Nuclear genetic lottery blackpill Asian / Korean edition. Ricecels DO NOT open this

you would probably need to wait until 2030's at least to see the trends among young people actually reflect at all in mariage stats you dummy, some 18 year old girl dating asian boy in her class isn't going to count for marriage consensus lmao
for zoomers social media is definitely reflective.

marriage stats don't reflect much shit about zoomers because most people don't marry in their 20's period, and most people nowadays don't even marry.

bmwf outnumbers wmbf for sure, but the disparity is actually lower in 2020's than in 1980's if you actually take muh marriage memes seriously. btw bmwf is common enough in tiktok, there's the whole ''snowbunny'' trend there
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for zoomers social media is definitely reflective.

marriage stats don't reflect much shit about zoomers because most people don't marry in their 20's period, and most people nowadays don't even marry.

btw, bmwf outnumbers wmbf for sure, but the disparity is actually lower in 2020's than in 1980's if you actually take muh marriage memes seriously. btw bmwf is common enough in tiktok, there's the whole ''snowbunny'' trend there
I don't know in what world you live bro, but people still marry a lot, even zoomers, especially interracial couples who have strict Asians on whichever side.
Who are you supposed to statistically count then? Casual sex? Fuck buddies? Engagements?
At the end of the day, those numbers reflect a reality.
If every zoomer white woman was jumping on Asian cock right now, Asians like you or the other faggot ITT wouldn't be seething like little bitches at the sight of WMAF
JFL at how you ignored all the evidence, ignoring the fact that AMWF is more prevalent in Russia than all WMAF in USA and completely ignoring the fact that white men are hard betabuxxers compared to Asian men for interracial relationships, as well as completely ignoring the fact divorce rates are much lower. I also copy pasted the 4chan thing and the other stuff from some other Asian posters here. Regardless, Asian Changs mog Chads of every other race everywhere, even in the west. Every TikTok video like these, Asian males are the most favored. Prove me wrong.

Literal autistic KHHV retard who will never amount to anything if you've been doing this shit for this long. Regardless, things are only getting worse and worse for white men as they go extinct and better and better for Asian men as Asian surpass whites in every conceivable aspect like I've shown above. Remember when I completely eviscerated you here Predeterminism. You're genetically inferior to me in every conceivable aspect either way and you know that for a 100% fact you absolute genetic dead end worthless subhuman. Your entire bloodline is worth less than the disgusting dog shit under my boots that I scrape off with utter contempt, know your place under your East Asian master.

Your "source" for this Russian marriages meme is a fucking private fetishist blog. The Russian government keeps tabs on ethnicities and origins of foreign marriages in Russia and the numbers are pathetic.
DESPITE them shilling their leftover single mothers with kids to some rich chink years ago, it barely accounted for any significant number in the end
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 24507
I don't know in what world you live bro, but people still marry a lot, even zoomers, especially interracial couples who have strict Asians on whichever side.
Who are you supposed to statistically count then? Casual sex? Fuck buddies? Engagements?
At the end of the day, those numbers reflect a reality.
If every zoomer white woman was jumping on Asian cock right now, Asians like you or the other faggot ITT wouldn't be seething like little bitches at the sight of WMAF
i'm not asian lol just bored.

i'm not saying every zoomer is jumping on asian cock, merely saying it happens more among zoomers than it did for milennials

the average age of marriage is 28 for foids and 30 for moids, so again, you're still seeing mostly milennial generation's marriage habits.

also you have to consider, most chinks in usa are of southeast asian descend, the ones strictly wanting korean dick travel to south korea

