muslim virgin show me her tits and wants me to fuck her and see my dick, SUIFUEL FOR MUSLIMCELS DON’T enter

Thats right, the white man is superior. Be good and youll go to white heaven
If your ascenstors who were slaves of whites saw your disgraceful post they would be turning over in their graves you negro.
  • JFL
Reactions: Dr. Bludy, emeraldglass and Manu le coq
What exactly am I coping about? I fully acknowledge that a lot of Western "muslim" foids are completely non-Muslim in attire and behaviour hence why I will marry a foid from back home.

Also, leaving aside the whoredom that is common with these types, it goes beyond that. A lot of them are "empowered feminists" who can't and don't want to cook. Why the fuck would I want to wife a used up whore that can't provide me with what I want and need (food on the table, clean house, organized living space, etc)

Also, I want my kids to look like me tbh so I kinda don't have a choice even though I think Japanese girls are the hottest(I am not Japanese)
If ur moneymaxxed I can prolly get a hotter girl from ur home country tbh
Mirin OP, but JFL at you if you think this is “suifuel” or that I shouldn’t enter this thread just because I’m Islamic. I really don’t give a fuck. Good for you man. It’s especially funny to me because you dislike Islam yet she wants your dick just because she’s doesn’t know. Make sure to make a sex tape or else you’re a major faggot. Having said that I don’t think she’s an actual virgin. What’s her age?
@TRUE_CEL check out this virgin hoejabi
Who says she’s a hijabi? Or that she’s a virgin?
@TRUE_CEL :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek:
:feelskek: Typical.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: slayer69, Manu le coq and emeraldglass
There is one thing you still don't get about us Muslim men. If there is a woman who is supposedly Muslim and wants to be a whore, that is her problem. I don't give a fuck, sure I'd rather they behave. But they are not my daughters nor my siblings. It is her parents' and siblings' responsibility to guide them, not mine. It's hard enough keeping your immediate family members straight these days, why give myself a headache with others.
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers
jfl if you really believe a "muslim" girl on tinder giving nudes out like candy and claiming she's a virigin is a legit virgin
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: fukmylyf, Elvisandreaa, Vain786 and 1 other person
Mirin OP, but JFL at you if you think this is “suifuel” or that I shouldn’t enter this thread just because I’m Islamic. I really don’t give a fuck. Good for you man. It’s especially funny to me because you dislike Islam yet she wants your dick just because she’s doesn’t know. Make sure to make a sex tape or else you’re a major faggot. Having said that I don’t think she’s an actual virgin. What’s her age?

Who says she’s a hijabi? Or that she’s a virgin?

