Mulatto vs Blasian


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she has the same phenotype as the smiths, michael ealing and KD aubert in those pics yet they have higher black percentage in them.

3/4 white people do not look like her LMFAO my best friend is 3/4 white and 1/4 jamaican (his dad is mixed race) and looks proper white. tyler maher is the same pheno and looks proper white. but then again, there are 3/4 white people who look extremely more black than white. you wouldn’t even guess they’re white. once again, no standard phenotype for mixed people.

ross barkley (1/4 black)
View attachment 576903

tina kunakey, vincent cassels wife, 75% white

View attachment 576909

i mean she has similar coloring to those people not same pheno but yeah you get what i mean.
Just fucking lol at the guy at the bottom far left his face is completely ruined by his fucked up eyes.
she has the same phenotype as the smiths, michael ealing and KD aubert in those pics yet they have higher black percentage in them.
she doesn't have the same phenotype as those people. your letting her green eyes deceive you lol.

3/4 white people do not look like her...
they do, and no offence but as i said before my eye is more trained for this sort of thing.

LMFAO my best friend is 3/4 white and 1/4 jamaican (his dad is mixed race) and looks proper white.
1. jamaicans have white ancestry so he's not really 1/4 black.

2. do your friends with black heritage (the nigerian you mentioned earlier and your best friend) know that you secretly hate them (well, part of them in your bff's case)? :lul::lul::lul::lul:

just kidding...kinda :lul:

once again, no standard phenotype for mixed people.
not one that you would know about 😇

ross barkley (1/4 black)
View attachment 576903

tina kunakey, vincent cassels wife, 75% white

View attachment 576909

[/QUOTE] i know who both of those people are and neither of them look like average 3/4 white 1/4 black people. tina is an example of one who looks too black for her mix, while barkley looks too white.
she doesn't have the same phenotype as those people. your letting her green eyes deceive you lol.

they do, and no offence but as i said before my eye is more trained for this sort of thing.

1. jamaicans have white ancestry so he's not really 1/4 black.

2. do your friends with black heritage (the nigerian you mentioned earlier and your best friend) know that you secretly hate them (well, part of them in your bff's case)? :lul::lul::lul::lul:

just kidding...kinda :lul:

not one that you would know about 😇

ross barkley (1/4 black)
View attachment 576903

tina kunakey, vincent cassels wife, 75% white

View attachment 576909

i know who both of those people are and neither of them look like average 3/4 white 1/4 black people. tina is an example of one who looks too black for her mix, while barkley looks too white.
many quadroons look like too white or too black or just mixed race. there is also a black foid with caribbean parents and a scottish grandparent on insta (i forgot her username) and she looked full black. she made a tik tok about people being surprised she wasn’t full black. if i can find it later i’ll show you. she has a lower black percentage than those people. it’s less about percentages and more about genetics. genetic recombination can fuck over anybody.

your eyes aren’t more trained than me we just have different perceptions. there are too many exceptions for you to think there’s a standard look for being 1/4 black or white. it’s all on the ones you’ve seen.

i corrected in above post and said similar coloring. show people with same phenotype then. she looked mulatto to me originally in the post you shared to show GL mulattoes even though apparently she looks 3/4 white to you, why include her in the mulatto post then?
many quadroons look like too white or too black or just mixed race.
most look like the bridge between mulattoes and whites. cos thats what they are.

there is also a black foid with caribbean parents and a scottish grandparent on insta (i forgot her username) and she looked full black.
A 3/4 black person looking just black isn't shocking dude. id be interested in getting a look at her though.

your eyes aren’t more trained than me we just have different perceptions.
agree to disagree.

there are too many exceptions for you to think there’s a standard look for being 1/4 black or white.
there arent.

she looked mulatto to me originally in the post you shared to show GL mulattoes even though apparently she looks 3/4 white to you, why include her in the mulatto post then?
because she looked more mulatto when she was younger. her skin has seriously lightened over the years.
Racemixing is a sin.
  • JFL
Reactions: doll
most look like the bridge between mulattoes and whites. cos thats what they are.

