Moneycopers BTFO



Face, Height, Frame, Dick
Oct 15, 2019

Money itself does nothing for your SMV. Women don't marry you for your money, they divorce you for it.

Status =/= Money

Engineers, Investment- bankers/managers, Businessmen and Scientist/Physicians may earn alot of money but they don't have any Status

Meanwhile viral tiktokers or musicians who earn a fraction of their income have 1000x their Status. Status is more intrinsic and intertwined with your Looks.

Only Moneymaxx in order to afford Looksmax Procedures and Surgeries and for your own living standard.

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  • JFL
  • WTF
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Money itself does nothing for your SMV. Women don't marry you for your money, they divorce you for it.

Status =/= Money

Engineers, Investment- bankers/managers, Businessmen and Scientist/Physicians may earn alot of money but they don't have any Status

Meanwhile viral tiktokers or musicians who earn a fraction of their income have 1000x their Status. Status is more intrinsic and intertwined with your Looks.

Only Moneymaxx in order to afford Looksmax Procedures and Surgeries and for your own living standard.

View attachment 1301335

@PubertyMaxxer Get Out Those Titties, I'm Hungry.
@Xangsane You Wanna Fuck @PubertyMaxxer Too?
  • JFL
Reactions: AlwaysHaveQuestions, WontStopNorwooding, Chadeep and 4 others
Based post. I realised money was cope for attracting women when I was in the redpill sphere. Redpill copers would degrade betaxbuxxers then suggest you need focus on earning money to raise your SMV. Then you can have sex with prime women when your in your 30s which is "when you peak" JFL. Some people have no self awareness.

Looks > Status >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Money. If you have enough status you will not struggle to make money.
  • +1
Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex, delusionalretard, AlwaysHaveQuestions and 13 others
Redpill copers would degrade betaxbuxxers then suggest you need focus on earning money to raise your SMV. Then you can have sex with prime women when your in your 30s which is "when you peak" JFL. Some people have no self awareness.
Good, how you noticed that contradiction, in the RedPill community.
The Redpillers, don't suggest to get rich, and than life poor so no one notices. But they do suggest, to show it off. Which makes one a walking betabuxx target, for women whom have decided they need resources and are looking for a sucker to take it from.
Looks > Status >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Money. If you have enough status you will not struggle to make money.
Money, is only for oneself, and offspring. imo. Not for to spend on some woman/women.
Status, is good for job, opportunities, and so on. I wouldn't status maxx much for women. It's kinda betabuxx teritory also.
Best is, when a woman choses you, because her loking at your appearance makes her tingle. All rest, is imo a sub par thing trying to emmulate that but just doesn't do that.

Also noticed this contraditction in RedPill land?
1. If hse doesn't sleep with you within 3 dates. She is not attracted to you.
2. if she slept with more ( than lets say 3) men. Than she is a used up, failing to pairbond woman.

Now, my observation, and experience.
Women that sleep with men within 3 dates, have high(er) body counts. Yet, RedPill suggests to dump women that make you wait longer than 3 dates.
Non promiscuous women (although more rare nowadays), usually make men wait longer than 3 dates. Even when she into him. Adn even shen she finds the dude hot. Those are the type of women Redpillers claim to aim at; yet they will dump them after 3 dates because they can't wait longer.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and mulattomaxxer
Good thread
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  • JFL
Reactions: mulattomaxxer
Good post, I hate moneycopers the most.

Get money for yourself to get some freedom, not cos u think it will attract women ffs
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But he got married and is throatfucking her.
  • JFL
Reactions: mulattomaxxer
Good, how you noticed that contradiction, in the RedPill community.
The Redpillers, don't suggest to get rich, and than life poor so no one notices. But they do suggest, to show it off. Which makes one a walking betabuxx target, for women whom have decided they need resources and are looking for a sucker to take it from.

Money, is only for oneself, and offspring. imo. Not for to spend on some woman/women.
Status, is good for job, opportunities, and so on. I wouldn't status maxx much for women. It's kinda betabuxx teritory also.
Best is, when a woman choses you, because her loking at your appearance makes her tingle. All rest, is imo a sub par thing trying to emmulate that but just doesn't do that.

Also noticed this contraditction in RedPill land?
1. If hse doesn't sleep with you within 3 dates. She is not attracted to you.
2. if she slept with more ( than lets say 3) men. Than she is a used up, failing to pairbond woman.

