Muh no anti Muslim sentiment in the UK

BTW islam says that there were 124,000 prophets sent across the world to spread the word of God, so yes there were south asian prophets.
there were prophets of every ethnicity and nationality throughout history
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Jfl cope harder you dindu poopskin faggot, indians are on the same level as the rest of those tramps. In fact they might even be worse, you are nothing but pure filth. Its hilarious how Indians always side with the white man and boot licking them thinking they are part of the "good ones".
Lmao indians literally commit the least amount of crimes in general, this is proven by statistics lmao. Even less than the native whites. Cope more.
Lmao indians literally commit the least amount of crimes in general, this is proven by statistics lmao. Even less than the native whites. Cope more.
that's not why they're hating

they're hating simply because of the negative stereotypes like smelly, street shitters, rapists, scammers and saars,

also they're uglier on average
  • +1
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that's not why they're hating

they're hating simply because of the negative stereotypes like smelly, street shitters, rapists, scammers and saars,

also they're uglier on average
I already know why they are hating lmao. Its nothing more than pure lookism. They cant criticize our work ethic. Our average income and socio-economic status. Or our least amount of crime rate.

Other minorities are literally scum that are poor, low socio-economic, and commit crime, and they are going to end up getting every non-white deported lmao.
  • +1
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I already know why they are hating lmao. Its nothing more than pure lookism. They cant criticize our work ethic. Our average income and socio-economic status. Or our least amount of crime rate.

Other minorities are literally scum that are poor, low socio-economic, and commit crime, and they are going to end up getting every non-white deported lmao.
I wanna get deported and get sent back to Lahore so I can do an Incelcon with salludon
  • JFL
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View attachment 2961854

Bruh you are literally a retarded spic or something lmao. The mongols were originally bhuddist and literally blowing the fuck out of everyone around them, including the muslims.

They literally fucking obliterated and ransacked Baghdad which was considered basically the cultural capital of the muslim world.

But then mongols ended up COVERTING THEMSELVES to islam because they felt like it was the true religion. This was basically the equivalent of the norse scandanavian vikings converting to christianity as well, after blowing the the fuck out of christian kingdoms in europe for centuries.

Lmao then this basically makes you you're own thing and therefore not an abrahahmic religion but some kind've malformed twisted version. Islam kept some traditions from Judaism before it, because Judaism through the Torah (old testament) is seen as true and the word of god (not the talmud which a majority of jews are talmudic jews). These arent "arab" practices retard they are literally ancient abrahamic practices stemming all the way back from Judaism (non-talmudic torah based judaism).

Once again "allah" is literally nothing more than the arabic translation of the world "il, el, or eloah". Even arab christians called "God" Allah as well retard. Halal is somewhat descended from jewish dietary laws of kosher but also is basically its own thing cause you pray to God before you slaughter than animal. So once again, not entirely arabic in origin.

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The five daily prayers can be recited in any language you want it to be retard, even though arabic is preferred because thats literally the language the angel Gabriel revealed it to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in retard. The quran was revealed in arabic as well, but in modern day it is literally written in pretty much any language in the world, so that all people from all over the world can read it and understand it.

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I dont understand why you a problem with the language arabic, the prophet was an arab, and so the holy books and prayers were revealed to him in a language he could understand. The same way that jesus (as), daniel (as), moses(as), etc etc were all jews and spoke old hebrew and aramaic and therefore all the teachings of God were revealed to them in Old Hebrew and aramaic as well.

-please show me where ramadan is a pre-islamic nomadic arab thing

-Nikkah in pre-islamic arabic literally had a completely different meaning and process compared to what is now being done today :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

-Polygamy is a literally universal trait that existed pretty much everywhere including the indian subcontinent. My ancestors were conducting polygamy long before they became muslims lmfao :lul::lul::lul:

-Child marriage was a thing everywhere lmao including in the ancient indian subcontinent. Hell some people in villages have child marriage to this day. You can look it up if you want. Once again you claim a universal practice belongs solely to islam lmfao.

-salamu alaikum is an old semetic greeting in general and has nothing to do with just arabs lmao, its just the arabic version of that greeting.

You literally worship a levantine jew that was actually a mortal man (a great one indeed but a mortal man at the end of the day). You actually worship a mortal man, meanwhile i worship his creator. Who is more cucked lol.

