More suicide fuel for "6'2'' is good height" copers

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Admit it OP, you’re breaking your legs for that girl
Yes, of coure. We are all looksmaxxing for sacred pussy here, so at least be honest and admit it. None of this "I do it for myself" shit that femoids use in their argumentation for make up application.
What is your hustle
muh "i dont want to be 6'7" thats too tall bro"

right guy is 6'7"

I have a 47 year old cousin who is 6"7-6"8, he has trouble with his shoulders and back and can't fit into vehicles, and the shoulders and back problems have been going on for his entire life. The cons seem to outweigh the pros.
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What about 5"11 and a half?
5 ft 11 and a half is death bro.You need to be 6 ft 1/2 or you might aswell rope.
I suggest Leg Lengthening or the Rope
Lmao muh height.
Can't wait to get a job and a loan for ll. I legit can't leave the house anymore being only 6'2.
What about 5"11 and a half?
5’11 is fine. It’s the average male height in the west and tall enough for most women. You could also wear lifts if you’re that desperate to be at least 6’0 (if you’re not already that height in normal shoes). Don’t take autists like @Simone Nobili serious.
5’11 is fine. It’s the average male height in the west and tall enough for most women. You could also wear lifts if you’re that desperate to be at least 6’0 (if you’re not already that height in normal shoes). Don’t take autists like @Simone Nobili serious.
Autists like me jfl.
Anything under 6 ft 1/2 is death Here.
Keep coping.
Even that is manlet actually 6 ft 2 or kill yourself
No height for your face.
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Autists like me jfl.
Anything under 6 ft 1/2 is death Here.
Keep coping.
Even that is manlet actually 6 ft 2 or kill yourself
You’re actually fucking retarded. 5’11 is fine here in the Netherlands where the average height is even higher than were you live, you’re just exaggerating. There’s barely even a difference between 5’11 and 6’0, JFL.
You’re actually fucking retarded. 5’11 is fine here in the Netherlands where the average height is even higher than were you live, you’re just exaggerating. There’s barely even a difference between 5’11 and 6’0, JFL.
5’11 is fine. It’s the average male height in the west and tall enough for most women. You could also wear lifts if you’re that desperate to be at least 6’0 (if you’re not already that height in normal shoes). Don’t take autists like @Simone Nobili serious.
Phew, that's a relief!
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Im 1 inch taller than him.1 inch from 5 ft 11 1/2 to 6 ft 1/2 is a world difference
Sure it is, JFL. :lul:
It’s a difference which is easily covered with lifts or certain shoes.
  • JFL
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Go and choke yourselves.

There is a reason I'm saving for LL at 6'2''. This is the reason:
ideal height is 190cm.
above this height you are a beanpole
muh "i dont want to be 6'7" thats too tall bro"

right guy is 6'7"

if we were in the apocalypse you’d be the first to go. the whole surviving group could survive a week off your thigh meat
  • JFL
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Thing is I've rarely had trouble with women, and never have I been told that I'm too short to date, even after revealing my height.
Yeah, hence why I said that 5’11 is tall enough for most women.
Isn't face more important than height?
Eh, think about height as a multiplier, which the X is the face.
As the face gets better, the height halos much more.
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Yeah, hence why I said that 5’11 is tall enough for most women.

Eh, think about height as a multiplier, which the X is the face.
As the face gets better, the height halos much more.
Kind of like how a 5/10 would be haloed by her huge boobs or butt?
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Yeah if he’s good looking sure, anyway taller is better but girls would rather 6’2 good frame 7 PSL face than a 6’6 lanklet with 6.5 PSL face
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Thing is I've rarely had trouble with women, and never have I been told that I'm too short to date, even after revealing my height.

Isn't face more important than height?
No.Height is more important.
If youre 6 ft 3 youre instantly a chad.
Also Im 6 ft 1 1/2 in shoes.
OP is a retard
  • JFL
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No.Height is more important.
If youre 6 ft 3 youre instantly a chad.
Also Im 6 ft 1 1/2 in shoes.
Then how is it that I still pull women? My girlfriend is also 2 inches taller than me and a solid 8.
Then how is it that I still pull women? My girlfriend is also 2 inches taller than me and a solid 8.
so youre just a lucky manlet but still a manlet
  • JFL
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Autism indeed.