did the number of foids in korea increase? definitely:
Today I found some kind of fashion designer, Su Park (100k followers on Instagram). She's by every single standard extremely attractiveh. She facially mogs 80% of Kpop whores with half the makeup they use.
She fits well around the Stacies
View attachment 2091587
And stands out adorably around the roasties
View attachment 2091588
Even when wearing the brown chimp niggerish makeup that Asian-American women wear to make themselves look more "ethnic", she's still hot with it
View attachment 2091600
That's until I found the unbelievable
She was blessed with ever since she was a child
View attachment 2091590
Just look at the difference between her and her sister. Already as little girls, she had a small nose, plumpy lips, an adorable doll face, small forehead, while her sister was doomed into nobodyness by having a fat potato nose, no lips, huge forehead. Even in the pic she looks blackpilled while Su is already posing like a doll.
Biggest irony of them all?
Their younger brother looks incredibly subhuman, worse than the ugly sister. Ricecel phenotype to a T
View attachment 2091594
It can, if you're an Asian male
View attachment 2091596
Daddy's girl indeed, and a huge slut too.
White man's whore and BWC-only
View attachment 2091597
View attachment 2091598View attachment 2091599
She's only ever dated and been in relationships with French Chads and Gigachads. The last one being a 6'8 blonde olympic swimmer
View attachment 2091606View attachment 2091608
View attachment 2091609
However this swimmer went into legal trouble as he allegedly had sex with an underage girl.

Purely a coincidence? No.
Here she's holding the white passing hapa baby of her friend
View attachment 2091614
Her friend
View attachment 2091616
It's incredible, and nobody documented this until now.

You just know she's been blessed with good looks, wealth and social leverage and yet she a huge cumslut for White men.
And IF she settles down for a non-white Chad, especially an Asian one, it's where you know she has found a betabux to provide her.
imagine thinking anyone gives a single fuck about what some trashy western woman does.
i'm not asian lol just bored.

i'm not saying every zoomer is jumping on asian cock, merely saying it happens more among zoomers than it did for milennials

the average age of marriage is 28 for foids and 30 for moids, so again, you're still seeing mostly milennial generation's marriage habits.

also you have to consider, most chinks in usa are of southeast asian descend, the ones strictly wanting korean dick travel to south korea

did the number of foids in korea increase? definitely:
You're way too informed over this for not being at least an ethnicel.
You linked me yet another article without statistics, made by a Korean autist who noticed white woman visiting the trendy Asian country of the moment (it used to be Japan, but now it's Korea).
Let's see where this goes in 8 years.
Keep praying Squidbros
WMBF product:
>be WMBF product
>be the most famous Jamaican ever
>he still didn't throw or burn the photo of his white father
You're way too informed over this for not being at least an ethnicel.
You linked me yet another article without statistics, made by a Korean autist who noticed white woman visiting the trendy Asian country of the moment (it used to be Japan, but now it's Korea).
Let's see where this goes in 8 years.
Keep praying Squidbros

there's statistics in the article holy shit, look at the chart about number of visits by year
there's statistics in the article holy shit, look at the chart about number of visits by year
Number of visits.
Yes, number of VISITS
>links me two divorcees from each respective race
>the white woman is even a single mother

Just please, quit embarrassing your fellow Asian bros with this shit and let's get it over with
Number of visits.
Yes, number of VISITS
>links me two divorcees from each respective race
>the white woman is even a single mother

Just please, quit embarrassing your fellow Asian bros with this shit and let's get it over with
there's no proof song joong ki's wife was a single mom, that was a rumor
also you ignored the miss 2022 international beauty winner who literally had an average looking korean bf
there's no proof song joong ki's wife was a single mom, that was a rumor
Rumors don't make appear little 10 years old white daughters out of thin air

Medium 2022 12 28 1b3242d7a8

But that's okay, I hope the dude will be good step-dad and raise another man's kids. It's not a bad thing.
BLACKPINK's Lisa never knew her biological Asian father and was raised by a White man after her mom's second marriage.
It's the same here, but the chance that Lauren's daughter will be one of the most famous pop stars of the next generation is a huge hill to surpass, AMWFbros
also you ignored the miss 2022 international beauty winner who literally had an average looking korean bf
Bitch is somewhat average looking herself... They're looksmatched.
A meme competition in itself. You don't see White men bragging about Derek Chauvin's Asian wife (who was also average looking) winning a meme beauty pageant. If it was Miss Universe or something I'd give it credit, but normies already credit the worst of WMAF for it for spawning dozens of beautiful daughters
Right, so you can't show a single source claiming Europeans "raped" Mongols while there are millions of sources claiming Mongols raped Europeans and took European concubines, same as North Africans, