.
I just went to the bathroom to measure again and im 6'3 now, over for you chink I height mog you
Im talking about in the USA, the average chink man is 5'6 - 5'7 and the fact the tallest chink men are less than an inch taller than the AVERAGE black man are less than are the same height as the average white man proves asians are literally a race of manlets. And keep in mind blacks in the USA are poor and have bad nutrition.

the average height for black men aged 20 -29 is 177.4 which is nearly identical to the tallest group of chinks, average blacks are as tall as the tallest chinks. So what if I compare the tallest blacks to the tallest chinks .

View attachment 2303781

poor malnourished nilotes height mogging well nourished chink men in western countries by 6 inches, over for chinks genes no wonder women wont fuck you guys

Complete and blatant lie #1. The average Chinese American ZOOMER is literally 5'9.5, including SEA southern Chinese. Lmao making up multiple copes again. Black Americans are literally significantly heavier on average than Chinese Americans so "bad nutrition" is cope. You make 1000 excuses with zero evidence when I destroy your arguments lmao. The "tallest" Asian men are the vast majority of the race. If you look at the graph again the average Chinese zoomer average TOTAL is 5'9.5. The average black American zoomer isn't even half an inch taller than the average Chinese American zoomer which INCLUDES SEA Southern Chinese. And East Asians are only growing taller at the fastest rate of any race while recessed nigger cucks' manlet genes will stagnate or grow shorter lmao. Over for your inferior worthless nigger monkey subhuman genetics.

The fact of the matter is that northern and central Chinese Americans (The only pure Han Chinese since southern Chinese are heavily mixed with SEA minorities) heightmog genetically inferior nigger slave cucks to oblivion. Even when you include SEA Chinese and put in the average for ALL Chinese, the height difference is less than half an inch. Chinese are taller than black Americans when given the exact same environment in America, and they are only getting taller and taller while niggers stagnate or decrease in height. It will only get worse for your disgusting subhuman kind and better and better for Chinese Changs. Neolithic Chinese were the tallest people in the world during the Neolithic period. Chinese were taller than whites who were taller than Africans for all of history until the past few centuries. Chinese will be the tallest race in the future, a race of genetically superior high elf Ubermensch.

The fact of the matter is that central and northern Chinese aren't even the "tallest" cherrypicked people, they literally make up the vast majority of the East Asian population. When you combine them, Even the cherrypicked 0.1% population TALLEST people in Africa you relentlessly bark and cry about are only slightly below 183cm in height on average in the study which calls them the tallest, and 5'9.4 inches average in another more recent study. Assuming the tallest for them they're taller than city northern Chinese by only an inch. Chinese are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race along with South Koreans, meanwhile Dinkas literally got shorter in more recent studies. Over for your shit genetic cuck slave race, only getting better and better for East Asian moggers in every conceivable aspect compared to disgusting subhuman nigger slave cucks. Wealth, IQ, test scores, height, physicality, SMV, Olympic medals, economy, technology, military, etc. Asians are improving at the fastest rate in all of their weak points while their strong points are only getting stronger. Meanwhile, niggers' weak points are only getting worse and worse while their few somewhat decent points stagnate in comparison to other races.

and there are dozens of articles about white men mass fucking asian women, and "changs" dont exist asians are capped at HTN.

China is homogeneously 99.99% East Asian. Always has been, always will be. Meanwhile whites have significant amounts of East Asian YDNA but no East Asian mtDNA, signifying that it was the Asian men doing all the fucking and replacing of white men by mass fucking white women. Meanwhile white men mass fucked ugly nigger sheboon women so hard 1/3 of African Americans have white YDNA, you are bred to be slaves and cucks for superior races while they mass fuck your whore women. You're shilling for the white man who lives in your tiny nigger peanut skull rent free and mentally abuse you in order to get back at the Asian man who mentally rapes your disgusting nigger brain even harder.

The 15 yo Chang I posted PSLmogs the entire purebred Negroid race. Full blooded niggers who aren't American white rape babies will never ascend above low HTN purely to their disgusting monkey resemblance facial structure and coal black shit skin color failo, looked down upon and spit on by the entire world.

Nothing you said was based on anything factual, you can find articles claiming to "disprove" evolution of course youre rotten chink brain cant understand that the news isnt a trust worthy source often times.

Complete and blatant lie count #2. Is it not factual that niggers are on average by far the poorest, lowest IQ, lowest lifespan, highest death rate, highest incarceration rate, highest divorce rate race in America? Because that's what I said, and literally every single source agrees with this lmao. Cry more buck broken nigger cuck, it's not news, it's hard cold evidence backed by 99% of sources. This will never ever change, this is genetics, niggers are meant to be at the absolute bottom of every single society they go to no matter where it is. Asian Americans born BELOW THE FUCKING POVERTY LINE are statistically more likely to become millionaires than African Americans born in six figure households lmfao. Subhuman buck broken slaves and rape victims of superior races for all of recorded history, some races are just less than human than others like sub-Saharan nigger slave subhuman monkeys and Australian aboriginal apes.

show me a single news article of whites begging for manlet small dick chink sperm?


The most prolific sperm donor in a majority white country is literally some Vietnamese manlet lmao. White whores were feening and begging for that superior golden sperm, fucking taking flights for it just to pay thousands of dollars to raise a half Asian baby by themselves. Cry more little faggot, ugly sheboon niggers beg for it even more given how much are being pumped and dumped by Chinese in Africa and how they literally create entire harems while cuck nigger men are left with nothing but jerking off in a corner as they get whipped and abused and their women mass fucked.

mogged by the average white man

Complete and blatant lie #4. He mogs all white TikTok Chads his age to oblivion. Meanwhile there are zero nigger zoomers his age with remotely near that level of prettyboy appeal to foids on TikTok except for a few lightskin mulattos. Pure bred niggers are literally the ugliest and most disgusting primates in existence, a messed up link between monkey and man. You should thank foreign invaders and slavers for mass fucking your women for all of history and giving your disgusting cuck subhuman race a chance. You are seething hard and trying to find everything you can to attack your Asian masters and blatantly lying to do it. The difference between us is when I insult your race, pretty much every single thing I say is factually based. When you do, you are blatantly lying and not even providing evidence anymore for half your claims and shit tier evidence for the rest lmao.

Using white men to defend your disgusting subhuman worthless nigger race because you can't use ugly nigger men is hilarious given that they raped and enslaved you for centuries so much that 1/3 of African Americans have white YDNA. Even after slavery, they were abused and spit on and shit on and viewed as subhuman and not given rights that Asians, Hispanics, Indians, etc. all had in America. Every race has seen you as inferior for all of history, including your white masters. The way you disgusting worthless subhumans were treated compared to even other ethnics in all countries and how Nazi Germany put you at the very bottom of their race tier list along with Jews despite you not being a threat shows how fucking inferior and subhuman they viewed you as. Not just them either, pretty much every other race known to man. Even Native Americans enslaved and buck broke you in America.

Send first and I'll send

still subhuman to foids cause hes a chink

Complete and blatant lie count #5. Look at every single comment of every single video of his nigga. This intense hate boner for your Chinese masters from all this evisceration of your subhumanoid race has really gotten to you huh?

didnt you claim that chinks openly brag about abusing africans? Suffering from retrograde amnesia chink man? And its obvious to spread propoganda about chinese superiority.

I'm talking about individual low tier Chinese businessmen bragging, mentally disabled nigger monkey. Obviously a government wouldn't brag at all otherwise it would face severe international and governmental backlash. It would obviously much rather cover it up. And abusing such a buck broken cuck slave race that relies on Chinese aid so much is 100% not bragging rights for a country's government lmao. They literally do anything to try and cover up the abuse of Muslims in concentration camps, which is tbf extremely exaggerated by the west which has a hate boner for anything China-related.

I can find dozens of videos like this lol, nigger men and white men esepcially are cucking chinks hard

You can't find a SINGLE official article or report claiming niggers fucking Chinese women is anywhere near remotely widespread. Meanwhile, I can find multiple OFFICIAL articles and reports of high-ranking African men complaining about Chinese men mass fucking their women and cucking them in spades. Chinese men are literally creating a FATHERLESS AFRICA lmfao. Chinese male Slavic female couples in Russia alone outnumbers all WMAF couples combined in the entire United States. Chinese male black female in Africa likely outnumbers BMAF by tens of times lmao. The reality is that Chinese males globally go interracial at a much, much higher rate than Chinese females. The reality is East Asians have spread their YDNA in all races while keeping their mtDNA completely in their own countres, while niggers have got their YDNA raped and replaced everywhere across the globe for all of history while their mtDNA spread at much higher rates than their YDNA.

a literal subhuman white man treated like a God in chink land

It's pretty funny how you used whites again because you and I both know that while Chinese are worshipped as gods and viewed as saviors and leaders in Africa, Africans are heavily looked down on, spit on, shit on, ostracized, oppressed, and abused all over China. Can't use your own digusting cuck slave race because you know how they're treated there lmao.

Also nice blatant lying and baiting yet again. He wasn't treated as a god, more like an exotic pet just like Renaissance Europeans treated nigger slaves back then. Having white foreigners work in your businesses in China is a sign of social prestige just like having nigger slaves was a sign of social prestige during Renaissance Europe. Even though they were viewed as inferior to white Moorish slaves, they were more of a sign of social prestige and distinction because they were viewed as more exotic.


In reality hapas get bullied to death in Chinese schools. I was born in China in a big city where more foreigners go than other places in China (Even though they're still a complete minority) and I have tons of cousins there, you can trust me on this one. You don't even want to know how disgusting ugly shitskin monkey niggers are treated there lmfao, even I feel bad for them. They are highly racist and xenophobic, the bullying there is way worse there than everywhere in America except for maybe ghetto inner city schools.





theres more accounts of chink women lusting for bbc than black women lusting for chink micro penis

Complete and blatant lie count #6. Already disproved 1000 times lmao, other way around. Keep making up lies to cope with the fact that your subhuman cuck slave race will always be inferior in every aspect.

no I just skimmed through it and responded to what caught my eye.

No nigger we both know you read and accepted every single molecule like the cock hungry leashed slave dog you are.

women dont have the freedom to fuck who they want like in the west, the west doesnt lift blacks up lol women fuck based on what there genetics tell them to do, which is why chink men get less sex and will always get less sex. Mogged even by indians who are failoed way harder by the media than chinks.

Lol no, Chinese men got way more sex than ugly nigger slaves for all of history and are only cucked by environmental factors. They fucked and cucked other races while their women never got touched by foreign YDNA, meanwhile submissive nigger cucks got their women fucked and cucked by other races for all of history while their YDNA was replaced literally everywhere they went. East Asians are genetically superior in every single aspect to disgusting nigger slave monkey subhumans, only failoed by NT, culture, media, and environment. This can be seen in Africa where Chinese male nigger female outnumbers the other way around by hundreds of times, and in Eastern Europe where Chinese/Korean male Slavic female outnumbers every WMAF couple in the world combined. This can be seen in genetic evidence You're also wrong about South Asians, they are failoed extremely hard just like East Asians yes but they actually have higher virginity rates than East Asian males on average.

I just went to the bathroom to measure again and im 6'3 now, over for you chink I height mog you

Nice LARP lmao, why would you claim 6'1-6'2 then 6'3 after arguing? You're probably not even 6'1-6'2 and just said it because I said it, otherwise you would've said you were taller from the start. But regardless of your height, I would still completely rape and brutalize you in a fight and you wouldn't be able to do jackshit to stop it. Niggers are meant to be the buck broken submissive slave cucks of their Chinese masters. Even other niggers admit you're inferior subhumanoids to the cosmic East Asian master race.

The average Chinese American ZOOMER is literally 5'9.5, including SEA southern Chinese. Lmao making up multiple copes again.
source? young chinks chinks are 5'8 on average according to the cdc, which is nearly two inches shorter than the average black person of the same age (20 -29)
Black Americans are literally significantly heavier
weight doesnt mean good nutrition retard, you can gain lots of weight eaten mcdonalds it doesnt mean that mcdonalds is nutritous

The "tallest" Asian men are the vast majority of the race. If you look at the graph again the average Chinese zoomer average TOTAL is 5'9.5. The average black American zoomer
according to the cdc the average young chink is two inches shorter than the average young chink, chinks are literal manlets as every study concludes
Nice LARP lmao, why would you claim 6'1-6'2 then 6'3 after arguing?
I was 6'1 when I measured a couple months ago, and I measured again today retard did you read what I said>? tiny chink angry I height mog him and will only continue to get taller.
And East Asians are only growing taller at the fastest rate of any race while recessed nigger cucks' manlet genes will stagnate or grow shorter lmao.
still havent seen a source which says east asians are growing at the fastest rate, east asians in the USA are still shorter than blacks and whites despite being in the USA for over 100 years. Korean men are stuck at 5'8 and have gotten shorter in recent generations

you are bred to be slaves and cucks for superior races
You guys were the ones who begged us to sell you our slaves, why are you acting like you did anything lol?
Is it not factual that niggers are on average by far the poorest, lowest IQ, lowest lifespan, highest death rate, highest incarceration rate, highest divorce rate race in America?
the fact that even with that women still fuck us at over 4x the rate women fuck chink bugmen just proves my point. You can cherry pick one example of a chink man being succesful in donating sperm but the truth is in general women seek out white sperm the most by far including women in chink land.
He mogs all white TikTok Chads his age to oblivion
he doesnt even mog white normies lol.
Complete and blatant lie #4
You forgot to put number 3

The most prolific sperm donor in a majority white country is literally some Vietnamese manlet lmao. White whores were feening and begging for that superior golden sperm,
Then why wont white foids fuck you and why do they rate you as LEAST attractive consistently?

Lol no, Chinese men got way more sex than ugly nigger slaves for all of history and are only cucked by environmental factors.
This sentence doesnt even make sense only in the modern era have we seen different races living with eachother in mass and in this unique scenario chink men do the worst in terms of getting sex partners because women dont want chink genes.

Using white men to defend your disgusting subhuman worthless nigger race because you can't use ugly nigger men
chinks literally create thousands of accounts dedicated to chink women fucking bbc so youre getting cucked by black men and white men and chinks literally created a swimming pool for black men and chink women only.

and black students in china create harems of 4 chink women at a time.
They fucked and cucked other races while their women never got touched by foreign YDNA
the fact that chinks had to rape proves how subhuman your race is, now that women have a choice chink men are literally forced to be incels meanwhile women fuck my race willingly over subhuman chink.
Look at every single comment of every single video of his nigga. This intense hate boner for your Chinese masters
how many of them are foids? We dont even know, bringing up this chink is just a cope because the average chink man looks nothing like him. If you really wanted to see if chinks were attractive to women youd look at studies and not so shockingly chink faces are rated as least attractive even by chink women and chink men are the least likely to recieve sex from women

Already disproved 1000 times lmao, other way around.
try to find account online dedicated to asian men fucking black women, you cant its nearly impossible meanwhile you can find examples of cucked chinks wishing for chink women to get fucked by bbc everywhere.
He wasn't treated as a god, more like an exotic pet just like Renaissance Europeans treated nigger slaves back then.
He was whites can do whatever they want in china, chink men even pimp their daughters out to white men.

Both chink men and women find whites more attractive than their own kind, the supposed "superior" race but cant even appreciate their own features.

I would still completely rape and brutalize you in a fight and you wouldn't be able to do jackshit to stop it.
foids would still rather fuck me and other niggers over your subhuman chink race so who cares if you could brutalize me in a fight(I doubt you even could) at the end of the day I still mog you and every chink on the planet, my body count is twice that of the averages chinks.
You're also wrong about South Asians, they are failoed extremely hard just like East Asians yes but they actually have higher virginity rates than East Asian males on average.
the median partner count for south asian men is higher slightly than east asian men. Indians mog you its facts.
No nigger we both know you read and accepted every single molecule like the cock hungry leashed slave dog you are.
Chinese men are literally creating a FATHERLESS AFRICA lmfao.
yet if you went to africa youd spend a lifetime before seeing a chink with an african woman, when will you realize the ccp paid media isnt real life blind chink man?
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Complete and blatant lie #1. The average Chinese American ZOOMER is literally 5'9.5, including SEA southern Chinese. Lmao making up multiple copes again. Black Americans are literally significantly heavier on average than Chinese Americans so "bad nutrition" is cope. You make 1000 excuses with zero evidence when I destroy your arguments lmao. The "tallest" Asian men are the vast majority of the race. If you look at the graph again the average Chinese zoomer average TOTAL is 5'9.5. The average black American zoomer isn't even half an inch taller than the average Chinese American zoomer which INCLUDES SEA Southern Chinese. And East Asians are only growing taller at the fastest rate of any race while recessed nigger cucks' manlet genes will stagnate or grow shorter lmao. Over for your inferior worthless nigger monkey subhuman genetics.

The fact of the matter is that northern and central Chinese Americans (The only pure Han Chinese since southern Chinese are heavily mixed with SEA minorities) heightmog genetically inferior nigger slave cucks to oblivion. Even when you include SEA Chinese and put in the average for ALL Chinese, the height difference is less than half an inch. Chinese are taller than black Americans when given the exact same environment in America, and they are only getting taller and taller while niggers stagnate or decrease in height. It will only get worse for your disgusting subhuman kind and better and better for Chinese Changs. Neolithic Chinese were the tallest people in the world during the Neolithic period. Chinese were taller than whites who were taller than Africans for all of history until the past few centuries. Chinese will be the tallest race in the future, a race of genetically superior high elf Ubermensch.