A 3/4 black person looking just black isn't shocking dude. id be interested in getting a look at her though.

agree to disagree.

there arent.

because she looked more mulatto when she was younger. her skin has seriously lightened over the years.
slight contradiction. “she looks predominantly white” “reverse of me” yet “most quadroons look like an equal bridge of what they are (white and black)” not true and contradicting, but you can acknowledge that 3/4 black people looking just black isn’t a shocker and is the norm? i get why you think that though, cough, AAs. but still no offence be a little consistent.

she isn’t that much lighter in this photo than how she looked with cher in clueless. just a two or three shades. looks very mulatto.
ED230E78 2AA4 4B26 B349 6DAE37DC6BA7

now she looks predominantly white, due to bleaching. and if there really was a standard phenotype no one would believe that ross barkley was 1/4 black or vice versa. because he doesn’t look mulatto. some 1/4 black people look mulatto, some don’t. like i said. can’t predict and can’t always tell.

i guess we’ll agree to disagree on that
slight contradiction. “she looks predominantly white” “reverse of me” yet “most quadroons look like an equal bridge of what they are (white and black)” not true and contradicting, but you can acknowledge that 3/4 black people looking just black isn’t a shocker and is the norm? i get why you think that though, cough, AAs. but still no offence be a little consistent.
are you really preaching consistency when you went from calling me a dirty ethnik to talking about black and mixed race close friends? :lul::lul::p:p

she isn’t that much lighter in this photo than how she looked with cher in clueless. just a two or three shades. looks very mulatto.
View attachment 576950
she's definitely significantly lighter here.



and if there really was a standard phenotype no one would believe that ross barkley was 1/4 black or vice versa. because he doesn’t look mulatto.
1. most people find it hard to believe that barkley is 1/4 black. 2. why would he look mulatto when he's 3/4 and 1/2? that'd be like expecting me to look mulatto, and i definitely don't lol.

i guess we’ll agree to disagree on that
at this point we need to agree to disagree on just about everything dude. :lul:

i'm going to bed. night night :heart:
  • Hmm...
Reactions: doll
Just lol at saying that whites are tied to asians with ugliness jfl, what are you smoking son give me your dealers number
  • +1
Reactions: doll

Mulatos are a waste on pure north western european population as you ruin the chances of producing this pure beautiful dalo failed giga chad.

Chris Zylka

Chris zylka a p


Note this type of chad is still 1 percentile in the north western population but regardless if there is even the slightest xhance of producing chads like this it cant be wasted on other races.
  • JFL
Reactions: doll
in that photo she doesn’t look black to you? i said she looks like both a lot at the same time.

if you show this to anyone no one will say she’s just white. they will say she’s mixed.
View attachment 576870
too dark to be white, and her facial features remind me of many white women ive seen before, but different at the same time. she doesn’t look like any black person i’ve seen before. she’s one of those people who are clearly mixed race, to everybody.
she looks like a white person with fake tan, mullatos dont have fake straight hair like this ever
  • JFL
Reactions: doll
Mulatto mogs
@doll Now that the drugs are out of my system and i'm able to look at our two convos with a clearer mind, i can wholeheartedly say that i let you get away with saying A LOT of dumb shit last night. :lul:

You're lucky me brain was fried from the late afternoon and onward lmao
  • Hmm...
Reactions: doll
@doll Now that the drugs are out of my system and i'm able to look at our two convos with a clearer mind, i can wholeheartedly say that i let you get away with saying A LOT of dumb shit last night. :lul:

You're lucky me brain was fried from the late afternoon and onward lmao
what dumb shit bro. you laughed at the fact race is a social construct (which it is) a literal fact. crazy for you to hear because it’s true. it’s a social construct just like gender
Just lol at saying that whites are tied to asians with ugliness jfl, what are you smoking son give me your dealers number
@ThatBoneStructure you really were on drugs
might as well white vs blasian
@ThatBoneStructure you really were on drugs
in a world where globalised white imperialism didn't exist, i guarantee you that most people would agree with my stance.
  • So Sad
Reactions: doll
mix with white genes > any other mix
1. you tried to say that i was "harassing" people who voted blasian, even though none of those people can say that they addressed by me at any point in time. your reasoning for calling me a harasser was that i posted better mulatto representation than the op did. so already you've proven that your reading comprehension is the shits.