:feelskek: Typical.
She only had 1 boyfriend and is 19 so i believe her. Why would she lie to me i don’t want to ltr her.
If she agree I might tape it and share it here.
She is not hijabi tho just wanted to trigger more
  • JFL
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 27014, Vain786 and Michael Myers
There is one thing you still don't get about us Muslim men. If there is a woman who is supposedly Muslim and wants to be a whore, that is her problem. I don't give a fuck, sure I'd rather they behave. But they are not my daughters nor my siblings. It is her parents' and siblings' responsibility to guide them, not mine. It's hard enough keeping your immediate family members straight these days, why give myself a headache with others.
Precisely. She is a stranger to us so we don’t care. However I gotta say I got a femcel cousin who’s probably falling victim to JBW when she grows older but I don’t care. She already had a white bf at 11 or something and her father (my cousin) was a major cuck and he was writing an anti-racist rant and mention that example. JFL at him. But since she’s a femcel I don’t even care about what she does despite being closely related. BTW I haven’t opened / read your PMs / opened the other notifications yet. XD
  • +1
Reactions: Manu le coq and emeraldglass
She only had 1 boyfriend and is 19 so i believe her. Why would she lie to me i don’t want to ltr her.
If she agree I might tape it and share it here.
She is not hijabi tho just wanted to trigger more
Mirin baitmaxxing. And women sometimes want to make themselves seem more attractive so she could LARP as virgin. You should be able to tell if she’s one or not when she gets freaky with you. It’s common for women of an Islamic background to LARP about their virginity. If she’s 19 and has had one boyfriend I honestly have my doubts regarding her virginity but it’s still possible albeit a small chance. Either way you have to film this and show it to me at least. :ogre:
  • JFL
Reactions: Manu le coq
Precisely. She is a stranger to us so we don’t care. However I gotta say I got a femcel cousin who’s probably falling victim to JBW when she grows older but I don’t care. She already had a white bf at 11 or something and her father (my cousin) was a major cuck and he was writing an anti-racist rant and mention that example. JFL at him. But since she’s a femcel I don’t even care about what she does despite being closely related. BTW I haven’t opened / read your PMs / opened the other notifications yet. XD
What kind of rant did he write? JFL The west is a poison, at age 11 a boyfriend smh. Open het er is nog niks speciaals daar.
  • +1
Reactions: Michael Myers
Mirin baitmaxxing. And women sometimes want to make themselves seem more attractive so she could LARP as virgin. You should be able to tell if she’s one or not when she gets freaky with you. It’s common for women of an Islamic background to LARP about their virginity. If she’s 19 and has had one boyfriend I honestly have my doubts regarding her virginity but it’s still possible albeit a small chance. Either way you have to film this and show it to me at least. :ogre:
I will do my best to convince her to let me tape it and pm it to you. I’ll pbly fuck her ass tho not pussy
  • JFL
Reactions: Vain786 and Michael Myers
What kind of rant did he write? JFL The west is a poison, at age 11 a boyfriend smh. Open het er is nog niks speciaals daar.
He wrote a rant regarding racism and how it’s bad and mentioned his daughter as an example. My brother told me about it. My cousin is rich as fuck btw, he makes €10,000/month since he works in the tax industry. So he lives in a neighborhood where 99.9% is Dutch. Trust me when I say she’s a femcel. She looks like a copy and paste version of my cousin who’s a recessed boneless dude. Now imagine that on a little chick. I have no idea why she even is able to get a bf at that age. En haha okay ik dacht dat je al wat gehoord had en ik wilde het voor straks bewaren.
  • JFL
Reactions: emeraldglass
I will do my best to convince her to let me tape it and pm it to you. I’ll pbly fuck her ass tho not pussy
She’s not gonna say yes JFL, you have to secretly film it.
  • JFL
Reactions: Manu le coq
Reminds me of a thread a few weeks ago about a few Pakistani girls that got blacked and there were a bunch of Halalbros in the replies getting triggered and claiming larp.
Message to ethnics: this is how BBC propaganda makes us piggies feel.
  • JFL
Reactions: Vain786 and Manu le coq
if u r a high tier normie that means u have a face better than most people in a room

come on chad stop playing
Yeah, even though the meaning of HTN should be of someone slightly above average, in reality it means you are in the top 5-10% of men. So if anyone reading this is a true HTN then congrats
  • +1
Reactions: slayer69
Reminds me of a thread a few weeks ago about a few Pakistani girls that got blacked and there were a bunch of Halalbros in the replies getting triggered and claiming larp.
Message to ethnics: this is how BBC propaganda makes us piggies feel.
you face and voicemog me bro, what you complain about Chad. I will never have as much apeal and potential as you.
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 27014
you face and voicemog me bro, what you complain about Chad. I will never have as much apeal and potential as you.
Damn you Africans really love polishing off my BWC don't you?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Vain786 and Manu le coq
Damn you Africans really love polishing off my BWC don't you?
Non black girls going for bbc is still a large minority tho, while whites have broad absolute apealw

