My SARMs cycles, before+after pics attached

I personally didn't try lgd so can't say, but I know that lgd may cause lgd flu, so I'd avoid that, I'd use rad140 instead (and that's what I did)

you most likely won't need any PCT for osta, but surely will for rad, so get your hands on some good pct (and quality sarms as well) before starting. As previously mentioned I can recommend a store to buy from via dms, but it's europe only.
Ok can you DM it to me?
Is mk and sarms from corelabs good or is there a better Aussie source?
Is mk and sarms from corelabs good or is there a better Aussie source?
corelabs is really good, deusmedical is also great and augmentedlabs is good as well, imo the best for mk
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As requested on this thread by @MaestheticMaso , I'm making a post to share my experiences and progress with SARMs.

This is how I looked 6 months before my first cycle

1 month before my first cycle

So I had a lean/shredded build, but definitely wasn't big. I was only supplementing with creatine and whey.

Then I started my first SARMs cycle with Ostarine, at 20mg ed for 8 weeks.
I started feeling the effects at around the 5th week. You have more strenght, recover faster, better pumps, and basically that's it.
At the end of the cycle I had absolutely 0 side effects, didn't do any bloodwork because I felt completely fine.
I gained some kg of lean mass during this period.
Even though I had 0 sides, I bought tamoxifen before hand just in case I developed gyno, even though it's unbelievably uncommon.

I'd suggest any newbie to start with Ostarine first.
Of course you shouldn't take any SARMs or steroid...but in case you do, you know how to harm yourself as little as possible

I then started taking MK-677 (ibutamoren), 5 times a week at 10-12.5mg.
It's not a SARM but it's worth mentioning.
You recover insanely fast, you can do a brutal leg day, take mk and the next day you're good to go again.
The sleep is also insane, you can sleep 5 hours and wake up feeling like you slept 8 or 9. Tested my blood sugar daily, and instead of going up it stayed the same for a couple weeks, then it went down a little instead!
I was eating healthy, no refined sugars, and supplementing with berberine before meals high in carbs (like pasta, pizza, rice).

Then after about 3 months, started with RAD-140, 10mg ed.
At this point as I also wanted to cut, I stopped taking MK677 (maybe once a week maximum just for the good sleep) and started taking Cardarine at 12.5mg ed.
This shit (RAD) is incredibly strong. I could see my muscles growing bigger every week, I had a shitton more strenght, was angry and irritated at everyone and everything (which made me feel more focused during workouts for some reason?) and my muscles looked and felt dense as rocks.

During the 3rd week I started feeling the sides (low energy/low test, no libido, ed), so I started taking 10mg every three days (as the half-life of rad seems to be of around 60h) for the remaining 5 weeks. I was also having sex about 5-6 times a week, so the low libido may have been caused by that as well, but you never know.

After doing that, I had little to no sides (other than anger and irritability), maybe I was a little bit unmotivated and had less libido than usual during the last 2 weeks, but that's it.
No hair loss, no acne (I already suffer from acne on my back, but it didn't worsen or anything), no gyno.

At this point though, as I knew that RAD-140 is much more suppressive than Ostarine, I took a blood test as soon as I finished the cycle to see how my testosterone was doing.
I had about 500 nanograms/dL, which as you may know is not considered high (not even that low, though).
Estrogens were in the low to normal range, all good.
Cholesterol HDL and LDL were perfectly in the healthy range. Liver was healthy as well.
Note that during both cycles I supplemented with NAC (needed for the liver), fish oil (omega 3 pills, 1000mg ed) and fermented red rice (for cholesterol).

I did some PCT with clomid at 50mg ed for a week, recovered completely and my libido got high again.

These are the end results:
First (during osta only)
Second (just finished the osta cycle)
Third (post rad140 cycle)

I ended up gaining about 7-8kg of lean mass.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

If you live in Europe I can suggest a safe source to get them, not sure I can do it publicly due to the rules though.
Do you appeal to gym niche and slay because of physique?

Autists on this site tell me they gained 20kg of muscle and it didn't change their sex life (probably because autism)
Do you appeal to gym niche and slay because of physique?

Autists on this site tell me they gained 20kg of muscle and it didn't change their sex life (probably because autism)
Yes, most definitely. If you have a muscular build and take care of your looks (grooming is the bare minimum), there is no way you don't slay, you really must be autistic or a sociopath

I've found that wherever you go, especially in countries where men are really skinny (such as south korea, best country to travelmaxx imo), everyone looks at you. Men are intimidated and women admire you even if they're with their boyfriends.
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Yes, most definitely. If you have a muscular build and take care of your looks (grooming is the bare minimum), there is no way you don't slay, you really must be autistic or a sociopath

I've found that wherever you go, especially in countries where men are really skinny (such as south korea, best country to travelmaxx imo), everyone looks at you. Men are intimidated and women admire you even if they're with their boyfriends.
is there JBW in Korea? You ever went there?
is there JBW in Korea? You ever went there?
Yes, if you're white you have a HUGE advantage over male koreans or any other race really.
And yes, I've been there for a couple of weeks. One of the best experiences of my life
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Seems like you respond very well to Ostarine.

How did you feel doing RAD140 every 3 days? Still made strength and size gains? Did libido get better again?

I have a pack of RAD140 lying around but I already lowered my libido a bit with Deca and don't want to lower it even more.
He looked like a twink before
Hahaha I'll take it as a compliment, as if you're saying this it means I don't look like a twink anymore 😁

Seems like you respond very well to Ostarine.

How did you feel doing RAD140 every 3 days? Still made strength and size gains? Did libido get better again?

I have a pack of RAD140 lying around but I already lowered my libido a bit with Deca and don't want to lower it even more.
RAD140 ed > low libido, low motivation, anger issues
RAD every 3 days > all good, but maybe still some anger issues. And I wasn't even in a stressful period at that time.

I still made strength and gains, my muscles felt as if they were made of metal, no jokes, incredibly dense pumps and overall look
As you took deca though I'd get a test base of 250mg/week, only at that point I'd add RAD. Then a PCT with enclo and you're good as new

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