2. you got mad at me for saying that i don't find east asians attractive and even called me racist, despite the fact that we're on a forum where racism is the norm. your justification for calling ME out for racism but not the rest of looksmax, is that i'm black therefore me being racist is worse than white people being racist. thats literally racist in and of itself you fucking retard. you literally said, "your black, you need to know your place" while complaining about racism LMAO.

3. you let your mask slip and started calling me a "dirty ethnik mutt", STILL claiming to be the non-racist party here in the conversation. do you know how oxymorons work?

4. you then made fun of black people being discriminated across the world. when i called you out for being a hypocrite, you said that it wasn't racist to state facts, but i told you (and will tell you again) that it wasn't the stating of the facts itself that was racist, but rather the context in which you were stating them (long story short, you were trying to piss me off by pointing out racism towards blacks).

5. you say that my life sucks because of discrimination to black people, but in the four countries that i lived in, i never experienced harsh racism for being black.

6. the most racist white people tend to be the ones who have nowhere else to punch but down. irish fuckers the vermin of the white race, so you feel like you have to prove your whiteness by attacking blacks JFL.

7. you're the worst kind of white boy. you're a racist who doesn't want to ADMIT that he's racist. i bet your black friends have no idea that their potato-eating faggot of a friend is a loser who virtue signals on incel forums.

8. you called me insecure for posting pictures of good looking mulattoes, saying that i'll never look like those people and i was only posting them for validation, despite the fact that this entire site's premise is posting good looking people and analysing them, despite the fact that this thread is SUPPOSED to be for posting pictures of good looking people, despite the fact that i don't look for validation from anyone lighter skinned than barack obama, and despite the fact that i'm not even mulatto myself. bro, kill yourself.

9. you called me an incel for being on looksmax even though YOU'RE on here too and this site is literally a clubhouse for incels. this is worse than you calling me a racist even though this site might as well be the second coming of stormfront.

10. you had the nerve to tell me th

11. you act like mulattoes who LOOK LIKE mulattoes, just look black. i've lived in 4 different countries and currently live in the most multicultural city in northeast europe. the majority of mulattoes i see (including my mulatto parent) look exactly like laura harrier. you

12. you think that laura harrier looks black when her skin is literally a light colour and she has facial features that are neither black nor white.

13. you interpreted me saying that MOST mulattoes look 50/50 to mean that i was saying that there are no mulattoes who look more black or more white. your reading comprehension is more tragic than an irish person trying to sunbathe.

14. you get angry when i say that mulattoes have a set range of phenotypes, even though the average person IS able to make the visual distinction between a mulatto and fully black/fully white person. you even had the nerve to tell me that i don't know biology just because i said that most mulattoes look 50/50.

15. you said that a girl with OBVIOUS asian genes actually looks black. this tells me that you don't know the first thing about pure black phenotypes.

16. the blasian girl your hyping up so bad isn't even that good looking. she's just neotenous-looking because of her asian side (which is dominant, to anyone with eyes).

17. you voted blasian, but can't come up with ONE example of a great looking blasian male, let alone one that is able to compete with the mulatto men i posted.

18. you rant about how race shouldn't be seen as biological, WHILE USING TERMS like "quadroon". JFL.

19. you accuse me of being desperate to make people vote mulatto in the poll, even though mulattoes are literally in the lead 75-15 JFL. :lul:

20. you've admitted that the only thing you have going for you is the social construct of whiteness. you say that you lead a happy life but your misery and self-loathing is obvious.

21. you need to kill yourself bro bro.
  • JFL
Reactions: doll
1. you tried to say that i was "harassing" people who voted blasian, even though none of those people can say that they addressed by me at any point in time. your reasoning for calling me a harasser was that i posted better mulatto representation than the op did. so already you've proven that your reading comprehension is the shits.

2. you got mad at me for saying that i don't find east asians attractive and even called me racist, despite the fact that we're on a forum where racism is the norm. your justification for calling ME out for racism but not the rest of looksmax, is that i'm black therefore me being racist is worse than white people being racist. thats literally racist in and of itself you fucking retard. you literally said, "your black, you need to know your place" while complaining about racism LMAO.

