MSE And MSDO Are Useless!



If you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying
Nov 24, 2019
I got sucked in with you autists with your basement theories who never got expanders and surgery in your lives and I thought MSE/MSDO is the way to go before BiMax.
My ortho showed me pictures of patients who had a very narrow smile/palate who he installed MSE on and expanded their palate 8 to 10 mm, their IPD is the same and the cheekbones difference is very minimal (And yes he does it the right way by only drilling the midline suture)

Don't get an expander or MSE if your IMW is 45 to 50 mm.
Ronald Ead Had 34mm IMW which makes sense for him to get MSE
MSE doesn't do anything for IPD and almost nothing to the cheek bones and FWHR improvement is very minimal.

If you want a wider smile, orthodontists can achieve that with Damon braces.

If you have a death tier IPD then oh well you literally can't do anything about it just like being 5'2

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MSE doesn't do anything for IPD and almost nothing to the cheek bones and FWHR improvement is very minimal.
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I’m going to prove you all wrong about IPD one day, if not I die or get blind trying
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Yes very minimal cheekbones change I didn't deny that.
IPD didn't' change plus he had 34 IMW before which is very reasonable to get MSE to fix it.

But I'm seeing retards on here who have a normal 45 to 50mm IMW trying to get MSE and getting into an autistic rage when their ortho refuses jfl

Let me repeat that...
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Most of the information on here is nonsense.
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Yes very minimal cheekbones change I didn't deny that.
IPD didn't' change plus he had 34 IMW before which is very reasonable to get MSE to fix it.

But I'm seeing retards on here who have a normal 45 to 50mm IMW trying to get MSE and getting into an autistic rage when their ortho refuses jfl
Well, I can tell you by personal, anecdotal experience that my zygos are popping out. And another positive side effect is that my submental area is getting tighter due to the transversal expansion.
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Well, I can tell you by personal, anecdotal experience that my zygos are popping out. And another positive side effect is that my submental area is getting tighter due to the transversal expansion.
u got mse?
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that my submental area is getting tighter due to the transversal expansion.
Easily achievable with biMax and implants or ZSO.
But the IPD improvement myth is ridiculous
Easily achievable with biMax and implants or ZSO.
But the IPD improvement myth is ridiculous
People on here also think they can legitimately increase the size of their dicks jfl. Jfl at taking anything on this site seriously.
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Extremely shitty bait, who would've ever thought this is coming from the annoying middle eastern guy calling anyone who mogs him a fakecel mentalcel
Extremely shitty bait, who would've ever thought this is coming from the annoying middle eastern guy calling anyone who mogs him a fakecel mentalcel
1. I'm half middle eastern.
2. All the guys I called mentalcels/fakecels bragged about their matches and the foids they got in past threads
3. Me and my ortho have a really good relationship and he showed me the results of his patients who he expaned 8 to 10 mm.
so keep coping
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No noticeable change in IPD

He was in his late 20's though...
Need some results of young people too.
People on here also think they can legitimately increase the size of their dicks jfl. Jfl at taking anything on this site seriously.
There are many studies about increasing the size of your dick
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I got a modified sarpe with only a sagittal split and msdo.
did msdo increase bigonial distance?
did you notice any difference in nasolabials from the sarpe?
is your mouth looking different when u talk?
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1. I'm half middle eastern.
2. All the guys I called mentalcels/fakecels bragged about their matches and the foids they got in past threads
3. Me and my ortho have a really good relationship and he showed me the results oh his patients who he expaned 8 to 10 mm.
so keep coping
You called me a mentalcel despite not being able to have a girlfriend, you also never told us the age range. The younger you are, the more difference you'll see.
the most underrated and true benefits of mse are the airway related benefits and the palate width, many people here are mouth breathers, even if you dont mouth breathe during the day there is a high chance you do it during the night so you still count as a mouth breather, by opening the airway mse can help to stop this problem.