1. Mongol invasion of central asia was at the culmination of islamic influence and dominance of islam in the region. This is entirely due to the caliphates efforts beforehand. The central asian soil was already arabized before the mongols and the mongols did nothing more than reaped the Arab supremacy fruits of the seeds that were sown beforehand, who then transmitted the same down to you retards.

2.Islam doesn't entirely affirm the OT or the NT. It holds an in-between and gray stance on both—that being that it affirms their divine revelation and inspiration but also claims that both were "corrupted". This of course leaves room for islam to come in and make edits and implant itself where it sees fit.

3.You just affirmed that "Allah" is arabic. That is the same thing that I said, dumbass. You refer to your deity in Arabic. This is embarrassing for you.

4. The 5 daily prayers CANNOT be recited in any language you want. This is NOT sunnah! I can readily provide you with Quran verses and Hadith support for this. It is OBLIGATORY for you to recite them in Arabic. Your verses/surahs are also obligated to be recited in ARABIC.

5. I am well aware that the quran is translated into every language—and yet it is ONLY CONSIDERED VALID AND AUTHENTIC ONLY IN ARABIC. This is not up for discussion, dumbass.

6. Nothing was revealed to Jesus as He was not a prophet. Jesus came to fulfill the prophecies. The Torah/Law was revealed to Moses but was fulfilled by Jesus because He is the law.

7. Ramadan predation to islam:

Sources included within article.

8. You again affirm that you adopted an Arabic greeting, which is the same exact thing that I said.

9. Child marriage was and is certainly not a thing in all parts of the world, and most certainly not in Christian parts. The fact of the matter is that Arab tradition included child marriage and polygamy and wherever Islam spreads, it imprints those remnant stains on the land

10. Regarding Arab practice/ceremony of marriage and the pre-dation to Islam

11. I do not worship a mere man. I worship the living God, Jesus Christ. You on the other hand pray to an arab nomad pedophile 5 times a day. You pray to muhammed 5x a day because in islam, the moral exemplar of humanity is muhammed (piss be upon him), and he is your direct intercessor to your Arab deity (allah). Let us not forget that the moral exemplar (muhammed) slaughtered countless peoples, married a 6 year old child when he was 54 and defiled her when she was 9, etc.


Let us also be clear that the Quran itself declares of Jesus' sinlessness. It also dedicates an entire chapter to Mother Mary. On the contrary, Muhammed's endless sins are well documented in the Quran and Hadiths, and what about his pagan parents? Well, they're in hell, according to Sahih Muslim grade Hadith! Allah rejected poor momo's plead, meanwhile Mother Mary is in heaven.

1. Mongol invasion of central asia was at the culmination of islamic influence and dominance of islam in the region. This is entirely due to the caliphates efforts beforehand. The central asian soil was already arabized before the mongols and the mongols did nothing more than reaped the Arab supremacy fruits of the seeds that were sown beforehand, who then transmitted the same down to you retards.

2.Islam doesn't entirely affirm the OT or the NT. It holds an in-between and gray stance on both—that being that it affirms their divine revelation and inspiration but also claims that both were "corrupted". This of course leaves room for islam to come in and make edits and implant itself where it sees fit.

3.You just affirmed that "Allah" is arabic. That is the same thing that I said, dumbass. You refer to your deity in Arabic. This is embarrassing for you.

4. The 5 daily prayers CANNOT be recited in any language you want. This is NOT sunnah! I can readily provide you with Quran verses and Hadith support for this. It is OBLIGATORY for you to recite them in Arabic. Your verses/surahs are also obligated to be recited in ARABIC.

5. I am well aware that the quran is translated into every language—and yet it is ONLY CONSIDERED VALID AND AUTHENTIC ONLY IN ARABIC. This is not up for discussion, dumbass.

6. Nothing was revealed to Jesus as He was not a prophet. Jesus came to fulfill the prophecies. The Torah/Law was revealed to Moses but was fulfilled by Jesus because He is the law.

7. Ramadan predation to islam:

Sources included within article.

8. You again affirm that you adopted an Arabic greeting, which is the same exact thing that I said.

9. Child marriage was and is certainly not a thing in all parts of the world, and most certainly not in Christian parts. The fact of the matter is that Arab tradition included child marriage and polygamy and wherever Islam spreads, it imprints those remnant stains on the land

10. Regarding Arab practice/ceremony of marriage and the pre-dation to Islam

11. I do not worship a mere man. I worship the living God, Jesus Christ. You on the other hand pray to an arab nomad pedophile 5 times a day. You pray to muhammed 5x a day because in islam, the moral exemplar of humanity is muhammed (piss be upon him), and he is your direct intercessor to your Arab deity (allah). Let us not forget that the moral exemplar (muhammed) slaughtered countless peoples, married a 6 year old child when he was 54 and defiled her when she was 9, etc.