3. you let your mask slip and started calling me a "dirty ethnik mutt", STILL claiming to be the non-racist party here in the conversation. do you know how oxymorons work?

4. you then made fun of black people being discriminated across the world. when i called you out for being a hypocrite, you said that it wasn't racist to state facts, but i told you (and will tell you again) that it wasn't the stating of the facts itself that was racist, but rather the context in which you were stating them (long story short, you were trying to piss me off by pointing out racism towards blacks).

5. you say that my life sucks because of discrimination to black people, but in the four countries that i lived in, i never experienced harsh racism for being black.

6. the most racist white people tend to be the ones who have nowhere else to punch but down. irish fuckers the vermin of the white race, so you feel like you have to prove your whiteness by attacking blacks JFL.

7. you're the worst kind of white boy. you're a racist who doesn't want to ADMIT that he's racist. i bet your black friends have no idea that their potato-eating faggot of a friend is a loser who virtue signals on incel forums.

8. you called me insecure for posting pictures of good looking mulattoes, saying that i'll never look like those people and i was only posting them for validation, despite the fact that this entire site's premise is posting good looking people and analysing them, despite the fact that this thread is SUPPOSED to be for posting pictures of good looking people, despite the fact that i don't look for validation from anyone lighter skinned than barack obama, and despite the fact that i'm not even mulatto myself. bro, kill yourself.

9. you called me an incel for being on looksmax even though YOU'RE on here too and this site is literally a clubhouse for incels. this is worse than you calling me a racist even though this site might as well be the second coming of stormfront.

10. you had the nerve to tell me th

11. you act like mulattoes who LOOK LIKE mulattoes, just look black. i've lived in 4 different countries and currently live in the most multicultural city in northeast europe. the majority of mulattoes i see (including my mulatto parent) look exactly like laura harrier. you

12. you think that laura harrier looks black when her skin is literally a light colour and she has facial features that are neither black nor white.

13. you interpreted me saying that MOST mulattoes look 50/50 to mean that i was saying that there are no mulattoes who look more black or more white. your reading comprehension is more tragic than an irish person trying to sunbathe.

14. you get angry when i say that mulattoes have a set range of phenotypes, even though the average person IS able to make the visual distinction between a mulatto and fully black/fully white person. you even had the nerve to tell me that i don't know biology just because i said that most mulattoes look 50/50.

15. you said that a girl with OBVIOUS asian genes actually looks black. this tells me that you don't know the first thing about pure black phenotypes.

16. the blasian girl your hyping up so bad isn't even that good looking. she's just neotenous-looking because of her asian side (which is dominant, to anyone with eyes).

17. you voted blasian, but can't come up with ONE example of a great looking blasian male, let alone one that is able to compete with the mulatto men i posted.

18. you rant about how race shouldn't be seen as biological, WHILE USING TERMS like "quadroon". JFL.

19. you accuse me of being desperate to make people vote mulatto in the poll, even though mulattoes are literally in the lead 75-15 JFL. :lul:

20. you've admitted that the only thing you have going for you is the social construct of whiteness. you say that you lead a happy life but your misery and self-loathing is obvious.

21. you need to kill yourself bro bro.
did not read.
did not read.
doesn't matter, everyone else will read it and see what a confused little retard you are.

for the record, i don't even believe that your irish :lul: :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: doll
doesn't matter, everyone else will read it and see what a confused little retard you are.

for the record, i don't even believe that your irish :lul: :lul:
why not? what am i then?

keep crying for whites
  • JFL
Reactions: ThatBoneStructure
  • JFL
Reactions: ThatBoneStructure
what dumb shit bro. you laughed at the fact race is a social construct (which it is) a literal fact. crazy for you to hear because it’s true. it’s a social construct just like gender
I laughed because you felt the need to point that irrelevant shit out, you dumb fuck. :lul: :lul: :lul:
  • Hmm...
Reactions: doll
I laughed because you felt the need to point that irrelevant shit out, you dumb fuck. :lul: :lul: :lul:
it’s still true and very relevant to my previous points which are scientifically and sociologically backed, which you can’t seem to get through your thick skull.

this is what happens when your blood becomes contaminated, your IQ become damaged too.

dirty ethnik mutt :lul: :lul: :lul:
it’s still true and very relevant to my previous points which are scientifically and sociologically backed, which you can’t seem to get through your thick skull.
it had no bearing on our conversation at all and actually exposed your delusions, because in spite of you screaming "race is just social", you still went on to discuss race from a genetics standpoint.