Now, my observation, and experience.
Women that sleep with men within 3 dates, have high(er) body counts. Yet, RedPill suggests to dump women that make you wait longer than 3 dates.
Non promiscuous women (although more rare nowadays), usually make men wait longer than 3 dates. Even when she into him. Adn even shen she finds the dude hot. Those are the type of women Redpillers claim to aim at; yet they will dump them after 3 dates because they can't wait longer.
Yes, Redpill delusion is the main reason I ended up here. So much of what these guys said contradicted itself. I used to watch AMS, LFA (best one imo), CRP, Rich Cooper, Euntrepeneurs in Cars etc. All the main ones. They were just so fucking hypocritical. It also comes as no suprise these guys are all 6ft+ gymmaxxed chads.

Muh all women are whores but if you don't fuck them after 3 dates they are using you for attention. Also some of them reccomend either having a rotation of women (spinning plates) or cheating on your GF. The cope was unreal.

Pairbond is somewhat true, but its a pipedream. However anyone can still pairbond, its just promiscuos people don't want or are inable to pairbond. Promiscous people will only "settle down" due to social pressure and declining looks.
  • +1
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS and PubertyMaxxer
Ride a lambo, you will get x100 attention than tiktokers combine it with surgeries that you can afford with the money, jfl money is not important
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22126, AlwaysHaveQuestions, Chadeep and 2 others
Looks is the only thing that determines physical attraction. Everything else is an add-on
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Reactions: Chadeep, SAR, ifyouwannabemylover and 2 others
Ride a lambo, you will get x100 attention than tiktokers combine it with surgeries that you can afford with the money, jfl money is not important
Nah prettyboy chad in a metro will get mich more attention than oldcel in a lambo.

Surgeries are obviously a valid reason to moneymaxx, reas the OP again
  • +1
Reactions: RichardSpencel and Scarfaced
nice extreme example. A 4.5-5psl guy whos rich as fuck will mog chad. Even normal guys would choose a girl who looks alright + rich over a stacy to get that easy mode life. Broke chad has jack shit on that kind of man, even avg salary chad
  • +1
Reactions: Chadeep and Warlow
more of these bullshit cope threads. Reminds me of when people post body is cope threads with ugly guys who are jacked then get surprised when an HTN whos stacked with a good body has insane results on tinder. EVERYTHING matters.
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  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 14264, Deleted member 7224, RIPPED IRL and 1 other person
nice extreme example. A 4.5-5psl guy whos rich as fuck will mog chad. Even normal guys would choose a girl who looks alright + rich over a stacy to get that easy mode life. Broke chad has jack shit on that kind of man, even avg salary chad
jfl 4.5-5 psl is already htn level

"good looking as fuck" chad above normal salary he will mog a rich as fuck htn to oblivion.

looks > money byfar
  • +1
Reactions: AlwaysHaveQuestions, Deleted member 275, MiroslavBulldosex and 6 others
jfl 4.5-5 psl is already htn level

"good looking as fuck" chad above normal salary he will mog a rich as fuck htn to oblivion.

looks > money byfar
suck my dick if you think broke chad who lives with his mom is pulling more girls than a 5psl white dude inviting girls on his yacht.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: RIPPED IRL and PubertyMaxxer
jfl 4.5-5 psl is already htn level

"good looking as fuck" chad above normal salary he will mog a rich as fuck htn to oblivion.

looks > money byfar
ill link you a post of the bald 4.5-5psl white dude whos gymcelled w good pics and his tinder. He does very good, imagine if that dude was rich. would be a massive fucking blowout
jfl 4.5-5 psl is already htn level

"good looking as fuck" chad above normal salary he will mog a rich as fuck htn to oblivion.

looks > money byfar

htn has no hair no gym?? 0 smv
HTN gets hair AND gym? mega high smv
add yachts, nice place etc. Its a wrap.
Once youre around the upper middle class of looks EVERYTHING MATTERS. However, chad still doesnt need anything so good for him
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  • Woah
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you the money for looksmaxxing tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Blackgymmax
nice extreme example. A 4.5-5psl guy whos rich as fuck will mog chad. Even normal guys would choose a girl who looks alright + rich over a stacy to get that easy mode life. Broke chad has jack shit on that kind of man, even avg salary chad
i know a chad junkie that is an wannabe tattoo artist i checked his following it was all single mum's, 2021 foids betabuxx chads. I can send u to him on fb btw.
  • +1
Reactions: Blackgymmax
i know a chad junkie that is an wannabe tattoo artist i checked his following it was all single mum's, 2021 foids betabuxx chads. I can send u to him on fb btw.
na i got friends like this too, im aware lel
suck my dick if you think broke chad who lives with his mom is pulling more girls than a 5psl white dude inviting girls on his yacht.
Do you know how wealthy you Have to be to afford that Yacht lifestyle? Top 0.1% in North America / Western Europe atleast. Good luck achieving that :ROFLMAO:

Looks > Status >>>>>>>>>> Money. In terms of purely attracting/fucking foids
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 9568, ifyouwannabemylover and Scarfaced
Do you know how wealthy you Have to be to afford that Yacht lifestyle? Top 0.1% in North America / Western Europe atleast. Good luck achieving that :ROFLMAO:

Looks > Status >>>>>>>>>> Money. In terms of purely attracting/fucking foids
You act as if becoming chad is like a walk in the park when its like 5% of dudes and is less likely to attain with surgery. Its probably more likely that youll get rich to that extent than to become chad. The point is that youre using the extremes of a rich mega ugly dude when you know the decent looking white mega rich dude can also looksmax, be beneath chad (using the best surgeons as well) in terms of facial aesthetics, gymcel and get more girls, if not BETTER girls than chad. Yes looks are the defining factor or attractiveness, however you dont need to be chad. A 6/10 white guy whos rich can literally just not be bald, hit the gym, even get surgeries from the best and sweep up the best. Im just putting it out there that a 6/10 rich white guy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chad. Im not disputing a guy who doesnt make the looks cut at all. Money is not a cope when you have enough looks or can afford the looks with it.
@Blackgymmax We are talking about 'raw attraction' here. Money will never get her pussy wet, a good looking face and body will.If you believe otherwise you are coping hard.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22126, PubertyMaxxer, Blackgymmax and 1 other person
[USER = 8580] @Blackgymmax [/ USER] Estamos hablando de "atracción pura" aquí. El dinero nunca mojará su coño, una cara y un cuerpo atractivos lo harán. Si crees lo contrario, lo estás sobrellevando con fuerza.
Cierto (y)

good thing I'm investing nearly all of my savings in looks while others wagecel and "grind" for nothing
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  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer and Scarfaced
@Blackgymmax We are talking about 'raw attraction' here. Money will never get her pussy wet, a good looking face and body will.If you believe otherwise you are coping hard.
no, I think youre coping. Read everything I typed out. You dont need to be the absolute best looking salludon tier looking dude. However, u look good enough and youre rich, youre a million times better off than chad. That is my point. Esp if youre a normal white guy,
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  • JFL
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
You need money for dating Victoria's Secret Gigastacies.
  • Love it
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Nah prettyboy chad in a metro will get mich more attention than oldcel in a lambo.

Surgeries are obviously a valid reason to moneymaxx, reas the OP again
Exactly bhai
suck my dick if you think broke chad who lives with his mom is pulling more girls than a 5psl white dude inviting girls on his yacht.
You are so fucking retarded dont u realize that ur biased as fuck? U give the very rich guy ABOVE AVERAGE looks on top of it but you give the chad bottom tier homeless money:lul:

U give the rich guy basically 6.5/10 looksmbut the chad 2/10 money to prove your dumbass point:feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
  • +1
Reactions: PURE ARYAN GENETICS, PubertyMaxxer and Deleted member 275
You are so fucking retarded dont u realize that ur biased as fuck? U give the very rich guy ABOVE AVERAGE looks on top of it but you give the chad bottom tier homeless money:lul:

U give the rich guy basically 6.5/10 looksmbut the chad 2/10 money to prove your dumbass point:feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
You can give him an avg white dude and he can looksmax to above avg w that money, easily. Unless that chad mf gets a meeks tier luck out, hes not getting giga rich, over. Its biased as fuck to use an extreme as an old gross 1/10 man. Give chad average money, and hes still fucked. Now you have looksmaxxed white man with a inviting chads gf to a yacht party. Its over.
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  • JFL
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Lol at the mentality of getting money to get women
you should get money to give yourself a better life, fuck betabuxxing
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser and PubertyMaxxer
In terms of SMV (admitting looks are equal): broke musician who plays in a bar on the weekend >>> rich surgeon
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser, RichardSpencel and Deleted member 275
You can give him an avg white dude and he can looksmax to above avg w that money, easily. Unless that chad mf gets a meeks tier luck out, hes not getting giga rich, over. Its biased as fuck to use an extreme as an old gross 1/10 man. Give chad average money, and hes still fucked. Now you have looksmaxxed white man with a inviting chads gf to a yacht party. Its over.
bringing in factors like that is retarded we are talking about looks vs money in hypothetical situation by your logic i can say easily that the chad could achieve status and money because its true
you are using biased comparision all im saying is compare the same tier money and looks u will have looks winning 100% time
JFl if you try to make money simply for attracting girls, make money for yourself so you can looksmax, travel, have a good life and no stress
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
bringing in factors like that is retarded we are talking about looks vs money in hypothetical situation by your logic i can say easily that the chad could achieve status and money because its true
you are using biased comparision all im saying is compare the same tier money and looks u will have looks winning 100% time
no not really. Going from a 5 to a 6/10 with surgery and then going to the gym is pretty realistic as a mega rich guy. However chad with avg income going to yacht multi millionaire status is a massive jump and extremely unlikely to happen even if youre 7psl lol. If its like a 4/10 white guy, and theres no looksmaxxing, hell even a 5/10 white guy and he does absolutely nothing but uses money to get girls, sure you could say the chad would win in terms of attraction yes, but in terms of actually getting laid, rich guy can still buy pretty much any woman and chads gf lel
no not really. Going from a 5 to a 6/10 with surgery and then going to the gym is pretty realistic as a mega rich guy. However chad with avg income going to yacht multi millionaire status is a massive jump and extremely unlikely to happen even if youre 7psl lol. If its like a 4/10 white guy, and theres no looksmaxxing, hell even a 5/10 white guy and he does absolutely nothing but uses money to get girls, sure you could say the chad would win in terms of attraction yes, but in terms of actually getting laid, rich guy can still buy pretty much any woman and chads gf lel
oh my god man

you are comparing a 10% jump to like a 45% one obvsly one will be harder, im not talking about chad achieving multi millionaire status how would that even make sense then we would compare mega rich htn to mega rich chad jfl

compare the same levels, going from normie money to above average money as a giga chad is VERY realistic

daily reminder that being a multi millionaire w a yacht is not above average its like top 1-2% percentile.

you got the other way around chad would probably slay the millionaires cuck wives as it happens on many occasions
  • +1
Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex
no not really. Going from a 5 to a 6/10 with surgery and then going to the gym is pretty realistic as a mega rich guy. However chad with avg income going to yacht multi millionaire status is a massive jump and extremely unlikely to happen even if youre 7psl lol. If its like a 4/10 white guy, and theres no looksmaxxing, hell even a 5/10 white guy and he does absolutely nothing but uses money to get girls, sure you could say the chad would win in terms of attraction yes, but in terms of actually getting laid, rich guy can still buy pretty much any woman and chads gf lel
by quantity you even if we even out the comparision probs the rich htn can slay more by inviting girls and getting blown off for money etc

but interms of going to a random club, who could cuck the other, quality its no question
  • +1
Reactions: Blackgymmax
But what is the fking point of this thread ? You can only be a chad by genetics or surgeries so if you are not a chad, moneymaxx to get surgeries then continue moneymaxxing and live like a rich chad and you will slay x100 more than being a chad only.

Look at Dan bilzerian jfl that guy would have slay like 1000+ bitchies and he is not even good looking only cuz status+rich as fk

Also JFL if you are rich but not looksmax as fk with the money just a waste of life
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 7419 and PubertyMaxxer
oh my god man

you are comparing a 10% jump to like a 45% one obvsly one will be harder, im not talking about chad achieving multi millionaire status how would that even make sense then we would compare mega rich htn to mega rich chad jfl

compare the same levels, going from normie money to above average money as a giga chad is VERY realistic

daily reminder that being a multi millionaire w a yacht is not above average its like top 1-2% percentile.

you got the other way around chad would probably slay the millionaires cuck wives as it happens on many occasions
oh, yeah no im not comparing an htn with one leg up on money making like 6 figures. Im talking about real trust fund baby money. Anything below that means jack shit obv. The tiktok is talking about rich old men so im assuming hes making the giga rich + 1/10 looks vs broke chad which isnt rly a fair comparison
  • +1
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But what is the fking point of this thread ? You can only be a chad by genetics or surgeries so if you are not a chad, moneymaxx to get surgeries then continue moneymaxxing and live like a rich chad and you will slay x100 more than being a chad only.

