My mother took away everything from me, I could’ve been normal



This is super vegeta!
Aug 11, 2018
My mother finally took me the growth hormone doctor after myx-ray scans, its been atleast 4 months andI was very persistent about going to get the HGH, my mother delayed it for far too long and the doctor told me I would be lucky to be 5’4.

I actually bought the MK-677 but my mother canceled the transaction mid order because she found out through Bank of America,she canceled my shit because she found out that MK-677 can cause mental instability and muscle cramps and I told her I dont give a fuck about any of that and she told me that she was making a mothers “loving” choice for me since “It seemed like I was not concerned about my own well being” and then got mad, freaked out and immediately forced my clinic to order a blood test to see whats wrong with me.

she says while ots too late, I should still see whata wrong with me and I can still be happy.
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  • WTF
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I’m sorry bro
your best hope is to blackpill your mom
show her all the twitter screenshots of Manlets being abused
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I’m sorry bro
your best hope is to blackpill your mom
show her all the twitter screenshots of Manlets being abused
she just tells me that those men are weird and girls have it worse when it comes to dating
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suicide is the only option my friend..
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Sorry bro. It’s beyond over
she just tells me that those men are weird and girls have it worse when it comes to dating
Bluepilled af. I cant think of one single way girls have it worse
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Kill your Mom bro
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wheres your dad at.
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You simply MUST take control of the situation and steer yourself to a decent liveable life. You are only going to have one shot at this, man up and take some FUCKING action!
75 years ago kids your age were fighting in wars and stuff. Make this right. Time to strap on a pair (maybe borrow from @mojopin he doesn't use his), T up and take action.
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You simply MUST take control of the situation and steer yourself to a decent liveable life. You are only going to have one shot at this, man up and take some FUCKING action!
75 years ago kids your age were fighting in wars and stuff. Make this right. Time to strap on a pair (maybe borrow from @mojopin he doesn't use his), T up and take action.
Pretty much.
You're going to have to make her and offer she can't refuse.
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wheres your dad at.
he just tells me to man up about my height
You simply MUST take control of the situation and steer yourself to a decent liveable life. You are only going to have one shot at this, man up and take some FUCKING action!
75 years ago kids your age were fighting in wars and stuff. Make this right. Time to strap on a pair (maybe borrow from @mojopin he doesn't use his), T up and take action.
I told her this many times, she then hits me with that “im your mother and I know more than you, a woman has to trust her instincts about her children.”
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smother your mom with a pillow while she sleeps
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How old are you?
16, will be 17 in a few months, the really depressing thing is that my mother was telling me that I would continue to grow in my twenties because all guys do that, I told her thats not true and the majority stop at 16. I was at the clinic 2 days ago and the daughter confirmed around 17 most men stop growing and this applies to me, my mother just basically said “oops my bad”
  • WTF
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Tell her you will seriously kill your self. Show her the suicide statistics for men vs women. Let her absorb it then show the statistics of suicide for short men in specific compared the the regular male suicide rate
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I would be lucky to be 5’4.
Bro get you're hands on AI ASAP. You could try ordering MK-677 through paypal on or ask a friend to buy it from you. You could also go on websites that sell roids to buy gh peptides and pay with money order, bitcoin and shit your parents can't find out. Check out @Extra Chromosome heightmaxxing mega thread. You're 16 do this fast.

And also fuck parents. They think they know so much when in reality they don't know shit. Don't even bother arguing with them as you will feel tempted to kill them.
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Tell her @manlet cUnt and his krew will rape her if she doesnt comply
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Bro get you're hands on AI ASAP. You could try ordering MK-677 through paypal on or ask a friend to buy it from you. You could also go on websites that sell roids to buy gh peptides and pay with money order, bitcoin and shit your parents can't find out. Check out @Extra Chromosome heightmaxxing mega thread. You're 16 do this fast.

