My looksmaxing journy finally begins



Coping never ends
Jul 28, 2019
I started as a programming freelancer last year and basically made no money due to lots of reason. The biggest was that I hade no business experience.

After lots of hard work (plus high IQ) and a good amount of learning experiences I now have one student working for me, will contract a freelancer from a low wage country tomorrow and soon another student.

I'll get 6k€ from just finished projects. In the last weeks I closed deals worth 36k€ and next week I'll close another 6k€ deal.
If my streek continues like this I can scale that pretty well and will be able to afford most of my surgeries next year.

Feels great to finally have some money after being broke for all my life.

My first looksmaxing step begins tomorrow. After my low T symptoms (confirmed through bloodwork) good worse and worse I finally found a doctor to prescribe me testosterone replacement therapy I will get my first injection tomorrow morning.
Blood test and multiple doctors appointments + pharma grade t were quite expensive.
I paid 1.3k€ so far. But I guess thats worth getting farma grade T and having a proper prescription and no need to fear the police.

This will hopefully help me regain my mental focus, make the fatigue go away and turn my bitch body into something more masculline.
Due to that, I'll probably have to start wearing a hair system in a year, but that's worth it.

My next step will be my pectus excavatum surgery. I may get that paid by insurance.
Unfortunately due to corona my appointments for pre surgery checks got all moved to the next year.

If I pay the pre checks myself I can have them nex week. They'll cost me 700€ and will determine if the insurance will pay the 16k€ surgery.
If I close the 6k€ deal next week, I'll do that as a personal reward soon.

Next year I'll be getting a shitload of fillers from dr Zack Ally to see how a Jaw Implant would look like. With a shitload I mean really much. Will Probably cost 5k€. But I guess it's worth doing that to see how a jaw implant needs to be sized and how it would look like.

Then I will determine whether I'll try osteotomies first or go for implants straight.
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Excited to finally be high t.
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Dn rd
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Excited to finally be high t.
Happy for you about your financial opportunities ngl but I disagree with some aspects of your looksmaxxing approach
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Happy for you about your financial opportunities ngl but I disagree with some aspects of your looksmaxxing approach

Which ones?
My looksmaxxing journey ended a month ago
did u study programming or self teached?
what are ur T levels? i sent my blood off to a lab today
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HRT at your age, hair system

I indeed have though long about hair system vs rescuing my hair.

But the thing is currently I am low (free) t. Two tests with a couple month in between were both below the cucked reference range for "normal".
DHT was in the lower end of normal.
Despite already having so low amounts of androgens, my hairline is receeding. And If I judjge it by my fathers, it will recede to a point where hair transplants will give shitty results due to low density.

Due to low t I also have below normal e2 which is bad for agepill as e2 has many protective attributes.

So I either have the choice to fully chemically castrate myself to keep my already shitty hair (thin and high hairline) or I say fuck it, get to high normal t levels and gymcel + get positive e2 effects and have to wear a hair system which will look better than my original hairs.
what are ur T levels? i sent my blood off to a lab today

Total T was "In range" but below average for my age (25): 409 and 527ng/dl. 650 is average and 800-1100 is good. 350 is considered low normal by cuck doctors.

But Free T which is way more important was: 9.1 and 7.9pg/ml while normal range is 13-28. So TRT will tripple to quadrupple my free t.
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Over for pectus excavatum cels
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Total T was "In range" but below average for my age (25): 409 and 527ng/dl. 650 is average and 800-1100 is good. 350 is considered low normal by cuck doctors.

But Free T which is way more important was: 9.1 and 7.9pg/ml while normal range is 13-28. So TRT will tripple to quadrupple my free t.
How much are u planning to inject ?
did u study programming or self teached?

Dropped out of University last year as most professors are cucks who have never seen the real world and spend all their live teaching stuff they have never applied or stuff that is totally irrelevant in practice and wastes your time.
Even though I am mostly bashing it, some of the university theory is actually usefull. But having a rough overview is enough you don't need to be able to mathematically proof everything. That's just wasting your time if you intend to make money.

So I learnt most of it myself.
But honestly not everyone can become a good programmer, you need to have the abillity to think very logically. Basically you need to be able to temporarily become an autist.
Even then you need at least 3 years to become really good. I started learning with 14 and spent most of my hollidays in front of the computer.

If you have the IQ though, I think you can become employable within 1-1.5 years with no prior experience and good mentoring.

For Freelancing you need to have more experience and also be able to switch of the inner autist (many programmers can't) as you also have to be able to sell yourself to non programmer clients.
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How much are u planning to inject ?

Doctor will bring me to high normal free t. So that my free t will be around 28-30.

I'll be starting with 100mg a week tomorrow + hcg to keep my balls working.
When my internal test production decreases we will up the dosage according to the lab results.

