Nah I’m done with ethnics and immigration

when did i say I care about Ireland so much regard im defending it because you’re attacking it an. My ancestors come from there

im not repeating something I’ve made 30000 threads on bud arguments over go to my great replacement threads and cope on there
I understand everything now. You don’t care. You’re just racebaiting and being edgy. Got it.
I understand everything now. You don’t care. You’re just racebaiting and being edgy. Got it.
I do care but more about the entirety of Europe + America rather than one single country
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I do care but more about the entirety of Europe + America rather than one single country
America isn’t European. It’s Jewish. So sorry if this is news for you.

You’ll learn once your brain is developed.
  • WTF
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America isn’t European. It’s Jewish. So sorry if this is news for you.

You’ll learn once your brain is developed.
Literally developed by Europeans. Only came under Jewish control the past 100 years or so
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The Jews have been playing games since the beginning.
whatever delusions you want to make yourself believe, go ahead, but that simply isn’t true
  • JFL
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whatever delusions you want to make yourself believe, go ahead, but that simply isn’t true
Anyways, you or any mick won’t save anything. Let the real superior Europeans take care of things
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I’m going mainstream with my racism. I’ve started telling normies irl and reposting more shit

@wishIwasSalludon I am done
Tbh I’m half half, with both being ethnics.
But if foreign people were to come to my country and strip away it’s traditions, that made the country what it was, all 1000+ years of history.. it makes sense to rightfully be pissed

What country btw?

Also would not advise to be racist.
If you want to bring your point about, nobody would listen other than the small group of racists in your country, that will be shunned by the majority.
It’s worth to do it more diplomatically, where you can’t get incarcerated for freedom of speech
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America isn’t European. It’s Jewish. So sorry if this is news for you.

You’ll learn once your brain is developed.
The Jews own every country aka corporation at this point. All Nations that have a central bank are owned by the Rothchild Zionist Ashkenazi Jews aka Edomites.
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I felt the same many times. You need to accept Christ and also realize ethnics are our friends. If they are Christian. Trust me. We are on same side.
  • JFL
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The Jews own every country aka corporation at this point. All Nations that have a central bank are owned by the Rothchild Zionist Ashkenazi Jews aka Edomites.
Those are real Jews though and Paul is a apostle to the Gentiles aka us.
I felt the same many times. You need to accept Christ and also realize ethnics are our friends. If they are Christian. Trust me. We are on same side.
Typical christcuck thing to say.
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Alt right fag
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Those are real Jews though and Paul is a apostle to the Gentiles aka us.
You're correct and Jeqs are Edomites and Caucasians are Israelites and the word Gentiles was invented in the 4th century BC then had it's meaning changed around 100's of years later. Sualus/Paulus the Edomite Pharisees false apostle false prophet, Israelite killer and royal Herodian blood (Grandson to King Herod the first Edomite King of Jerusalem used his letters and preaching to continue the status quo of Rome and to maintain his Royal lineage. Killing Israelite Christians didn't work so he used a more clever tactic in claiming to be a apostle of Jesus by claiming to have a vision of Jesus. He never met the qualifications to be an apostle and contradicted the old testament, Jesus' gospel and his own gospel over 100 times and yes he did call it his own gospel.

Unfortunately, Paulus/Saulus has lead billions of poor souls to hell for those qho have believed in his gospel over the gospel of Jesus. If you're unable to understand the contradictions or figure this out by noq then I cannot help you as there is too much evidence of this. Also, I am coming from the Catholic Church so I was brainwashed in these same incorrect beliefs you hold today (Jeqs are God's chosen, Paulus/Saulus Legitimate apostle, etc). It wasn't until I started to read the bible for myself instead of being spoon fed what to believe that I discovered the truth and the truth set me free. This is the last time I'll be responding to you as I've given you more than enough information to learn the truth so you're either low IQ, brainwashed, or a Zionist shill or perhaps an Edomite pretending to be a Christian.

Your justification of the Edomite Jews being the Israelites because they rejected Jesus is laughable as all other evidence points to them being the Edomites including their own sources which you cannot refute nor are you ever going to be able to refute. The same goes with Paulus/Saulus as he doesn't meet the requirements of ACTS to be an apostle, combined with his many contradictions of the OT, NT and his own teachings.

Game Set Match
You're correct and Jeqs are Edomites and Caucasians are Israelites and the word Gentiles was invented in the 4th century BC then had it's meaning changed around 100's of years later. Sualus/Paulus the Edomite Pharisees false apostle false prophet, Israelite killer and royal Herodian blood (Grandson to King Herod the first Edomite King of Jerusalem used his letters and preaching to continue the status quo of Rome and to maintain his Royal lineage. Killing Israelite Christians didn't work so he used a more clever tactic in claiming to be a apostle of Jesus by claiming to have a vision of Jesus. He never met the qualifications to be an apostle and contradicted the old testament, Jesus' gospel and his own gospel over 100 times and yes he did call it his own gospel.