The fact of the matter is that central and northern Chinese aren't even the "tallest" cherrypicked people, they literally make up the vast majority of the East Asian population. When you combine them, Even the cherrypicked 0.1% population TALLEST people in Africa you relentlessly bark and cry about are only slightly below 183cm in height on average in the study which calls them the tallest, and 5'9.4 inches average in another more recent study. Assuming the tallest for them they're taller than city northern Chinese by only an inch. Chinese are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race along with South Koreans, meanwhile Dinkas literally got shorter in more recent studies. Over for your shit genetic cuck slave race, only getting better and better for East Asian moggers in every conceivable aspect compared to disgusting subhuman nigger slave cucks. Wealth, IQ, test scores, height, physicality, SMV, Olympic medals, economy, technology, military, etc. Asians are improving at the fastest rate in all of their weak points while their strong points are only getting stronger. Meanwhile, niggers' weak points are only getting worse and worse while their few somewhat decent points stagnate in comparison to other races.

China is homogeneously 99.99% East Asian. Always has been, always will be. Meanwhile whites have significant amounts of East Asian YDNA but no East Asian mtDNA, signifying that it was the Asian men doing all the fucking and replacing of white men by mass fucking white women. Meanwhile white men mass fucked ugly nigger sheboon women so hard 1/3 of African Americans have white YDNA, you are bred to be slaves and cucks for superior races while they mass fuck your whore women. You're shilling for the white man who lives in your tiny nigger peanut skull rent free and mentally abuse you in order to get back at the Asian man who mentally rapes your disgusting nigger brain even harder.

The 15 yo Chang I posted PSLmogs the entire purebred Negroid race. Full blooded niggers who aren't American white rape babies will never ascend above low HTN purely to their disgusting monkey resemblance facial structure and coal black shit skin color failo, looked down upon and spit on by the entire world.

Complete and blatant lie count #2. Is it not factual that niggers are on average by far the poorest, lowest IQ, lowest lifespan, highest death rate, highest incarceration rate, highest divorce rate race in America? Because that's what I said, and literally every single source agrees with this lmao. Cry more buck broken nigger cuck, it's not news, it's hard cold evidence backed by 99% of sources. This will never ever change, this is genetics, niggers are meant to be at the absolute bottom of every single society they go to no matter where it is. Asian Americans born BELOW THE FUCKING POVERTY LINE are statistically more likely to become millionaires than African Americans born in six figure households lmfao. Subhuman buck broken slaves and rape victims of superior races for all of recorded history, some races are just less than human than others like sub-Saharan nigger slave subhuman monkeys and Australian aboriginal apes.

View attachment 2303795

The most prolific sperm donor in a majority white country is literally some Vietnamese manlet lmao. White whores were feening and begging for that superior golden sperm, fucking taking flights for it just to pay thousands of dollars to raise a half Asian baby by themselves. Cry more little faggot, ugly sheboon niggers beg for it even more given how much are being pumped and dumped by Chinese in Africa and how they literally create entire harems while cuck nigger men are left with nothing but jerking off in a corner as they get whipped and abused and their women mass fucked.

Complete and blatant lie #4. He mogs all white TikTok Chads his age to oblivion. Meanwhile there are zero nigger zoomers his age with remotely near that level of prettyboy appeal to foids on TikTok except for a few lightskin mulattos. Pure bred niggers are literally the ugliest and most disgusting primates in existence, a messed up link between monkey and man. You should thank foreign invaders and slavers for mass fucking your women for all of history and giving your disgusting cuck subhuman race a chance. You are seething hard and trying to find everything you can to attack your Asian masters and blatantly lying to do it. The difference between us is when I insult your race, pretty much every single thing I say is factually based. When you do, you are blatantly lying and not even providing evidence anymore for half your claims and shit tier evidence for the rest lmao.

Using white men to defend your disgusting subhuman worthless nigger race because you can't use ugly nigger men is hilarious given that they raped and enslaved you for centuries so much that 1/3 of African Americans have white YDNA. Even after slavery, they were abused and spit on and shit on and viewed as subhuman and not given rights that Asians, Hispanics, Indians, etc. all had in America. Every race has seen you as inferior for all of history, including your white masters. The way you disgusting worthless subhumans were treated compared to even other ethnics in all countries and how Nazi Germany put you at the very bottom of their race tier list along with Jews despite you not being a threat shows how fucking inferior and subhuman they viewed you as. Not just them either, pretty much every other race known to man. Even Native Americans enslaved and buck broke you in America.

Send first and I'll send

Complete and blatant lie count #5. Look at every single comment of every single video of his nigga. This intense hate boner for your Chinese masters from all this evisceration of your subhumanoid race has really gotten to you huh?

I'm talking about individual low tier Chinese businessmen bragging, mentally disabled nigger monkey. Obviously a government wouldn't brag at all otherwise it would face severe international and governmental backlash. It would obviously much rather cover it up. And abusing such a buck broken cuck slave race that relies on Chinese aid so much is 100% not bragging rights for a country's government lmao. They literally do anything to try and cover up the abuse of Muslims in concentration camps, which is tbf extremely exaggerated by the west which has a hate boner for anything China-related.

You can't find a SINGLE official article or report claiming niggers fucking Chinese women is anywhere near remotely widespread. Meanwhile, I can find multiple OFFICIAL articles and reports of high-ranking African men complaining about Chinese men mass fucking their women and cucking them in spades. Chinese men are literally creating a FATHERLESS AFRICA lmfao. Chinese male Slavic female couples in Russia alone outnumbers all WMAF couples combined in the entire United States. Chinese male black female in Africa likely outnumbers BMAF by tens of times lmao. The reality is that Chinese males globally go interracial at a much, much higher rate than Chinese females. The reality is East Asians have spread their YDNA in all races while keeping their mtDNA completely in their own countres, while niggers have got their YDNA raped and replaced everywhere across the globe for all of history while their mtDNA spread at much higher rates than their YDNA.

It's pretty funny how you used whites again because you and I both know that while Chinese are worshipped as gods and viewed as saviors and leaders in Africa, Africans are heavily looked down on, spit on, shit on, ostracized, oppressed, and abused all over China. Can't use your own digusting cuck slave race because you know how they're treated there lmao.

Also nice blatant lying and baiting yet again. He wasn't treated as a god, more like an exotic pet just like Renaissance Europeans treated nigger slaves back then. Having white foreigners work in your businesses in China is a sign of social prestige just like having nigger slaves was a sign of social prestige during Renaissance Europe. Even though they were viewed as inferior to white Moorish slaves, they were more of a sign of social prestige and distinction because they were viewed as more exotic.

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In reality hapas get bullied to death in Chinese schools. I was born in China in a big city where more foreigners go than other places in China (Even though they're still a complete minority) and I have tons of cousins there, you can trust me on this one. You don't even want to know how disgusting ugly shitskin monkey niggers are treated there lmfao, even I feel bad for them. They are highly racist and xenophobic, the bullying there is way worse there than everywhere in America except for maybe ghetto inner city schools.

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Complete and blatant lie count #6. Already disproved 1000 times lmao, other way around. Keep making up lies to cope with the fact that your subhuman cuck slave race will always be inferior in every aspect.

No nigger we both know you read and accepted every single molecule like the cock hungry leashed slave dog you are.

Lol no, Chinese men got way more sex than ugly nigger slaves for all of history and are only cucked by environmental factors. They fucked and cucked other races while their women never got touched by foreign YDNA, meanwhile submissive nigger cucks got their women fucked and cucked by other races for all of history while their YDNA was replaced literally everywhere they went. East Asians are genetically superior in every single aspect to disgusting nigger slave monkey subhumans, only failoed by NT, culture, media, and environment. This can be seen in Africa where Chinese male nigger female outnumbers the other way around by hundreds of times, and in Eastern Europe where Chinese/Korean male Slavic female outnumbers every WMAF couple in the world combined. This can be seen in genetic evidence You're also wrong about South Asians, they are failoed extremely hard just like East Asians yes but they actually have higher virginity rates than East Asian males on average.

Nice LARP lmao, why would you claim 6'1-6'2 then 6'3 after arguing? You're probably not even 6'1-6'2 and just said it because I said it, otherwise you would've said you were taller from the start. But regardless of your height, I would still completely rape and brutalize you in a fight and you wouldn't be able to do jackshit to stop it. Niggers are meant to be the buck broken submissive slave cucks of their Chinese masters. Even other niggers admit you're inferior subhumanoids to the cosmic East Asian master race.

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Look you can keep coping all you want "but this particular chinese group is actually .5 inches taller than the average black" bla bla whatever just give me a source that says the average chinese person in the west is taller than the average black person in the west, not just cherry picking the tallest chink ethnicity. You cant of course because it doesnt exist.
East Asian moggers in every conceivable aspect
east asians are significantly more likely to be incels than other race have a median partner count of less than 1 and are consistently rated as LEAST attractive by foids in studies, east asian and "mogger" are two words that cant be used together
Chinese zoomer average TOTAL is 5'9.5.
source that says that even the tallest pure northern chinese people are only like 5'9 in western conditions
Send first and I'll send
Im never showing anyone here my face you on the other hand have already shown ur face on here so just show me? Or is it because youre just a subhuman chinkcel behind that screen
source? young chinks chinks are 5'8 on average according to the cdc, which is nearly two inches shorter than the average black person of the same age (20 -29)

I'm talking about Chinese Americans retarded nigger, not Asian Americans which includes manlet SEA, Japanese, and South Asians. I already showed you the source, it says the average Chinese American zoomer is OVERALL 5'9.5, the average of all Chinese Americans combined. While central Chinese American zoomers are 5'10 and northern Chinese American zoomers are 5'10.5.

Ok I just looked at the source and it actually only says Asian Americans lmfao. Filipinos are literally the second most common Asian ethnic group in America and Indians are the third. Combined they make up 40% of the Asian population in the United States and that's not even accounting for other SEA or South Asian races. If SEA, Japanese, and South Asian manlets bring down the height (especially the first, they are MUCH shorter than East Asians) and Asian Americans are still 5'8 on average, that should tell you something about Chinese heightmogging subhumanoid nigger dogs into oblivion. And they're only getting taller from here while niggers stagnate.

weight doesnt mean good nutrition retard, you can gain lots of weight eaten mcdonalds it doesnt mean that mcdonalds is nutritous

Intentional copium and denial/lying detected #1. In that case Asians have even worse nutrition given the fact that they tend to eat a lot more carbs rather than protein when compared to other races. High saturated fat and protein McDonalds is much better for height growth than rice and noodles. You're coping, in the same environment East Asians are consistently taller. This is consistently proven by looking at Neolithic period heights and average heights of countries before the 1800s.

I was 6'1 when I measured a couple months ago, and I measured again today retard did you read what I said>? tiny chink angry I height mog him and will only continue to get taller.

Nigger you are LARPing hard, you didn't grow 2 inches in 2 months at what 16? Conveniently just in the last 2 months just to grow an inch taller than me at the time of arguing? Remember that I'm Han Chinese and not a mentally recessed monkey brained ugly shitskin niggercel so I actually have an IQ above double digits. We both know nobody thinks 6'1-6'2 is tiny lmao, and you're shorter than that. And even if you were 6'3, I would still curbstomp and brutalize both you and your ugly subhumanoid welfare monkey nigger dad with zero effort.

still havent seen a source which says east asians are growing at the fastest rate, east asians in the USA are still shorter than blacks and whites despite being in the USA for over 100 years. Korean men are stuck at 5'8 and have gotten shorter in recent generations View attachment 2303920

50 IQ mentally retarded niggers really have goldfish memory span. I showed you these links multiple times, Chinese and South Koreans are growing taller at the fastest rate of any country.



And according to that picture you sent Koreans have been improving by over 2cm average per 10 years, which is a large consistent improvement. In only ONE single generation after generations of improving in height so much, they lost like 0.3cm. The under 19 doesn't count because they aren't fully grown yet and will obviously be shorter. One single slight pause in height growth doesn't change the fact that they have been consistently growing taller very quickly and will soon grow even taller, not to mention the fact that northern Chinese are significantly taller than them.

You guys were the ones who begged us to sell you our slaves, why are you acting like you did anything lol?

Just look at what how China is raping and torturing and abusing subhuman submissive nigger slave monkey cucks in Africa now with absolutely zero consequences if you want to talk about them not doing anything lmfao. And you didn't sell jackshit, you weren't even viewed as human enough to converse by the people who enslaved you.



he doesnt even mog white normies lol.

Intentional copium and denial/lying detected #2. One of the many blatant lies you're making up at this point to win an argument you lost from the beginning lmao.

This sentence doesnt even make sense only in the modern era have we seen different races living with eachother in mass and in this unique scenario chink men do the worst in terms of getting sex partners because women dont want chink genes.

In the modern era, Chinese male Slavic female in Russia alone outnumbers AMWF in all of the United States combined. In the modern era, Chinese male African female outnumbers BMWF by tens of times. The anti-Asian globohomo west doesn't represent the world. Chinese do the best on a global scale while niggers get cucked and fucked in their own countries just like they've gotten cucked and fucked by superior races for all of history. Women worldwide feen for superior Asian genes and despises disgusting subhuman nigger genes just like intraracial interaction and genetic evidence have shown for all of recorded history. This was the case through all of history, is is the case worldwide today, and will forever be the case. Chinese men are just genetically superior in every conceivable aspect to disgusting worthless subhuman nigger scum fit to be nothing but buck broken manual labor slaves and rape victims.

chinks literally create thousands of accounts dedicated to chink women fucking bbc so youre getting cucked by black men and white men and chinks literally creating a swimming pool for black men and chink women only and black students in china create harems of 4 chink women at a time.

Intentional copium and denial/lying detected #3. Your ONLY source for this is a Looksmax thread made by a coping nigger LMFAO. Oh, and one single cherrypicked Tweet which very likely is fake and is not remotely replicated anywhere else even if it is real. One single tweet, various porn tweets, and posts trying to lie about the reality of the situation doesn't change the dozens upon dozens of articles and videos of Chinese men mass cucking disgusting nigger men in their own countries being a trend. I've shown you multiple pictures Chinese men creating legitimate harems of sheboon women who they fuck, literally having babies with them, pumping and dumping them.

The fact is that you can't find a single official article or report saying black men with Chinese women is anywhere near remotely widespread or becoming a problem while I can find DOZENS upon DOZENS of official articles and reports claiming the other way around. You're literally searching up random and fringe posts with one video each to try and cope in your subhuman nigger monkey delusions lmao. No Chinese men give a fuck about 1 in a million fringe examples while African men literally do interviews and make articles complaining about getting utterly cucked by their own whore women lusting for Chinese cock like they've done to foreign enslavers for all of history. Many niggers are literally saying it's becoming a major problem in their area. Chinese own your nigger monkey cuck slave subhumanoid kind, Chinese men are mass cucking you and mass fucking your whore women while their cuck men jerk off in a corner as they get whipped and brutalized by their Chinese masters.

the fact that chinks had to rape proves how subhuman your race is, now that women have a choice chink men are literally forced to be incels meanwhile women fuck my race willingly over subhuman chink.

Golden bvlls raped and dominated other races hard because they were high T gigamogger conquerors, but even today they globally cuck both white men and black men significantly more than the other way around. Given how many women of other races fuck them today, the replacing of foreign YDNA by them probably wasn't rape lmao. Conquered women willingly gave their wombs to be filled up by their East Asian liberators. It's utterly brutal how much AMWF outnumbers WMAF in Eastern Europe and Asia and how much AMBF outnumbers BMAF in Africa. How cucked does a race have to be to allow Chinese moggers to mass fuck their own whore women while abusing and oppressing their submissive sissy cuck men? Oh right... the most submissive race in all of history with their men bred for no other purpose than to be manual labor slaves and cucks watching in glee as their whore women get mass fucked and plowed by men of superior races.

how many of them are foids? We dont even know, bringing up this chink is just a cope because the average chink man looks nothing like him. If you really wanted to see if chinks were attractive to women youd look at studies and not so shockingly chink faces are rated as least attractive even by chink women and chink men are the least likely to recieve sex from women

Intentional copium and denial/lying detected #4. Retarded nigger you don't even remotely believe your own cope anymore lmao. You can literally see Stacy foids with 10k+ followers thirsting in his comments. You can literally click on the profiles of many of these comments and they'll be foids with multiple videos uploaded. Chad is his own race and prettyboy/maesthetic zoomer Changs mog every other race of Chad to oblivion in terms of prime JB appeal. I'm not talking about averages here, the difference between a Chang and the average Asian is significantly more than the difference between Chads and averages of other races. Not to mention, even if your cherrypicked 3 studies weren't absolute dogshit (which they are, and ignoring the fact that literally every single other dating study subhumanoid shitskin nigger men do the worst along with their ugly sheboon women lmao) media and stereotype failo still greatly affects these ratings, since the faces being rated are blatantly Asian or white or black.

Also you don't even have to be a Chang to get thirsty prime JBs thirsting. Look at these foids in the comments thirsting for these boneless Asians. Many zoomer foids have a legit huge preference and fetish for Asian men despite what your copium studies say. Other races usually have to be significantly more attractive to elicit this same reaction. You'll never see disgusting subhuman darkskinned nigger monkeys getting all these prime JBs thirsting on the Tok, prove me wrong and post some. It's only going to get better and better for Asian SMV from here, just like it is for every conceivable factor for them including height, wealth, IQ, test scores, physicality, Olympic medals, technology, economy, etc.

He was whites can do whatever they want in china, chink men even pimp their daughters out to white men.