And also fuck parents. They think they know so much when in reality they don't know shit. Don't even bother arguing with them as you will feel tempted to kill them.
I bought MK-677 but my mom figured out because her bank of america account is managing mine, if I tried to buy anything, she would get a notification on her account. It eould be highly suspicous if I suddenly told her to separate our accounts, she would definetly know
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Tell her @manlet cUnt and his krew will rape her if she doesnt comply
then she will hate short guys even more, it also dosent help that I am balding and my mom thought I was crazy for buying minox
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  • +1
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I bought MK-677 but my mom figured out because her bank of america account is managing mine, if I tried to buy anything, she would get a notification on her account. It eould be highly suspicous if I suddenly told her to separate our accounts, she would definetly know
Withdraw some money out and buy some bitcoin (or any crypto for that matter) and find websites (that sell what you need) that accept that form of payment. You could try using this site to buy from a vendor. A lot of them accept money order as payment. That's how I brought my bitcoin to purchase ru58841. You're parents/bank will not be able track this. You just need a good excuse as to why you withdrew all that money.
I am balding
ru58841+ketocanazole shampoo+ microneedling with at least 1.5 mm ASAP
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Withdraw some money out and buy some bitcoin (or any crypto for that matter) and find websites (that sell what you need) that accept that form of payment. You could try using this site to buy from a vendor. A lot of them accept money order as payment. That's how I brought my bitcoin to purchase ru58841. You're parents/bank will not be able track this. You just need a good excuse as to why you withdrew all that money.

ru58841+ketocanazole shampoo+ microneedling with at least 1.5 mm ASAP
I’ll see if I can get it, my moms been talking about shutting down my Bank of America account because she got mad because I went behind her back and bought the MK
Update: I just got off the phone with my mother and she told me well see about the MK-677 tomorrow, I know thats a lie or shes trying to delay my ascension
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Bluepilled mothers are one of the biggest causes of inceldom. So many mothers raise their sons to be sexually unsuccessful cucks.
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Tell her you will seriously kill your self. Show her the suicide statistics for men vs women. Let her absorb it then show the statistics of suicide for short men in specific compared the the regular male suicide rate
she knows that I am depressed and she knows about one of my failed attempts, she takes me to useless therapy sessions with a 7 foot slighlty messed up hairline dude telling me to just be confident, I showed her the male female suicide ratio and she told me that women attempt it and fail more then men because women are more depressed in general
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she knows that I am drpressed and she knows about one of my failed attempts, she takes me to useless therapy sessions with a 7 foot slighlty messed up hairline dude telling me to just be confident, I showed her the male female suicide ratio and she told me that women attempt it and fail more then men because women are more depressed in general

how old and tall are u?
I can help in heightpilling ur mom
And just blackpilling in general


You must do it
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Reactions: The Dude Abides and SikKunt
just get HGH from the dealer at your local gym's bathroom
Bluepilled mothers are one of the biggest causes of inceldom. So many mothers raise their sons to be sexually unsuccessful cucks.
i’d tried to blackpill her, she refuses to listen
16 and barely 5’3
It's unlikely that the doctor will prescribe HGH to you, you plates will probably close at 5'5 ~5'6 and that's acceptable in their minds. I have heard about guys shorter than you that didn't get prescription, the only person I know that got prescribed was a guy that used to get heightmogged by 9 year old kids when he was 15
calm yourself down.

It's good that your mother is taking precautions to make sure that you're safe, by my book, she's a good mom.

Forget about the mk677, try and get an AI to make sure your bones don't age alot, and then soon get a job and get your own card, then have mk677 shipped to a UPS.
  • WTF
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Reactions: FaceandHFD, dogtown, OCDMaxxing and 4 others
calm yourself down.

It's good that your mother is taking precautions to make sure that you're safe, by my book, she's a good mom.

