Most people on here are not truly blackpilled


Deleted member 20891

150 IQ
Jul 20, 2022
Most users here aren't truly blackpilled. They still believe in muh socialcirclepill and muh looksmaxxing. There are some truly blackpilled users like @disillusioned and @softlysoftly though, however most of this forum, especially the lookscoping section still believes in bluepill theories like how friendships are based on personality and how socialcirclemaxxing is benefitial for attracting femoids etc. But the truth is is that woman care about looks more than everything. A NT 5'7 currycel with 30 friends would get no pussy while a aspie 6'4 white brown haired, blue eyed low t chad would slay every other day.
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Reactions: Deleted member 14262, stevielake, 444 and 16 others
Are you really 14?
  • JFL
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Most users here aren't truly blackpilled. They still believe in muh socialcirclepill and muh looksmaxxing. There are some truly blackpilled users like @disillusioned and @softlysoftly though, however most of this forum, especially the lookscoping section still believes in bluepill theories like how friendships are based on personality and how socialcirclemaxxing is benefitial for attracting femoids etc. But the truth is is that woman care about looks more than everything. A NT 5'7 currycel with 30 friends would get no pussy while a aspie 6'4 white brown haired, blue eyed low t chad would slay every other day.
then you have the extreme deluded users who think they have a chad life when really they are pathetic losers of society like @MakinItHappenReturn
gay old indian manlet with small dick no money no girls no children just strips naked for old gay men and argues with kids half his age while trying to shill his shitty fiverr face ratings so he can afford to go buy himself a meal to live another day
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Reactions: Pikabro, Deleted member 14262, Deleted member 19469 and 16 others
Why would I want to be 'truly' blackpilled? Nihilism sucks, you gotta sparkle a bit of bluepill in there as well occasionally.
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Reactions: Deleted member 8365, Deleted member 22380, ShowerMaxxing and 19 others
Most users here aren't truly blackpilled. They still believe in muh socialcirclepill and muh looksmaxxing. There are some truly blackpilled users like @disillusioned and @softlysoftly though, however most of this forum, especially the lookscoping section still believes in bluepill theories like how friendships are based on personality and how socialcirclemaxxing is benefitial for attracting femoids etc. But the truth is is that woman care about looks more than everything. A NT 5'7 currycel with 30 friends would get no pussy while a aspie 6'4 white brown haired, blue eyed low t chad would slay every other day.
Just be more neuro-typical, bro. The whole usage of that NT bullshit is flawed because none of .org dalits use it properly. By NT they mean be a NPC cuck that uses NigNog and etc. Actual non - NTs are the ones that can't wipe their arse or faint whenever some stranger tries to strike a conversation with them. TL; DR it's genetics more precisely LOOKS.
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Reactions: Pikabro, ManletBlackcel, Deleted member 19036 and 4 others
Why would I want to be 'truly' blackpilled? Nihilism sucks, you gotta sparkle a bit of bluepill in there as well occasionally.
Coping with the bluepill is just deluding yourself.
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You are 14 so I recommend you abuse HGH and aromasin instead of opening low IQ threads.
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Being "truly blackpilled" is retarded.

The truth is always somewhere in the middle
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Reactions: CsCurry, 444, Deleted member 15468 and 10 others
A NT normie with 30 friends is exactly the type of guy you would see with a girl above his looks level though. You know how you see some ugly/normie fucker with a HTB-Stacy sometimes and think how tf did that happen? He likely has a good social circle and social skills, not some MTN aspie that rots in his room all day, I m know plenty of MTNs/LTNs that have really good looking gfs, and know girls with ugly ass boyfriends, it’s not some rarity, if you’re normie and NT you’re basically guaranteed to pull something that looks better than you if you actually try to, but yes it’s not the same as being Chad.

