Mike mew ruined so many life's we should all together file a petition against this faggot



Nov 4, 2022
Mike mew this man has ruined so many life's including mine
Back then in October 2021 I came across mewing by watching tomazzo that gave me hope so I used to focus on mewing all the fuckin time
My focus from studies distracted a lot coz I was thinking about mewing with proper head posture all the fuckin time
Fast forward 1.5 years what happened?
0mm bone change and I got enrolled in a shit college coz I could have focussed much much more in my studies and could have got such a better college because I used to see some saying that mewing doesn't work after 18 so I was focussing on it all the time
There are so many guys who fall for this
I really wish this faggot gets ass raped by a 10 inch rod at the gym , his face itself looks like a scammer how can people even believe that pushing your tongue on the fuckin palate will do anything
Only legit results are of salludon and astrosky rest all are full with bullshit

Also this fag himself had a good jawline even before he created this theory
  • JFL
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just blame your bad attention span on mike mew theory
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  • JFL
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Jfl his dad is an utter subhuman. No wonder he created this cope for himself
  • JFL
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Mike mew this man has ruined so many life's including mine
Back then in October 2021 I came across mewing by watching tomazzo that gave me hope so I used to focus on mewing all the fuckin time
My focus from studies distracted a lot coz I was thinking about mewing with proper head posture all the fuckin time
Fast forward 1.5 years what happened?
0mm bone change and I got enrolled in a shit college coz I could have focussed much much more in my studies and could have got such a better college because I used to see some saying that mewing doesn't work after 18 so I was focussing on it all the time
There are so many guys who fall for this
I really wish this faggot gets ass raped by a 10 inch rod at the gym , his face itself looks like a scammer how can people even believe that pushing your tongue on the fuckin palate will do anything
Only legit results are of salludon and astrosky rest all are full with bullshit
View attachment 2116445

Also this fag himself had a good jawline even before he created this theory
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You dont mew correctly,bro 🤣 just mew right and you will get foward growth in no time
  • JFL
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Reactions: Detective, It'snotover, SonOfDarkseid and 8 others
Not his fault double digit IQ people believe everything they see on the internet.

You can't really blame him : people need hope and cope. Even the blackpill needs a bit of hope otherwise all the poorcels and truecels would immediately rope given that they will never afford surgeries or are too deformed to amount to much.
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  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: valhalar, kokoszanel, john2 and 7 others
mewing is natural
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  • JFL
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Jfl his dad is an utter subhuman. No wonder he created this cope for himself
All this was a propaganda by Jews
No doubt that jewing does shit
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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Mike mew this man has ruined so many life's including mine
Back then in October 2021 I came across mewing by watching tomazzo that gave me hope so I used to focus on mewing all the fuckin time
My focus from studies distracted a lot coz I was thinking about mewing with proper head posture all the fuckin time
Fast forward 1.5 years what happened?
0mm bone change and I got enrolled in a shit college coz I could have focussed much much more in my studies and could have got such a better college because I used to see some saying that mewing doesn't work after 18 so I was focussing on it all the time
There are so many guys who fall for this
I really wish this faggot gets ass raped by a 10 inch rod at the gym , his face itself looks like a scammer how can people even believe that pushing your tongue on the fuckin palate will do anything
Only legit results are of salludon and astrosky rest all are full with bullshit
View attachment 2116445

