More suicide fuel for "6'2'' is good height" copers

You still haven't answered my question.
Why don't you just go for LL if you have the money?

@Zero very legit what you're saying. It's all about in which environment you are. On public transport and in big cities in the morning (only jobless ethnics and old retired people) I even feel tall at 5'11.
That changes immediately when I go to work, walk past night clubs or go into supermarkets (cheap stores like Aldi have more manlets that's why I started shopping there). There's this one liquid store in my city and every employee there heightmogs me hard. I don't get it. I swear they only employ 6'1+ people. I avoid this store now. Being heightmogged makes me unhappy and makes me be a shut in, being a shut in means it's over. I have to force myself to go out there as a manlet to at least be able to say I'm not a volcel.
seems like most of the users on this forum have no idea how tall 6'3 is
sorry guys but if half of men are taller than you at this height then you're not 6'3
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seems like most of the users on this forum have no idea how tall 6'3 is
sorry guys but if half of men are taller than you at this height then you're not 6'3
Pretty much.

At 6'4" I'm the tallest guy in pretty much any room I walk in. In lectures halls of 100 people there might be 3 or 4 taller than me. At house parties I'll be one of the tallest 2 or 3. I can live normally, walking around cities, and go several days at a time without seeing anyone substantially taller.
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  • So Sad
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seems like most of the users on this forum have no idea how tall 6'3 is
sorry guys but if half of men are taller than you at this height then you're not 6'3

I measured it and it's on my passport. You're just lucky that you live in a shithole full of subhumans.
I measured it and it's on my passport. You're just lucky that you live in a shithole full of subhumans.
time to get LL then you disgusting manlet
I've visited 23 countries in Europe and I didn't feel short on absolutely none of them, your argument has been refuted
and well if I ever felt who the fuck cares, I'm 6'3, I can beat the fuck out of a 6'8 guy easily, taller guys are not intimidating cuz they dont know how to fight jfl just look at struve
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above everything its about your figure

this means big skull, big frame, big muscles, big height

you need to be as big as possible
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Where would you place yourself in height compared to other men @Alexanderr ?

Like, at 188cm let’s say you walk into a grocery store in a middle class neighbourhood. How many men out of 10 will you be taller than and how many men will you be shorter than?
I’d say I’d be taller than around 6-7 men in the room which means there’s two or three taller than me.
I'd be fine if I was 6'2 but I still understand your problem.
I'm 5'11 and have a God complex. I want to go outside without me being heightmogged by even one single person.
I'm probably indeed average, or maybe slightly below, but I want to be significantly above average.
You can get girls even as a manlet, but even these girls would prefer if you were taller.
All girls have a size fetish, that's blackpill number 1.
You say it's about girls. For me it is honestly not. I've been disrespected by other men a lot before because I'm short and skinny. I just want to be physically superior finally, I want to tower over other men and have the feeling that I can protect myself and the people around me. Having girls fetishize you would just be an amazing side effect.

Honestly, if you have the money for LL then just fucking do it.
What are you waiting for?

We need more people who document their LL experience anyways.
If I had the money and balls for LL, I'd do it immediately.
My desired height would be 6'4, which is enough anywhere imo.
I'll probably won't be able to afford LL before my 30s tho because I'm in a wageslave job.
Getting it at 30 isn't worth it because my prime would be over. That's why I'm just trying to accept my manletism right now, try to still have some fun and maybe get LL later. 50k paid and like 80k loan maybe.
Social effects will be brutal tho. You'll be seen as crazy as fuck by the people around you. That's what I'm afraid of
Trust me, 5"11 is definitely not manlet territory, but it's not extremely tall, I've found a good face makes up for height unless you're under 5"10. You and I just made it over the finish line to being safe.
People think only about gigachads with perfect fame and good health combin3d with health and they just want to heightmog people. Usually they are manlets with height complex. They miss that height is only addition to face

6"4 is the limit imo.
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over for BDDcels
Trust me, 5"11 is definitely not manlet territory, but it's not extremely tall, I've found a good face makes up for height unless you're under 5"10. You and I just made it over the finish line to being safe.