Lol nope hapas get bullied to death in Chinese schools, Slavs and Central Asian whites get raped in Chinese concentration camps, meanwhile Chinese men are worshipped in Africa as saviors and leaders even when cucking and abusing their submissive sissy faggot buck broken slave men. They can literally pump and dump sheboon whores and abuse submissive buck broken sissy nigger cuck men with no consequences the vast majority of the time due to the cuck government relying on their superior Chinese masters to continue eking out their pathetic worthless existence.

Both chink men and women find whites more attractive than their own kind, the supposed "superior" race but cant even appreciate their own features.

The difference between Asian female success and white female success in this study is larger than the difference between Asian male success and white male success here in both total amount and multiples. White females were Asian females got cucked by white females here, 65.7% vs 14.7% match rate is an insane amount. But apparently in every single one of your cope studies you linked as well as the vast majority of dating studies in the west, Asian women do the best and better than white women? While in another study they do MUCH worse? Exactly, media and stereotype matters significantly. If the results can vary this much from area to area that means something. Not to mention, there's a huge halo with being from the west in a currently second-world country like China. Western Chinese like me have a huge halo there compared to native ones and it's highly noticeable whenever I vacation back.

foids would still rather fuck me and other niggers over your subhuman chink race so who cares if you could brutalize me in a fight(I doubt you even could) at the end of the day I still mog you and every chink on the planet, my body count is twice that of the averages chinks.

Intentional copium and denial/lying #5. Any upper-middle class or above Stacy would choose a Chang over a Tyrone every single day of the week. Outside of the west, they would literally choose an Asian HTN over the best looking pure Negroid Tyrone in the world lmao. The reality is that when all races of Chad were compared, zoomer foids preferred the Asian man. Disgusting subhuman nigger monkey shitskin failo is absolutely brutal on a global scale. You don't even mog the average Chinese American zoomer let alone me. I had a 5 body count by your age and prime JBs thirsting on TikTok. And for the record, I would pick up and slam you and ground pound your subhuman nigger face in til it turns into even more of a disgusting subhumanoid abomination. I went 17-3 in wrestling my senior season just this year. Your disgusting subhumanoid nigger slave race was born and bred to serve mine.

yet if you went to africa youd spend a lifetime before seeing a chink with an african woman, when will you realize the ccp paid media isnt real life blind chink man?

Intentional copium and denial/lying #6. Another cope lie with zero evidence, claiming that the dozens upon dozens of official articles and reports of Chinese men mass fucking African women and all the pictures of couples and babies and harems are all muh "CCP paid media." It's pretty funny how whenever I destroy your argument or deliver a brutal blackpill, you sputter out some random lie or denial. You're about to go insane and have a complete mental breakdown from snorting all this fucking copium lmao. I didn't claim that Chinese men are fucking Africans in every single village. There isn't a huge amount of Chinese and they aren't everywhere in Africa, but in the parts of Africa where Chinese businessmen are going (which is by no means a small amount), they are cucking ugly nigger shitskin subhuman scum hard and without effort and mass fucking their whore women and making it a major problem for unwanted worthless nigger men, as said from the mouths of the ugly slave cucks themselves.

Look you can keep coping all you want "but this particular chinese group is actually .5 inches taller than the average black" bla bla whatever just give me a source that says the average chinese person in the west is taller than the average black person in the west, not just cherry picking the tallest chink ethnicity. You cant of course because it doesnt exist.

If you're referring to Chinese Americans, I already showed you that overall they are within .5 inches of African American height on average if you include SEA southern Chinese, while northern Chinese Americans and central Chinese Americans are taller. Asian Americans are only two inches shorter because of the large SEA and South Asian population bringing them down, considering how short SEA are.

source that says that even the tallest pure northern chinese people are only like 5'9 in western conditions

It says overall Chinese American zoomers are on average 5'9.5 while northern Chinese American zoomers are 5'10.5 and not to mention, they're only growing. And no, I showed you how ancient northern Chinese from Shandong used to literally average 5'11. Modern Chinese are easily going to surpass that height soon given that they're the fastest improving country in height.

Im never showing anyone here my face you on the other hand have already shown ur face on here so just show me? Or is it because youre just a subhuman chinkcel behind that screen

I've shown it to people I trust, not some ugly Urkel nigger slave dog seething hard for his Chinese masters. I've shown you the ratings in my DMs and the thirsty foids lusting for Asian cock on Yubo. This was before I ever looksmaxxed and I look even better now (besides bulk fat) and will only continue to ascend. I am superior to you in every conceivable aspect, you were born and bred to be my bottom bitch slave just like your entire cuck slave race.

I feel like the only thing you're even trying to argue rn is muh SMV and you're trying to triple down on it specifically and say blatantly false, utterly laughable shit you know is cap like the 15 yoTikTok Chang I posted gets mogged by white normies (when he literally mogs white TikTok Chads his age in JB appeal and would stomp them in mog battles) or that you mog all Asians (You're a subhuman autistic Urkel cuck who gets mogged to death by the average Chinese-American zoomer) because it's the only thing you can hang onto repeating and gargling the same exact three studies because everything else consistently and replicatively points to niggers being genetically inferior worthless subhuman scum in every conceivable aspect no matter how much affirmative action or adoption they get. There's a reason every single race and society from the Arab Caliphates to Nazi Germany to pre-modern America put niggers at the absolute bottom of the racial hierarchy and shit on and spit on them and used them as slave labor, they are genetically inferior primitive subhuman monkeys along with Australian aboriginal apes.

You know that niggers are an inferior subhuman buck broken slave race who will forever be the poorest, lowest IQ, lowest lifespan, highest death rate, highest incarceration rate, and highest divorce rate wherever they go. This is genetic and will never change. You also know that East Asians are be the exact opposite, possessing the highest salary, highest IQ, highest lifespan, lowest incarceration rate, and lowest death rate and the gap between them and other races in the west in terms of wealth and IQ and many of their already positive factors is only increasing. Oh, they're also improving at everything else faster than any other race, including wealth, IQ, SMV, test scores, height, physicality, Olympic medals, economy, technology, military, etc. Meanwhile the gap between niggers and other races in terms of stuff like wealth and living conditions is only getting bigger and bigger. Asians are improving at the fastest rate in all of their weak points while their strong points are only getting stronger. Meanwhile, niggers' weak points are only getting worse and worse while their few somewhat decent points stagnate in comparison to other races.

Your delusions aren't based in reality if we look at global interracial. In South Korea, Korean men intermarry at over double the rate of Korean women. East Asian men marry Eastern European women more than the other way around by tens of times. There are more Chinese male Slavic females in Russia than WMAF in all of the United States combined. There are likely tens of times more Chinese male African female couples in Africa than BMAF in all the world combined. While niggers are literally the unhappiest race on average even in America and will live the absolute shittiest lives, NT Asian HTNs or above with decent height can easily slay HQNP foids well as having a high IQ and a high paying career and a long, fulfilling life with a loving HQNP wife. The funny thing is that OP is literally black and even he admits this because he doesn't have an intense hate boner for Asian cock like you do.


Face it, we both know that East Asians are the cosmic master race while niggers are their inferior buck broken submissive slaves and cucks. This will always be the way of the world and will only be more of the case as China neocolonizes Africa and golden bvlls improve at the fastest rate in every conceivable aspect, including wealth, IQ, test scores, height, physicality, SMV, Olympic medals, economy, technology, military, innovations, advancements, etc.
@Bushman bro whats going on in ur thread 💀
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Good looking black ppl look great. Stop being racist
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I already showed you the source, it says the average Chinese American zoomer is OVERALL 5'9.5
the only source you showed me said that the tallest group of chinks were 5'9.5 and thats still shorter than blacks aged 20 - 29 according to the cdc
While central Chinese American zoomers are 5'10 and northern Chinese American zoomers are 5'10.5.
You never gave any source saying that, the only source you gave related to chinks heights and it said that the tallest chinese group was 5'9.5 inches

50 IQ mentally retarded niggers really have goldfish memory span.
no you just type so much irrelevant bullshit that I cant even read everything retarded chink man. Seriously have your chink eyes failed you? Look at how you type and how I do you cant even get to the point because your retarded chink brain is seething. Also my data is more recent your data only goes up to 2019 retarded chink

Just look at what how China is raping and torturing and abusing subhuman submissive nigger slave monkey cucks
just look at what how white men are raping and torturing and abusing subhuman submissive chink slave monkey cucks in china

except white men dont even have to rape chink women, chink women give it up willingly
Your ONLY source for this is a Looksmax thread made by a coping nigger LMFAO. Oh
Your ONLY source are ccp propoganda articles, plus the threads still show real chink women getting fucked willingly by black bulls
nd you didn't sell jackshit, you weren't even viewed as human enough to converse by the people who enslaved you.
show me a single source which states the primary way arabs obtained slaves was through force you cant of course and your rotten chink brain will ignore this point

One of the many blatant lies you're making up at this point to win an argument you lost from the beginning lmao.
its true

The fact is that you can't find a single official article or report saying black men with Chinese women is anywhere near remotely widespread or becoming a problem
the media is literally censored in china jfl, the fact african students go to china and make harems of 4 chink women at a time should tell you everything.

olden bvlls raped and dominated other races hard because they were high T gigamogger conquerors
chinks have the lowest test levels statistically and mog no one

but even today they globally cuck both white men and black men significantly more than the other way around.
they dont cuck anything

It's utterly brutal how much AMWF outnumbers WMAF in Eastern Europe and Asia and how much AMBF outnumbers BMAF in Africa.
there arent any asian females in africa in the first place retarded chink man, and russian women literally just betabuxx chink men no one is attractted to them.

The reality is that when all races of Chad were compared, zoomer foids preferred the Asian man.
no stats doesnt matter, chink men literally have the lowest partner count

Chad is his own race and prettyboy/maesthetic zoomer Changs mog every other race of Chad to oblivion in terms of prime JB appeal.
no he isnt race failo caps chinks hard as stats prove time and time again
Also you don't even have to be a Chang to get thirsty prime JBs thirsting. Look at these foids in the comments thirsting for these boneless Asians
it doesnt matter you can cherry pick examples of anything, all that matters is stats and chink men do horribly and are rated as LEAST attractive to women and recieve less sex from women.

lavs and Central Asian whites get raped in Chinese concentration camps,
the fact chinks have to rape only proves how subhuman your race is meanwhile foids fuck blacks and whites willingly

The difference between Asian female success and white female success in this study is larger than the difference between Asian male success and white male success
It doesn't matter the point is white men are still cucking you at over 3x more than what the average chink man gets in chink land, the fact white females are preferred just proves that chinks are self hating and don't even see their own features as attractive

The average white male in chink land has 3x the smv of a native chink male that means an 8/10 chink male has less smv than a 3/10 cumskin male.
It's pretty funny how whenever I destroy your argument or deliver a brutal blackpill, you sputter out some random lie or denial.
isnt that what you did after seeing thousands of accounts dedicated to black men fucking chink women?

You can literally see Stacy foids with 10k+ followers thirsting in his comments.
for every stacy you can find there'd be 10x more of them if he wasnt asian

northern Chinese Americans and central Chinese Americans are taller.
except thats not even true the average northern chink was like 177.5 cm and the average black aged 10 - 29 is 177.4 cm

The under 19 doesn't count because they aren't fully grown yet and will obviously be shorter.
they got shorter even at 20 - 29 jfl read chink man

It says overall Chinese American zoomers are on average 5'9.5 while northern Chinese American zoomers are 5'10.5 and not to mention, they're only growing. And no, I showed you how ancient northern Chinese from Shandong used to literally average 5'11. Modern Chinese are easily going to surpass that height soon given that they're the fastest improving country in height.
The study was done by chinese people and we all know that chinks love to spread propoganda, but that doesnt matter , you cant even claim this proves chinks are taller than blacks because there hasnt been any studies done measuring the heights of black american zoomers from 2020 up till now
Asian Americans are only two inches shorter because of the large SEA and South Asian population bringing them down, considering how short SEA are.
You cant just disregard an entire group of asians because theyre shorter, thats data manipulation. Imagine we were to break down african american groups by height and then just get rid of all the shorter people thats essentiallly what you did

I've shown it to people I trust, not some ugly Urkel nigger slave dog seething hard for his Chinese masters.
so youre subhuman, alright I understand

you the ratings in my DMs and the thirsty foids lusting for Asian cock on Yubo
it doesnt matter how many chinks you cherry pick statistically according to data(not my opinion) women fuck chink men the LEAST and rate chink men as LEAST attractive youll continue to ignore this fact and say "hey look at this random chink"

I feel like the only thing you're even trying to argue rn is muh SMV and you're trying to triple down on it specifically and say blatantly false, utterly laughable shit you know is cap like the 15 yoTikTok Chang I posted gets mogged by white normies (when he literally mogs white TikTok Chads his age in JB appeal and would stomp them in mog battles) or that you mog all Asians (You're a subhuman autistic Urkel cuck who gets mogged to death by the average Chinese-American zoomer) because it's the only thing you can hang onto repeating and gargling the same exact three studies because everything else consistently and replicatively points to niggers being genetically inferior worthless subhuman scum in every conceivable aspect no matter how much affirmative action or adoption they get. There's a reason every single race and society from the Arab Caliphates to Nazi Germany to pre-modern America put niggers at the absolute bottom of the racial hierarchy and shit on and spit on them and used them as slave labor, they are genetically inferior primitive subhuman monkeys along with Australian aboriginal apes.

You know that niggers are an inferior subhuman buck broken slave race who will forever be the poorest, lowest IQ, lowest lifespan, highest death rate, highest incarceration rate, and highest divorce rate wherever they go. This is genetic and will never change. You also know that East Asians are be the exact opposite, possessing the highest salary, highest IQ, highest lifespan, lowest incarceration rate, and lowest death rate and the gap between them and other races in the west in terms of wealth and IQ and many of their already positive factors is only increasing. Oh, they're also improving at everything else faster than any other race, including wealth, IQ, SMV, test scores, height, physicality, Olympic medals, economy, technology, military, etc. Meanwhile the gap between niggers and other races in terms of stuff like wealth and living conditions is only getting bigger and bigger. Asians are improving at the fastest rate in all of their weak points while their strong points are only getting stronger. Meanwhile, niggers' weak points are only getting worse and worse while their few somewhat decent points stagnate in comparison to other races.

Your delusions aren't based in reality if we look at global interracial. In South Korea, Korean men intermarry at over double the rate of Korean women. East Asian men marry Eastern European women more than the other way around by tens of times. There are more Chinese male Slavic females in Russia than WMAF in all of the United States combined. There are likely tens of times more Chinese male African female couples in Africa than BMAF in all the world combined. While niggers are literally the unhappiest race on average even in America and will live the absolute shittiest lives, NT Asian HTNs or above with decent height can easily slay HQNP foids well as having a high IQ and a high paying career and a long, fulfilling life with a loving HQNP wife. The funny thing is that OP is literally black and even he admits this because he doesn't have an intense hate boner for Asian cock like you do.


Face it, we both know that East Asians are the cosmic master race while niggers are their inferior buck broken submissive slaves and cucks. This will always be the way of the world and will only be more of the case as China neocolonizes Africa and golden bvlls improve at the fastest rate in every conceivable aspect, including wealth,
didnt read

northern Chinese American zoomers are 5'10.5 and not to mention, they're only growing.
this point is irrelevant you can break down any race and find certain groups are taller than certain groups withing said race all that matters is the average, and on average chinks are very short. Also we havent had any studies done any studies on the heights of black zoomers so you cant even claim chinks are taller.

golden bvlls

they are cucking ugly nigger shitskin subhuman scum hard and without effort and mass fucking their whore women and making it a major problem for unwanted worthless nigger men
even in the big cities where chinks operate Ive never seen a chink man with a black woman and never seen a blasian person, chinks are subhuman and desired by no one
I'm talking about Chinese Americans retarded nigger
the tallest wester raised chinks are still 177.5 cm which is the black average for blacks 20 - 29 jfl, and cherry picking just northern chinks would be like me cherry picking dutch people to prove whites are taller than chinks. If youre talking about average heights you have to include all asians not just the taller ones.

In that case Ill just cherry pick the tallest black group
IQ, test scores, height, physicality, SMV, Olympic medals, economy, technology, military, innovations, advancements, etc.
even with all those attributes women still fuck chink men the least, truly over for you subhumans
It says overall Chinese American zoomers are on average 5'9.5 while northern Chinese American zoomers are 5'10.5 and not to mention, they're only growing. And no, I showed you how ancient northern Chinese from Shandong used to literally average 5'11. Modern Chinese are easily going to surpass that height soon given that they're the fastest improving country in height.
was the sampling randomized or did they just cherry pick the tallest chinks they could find?
the tallest wester raised chinks are still 177.5 cm which is the black average for blacks 20 - 29 jfl, and cherry picking just northern chinks would be like me cherry picking dutch people to prove whites are taller than chinks. If youre talking about average heights you have to include all asians not just the taller ones.

