Nah I’m done with ethnics and immigration

It was over before it ever began here in America. The Edomite/Canaanite so called Jews started shipping the negroid slaves here in the 1600's. All Caucasian Empires crumble due to multiculturalism as a house divided cannot stand. The endgame sign of the collapse is sexual degeneracy (trans, homosexuals, pedos, bestiality, etc). All these things have been normalized and forced on the pureblood Israelite Caucasians to accept as normal and ok for society and if you do not accept all these things you're racist, Islamophobic, pedophobia, homophobic, racist, white supremacist, antisemitic and any other made up slanderous term the Edomites can think of to scare the pureblood Israelites from trying to take their land back.

My grandfather told me 3 decades ago we would become a minority in all our nations including America and he was right. I started my freedom/patriarchy/Nationalist/Israelite/Christian maxxing journey about a decade ago and although this doesn't stop the inevitable collapse that is in the end stages, it does improve the quality of my life in this physical realm and others that I've had join me. I try to share info on how others can do the same but to be honest the only hope at this point for most of you is to join an already established (Mennonites, Amish, etc). Instead of joining them I used summers to learn from them and start my own.

Seeing Amish young females inspired me as it was nice to see them modestly dressed, no makeup, in traditional roles acting proper and I actually felt like they would be suitable qives and never had that belief or feeling from any other group of women on earth. I wasn't lusting for them even though they're still attractive without all the fakeup, Jewlery, hair extensions, dyes, etc but I desired to build a family with one of them.

Hating, posting, fighting, injuring, or even killing the non Israelite purebloods shall only bring destruction to your mind body and spirit. I'm telling you it's only going to get worse from here, everything is going to get worse especially for the Caucasians up until the second coming and GOD provides us with the 1,000 year pure blood Israelite Kingdom of peace on earth and wipes the Edomites off the face of the planet (per the book of revelations and Obidiah). Everyone qho cursed us or harmed us qill receive exponentially greater punishments in the alternate dimension in their eternal astral body aka soul.
Did not read a single molecule. You are Brown. Your country is dogshit. Ireland is beautiful. Kys
What you think you are:
F1B2D089 18E9 44B7 AC6D 15A941074DD7

Vs what you actually are:
BCE89AFF 1EE4 4750 8929 A2DC83AB5260
maybe a stacy tradwife will dm you after seeing your racist reposts
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Wow bro a country run by a castizo does ok who would’ve expected this
Bro ur irish stfu no one cares about ur irrelevant country
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Did not read a single molecule. You are Brown. Your country is dogshit. Ireland is beautiful. Kys
Ik you read every single word you Irish potato-loving nigger
You know I’m right. This is making me laugh because you have zero rebuttals jfl
Bro the only thing Ireland is knows for is the odriscoll gang in rdr 2
  • JFL
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Ik you read every single word you Irish potato-loving nigger
I didn’t. Ireland is a beautiful and advanced country.
  • JFL
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Bro the only thing Ireland is knows for is the odriscoll gang in rdr 2
Your lineage will be gone in 200 years and mine will survive. I’m just genetically better, bro. We will recover from this, like we always do
  • JFL
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Your lineage will be gone in 200 years and mine will survive. I’m just genetically better, bro. We will recover from this, like we always do
U think us ethnics are just gonna die out ? 😂😂 we’re here to stay for ever boyo get ready

laugh jordan GIF
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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You are

LMFAOOOOOOO :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: please compare the indigenous South Americans to Irish people and see if you still believe rhat
Irish. Bahahhahahahha. Worse country in Europe. Would rather live in Algeria than that shithole
  • JFL
Reactions: billymidnight
You are

LMFAOOOOOOO :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: please compare the indigenous South Americans to Irish people and see if you still believe rhat
Mexicans with Aztec lineage mog fkin pale irish ppl my g, also ur girls are prob flat asf
  • Ugh..
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  • JFL
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Bro u think Ireland is relevant or sm shit no 1 cares about ur existence
  • JFL
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You are

LMFAOOOOOOO :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: please compare the indigenous South Americans to Irish people and see if you still believe rhat


"It's very hard upon the monkey being called by Irish names"

Nicholas Cage Film GIF
No you wouldn’t. Be honest.
Maybe not, but definitely rather live in the Middle East ( UAE, Saudi ect). Much more things to do there, cleaner, much more opportunities to make money ect.