Unfortunately, Paulus/Saulus has lead billions of poor souls to hell for those qho have believed in his gospel over the gospel of Jesus. If you're unable to understand the contradictions or figure this out by noq then I cannot help you as there is too much evidence of this. Also, I am coming from the Catholic Church so I was brainwashed in these same incorrect beliefs you hold today (Jeqs are God's chosen, Paulus/Saulus Legitimate apostle, etc). It wasn't until I started to read the bible for myself instead of being spoon fed what to believe that I discovered the truth and the truth set me free. This is the last time I'll be responding to you as I've given you more than enough information to learn the truth so you're either low IQ, brainwashed, or a Zionist shill or perhaps an Edomite pretending to be a Christian.

Your justification of the Edomite Jews being the Israelites because they rejected Jesus is laughable as all other evidence points to them being the Edomites including their own sources which you cannot refute nor are you ever going to be able to refute. The same goes with Paulus/Saulus as he doesn't meet the requirements of ACTS to be an apostle, combined with his many contradictions of the OT, NT and his own teachings.

Game Set Match
You're a deceived by the devil. To you Jesus failed to preserve the Bible and religion until you came along on a incel forum.
I am one of the good ones
I am one of the good ones
NO ethnics allowed. It always causes Caucasian Civilizations to collapse. The Edomite Jews know this which is why the ship all the shitskins into our Nations.
I am definitely richer than you lmfao
It’s quite big, I live in a good area in London too so it’s not cheap.

You are arguing with a 14 year old BTW.

This creature hasn't worked a day in his life and his riches are Daddy's inheritance from Grandaddy by selling jewels he smuggled in his shithole.

Also the retard doesn't understand the difference in cost of living; a box under a bridge in London costing more than his Daddy's mansion in Nebraska is a foreign concept to him.
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Maybe not, but definitely rather live in the Middle East ( UAE, Saudi ect). Much more things to do there, cleaner, much more opportunities to make money ect.

How can you shit on these countries when you’re Irish. Jfl
Middle Easterners are willing to leave their families (including new born children) behind just to step foot in Ireland whenever given the chance
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Same. I used to be high inhib and paranoid about normies discovering my views, but now I don’t give af. I preach that shit to my friends, normies, and women. I like super based anti immigration content on instagram and everyone can see I like it. It’s crossed the point of no return. Something must be done about it and awareness needs to be spread.
  • +1
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Same. I used to be high inhib and paranoid about normies discovering my views, but now I don’t give af. I preach that shit to my friends, normies, and women. I like super based anti immigration content on instagram and everyone can see I like it. It’s crossed the point of no return. Something must be done about it and awareness needs to be spread.
Yeah. I cannot hide it anymore. My patience has reached it limits, the amount of people who don’t know anything about this or just call it racism need to know the truth.
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Middle Easterners are willing to leave their families (including new born children) behind just to step foot in Ireland whenever given the chance
I’m talking about rich countries such as UAE, Saudi, Qatar ect. Not refugees
We need to fight it before curries cross from Canada to the u.s.
Their already like 1/4 of New York and new Jersey and places like San Francisco .
Their already like 1/4 of New York and new Jersey and places like San Francisco .
How about we threaten to take away their watermelon if they don’t leave
How about we threaten to take away their watermelon if they don’t leave
thats black ppl which are like according to wiki 14% of general us population, but in most big cities its like 25-33%.
I genuinely don’t give a fuck. Do it and be a mild inconvenience to Tyrone and chaddam while they fuck your gf.
I genuinely don’t give a fuck. Do it and be a mild inconvenience to Tyrone and chaddam while they fuck your gf.
Someone give this deluded ethnic a reality check

Where’s the JBW statistics @nathan haa made like 300 threads on JBW Nigger
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Someone give this deluded ethnic a reality check

Where’s the JBW statistics @nathan haa made like 300 threads on JBW Nigger
Your an americuck I’m the og European white nigger stfu.
NO ethnics allowed. It always causes Caucasian Civilizations to collapse. The Edomite Jews know this which is why the ship all the shitskins into our Nations.
Then blame the Edomite Jews. Not me.
IMG 2084
was he german?
No American lol

But he definitely did not fight for what see today in the West

He fought for glory, the flag he grew up under

Not trannies and niggers everywhere…
Aren’t irish people considered the niggers of white people lol?
No American lol

But he definitely did not fight for what see today in the West

He fought for glory, the flag he grew up under

Not trannies and niggers everywhere…
fucking brutal, hard pill to swallow that he fought for so kikes can rule the world:cautious:

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