My testosterone is 141 ng/dl and 4.9 pg/ml. Can someone help me I’m 16 almost 17 yrs.

The reason I want to cut is cause everyones saying the main thing I should do is get lean
main thing you should is bone
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How the fuck will I get that. I either gotta convince my parents and show them the shit yall said or sneak it but i dont got connections
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How the fuck will I get that. I either gotta convince my parents and show them the shit yall said or sneak it but i dont got connections
tell your family you are going to kill yourself
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tell your family you are going to kill yourself
dawg when I used that excuse before they just got me a therapist and put me on that shitty antidepressant
  • JFL
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tell your family you are going to kill yourself
Just told my mom, she is firm on not letting me take trt but I did send a message to my doctor about my levels. If none of that works out I’m blasting T once I’m 18
Just told my mom, she is firm on not letting me take trt but I did send a message to my doctor about my levels. If none of that works out I’m blasting T once I’m 18
tell your mom your dick doesnt work
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tell your mom your dick doesnt work
Dude they’re not gonna believe that shit:lul: my mom uses the same fucking excuse that because I have pubic hair, my test is fine and it’s so annoying
Dude they’re not gonna believe that shit:lul: my mom uses the same fucking excuse that because I have pubic hair, my test is fine and it’s so annoying
even girls had pubic hair bro its not a excuse say your mom to you cant ejeculate
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  • JFL
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I eat around 80% whole foods (grass fed ground beef, pasture raised eggs, olive oil, fruits, little to no veggies, and greek yogurt and milk.) i also limit seed oils, dyes, and cook with stainless steel always. I go to the gym 5x a week and train till failure. For some other background info I’m korean, 5’10 and 156 lbs right now
Mirin' diet tho. Unfortunately no amount of advice you get here will truly help you see what is wrong with your body. Go to a doctor and get yourself tested.
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The reason I want to cut is cause everyones saying the main thing I should do is get lean
@vosx0 don't listen to these retards, I am 95% sure you are suffering from sleep apnea or sleep obstructed breathing. These are the only things that will absolutely tank your testosterone levels to the ones you described. Do you wake up with a dry mouth in the morning? Do you wake up not feeling refreshed? Are you anxious? do you strugle with concentration? If you answer yes to some of these questions that is probably your problem and fixing you sleep apnea will go a long way too increasing your testosterone.
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What do you reckon your tanner stage is?
Mirin' diet tho. Unfortunately no amount of advice you get here will truly help you see what is wrong with your body. Go to a doctor and get yourself
@vosx0 don't listen to these retards, I am 95% sure you are suffering from sleep apnea or sleep obstructed breathing. These are the only things that will absolutely tank your testosterone levels to the ones you described. Do you wake up with a dry mouth in the morning? Do you wake up not feeling refreshed? Are you anxious? do you strugle with concentration? If you answer yes to some of these questions that is probably your problem and fixing you sleep apnea will go a long way too increasing your testosterone.
@vosx0 don't listen to these retards, I am 95% sure you are suffering from sleep apnea or sleep obstructed breathing. These are the only things that will absolutely tank your testosterone levels to the ones you described. Do you wake up with a dry mouth in the morning? Do you wake up not feeling refreshed? Are you anxious? do you strugle with concentration? If you answer yes to some of these questions that is probably your problem and fixing you sleep apnea will go a long way too increasing your testosterone.
Does mouth taping fix these?
@vosx0 don't listen to these retards, I am 95% sure you are suffering from sleep apnea or sleep obstructed breathing. These are the only things that will absolutely tank your testosterone levels to the ones you described. Do you wake up with a dry mouth in the morning? Do you wake up not feeling refreshed? Are you anxious? do you strugle with concentration? If you answer yes to some of these questions that is probably your problem and fixing you sleep apnea will go a long way too increasing your testosterone.
My dad has sleep apnea too so this could definitely be it
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My dad has sleep apnea too so this could definitely be it
@vosx0 yeah this kinda 100% conforms for me that you have sleep apnea, I deal with it myself but have fixed it for about 80% with some big lifestyle changes. So first of all you should start chewing hard gum everyday, mewing and thumbpulling because you can still change the bones in your face since you are young. If you want more advice how to fix it send me a pm.
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@vosx0 yeah this kinda 100% conforms for me that you have sleep apnea, I deal with it myself but have fixed it for about 80% with some big lifestyle changes. So first of all you should start chewing hard gum everyday, mewing and thumbpulling because you can still change the bones in your face since you are young. If you want more advice how to fix it send me a pm.
Some people have told me not to chew because apparently I got my mom’s masseter genetics and they’re really wide
Doc said they can’t prescribe TRT cause I’m within the range but I’m right on the low end which is pissing me off
You don't need TRT when you are young.

Eat enough calories and carbs from wholefoods.

Force yourself to do exercise. Light morning jog and weightlifting is ideal.

Eliminate all EDC's strictly from now on. Don't use perfumes, don't use soaps with fragrances, don't use air fresheners etc., they act as xenoestrogens.

Clean your bed, pillow case and room and maintain proper hygiene

Get good sleep. Stop using an alarm and listen to your body. Just go to sleep early.