In that case Ill just cherry pick the tallest black group
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I meant to say the tallest western raised chinks arent even a full inch taller than the AVERAGE black and the tallest blacks still height mog the tallest chinks by 6 inches
the only source you showed me said that the tallest group of chinks were 5'9.5 and thats still shorter than blacks aged 20 - 29 according to the cdc
You never gave any source saying that, the only source you gave related to chinks heights and it said that the tallest chinese group was 5'9.5 inches

Retarded nigger monkey slave can't read lmao. Look at it again, for every single Chinese American combined it's 5'9.5 on average, for central Chinese Americans it's 5'10, for northern Chinese Americans it's 5'10.5.

no you just type so much irrelevant bullshit that I cant even read everything retarded chink man. Seriously have your chink eyes failed you? Look at how you type and how I do you cant even get to the point because your retarded chink brain is seething. Also my data is more recent your data only goes up to 2019 retarded chink

Every single one of your dogshit points is getting eviscerated and your naturally high nigger estradiol is spiking hard. Chinese and South Koreans are getting taller at the fastest rate of any race and you can't cope with it, and Chinese Americans will soon grow even taller and look down onto ugly African American niggers' disgusting subhuman peanut skulls and Korean Americans will soon follow. The same pattern will occur in their home countries.

just look at what how white men are raping and torturing and abusing subhuman submissive chink slave monkey cucks in china

Except they aren't. I can find whites getting raped and tortured and abused in China by Chinese in concentration camps and you can't find the other way around, because any foreigner who tries to commit "raping and torturing and abusing" against the local population would be literally be sent to a concentration camp and tortured to death instantly. Also pretty funny how you have to try and use white people and shill for your white masters like a buck broken nigger slave cuck because your disgusting submissive slave monkey cuck race is getting raped, tortured, and abused by your Chinese masters in Africa, your OWN fucking countries lmao.

except white men dont even have to rape chink women, chink women give it up willingly

There are more Chinese male white female couples in East Asia and Eastern Europe than the other way around by tenfold.

Your ONLY source are ccp propoganda articles, plus the threads still show real chink women getting fucked willingly by black bulls

LOL, utter cope and denial. You lost this argument from the start and you're embarrassing yourself even more with your blatant lies and coping. Your source for all these dozens and dozens of official articles, reports, news, and videos being "CCP propaganda?" Absolutely zero. I can Google AMBF porn too of ugly nigger sheboons getting mass fucked by golden bvlls. Doesn't prove shit, Chinese men mass fucking sheboon women is proven by official articles and reports. Calling something CCP propaganda doesn't change the cold hard facts.

show me a single source which states the primary way arabs obtained slaves was through force you cant of course and your rotten chink brain will ignore this point

They didn't do trade with you, they traded you with other races like the worthless cheap commodities you are. They literally obtained slaves through invading and raiding and capturing you uncivilized submissive beta bitch cucks to their leisure. I've shown you historical quotes of them viewing you as disgusting inferior suhumans with no trace of civilization (not even mud huts) fit for nothing but slave labor. Maybe they did trade with Caucasoid Nafris or Horners, but not disgusting sub-Saharan Negroid abominations who were always seen as worthless subanimals fit for nothing but slaving away doing manual labor watching as your whore women got mass fucked and impregnated by superior races.



I can post much more evidence of this if you want. Niggers were submissive buck broken sissy cuck dogs of superior races for all of history. Least formidable, most abused, most enslaved race, losing every single instance of intraspecies competition with superior races. The word "black" in Arabic language came to mean slave. Every single civilized country owned submissive nigger slaves during the Arab slave trade, even SEA and South Asian ones. Even Native Americans owned you as slaves in America and they were slaves there as well. Submissive buck broken nigger cucks didn't even fight back against European colonization like Middle Easterners, North Africans, Southeast Asians, Native Americans, or Latin Americans did. Just bent over for their new masters as their estrogen-pumped cuck men were slaughtered, their ugly sheboon whore women raped, and their rich lands completely raped of resources. Just like they did to Arab, Nafri, Horner, and Spanish invaders for all of history lmao. There's a reason foreign YDNA inside their genes is much more than foreign mtDNA, meanwhile their mtDNA spread all over the Muslim world while their YDNA got replaced.

You're gagging on white cock because your Asian masters have mentally raped their way your 50 IQ peanut nigger brain and gave you an existential crisis on the utter inferiority of your race lmao. It's actually pretty funny, all you do on this forum is shit talk nonwhites while praising your white slave masters as well as trying to uplift your buck broken genetically inferior shit tier nigger race in every way possible.

the media is literally censored in china jfl, the fact african students go to china and make harems of 4 chink women at a time should tell you everything.

One single cherrypicked Tweet showing university mandated stuff doesn't prove jackshit and we both know it nigger. They don't make harems, it was an extremely cherrypicked instance of a university allocation of Chinese women in one of the most liberal colleges of China. It wasn't voluntary on the Chinese women's part. Very likely faked too, and there is absolutely zero proof of any fucking either. Meanwhile, various instances of black women willingly go into Chinese harems in multiple different parts of Africa and replacing disgusting worthless nigger genes with superior Han sperm to make genetically superior Blasian babies while the disgusting unwanted nigger men jerk off helplessly in a corner as they get abused and tortured like the naturally submissive sissy cucks they are. There are dozens upon dozens official articles, news, reports, and videos on the mass fucking and impregnating of African women by Chinese men, meanwhile there is not a single one the other way around. A cherrypicked Tweet and random porn vids (which anyone can literally just Google and find the other way around) doesn't change the cold, hard, brutal facts.

chinks have the lowest test levels statistically and mog no one

Another lie. East Asians statistically have the highest natural testosterone levels, and this is highly replicated.





It must spike your genetically high nigger cortisol and estrogen to the moon for all your arguments to get raped and disproven with factual evidence while your responses are providing less and less sources/evidence and more just blatant lies and cope, "b-but CCP propaganda" "b-but betabuxx" "b-but no girls commenting on Chang TikTok video" lmao, I don't even have to remotely resort to any of that to utterly eviscerate your disgusting subhuman race because every piece of factual evidence agrees with me.

they dont cuck anything

According to widespread genetic paternal and maternal evidence, they were the biggest cuckers in all of history and they were never cucked themselves, and they're by far the biggest cuckers of disgusting ugly subhumanoid nigger monkeys as we speak. Imagine getting brutally tortured and abused in your own countries and have your women mass fucked and impregnated while you do absolutely nothing about it lmao.

there arent any asian females in africa in the first place retarded chink man, and russian women literally just betabuxx chink men no one is attractted to them.

Copium, they thirst for genetically Chinese sperm just like they have for all of history. Russians literally have 17% Chinese YDNA and less than 1% Chinese mtDNA. Northwest China and various parts of Central Asia is literally just conquered land originally inhabited by Indo-Europeans until Asian invaders bred them out, but it's not just war or rape. There are literally ENTIRE ETHNIC GROUPS who are made from Chinese male Russian female relationships, being mainly Chinese paternally and mainly Russian maternally. Whenever they coexisted, Chinese men cucked and outbred Russian men. Not betabuxx, not rape, just an intermixed coexisting society and pure raw desire for genetically superior golden sperm. The globohomo Jewmerica west is not remotely an accurate representation of the world. There's a reason the most prolific sperm donor in Australia, a majority white country with a population of 25 million, is some random Kinh bvll who's superior golden sperm multiple white women beg for every single day and literally take flights across the country.


By the way, according to statistical evidence, it's actually WMAF which betabuxxes way more than AMWF. As you can see from the data about interracial couples in America below, AMs in AMWF only earn $10K more than WFs. Compare that to the WMs in WMAF who make a whopping $31K more than AFs. Despite the fact that Asian males are the highest earning group in America by far, they still make less money in comparison to their white wives than white males in comparison to their Asian wives. The data also shows that AMWF has a higher rate where the wife makes more than the husband than WMAF. 31.3% of white wives make more than their Asian husbands, compared to 24.6% of Asian wives making more than their white husbands.

The final brutal blackpill is that although white males in WMAF are the highest earning group of interracial male earn $8k more than Asian males in AMWF, AMWF earns more money on average and is the highest salary interracial couple in the US because the HQNP white women in AMWF earn almost double the money as the betabuxxmaxxing LTB Asian whores in WMAF. Asian men in AMWF are poorer than white men in WMAF but still have wives who make almost double the money as the Asian women in WMAF lmfao. This is despite the fact that overall, Asian men earn significantly more money than white men on average. There's a reason it's a stereotype that AMWF sons gigamog WMAF sons to Valhalla and back.

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Not to mention the fact that AMWF relationships also have the lowest divorce rates of any interracial relationship. If an Asian man is good looking and NT enough to get past the severe media and stereotype failo Asian men have in the west, he will easily get the best quality relationships in the west with HQNP HTBs and Stacies. Tall NT Asian HTNs literally lifemog tall NT white HTNs lmao. They're in higher demand since they're significantly rarer and younger zoomer girls are increasingly preferring East Asian men more and more as Asian American zoomers improve at the fastest rate in every conceivable aspect, including wealth, height, physicality, stereotype, etc. Meanwhile subhumanoid worthless niggers stereotypically always settle for STD ridden ran through obese foids despite what your 3 sample size dogshit study says, and will forever be destined to live a shit unhappy dead end life with high risk of incarceration or premature death.


no stats doesnt matter, chink men literally have the lowest partner count

Because of environmental factors. The west is literally the worst place in the world for Asian men. The fact that AMBF and AMWF heavily outnumbers the other way around worldwide proves this.

no he isnt race failo caps chinks hard as stats prove time and time again

All environmental factors. Culture, NT, stereotype, media, etc. Why do you think Southeast Asian Americans slay significantly more than East Asian Americans despite being much shorter, less attractive, and completely cucked by East Asian men in their home countries? NT and culture.

It doesn't matter the point is white men are still cucking you at over 3x more than what the average chink man gets in chink land, the fact white females are preferred just proves that chinks are self hating and don't even see their own features as attractive

Why do Asian men respond more to Asian women than white women in all western dating studies while it's completely the other way around in this study? This study doesn't mean shit because it's not replicated at all lmao. It's western halo for second world povertycucks rather than anything meaningful. A western Chinese like me would slay more in China than any white HTN. It's well known that Chinese from the west have severe halos in their home countries, and this is also overwhelmingly the case in other second or third world countries.

The average white male in chink land has 3x the smv of a native chink male that means an 8/10 chink male has less smv than a 3/10 cumskin male.

That's also not how it works retard, they are two completely separate metrics, no wonder 84% of mentally disabled brain damaged nigger monkeys in America fail to meet mathematics proficiency requirements. Western Asians like me would do even better, I could literally notice foids staring at me and people lighting up when I told them I was from America. Asian HTN literally mogs white Chad in SMV in Asia lmao, you can't say the same in niggerland where a white or Chinese MTN completely mogs digusting pure Negroid Tyrones because disgusting pure nigger shitskin failo is just that fucking bad. There's a reason why all well known East Asian female zoomer celebrities and social media influencers, even in the west in white majority areas, pretty much only date Asian men. Google them if you don't believe me.

isnt that what you did after seeing thousands of accounts dedicated to black men fucking chink women?

One single lying cope thread on Looksmax which there are zero articles, reports, news, or videos about anywhere else is evidence of absolutely nothing and we both know it nigger. You can find interracial porn vids everywhere just like I can Google AMBF right now. The true reality is different. Asians view niggers as disgusting subhumanoid scum. The OP is literally a buck broken subhuman nigger slave who has a hate boner for his Asian masters lmao. You're desperately clinging onto one Looksmax troll thread and ignoring every single one of the dozens upon dozens of official articles, reports, news, and videos I send you of Chinese men mass fucking and impregnating nigger women and it becoming a major problem for disgusting subhuman ugly nigger cuck men who can only jerk off in a corner lest they get whipped and buck broken by their Chinese masters. Why can't you find any articles, reports, news, videos, of it being anywhere remotely popular anywhere else? Exactly nigga.

for every stacy you can find there'd be 10x more of them if he wasnt asian

Copium. He's already more popular than all white TikTok Chad prettyboy zoomers his age. And I DARE you to find one Negroid darkskin his age on TikTok (No lightskin mulattos) with anywhere near the prime JB appeal or foids thirsting for him in the comments. You won't find a single one because the reality of the situation is that pure niggers are ugly, unwanted, shitskinned, genetically worthless subhumans who will never have the wide appeal of an elegant fairskinned or tanskinned prettyboy Chad. Only lightskin mulattos with white slave owner YDNA can even come close to that appeal. Darkskin/pureblood niggers are destined to either remain incel or fuck ugly obese whores with STDs while depressed living off government benefits until they die of OD at 38, a fitting pathetic end to their worthless pathetic lives.

except thats not even true the average northern chink was like 177.5 cm and the average black aged 10 - 29 is 177.4 cm

No retarded nigger, the average northern Chinese American was 179cm. Learn how to read statistics.

they got shorter even at 20 - 29 jfl read chink man

Read illiterate nigger, that's literally what I just said. They got 0.3cm shorter at 20-29 after growing over 2-3cm in height per year for tens of generations. The under 19 stat is irrelevant since they aren't fully grown. One tiny stagnation in height doesn't erase the fact that South Koreans are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race behind Chinese, and the trend shows that their height growth will very likely continue consistently growing while almost other countries taller than them are declining. Not to mention the fact that the study only encompasses a small amount of Koreans. The data is still statistically significant when you look at the significant height increase and chances are that if it was repeated with other South Koreans it would be nothing but increases.

You cant just disregard an entire group of asians because theyre shorter, thats data manipulation. Imagine we were to break down african american groups by height and then just get rid of all the shorter people thats essentiallly what you did

Nigga wtf are you talking about, South Asians are literally genetically closer to Europeans and MENA than they are to East Asians. Completely different ethnic groups. Southeast Asians might be genetically similar to East Asians but they are still a completely different race that evolved in completely different environments. While Neolithic Chinese and pre 1700s Chinese (over 90% of the East Asian population for all of history) heightmogged everyone, Southeast Asians were always manlets. South Asians and Southeast Asians when combined outnumber East Asians for the Asian American ethnic group. So no, looking at Chinese American height specifically is much more accurate. China is literally like 90% of the population of East Asians worldwide.

so youre subhuman, alright I understand

We both know I mog your entire disgusting hideous subhuman nigger bloodline back to your broken down mud hut home in sub-Saharan Africa.

it doesnt matter how many chinks you cherry pick statistically according to data(not my opinion) women fuck chink men the LEAST and rate chink men as LEAST attractive youll continue to ignore this fact and say "hey look at this random chink"

A couple garbage studies on attractiveness don't mean jackshit, JFL at you basing your entire argument clinging onto a couple studies and the fact that Asians are virgin. Your argument is absolutely garbage, especially considering how hard Changs mog average Asians and how Asians do so much better outside the west. Being a Chang is millions of times better than being a Tyrone, both for SMV to HQNP girls and for literally every other factor. Considering all the prime girls who thirst for boneless MTN and HTN Asians on TikTok as I've shown you let alone Chang, I'd say coping and crying for them when they life mog Tyrones into utter oblivion is quite pathetic. Changs SMVmog Tyrones to death, and even in some alternate reality where they didn't, being superior in literally every other factor and being able to live a long, fulfilled, stable life with as with a high paying high status career in a rich neighborhood with high class high ranking friends and connections, an HQNP loving wife who also has a high paying career, and enough money to do whatever the fuck you want lifemogs living a shit tier wageslave poverty life in shit neighborhoods and dying a slow and painful death at 50. Even black OP recognizes this. You know it too, you're just seething for your Asian masters so hard you feel the need to continue denying and arguing against the brutal reality.


didnt read

You read and accepted every single subatomic particle like the leashed nigger slave sissy cuck you are. You have to dump all your investment points into one single argument point (which you already lost long ago lmao) because you know for literally everything else, there is absolutely nothing and no trace of hope you can cling onto. The fact is that East Asians mog niggers to the fucking grave in every single one of those aspects I listed and in literally almost everything you can think of and the gap is only getting bigger as your disgusting subhuman 50 IQ race of buck broken slaves stagnates and falls while mine improves in every conceivable aspect. There is no worse existence than being such a disgusting, subhuman, worthless, utterly dogshit bottom tier race of slaves and cucks lmao.

this point is irrelevant you can break down any race and find certain groups are taller than certain groups withing said race all that matters is the average, and on average chinks are very short. Also we havent had any studies done any studies on the heights of black zoomers so you cant even claim chinks are taller.

JFL at you trying to lump in South Asians and Southeast Asians with Chinese. Chinese were the tallest race for 95% of history and are about to be the tallest race again. When given the same environment, Chinese Americans are literally the same height or taller than African Americans and they will only get taller and taller compared to them. "We haven't had any studies done on the heights of black zoomers" but even though there are more and more black zoomers in Africa due to their extremely high fertility rate AND Africa is developing and improving its economy and living conditions due to vast amounts of Chinese aid, they are literally stagnating or even getting SHORTER lmfao. This is very likely genetic and matches ancient periods, where Chinese were significantly taller than whites who were significantly taller than blacks on average. Chinese are literally the tallest height genetically and are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race whereas African Americans are likely only 5'9.5 due to Northern/Western European admixture (inb4 muh Dinkas who also got shorter in recent studies). Africans are getting shorter while Chinese have grown in height the most by FAR of any country in the past 30 years. It's only going to get better and better for East Asian high elf Ubermensch and worse and worse for disgusting subhuman nigger slaves from here on out.


even in the big cities where chinks operate Ive never seen a chink man with a black woman and never seen a blasian person, chinks are subhuman and desired by no one

Nigger tales from a broken down Nigerian mud hut. Source: I said so bro. There's a reason there are multiple articles, news, reports, and videos of multiple high ranking African men literally complaining and crying about Chinese men either marrying too much African women or pumping and dumping too much African women and leaving. Your own women prefer superior Chinese sperm to you disgusting worthless subhumans. Outside of the west, Asian men have been cucking other races for all of history and are cucking them today. AMBF AND AMWF vastly outnumber BMAF and BMWF worldwide. There's a reason that even though East Asian women do the best in dating and attraction studies in the west, East Asian men interracially marry at a much higher rate than East Asian women in their home countries. East Asian men are cucked by the west but outside of it, they are one of the most desired races globally. They do much better in the Middle East or Latin America. Korean men are the highest SMV race by far in all of SEA and they're treated as gods in Eastern Europe as well. This applies for other Northeast Asians too.