JFL, this is i what get for talking to a failed abortion. :ROFLMAO:

this is what happens when your blood becomes contaminated, your IQ become damaged too.

dirty ethnik mutt :lul: :lul: :lul:
dirty ethic mutt with a better, more diverse gene pool than you. being of mixed descent is literally 10/10 bro. i'm sure your mom and sisters would agree with me. :lul::lul::lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: doll
it had no bearing on our conversation at all and actually exposed your delusions, because in spite of you screaming "race is just social", you still went on to discuss race from a genetics standpoint.

JFL, this is i what get for talking to a failed abortion. :ROFLMAO:

dirty ethic mutt with a better, more diverse gene pool than you. being of mixed descent is literally 10/10 bro. i'm sure your mom and sisters would agree with me. :lul::lul::lul:
that’s not what i said at all you contaminated blooded 40 IQ mutt

i said that you cannot predict how someone will look, especially people who have a blend of extremely different ancestral lineages and genes. some will look white, black, or neither, looking purely mixed race. shown by examples i gave you.

get over it :lul: this argument is over. how are you so mad that you resurrect something that ended days ago? :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: ThatBoneStructure
that’s not what i said at all you contaminated blooded 40 IQ mutt

i said that you cannot predict how someone will look, especially people who have a blend of extremely different ancestral lineages and genes. some will look white, black, or neither, looking purely mixed race. shown by examples i gave you.
your examples were shit and incorrect, retard.

i never said that you can PREDICT a mulatto's exact phenotype, i said that you can make an approximation of what they'll look like, based on the percentage of mulattoes that already exist and look a particular way. i said that MOST look 50/50, not that they ALL do. i've had to clarify this 20 fucking times because you're too retarded to read shit correctly the first fucking time.

look at ethiopians/eritreans for example. their ancestors were a mixture of pure east african and middle eastern. for millennia, those mixed people procreated strictly with each other thousands of years until eventually, ethiopians/eritreans africans developed their own distinct range of phenotypes. they are a mix of two different races historically and yet for thousands of years, they've had their own set range of looks.

having racial mixture in your gene pool is literally the genetic lottery, keep crying for mutts with your inbred monoracial genes bro. :LOL::LOL:

get over it :lul: this argument is over. how are you so mad that you resurrect something that ended days ago? :lul:
bro i was bored, and i knew that you'd be low IQ enough to take the bait.
  • So Sad
Reactions: doll
bro i was bored, and i knew that you'd be low IQ enough to take the bait.
did not read that fucking essay you contaminated blooded mutt.

obviously you weren’t “bored”if you wrote a dissertation a few days later.

no “bored” person does that you absolute basement dweller. you’re obviously very very mad.
98769A6A 7BF3 4FAE B3FD C902DA241AD2

keep barking for the full blooded white you’ll never be you dirty ethnik mutt.
  • JFL
Reactions: ThatBoneStructure
did not read that fucking essay you contaminated blooded mutt.
yes you did.

obviously you weren’t “bored”if you wrote a dissertation a few days later.
how is a few rough paragraphs a dissertation? are you that low IQ to think that what i wrote was a lot? :lul::lul::lul:

no “bored” person does that you absolute basement dweller. you’re obviously very very mad.
you have an account on looksmax, you can't be calling anyone else a basement dweller when your on the same site/in the same discussions as me. not without calling yourself one, that is. :ROFLMAO:

keep barking for the full blooded white you’ll never be you dirty ethnik mutt.
keep crying for mutts with better, more diverse gene pools than you, you cave dwelling, inbred little retard. :LOL::LOL:

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