Also this fag himself had a good jawline even before he created this theory
View attachment 2116447
Salludon definitely had surgery
  • +1
Reactions: c0pemaxxer
Yeah bro we all were born pushing our fuckin tongues on the palate
correct neck posture force you to ''mew''
all chad in fact had mewing since they born
  • +1
  • JFL
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Only low iq stupid ass people fall for this guy. Even his medical lincences has been canceled because he is just full of fraud asshole.. If mewing was a think every ortho would have been recommending it for past century.. but somehow this nigga invented mewing..
  • +1
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Only low iq stupid ass people fall for this guy. Even his medical lincences has been canceled because he is just full of shit. If mewing was a think every ortho would have been recommending it for past century.. but somehow this nigga invented mewing..
I really hate myself for believing him
Could have focussed on physique maxxing and my studies
My position in life would be so much better as of now
  • +1
Reactions: Corleone, c0pemaxxer and Deleted member 23157
All this was a propaganda by Jews
No doubt that jewing does shit
Nah it works tho. His dad discovered it and look at his son (Mike). His midface is really compact. I’m gonna force my kids to mew 100%
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Nah it works tho. His dad discovered it and look at his son (Mike). His midface is really compact. I’m gonna force my kids to mew 100%
Works for 5 years old
Even this faggot accepts that mewing won't do shit beyond 8 jfl
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just blame your bad attention span on mike mew theory
salludon ascended with mewing?? wasnt it surgery?? theres no way he ascended that hard without surgery
no, he didnt have suregry, its just that in his before pictrures he had highe rbodyfat an dit was lens distorted hecen in skewed the perception of his angularity and features, he always had his structure
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, c0pemaxxer and 5.5psl
Works for 5 years old
Even this faggot accepts that mewing won't do shit beyond 8 jfl
I mean he admits it at least. It’s the retarded 16 year olds here who cope with it
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Reactions: datboijj and 5.5psl
I really hate myself for believing him
Could have focussed on physique maxxing and my studies
My position in life would be so much better as of now
Bones are just genetic there is no secret technics to make it better.. If it was all about tongue posture... Hexum and and other GL people would be recessed. People that falls for This guy should have taken better research from other doctors.
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salludon ascended with mewing?? wasnt it surgery?? theres no way he ascended that hard without surgery
It was through mewing tho
He hard mewed like a retard 24/7
No surgeries can give you those results
Ik myself that mewing doesn't do shit but his results were from mewing
I am 100% sure and I can bet life on this jfl
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: It'snotover, c0pemaxxer and jflsnowdzz
no, he didnt have suregry, its just that in his before pictrures he had highe rbodyfat an dit was lens distorted hecen in skewed the perception of his angularity and features, he always had his structure

are u blind? his jaw has literally grown forward from the previous pic
  • +1
Reactions: Corleone
You dont mew correctly,bro 🤣 just mew right and you will get foward growth in no time
Also, I mewed hard, and My Girlfriend got a black child. Here is us:

We dated for a year, she got pregnant. We are both white. But then, when she was pregnant, I started mewing. I did NOT expect, that so much tongue pressure can squeeze the white color out of my child. Now, my wife finally gave birth:

MEWING WORKS! How else could the child be black? It is definitely the tongue pressure i applied to my Maxilla!

Here is my wife's best friend, who taught me how to mew:

I will be forever grateful to him for learning about the BENEFITS OF MEWING! :soy:
  • JFL
Reactions: zura, reddotguy, Deleted member 24789 and 11 others
Mike mew this man has ruined so many life's including mine
Back then in October 2021 I came across mewing by watching tomazzo that gave me hope so I used to focus on mewing all the fuckin time
My focus from studies distracted a lot coz I was thinking about mewing with proper head posture all the fuckin time
Fast forward 1.5 years what happened?
0mm bone change and I got enrolled in a shit college coz I could have focussed much much more in my studies and could have got such a better college because I used to see some saying that mewing doesn't work after 18 so I was focussing on it all the time
There are so many guys who fall for this
I really wish this faggot gets ass raped by a 10 inch rod at the gym , his face itself looks like a scammer how can people even believe that pushing your tongue on the fuckin palate will do anything
Only legit results are of salludon and astrosky rest all are full with bullshit
View attachment 2116445

Also this fag himself had a good jawline even before he created this theory
View attachment 2116447
everyone in the mew family had long faces, his grand dad and great grand dad had long faces
after he created mewing his son came long faces are now out the genepool
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Reactions: p0lishsubhuman, 5'7 zoomer, Corleone and 1 other person
choose one
I mean he giga hard mewed and he got progressive results he suddenly didn't got his face so 100% he did mewing but extremely giga hard mewing
  • +1
Reactions: It'snotover and c0pemaxxer
Mike mew this man has ruined so many life's including mine
Back then in October 2021 I came across mewing by watching tomazzo that gave me hope so I used to focus on mewing all the fuckin time
My focus from studies distracted a lot coz I was thinking about mewing with proper head posture all the fuckin time
Fast forward 1.5 years what happened?
0mm bone change and I got enrolled in a shit college coz I could have focussed much much more in my studies and could have got such a better college because I used to see some saying that mewing doesn't work after 18 so I was focussing on it all the time
There are so many guys who fall for this
I really wish this faggot gets ass raped by a 10 inch rod at the gym , his face itself looks like a scammer how can people even believe that pushing your tongue on the fuckin palate will do anything
Only legit results are of salludon and astrosky rest all are full with bullshit
View attachment 2116445