Bigger airway has other benefits even brain related benefits it will help you focus more as well as make your daily fatigues go away and give you better sleep. So its a good youthmaxxing thing.

Also wider palate will allow for a proper tounge posture to be achieved easily which will help to prevent any surgerical relapse you might get from surgeries like bimax, as well as it will help your maxilla to not drop as you age.
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did msdo increase bigonial distance?
did you notice any difference in nasolabials from the sarpe?
is your mouth looking different when u talk?
No, msdo doesn't increase bigonial distance.
Yes, minimal.
I'm currently at only 2mm of expansion. It's still too early.
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You called me a mentalcel despite not being able to have a girlfriend, you also never told us the age range. The younger you are, the more difference you'll see.
Bro you literally told me you can get average girls but "who wants that" that's your words.
and I don't even call people mentalcels I just call them fakecels lol... AND I would never make fun of your mental state cuz I know you legit have autism, I'm a piece of shit but not to that extant lol

Anyways the pictures I seen they were from little kids to men in their 40s who have extreme sleep apnea
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Bro you literally told me you can get average girls but "who wants that" that's your words.
and I don't even call people mentalcels I just call them fakecels lol... AND I would never make fun of your mental state cuz I know you legit have autism, I'm a piece of shit but not to that extant lol

Anyways the pictures I seen they were from little kids to men in their 40s who have extreme sleep apnea
My imw is below 40
My imw is below 40
Did your ortho tell you that?
I don't think so... my bro I'm legit trying to save you money.

PM your pictures and palate if you can and I will legit show them to my ortho this Wednesday for my appointment
the most underrated and true benefits of mse are the airway related benefits and the palate width, many people here are mouth breathers, even if you dont mouth breathe during the day there is a high chance you do it during the night so you still count as a mouth breather, by opening the airway mse can help to stop this problem.

Bigger airway has other benefits even brain related benefits it will help you focus more as well as make your daily fatigues go away and give you better sleep. So its a good youthmaxxing thing.

Also wider palate will allow for a proper tounge posture to be achieved easily which will help to prevent any surgerical relapse you might get from surgeries like bimax, as well as it will help your maxilla to not drop as you age.
I'll need it for this too
Did your ortho tell you that?
I don't think so... my bro I'm legit trying to save you money.

PM your pictures and palate if you can and I will legit show them to my ortho this Wednesday for my appointment
I self measured, man!
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the most underrated and true benefits of mse are the airway related benefits and the palate width, many people here are mouth breathers, even if you dont mouth breathe during the day there is a high chance you do it during the night so you still count as a mouth breather, by opening the airway mse can help to stop this problem.

Bigger airway has other benefits even brain related benefits it will help you focus more as well as make your daily fatigues go away and give you better sleep. So its a good youthmaxxing thing.

Also wider palate will allow for a proper tounge posture to be achieved easily which will help to prevent any surgerical relapse you might get from surgeries like bimax, as well as it will help your maxilla to not drop as you age.
That a well thought reply!
it's good to see someone on here who doesn't see these "looksmaxxing" devices as black and white.
But Sleep apnea can also be cured with Bimax surgery which we all looking to get anyways for a better jawline and forward growth.

Like i thought my palate is small and I needed MSE cuz I have sleep apnea and shit, well it turned out I have sinus and a deviated septum lol
this site is a mind fuck fr!
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my ipd increased 1mm daily reminder
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I had one, it's use
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What is IMW?
Intermolar Width
I got sucked in with you autists with your basement theories who never got expanders and surgery in your lives and I thought MSE/MSDO is the way to go before BiMax.
My ortho showed me pictures of patients who had a very narrow smile/palate who he installed MSE on and expanded their palate 8 to 10 mm, their IPD is the same and the cheekbones difference is very minimal (And yes he does it the right way by only drilling the midline suture)

Don't get an expander or MSE if your IMW is 45 to 50 mm.
Ronald Ead Had 34mm IMW which makes sense for him to get MSE
MSE doesn't do anything for IPD and almost nothing to the cheek bones and FWHR improvement is very minimal.