6"4 is the limit imo.
I get called short regularly. I guess we must have different proportions then.
Wtf is this thread
Why don't you just go for LL if you have the money?
Because of logistics. I need to do some certain things at certain intervals until certain date where I live and moving right now to live 6 months in USA would break some of these current things. IN future - yes
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Maybe your frame makes you look shorter?
Possible, I have low shoulders. But 5'11 is still short. Other 5'11 guys also look short to me. Tall begins at 6'3
Possible, I have low shoulders. But 5'11 is still short. Other 5'11 guys also look short to me. Tall begins at 6'3
It's still not short enough to get LL, don't listen to the people here that say otherwise (unless you live in the Netherlands idk).
Possible, I have low shoulders. But 5'11 is still short. Other 5'11 guys also look short to me. Tall begins at 6'3
And from what I've seen attractive height ends at 6"4.
7 foot 3 is ideal height. (220 cm)
seems like most of the users on this forum have no idea how tall 6'3 is
sorry guys but if half of men are taller than you at this height then you're not 6'3
Legit. I'm 6'2" and even at my company who has an obvious bias for hiring tallfags I'm taller than 70-80% of the guys there.

Among the general public I often pass 20+ men before I see a guy who's taller.
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time to get LL then you disgusting manlet
I've visited 23 countries in Europe and I didn't feel short on absolutely none of them, your argument has been refuted
and well if I ever felt who the fuck cares, I'm 6'3, I can beat the fuck out of a 6'8 guy easily, taller guys are not intimidating cuz they dont know how to fight jfl just look at struve

Cope harder, your height is as common as your low IQ
Legit. I'm 6'2" and even at my company who has an obvious bias for hiring tallfags I'm taller than 70-80% of the guys there.

Among the general public I often pass 20+ men before I see a guy who's taller.
I'm 5'9 and I would estimate only about 1 out of 5 guys is noticeably taller than me. Seriously.

The problem is guys still overestimate height by at least 1 to 2 inches, so people's perceptions are so skewed. We had a health checkup and almost every single male was chatting afterward about how they thought they were at least 2 inches taller. An atomic blackpill was dropped that day.
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that dudes real height is like 6'2
6'2 is the best height worldwide. But in my coutry 6'1 is very "acceptable" too.
ULTRA GIGA COPE. Height is not and never will be Universal. It all depends on where you live. For example here in Brazil you can definitely Slay at 5'8 and above of course you also need a gl face.
5'11 is literally 180cm. That's an extremely good height

180cm get's very mogged by 190cm or more
I'm literally 6'1 on boots and didnt saw one single person taller than me last time i go out. Imagine being 6'2 barefoot?
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180cm get's very mogged by 190cm or more
I'm literally 6'1 on boots and didnt saw one single person taller than me last time i go out. Imagine being 6'2 barefoot?
Being over 190 isn't mogging anyone. It just looks bad. Once one reaches 180 or 5'11 there is no such thing as "heightmog"
Being over 190 isn't mogging anyone. It just looks bad. Once one reaches 180 or 5'11 there is no such thing as "heightmog"

You are coping. 190 guy with good frame and some muscles will slay even with an average face.
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  • JFL
Reactions: HighIQcel, loromate and Arvenas
the same boring thread over and over again
You are coping. 190 guy with good frame and some muscles will slay even with an average face.
I am not coping, I am 6ft, I don't need to cope with height. 190 guys just get perceived as freaks and lankets, no girl wants to be near them
  • JFL
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Cope harder, your height is as common as your low IQ
keep complaining about your height at 6'2 and feeling submissive and intimidated by taller guys whenever you see them lul
if you knew that at this point it is all about frame and face, you wouldn't still be a virgin
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6'2 is too tall, prove me im wrong.
seems like most of the users on this forum have no idea how tall 6'3 is
sorry guys but if half of men are taller than you at this height then you're not 6'3
You can't trust any measurement from PSLers/miscers.
I am not coping, I am 6ft, I don't need to cope with height. 190 guys just get perceived as freaks and lankets, no girl wants to be near them
I am 6'0 in the Netherlands and I am the second smallest guy of my group in my fraternity(8 guys). In most situations I am about average though, but wearing shoe-lifts to fraud an extra full inch for no real effort is definitely worth it. Most in my frat are around 6'2 and we have 2 guys at 6'4.