Look at Dan bilzerian jfl that guy would have slay like 1000+ bitchies and he is not even good looking only cuz status+rich as fk

Also JFL if you are rich but not looksmax as fk with the money just a waste of life
dan literally pays these girls 10k ea to smash lmao.
  • +1
Reactions: goat2x
dan literally pays these girls 10k ea to smash lmao.
cant believe sum people still out there thinking he is sum sigma male slayer lol

he is a fraud beta bux tbh
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  • JFL
Reactions: Tallooksmaxxer, PubertyMaxxer, MiroslavBulldosex and 3 others
In terms of SMV (admitting looks are equal): broke musician who plays in a bar on the weekend >>> rich surgeon
Eppley is gonna need to visit Eppley
To cope with this post.
  • JFL
Reactions: Tallooksmaxxer, lasthope, Deleted member 7419 and 3 others
oh, yeah no im not comparing an htn with one leg up on money making like 6 figures. Im talking about real trust fund baby money. Anything below that means jack shit obv. The tiktok is talking about rich old men so im assuming hes making the giga rich + 1/10 looks vs broke chad which isnt rly a fair comparison
If you are browsing this forum, there is no way to become a trust fund baby. There's no way to become a multi-millionaire. This makes money cope because if you are not born rich, you will never realistically get to a point of having the wealth to boost your SMV in any significant way.

People thinking money will increase their SMV, end up becoming doctors/engineers/lawyers making some low 6-figure salary and realizing after 10 years that this amount of money is irrelevant.

A realistic comparison would then become a guy living in a big house, with a new porsche. (money-coping surgeon) VS a guy living in a cool appartement, with a second-hand regular car. (avg wageslave) These type of wealth/income differences are entirely irrelevant in the eyes of women.
  • +1
Reactions: metagross, Deleted member 4430, PubertyMaxxer and 3 others
If you are browsing this forum, there is no way to become a trust fund baby. There's no way to become a multi-millionaire. This makes money cope because if you are not born rich, you will never realistically get to a point of having the wealth to boost your SMV in any significant way.

People thinking money will increase their SMV, end up becoming doctors/engineers/lawyers making some low 6-figure salary and realizing after 10 years that this amount of money is irrelevant.

A realistic comparison would then become a guy living in a big house, with a new porsche. (money-coping surgeon) VS a guy living in a cool appartement, with a second-hand regular car. (avg wageslave) These type of wealth/income differences are entirely irrelevant in the eyes of women.
Literally every interaction I've had with prime-aged women showed that they didn't care about money.
Once you're in a LTR you just need an ok salary to provide some stability (having a decent place to live in, going on holidays a couple time a year, affording what your kids need), the rest is cope.
  • +1
Reactions: metagross, PubertyMaxxer, Deleted member 9568 and 2 others
If you are browsing this forum, there is no way to become a trust fund baby. There's no way to become a multi-millionaire. This makes money cope because if you are not born rich, you will never realistically get to a point of having the wealth to boost your SMV in any significant way.

People thinking money will increase their SMV, end up becoming doctors/engineers/lawyers making some low 6-figure salary and realizing after 10 years that this amount of money is irrelevant.

A realistic comparison would then become a guy living in a big house, with a new porsche. (money-coping surgeon) VS a guy living in a cool appartement, with a second-hand regular car. (avg wageslave) These type of wealth/income differences are entirely irrelevant in the eyes of women.
Low 6 figure nobodies are fucked. You need to pretty much be chad or like 0.5psl below chad to compete yeh. Nigga fuck those guys. Avg wage slave chad slays more pussy than those guys could dream of
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Lmao i have a friend whos in 10m networth. Ive shown him what salludon can get and he really doesnt believe it. he really told me that all men pay for it. Hes below avg white dude who refuses to looksmax when i told him he would do very well if he did, however im sure hes getting cucked by girls now lol
  • JFL
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
Lmao i have a friend whos in 10m networth. Ive shown him what salludon can get and he really doesnt believe it. he really told me that all men pay for it. Hes below avg white dude who refuses to looksmax when i told him he would do very well if he did, however im sure hes getting cucked by girls now lol
BROTAL, just heard from my slayer friend that one of his slays got paid 50 euros to talk to a depressed guy outside the bar, can send u on fb. Foids don't need rich guys anymore

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