View attachment 2962074

Let us also be clear that the Quran itself declares of Jesus' sinlessness. It also dedicates an entire chapter to Mother Mary. On the contrary, Muhammed's endless sins are well documented in the Quran and Hadiths, and what about his pagan parents? Well, they're in hell, according to Sahih Muslim grade Hadith! Allah rejected poor momo's plead, meanwhile Mother Mary is in heaven.

View attachment 2962084
1. Mongol invasion of central asia was at the culmination of islamic influence and dominance of islam in the region. This is entirely due to the caliphates efforts beforehand. The central asian soil was already arabized before the mongols and the mongols did nothing more than reaped the Arab supremacy fruits of the seeds that were sown beforehand, who then transmitted the same down to you retards.
You retard, the mongols were a bhuddist people but also tolerant of most other religions in their empire, one of which were Muslims. The arabs literally never did anything to the mongols lmao. The mongols literally blew them the fuck out everytime. It was the mongols who converted to Islam OF THEIR OWN VOLITION LMAO, the arabs didn't force anything on them.

These then same mongols descendants from what is now modern day Uzbekistan, formed a group called the "mughals", and invaded south asia and proceeded to blow the fuck out of all hindu and bhuddist kingdoms in south asia over the course of 1000 years.

Arabs played absolutely no part in any of this. Arabs were literally just merchant traders who would go back in forth from the middle east and south asia to trade. That's all they did. That's their entire role.

2.Islam doesn't entirely affirm the OT or the NT. It holds an in-between and gray stance on both—that being that it affirms their divine revelation and inspiration but also claims that both were "corrupted". This of course leaves room for islam to come in and make edits and implant itself where it sees fit.

Whelp, it is what it is. The Old Testament was corrupted and thats final and so was the the New Testament (you people literally deified a man and call him god, so of course its corrupted). There are no edits lol, just the pure word of god, uncorrupted. :p

3.You just affirmed that "Allah" is arabic. That is the same thing that I said, dumbass. You refer to your deity in Arabic. This is embarrassing for you.
I dont see how this is a problem lol. Tbh i call him "God" as well lol, and thats a germanic word, i dont find that embarrassing either lmao. At the end of the day im talking about the one and only abrahamic diety regardless of what i call him. I dont know why you would think its embarrassing for me and not for you. No matter what names you call him, you are referring to the abrahamic diety of a levantine jew from the middle east, while you are a white euopean with 100% european genetics and share no dna with said levantine jew (atleast im pretty sure you dont). Why is it more embarrassing for me a south asian to worship that god, but not for you, a european?

4. The 5 daily prayers CANNOT be recited in any language you want. This is NOT sunnah! I can readily provide you with Quran verses and Hadith support for this. It is OBLIGATORY for you to recite them in Arabic. Your verses/surahs are also obligated to be recited in ARABIC.
Yeah no this is wrong. 5 daily prayers can be said in ones own language UNTIL they grasp how to say them in arabic. You're right its sunnah, which means following the lifestyle of the prophet, but there is literally no problem following them in ones on native personal language. Do you really think that new converts to islam who have never studied arabic before in their lives say the prayers in a language they've never spoken. You're a retard and know nothing about islam or muslims lol. We've had plenty of white converts in our mosque who only have ever spoken english, and it was no problem for them to say salah in their own language, while they study how to say it in arabic.

5. I am well aware that the quran is translated into every language—and yet it is ONLY CONSIDERED VALID AND AUTHENTIC ONLY IN ARABIC. This is not up for discussion, dumbass.
Dumbfuck this is literally a lie. If they are not authentic in any other language then that literally makes all qurans in any other language illegitimate. I dare you to go and tell that to an islamic scholar. Tell him that qurans written in any other language are not legitimate cause they arent written in arabic. Watch how he responds :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

6. Nothing was revealed to Jesus as He was not a prophet. Jesus came to fulfill the prophecies. The Torah/Law was revealed to Moses but was fulfilled by Jesus because He is the law.
Jesus was the promised messiah that came to lead the jews to spread the word of god. Thats all he is. A messiah, and a prophet.