NT MTN > Aspie MTN
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Reactions: CsCurry, Deleted member 19469, 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚗.𝚗 and 7 others
there are so many 5ft3 giga turbo pajeets with girlfriends in delhi india,usually there are classmates or co workers or neighbours
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Also this thread is utter retarded. You would have roped if you were "truly" blackpilled yet still cope on this site. True blackpillers dont exist
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Reactions: 444, GetShrekt, Deleted member 19469 and 6 others
what a weird site filled with actual socially inept autistic

cope with your blackpill because not everything is superficial bud.
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Reactions: 444, Gladiator, Deleted member 21863 and 2 others
Also this thread is utter retarded. You would have roped if you were "truly" blackpilled yet still cope on this site. True blackpillers dont exist
I won't rope. I have better plans. Also, with truly blackpilled i purely mean the basic theory that looks matter most and your faith in life is decided in the womb and the advanced and more detailed theory around that concept.
  • JFL
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Reactions: GetShrekt, Deleted member 8365, softlysoftly and 1 other person
Looks money and status
Being "truly blackpilled" is retarded.

The truth is always somewhere in the middle
blackpill IS the truth

anything less than that is bluepilled. has nothing to do with nihilism or being bitter about the world. that's just people's own personal reaction to the blackpill. it's entirely possible to function normally while being profoundly vantablackpilled like me.
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Reactions: ManletBlackcel, Deleted member 19036, Marsiere214 and 1 other person
Average blackpiller is a whiff of pussy away from being bluepilled.
'oh my god, my girlfriend really likes me because I am smart and confident.'

A few months later they're back here after their gf dumps them for chad.

I stalk both of my ex-fwb/gf's on instagram and they both got new fucktoys who are both taller than me and I am 6'2 with shoelifts on (always wearing them). It just happens to be that they found a guy that was 6'2+ with the personality they were looking for right?

JFL at bluepill
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 14262, GetShrekt, latincell95 and 7 others
I won't rope. I have better plans. Also, with truly blackpilled i purely mean the basic theory that looks matter most and your faith in life is decided in the womb and the advanced and more detailed theory around that concept.
Oh okay i mean then its pretty obvious. By better plans you mean going ER jfl? And answer my question are you really 14?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19036
blackpill IS the truth

anything less than that is bluepilled. has nothing to do with nihilism or being bitter about the world. that's just people's own personal reaction to the blackpill. it's entirely possible to function normally while being profoundly vantablackpilled like me.
blackpill has literal nihilism in it but okay jfl at this
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Reactions: Deleted member 19036
Being blackpilled at 14
fucking brutal
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19036, Deleted member 22126 and Deleted member 20891
Actually laughed while reading the title and the fact that you are 14 :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

At 14 you don't have the coordination and self awareness to walk straight, let alone have any street credit to say who is blackpilled or not.
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  • JFL
Reactions: 444, Deleted member 15468, Deleted member 12234 and 7 others
Being blackpilled at 14
fucking brutal
It never began. 5'6 at 14 isnt even a fucking problem. Your still in puberty. Veel 5'6 mogte me al rond die leeftijd al pik. Het is face
Steve Harvey Reaction GIF
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how socialcirclemaxxing is benefitial for attracting femoids etc. But the truth is ...
Your statements do not pass even the most basic "bullshit"-tests :feelshehe:

Who outslays.
Handsome guy watching anime 24/7 and living in the basement:

Or an ugly guy who actually LIVES OUTSIDE OF BASEMENT:

Yeah, right, looks are everything. Just-sit-in-the-basement-waiting-for-anime-girls-falling-on-you-theory :feelshehe:
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Reactions: Deleted member 19469, Zeruel, Deleted member 21863 and 3 others
Your statements do not pass even the most basic "bullshit"-tests :feelshehe:

Who outslays.
Handsome guy watching anime 24/7 and living in the basement:

Or an ugly guy who actually LIVES OUTSIDE OF BASEMENT:

Yeah, right, looks are everything. Just-sit-in-the-basement-waiting-for-anime-girls-falling-on-you-theory :feelshehe:
Well said.
  • +1
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 19469, Artemis and Deleted member 22126
It never began. 5'6 at 14 isnt even a fucking problem. Your still in puberty. Veel 5'6 mogte me al rond die leeftijd al pik. Het is face
Steve Harvey Reaction GIF
Meeste van 14 zijn 6'+, tenminste in Nederland. Bovendien heb ik ook gewoon LTN face (3.5 PSL). It's ovER
  • +1
Reactions: Marsiere214
Your statements do not pass even the most basic "bullshit"-tests :feelshehe:

Who outslays.
Handsome guy watching anime 24/7 and living in the basement:

Or an ugly guy who actually LIVES OUTSIDE OF BASEMENT:

Yeah, right, looks are everything. Just-sit-in-the-basement-waiting-for-anime-girls-falling-on-you-theory :feelshehe:
Both don't slay
  • JFL
Reactions: Artemis
At 14 you don't have the coordination and self awareness to walk straight, let alone have any street credit to say who is blackpilled or not
aren't you the idiot who avoids pufas like the plague you should be ashamed of yourself because you aren't intelligent enough to look at the body of evidence and peer reviewed literature to come to an objective educated conclusion
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Reactions: Deleted member 15468
Your statements do not pass even the most basic "bullshit"-tests :feelshehe:

Who outslays.
Handsome guy watching anime 24/7 and living in the basement:

Or an ugly guy who actually LIVES OUTSIDE OF BASEMENT:

Yeah, right, looks are everything. Just-sit-in-the-basement-waiting-for-anime-girls-falling-on-you-theory :feelshehe:
you're making a stupid strawman argument

op never said to stay locked in your basement all day the point he is making is that good looking men will have infinitely more success when they go outside around people compared to average or below average looking men

average and below average looking men will struggle even with social circles and being nt
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Reactions: Deleted member 20891
Zelf gedaan ik ga mijn gezicht niet op een incel forum zetten.
Nee logisch maar misschien had je in PMs laten raten. Had ik ook gedaan want het is beyond over als het op de forum zit. Shit man 14 jaar en dan al met deze informatie geconsumeerd. Dit gaat je jeugd stunten gegarandeerd.
aren't you the idiot who avoids pufas like the plague you should be ashamed of yourself because you aren't intelligent enough to look at the body of evidence and peer reviewed literature to come to an objective educated conclusion

Back to reddit pufa boi
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Reactions: softlysoftly
I have been on PSL since 2015. and I can't believe that there are still people who believe in this "personality" and "game" theories.
Even when you present them peer-reviewed studies which clearly confirm looks theory.
Yes, looks matter. Personality does in many areas of life but not much in dating.
There is no "game", what you see in GL guys interraction with woman and you think it's because of their "behaviour" is because of their looks, just imagine guy with subChad face trying to pull exactly the same lines. Dosen't work, right?
PUA is based on wrong assumptions, and I mean proven wrong by science.
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Reactions: 444, ManletBlackcel, Deleted member 21863 and 4 others
you're making a stupid strawman argument

op never said to stay locked in your basement all day the point he is making is that good looking men will have infinitely more success when they go outside around people compared to average or below average looking men

average and below average looking men will struggle even with social circles and being nt
It is not a strawman.

SOCIAL LIFE MATTERS. No friends Chad = Basement life Chad. Basement life Chad = any 5/10 male with social life is more successful than Chad.
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Reactions: softlysoftly and Deleted member 19036
In eastern europe (where I live) you can't be 100% blackpilled because I see to many cases where ugly guys are getting hot girls. Once or twice? No problem, he might be beta buxxing or he is a cuck, but I see it multiple times a day. Looks are most important, but if you are normie with social circle/s, you can do good. Again, I heard in the west it is worse.
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Reactions: Deleted member 21863 and Artemis
In eastern europe (where I live) you can't be 100% blackpilled because I see to many cases where ugly guys are getting hot girls. Once or twice? No problem, he might be beta buxxing or he is a cuck, but I see it multiple times a day. Looks are most important, but if you are normie with social circle/s, you can do good. Again, I heard in the west it is worse.
Yes, it is worse in the west. But still not as doom and gloom as described here. :feelsokman:
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what a weird site filled with actual socially inept autistic

cope with your blackpill because not everything is superficial bud.
they want to blame everything on external as to not take responsibility for their actions/personalities
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A NT normie with 30 friends is exactly the type of guy you would see with a girl above his looks level though. You know how you see some ugly/normie fucker with a HTB-Stacy sometimes and think how tf did that happen? He likely has a good social circle and social skills, not some MTN aspie that rots in his room all day, I m know plenty of MTNs/LTNs that have really good looking gfs, and know girls with ugly ass boyfriends, it’s not some rarity, if you’re normie and NT you’re basically guaranteed to pull something that looks better than you if you actually try to, but yes it’s not the same as being Chad.