Once you've dialed these things in, check your levels in a few months.
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Some people have told me not to chew because apparently I got my mom’s masseter genetics and they’re really wide
dont listen to these retards they cant even come up with the idea that your low testosterone is caused by your bad sleep, if you are worried about big masseter muscles don't they will atrophy quickly when you stop using them. Also regarding your mouth taping question, yes this can help but it eather works or it doesn't so if you use mouth tape and isn't covering your mouth anymore in the morning and you had sleep you should know that you will need another modality to fix your sleep problems.
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I know nofap is legit because everytime I do it for 5-6 days I genuinely feel better and my voice gets deeper and erections better. I AM on a cut right now though so I’m expecting my levels to drop even fucking harder
Don’t go on a cut if you want test brah
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How the fuck will I get that. I either gotta convince my parents and show them the shit yall said or sneak it but i dont got connections
You can order it online
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Don’t go on a cut if you want test brah
im too fat though my face is the only thing holding me back right now. You think if I just commit to this cut and then maintain/small surplus after I will be fine?
dont listen to these retards they cant even come up with the idea that your low testosterone is caused by your bad sleep, if you are worried about big masseter muscles don't they will atrophy quickly when you stop using them. Also regarding your mouth taping question, yes this can help but it eather works or it doesn't so if you use mouth tape and isn't covering your mouth anymore in the morning and you had sleep you should know that you will need another modality to fix your sleep problems.
I've only used it a few times but from my experience I have slept well but only one time I woke up randomly
Something is seriously wrong with you if ur test is 150ng/dl since you eat good and sleep well. The antidepressants could be a reason why (btw why the fuck would u take antidepressants jfl)You need to go to an endocrinologist
Sorry they will always give trans men hormones while men who have a perfect lifestyle even though their test is low will be refused it
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I've only used it a few times but from my experience I have slept well but only one time I woke up randomly
keep using it then also get of the antidepresents right now and start eating an animal based diet.
Something is seriously wrong with you if ur test is 150ng/dl since you eat good and sleep well. The antidepressants could be a reason why (btw why the fuck would u take antidepressants jfl)You need to go to an endocrinologist
So I just found out my blood test was a little after I stopped taking the antidepressant
I am getting tested again next monday
I am getting tested again next monday
Yes good but remember if you can just buy some aromatase inhibitors like letrozole. Its the best thing ive ever taken
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Yes good but remember if you can just buy some aromatase inhibitors like letrozole. Its the best thing ive ever taken
not even an option for me, at this point my parents refuse to buy me supps like zinc or magnesium they said I "don't need them" so I'm just optimizing my diet as best as I can
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not even an option for me, at this point my parents refuse to buy me supps like zinc or magnesium they said I "don't need them" so I'm just optimizing my diet as best as I can
I buy it secretly and keep it in my shcool backpack since my parents dont look at it
  • JFL
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I buy it secretly and keep it in my shcool backpack since my parents dont look at it
wtf:lul: but are there any side effects anyway?
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I’m korean I understand that as an asian our test levels are normally low but I’m tired of this shit. My parents said I “shouldn’t worry” about this shit and having too high test is unhealthy
What the fuck are you doing? Your ancestors and people close to you like mongolians had one of the highest test in the history of mankind and here you are, with test lower than it should be possible.

Do you just eat red40 and goyslop, jerk off and forum rot in your room all day? Having that low test is not supposed to be normal
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What the fuck are you doing? Your ancestors and people close to you like mongolians had one of the highest test in the history of mankind and here you are, with test lower than it should be possible.

Do you just eat red40 and goyslop, jerk off and forum rot in your room all day? Having that low test is not supposed to be normal
I don't do that shit I told yall my lifestyle in this thread. I don't jerk off everyday now its more like once a week or less
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I don't do that shit I told yall my lifestyle in this thread. I don't jerk off everyday now its more like once a week or less
Well you still must be doing something wrong

Or you just have not even subhuman, but sub living organism Genes

Even plants have higher test than you:lul:
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what co
Well you still must be doing something wrong

Or you just have not even subhuman, but sub living organism Genes

Even plants have higher test than you:lul:
uld I be doing wrong one guy here said I might have sleep apnea but that's about it
wtf:lul: but are there any side effects anyway?
For the first 2 weeks my dick couldnt get 100% hard, more like 80% and my heart beat very piwerfully for a few seconds every hour. Now i got no more symptoms and my test is higher
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im too fat though my face is the only thing holding me back right now. You think if I just commit to this cut and then maintain/small surplus after I will be fine?
Yea and start eating carbs more
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make your test even lower on purpose to get them to prescribe you test
I don't wanna do that I read shit about it on reddit and it'll close my growth plates and I could have to take it for the rest of my life apparently
I don't wanna do that I read shit about it on reddit and it'll close my growth plates and I could have to take it for the rest of my life apparently
dont listen to these retards telling you to take steroids and eat carbs. literal worst advice ever. Carbs are the biggest cope only thing that fucks with your testosterone like this is bad sleep or you have to live in some heavily poluted Indiane hellhole.
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