7. Ramadan predation to islam:

Sources included within article.

Fasting has been apart of abrahamic religions since judaism, it makes sense that islam and muslims who see islam as the final abrahamic revalation of god to include fasting as apart of islam. Btw in tradtional islamic history, arab tribes are seen as the descendants of Ishmael (AS) who was born in 1800 B.C.. The arabs who over the course of several centuries, corrupted his abrahamic teachings and eventually made their arab paganism. Even the ka'aba itself onced housed several arab pagan idols, which were all destroyed by Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

8. You again affirm that you adopted an Arabic greeting, which is the same exact thing that I said.
Tbh no greetings in native indo-aryan languages can be said, since most greetings from indo-aryan languages stem from religious conitations of Hinduism or Bhuddism or any other native indic faith. No im not going to say a greeting thats based from a religion that i dont believe in lol, are you retarded?

11. I do not worship a mere man. I worship the living God, Jesus Christ. You on the other hand pray to an arab nomad pedophile 5 times a day. You pray to muhammed 5x a day because in islam, the moral exemplar of humanity is muhammed (piss be upon him), and he is your direct intercessor to your Arab deity (allah). Let us not forget that the moral exemplar (muhammed) slaughtered countless peoples, married a 6 year old child when he was 54 and defiled her when she was 9, etc.

You worship Jesus as God, yes you are worshipping a mortal man, thats a fact. Whats not a fact is your claim that i worship Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was a mortal man, and unlike christians, i don't deify mortal men. :p

Just lol and no, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is NOT my intercessor to God. During salah, i pray DIRECTLY TO GOD HIMSELF LMFAO. Keep making false claims about a religion you know nothing about.

I worship Allah, the God and The Creator of the World and existence in itself.

Let us also be clear that the Quran itself declares of Jesus' sinlessness. It also dedicates an entire chapter to Mother Mary. On the contrary, Muhammed's endless sins are well documented in the Quran and Hadiths, and what about his pagan parents? Well, they're in hell, according to Sahih Muslim grade Hadith! Allah rejected poor momo's plead, meanwhile Mother Mary is in heaven.
Pagans and disbelievers are going to hell lmao, no matter who they are related to lol. The wife and son of Prophet Nuh (AS) are probably burning in hell as well (Allah forgive me for saying that lmao) because they disbelieved him when he warned about the coming flood and the punishment of God. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) literally told his own children that it doesnt matter if they are his children, that if they werent good muslims and followed the teachings of God, that they themselves would be going to hell as well.

Why would Maryam (AS) be going to hell lol. She was a believer and one of the most righteous women in history.
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The wife and son of Prophet Nuh (AS) are probably burning in hell as well (Allah forgive me for saying that lmao)
no need to be hesistant or ask for forgiveness it's true, the Quran clearly condemns them as non believers it's joever for them
It was only a matter of time before this happened.

Pakis and Arabs took advantage of british silence for the past 2 decades, commiting crimes and what not.
based tamil tigers pfp
I’ve never been racially abused bhai these guys are mostly a whole generation or two after me tbh
ppl are too high inhib to be racist to u to ur face

i've never had it happen to me personally

it mostly just happens at home with their families and other white friends or online

although funny story, when i was walking through edgware road in london (this city if filled to the brim with muslims/menas/pakis legit street signs in kurdish and arabic abayas and hijabs everywhere yk) and i saw 2 white guys walking together and one of them said to the other 'i swear to god if i see one more paki' :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
  • JFL
Reactions: Diarrhoea
ppl are too high inhib to be racist to u to ur face

i've never had it happen to me personally

it mostly just happens at home with their families and other white friends or online

although funny story, when i was walking through edgware road in london (this city if filled to the brim with muslims/menas/pakis legit street signs in kurdish and arabic abayas and hijabs everywhere yk) and i was 2 white guys walking together and one of them said to the other 'i swear to god if i see one more paki' :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Should’ve turned and back gave them the Iraqi deathstare until they put their heads down in fear bhai
  • JFL
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Should’ve turned and back gave them the Iraqi deathstare until they put their heads down in fear bhai
lmao i didn't care enough to they didn't say anything that bad, wasn't even offended, i just chuckled to myself and kept walking

