My testosterone is 141 ng/dl and 4.9 pg/ml. Can someone help me I’m 16 almost 17 yrs.



Apr 26, 2024
Doc said they can’t prescribe TRT cause I’m within the range but I’m right on the low end which is pissing me off
  • JFL
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that shouldn't be possible, go to an endocrinologist
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that shouldn't be possible, go to an endocrinologist
I’m korean I understand that as an asian our test levels are normally low but I’m tired of this shit. My parents said I “shouldn’t worry” about this shit and having too high test is unhealthy
  • JFL
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whats your diet like? do u exercise?
whats your diet like? do u exercise?
I eat around 80% whole foods (grass fed ground beef, pasture raised eggs, olive oil, fruits, little to no veggies, and greek yogurt and milk.) i also limit seed oils, dyes, and cook with stainless steel always. I go to the gym 5x a week and train till failure. For some other background info I’m korean, 5’10 and 156 lbs right now
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  • JFL
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Doc said they can’t prescribe TRT cause I’m within the range but I’m right on the low end which is pissing me off
U need to increase your carb consumption
Is this serious or not cause I thought carbs were shit for u
LOL carb help massively with testosterone and thyroid hormones
Subcutaneous water retention happens only because of electrolyte imbalances
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trust me, ice your balls every morning
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  • JFL
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Is this serious or not cause I thought carbs were shit for u
carbs arent bad for u, u need them if ur doing intense training lol. ur diet and routine looks fine, maybe ur not eating enough for how much activity ur doing. make sure ur getting enough sleep, try to limit stress, try some natural t boosting supps, nofap (ignore the people who says its cope it has good benefits for T and ive seen many good before and after bloodwork transformations if ur a coomer). not much more i can think of off the top of my head though im not an expert by any means
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^ by supps i just mean like zinc, ashwaganda, tongkat ali, magnesium, etc, not any fried shit no need to do a deep delve into supplements for that
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carbs arent bad for u, u need them if ur doing intense training lol. ur diet and routine looks fine, maybe ur not eating enough for how much activity ur doing. make sure ur getting enough sleep, try to limit stress, try some natural t boosting supps, nofap (ignore the people who says its cope it has good benefits for T and ive seen many good before and after bloodwork transformations if ur a coomer). not much more i can think of off the top of my head though im not an expert by any means
I know nofap is legit because everytime I do it for 5-6 days I genuinely feel better and my voice gets deeper and erections better. I AM on a cut right now though so I’m expecting my levels to drop even fucking harder
LOL carb help massively with testosterone and thyroid hormones
Subcutaneous water retention happens only because of electrolyte imbalances
What kinda carbs though, I eat sourdough bread everyday and get lots of fruit. Are these good?
^ by supps i just mean like zinc, ashwaganda, tongkat ali, magnesium, etc, not any fried shit no need to do a deep delve into supplements for that
Yes thank you. I am limited to a teen multivitamin and only 2k IU of vitamin D3 + mk4 + mk7 though cause my parents don’t want me buying supps
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  • JFL
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What kinda carbs though, I eat sourdough bread everyday and get lots of fruit. Are these good?
fruit, sourdough bread, potatoes, vegetables, quinoa, rice etc.
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Damn something is incredibly wrong with you if it's that low during the time where your T should be high. Fucking cucked doctor for not doing anything about it, you need to see a specialist or something. Do you get morning wood and random strong erections?
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: normie tiktoker, silencio, likenesss and 3 others
idk if its even worth to cut at ur age, ik everyone here says lean is law but lol ur still developing itd only be beneficial to be in a caloric surplus. not a huge one u dont gotta turbobulk but a couple hundred cals cant hurt
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carbs arent bad for u, u need them if ur doing intense training lol. ur diet and routine looks fine, maybe ur not eating enough for how much activity ur doing. make sure ur getting enough sleep, try to limit stress, try some natural t boosting supps, nofap (ignore the people who says its cope it has good benefits for T and ive seen many good before and after bloodwork transformations if ur a coomer). not much more i can think of off the top of my head though im not an expert by any means
Also about sleep, when my levels were tested I was getting really good sleep I was going to bed at 10Pm and waking at 7AM
Damn something is incredibly wrong with you if it's that low during the time where your T should be high. Fucking cucked doctor for not doing anything about it, you need to see a specialist or something. Do you get morning wood and random strong erections?
Only when I do nofap for 5+ days I get morning wood (it’s not cope for me at least). I get random strong erections too ONLY while on nofap
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fruit, sourdough bread, potatoes, vegetables, quinoa, rice etc.
+1 watermelon, pineapples, rice, potatoes are where i get the majority of my carbs from
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idk if its even worth to cut at ur age, ik everyone here says lean is law but lol ur still developing itd only be beneficial to be in a caloric surplus. not a huge one u dont gotta turbobulk but a couple hundred cals cant hurt
I am almost 17 though but once I cut I will maintain weight
+1 watermelon, pineapples, rice, potatoes are where i get the majority of my carbs from
yeah same, rice and potatoes for complex and a lot of fruit like kiwi, bananas etc. For simple