NT MTN > Aspie MTN
No hes gf stacy is just using him for resources
what a weird site filled with actual socially inept autistic

cope with your blackpill because not everything is superficial bud.
So why dont u leave the site then?
blackpill IS the truth

anything less than that is bluepilled. has nothing to do with nihilism or being bitter about the world. that's just people's own personal reaction to the blackpill. it's entirely possible to function normally while being profoundly vantablackpilled like me.
When bitter, angry, depressed and autistic come up with an ideology its not the objective truth.

Its just simply not.

The only objective truth is physics. Everything else is estimations
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Reactions: GetShrekt and Deleted member 15468
Actually laughed while reading the title and the fact that you are 14 :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

At 14 you don't have the coordination and self awareness to walk straight, let alone have any street credit to say who is blackpilled or not.
Yeah but a 24 year old subhuman who can barely read a pier review study has more credit.
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Reactions: softlysoftly
Yeah but a 24 year old subhuman who can barely read a pier review study has more credit.
I've written more academic papers at uni (several published) than you have read reddit posts.

Another zoomer dog barking at his 6'5 MENSA-tested 135 IQ owner.
  • JFL
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Reactions: softlysoftly and Marsiere214
Being blackpilled at 14
fucking brutal
wait this mf is 14?
At 14 I couldnt concetrate in school because I was hyped for the new fortnite season
  • JFL
Reactions: 5'8manlet, Looks234, Deleted member 17920 and 4 others
Most users here aren't truly blackpilled. They still believe in muh socialcirclepill and muh looksmaxxing. There are some truly blackpilled users like @disillusioned and @softlysoftly though, however most of this forum, especially the lookscoping section still believes in bluepill theories like how friendships are based on personality and how socialcirclemaxxing is benefitial for attracting femoids etc. But the truth is is that woman care about looks more than everything. A NT 5'7 currycel with 30 friends would get no pussy while a aspie 6'4 white brown haired, blue eyed low t chad would slay every other day.
admit that you 14 and get blocked you faggot mushy
Most users here aren't truly blackpilled. They still believe in muh socialcirclepill and muh looksmaxxing. There are some truly blackpilled users like @disillusioned and @softlysoftly though, however most of this forum, especially the lookscoping section still believes in bluepill theories like how friendships are based on personality and how socialcirclemaxxing is benefitial for attracting femoids etc. But the truth is is that woman care about looks more than everything. A NT 5'7 currycel with 30 friends would get no pussy while a aspie 6'4 white brown haired, blue eyed low t chad would slay every other day.
Why would I want to be 'truly' blackpilled? Nihilism sucks, you gotta sparkle a bit of bluepill in there as well occasionally.
Also this thread is utter retarded. You would have roped if you were "truly" blackpilled yet still cope on this site. True blackpillers dont exist
Average blackpiller is a whiff of pussy away from being bluepilled.
'oh my god, my girlfriend really likes me because I am smart and confident.'

A few months later they're back here after their gf dumps them for chad.

I stalk both of my ex-fwb/gf's on instagram and they both got new fucktoys who are both taller than me and I am 6'2 with shoelifts on (always wearing them). It just happens to be that they found a guy that was 6'2+ with the personality they were looking for right?

JFL at bluepill
Looks money and status
The truth is anyone who express any nuance in their thought process about the blackpill is deemed as not "blackpilled enough". If you leave your basement you'll realize that human interactions are way more complex than what the blackpill theorizes. There are people slaying IRL who are supposed to be doomed to inceldom according to the black pill. Of course, looks will forever remain the main factor for initial attraction but after a certain threshold of looks other factors come in.
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