I meant to say the tallest western raised chinks arent even a full inch taller than the AVERAGE black and the tallest blacks still height mog the tallest chinks by 6 inches

On average, Chinese Americans are the same height as African Americans if you include SEA southern Chinese and taller than them if you don't. They are living in the same environment too, which means that Chinese genetics > nigger genetics. JFL at you blatantly lying yet AGAIN and saying the Dinkas (Tallest African tribe) are 6'4, I know why you showed some random Google search result instead of a link now. I Googled it and the results either say 6'0 or 5'9.4 average, and the 5'9.4 was much more recent and had a much larger sample size. Even assuming the tallest for them, 6'0 with a shit sample size of 50, they are barely any taller than modern day Chinese and will only get shorter as Chinese grow taller at the fastest rate of any race and become taller than the tallest Balkans and Northern Europeans just like they were for all of history.

The "tallest western raised chinks" aka northern and central Chinese are literally over 75% of the entire East Asian population worldwide and the only ones I'm actually talking about and give a fuck about, they are the pure unadulterated Han who began ALL of known East Asian civilization and who will take over the world. Northern and central Chinese are literally around one billion people (1000 million because I know your 50 IQ recessed nigger brain is shit at basic conversions) while Dinkas are like 4 million total, and there's no other tribe. And if you're barking about cherrypicking, let's consider the average height of all of Africa vs all of China, who both have around 1.3 billion people. China still mogs hard given that the average height among males zoomers is literally 5'9.17 even including SEA southern Chinese and manlet ethnic minorities.

Chinese Americans are same height or taller than African Americans today and they will mog them in height soon. Neolithic Chinese were taller than Neolithic Europeans who were taller than Neolithic Africans. All of China combined has a bigger population than all of Africa (only for now), it's literally over a billion people and not a cherrypicked subset at all. And it's significantly taller than all of Africa combined on average and the gap is only increasing. Chinese are just genetically taller than undergrown nigger midgets. The height difference is only increasing as Chinese Changs get taller and taller and genetically inferior runt manlet niggers get shorter and shorter. Disgusting worthless subhuman nigger monkeys are literally the slaves and property of their supreme Chinese high elf Ubermensch masters.
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Retarded nigger monkey slave can't read lmao. Look at it again, for every single Chinese American combined it's 5'9.5 on average, for central Chinese Americans it's 5'10, for northern Chinese Americans it's 5'10.5.

Every single one of your dogshit points is getting eviscerated and your naturally high nigger estradiol is spiking hard. Chinese and South Koreans are getting taller at the fastest rate of any race and you can't cope with it, and Chinese Americans will soon grow even taller and look down onto ugly African American niggers' disgusting subhuman peanut skulls and Korean Americans will soon follow. The same pattern will occur in their home countries.

Except they aren't. I can find whites getting raped and tortured and abused in China by Chinese in concentration camps and you can't find the other way around, because any foreigner who tries to commit "raping and torturing and abusing" against the local population would be literally be sent to a concentration camp and tortured to death instantly. Also pretty funny how you have to try and use white people and shill for your white masters like a buck broken nigger slave cuck because your disgusting submissive slave monkey cuck race is getting raped, tortured, and abused by your Chinese masters in Africa, your OWN fucking countries lmao.

There are more Chinese male white female couples in East Asia and Eastern Europe than the other way around by tenfold.

LOL, utter cope and denial. You lost this argument from the start and you're embarrassing yourself even more with your blatant lies and coping. Your source for all these dozens and dozens of official articles, reports, news, and videos being "CCP propaganda?" Absolutely zero. I can Google AMBF porn too of ugly nigger sheboons getting mass fucked by golden bvlls. Doesn't prove shit, Chinese men mass fucking sheboon women is proven by official articles and reports. Calling something CCP propaganda doesn't change the cold hard facts.

They didn't do trade with you, they traded you with other races like the worthless cheap commodities you are. They literally obtained slaves through invading and raiding and capturing you uncivilized submissive beta bitch cucks to their leisure. I've shown you historical quotes of them viewing you as disgusting inferior suhumans with no trace of civilization (not even mud huts) fit for nothing but slave labor. Maybe they did trade with Caucasoid Nafris or Horners, but not disgusting sub-Saharan Negroid abominations who were always seen as worthless subanimals fit for nothing but slaving away doing manual labor watching as your whore women got mass fucked and impregnated by superior races.

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I can post much more evidence of this if you want. Niggers were submissive buck broken sissy cuck dogs of superior races for all of history. Least formidable, most abused, most enslaved race, losing every single instance of intraspecies competition with superior races. The word "black" in Arabic language came to mean slave. Every single civilized country owned submissive nigger slaves during the Arab slave trade, even SEA and South Asian ones. Even Native Americans owned you as slaves in America and they were slaves there as well. Submissive buck broken nigger cucks didn't even fight back against European colonization like Middle Easterners, North Africans, Southeast Asians, Native Americans, or Latin Americans did. Just bent over for their new masters as their estrogen-pumped cuck men were slaughtered, their ugly sheboon whore women raped, and their rich lands completely raped of resources. Just like they did to Arab, Nafri, Horner, and Spanish invaders for all of history lmao. There's a reason foreign YDNA inside their genes is much more than foreign mtDNA, meanwhile their mtDNA spread all over the Muslim world while their YDNA got replaced.

You're gagging on white cock because your Asian masters have mentally raped their way your 50 IQ peanut nigger brain and gave you an existential crisis on the utter inferiority of your race lmao. It's actually pretty funny, all you do on this forum is shit talk nonwhites while praising your white slave masters as well as trying to uplift your buck broken genetically inferior shit tier nigger race in every way possible.

One single cherrypicked Tweet showing university mandated stuff doesn't prove jackshit and we both know it nigger. They don't make harems, it was an extremely cherrypicked instance of a university allocation of Chinese women in one of the most liberal colleges of China. It wasn't voluntary on the Chinese women's part. Very likely faked too, and there is absolutely zero proof of any fucking either. Meanwhile, various instances of black women willingly go into Chinese harems in multiple different parts of Africa and replacing disgusting worthless nigger genes with superior Han sperm to make genetically superior Blasian babies while the disgusting unwanted nigger men jerk off helplessly in a corner as they get abused and tortured like the naturally submissive sissy cucks they are. There are dozens upon dozens official articles, news, reports, and videos on the mass fucking and impregnating of African women by Chinese men, meanwhile there is not a single one the other way around. A cherrypicked Tweet and random porn vids (which anyone can literally just Google and find the other way around) doesn't change the cold, hard, brutal facts.

Another lie. East Asians statistically have the highest natural testosterone levels, and this is highly replicated.





It must spike your genetically high nigger cortisol and estrogen to the moon for all your arguments to get raped and disproven with factual evidence while your responses are providing less and less sources/evidence and more just blatant lies and cope, "b-but CCP propaganda" "b-but betabuxx" "b-but no girls commenting on Chang TikTok video" lmao, I don't even have to remotely resort to any of that to utterly eviscerate your disgusting subhuman race because every piece of factual evidence agrees with me.

According to widespread genetic paternal and maternal evidence, they were the biggest cuckers in all of history and they were never cucked themselves, and they're by far the biggest cuckers of disgusting ugly subhumanoid nigger monkeys as we speak. Imagine getting brutally tortured and abused in your own countries and have your women mass fucked and impregnated while you do absolutely nothing about it lmao.

Copium, they thirst for genetically Chinese sperm just like they have for all of history. Russians literally have 17% Chinese YDNA and less than 1% Chinese mtDNA. Northwest China and various parts of Central Asia is literally just conquered land originally inhabited by Indo-Europeans until Asian invaders bred them out, but it's not just war or rape. There are literally ENTIRE ETHNIC GROUPS who are made from Chinese male Russian female relationships, being mainly Chinese paternally and mainly Russian maternally. Whenever they coexisted, Chinese men cucked and outbred Russian men. Not betabuxx, not rape, just an intermixed coexisting society and pure raw desire for genetically superior golden sperm. The globohomo Jewmerica west is not remotely an accurate representation of the world. There's a reason the most prolific sperm donor in Australia, a majority white country with a population of 25 million, is some random Kinh bvll who's superior golden sperm multiple white women beg for every single day and literally take flights across the country.

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By the way, according to statistical evidence, it's actually WMAF which betabuxxes way more than AMWF. As you can see from the data about interracial couples in America below, AMs in AMWF only earn $10K more than WFs. Compare that to the WMs in WMAF who make a whopping $31K more than AFs. Despite the fact that Asian males are the highest earning group in America by far, they still make less money in comparison to their white wives than white males in comparison to their Asian wives. The data also shows that AMWF has a higher rate where the wife makes more than the husband than WMAF. 31.3% of white wives make more than their Asian husbands, compared to 24.6% of Asian wives making more than their white husbands.

The final brutal blackpill is that although white males in WMAF are the highest earning group of interracial male earn $8k more than Asian males in AMWF, AMWF earns more money on average and is the highest salary interracial couple in the US because the HQNP white women in AMWF earn almost double the money as the betabuxxmaxxing LTB Asian whores in WMAF. Asian men in AMWF are poorer than white men in WMAF but still have wives who make almost double the money as the Asian women in WMAF lmfao. This is despite the fact that overall, Asian men earn significantly more money than white men on average. There's a reason it's a stereotype that AMWF sons gigamog WMAF sons to Valhalla and back.

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Not to mention the fact that AMWF relationships also have the lowest divorce rates of any interracial relationship. If an Asian man is good looking and NT enough to get past the severe media and stereotype failo Asian men have in the west, he will easily get the best quality relationships in the west with HQNP HTBs and Stacies. Tall NT Asian HTNs literally lifemog tall NT white HTNs lmao. They're in higher demand since they're significantly rarer and younger zoomer girls are increasingly preferring East Asian men more and more as Asian American zoomers improve at the fastest rate in every conceivable aspect, including wealth, height, physicality, stereotype, etc. Meanwhile subhumanoid worthless niggers stereotypically always settle for STD ridden ran through obese foids despite what your 3 sample size dogshit study says, and will forever be destined to live a shit unhappy dead end life with high risk of incarceration or premature death.

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Because of environmental factors. The west is literally the worst place in the world for Asian men. The fact that AMBF and AMWF heavily outnumbers the other way around worldwide proves this.

All environmental factors. Culture, NT, stereotype, media, etc. Why do you think Southeast Asian Americans slay significantly more than East Asian Americans despite being much shorter, less attractive, and completely cucked by East Asian men in their home countries? NT and culture.

Why do Asian men respond more to Asian women than white women in all western dating studies while it's completely the other way around in this study? This study doesn't mean shit because it's not replicated at all lmao. It's western halo for second world povertycucks rather than anything meaningful. A western Chinese like me would slay more in China than any white HTN. It's well known that Chinese from the west have severe halos in their home countries, and this is also overwhelmingly the case in other second or third world countries.

That's also not how it works retard, they are two completely separate metrics, no wonder 84% of mentally disabled brain damaged nigger monkeys in America fail to meet mathematics proficiency requirements. Western Asians like me would do even better, I could literally notice foids staring at me and people lighting up when I told them I was from America. Asian HTN literally mogs white Chad in SMV in Asia lmao, you can't say the same in niggerland where a white or Chinese MTN completely mogs digusting pure Negroid Tyrones because disgusting pure nigger shitskin failo is just that fucking bad. There's a reason why all well known East Asian female zoomer celebrities and social media influencers, even in the west in white majority areas, pretty much only date Asian men. Google them if you don't believe me.

One single lying cope thread on Looksmax which there are zero articles, reports, news, or videos about anywhere else is evidence of absolutely nothing and we both know it nigger. You can find interracial porn vids everywhere just like I can Google AMBF right now. The true reality is different. Asians view niggers as disgusting subhumanoid scum. The OP is literally a buck broken subhuman nigger slave who has a hate boner for his Asian masters lmao. You're desperately clinging onto one Looksmax troll thread and ignoring every single one of the dozens upon dozens of official articles, reports, news, and videos I send you of Chinese men mass fucking and impregnating nigger women and it becoming a major problem for disgusting subhuman ugly nigger cuck men who can only jerk off in a corner lest they get whipped and buck broken by their Chinese masters. Why can't you find any articles, reports, news, videos, of it being anywhere remotely popular anywhere else? Exactly nigga.

Copium. He's already more popular than all white TikTok Chad prettyboy zoomers his age. And I DARE you to find one Negroid darkskin his age on TikTok (No lightskin mulattos) with anywhere near the prime JB appeal or foids thirsting for him in the comments. You won't find a single one because the reality of the situation is that pure niggers are ugly, unwanted, shitskinned, genetically worthless subhumans who will never have the wide appeal of an elegant fairskinned or tanskinned prettyboy Chad. Only lightskin mulattos with white slave owner YDNA can even come close to that appeal. Darkskin/pureblood niggers are destined to either remain incel or fuck ugly obese whores with STDs while depressed living off government benefits until they die of OD at 38, a fitting pathetic end to their worthless pathetic lives.

No retarded nigger, the average northern Chinese American was 179cm. Learn how to read statistics.

Read illiterate nigger, that's literally what I just said. They got 0.3cm shorter at 20-29 after growing over 2-3cm in height per year for tens of generations. The under 19 stat is irrelevant since they aren't fully grown. One tiny stagnation in height doesn't erase the fact that South Koreans are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race behind Chinese, and the trend shows that their height growth will very likely continue consistently growing while almost other countries taller than them are declining. Not to mention the fact that the study only encompasses a small amount of Koreans. The data is still statistically significant when you look at the significant height increase and chances are that if it was repeated with other South Koreans it would be nothing but increases.

Nigga wtf are you talking about, South Asians are literally genetically closer to Europeans and MENA than they are to East Asians. Completely different ethnic groups. Southeast Asians might be genetically similar to East Asians but they are still a completely different race that evolved in completely different environments. While Neolithic Chinese and pre 1700s Chinese (over 90% of the East Asian population for all of history) heightmogged everyone, Southeast Asians were always manlets. South Asians and Southeast Asians when combined outnumber East Asians for the Asian American ethnic group. So no, looking at Chinese American height specifically is much more accurate. China is literally like 90% of the population of East Asians worldwide.

We both know I mog your entire disgusting hideous subhuman nigger bloodline back to your broken down mud hut home in sub-Saharan Africa.

A couple garbage studies on attractiveness don't mean jackshit, JFL at you basing your entire argument clinging onto a couple studies and the fact that Asians are virgin. Your argument is absolutely garbage, especially considering how hard Changs mog average Asians and how Asians do so much better outside the west. Being a Chang is millions of times better than being a Tyrone, both for SMV to HQNP girls and for literally every other factor. Considering all the prime girls who thirst for boneless MTN and HTN Asians on TikTok as I've shown you let alone Chang, I'd say coping and crying for them when they life mog Tyrones into utter oblivion is quite pathetic. Changs SMVmog Tyrones to death, and even in some alternate reality where they didn't, being superior in literally every other factor and being able to live a long, fulfilled, stable life with as with a high paying high status career in a rich neighborhood with high class high ranking friends and connections, an HQNP loving wife who also has a high paying career, and enough money to do whatever the fuck you want lifemogs living a shit tier wageslave poverty life in shit neighborhoods and dying a slow and painful death at 50. Even black OP recognizes this. You know it too, you're just seething for your Asian masters so hard you feel the need to continue denying and arguing against the brutal reality.

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You read and accepted every single subatomic particle like the leashed nigger slave sissy cuck you are. You have to dump all your investment points into one single argument point (which you already lost long ago lmao) because you know for literally everything else, there is absolutely nothing and no trace of hope you can cling onto. The fact is that East Asians mog niggers to the fucking grave in every single one of those aspects I listed and in literally almost everything you can think of and the gap is only getting bigger as your disgusting subhuman 50 IQ race of buck broken slaves stagnates and falls while mine improves in every conceivable aspect. There is no worse existence than being such a disgusting, subhuman, worthless, utterly dogshit bottom tier race of slaves and cucks lmao.

JFL at you trying to lump in South Asians and Southeast Asians with Chinese. Chinese were the tallest race for 95% of history and are about to be the tallest race again. When given the same environment, Chinese Americans are literally the same height or taller than African Americans and they will only get taller and taller compared to them. "We haven't had any studies done on the heights of black zoomers" but even though there are more and more black zoomers in Africa due to their extremely high fertility rate AND Africa is developing and improving its economy and living conditions due to vast amounts of Chinese aid, they are literally stagnating or even getting SHORTER lmfao. This is very likely genetic and matches ancient periods, where Chinese were significantly taller than whites who were significantly taller than blacks on average. Chinese are literally the tallest height genetically and are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race whereas African Americans are likely only 5'9.5 due to Northern/Western European admixture (inb4 muh Dinkas who also got shorter in recent studies). Africans are getting shorter while Chinese have grown in height the most by FAR of any country in the past 30 years. It's only going to get better and better for East Asian high elf Ubermensch and worse and worse for disgusting subhuman nigger slaves from here on out.