although they lowkey had a point lmao,

they were legit like strangers in this area, they looked out of place, i stayed in a hotel there for about a week and seeing a cumskin was a rare occurence it's all arabs and pakis :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
  • JFL
Reactions: Diarrhoea
lmao i didn't care enough to they didn't say anything that bad, wasn't even offended, i just chuckled to myself and kept walking

although they lowkey had a point lmao,

they were legit like strangers in this area, they looked out of place, i stayed in a hotel there for about a week and seeing a cumskin was a rare occurence it's all arabs and pakis :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
i heard ethnic girls in London are good looking bhai did u see any, and bus interactions are funny as shit I’ve only seen arguments between ethnics and once this black guy came into the bus pissed off and he started yelling at a fob pajeeta because she didn’t move out the way quick enough and called her a foreigner bitch
  • +1
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Well, ethnics in general don't respect the places where they go, in general most immigrants are shit people who can't make their own life in their country.:ogre:
i heard ethnic girls in London are good looking bhai did u see any, and bus interactions are funny as shit I’ve only seen arguments between ethnics and once this black guy came into the bus pissed off and he started yelling at a fob pajeeta because she didn’t move out the way quick enough and called her a foreigner bitch
Blacks acting like they're neo-whites :forcedsmile:
  • JFL
Reactions: yeeyeeslayer
i heard ethnic girls in London are good looking bhai did u see any,
yeh they're hot, seen alot of hot mena and curry/paki foids out and about
and bus interactions are funny as shit I’ve only seen arguments between ethnics and once this black guy came into the bus pissed off and he started yelling at a fob pajeeta because she didn’t move out the way quick enough and called her a foreigner bitch
lol never ridden on a bus

mostly took the underground if i was going somewhere far and ppl/strangers barely talk in the underground,,

damn you shoulda sticken up for ur curry sista, woulda done the same if it was an arab girl (provided that the black in question didn't look to thuggish or dangerous)
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  • JFL
Reactions: Diarrhoea
Blacks acting like they're neo-whites :forcedsmile:
LMFAO @PrinceLuenLeoncur does this too

he tells muzzies to stay out of europe as if his boat didn't sail from nigeria to the english channel before washing up on the british coastline a few months ago :forcedsmile:
LMFAO @PrinceLuenLeoncur does this too

he tells muzzies to stay out of europe as if his boat didn't sail from the congo to the english channel before washing up on the british coastline a few months ago :forcedsmile:
I tell muzzies to stay out of Europe because Islam is incompatible with Christianity and our ideals. Notice how I don’t say CHRISTIAN ARABS stay out of Europe and only Muslims. Your religion is a malignant tumor an cancer unto man

Winston Churchill said islam is to a man what mange is to a dog. Your religion is disgusting abhorrent and evil to the core your the child of Satan until you leave that demonic Arab pagan cult called PISSlam
  • JFL
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Ironically whites prefer us here to you ethnics so take it up with them 🤷‍♂️
we don't have this master - slave dymanic with whites engrained in our subconscious like you do do, so we don't measure our self worth as humans based on the white mans approval and judgement :forcedsmile:
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Diarrhoea and PrinceLuenLeoncur
we don't have this master - slave dymanic with whites engrained in our subconscious like you do do, so we don't measure our self worth as humans based on the white mans approval and judgement :forcedsmile:
Ironic when blacks are the only race that view whites as inheritally beneath them whislt your race exhales them just look at the prices of cumskin female slaves in your markets. Look at how lightskin white passing menas are worshipped hell even your prophet is said to be “white” GTFO you guys ass lick whites far more than blacks.

Black Americans and Caribs went through the worst form of slavery imaginable and STILL have more dignity and pride in their race than you filthy ethnic animals. Why you ask? Because BBCs cannot Natrally ever view pale fucks as our superiors
  • +1
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Ironically whites prefer us here to you ethnics so take it up with them 🤷‍♂️
Tbh this is literally cope lmao. Whites literally dont rule their own countries, the jews do, thats why immigrations is even allowed in the first place. Whites have been racist to you guys for centuries at this point. If it were up to whites, every non-white would've been deported by now.
as a 2nd gen african immigrant i have to say - i agree with them white brits
and as far as im aware, indians feel the same way, we just dont like islam
yeh they're hot, seen alot of hot mena and curry/paki foids out and about

lol never ridden on a bus

mostly took the underground if i was going somewhere far and ppl/strangers barely talk in the underground,,

