MSE COPERS CANT COME BACK FROM THIS ONE. Mse never makes anyone look better. High IQCELS NEEDED

Do you have any info on this one? That IPD is brutal.
Do you have any info on this one? That IPD is brutal.
It's an OBO bro. I believe this was performed by Wolfe who is now retired. Glabella and nose got enlarged but I believe there are modifications that can avoid this nowadays. Still hard af to find someone who will do it to you and very pricey.
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It's an OBO bro. I believe this was performed by Wolfe who is now retired. Glabella and nose got enlarged but I believe there are modifications that can avoid this nowadays. Still hard af to find someone who will do it to you and very pricey.
But he had to have some kind of official medical issue that makes him look like that, right? I've never seen another IPD case even close to that bad.
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But he had to have some kind of official medical issue that makes him look like that, right? I've never seen another IPD case even close to that bad.
Yeah he probably did have some kind of syndrome
he just posted proper before and afters on reddit and it actually ascended him

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You have to WAIT for MSE results to SETTLE. During and straight after expansion is always a looksmin. A few months after the result is almost always an ascension when the alar base narrows back slightly and the muscle tone settles. TRUST ME.
You have to WAIT for MSE results to SETTLE. During and straight after expansion is always a looksmin. A few months after the result is almost always an ascension when the alar base narrows back slightly and the muscle tone settles. TRUST ME.
Did you have it done?
Did you have it done?
I’m midtreatment at the moment but I’ve done through research and during expansion the patients facial harmony always looks fucked but after everything has settled it’s a looksmax. Look at the example below, bro looks like an ogre mid treatment but afterwards it’s definite ascension. And he did an aggressive (maybe even too big) an expansion of like over 1cm. Do 6-7mm of MSE and you will definitely look better


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I’m midtreatment at the moment but I’ve done through research and during expansion the patients facial harmony always looks fucked but after everything has settled it’s a looksmax. Look at the example below, bro looks like an ogre mid treatment but afterwards it’s definite ascension. And he did an aggressive (maybe even too big) an expansion of like over 1cm. Do 6-7mm of MSE and you will definitely look better
How much movement? Both for you and this patient. I'm interested in MSE but I wouldn't exceed 6mm.
How much movement? Both for you and this patient. I'm interested in MSE but I wouldn't exceed 6mm.
I’m doing 6mm movement. This patient, judging from the diastema did around 10mm
I’m doing 6mm movement. This patient, judging from the diastema did around 10mm
Hmm, and what changes have you noticed so far, positive and negative? I'm very interested.
Hmm, and what changes have you noticed so far, positive and negative? I'm very interested.
I’m mid treatment so bro as I said I can’t give an accurate examination. Hmu in 6 months and I will tell you my final result
I’m mid treatment so bro as I said I can’t give an accurate examination. Hmu in 6 months and I will tell you my final result
Ok. You should post about it. How much expansion have you done so far?
Anyone got a nigga that ascended with palate expansion :lul::lul:

Thought so, you fucking palate copers always make me laugh. Becoming monkeys and paying 10k to do so :forcedsmile::lul::lul:
This is the most insane ascension that I have ever seen
from deformed to average girl. nothing insane about it from a looks perspective, perhaps from a "fAcE LoOk DiFeReNt :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:" aspect.
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View attachment 2131141
View attachment 2131142
Here’s more pics of the guy. Worst of all he thinks he looks better. I have a narrow palate how do I avoid this, SARPE does a similar look without fucking with the cheekbones. A 3 piece lefort one maybe but fucks with the nose. Or should I just flare my teeth out like a donkey. I’m trying to get Bsso, but ortho and jaw surgeon really want me to expand my upper. What should I do.
I think with MSE the biggest things to note are.

1. Over expansion.
2. Asymmetry
3. Its not a quick process the effects take a while Jaw hacks looks better now then he did 3 years ago. The effects of fixing your narrow palate have long term compounding effects as the bone heals and you breathe normally your whole face forms around this.

Do you really need it? MSE is only something someone with a narrow palate should consider otherwise bimax or anything is better I would say your best bet is to expand slow asf and do not overexpand. But yeah with this guy I honestly don't see it. He looks like he didn't even need it in the first place

This is a way better after pic. I honestly think he looks good here although in a different way. I would say in a year it will be much better the bone will shift around and adapt.

I have no clue if this guy had sleep apnea or a narrow palate sometimes you can't tell with people. But he looked normal at least... If his palate was narrow and he can breathe normally I'd expect his face to develop a bit better
View attachment 2510400
This is a way better after pic. I honestly think he looks good here although in a different way. I would say in a year it will be much better the bone will shift around and adapt.

I have no clue if this guy had sleep apnea or a narrow palate sometimes you can't tell with people. But he looked normal at least... If his palate was narrow and he can breathe normally I'd expect his face to develop a bit better
no he looks like shit here most recent pic. its over
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Wtf why did this Guy Orge. Can someone explain this. I need a Mse because my palate is shit narrow. But FUCK ME I DONT WANT TO ORGE. Most people look worse after Mse and I can’t even explain why, is it their alar base, the lips or the cheekbones fuck fuck fuck. Why couldn’t I have been born with a normal palate. But just because my orthojew as a kid thought I didn’t need it a palate expander now I’m in this fucking mess.View attachment 2131079 Before Orge

View attachment 2131080
After Orge

obv gained fat and skin got worse

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