Stop trolling you faggot.
Who is trolling Im serious.Take me serious😡
Ok.I have my human rights bro.So show me some love.
Also Im ideal height.6 ft 1/2 You can bow down already.Dont be shy🙂
Who is trolling Im serious.Take me serious😡
Ok.I have my human rights bro.So show me some love.
Also Im ideal height.6 ft 1/2 You can bow down already.Dont be shy🙂
Fuck off you asshole. You don’t see me constantly calling everyone under 6’2 manlets even though I could.
Autism indeed.

Stop trolling you faggot.
TOTALLY unrelated note, my jaw seems to click when I chew a lot of gum or just in general. Except when I jut, is jutting bad for your jaw?
Fuck off you asshole. You don’t see me constantly calling everyone under 6’2 manlets even though I could.
Lol you can call me manlet...☹😂😂😂😂
You think I care.I know I am a manlet.
Its okay
I'd be fine if I was 6'2 but I still understand your problem.
I'm 5'11 and have a God complex. I want to go outside without me being heightmogged by even one single person.
I'm probably indeed average, or maybe slightly below, but I want to be significantly above average.
You can get girls even as a manlet, but even these girls would prefer if you were taller.
All girls have a size fetish, that's blackpill number 1.
You say it's about girls. For me it is honestly not. I've been disrespected by other men a lot before because I'm short and skinny. I just want to be physically superior finally, I want to tower over other men and have the feeling that I can protect myself and the people around me. Having girls fetishize you would just be an amazing side effect.

Honestly, if you have the money for LL then just fucking do it.
What are you waiting for?

We need more people who document their LL experience anyways.
If I had the money and balls for LL, I'd do it immediately.
My desired height would be 6'4, which is enough anywhere imo.
I'll probably won't be able to afford LL before my 30s tho because I'm in a wageslave job.
Getting it at 30 isn't worth it because my prime would be over. That's why I'm just trying to accept my manletism right now, try to still have some fun and maybe get LL later. 50k paid and like 80k loan maybe.
Social effects will be brutal tho. You'll be seen as crazy as fuck by the people around you. That's what I'm afraid of
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threads like this are the reason why I visit this site only once a month, your low IQ is contagious so I better keep distance
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You’re beyond retarded

And when I say “beyond retarded” I mean


So here’s what’s gonna happen for you:

-You’ll go to doc’s office and convince him that you need LL at 6’2 and he’ll let you see a psychologist to confirm autism, which I think will be pretty easy since you already show in this thread that you’re mentally challenged
-You’ll go under surgery for 6 months
-You will have a lot more to suffer than your 5’2-5’9 LL guys since you already have taller bones which will be harder to heal and walk with
-After another 6 months you’ll start walking at your new height 6’6
-You’ll find a height fetishist slut who you’ll think is an angel
-This slut will cheat on you with a low inhib 5’10 roided tatted 6 PSL dude
-You’ll realize that your height fetishism has been in vain and realize that you’ve wasted a whole year, thousands of dollars, suffered great pain just to gain nothing in terms of general attractiveness but actually lose SMV for 80% of women.
-Shotgun to your head and your story ends
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-You’ll go to doc’s office and convince him that you need LL at 6’2 and he’ll let you see a psychologist to confirm autism, which I think will be pretty easy since you already show in this thread that you’re mentally challenged
I have mental issues, but not autism (confirmed by several mental health professionals).

I don't see you refuting 6'6'' is necessary for Giga Chad status and ultra mogs, so...
-You will have a lot more to suffer than your 5’2-5’9 LL guys since you already have taller bones which will be harder to heal and walk with
What are growth hormones?
What are SARMS?

-This slut will cheat on you with a low inhib 5’10 roided tatted 6 PSL dude
Kek, you think I'm not bodybuilding for 10 years and am no roided LMAO?
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Only women calling me modeltier on tinder daily :D
6A445A5D E796 4F4F 8D57 80353E700175

i hope they wont be too dissapointed when they see you in real life

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