damn you shoulda sticken up for ur curry sista, woulda done the same if it was an arab girl (provided that the black in question didn't look to thuggish or dangerous)
Fuck bhai I wish my parents moved to London the ethnic girls in my area are mostly ugly asf
I was 15 yrs old and the guy was the same height as me but 2 times the size of me with a big ahh beard i woudlve been thrown out the window bhai 😔
Which Arab muslims? Gulf arabs? Yes, they're civilized. The remainder? Absolutely not
Gulf Arabs don’t really need to even migrate tbh. Their cities are nicer and more advanced than Londonistan. Life is probably better there too. Of course this is for the wealth Arabs, not the curry slaves breaking their back there
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oh no a fat baldcel mayocel from 20th century said islam bad :feelskek:
He’s not wrong though. Your religion is evil it’s an affront to god. Your god is called the greatest of Decivers lol, what’s gods name in Islam like his ACTUAL name do you muzzies even know it?
  • +1
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Ironic when blacks are the only race that view whites as inheritally beneath them whislt your race exhales them just look at the prices of cumskin female slaves in your markets. Look at how lightskin white passing menas are worshipped hell even your prophet is said to be “white” GTFO you guys ass lick whites far more than blacks.

Black Americans and Caribs went through the worst form of slavery imaginable and STILL have more dignity and pride in their race than you filthy ethnic animals. Why you ask? Because BBCs cannot Natrally ever view pale fucks as our superiors
Take ur schizo pills and go to sleep grandpa , harvest ur energy ur going to need it for ur larping tomorrow like always saying ur a htn mentalcel every day without fail as a flex 🤢🤮
They're quiet, respective, law-abiding, smart and in white-collar positions, and aren't waving their native flags and stomping around the west as if they own it. It's no wonder why the natives accept and even cherish them.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen them making any trouble ever. It’s really just the genetic differences in the brain. Some people just can assimilate into certain cultures and countries.
He’s not wrong though. Your religion is evil it’s an affront to god. Your god is called the greatest of Decivers lol, what’s gods name in Islam like his ACTUAL name do you muzzies even know it?
Dont care hitler like us. And thats the only thing that matters :p

Main qimg fa6a1dd5b978d536a9a7a85f56757772 lq
  • JFL
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as a 2nd gen african immigrant i have to say - i agree with them white brits
and as far as im aware, indians feel the same way, we just dont like islam
meh doesn't matter it's the truth from god, peoples opinions don't diminish or add to it's greatness either way (i'm talking about shia islam here)
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Indian muslims literally never committed any crime in the west, so its unfortunate that we will get persecuted for the crimes of others.

Ive heard of north africans committing crimes.

Ive heard of black africans commiting crimes.

Ive heard of Syrians committing crimes.

Ive heard of Iraqis committing crimes.

Unironically i have NOT heard of gulf arabs committing crimes.

Ive heard of Afghans committing crimes.

Ive heard of Pakis committing crimes.

I have never heard of Indian muslims commiting crimes. Everyone in my family are all rich millionaires that are doctors or business owners. No one has ever committed any crimes beyond maybe getting a speeding ticket.
Its the brahmin blood within you. Its not too late to become hindu and unlock your full potential bhai
  • Ugh..
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Its the brahmin blood within you. Its not too late to become hindu and unlock your full potential bhai
Nigga im literally Half Rajput. Half Kamma and some Bania on my dads side. And Half kamma and some telugu dalit on my moms side. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

I have 0% brahmin blood in me and i dont want any either. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
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  • JFL
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Nigga im literally Half Rajput. Half Kamma and some Bania on my dads side. And Half kamma and some telugu dalit on my moms side. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

I have 0% brahmin blood in me and i dont want any either. :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur and CFW432
@Autismcel lol see told you Hitler was a neo pagan cock sucker of Pisslam

The god of the pedo is one of power

The of judeo-Christianity is one of love that’s why Tate and Hitler prefer these evil gods
may allah guide you bro

to true islam

the path of the ahlulbayt
may allah guide you bro

to true islam

the path of the ahlulbayt
The false god you ask me to folly the devil

2 Corinthians 11:14 and Galatians 1:8 are verses that single handedly clap Islam. You lot were lied your prophet lied you book is full of inaccuracies your prophet sinned even by your sharia law. Your religion is a perfect sham from the devil

Lemme ask you, are Muslims the sons and daughters of Allah? Can you call Allah your “father”

🤔 I thought so. Your Allah is the devil and NOT THE GOD OF ABRAHAM

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