If you want a wider smile, orthodontists can achieve that with Damon braces.

If you have a death tier IPD then oh well you literally can't do anything about it just like being 5'2

Explain this then

Downloadfile 57


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Intermolar Width

Explain this then

View attachment 309499


From the same source you provided....
Screenshot 1

Before below and after above...
Screenshot 3

Screenshot 2

I'm 0.01 off here and there but you can tell it's the same

I'm sorry lil bro I really want it to be true too but we have to be real here and realize that there are stuff we really can't control.
but your IPD and eye area are really good so don't worry about it :)
From the same source you provided....
View attachment 309557
Before below and after above...
View attachment 309558
View attachment 309559

I'm sorry lil bro I really want it to be true too but we have to be real here and realize that there are stuff that we really can't control.
but your IPD and eye area are really good so don't worry about it :)
I dont care about ipd

I just want wider smile, wider mouth and wider midfave/zygos from mse?

Is mse legit for these?
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Legiti have 44 imw
And max surgeon said that it would be uselees
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I dont care about ipd

I just want wider smile, wider mouth and wider midfave/zygos from mse?

Is mse legit for these?
I believe you have a deep bite and you are in braces correct?
If so did your ortho use Damon braces?? Damon braces can give you a wide smile but also it depends on your ortho skills

For the midface and zygos yes MSE can widen them but it's very minimal, so I would go for ZSO or implants
I believe you have a deep bite and you are in braces correct?
If so did your ortho use Damon braces?? Damon braces can give you a wide smile but also it depends on your ortho skills

For the midface and zygos yes MSE can widen them but it's very minimal, so I would go for ZSO or implants
Yes i have damon braces

But i think i wont benefit from it as much bc i wont get mouth width and zygo width which i need urgently

Wide smile is cope anyways
I got sucked in with you autists with your basement theories who never got expanders and surgery in your lives and I thought MSE/MSDO is the way to go before BiMax.
My ortho showed me pictures of patients who had a very narrow smile/palate who he installed MSE on and expanded their palate 8 to 10 mm, their IPD is the same and the cheekbones difference is very minimal (And yes he does it the right way by only drilling the midline suture)

Don't get an expander or MSE if your IMW is 45 to 50 mm.
Ronald Ead Had 34mm IMW which makes sense for him to get MSE
MSE doesn't do anything for IPD and almost nothing to the cheek bones and FWHR improvement is very minimal.

If you want a wider smile, orthodontists can achieve that with Damon braces.

If you have a death tier IPD then oh well you literally can't do anything about it just like being 5'2

how to get wider lips ?
Shotgun implant to the kisser
i mean seriously akh.
What is good to do beside surgery ? since you've asked your ortho about narrow palate
i mean seriously akh.
What is good to do beside surgery ? since you've asked your ortho about narrow palate
I seriously don't know bro... All the mouth widening surgeries I saw looked uncanny imo
if you wanna surgerymax just work on stuff that are proven to work and somewhat safe eg orthognathic surgery, implants and canthoplasty.
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I seriously don't bro... All the mouth widening surgeries I saw looked uncanny imo
if you wanna surgerymax just work on stuff that are proven to work and some what safe eg orthognathic surgery, implants and canthoplasty.
seriously ? is it really over for it ? I guess palate expander can widen ?

But other than mouth, i'll only need fillers, and a nose job tbh. i should be thankful for beeing high T and decent harmony, but still hate to have to do these procedures
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No, msdo doesn't increase bigonial distance.
Yes, minimal.
I'm currently at only 2mm of expansion. It's still too early.
How much was it?
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all i care about is the cheekbone and mouth width change
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I believe you have a deep bite and you are in braces correct?
If so did your ortho use Damon braces?? Damon braces can give you a wide smile but also it depends on your ortho skills

For the midface and zygos yes MSE can widen them but it's very minimal, so I would go for ZSO or implants
What’s ZSO?

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