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Literally source 1 shows a skull type similar to a very early homininid however this isn't that big of a news Denisovan's or an unqiue species just went extinct around 13 thousand years ago the red deer cave people looked very homo erectus like very archaic however in terms of genes there no way near connected to each other.
2nd point the African population that got some dna from archaic hommins were in south Africa in very isolated tribes and the skull shape of that archaic hominid was intermediate between Neanderthal and homo erectus but they looked closer to homo sapiens the closet skull was the Quafzeh skull these clearly don't look homo erectus like.
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3RD point this was 2 skulls we don't even know how large the population was it could have been Neanderthal like very small in numbers the fact there extinct know kinda points towards that so the point on the conjecture that just cause they lived aside 1 another that must mean they inter bred is stupid especially since every bit genetic diversity we see between races is just a subset of African diversity.
I know what this bitch is arguing for multi regionalism and here's the issue with this hypothesis.
1 Genetic diversity between races is just a subset found within modern african's.
2 Most of the that homo sapiens regardless of race can produce viable off spring points towards an out of Africa origin if there was a European homo erectus that evolved into archaic humans and then white guys you should see infertile off spring.
4TH Point near 3:40 the person is being a bit deceptive here the skull is closest to modern humans just look at the crania it clearly is homo sapien structured sure it has some archaic traits but to call it homo erectus is laughable and homo erectus went extinct mainly due to the extinction of certain mamoth species and meats the elu people probably look like erectus because of shared climate they have nothing to do with 1 another genetically.
5TH point the ngaloba LH 18 Is actually closest to the earliest east African skull type the reason the ELU skulls had some similarties to it is simple climate.
6 Th point many archaic homonid population we are not aware off died and lived in Africa just because this unknown archaic homonid mixed with them doesn't mean it's homo erectus and technically Neanderthal is homo erectus because it evolved from homo erectus.
The order of human evolution is some thing akin to this.
1 Earliest recorded human habitation is in jebel irhoud 300.
2 Around 150 thousand years ago west Africans split from the earliest modern human the khoisan people.
3 Around 50 thousand years ago a migration out into Eurasia occurred from either bab el mandeb or east Africa from there the original 100 eurasians split and diversified into most modern races today however due to climatic conditions there was back migrations back in to africa hence they get some very eurasian esque phenotypes many Africans some studies put there ancient west eurasian ancestry to around 40 percent.
4 In that 50 thousand year time period we mixed with the other hominids so if this ghost population is 300 thousand years old then it would be craniometrically similar to skulls in jebel irhoud.
5 Here is the boskop man compared to your average human he clearly looks non apeish like GTFO with this shit of this man being related to any species of homo erectus also it had a CC of around 1800 to 2000+/- 200 homo erectus had a CC of around 1000 the 2 aren't compareable and homo erectus isn't 1 species either they can look very fucking diverse however there plus/- figure is 1000 CM^3
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ALSO JFL If you think boskop man was any erectus homo sapien hybrid hell no it was an archaic hominid with an estimated IQ of 150. Even if this estimation is wrong though there IQ is a lot higher than Homo erectus they have a lot of specialization in the prefrontal cortex way to smart to be a fucking hybrid of the 2.
Boskop Giant's Skullcap - Greater Ancestors
>>Two neuroscientists, Lynch and Granger (2008 ), extrapolated the IQ from the brain size. This early human had a possible IQ of 150. (too low)>>
I think i'm beating a dead bush at this point every claim made by this women is some what innaccurate and it's trying to make ties that just Isn't there.
I don't give a single fuck about niggers or their "history" and have no time or patience to start another day long thesis eviscethread, especially on a people I know next to nothing about. I also only included this video because I knew niggers it would trigger the fuck out of the we wuz kangzer niggers.