As I have high shbg, I'll probably need to take around 150mg/week after my own production has decreased.
Dropped out of University last year as most professors are cucks who have never seen the real world and spend all their live teaching stuff theyhave never applied or stuff that is totally irrelevant in practice and wastes your time.
Even though I am mostly bashing it, some of the university theory is actually usefull. But having a rough overview is enough you don't need to be able to mathematically proof everything. That's just wasting your time if you intend to make money.

So I learnt most of it myself.
But honestly not everyone can become a good programmer, you need to have the abillity to think very logically. Basically you need to be able to temporarily become an autist.
Even than you need at least 3 years to become really good. I started learning with 14 and spent most of my hollidays in front of the computer.

If you have the IQ though, I think you can become employable within 1-1.5 years with nor prior experience and good mentoring.

For Freelancing you need to have more experience and also be able to switch of the inner autist (many programmers can't) as you also have to be able to sell yourself to non programmer clients.

well nice for you but very difficult in countries like netherland/Germany where you have to study even if you just want to breathe...

No company would take you here if didnt have some form of diploma.and finished your studies..

OR you have some massive expierence, which is hard to get in the first place, since no one will look at you if you didnt study...
Youve been on here for a year and now you decide to looksmax
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well nice for you but very difficult in countries like netherland/Germany where you have to study even if you just want to breathe...

No company would take you here if didnt have some form of diploma.and finished your studies..

OR you have some massive expierence, which is hard to get in the first place, since no one will look at you if you didnt study...

I am from germany.
Yes, you need experience, but not diploma.

None of my clients asked me for a degree ever.
Sometimes I even tell them, that I dropped out of 3 studies to gain some underdog points.
Most of them did not ask for references either.
All they care for is what result (as in making or saving them money) you can give them.

I even had some job offers for around 40-50k€ which I declined because I wanted at least 60k€.

So the question you need to ask yourself is how do you get this desired experience as fast as possible?
In my oppinion: Not in university. I know so many people who did way better in university than me and got good marks left and right. But they now shit when it comes to actually putting that in practice which makes their degree worthless.

No company in their right mind will employ them. Yes they will get a job, but i will be paid bad and in some shithole company that makes you wanna rope.

To get experience fast you need to programm in your free time first. Read many tutorials, books, listen to talks and then programm something. Does not matter what, just apply it. Then you start going to programming meetups, talk to the people ask as many questions as possible and learn from them. In the meantime you continue programming in your spare time.
After you reached a certain level and know at least a bit, the people on the meetups will most likely start offering you jobs, just based on the conversations you are having with theme.
Chose that one wisely, don't look for the most money, but for the best ooportunity to learn. Stay there for a year, soak up as much knowledge as possible, continue learning in your free time.
And then switch the company. After 6 month to a year at another company you should be good enough to go freelancing or get a 60k€ job somewhere else.

If you are not a retard you either go the freelance route or migrate to the US after that. Entry level pay in the US is like 90k$ and really good programmers get 300-500k$.

Regarding clients, you just need to make them trust you by being nt and telling them how you will help them.
I got most of my clients from facebook. Most the time they have no computer knowledge and ask for help in programmer groups. Often they get some technical terms wrong as they don't care for computers and only want solutions to their problems.
Then all the autistic non nt programmers mock the clients and tell them that they are retarded for getting some technical wording wrong.
A day later I answer to their request by rephrasing their problem in my own words to emphasize and show them that I am non autistic in contrary to the others. Then I eli5 them how I will solve their problem in 3 sentences.
Thats 80% of getting the deal.
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Youve been on here for a year and now you decide to looksmax

I made the decision much earlier, but was busy getting money, cause I was broke.

Being broke = no looksmaxing.
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I indeed have though long about hair system vs rescuing my hair.

But the thing is currently I am low (free) t. Two tests with a couple month in between were both below the cucked reference range for "normal".
DHT was in the lower end of normal.
Despite already having so low amounts of androgens, my hairline is receeding. And If I judjge it by my fathers, it will recede to a point where hair transplants will give shitty results due to low density.

Due to low t I also have below normal e2 which is bad for agepill as e2 has many protective attributes.

So I either have the choice to fully chemically castrate myself to keep my already shitty hair (thin and high hairline) or I say fuck it, get to high normal t levels and gymcel + get positive e2 effects and have to wear a hair system which will look better than my original hairs.
I assume you haven’t read my hair loss thread
I assume you haven’t read my hair loss thread
offtopic bhai.
but do you know anything about cream of tartar?
also are monounsaturated fats good?
offtopic bhai.
but do you know anything about cream of tartar?
also are monounsaturated fats good?
No, I don’t. I would otherwise have replied to the thread you tagged me in.