Also this fag himself had a good jawline even before he created this theory
View attachment 2116447
  • Ugh..
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I mean he giga hard mewed and he got progressive results he suddenly didn't got his face so 100% he did mewing but extremely giga hard mewing
bro his chin literally grew forward, you cant do with without surgery. if he claimed that he ascended with mewing hes larping hard
  • +1
Reactions: Corleone, gribsufer1, jflsnowdzz and 1 other person
Mike mew this man has ruined so many life's including mine
Back then in October 2021 I came across mewing by watching tomazzo that gave me hope so I used to focus on mewing all the fuckin time
My focus from studies distracted a lot coz I was thinking about mewing with proper head posture all the fuckin time
Fast forward 1.5 years what happened?
0mm bone change and I got enrolled in a shit college coz I could have focussed much much more in my studies and could have got such a better college because I used to see some saying that mewing doesn't work after 18 so I was focussing on it all the time
There are so many guys who fall for this
I really wish this faggot gets ass raped by a 10 inch rod at the gym , his face itself looks like a scammer how can people even believe that pushing your tongue on the fuckin palate will do anything
Only legit results are of salludon and astrosky rest all are full with bullshit
View attachment 2116445

Also this fag himself had a good jawline even before he created this theory
View attachment 2116447
He literally says it only works for Growing kids kys niggerss

are u blind? his jaw has literally grown forward from the previous pic
head tilting, slightly, beard growth adds to chin height, and angulartiy illusion causes perception of increaed froward grwoth, he just lost fat
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bro his chin literally grew forward, you cant do with without surgery. if he claimed that he ascended with mewing hes larping hard
He bonesmashed as well
Bonesmashing works ...
I have done it at the chin and I have got results
Just accept this that salludon results are legit I have done more research about his results than almost everyone on this forum ...
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: It'snotover and c0pemaxxer
head tilting, slightly, beard growth adds to chin height, and angulartiy illusion causes perception of increaed froward grwoth
nigga you are literally blind, his chin GREW. you can clearly see it
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Reactions: Corleone and 5.5psl
nigga you are literally blind, his chin GREW. you can clearly see it
it an illusion and beard growth adds to it and he bonesmahsed his chin so maybe thats whwy
  • +1
  • Hmm...
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just leanmaxx musclemaxx pubertymaxx and make a video and called it mewing transformation bro
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just leanmaxx musclemaxx pubertymaxx and make a video and called it mewing transformation bro
Exactly all those mewing results that we used to see from ages 15-19 are nothing but fuckin puberty and leanmax
  • +1
Reactions: c0pemaxxer
It was through mewing tho
He hard mewed like a retard 24/7
No surgeries can give you those results
Ik myself that mewing doesn't do shit but his results were from mewing
I am 100% sure and I can bet life on this jfl
@jflsnowdzz why jfl?
If he got surgeries give me the proof
I have the proof that his results are from mewing
Mike mew this man has ruined so many life's including mine
Back then in October 2021 I came across mewing by watching tomazzo that gave me hope so I used to focus on mewing all the fuckin time
My focus from studies distracted a lot coz I was thinking about mewing with proper head posture all the fuckin time
Fast forward 1.5 years what happened?
0mm bone change and I got enrolled in a shit college coz I could have focussed much much more in my studies and could have got such a better college because I used to see some saying that mewing doesn't work after 18 so I was focussing on it all the time
There are so many guys who fall for this
I really wish this faggot gets ass raped by a 10 inch rod at the gym , his face itself looks like a scammer how can people even believe that pushing your tongue on the fuckin palate will do anything
Only legit results are of salludon and astrosky rest all are full with bullshit
View attachment 2116445