Forget about the mk677, try and get an AI to make sure your bones don't age alot, and then soon get a job and get your own card, then have mk677 shipped to a UPS.

she should have fucked chad imo, shes not a good mom for fucking some incel and bringing another incel into world
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Reactions: BigdickAverageEthnic
Read this ASAP

For ur dumbdog of a mom
This is admitted acceptance= virtue signalling

Every other compilation pinned at the top as well

There’s more, remember a penis study that penis only preferable on tall people

There’s always more
Never forget that
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calm yourself down.

It's good that your mother is taking precautions to make sure that you're safe, by my book, she's a good mom.

Forget about the mk677, try and get an AI to make sure your bones don't age alot, and then soon get a job and get your own card, then have mk677 shipped to a UPS.
fuck u, fucking cuck. this kids life is on the line and you're siding with his bluepilled, whore of a mom (no offense, op). just take a 12 gauge to your skull now. fucking normie scum.
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Reactions: Dissonance, The Dude Abides, BigdickAverageEthnic and 2 others
This summer you need to:
  • Get a job
  • Get credit card
  • Buy height shit with credit card
Come on you're 16 you can get some freedom. Sounds like you parents are overbearing as well so while you're at it learn to drive. You have 1 shot at this and you will hate yourself for the rest of you're life if you don't take command and do this.
Like ded srs I would do this if she refuses to comply

  • Harass her with that compilation thing for hours about women hating short men and sciencetific stats
  • Literally bring up my height in every single discussion, blame being short, anything
  • Tell her for every passing day she is killing me further
  • Disillusion her and tell her she doesn’t know better than you, after all, you have science behind your back
  • Literally tell her that I would kms if I end up this height and can’t do a thing
  • BTW pick if you want to show her LL right away, if you do she might tell you just pay it for yourself later, if not we’ll you can’t pressure her for you to get it, anyways max height gain will still leave you at manlet height, back to track
  • Literally not go to school or do anything just permarott and permashame
  • If she hits you you hit her back, ded srs
  • If she sends you to therapy just act depressed af, blackpill them, and tell them the only fix is height gain
  • Tell your problem offer a solution tell her what happens if you don’t reach your goal
  • Be creative and piss her off
Btw I did this with my balding to my parents, never ending and they complied eventually, it plays on their minds, she allowed me to illegally order fin and even bought some for me in my home country.

Ur also balding
Hairpill your parents.

How tall is your dad and how tall is ur mom
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Reactions: dogtown, OCDMaxxing, The Dude Abides and 1 other person
This summer you need to:
  • Get a job
  • Get credit card
  • Buy height shit with credit card
Come on you're 16 you can get some freedom. Sounds like you parents are overbearing as well so while you're at it learn to drive. You have 1 shot at this and you will hate yourself for the rest of you're life if you don't take command and do this.
I know how to drive, my parents wont let me get my license. Mom wants to know every where I go and wants me back befofe the street lights come on and wonders why I have no friends
  • So Sad
Reactions: Dissonance, The Dude Abides and retard
she should have fucked chad imo, shes not a good mom for fucking some incel and bringing another incel into world
She likely has betabuxx from OP’s dad tbh
If he’s white American kid at his age his mother has a high probability of her haven ridden the carousel
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she knows that I am depressed and she knows about one of my failed attempts, she takes me to useless therapy sessions with a 7 foot slighlty messed up hairline dude telling me to just be confident, I showed her the male female suicide ratio and she told me that women attempt it and fail more then men because women are more depressed in general
That is actually comical, I feel so bad for you
You’re mom shouldnt of been able to reproduce
The literal pinnacle of a tumor
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I know how to drive, my parents wont let me get my license. Mom wants to know every where I go and wants me back befofe the street lights come on and wonders why I have no friends