And ye it’s fun but if i want to find a non whore ltr, it’s pretty much over for me😕 since they are 95% whores.
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 27014
I'm legit gymmaxed high tier normie:lul:, and nichemaxxed
MY Face is not very great and could be better. i still have a lot of flaws
are you not also 6'3 ?
Reminds me of a thread a few weeks ago about a few Pakistani girls that got blacked and there were a bunch of Halalbros in the replies getting triggered and claiming larp.
Message to ethnics: this is how BBC propaganda makes us piggies feel.
I don't remember the thread. Probably because I don't care if LTBs get with other men. Tag me in it if you find it.
I don't remember the thread. Probably because I don't care if LTBs get with other men. Tag me in it if you find it.
You and @Xangsane were in the replies. I tried to find it earlier but it might have been deleted.
You and @Xangsane were in the replies. I tried to find it earlier but it might have been deleted.
Oh lmfao. Probably was arguing him and saying that despite a handful of degenerates that most of our women are loyal to us and that other people don't have this such as his own people.
@StepbroMo @SecularIslamist @allahcel @Allah @FailedNormieManlet @LightSkinNoob @Cidre enjoyer @ascendedd @Xangsane @pneumocystosis
Mirin but tbh, no dice till you actually smash, women are so flakey, you should have set something up that night or the day after.

“Muslim” women means nothing in the west, I’ve said this many times.
  • +1
Reactions: Vain786
Met her from tinder
At first i said myself no, because she was playing hard to get so i unnaded her from snapchat. She looked kind ahqnp on her profile.
She said she was a virgin so i accepted to continue the conversation and got more interssted in her.

Jfl and next after that she said she was a virgin but already sucked dicks, kissed and got fingered🤣🤣

And she said she wanted to try my big cock,

After that we went on snapchat, where she wanted to see a picture of my dick so i just send her my massive bulge. She said it was massive with 👀 emoji and she def got aroused by it.

She sended me more intimate pictures of herself

She kinda played hard to get all along tho,

And i sended her a video of me nutting and masturbating, she was so impressed by it that she watched it multiples times and telling me how my cock is huge.

I reckon she played hard to get a lot, but she def wants me to fuck her up, trying to get me horny a lot and sending me pictures of her naked.
Tho she said she wanted to remain a "virgin" for marriage,

We’ll meet next week in my apartement to watch a "movie".:feelskek:

Kys sexhaver chad faggot
Bro what the point of staying muslim, the religion is full of contradictions and disavantages,
you understand that you won't get any better quality of woman by marrying hijabi?
they will just make pretend to be hqnp, If I saw this girl irl i would have thinked she was hqn now look at what she is doing with a random stranger
Cope really muslim women are the real deal, and don't talk about about religion you know nothing about nigger boi, behave or we will have to enslave you like the good old days.
u are underestimating ur smv if girls are this dtf
Met her from tinder
At first i said myself no, because she was playing hard to get so i unnaded her from snapchat. She looked kind ahqnp on her profile.
She said she was a virgin so i accepted to continue the conversation and got more interssted in her.

Jfl and next after that she said she was a virgin but already sucked dicks, kissed and got fingered🤣🤣

And she said she wanted to try my big cock,

After that we went on snapchat, where she wanted to see a picture of my dick so i just send her my massive bulge. She said it was massive with 👀 emoji and she def got aroused by it.

She sended me more intimate pictures of herself

She kinda played hard to get all along tho,

And i sended her a video of me nutting and masturbating, she was so impressed by it that she watched it multiples times and telling me how my cock is huge.

I reckon she played hard to get a lot, but she def wants me to fuck her up, trying to get me horny a lot and sending me pictures of her naked.
Tho she said she wanted to remain a "virgin" for marriage,

We’ll meet next week in my apartement to watch a "movie".:feelskek:

@TRUE_CEL why is this hot bhai
Lol youre such a subhuman. So funny seeing mtns get any women. You can tell a guys low value from these posts because a slayer would have way too many messages to even care about some random deathnic lmao
Sorta blackpilled

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