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Only when I do nofap for 5+ days I get morning wood (it’s not cope for me at least). I get random strong erections too ONLY while on nofap
you gotta stay on it longer term imo i dont think a week is enough, dont touch ur dick and save it for a girl u wont regret treating it that way i promise. Test aside every girl ive ever spoken to has really valued sexual discipline and not being a fucking coomer, that shit fucks up relationships bad
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Damn something is incredibly wrong with you if it's that low during the time where your T should be high. Fucking cucked doctor for not doing anything about it, you need to see a specialist or something. Do you get morning wood and random strong erections?
Yep my doctor and parents just don’t care about my health and since my levels were tested when I’m mostly done with puberty who knows how much it fucked up my facial development
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Only when I do nofap for 5+ days I get morning wood (it’s not cope for me at least). I get random strong erections too ONLY while on nofap
Are you usually a frequent coomer/porn watcher? You should get morning wood and strong erections regardless, but it could be porn induced
you gotta stay on it longer term imo i dont think a week is enough, dont touch ur dick and save it for a girl u wont regret treating it that way i promise. Test aside every girl ive ever spoken to has really valued sexual discipline and not being a fucking coomer, that shit fucks up relationships bad
I know, that is the hardest part for me ngl a week is the furthest I have gone
trust me, ice your balls every morning
needs to fix diet and sleep that's it, u think he's gonna ice his balls for rest of his life (assuming that shit even works)
Are you usually a frequent coomer/porn watcher? You should get morning wood and strong erections regardless, but it could be porn induced
When my levels were tested I was beating my meat every 2 days which was really bad
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People also said my face has no dimorphism I posted pics of it on my profile
When my levels were tested I was beating my meat every 2 days which was really bad
get tested after a couple of weeks of not fapping and sleep 8 hours and fix diet then check
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get tested after a couple of weeks of not fapping and sleep 8 hours and fix diet then check
My parents won’t let me get this shit tested again they said it’s a one time thing :lul:
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People also said my face has no dimorphism I posted pics of it on my profile
because youre 16 my nigga its ok
  • WTF
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My parents won’t let me get this shit tested again they said it’s a one time thing :lul:
do u have any low T symptoms? look up on google and answer
  • WTF
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Doc said they can’t prescribe TRT cause I’m within the range but I’m right on the low end which is pissing me off
Lol you are not even close range range is 300-400
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do u have any low T symptoms? look up on google and answer
Most of the symptoms I only experience when I fap frequently. So this makes me think its cause of porn and jerking off. I also forgot to mention I was taking zoloft, an antidepressant medicine at that time
Most of the symptoms I only experience when I fap frequently. So this makes me think its cause of porn and jerking off. I also forgot to mention I was taking zoloft, an antidepressant medicine at that time
it could be the zoloft, ssris and snris fuck with hormones
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Zoloft would def be fucking u up, ur diet/sleep/exercise/supplementation all sounds fine so i would assume its probably the antidepressant + cooming thats tanking ur levels to hell on top of already dropping test levels among modern men genetically. tbh it might recover by itself just from cutting out the antidepressant
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The doctor must be fucking with me hard then
i have low t at 16 too
testosterone levels already decrease after puberty you need trt asap for face gains
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I’m korean I understand that as an asian our test levels are normally low but I’m tired of this shit. My parents said I “shouldn’t worry” about this shit and having too high test is unhealthy
What is the probability that both of your parents are gay?
  • JFL
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I hope it didn’t mess with bone structure that much
it will rape your bone structure im on aromasin for height gains but its also boost your test %30 - %60
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i have low t at 16 too
testosterone levels already decrease after puberty you need trt asap for face gains
I’m tempted to go ask them right now but they’re most likely gonna say no. I just wanna feel normal
Doc said they can’t prescribe TRT cause I’m within the range but I’m right on the low end which is pissing me off
Start blasting steroids or you will look like a kid when adult
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Reactions: normie tiktoker and likenesss
do not go gym 5x per week 3 or 4 is ideal already u have low t low t = low recovery

i guess you are skinny fat You can't get rid of this with 'cut' with that t levels
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Start blasting steroids or you will look like a kid when adult
My parents won’t fucking let me take any hormones and if I do secretly get them I’m getting deported if they find out
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My parents won’t fucking let me take any hormones and if I do secretly get them I’m getting deported if they find out
do it yourself. you need inhib e2 with aromatase inhibitors at that age you can grow 3 inches more
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do not go gym 5x per week 3 or 4 is ideal already u have low t low t = low recovery

i guess you are skinny fat You can't get rid of this with 'cut' with that t levels
The reason I want to cut is cause everyones saying the main thing I should do is get lean
  • JFL
Reactions: normie tiktoker

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