Try to get a job at least & credit card at least. Frame it as good thing and get some manipulation going about her holding you back if theres a problem. Get some support from your dad for this because fathers in general see it as their duty to get kids finically secure.
Its hard to even read posts like that, jesus Im glad im not a manlet. Must suck ballz even more than any bad facial feature. there is no surgery for height (leg lenghtening is not enough)
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I know how to drive, my parents wont let me get my license. Mom wants to know every where I go and wants me back befofe the street lights come on and wonders why I have no friends
Can you like call her out on it? Like ded srs, ur still 16 so she can’t do shit and kick you out, I mean at this point, a center would be more compassionate.

blast this at full sound on her face
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Reactions: Navnith, The Dude Abides and SikKunt
Like ded srs I would do this if she refuses to comply

  • Harass her with that compilation thing for hours about women hating short men and sciencetific stats
  • Literally bring up my height in every single discussion, blame being short, anything
  • Tell her for every passing day she is killing me further
  • Disillusion her and tell her she doesn’t know better than you, after all, you have science behind your back
  • Literally tell her that I would kms if I end up this height and can’t do a thing
  • BTW pick if you want to show her LL right away, if you do she might tell you just pay it for yourself later, if not we’ll you can’t pressure her for you to get it, anyways max height gain will still leave you at manlet height, back to track
  • Literally not go to school or do anything just permarott and permashame
  • If she hits you you hit her back, ded srs
  • If she sends you to therapy just act depressed af, blackpill them, and tell them the only fix is height gain
  • Tell your problem offer a solution tell her what happens if you don’t reach your goal
  • Be creative and piss her off
Btw I did this with my balding to my parents, never ending and they complied eventually, it plays on their minds, she allowed me to illegally order fin and even bought some for me in my home country.

Ur also balding
Hairpill your parents.

How tall is your dad and how tall is ur mom
I told her a few things about the height thing, I just dont wont to show her the statistics on because she associates the word incel with virgin school shooter. When I show her stuff online she tells me that the statistics were made up before proceeding to tell me about not beliving everything I read online and then telling mehow short women have it even harder. I even blackpilled her about an abusive relationship about how girls dont care how you act if you look good and she got all mad because she was in an abusive relationship, got out of it and went back into it with the same guy in high school.

Ive been going to therapy for the past 3-4 years

A few months ago I knew she would be snooping on my computer so I put Male to female sex change operation in my history to freak her out, when she asked about it I told her I would do this if I dont get the height and she started crying about how thats insulting to real women like her

dad is 5’8-5’9

mom is 5’4
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Btw don't threaten to kys because that will make them restrict shit even more. Don't show them lookism or blackpill or any of that shit ever again cause they will blame computers. You gotta Manipluate.

Extra Sad thing is that it sounds like your height is affecting your parents perception of you.
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Reactions: Dissonance, BigdickAverageEthnic, The Dude Abides and 2 others
I dont believe you OP. You are making this shit up because any mother whos son is 5'4 at 16 years would take action.

Unless you provide actual proof that your whore mother is sabotaging your life aka child abuse for not getting treatment you are a larp.
Stop being fucking retarded with your mother, she cares about you even tho she doesn't know what is the best for you. You are lucky for having a mother that cares about you, it could be much worse, lots of kids would love to have a mother like yours.

Now grow up and get those hormones yourself, stop being so dependent of your parents and giving them things to worry about, retarded kid
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I dont believe you OP. You are making this shit up because any mother whos son is 5'4 at 16 years would take action.

Unless you provide actual proof that your whore mother is sabotaging your life aka child abuse for not getting treatment you are a larp.
how do you not belive me, I’ve been posting here for months and ive been posting on and even r/incels before it got banned
Stop being fucking retarded with your mother, she cares about you even tho she doesn't know what is the best for you. You are lucky for having a mother that cares about you, it could be much worse, lots of kids would love to have a mother like yours.

Now grow up and get those hormones yourself, stop being so dependent of your parents and giving them things to worry about, retarded kid
nigga you are fucking stupid, a doctor wont do shit unless mom signs the consent forms
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