Noobs advice (HUGE GUIDE)



Sep 8, 2023

I have been trying out a couple methods to boost productivity and efficiency, I will try to teach them all here. This is a revised version of Noobs guide to not be a degenerate, I found a lot more things to be more useful and I will go more in depth in this guide. Sorry if this guide isnt that grammatically correct, I wrote this kind-of hastily.

  1. Christianity
Christianity is the truth. Believing in any god makes you a better person, this is why religion has existed in almost every culture. Humans require hope.

Christianity is the only religion that has any real evidence for the truth. If you learn about the history of Christianity you will realize there’s no inconsistencies or logical fallacies within the truth of the existence of God. If anyone has any points to make against the resurrection of God or anything about Christianity in general, post a reply of that, I will respond back. Jews before Jesus had a very strong oral tradition mainly to pass on the story of Moses. While I was thinking if I was a christan or athiest, I tried to find an agruement against God that could stand, I've failed to find one. There wouldve been no way for Jesus to escape the tomb, due to his injuries, just find the youtube link I put about his injuries at a medical standpoint. 2000 out of 2000 prophices in the bible were fullfilled with no error. (all the prophices that were predicted to occur, excluding the future prophecies) Your saved by faith alone, but this is different from just believing in jesus, but since you have faith in God, you will follow the principals of God to the best of your ability. God cares more about the person who tries the hardest but not the best, than the person who is the best but tries the least. (Widow's Mite, Mark 12:41-44) Some good channels to learn easily about Christianity are, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this is a very simplified story of the bible.

1a. Instructions

What I did is start going to church, I started getting recommended a lot of Christian related videos, which will happen to you once you watch the videos I recommended. After you do that you should see if your church has people that work for the church near the end of church service. Usually churches have people that stand at the front or people who are on the journey to becoming pastors or people that work for the church designated in helping g you navigate through your life. I’ve become a good friend of one of those people. After talking to him on Sunday for awhile see if yall can talk at a coffee shop or somewhere. Once you’re ready, see if you can plan to become baptized.

2. Sleep

I used to believe that I naturally didn’t need as much sleep. That I was naturally inclined to sleep at midnight or later. I read The Sleepmaxxing Playbook., I decided to try it. What I did is that I already had a portable AC, candles, milk, and a humidifier. An hour before I started to go to bed I turned on the AC to 61 Fahrenheit, I pointed the humidifier torward my bed, I bought a weighted blanket, and I tried to avoid light except the light from candles. Why? Read the thread I linked above. If you’re struggling with this, follow that guide.

3. Health

Health is particularly important for the correct type of enjoyment you get from being strong and healthy. Mind and body are additive, money and material possessions multiply your enjoyment. Do not be lost in material possessions because you do not own anything when you’re rich. You are playing a game of chess for your wealth in which rules of peace prevent cheating. These rules do not apply in times of hardship. When people turn violent, or government wants to take your power, your possessions are only owned by the people and government on which you built your keys to power. Mind and body are the only aspects that you truly own. What I’ve been doing is pushups, pull-ups and runs. You not need nothing more to train. Your body is water, you need water not to just have good skin, but it increases your body and mind in all aspects, effectively multiplying your body and minds ability. Try drinking 8 cups of water. I find it hard to drink large quantities of water in normal glasses, I drink out of a canteen the size of around 2 cups, drinking at least 8 cups of water a day. Your brain runs on water and food. So eat and drink healthy, rotisserie chickens are 4-6$, 1295 calories of meat. Unhealthy calories are less valuable than healthy calories, you can be sustained on one rotisserie chicken for the day. Drink plenty of water, workout, and eat healthy if you have the possibility to.

4. Distractions
A precursor you need to know before you read this is the concept of how addiction works. Every time you do something that you like doing, you get a flush of enjoyment chemicals. This is fine in theory, but social media, video games and other addictions make the brain give you chemical rewards when you don’t deserve them. Yes, ADDICTIONS, your video games, social media, and porn are addictions. Social media and video games gives you ADHD. This is not an exaggeration either. These platforms are designed to spike your enjoyment chemicals to the maximum possible level, when you get this spike of enjoyment, your required rate needed to enjoy life increases. There is not a term for these so I will establish a couple term here for later usage. ROE, Rate Of Enjoyment. BER, BRCTBC Baseline Rate of enjoyment Chemicals To Be Content. Spike, a relatively large flush of enjoyment chemicals. Spikes universally cause BRCTBC to increase making you less happy Distractions are anything that arent moving you or moving you backward in the direction relative to your life goals. Universal distractions are video games, social media, porn, adderall, weed and other drugs. Adderall is a distraction due to its inherent quality to increase the effects of enjoyment chemicals, this causes spikes. Which isn’t viable in the long term. From these thesis a stoic would be way happier than a hedonist. The simple definition of a stoic is someone who doesn’t care about how happy he is, he only cares about the duty he has to fulfill. A hedonist seeks for the spikes. A good summarization of this is this video. Before I was a christan and knew about the dangers of porn addiction. I got addicted to porn, luckily, I found a audiobook by just listening over a few times to it, you can cure it. Here it is.

