Mfw the Ottomans didn't get Vienna

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Thats bad cause there is no unity, the caliphate was much better and now the muslik world would be a superpower
Its better like this
Doesnt mean Cooperation between muslims shouldnt exist
We should help each others but still

The only unity i would accept is this one
Grand Maghreb
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Are those the natural borders of these countries though? The Algerian border on the left looks like a typical MENA border made by French and Britcucks
250px Almohads after 1212

Medieval maghrebi states
He didn't insult them jfl, and Sultans aren't prophets, Suleiman killed of his best heir so he wasn't right in the head
He called them sodomites, back a few pages. Nobody claims that they are prophets but to demean them on their prestige/morals, or lack off is nobody's place. Back during the inquisitions in Spain, Selim the grim wanted to respond in a similair fashion against the christians within the Ottoman Empire. His desire was however cancelled by the grand seikh on the basis that it wasn't a Islamic deed. Selim the grim lowerd his head and accepted the ruling. The sultans weren't power hungry emperors, they knew where God-concious and knew about Islamic teachings and abided by it.
Non of the leaders can walk on their foodsteps.
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He called them sodomites, back a few pages. Nobody claims that they are prophets but to demean them on their prestige/morals, or lack off is nobody's place. Back during the inquisitions in Spain, Selim the grim wanted to respond in a similair fashion against the christians within the Ottoman Empire. His desire was however cancelled by the grand seikh on the basis that it wasn't a Islamic deed. Selim the grim lowerd his head and accepted the ruling. The sultans weren't power hungry emperors, they knew where God-concious and knew about Islamic teachings and abided by it.
Non of the leaders can walk on their foodsteps.
You cant deny that after that, lazy sultans came and they fucked their states
How is that cope go research mesopotamia the first recorded civilization
Civilisations have existed as far as modern humans have existed. Saying that another ethnicity or group of people have created civilisation first is just as stupid as saying x people invented eating or walking or speaking or whatever.
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Civilisations have existed as far as modern humans have existed. Saying that another ethnicity or group of people have created civilisation first is just as stupid as saying x people invented eating or walking or speaking or whatever.
........ name a civilization before Mesopotamia
You cant deny that after that, lazy sultans came and they fucked their states
Yes out of a dynasty with 36 sultans you will find some that are better then others and some who aren't. This is not the exception matter of fact every nation is like this where you find competent and incompetend leaders. The lazyness of Sultans was one but not the only reason the empire fell.. the moment when fratricide was abandoned lazyness would eventually come. The empire lasted 600 years by far the most of any Islamic caliphate, for example the Emevi caliphate lasted only 100 years if i am correct.
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Yes out of a dynasty with 36 sultans you will find some that are better then others and some who aren't. This is not the exception matter of fact every nation is like this where you find competent and incompetend leaders. The lazyness of Sultans was one but not the only reason the empire fell.. the moment when fratricide was abandoned lazyness would eventually come. The empire lasted 600 years by far the most of any Islamic caliphate, for example the Emevi caliphate lasted only 100 years if i am correct.
Emevi ?????
Yes out of a dynasty with 36 sultans you will find some that are better then others and some who aren't. This is not the exception matter of fact every nation is like this where you find competent and incompetend leaders. The lazyness of Sultans was one but not the only reason the empire fell.. the moment when fratricide was abandoned lazyness would eventually come. The empire lasted 600 years by far the most of any Islamic caliphate, for example the Emevi caliphate lasted only 100 years if i am correct.
Over extantion too
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The dynasty after the big 4
The Ummayads you mean ???
Ah yes they lasted not long but they conquered a lot
After it was abbasids but they disintegrated into small emirs

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I’m roman catholic and my cousins are blonde i haven’t seen a kebab albanian yet

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