How can you shit on these countries when you’re Irish. Jfl
  • JFL
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You’re so low iq lmao I can tell just through your typing style
I just know ur grinding ur teeth rn in anger against us ethics
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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OP is just an abused Irish dog who thinks he's a proper white. It's weird how all the people who cry about muh race aren't even white and they're always Romanians or Irish or some weird mutt admixture
OP is just an abused Irish dog who thinks he's a proper white. It's weird how all the people who cry about muh race aren't even white and they're always Romanians or Irish or some weird mutt admixture
You literally adhere to Anglo retarded racial science. You’re just a self hating nignog who’s grasping at straws. Kys
  • JFL
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- nigger who’s ancestors lived in straw huts
My ancestors literally had the oldest civilization on earth and built the pyramids while your ancestors were still living in caves and trying to figure out how to plant potatoes correctly
  • JFL
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My ancestors literally had the oldest civilization on earth and built the pyramids while your ancestors were still living in caves and trying to figure out how to plant potatoes correctly
- ancestors who were slaves
  • JFL
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You literally adhere to Anglo retarded racial science. You’re just a self hating nignog who’s grasping at straws. Kys
You were bragging about how those anglos raped and slaughtered others in another thread and now their science is retarded :lul:

They're literally the only Europeans aside from the French and Germans who actually did somwthing noteworthy
You were bragging about how those anglos raped and slaughtered others in another thread and now their science is retarded :lul:

They're literally the only Europeans aside from the French and Germans who actually did somwthing noteworthy
I literally don’t care. I don’t want my people killed. It’s as simple as that. You show your evilness with every reply. Uncivilized ape
  • JFL
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I literally don’t care. I don’t want my people killed. It’s as simple as that. You show your evilness with every reply. Uncivilized ape
Your people are subhuman and thats why they're losing, blame your inferiority because this is a survival for the fittest world
at least they built a great civilization while your ancestors where enslaved and also lost to potatoes :lul:
let’s talk about the now

which country is run democratically with civilized systems and which one is a corrupt dictatorship?

oh I know! Egypt
  • Ugh..
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You literally adhere to Anglo retarded racial science. You’re just a self hating nignog who’s grasping at straws. Kys
British, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Italian, Russia, Dutch, Belgium, German ect ect. All of these counties had powerful empires, contributed massively to history and advancement. Even Turkey has 100 times more history, culture ect than Ireland.

Ireland never had anything nor will they ever have anything in the future. That’s why you’re in a country where superior Europeans such as the Dutch and Germans laid the ground work.
Your people are subhuman and thats why they're losing, blame your inferiority because this is a survival for the fittest world
we aren’t losing? I’ve made 30 posts on why the great replacement is not a prohlem
  • Ugh..
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let’s talk about the now

which country is run democratically with civilized systems and which one is a corrupt dictatorship?

oh I know! Egypt
My country is a shithole but idgaf because I'm not a retarded cucked nationalist like you
  • JFL
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we aren’t losing? I’ve made 30 posts on why the great replacement is not a prohlem
If you aren't losing why are you crying about it then
My country is a shithole but idgaf because I'm not a retarded cucked nationalist like you
thanks for admitting your country is a shithole while mine is one of the best in Europe :feelsgood:
  • JFL
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If you aren't losing why are you crying about it then
because it’s annoying but in the end it doesn’t really matter
  • Ugh..
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You’re a Slavshit and call me a “low tier White” LOL!
Claims to be “based anti immigration save europe” cant get along with his own people
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because it’s annoying but in the end it doesn’t really matter
You're coping hard rn, you are backed into a corner and don't want to admit that it's brutally over for your entire shithole continent
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Claims to be “based anti immigration save europe” cant get along with his own people
I’m fine with Slavs bro. I’m just pissed at him calling me a low tier white so I just returned the favor.
  • Ugh..
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You're coping hard rn, you are backed into a corner and don't want to admit that it's brutally over for your entire shithole continent
really isn’t. go read my posts on it
  • JFL
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thanks for admitting your country is a shithole while mine is one of the best in Europe :feelsgood:
Are you afraid to counter my points ???

Anyways, if you care about mickland so much, why don’t you leave the states and go back home. If you support your people so much.

America isn’t really a homeland. It’s a Jewish owned mega corporation. Good for making money, but nothing else
  • +1
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really isn’t. go read my posts on it
Think about this logically, even if a civil war (your wet dream) takes place, what do you think is going to happen?

When millions of people are armed and are just killing each others how can any country sustain that? Do you think the Jewish owned army will help you? And even if they will, how long before you get invaded and cucked by a country like Russia because you're basically a step-mom stuck in a washing machine in their eyes? And even if you fight them back it will trigger WW3 and the nukes will go off and you will get vaporized

Face it buddy, it's over for you
Are you afraid to counter my points ???

Anyways, if you care about mickland so much, why don’t you leave the states and go back home. If you support your people so much.

America isn’t really a homeland. It’s a Jewish owned mega corporation. Good for making money, but nothing else
when did i say I care about Ireland so much retard im defending it because you’re attacking it and my ancestors come from there
Think about this logically, even if a civil war (your wet dream) takes place, what do you think is going to happen?

When millions of people are armed and are just killing each others how can any country sustain that? Do you think the Jewish owned army will help you? And even if they will, how long before you get invaded and cucked by a country like Russia because you're basically a step-mom stuck in a washing machine in their eyes? And even if you fight them back it will trigger WW3 and the nukes will go off and you will get vaporized

Face it buddy, it's over for you
im not repeating something I’ve made 30000 threads on bud arguments over go to my great replacement threads and cope on there
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