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Nigger tales from a broken down Nigerian mud hut. Source: I said so bro. There's a reason there are multiple articles, news, reports, and videos of multiple high ranking African men literally complaining and crying about Chinese men either marrying too much African women or pumping and dumping too much African women and leaving. Your own women prefer superior Chinese sperm to you disgusting worthless subhumans. Outside of the west, Asian men have been cucking other races for all of history and are cucking them today. AMBF AND AMWF vastly outnumber BMAF and BMWF worldwide. There's a reason that even though East Asian women do the best in dating and attraction studies in the west, East Asian men interracially marry at a much higher rate than East Asian women in their home countries. East Asian men are cucked by the west but outside of it, they are one of the most desired races globally. They do much better in the Middle East or Latin America. Korean men are the highest SMV race by far in all of SEA and they're treated as gods in Eastern Europe as well. This applies for other Northeast Asians too.

On average, Chinese Americans are the same height as African Americans if you include SEA southern Chinese and taller than them if you don't. They are living in the same environment too, which means that Chinese genetics > nigger genetics. JFL at you blatantly lying yet AGAIN and saying the Dinkas (Tallest African tribe) are 6'4, I know why you showed some random Google search result instead of a link now. I Googled it and the results either say 6'0 or 5'9.4 average, and the 5'9.4 was much more recent and had a much larger sample size. Even assuming the tallest for them, 6'0 with a shit sample size of 50, they are barely any taller than modern day Chinese and will only get shorter as Chinese grow taller at the fastest rate of any race and become taller than the tallest Balkans and Northern Europeans just like they were for all of history.

The "tallest western raised chinks" aka northern and central Chinese are literally over 75% of the entire East Asian population worldwide and the only ones I'm actually talking about and give a fuck about, they are the pure unadulterated Han who began ALL of known East Asian civilization and who will take over the world. Northern and central Chinese are literally around one billion people (1000 million because I know your 50 IQ recessed nigger brain is shit at basic conversions) while Dinkas are like 4 million total, and there's no other tribe. And if you're barking about cherrypicking, let's consider the average height of all of Africa vs all of China, who both have around 1.3 billion people. China still mogs hard given that the average height among males zoomers is literally 5'9.17 even including SEA southern Chinese and manlet ethnic minorities.

Chinese Americans are same height or taller than African Americans today and they will mog them in height soon. Neolithic Chinese were taller than Neolithic Europeans who were taller than Neolithic Africans. All of China combined has a bigger population than all of Africa (only for now), it's literally over a billion people and not a cherrypicked subset at all. And it's significantly taller than all of Africa combined on average and the gap is only increasing. Chinese are just genetically taller than undergrown nigger midgets. The height difference is only increasing as Chinese Changs get taller and taller and genetically inferior runt manlet niggers get shorter and shorter. Disgusting worthless subhuman nigger monkeys are literally the slaves and property of their supreme Chinese high elf Ubermensch masters.

didnt read, this clearly going no where. At the end of the day nothing you said disproves the fact chink men are consistently rated as LEAST attractive by women and recieve the LEAST sex from women by median partner. And this statistical fact makes you seethe

Another lie. East Asians statistically have the highest natural testosterone levels, and this is highly replicated.
they have the lowest dht levels which is a more potent version of testoterone which is why east asians look less masculine

Read illiterate nigger, that's literally what I just said.
you just brought up the fact that the sub 19 age doesnt count which is irrelavent because even fully grown korean chinks showed a height decrease

Chinese Americans are literally the same height or taller than African Americans
No they arent even the tallest chinks in america are less than an inch taller than the average black height of 177.4 cm
when we dont cherry pick the tallest ethnicity of chinks we find that chinks are shorter than african americans

not only that but this table

isnt even based on measured heights it just shitty self reported data that wasnt even published in a scientific journal, check your sources chink

different race
Seas are the same race as chinese people

The "tallest western raised chinks" aka northern and central Chinese are literally over 75% of the entire East Asian
you cant exclude 25% of your data to suit your agenda, try doing that in a scientific journal and see where that gets you. And the tallest provinces in china arent even the most populous ones why are you lying
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. Being a Chang is millions of times better than being a Tyrone, both for SMV to HQNP girls and for literally every other factor.
its a million times better if you want to betabuxx ill agree

Asian HTN literally mogs white Chad in SMV in Asia lmao,
stats say otherwise

That's also not how it works retard, they are two completely separate metrics, no wonder 84% of mentally disabled brain damaged nigger monkeys in America fail to meet mathematics proficiency requirements.
explain how thats not how it works? the average white man in asia has 3x the smv of an average chink man, and white incels go to chink and slay asian foids 3/10 white man > 8/10 chink in asia

but even though there are more and more black zoomers in Africa due to their extremely high fertility rate AND Africa is developing and improving its economy and living conditions due to vast amounts of Chinese aid, they are literally stagnating or even getting SHORTER lmfao.
source which says africans are stagnating or getting shorter? And even if thats true so what look at the state of african countries of in situations like that your not going to see substantial height gains cant your reccesed chink brain understand that.

This is very likely genetic and matches ancient periods
then why arent chink in america taller than african americans? even if we believe your shitty self reported data which wasnt even a scientifc study it doesnt matter the tallest chink group is less than an inch taller than an average black, and keep in mind black americans live in shit conditions with poor nutrition and your shitty chink genes cant even mog us by a full inch

(1000 million because I know your 50 IQ recessed nigger brain is shit at basic conversions) while Dinkas are like 4 million total

stop lying chink man northern china is one of the least populated part of china

there are certain areas in central china that are highly populated but those zoomers

are 5'9.5 inches max which is shorter than the black american height.

They are living in the same environment too, which means that Chinese genetics
go to a black neighbhorhood and tell me if chinks in the US are living in the same environement chinks are some of the highest earners in the US and your tallest chinks can only height mog blacks by LESS than an inch and thats if we believe the self reported data on chink americans that didnt even come from a scientific source.

Why do Asian men respond more to Asian women than white women in all western dating studies while it's completely the other way around in this study?
they dont asian men respond to white and asian women equally

Asian HTN literally mogs white Chad in SMV in Asia lmao
then post statistics to prove it lol, all your claims about chink smv arent based on data but instead "look at this one random chink", "I saw a girl looking at me one time chinks rule the world". Meanwhile actual scientific studies show women hate chinks.

A couple garbage studies on attractiveness don't mean jackshit
All of the studies had significant p values and f test, I posted multiple studies with a sample size of above 100, multiple peer reviewd studies published in the best scientific journals(elsevier, plos one etc). You cant even explain why the studies are jack shit you just dont like the results because your an insecure little chink.


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Retarded nigger monkey slave can't read lmao. Look at it again, for every single Chinese American combined it's 5'9.5 on average, for central Chinese Americans it's 5'10, for northern Chinese Americans it's 5'10.5.

Every single one of your dogshit points is getting eviscerated and your naturally high nigger estradiol is spiking hard. Chinese and South Koreans are getting taller at the fastest rate of any race and you can't cope with it, and Chinese Americans will soon grow even taller and look down onto ugly African American niggers' disgusting subhuman peanut skulls and Korean Americans will soon follow. The same pattern will occur in their home countries.

Except they aren't. I can find whites getting raped and tortured and abused in China by Chinese in concentration camps and you can't find the other way around, because any foreigner who tries to commit "raping and torturing and abusing" against the local population would be literally be sent to a concentration camp and tortured to death instantly. Also pretty funny how you have to try and use white people and shill for your white masters like a buck broken nigger slave cuck because your disgusting submissive slave monkey cuck race is getting raped, tortured, and abused by your Chinese masters in Africa, your OWN fucking countries lmao.

There are more Chinese male white female couples in East Asia and Eastern Europe than the other way around by tenfold.

LOL, utter cope and denial. You lost this argument from the start and you're embarrassing yourself even more with your blatant lies and coping. Your source for all these dozens and dozens of official articles, reports, news, and videos being "CCP propaganda?" Absolutely zero. I can Google AMBF porn too of ugly nigger sheboons getting mass fucked by golden bvlls. Doesn't prove shit, Chinese men mass fucking sheboon women is proven by official articles and reports. Calling something CCP propaganda doesn't change the cold hard facts.

They didn't do trade with you, they traded you with other races like the worthless cheap commodities you are. They literally obtained slaves through invading and raiding and capturing you uncivilized submissive beta bitch cucks to their leisure. I've shown you historical quotes of them viewing you as disgusting inferior suhumans with no trace of civilization (not even mud huts) fit for nothing but slave labor. Maybe they did trade with Caucasoid Nafris or Horners, but not disgusting sub-Saharan Negroid abominations who were always seen as worthless subanimals fit for nothing but slaving away doing manual labor watching as your whore women got mass fucked and impregnated by superior races.

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I can post much more evidence of this if you want. Niggers were submissive buck broken sissy cuck dogs of superior races for all of history. Least formidable, most abused, most enslaved race, losing every single instance of intraspecies competition with superior races. The word "black" in Arabic language came to mean slave. Every single civilized country owned submissive nigger slaves during the Arab slave trade, even SEA and South Asian ones. Even Native Americans owned you as slaves in America and they were slaves there as well. Submissive buck broken nigger cucks didn't even fight back against European colonization like Middle Easterners, North Africans, Southeast Asians, Native Americans, or Latin Americans did. Just bent over for their new masters as their estrogen-pumped cuck men were slaughtered, their ugly sheboon whore women raped, and their rich lands completely raped of resources. Just like they did to Arab, Nafri, Horner, and Spanish invaders for all of history lmao. There's a reason foreign YDNA inside their genes is much more than foreign mtDNA, meanwhile their mtDNA spread all over the Muslim world while their YDNA got replaced.

You're gagging on white cock because your Asian masters have mentally raped their way your 50 IQ peanut nigger brain and gave you an existential crisis on the utter inferiority of your race lmao. It's actually pretty funny, all you do on this forum is shit talk nonwhites while praising your white slave masters as well as trying to uplift your buck broken genetically inferior shit tier nigger race in every way possible.

One single cherrypicked Tweet showing university mandated stuff doesn't prove jackshit and we both know it nigger. They don't make harems, it was an extremely cherrypicked instance of a university allocation of Chinese women in one of the most liberal colleges of China. It wasn't voluntary on the Chinese women's part. Very likely faked too, and there is absolutely zero proof of any fucking either. Meanwhile, various instances of black women willingly go into Chinese harems in multiple different parts of Africa and replacing disgusting worthless nigger genes with superior Han sperm to make genetically superior Blasian babies while the disgusting unwanted nigger men jerk off helplessly in a corner as they get abused and tortured like the naturally submissive sissy cucks they are. There are dozens upon dozens official articles, news, reports, and videos on the mass fucking and impregnating of African women by Chinese men, meanwhile there is not a single one the other way around. A cherrypicked Tweet and random porn vids (which anyone can literally just Google and find the other way around) doesn't change the cold, hard, brutal facts.

Another lie. East Asians statistically have the highest natural testosterone levels, and this is highly replicated.





It must spike your genetically high nigger cortisol and estrogen to the moon for all your arguments to get raped and disproven with factual evidence while your responses are providing less and less sources/evidence and more just blatant lies and cope, "b-but CCP propaganda" "b-but betabuxx" "b-but no girls commenting on Chang TikTok video" lmao, I don't even have to remotely resort to any of that to utterly eviscerate your disgusting subhuman race because every piece of factual evidence agrees with me.

According to widespread genetic paternal and maternal evidence, they were the biggest cuckers in all of history and they were never cucked themselves, and they're by far the biggest cuckers of disgusting ugly subhumanoid nigger monkeys as we speak. Imagine getting brutally tortured and abused in your own countries and have your women mass fucked and impregnated while you do absolutely nothing about it lmao.

Copium, they thirst for genetically Chinese sperm just like they have for all of history. Russians literally have 17% Chinese YDNA and less than 1% Chinese mtDNA. Northwest China and various parts of Central Asia is literally just conquered land originally inhabited by Indo-Europeans until Asian invaders bred them out, but it's not just war or rape. There are literally ENTIRE ETHNIC GROUPS who are made from Chinese male Russian female relationships, being mainly Chinese paternally and mainly Russian maternally. Whenever they coexisted, Chinese men cucked and outbred Russian men. Not betabuxx, not rape, just an intermixed coexisting society and pure raw desire for genetically superior golden sperm. The globohomo Jewmerica west is not remotely an accurate representation of the world. There's a reason the most prolific sperm donor in Australia, a majority white country with a population of 25 million, is some random Kinh bvll who's superior golden sperm multiple white women beg for every single day and literally take flights across the country.

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By the way, according to statistical evidence, it's actually WMAF which betabuxxes way more than AMWF. As you can see from the data about interracial couples in America below, AMs in AMWF only earn $10K more than WFs. Compare that to the WMs in WMAF who make a whopping $31K more than AFs. Despite the fact that Asian males are the highest earning group in America by far, they still make less money in comparison to their white wives than white males in comparison to their Asian wives. The data also shows that AMWF has a higher rate where the wife makes more than the husband than WMAF. 31.3% of white wives make more than their Asian husbands, compared to 24.6% of Asian wives making more than their white husbands.

The final brutal blackpill is that although white males in WMAF are the highest earning group of interracial male earn $8k more than Asian males in AMWF, AMWF earns more money on average and is the highest salary interracial couple in the US because the HQNP white women in AMWF earn almost double the money as the betabuxxmaxxing LTB Asian whores in WMAF. Asian men in AMWF are poorer than white men in WMAF but still have wives who make almost double the money as the Asian women in WMAF lmfao. This is despite the fact that overall, Asian men earn significantly more money than white men on average. There's a reason it's a stereotype that AMWF sons gigamog WMAF sons to Valhalla and back.

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Not to mention the fact that AMWF relationships also have the lowest divorce rates of any interracial relationship. If an Asian man is good looking and NT enough to get past the severe media and stereotype failo Asian men have in the west, he will easily get the best quality relationships in the west with HQNP HTBs and Stacies. Tall NT Asian HTNs literally lifemog tall NT white HTNs lmao. They're in higher demand since they're significantly rarer and younger zoomer girls are increasingly preferring East Asian men more and more as Asian American zoomers improve at the fastest rate in every conceivable aspect, including wealth, height, physicality, stereotype, etc. Meanwhile subhumanoid worthless niggers stereotypically always settle for STD ridden ran through obese foids despite what your 3 sample size dogshit study says, and will forever be destined to live a shit unhappy dead end life with high risk of incarceration or premature death.

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Because of environmental factors. The west is literally the worst place in the world for Asian men. The fact that AMBF and AMWF heavily outnumbers the other way around worldwide proves this.

All environmental factors. Culture, NT, stereotype, media, etc. Why do you think Southeast Asian Americans slay significantly more than East Asian Americans despite being much shorter, less attractive, and completely cucked by East Asian men in their home countries? NT and culture.

Why do Asian men respond more to Asian women than white women in all western dating studies while it's completely the other way around in this study? This study doesn't mean shit because it's not replicated at all lmao. It's western halo for second world povertycucks rather than anything meaningful. A western Chinese like me would slay more in China than any white HTN. It's well known that Chinese from the west have severe halos in their home countries, and this is also overwhelmingly the case in other second or third world countries.

That's also not how it works retard, they are two completely separate metrics, no wonder 84% of mentally disabled brain damaged nigger monkeys in America fail to meet mathematics proficiency requirements. Western Asians like me would do even better, I could literally notice foids staring at me and people lighting up when I told them I was from America. Asian HTN literally mogs white Chad in SMV in Asia lmao, you can't say the same in niggerland where a white or Chinese MTN completely mogs digusting pure Negroid Tyrones because disgusting pure nigger shitskin failo is just that fucking bad. There's a reason why all well known East Asian female zoomer celebrities and social media influencers, even in the west in white majority areas, pretty much only date Asian men. Google them if you don't believe me.

One single lying cope thread on Looksmax which there are zero articles, reports, news, or videos about anywhere else is evidence of absolutely nothing and we both know it nigger. You can find interracial porn vids everywhere just like I can Google AMBF right now. The true reality is different. Asians view niggers as disgusting subhumanoid scum. The OP is literally a buck broken subhuman nigger slave who has a hate boner for his Asian masters lmao. You're desperately clinging onto one Looksmax troll thread and ignoring every single one of the dozens upon dozens of official articles, reports, news, and videos I send you of Chinese men mass fucking and impregnating nigger women and it becoming a major problem for disgusting subhuman ugly nigger cuck men who can only jerk off in a corner lest they get whipped and buck broken by their Chinese masters. Why can't you find any articles, reports, news, videos, of it being anywhere remotely popular anywhere else? Exactly nigga.

Copium. He's already more popular than all white TikTok Chad prettyboy zoomers his age. And I DARE you to find one Negroid darkskin his age on TikTok (No lightskin mulattos) with anywhere near the prime JB appeal or foids thirsting for him in the comments. You won't find a single one because the reality of the situation is that pure niggers are ugly, unwanted, shitskinned, genetically worthless subhumans who will never have the wide appeal of an elegant fairskinned or tanskinned prettyboy Chad. Only lightskin mulattos with white slave owner YDNA can even come close to that appeal. Darkskin/pureblood niggers are destined to either remain incel or fuck ugly obese whores with STDs while depressed living off government benefits until they die of OD at 38, a fitting pathetic end to their worthless pathetic lives.

No retarded nigger, the average northern Chinese American was 179cm. Learn how to read statistics.

Read illiterate nigger, that's literally what I just said. They got 0.3cm shorter at 20-29 after growing over 2-3cm in height per year for tens of generations. The under 19 stat is irrelevant since they aren't fully grown. One tiny stagnation in height doesn't erase the fact that South Koreans are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race behind Chinese, and the trend shows that their height growth will very likely continue consistently growing while almost other countries taller than them are declining. Not to mention the fact that the study only encompasses a small amount of Koreans. The data is still statistically significant when you look at the significant height increase and chances are that if it was repeated with other South Koreans it would be nothing but increases.