One of those 6'4 guys is the biggest slayer.
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I am 6'0 in the Netherlands and I am the second smallest guy of my group in my fraternity(8 guys). In most situations I am about average though, but wearing shoe-lifts to fraud an extra full inch is definitely worth it. Most are around 6'2 and we have 2 guys at 6'4.

One of those 6'4 guys is the biggest slayer.
I have literally been to the Netherlands when I was 16 and 17 year old, being little more than 170 and I heightmogged 80% of the population
I have literally been to the Netherlands when I was 16 and 17 year old, being little more than 170 and I heightmogged 80% of the population
I have literally been to the Netherlands when I was 16 and 17 year old, being little more than 170 and I heightmogged 80% of the population
Not suprised?

Half the population is female so easy to mog in height.
A big part of the population is old and grew up in a time where the avg height was much smaller + people get shorter with age.
A quarter of the population is immigrants who have a lower average height.

Good job you mog 80% of the population you are not even competing with. Nobody cares if you heightmog a 60yo asian grandma.

I am talking about a student frat of 18-24yo white upper-middle class guys. The average height for 18-24yo whites is 6'2 here for sure and that's what I have to compete with in my social circles, on tinder, when I am looking for a job and when I go clubbing.
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I have literally been to the Netherlands when I was 16 and 17 year old, being little more than 170 and I heightmogged 80% of the population
OK so ofc fags exaggarate here when they say shit like 6'1" = manlet etc but in this case, unless you mistyped 180, this cannot be true even if you were a woman. 5'7 there is somewhere between 20th-25th percentile for males, so you would be getting heightmogged by the 80% of the population.
OK so ofc fags exaggarate here when they say shit like 6'1" = manlet etc but in this case, unless you mistyped 180, this cannot be true even if you were a woman.
you surely love 180cm brandonten
I am 6'0 in the Netherlands and I am the second smallest guy of my group in my fraternity(8 guys). In most situations I am about average though, but wearing shoe-lifts to fraud an extra full inch for no real effort is definitely worth it. Most in my frat are around 6'2 and we have 2 guys at 6'4.

One of those 6'4 guys is the biggest slayer.
I can believe it.
6 ft is over these days 6 ft 1 or death
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It's just the true
OK so ofc fags exaggarate here when they say shit like 6'1" = manlet etc but in this case, unless you mistyped 180, this cannot be true even if you were a woman. 5'7 there is somewhere between 20th-25th percentile for males, so you would be getting heightmogged by the 80% of the population.
180 is 5'11
Not suprised?

Half the population is female so easy to mog in height.
A big part of the population is old and grew up in a time where the avg height was much smaller + people get shorter with age.
A quarter of the population is immigrants who have a lower average height.

Good job you mog 80% of the population you are not even competing with. Nobody cares if you heightmog a 60yo asian grandma.

I am talking about a student frat of 18-24yo white upper-middle class guys. The average height for 18-24yo whites is 6'2 here for sure and that's what I have to compete with in my social circles, on tinder, when I am looking for a job and when I go clubbing.
I'm talking about males, not females. Also, "competing"? lmao.
keep complaining about your height at 6'2 and feeling submissive and intimidated by taller guys whenever you see them lul
if you knew that at this point it is all about frame and face, you wouldn't still be a virgin

You keep moving the goalpost because that's all you can do you cornered dog. Keep barking for me, subhuman, I fucked more girls than you'll even have eye contact with.

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