4a. Instructions

What I did was to delete all social media off my phone, I deleted everything on my computer, including games. My hours on that computer alone playing video games was 6-7k hours in 4 years. I only have a browser on my computer now. You should do the same. Some important setting for your computer and phone is to turn on night shift permanently, the reasons can be found the sleepmaxxing playbook, and your screen will become more boring, which will be good for your productivity, you can do this my setting your night shift schedule from 00:01 to 23:59 in settings. Some other settings I put on is grayscale, which makes your screens more boring, which is good for you. Another is on your phone, raise to wake and tap to wake. These two settings make it where you have to consciously press the side button so you don’t subconsciously open your phone. If your struggling with porn, a good audiobook is this.

5. Fashion/Grooming
This is important for how people perceive you and how you perceive yourself. The best style I found is like a semi-formal to formal depending on the occasion, like the clothing banana republic sells. Their clothes seem expensive until you see the million of discounts that are applied at checkout and the discounts you can find online. When your lifestyle is healthy, you don’t need much skincare or complicated shower routines. I found that shampoo and conditioner makes my hair worse, that oils are the natural hair cleaner. What I do for skincare is that I apply cerave cleanser wash my face then and moisturizer in that order. A few months ago, I shaved my head, of course it didnt look good for awhile, but once your hair regrows, it will be much better. If your hair looks unhealthy, or hard to maintain, you might want to try getting a buzz cut to reset your hair.
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  • +1
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  • JFL
Reactions: thvg, qxtwz7854, mogstars and 1 other person
why is everything number 1
Retarded shit
Stopped reading at christianity
  • +1
Reactions: agent0514, Frost969, med and 7 others
Didn't read because of Christ cuck cope.
Stacies hate christcucks.
  • +1
Reactions: med, Dicktator, N1666 and 1 other person
Christcuckery cope tbh
  • +1
Reactions: Dicktator
Agree on everything except christianity. It makes you submissive and lowers testosterone. You should be independent and don’t have to be a “good” human.
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: Feliezzx and N1666
Agree on everything except christianity. It makes you submissive and lowers testosterone. You should be independent and don’t have to be a “good” human.
God doesnt make you submissive, religion does
  • +1
Reactions: Fishy
Agree on everything except christianity. It makes you submissive and lowers testosterone. You should be independent and don’t have to be a “good” human.
And modern day lifestyles of degeneracy don't?
  • +1
Reactions: robtical and NebulaExplorer

I have been trying out a couple methods to boost productivity and efficiency, I will try to teach them all here. This is a revised version of Noobs guide to not be a degenerate, I found a lot more things to be more useful and I will go more in depth in this guide. Sorry if this guide isnt that grammatically correct, I wrote this kind-of hastily.

  1. Christianity
Christianity is the truth. Believing in any god makes you a better person, this is why religion has existed in almost every culture. Humans require hope.

Christianity is the only religion that has any real evidence for the truth. If you learn about the history of Christianity you will realize there’s no inconsistencies or logical fallacies within the truth of the existence of God. If anyone has any points to make against the resurrection of God or anything about Christianity in general, post a reply of that, I will respond back. Jews before Jesus had a very strong oral tradition mainly to pass on the story of Moses. While I was thinking if I was a christan or athiest, I tried to find an agruement against God that could stand, I've failed to find one. There wouldve been no way for Jesus to escape the tomb, due to his injuries, just find the youtube link I put about his injuries at a medical standpoint. 2000 out of 2000 prophices in the bible were fullfilled with no error. (all the prophices that were predicted to occur, excluding the future prophecies) Your saved by faith alone, but this is different from just believing in jesus, but since you have faith in God, you will follow the principals of God to the best of your ability. God cares more about the person who tries the hardest but not the best, than the person who is the best but tries the least. (Widow's Mite, Mark 12:41-44) Some good channels to learn easily about Christianity are, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this is a very simplified story of the bible.

1a. Instructions

What I did is start going to church, I started getting recommended a lot of Christian related videos, which will happen to you once you watch the videos I recommended. After you do that you should see if your church has people that work for the church near the end of church service. Usually churches have people that stand at the front or people who are on the journey to becoming pastors or people that work for the church designated in helping g you navigate through your life. I’ve become a good friend of one of those people. After talking to him on Sunday for awhile see if yall can talk at a coffee shop or somewhere. Once you’re ready, see if you can plan to become baptized.