MUFAs are neither good nor bad. It depends on the big picture. I keep my general fat intake as low as possible currently and my carbs cranked up to the ceiling. This is just me tho
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No, I don’t. I would otherwise have replied to the thread you tagged me in.

MUFAs are neither good nor bad. It depends on the big picture. I keep my general fat intake as low as possible currently and my carbs cranked up to the ceiling. This is just me tho
Its usually the other way around for me with fats and carbs
I assume you haven’t read my hair loss thread

Just skipped over it. But sorry bro. All those vitamins are major cope.
(Not for agemaxxing, but for hairloss)

It's called androgenic alopezia and not vitamin defficiency alopezia for a reason.

If vitmin defficiency would be the reason, woman would get hairloss to the same degree as man.
MTF trans faggots would not grow all their hair back buy surpressing androgens.
Also homless would mostly be bald because of nutrtion defficiency which is not the case.
Its usually the other way around for me with fats and carbs
If you feel good that way, go ahead. I, personally, don’t do well with lots of fat - especially saturated
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Total T was "In range" but below average for my age (25): 409 and 527ng/dl. 650 is average and 800-1100 is good. 350 is considered low normal by cuck doctors.

But Free T which is way more important was: 9.1 and 7.9pg/ml while normal range is 13-28. So TRT will tripple to quadrupple my free t.
Lol dude it’s literally impossible your free T is that low

That’s like 0.05 nmol/l

I did mines last week & they were 0.47 nmol/l & I think the high end is like 0.6
Just skipped over it. But sorry bro. All those vitamins are major cope.
(Not for agemaxxing, but for hairloss)

It's called androgenic alopezia and not vitamin defficiency alopezia for a reason.

If vitmin defficiency would be the reason, woman would get hairloss to the same degree as man.
MTF trans faggots would not grow all their hair back buy surpressing androgens.
Also homless would mostly be bald because of nutrtion defficiency which is not the case.
You obviously didn’t even bother to read the study I linked at the beginning of that thread. It isn’t cope. It works, believe it or not. I also never said that vitamin deficiency was the cause of AGA. Lack of intrafollicular androgen receptor gene methylation is. But it can’t be true because I mentioned the word ‘vitamin’, right? It’s sad that people keep suffering because of unshakable prejudice or rather, lack of fundamental knowledge
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Lol dude it’s literally impossible your free T is that low

That’s like 0.05 nmol/l

I did mines last week & they were 0.47 nmol/l & I think the high end is like 0.6
My value was equal to 0.26 nmol/l. High range is 1nmol/l

If your lab says 0.6 is high, it has been taken over my by angry man hating sjw feminist cucks.
You obviously didn’t even bother to read the study I linked at the beginning of that thread. It isn’t cope. It works, believe it or not. I also never said that vitamin deficiency was the cause of AGA. Lack of intrafollicular androgen receptor gene methylation is. But it can’t be true because I mentioned the word ‘vitamin’, right? It’s sad that people keep suffering because of unshakable prejudice or rather, lack of fundamental knowledge

Sorry boyo, did not see that this thread:

Will read tomorrow after sleepmaxxing.
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My value was equal to 0.26 nmol/l. High range is 1nmol/l

If your lab says 0.6 is high, it has been taken over my by angry man hating sjw feminist cucks.
1189C1F1 125E 4676 ADB4 949F5C35DD07
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Sorry boyo, did not see that this thread:

Will read tomorrow after sleepmaxxing.
That’s just the protocol. I linked the thread I was referring to at the top. There you will find the study I mentioned and everything else you need to know. You have a good night!
There are different ways to measure free t. Some labs are doing it a old and incorrect way.
Btw i dont think that a trt will bring you any improvement besides a bit higher libido. If you are high or low on the natural reference range, will not make a big difference. Only supraphysiological levels will push you to more muscles and higher aggression.
Only high amounts of t will bring you the benefits that you are searching. You should focus on lowering your shbg. This would improve your free t levels. If you have low t, the first thing should not be treating the symptoms with a trt. Instead you should ask yourself why, and improve the root cause. Your endocrine system is normal, and you dont have hypogadism. Keep in mind, that you will need to inject your whole life, just to have a bit higher t levels.

I wear hairsystem from a good company since 7 months, and i can tell you its a bad decision. I never feel really free and masculine anymore. Having a wig on your head gives you constant stress of getting caught and laughed at. You will feel like a fake everywhere you go. Even if the system is absolutely perfect, you cant let go of the fear. I would do everything to combat hairloss and get a ht.
Also the effort to clean and re-glue the system takes a lot of time and energy. Everytime you take the system away, and look at your shaved head, you will feel like a total frauding subhuman clown.

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