Nigga wtf are you talking about, South Asians are literally genetically closer to Europeans and MENA than they are to East Asians. Completely different ethnic groups. Southeast Asians might be genetically similar to East Asians but they are still a completely different race that evolved in completely different environments. While Neolithic Chinese and pre 1700s Chinese (over 90% of the East Asian population for all of history) heightmogged everyone, Southeast Asians were always manlets. South Asians and Southeast Asians when combined outnumber East Asians for the Asian American ethnic group. So no, looking at Chinese American height specifically is much more accurate. China is literally like 90% of the population of East Asians worldwide.

We both know I mog your entire disgusting hideous subhuman nigger bloodline back to your broken down mud hut home in sub-Saharan Africa.

A couple garbage studies on attractiveness don't mean jackshit, JFL at you basing your entire argument clinging onto a couple studies and the fact that Asians are virgin. Your argument is absolutely garbage, especially considering how hard Changs mog average Asians and how Asians do so much better outside the west. Being a Chang is millions of times better than being a Tyrone, both for SMV to HQNP girls and for literally every other factor. Considering all the prime girls who thirst for boneless MTN and HTN Asians on TikTok as I've shown you let alone Chang, I'd say coping and crying for them when they life mog Tyrones into utter oblivion is quite pathetic. Changs SMVmog Tyrones to death, and even in some alternate reality where they didn't, being superior in literally every other factor and being able to live a long, fulfilled, stable life with as with a high paying high status career in a rich neighborhood with high class high ranking friends and connections, an HQNP loving wife who also has a high paying career, and enough money to do whatever the fuck you want lifemogs living a shit tier wageslave poverty life in shit neighborhoods and dying a slow and painful death at 50. Even black OP recognizes this. You know it too, you're just seething for your Asian masters so hard you feel the need to continue denying and arguing against the brutal reality.

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You read and accepted every single subatomic particle like the leashed nigger slave sissy cuck you are. You have to dump all your investment points into one single argument point (which you already lost long ago lmao) because you know for literally everything else, there is absolutely nothing and no trace of hope you can cling onto. The fact is that East Asians mog niggers to the fucking grave in every single one of those aspects I listed and in literally almost everything you can think of and the gap is only getting bigger as your disgusting subhuman 50 IQ race of buck broken slaves stagnates and falls while mine improves in every conceivable aspect. There is no worse existence than being such a disgusting, subhuman, worthless, utterly dogshit bottom tier race of slaves and cucks lmao.

JFL at you trying to lump in South Asians and Southeast Asians with Chinese. Chinese were the tallest race for 95% of history and are about to be the tallest race again. When given the same environment, Chinese Americans are literally the same height or taller than African Americans and they will only get taller and taller compared to them. "We haven't had any studies done on the heights of black zoomers" but even though there are more and more black zoomers in Africa due to their extremely high fertility rate AND Africa is developing and improving its economy and living conditions due to vast amounts of Chinese aid, they are literally stagnating or even getting SHORTER lmfao. This is very likely genetic and matches ancient periods, where Chinese were significantly taller than whites who were significantly taller than blacks on average. Chinese are literally the tallest height genetically and are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race whereas African Americans are likely only 5'9.5 due to Northern/Western European admixture (inb4 muh Dinkas who also got shorter in recent studies). Africans are getting shorter while Chinese have grown in height the most by FAR of any country in the past 30 years. It's only going to get better and better for East Asian high elf Ubermensch and worse and worse for disgusting subhuman nigger slaves from here on out.

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Nigger tales from a broken down Nigerian mud hut. Source: I said so bro. There's a reason there are multiple articles, news, reports, and videos of multiple high ranking African men literally complaining and crying about Chinese men either marrying too much African women or pumping and dumping too much African women and leaving. Your own women prefer superior Chinese sperm to you disgusting worthless subhumans. Outside of the west, Asian men have been cucking other races for all of history and are cucking them today. AMBF AND AMWF vastly outnumber BMAF and BMWF worldwide. There's a reason that even though East Asian women do the best in dating and attraction studies in the west, East Asian men interracially marry at a much higher rate than East Asian women in their home countries. East Asian men are cucked by the west but outside of it, they are one of the most desired races globally. They do much better in the Middle East or Latin America. Korean men are the highest SMV race by far in all of SEA and they're treated as gods in Eastern Europe as well. This applies for other Northeast Asians too.

On average, Chinese Americans are the same height as African Americans if you include SEA southern Chinese and taller than them if you don't. They are living in the same environment too, which means that Chinese genetics > nigger genetics. JFL at you blatantly lying yet AGAIN and saying the Dinkas (Tallest African tribe) are 6'4, I know why you showed some random Google search result instead of a link now. I Googled it and the results either say 6'0 or 5'9.4 average, and the 5'9.4 was much more recent and had a much larger sample size. Even assuming the tallest for them, 6'0 with a shit sample size of 50, they are barely any taller than modern day Chinese and will only get shorter as Chinese grow taller at the fastest rate of any race and become taller than the tallest Balkans and Northern Europeans just like they were for all of history.

The "tallest western raised chinks" aka northern and central Chinese are literally over 75% of the entire East Asian population worldwide and the only ones I'm actually talking about and give a fuck about, they are the pure unadulterated Han who began ALL of known East Asian civilization and who will take over the world. Northern and central Chinese are literally around one billion people (1000 million because I know your 50 IQ recessed nigger brain is shit at basic conversions) while Dinkas are like 4 million total, and there's no other tribe. And if you're barking about cherrypicking, let's consider the average height of all of Africa vs all of China, who both have around 1.3 billion people. China still mogs hard given that the average height among males zoomers is literally 5'9.17 even including SEA southern Chinese and manlet ethnic minorities.

Chinese Americans are same height or taller than African Americans today and they will mog them in height soon. Neolithic Chinese were taller than Neolithic Europeans who were taller than Neolithic Africans. All of China combined has a bigger population than all of Africa (only for now), it's literally over a billion people and not a cherrypicked subset at all. And it's significantly taller than all of Africa combined on average and the gap is only increasing. Chinese are just genetically taller than undergrown nigger midgets. The height difference is only increasing as Chinese Changs get taller and taller and genetically inferior runt manlet niggers get shorter and shorter. Disgusting worthless subhuman nigger monkeys are literally the slaves and property of their supreme Chinese high elf Ubermensch masters.
Ok this height conversation is going nowhere so if chink height genes > black height genes than explain why the TALLEST northern chinks in america can only height mog AVERAGE black americans by less than an inch. Its even more brutal when we remeber black americans are poor and destitute and dont recieve good nutrition.

and when we calculate the average chink american height not just cherry picked northern chinese ones we get this
(178.81*133+177.54*69+175.27*432+176.08*98+175.48*65+248*174.72)/(133 + 69 + 432 + 98 + 65 + 248) = 175.881 cm

which is shorter than the average black american height of the same age group jfl data from your shitty self reported survey which wasnt even from a scientific source. So you literally lied about chinks in america being the same height as black americans, and this is even with the fact chinks are some of the highest earners in the USA and blacks some of the lowest and your shitty chink genes are still getting mogged

keep in mind I excluded japs and koreans and SEAs in the calculation and only included chinks, if we include japs and koreans the average east asian height is even SHORTER.
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They literally obtained slaves through invading and raiding and capturing you uncivilized submissive beta bitch cucks to their leisure.
Can you not read? I said show me a source that said the primary way slaves were taken was through force? Of course your chink eyes have fucked your reading ability. Literally every single historical source states it was africans who traded slaves to europeans and arabs

"Enterprising Arab merchants and middlemen would gather in Zanzibar for raw materials including cloves and ivory. They would then buy black slaves who they would use to carry the raw materials and also work in their plantations abroad."

Even your own jcpa article talks about how zanzibar was a hub for which arabs aquired slaves why are you lying you retarded chink?
significantly more than East Asian Americans despite being much shorter, less attractive, and completely cucked by East Asian men in their home countries?
seas mogg south east asian men, you guys literally look the same except they are more tanned and being tan is a beauty standard in the west which is why they outslay you.

All environmental factors. Culture, NT, stereotype, media, etc.
if that were the case then why are chink male faces consistently rated as less attractive? the reason east asian men dont get laid has nothing to do with culture or NT its cause women simply dont find chinks appealing
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Because of environmental factors. The west is literally the worst place in the world for Asian men. The fact that AMBF and AMWF heavily outnumbers the other way around worldwide proves this.
the west is the worst place in the world for asian men because its where women have the greatest freedom to excersize there genetic desire which is bad for chinks. Its not environmental because even looking at faces chinks are still rated as LEAST attractive

the point about the couples is irrelavant because even oofy doofy subhumans get relationships, Im talking about sexual attraction which women feel none towards chink men.
By the way, according to statistical evidence, it's actually WMAF which betabuxxes way more than AMWF. As you can see from the data about interracial couples in America below, AMs in AMWF only earn $10K more than WFs.
does that take into account the fact many white men go to under developed asian countries for their wives
We both know I mog your entire disgusting hideous subhuman nigger bloodline back to your broken down mud hut home in sub-Saharan Africa.
the fact your a chink means I automatically mog you
piece of factual evidence agrees with me.
except for the part where east asian men have the lowest median sex partners, even lower than indian men despite indian men being just as non NT and despite the fact women rate asian men as subhuman in every single study.
One single lying cope thread on Looksmax which there are zero articles, reports, news, or videos
articles don't mean shit you can find articles that say all sorts of things, you can find articles that say evolution has been debunked or that the big bang never happened of course your recessed chink brain cant comprehend that not everything you read is true
he fact is that East Asians mog niggers
insane how the supposed "mogger" race has 3x less sex with foids than the "mogged" race, "but muh NT" even when looking at just faces women rate you as subhuman and indians still outslay you despite being just as non NT and all being NT means is just dont be an autist which most asians arent.
Meanwhile subhumanoid worthless niggers stereotypically always settle for STD ridden ran through obese foids despite what your 3 sample size dogshit study says,
the sample size was 24 if I remeber correctly not 3 lying once again chink, the whole "black me only get undesireable foids" is a cope disproven by statistical data, why would men have a bias toward rating women married to black men as more attractive without knowing who was married to who, I already asked you this question but you didnt respond because your chink brain 404 couldnt explain it.

Retarded nigger monkey slave can't read lmao. Look at it again, for every single Chinese American combined it's 5'9.5 on average, for central Chinese Americans it's 5'10, for northern Chinese Americans it's 5'10.5.

Every single one of your dogshit points is getting eviscerated and your naturally high nigger estradiol is spiking hard. Chinese and South Koreans are getting taller at the fastest rate of any race and you can't cope with it, and Chinese Americans will soon grow even taller and look down onto ugly African American niggers' disgusting subhuman peanut skulls and Korean Americans will soon follow. The same pattern will occur in their home countries.

Except they aren't. I can find whites getting raped and tortured and abused in China by Chinese in concentration camps and you can't find the other way around, because any foreigner who tries to commit "raping and torturing and abusing" against the local population would be literally be sent to a concentration camp and tortured to death instantly. Also pretty funny how you have to try and use white people and shill for your white masters like a buck broken nigger slave cuck because your disgusting submissive slave monkey cuck race is getting raped, tortured, and abused by your Chinese masters in Africa, your OWN fucking countries lmao.

There are more Chinese male white female couples in East Asia and Eastern Europe than the other way around by tenfold.

LOL, utter cope and denial. You lost this argument from the start and you're embarrassing yourself even more with your blatant lies and coping. Your source for all these dozens and dozens of official articles, reports, news, and videos being "CCP propaganda?" Absolutely zero. I can Google AMBF porn too of ugly nigger sheboons getting mass fucked by golden bvlls. Doesn't prove shit, Chinese men mass fucking sheboon women is proven by official articles and reports. Calling something CCP propaganda doesn't change the cold hard facts.

They didn't do trade with you, they traded you with other races like the worthless cheap commodities you are. They literally obtained slaves through invading and raiding and capturing you uncivilized submissive beta bitch cucks to their leisure. I've shown you historical quotes of them viewing you as disgusting inferior suhumans with no trace of civilization (not even mud huts) fit for nothing but slave labor. Maybe they did trade with Caucasoid Nafris or Horners, but not disgusting sub-Saharan Negroid abominations who were always seen as worthless subanimals fit for nothing but slaving away doing manual labor watching as your whore women got mass fucked and impregnated by superior races.

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I can post much more evidence of this if you want. Niggers were submissive buck broken sissy cuck dogs of superior races for all of history. Least formidable, most abused, most enslaved race, losing every single instance of intraspecies competition with superior races. The word "black" in Arabic language came to mean slave. Every single civilized country owned submissive nigger slaves during the Arab slave trade, even SEA and South Asian ones. Even Native Americans owned you as slaves in America and they were slaves there as well. Submissive buck broken nigger cucks didn't even fight back against European colonization like Middle Easterners, North Africans, Southeast Asians, Native Americans, or Latin Americans did. Just bent over for their new masters as their estrogen-pumped cuck men were slaughtered, their ugly sheboon whore women raped, and their rich lands completely raped of resources. Just like they did to Arab, Nafri, Horner, and Spanish invaders for all of history lmao. There's a reason foreign YDNA inside their genes is much more than foreign mtDNA, meanwhile their mtDNA spread all over the Muslim world while their YDNA got replaced.

You're gagging on white cock because your Asian masters have mentally raped their way your 50 IQ peanut nigger brain and gave you an existential crisis on the utter inferiority of your race lmao. It's actually pretty funny, all you do on this forum is shit talk nonwhites while praising your white slave masters as well as trying to uplift your buck broken genetically inferior shit tier nigger race in every way possible.

One single cherrypicked Tweet showing university mandated stuff doesn't prove jackshit and we both know it nigger. They don't make harems, it was an extremely cherrypicked instance of a university allocation of Chinese women in one of the most liberal colleges of China. It wasn't voluntary on the Chinese women's part. Very likely faked too, and there is absolutely zero proof of any fucking either. Meanwhile, various instances of black women willingly go into Chinese harems in multiple different parts of Africa and replacing disgusting worthless nigger genes with superior Han sperm to make genetically superior Blasian babies while the disgusting unwanted nigger men jerk off helplessly in a corner as they get abused and tortured like the naturally submissive sissy cucks they are. There are dozens upon dozens official articles, news, reports, and videos on the mass fucking and impregnating of African women by Chinese men, meanwhile there is not a single one the other way around. A cherrypicked Tweet and random porn vids (which anyone can literally just Google and find the other way around) doesn't change the cold, hard, brutal facts.

Another lie. East Asians statistically have the highest natural testosterone levels, and this is highly replicated.





It must spike your genetically high nigger cortisol and estrogen to the moon for all your arguments to get raped and disproven with factual evidence while your responses are providing less and less sources/evidence and more just blatant lies and cope, "b-but CCP propaganda" "b-but betabuxx" "b-but no girls commenting on Chang TikTok video" lmao, I don't even have to remotely resort to any of that to utterly eviscerate your disgusting subhuman race because every piece of factual evidence agrees with me.

According to widespread genetic paternal and maternal evidence, they were the biggest cuckers in all of history and they were never cucked themselves, and they're by far the biggest cuckers of disgusting ugly subhumanoid nigger monkeys as we speak. Imagine getting brutally tortured and abused in your own countries and have your women mass fucked and impregnated while you do absolutely nothing about it lmao.

Copium, they thirst for genetically Chinese sperm just like they have for all of history. Russians literally have 17% Chinese YDNA and less than 1% Chinese mtDNA. Northwest China and various parts of Central Asia is literally just conquered land originally inhabited by Indo-Europeans until Asian invaders bred them out, but it's not just war or rape. There are literally ENTIRE ETHNIC GROUPS who are made from Chinese male Russian female relationships, being mainly Chinese paternally and mainly Russian maternally. Whenever they coexisted, Chinese men cucked and outbred Russian men. Not betabuxx, not rape, just an intermixed coexisting society and pure raw desire for genetically superior golden sperm. The globohomo Jewmerica west is not remotely an accurate representation of the world. There's a reason the most prolific sperm donor in Australia, a majority white country with a population of 25 million, is some random Kinh bvll who's superior golden sperm multiple white women beg for every single day and literally take flights across the country.

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By the way, according to statistical evidence, it's actually WMAF which betabuxxes way more than AMWF. As you can see from the data about interracial couples in America below, AMs in AMWF only earn $10K more than WFs. Compare that to the WMs in WMAF who make a whopping $31K more than AFs. Despite the fact that Asian males are the highest earning group in America by far, they still make less money in comparison to their white wives than white males in comparison to their Asian wives. The data also shows that AMWF has a higher rate where the wife makes more than the husband than WMAF. 31.3% of white wives make more than their Asian husbands, compared to 24.6% of Asian wives making more than their white husbands.

The final brutal blackpill is that although white males in WMAF are the highest earning group of interracial male earn $8k more than Asian males in AMWF, AMWF earns more money on average and is the highest salary interracial couple in the US because the HQNP white women in AMWF earn almost double the money as the betabuxxmaxxing LTB Asian whores in WMAF. Asian men in AMWF are poorer than white men in WMAF but still have wives who make almost double the money as the Asian women in WMAF lmfao. This is despite the fact that overall, Asian men earn significantly more money than white men on average. There's a reason it's a stereotype that AMWF sons gigamog WMAF sons to Valhalla and back.