2. Sleep

I used to believe that I naturally didn’t need as much sleep. That I was naturally inclined to sleep at midnight or later. I read The Sleepmaxxing Playbook., I decided to try it. What I did is that I already had a portable AC, candles, milk, and a humidifier. An hour before I started to go to bed I turned on the AC to 61 Fahrenheit, I pointed the humidifier torward my bed, I bought a weighted blanket, and I tried to avoid light except the light from candles. Why? Read the thread I linked above. If you’re struggling with this, follow that guide.

3. Health

Health is particularly important for the correct type of enjoyment you get from being strong and healthy. Mind and body are additive, money and material possessions multiply your enjoyment. Do not be lost in material possessions because you do not own anything when you’re rich. You are playing a game of chess for your wealth in which rules of peace prevent cheating. These rules do not apply in times of hardship. When people turn violent, or government wants to take your power, your possessions are only owned by the people and government on which you built your keys to power. Mind and body are the only aspects that you truly own. What I’ve been doing is pushups, pull-ups and runs. You not need nothing more to train. Your body is water, you need water not to just have good skin, but it increases your body and mind in all aspects, effectively multiplying your body and minds ability. Try drinking 8 cups of water. I find it hard to drink large quantities of water in normal glasses, I drink out of a canteen the size of around 2 cups, drinking at least 8 cups of water a day. Your brain runs on water and food. So eat and drink healthy, rotisserie chickens are 4-6$, 1295 calories of meat. Unhealthy calories are less valuable than healthy calories, you can be sustained on one rotisserie chicken for the day. Drink plenty of water, workout, and eat healthy if you have the possibility to.

4. Distractions
A precursor you need to know before you read this is the concept of how addiction works. Every time you do something that you like doing, you get a flush of enjoyment chemicals. This is fine in theory, but social media, video games and other addictions make the brain give you chemical rewards when you don’t deserve them. Yes, ADDICTIONS, your video games, social media, and porn are addictions. Social media and video games gives you ADHD. This is not an exaggeration either. These platforms are designed to spike your enjoyment chemicals to the maximum possible level, when you get this spike of enjoyment, your required rate needed to enjoy life increases. There is not a term for these so I will establish a couple term here for later usage. ROE, Rate Of Enjoyment. BER, BRCTBC Baseline Rate of enjoyment Chemicals To Be Content. Spike, a relatively large flush of enjoyment chemicals. Spikes universally cause BRCTBC to increase making you less happy Distractions are anything that arent moving you or moving you backward in the direction relative to your life goals. Universal distractions are video games, social media, porn, adderall, weed and other drugs. Adderall is a distraction due to its inherent quality to increase the effects of enjoyment chemicals, this causes spikes. Which isn’t viable in the long term. From these thesis a stoic would be way happier than a hedonist. The simple definition of a stoic is someone who doesn’t care about how happy he is, he only cares about the duty he has to fulfill. A hedonist seeks for the spikes. A good summarization of this is this video. Before I was a christan and knew about the dangers of porn addiction. I got addicted to porn, luckily, I found a audiobook by just listening over a few times to it, you can cure it. Here it is.

4a. Instructions

What I did was to delete all social media off my phone, I deleted everything on my computer, including games. My hours on that computer alone playing video games was 6-7k hours in 4 years. I only have a browser on my computer now. You should do the same. Some important setting for your computer and phone is to turn on night shift permanently, the reasons can be found the sleepmaxxing playbook, and your screen will become more boring, which will be good for your productivity, you can do this my setting your night shift schedule from 00:01 to 23:59 in settings. Some other settings I put on is grayscale, which makes your screens more boring, which is good for you. Another is on your phone, raise to wake and tap to wake. These two settings make it where you have to consciously press the side button so you don’t subconsciously open your phone. If your struggling with porn, a good audiobook is this.

5. Fashion/Grooming
This is important for how people perceive you and how you perceive yourself. The best style I found is like a semi-formal to formal depending on the occasion, like the clothing banana republic sells. Their clothes seem expensive until you see the million of discounts that are applied at checkout and the discounts you can find online. When your lifestyle is healthy, you don’t need much skincare or complicated shower routines. I found that shampoo and conditioner makes my hair worse, that oils are the natural hair cleaner. What I do for skincare is that I apply cerave cleanser wash my face then and moisturizer in that order. A few months ago, I shaved my head, of course it didnt look good for awhile, but once your hair regrows, it will be much better. If your hair looks unhealthy, or hard to maintain, you might want to try getting a buzz cut to reset your hair.
1 caught me off guard
Stopped at the first one
We got now christianity promoters on .org in 2024 its crazy

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