Normies have worse lives than most incels



Jan 2, 2019
Unless you are a short truecel that has been bullied it's entire life most normies have legit worse lives than you. Incels massively overestimate how "good" normie lives are and suffer from a "the grass is greener on the other side" syndrome.

Yes women ignore incels, but they also ignore most normies anyway except when they want to find a betabuxer. This means normie life is basically the same as incel life except they get to deal with all the garbage that comes with being married to a fat obnoxious wife that turns them into a slave and robs you of all of your freedoms. Most normies have almost NOTHING over most incels as far as quality of life goes. The only group that is considerably better off than incels are chads since they can fuck women without having to date them.

Only sub-human truecels live worse lives than normies srs.

And JFL at wanting a girlfriend or wife after discovering the blackpill. Just lol.
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This is the definition of cope. What about your life makes it better than a normies?
Not having a group of friends? Not having a girlfriend? Not having sex with girls from tinder? Not going to parties?

Also not all sub 8/10 men in relationships are being beta buxxed. Massive incel/mgtow cope because incels cant get girlfriends. "I dont even want a girlfriend guys im blackpilled if any cute girl was interested in me i would reject her cause i know the true nature of women!"
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This is the definition of cope. What about your life makes it better than a normies?

No risk of divorce rape or being a husband betabux slave, no risk of fake rape accusations, or risk of having my life ruined basically. Also not having to obsess with getting a wife or girlfriend. Also don't have to feel bad for not attracting women because 80+% of men can't anyway.

Not having a group of friends? Not having a girlfriend? Not having sex with girls from tinder? Not going to parties?

Unless you are extremely unattractive (sub-4) you can have friends just like everybody else. And normies aren't getting laid on tinder. Their girlfriends will also cheat on them with chad and/or are just using them for money.

Also not all sub 8/10 men in relationships are being beta buxxed.

Yes they are. I have seen women who were married for DECADES just leave once the husband outlives his usefulness. Women don't give a SHIT.
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Got 5 alerts so I hoped there would be more replies it will was all just likes lol.
they also ignore most normies anyway except when they want to find a betabuxer. This means normie life is basically the same as incel life except they get to deal with all the garbage that comes with being married to a fat obnoxious wife that turns them into a slave and robs you of all of your freedoms.
Also not all sub 8/10 men in relationships are being beta buxxed. Massive incel/mgtow cope because incels cant get girlfriends.
Yes they are. I have seen women who were married for DECADES just leave once the husband outlives his usefulness. Women don't give a SHIT.

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High IQ cope
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I mog normies so fucking hard (no bragging)
girlfriend is ok cause it's free prostitution, if your girlfriend doesn't want snuggles, leave her or if you ogre, cheat on her heavily until she notices and then say it's her fault cause she didn't snuggles
fwb is better than gf unless you're some feelings craving cuck, multiple fwbs is the best (especialy if libido = high)
don't get married if you don't want kids
if you marry get a prenap
if you old and have no kids -> rope
so that'll be it
You fools are fucking delusional. Only chads have better lives than us. Your resentment has blinded you and made you see things that don't exist. Name me a single thing that most NORMIES (not chads) have that most incels with the exception of the most worst off truecels don't? Money? Incels can make plenty of money. Friends? Plenty of incels have friends (I have had friends). Hobbies and passions? Plenty of incels have those things.

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you seem angry, something bad happened to you boyo? :)

Tired of incels blaming their shitty lives on their looks. Looks prevent you from getting laid but unless you are a 3/10 or less they won't prevent you from having an otherwise decent life. 4s and 5s can have perfectly fine lives other than not getting laid.
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normies have better lives because their brain is deluded to perma-cope their ordinary lifestyles. ignorance is bliss
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I only envy Chads tbh
nope they live a better life you on this forum coping so hard, they get laid and enjoy their normie shit
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Tired of incels blaming their shitty lives on their looks. Looks prevent you from getting laid but unless you are a 3/10 or less they won't prevent you from having an otherwise decent life. 4s and 5s can have perfectly fine lives other than not getting laid.
so you saying being ugly is cope :D
turns out everything is cope :D
nope they live a better life you on this forum coping so hard, they get laid and enjoy their normie shit

What "normie shit" do they have that you don't? Like I mentioned above incels can enjoy virtually all the same things normies can. And no, normies don't "get laid", unless you count getting fucked by your fat wive a few times a year as "getting laid".
What "normie shit" do they have that you don't? Like I mentioned above incels can enjoy virtually all the same things normies can. And no, normies don't "get laid", unless you count getting fucked by your fat wive a few times a year as "getting laid".
normies between the age of 16-24 are getting laid regularily, its just u dont leave the basement tbh
normies between the age of 16-24 are getting laid regularily, its just u dont leave the basement tbh
and they get laid later on too if they don't get married tbh
Here you go buddybuckoboyo i think this is the place youre looking for:
normies between the age of 16-24 are getting laid regularily, its just u dont leave the basement tbh
regularly is a bit of an exaggeration. Normies get about 1 lay/relationship once every one or two years.
regularly is a bit of an exaggeration. Normies get about 1 lay/relationship once every one or two years.
leave the basement, most normies have girlfriends
leave the basement, most normies have girlfriends
the average amount of sexpartners of 15-20 years old in Germany was 4,7 in 2010. We also know that chads and women heavily monopolize most of sex. Around 50% of the male population under 30 are single in Germany. Considering those facts my estimation was pretty accurate and it also resonates with what I see on a daily basis here.
the average amount of sexpartners of 15-20 years old in Germany was 4,7 in 2010. We also know that chads and women heavily monopolize most of sex. Around 50% of the male population under 30 are single in Germany. Considering those facts my estimation was pretty accurate and it also resonates with what I see on a daily basis here.
i live in the UK and everybody's having sex, everyobne, chad no chad, literally everyone except LDARers
Normies are blessed with ignorance. They only care about shit music, instagram photos, netflix and astrology. They didn't suffer nor was praised by what they were, so in the end they are just ants. And it's absolutely normal for them to change partners every month. Fuck i hate normies
your coping hard. normies still get to experience friends and teen love. they don't know what it feel like to be signalled out.

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