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Not to mention the fact that AMWF relationships also have the lowest divorce rates of any interracial relationship. If an Asian man is good looking and NT enough to get past the severe media and stereotype failo Asian men have in the west, he will easily get the best quality relationships in the west with HQNP HTBs and Stacies. Tall NT Asian HTNs literally lifemog tall NT white HTNs lmao. They're in higher demand since they're significantly rarer and younger zoomer girls are increasingly preferring East Asian men more and more as Asian American zoomers improve at the fastest rate in every conceivable aspect, including wealth, height, physicality, stereotype, etc. Meanwhile subhumanoid worthless niggers stereotypically always settle for STD ridden ran through obese foids despite what your 3 sample size dogshit study says, and will forever be destined to live a shit unhappy dead end life with high risk of incarceration or premature death.

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Because of environmental factors. The west is literally the worst place in the world for Asian men. The fact that AMBF and AMWF heavily outnumbers the other way around worldwide proves this.

All environmental factors. Culture, NT, stereotype, media, etc. Why do you think Southeast Asian Americans slay significantly more than East Asian Americans despite being much shorter, less attractive, and completely cucked by East Asian men in their home countries? NT and culture.

Why do Asian men respond more to Asian women than white women in all western dating studies while it's completely the other way around in this study? This study doesn't mean shit because it's not replicated at all lmao. It's western halo for second world povertycucks rather than anything meaningful. A western Chinese like me would slay more in China than any white HTN. It's well known that Chinese from the west have severe halos in their home countries, and this is also overwhelmingly the case in other second or third world countries.

That's also not how it works retard, they are two completely separate metrics, no wonder 84% of mentally disabled brain damaged nigger monkeys in America fail to meet mathematics proficiency requirements. Western Asians like me would do even better, I could literally notice foids staring at me and people lighting up when I told them I was from America. Asian HTN literally mogs white Chad in SMV in Asia lmao, you can't say the same in niggerland where a white or Chinese MTN completely mogs digusting pure Negroid Tyrones because disgusting pure nigger shitskin failo is just that fucking bad. There's a reason why all well known East Asian female zoomer celebrities and social media influencers, even in the west in white majority areas, pretty much only date Asian men. Google them if you don't believe me.

One single lying cope thread on Looksmax which there are zero articles, reports, news, or videos about anywhere else is evidence of absolutely nothing and we both know it nigger. You can find interracial porn vids everywhere just like I can Google AMBF right now. The true reality is different. Asians view niggers as disgusting subhumanoid scum. The OP is literally a buck broken subhuman nigger slave who has a hate boner for his Asian masters lmao. You're desperately clinging onto one Looksmax troll thread and ignoring every single one of the dozens upon dozens of official articles, reports, news, and videos I send you of Chinese men mass fucking and impregnating nigger women and it becoming a major problem for disgusting subhuman ugly nigger cuck men who can only jerk off in a corner lest they get whipped and buck broken by their Chinese masters. Why can't you find any articles, reports, news, videos, of it being anywhere remotely popular anywhere else? Exactly nigga.

Copium. He's already more popular than all white TikTok Chad prettyboy zoomers his age. And I DARE you to find one Negroid darkskin his age on TikTok (No lightskin mulattos) with anywhere near the prime JB appeal or foids thirsting for him in the comments. You won't find a single one because the reality of the situation is that pure niggers are ugly, unwanted, shitskinned, genetically worthless subhumans who will never have the wide appeal of an elegant fairskinned or tanskinned prettyboy Chad. Only lightskin mulattos with white slave owner YDNA can even come close to that appeal. Darkskin/pureblood niggers are destined to either remain incel or fuck ugly obese whores with STDs while depressed living off government benefits until they die of OD at 38, a fitting pathetic end to their worthless pathetic lives.

No retarded nigger, the average northern Chinese American was 179cm. Learn how to read statistics.

Read illiterate nigger, that's literally what I just said. They got 0.3cm shorter at 20-29 after growing over 2-3cm in height per year for tens of generations. The under 19 stat is irrelevant since they aren't fully grown. One tiny stagnation in height doesn't erase the fact that South Koreans are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race behind Chinese, and the trend shows that their height growth will very likely continue consistently growing while almost other countries taller than them are declining. Not to mention the fact that the study only encompasses a small amount of Koreans. The data is still statistically significant when you look at the significant height increase and chances are that if it was repeated with other South Koreans it would be nothing but increases.

Nigga wtf are you talking about, South Asians are literally genetically closer to Europeans and MENA than they are to East Asians. Completely different ethnic groups. Southeast Asians might be genetically similar to East Asians but they are still a completely different race that evolved in completely different environments. While Neolithic Chinese and pre 1700s Chinese (over 90% of the East Asian population for all of history) heightmogged everyone, Southeast Asians were always manlets. South Asians and Southeast Asians when combined outnumber East Asians for the Asian American ethnic group. So no, looking at Chinese American height specifically is much more accurate. China is literally like 90% of the population of East Asians worldwide.

We both know I mog your entire disgusting hideous subhuman nigger bloodline back to your broken down mud hut home in sub-Saharan Africa.

A couple garbage studies on attractiveness don't mean jackshit, JFL at you basing your entire argument clinging onto a couple studies and the fact that Asians are virgin. Your argument is absolutely garbage, especially considering how hard Changs mog average Asians and how Asians do so much better outside the west. Being a Chang is millions of times better than being a Tyrone, both for SMV to HQNP girls and for literally every other factor. Considering all the prime girls who thirst for boneless MTN and HTN Asians on TikTok as I've shown you let alone Chang, I'd say coping and crying for them when they life mog Tyrones into utter oblivion is quite pathetic. Changs SMVmog Tyrones to death, and even in some alternate reality where they didn't, being superior in literally every other factor and being able to live a long, fulfilled, stable life with as with a high paying high status career in a rich neighborhood with high class high ranking friends and connections, an HQNP loving wife who also has a high paying career, and enough money to do whatever the fuck you want lifemogs living a shit tier wageslave poverty life in shit neighborhoods and dying a slow and painful death at 50. Even black OP recognizes this. You know it too, you're just seething for your Asian masters so hard you feel the need to continue denying and arguing against the brutal reality.

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You read and accepted every single subatomic particle like the leashed nigger slave sissy cuck you are. You have to dump all your investment points into one single argument point (which you already lost long ago lmao) because you know for literally everything else, there is absolutely nothing and no trace of hope you can cling onto. The fact is that East Asians mog niggers to the fucking grave in every single one of those aspects I listed and in literally almost everything you can think of and the gap is only getting bigger as your disgusting subhuman 50 IQ race of buck broken slaves stagnates and falls while mine improves in every conceivable aspect. There is no worse existence than being such a disgusting, subhuman, worthless, utterly dogshit bottom tier race of slaves and cucks lmao.

JFL at you trying to lump in South Asians and Southeast Asians with Chinese. Chinese were the tallest race for 95% of history and are about to be the tallest race again. When given the same environment, Chinese Americans are literally the same height or taller than African Americans and they will only get taller and taller compared to them. "We haven't had any studies done on the heights of black zoomers" but even though there are more and more black zoomers in Africa due to their extremely high fertility rate AND Africa is developing and improving its economy and living conditions due to vast amounts of Chinese aid, they are literally stagnating or even getting SHORTER lmfao. This is very likely genetic and matches ancient periods, where Chinese were significantly taller than whites who were significantly taller than blacks on average. Chinese are literally the tallest height genetically and are growing taller at the fastest rate of any race whereas African Americans are likely only 5'9.5 due to Northern/Western European admixture (inb4 muh Dinkas who also got shorter in recent studies). Africans are getting shorter while Chinese have grown in height the most by FAR of any country in the past 30 years. It's only going to get better and better for East Asian high elf Ubermensch and worse and worse for disgusting subhuman nigger slaves from here on out.

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Nigger tales from a broken down Nigerian mud hut. Source: I said so bro. There's a reason there are multiple articles, news, reports, and videos of multiple high ranking African men literally complaining and crying about Chinese men either marrying too much African women or pumping and dumping too much African women and leaving. Your own women prefer superior Chinese sperm to you disgusting worthless subhumans. Outside of the west, Asian men have been cucking other races for all of history and are cucking them today. AMBF AND AMWF vastly outnumber BMAF and BMWF worldwide. There's a reason that even though East Asian women do the best in dating and attraction studies in the west, East Asian men interracially marry at a much higher rate than East Asian women in their home countries. East Asian men are cucked by the west but outside of it, they are one of the most desired races globally. They do much better in the Middle East or Latin America. Korean men are the highest SMV race by far in all of SEA and they're treated as gods in Eastern Europe as well. This applies for other Northeast Asians too.

On average, Chinese Americans are the same height as African Americans if you include SEA southern Chinese and taller than them if you don't. They are living in the same environment too, which means that Chinese genetics > nigger genetics. JFL at you blatantly lying yet AGAIN and saying the Dinkas (Tallest African tribe) are 6'4, I know why you showed some random Google search result instead of a link now. I Googled it and the results either say 6'0 or 5'9.4 average, and the 5'9.4 was much more recent and had a much larger sample size. Even assuming the tallest for them, 6'0 with a shit sample size of 50, they are barely any taller than modern day Chinese and will only get shorter as Chinese grow taller at the fastest rate of any race and become taller than the tallest Balkans and Northern Europeans just like they were for all of history.

The "tallest western raised chinks" aka northern and central Chinese are literally over 75% of the entire East Asian population worldwide and the only ones I'm actually talking about and give a fuck about, they are the pure unadulterated Han who began ALL of known East Asian civilization and who will take over the world. Northern and central Chinese are literally around one billion people (1000 million because I know your 50 IQ recessed nigger brain is shit at basic conversions) while Dinkas are like 4 million total, and there's no other tribe. And if you're barking about cherrypicking, let's consider the average height of all of Africa vs all of China, who both have around 1.3 billion people. China still mogs hard given that the average height among males zoomers is literally 5'9.17 even including SEA southern Chinese and manlet ethnic minorities.

Chinese Americans are same height or taller than African Americans today and they will mog them in height soon. Neolithic Chinese were taller than Neolithic Europeans who were taller than Neolithic Africans. All of China combined has a bigger population than all of Africa (only for now), it's literally over a billion people and not a cherrypicked subset at all. And it's significantly taller than all of Africa combined on average and the gap is only increasing. Chinese are just genetically taller than undergrown nigger midgets. The height difference is only increasing as Chinese Changs get taller and taller and genetically inferior runt manlet niggers get shorter and shorter. Disgusting worthless subhuman nigger monkeys are literally the slaves and property of their supreme Chinese high elf Ubermensch masters.
and of course there will me more chinese men married to russian women because there arent any chinese women in russia for russian men to marry and russian men dont want to travel to china for ugly flat faced chink women, unlike how chink men lust for white wives to ascend there chink genes with european features.
Ok this height conversation is going nowhere

Alright I'll give shorter replies to finish this up because arguing with mentally retarded 50 IQ nigger monkeys denying every single source is getting annoying.

so if chink height genes > black height genes than explain why the TALLEST northern chinks in america can only height mog AVERAGE black americans by less than an inch. Its even more brutal when we remeber black americans are poor and destitute and dont recieve good nutrition.

You are coping hard and completely in denial and you know it lmao, niggers are significantly heavier on average and American nigger diets literally lend to more height than Chinese rice and noodle carb diets.

and when we calculate the average chink american height not just cherry picked northern chinese ones we get this
(178.81*133+177.54*69+175.27*432+176.08*98+175.48*65+248*174.72)/(133 + 69 + 432 + 98 + 65 + 248) = 175.881 cm

which is shorter than the average black american height jfl data from your shitty self reported survey which wasnt even from a scientifc source
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keep in mind I excluded japs an koreans and SEAs in the calculation and only included chinks, if we include japs and koreans the average east asian height is even SHORTER.

I see that northern Chinese is significantly less populated compared to central and south China so you're right about that, but central China is highly populated and northern and central China combined still greatly outnumbers all of Japan and Korea. And if you include SEA Taiwanese, Hongkongers, and South Chinese and there are way more of them that travel to America than non South Chinese, African Americans STILL aren't taller than them by more than 0.5 inches.

China is the fastest growing country in height in the world. The AVERAGE Chinese 19 year old zoomer is literally 175.7cm or over 5'9 according to this source and it's only growing, while Africa is shorter than that and literally confirmed to be stagnating and growing shorter. So it's pretty much inevitable that Chinese will become way taller than niggers given height trends.

Africans were one of the slowest increasing races in height in the world in the past few dozen years and are actually growing shorter. Check it out for yourself with a simple google search. It's only getting worse and worse for them and better and better for East Asians as they grow taller at the fastest rate of any country. How can you explain why Chinese men were the tallest for 90% of recorded history while niggers were midgets?

Can you not read? I said show me a source that said the primary way slaves were taken was through force? Of course your chink eyes have fucked your reading ability. Literally every single historical source states it was africans who traded slaves to europeans and arabs

Retarded submissive nigger monkey slave, I showed you 5 links of it saying Arabs literally raided and invaded Africa for slaves and forcefully captured them. Is your 50 IQ genetically illiterate recessed nigger monkey brain incapable of clicking the links and reading how it says they acquired slaves?

seas mogg south east asian men, you guys literally look the same except they are more tanned and being tan is a beauty standard in the west which is why they outslay you.

You're basically complimenting me since I'm from Guangdong and have a tan SEA looking pheno and significant SEA genetics from my ancestry test while keeping East Asian height and IQ. And no you are fucking retarded, SEA and NEA literally look more different than West Africans and Horn Africans lmfao. Pick a random Filipino and a random Korean and 99% of the time the average white person will be able to tell them apart.

if that were the case then why are chink male faces consistently rated as less attractive? the reason east asian men dont get laid has nothing to do with culture or NT its cause women simply dont find chinks appealing
the west is the worst place in the world for asian men because its where women have the greatest freedom to excersize there genetic desire which is bad for chinks. Its not environmental because even looking at faces chinks are still rated as LEAST attractive

the point about the couples is irrelavant because even oofy doofy subhumans get relationships, Im talking about sexual attraction which women feel none towards chink men.

Considering all the genetic evidence of Chinese men and white/MENA men coexisting together and Chinese men outbreeding them throughout history, that's complete and utter cope. I showed it and it wasn't rape, it was entire ethnic groups coexisting and there was more paternal Chinese YDNA yet more maternal white/MENA mtDNA. Read the link on the Russ I sent.

And look at this recent post for example, all these foids thirsting for this LTN Asian guy but look at one of the comments "but he is asian" "so?" "you don't see that as a negative thing?" The media failo is legitimately insane and when females are rating faces which are obviously Asian, the failo or halo will significantly affect their rating. Not to mention I've said multiple times that average Asians might not do well, but top tier Asians mog the top tiers of most other races.

except for the part where east asian men have the lowest median sex partners, even lower than indian men despite indian men being just as non NT and despite the fact women rate asian men as subhuman in every single study.
insane how the supposed "mogger" race has 3x less sex with foids than the "mogged" race, "but muh NT" even when looking at just faces women rate you as subhuman and indians still outslay you despite being just as non NT and all being NT means is just dont be an autist which most asians arent.

You were literally just barking not long ago about Indian men being the most NT. Also they're both cucked hard by the media but Asian men actually have lower virginity rates than Indian men. Either way it doesn't matter because neither the partner count nor the virginity rate differences aren't significant.

the fact your a chink means I automatically mog you

You saw the thirsty foids I in my Yubo DMs, you saw what ratings everyone gave me, it's pretty obvious that I mog your entire subhuman repulsive FOB nigger bloodline. Changs mog Tyrones to utter suicide. A purebred nigger is the most subhuman thing in the world along with a purebred abo.

Also like I told you to do, post a purebred Negroid darkskin nigger teenager on TikTok with even 10% of the prime JB appeal or Stacy foids thirsting in the comments as much as the 15yo Chang I posted. You can't because we both Changs mog disgusting ugly Negroid monkeys back to their shit filled mud huts in Africa.

do you even understand what the prefix intra means? and you called me 50 iq


Maybe niggers wouldn't have gotten utterly dominated, raped, fucked, cucked, and enslaved for all of history by all other races if they weren't sub 50 IQ.

the sample size was 24 if I remeber correctly not 3 lying once again chink, the whole "black me only get undesireable foids" is a cope disproven by statistical data, why would men have a bias toward rating women married to black men as more attractive without knowing who was married to who, I already asked you this question but you didnt respond because your chink brain 404 couldnt explain it.

There were 2 black male raters, 3 Asian male raters, 3 black female raters, and 3 Asian female raters. So literally only 2-3 people as a sample size for two thirds of the statistics on the graph of the study. I never said it was 3 for the whole study retarded nigger, and even a 24 sample size would still be utter dogshit. I've exposed you for blatantly lying 50 times in this entire thread like trying to say Dinkas were 6'4, it's funny how you're desperately trying to get back at me for doing so. And the study you're talking about rating women maried to black men as more attractive is literally the EXACT same shit sample size study as the one with females rating male faces, so still dogshit invalid studies. It's a stereotype for a reason that niggers tend to only get ugly fat undesirable foids.

and of course there will me more chinese men married to russian women because there arent any chinese women in russia for russian men to marry and russian men dont want to travel to china for ugly flat faced chink women, unlike how chink men lust for white wives to ascend there chink genes with european features.

"Ugly flat faced chink women" but according to all your godly grail studies you cling and jerk off to Asian women are consistently rated the most attractive? Switching agenda again?

Also when Chinese and Russian men coexisted in the past there was significantly more paternal Chinese haplogroups and significantly more maternal Russian haplogroups, meaning that Chinese men literally hard cucked Russian men and no it wasn't rape. And Russians overall have 17% Chinese YDNA.

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