Also this fag himself had a good jawline even before he created this theory
View attachment 2116447
He only ruined the lives of idiots who thought they could go from chinless to 90 degree gonial angle.
  • +1
Reactions: VenatorLuparius and 5.5psl
He only ruined the lives of idiots who thought they could go from chinless to 90 degree gonial angle.
Back at 17 I used to see life changing mewing results which got me motivated
I really hate myself tbh I am so gullible
Even my friends say that I easily believe people I really need to work upon this
  • +1
Reactions: Jigen and Deleted member 16515
Mike mew this man has ruined so many life's including mine
Back then in October 2021 I came across mewing by watching tomazzo that gave me hope so I used to focus on mewing all the fuckin time
My focus from studies distracted a lot coz I was thinking about mewing with proper head posture all the fuckin time
Fast forward 1.5 years what happened?
0mm bone change and I got enrolled in a shit college coz I could have focussed much much more in my studies and could have got such a better college because I used to see some saying that mewing doesn't work after 18 so I was focussing on it all the time
There are so many guys who fall for this
I really wish this faggot gets ass raped by a 10 inch rod at the gym , his face itself looks like a scammer how can people even believe that pushing your tongue on the fuckin palate will do anything
Only legit results are of salludon and astrosky rest all are full with bullshit
View attachment 2116445

Also this fag himself had a good jawline even before he created this theory
View attachment 2116447
Bro mewed so hard he failed school 💀
  • JFL
Reactions: zura, It'snotover, p0lishsubhuman and 6 others
something worked for me over the last two years (conveniently when I started mewing)
I wonder if it actually helped or I would've looked the exact same had I not tried it
  • +1
Reactions: 5.5psl
something worked for me over the last two years (conveniently when I started mewing)
I wonder if it actually helped or I would've looked the exact same had I not tried it
Mewing is just good tongue posture, it wont change your bones it will give you a nicer submental region whilst you are mewing though.
  • +1
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Bro mewed so hard he failed school 💀
I mean I still have a decent college but I couldn't get my dream college coz of focusing on mewing wayyy too much than my studies in my endeavours of becoming a chad
Back at 17 I used to see life changing mewing results which got me motivated
I really hate myself tbh I am so gullible
Even my friends say that I easily believe people I really need to work upon this
U rlly expected mewing to work at 17?
  • So Sad
Reactions: 5.5psl
Ok, so what do u mean by fake?

The fact that mouth breathing affects the face is known in all orthodontics. Nobody questions that.
The fact that our faces have less bone density the same thing.
The fact that how soft the food is affects someones faces also is known.
Its also known the relation between palate size and longer faces.
The idea of the tongue having to stay in the palate is also known in orthodontics (Not all the tongue, normally the tip)
His idea is that this tongue posture during development affects how the face grows. And that extractions damage the face. About extractions is known in medicine how it deff can change the face, but the studies seem to conclude that the risk is worth it (Stupid). And that the tongue posture affects how the face grows makes sense but there are not many studies on it.

Orthotropics basically connected a lot of dots, his idea make a lot of sense in all the ways. People say its cope but at least for me cope would be to blame in genetics. Way easier and make me feel good about myself. I only disagree that them started recently saying that can change the face in adults. I dont believe in this. Mewing as an adult is cope. Its pathetic to see people in the comments of their videos saying "Your videos changes my life, thanks doctor". It didnt. He literally is saying your face is deformed and that you will need to content with it for the rest of your life.
I also lost a looooot of time and missed so much stuff in life researching about this. But yeah. Its a shitty world we live in,
  • +1
Reactions: p0lishsubhuman, 5.5psl and sub5inchcel
the culminated iq of every1 in this thread is room temperature( celsius)
  • JFL
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Mewing is just good tongue posture, it wont change your bones it will give you a nicer submental region whilst you are mewing though.
I was obviously going through puberty but I'm just curious as to whether or not mewing assisted with the change in my face

it doesn't matter now tho
  • +1
Reactions: 5.5psl
Mike mew this man has ruined so many life's including mine
Back then in October 2021 I came across mewing by watching tomazzo that gave me hope so I used to focus on mewing all the fuckin time
My focus from studies distracted a lot coz I was thinking about mewing with proper head posture all the fuckin time
Fast forward 1.5 years what happened?
0mm bone change and I got enrolled in a shit college coz I could have focussed much much more in my studies and could have got such a better college because I used to see some saying that mewing doesn't work after 18 so I was focussing on it all the time
There are so many guys who fall for this
I really wish this faggot gets ass raped by a 10 inch rod at the gym , his face itself looks like a scammer how can people even believe that pushing your tongue on the fuckin palate will do anything
Only legit results are of salludon and astrosky rest all are full with bullshit
View attachment 2116445

Also this fag himself had a good jawline even before he created this theory
View attachment 2116447
theres fr people at like 30 thinking mewing will help unless u look like the guy in my pfp its over
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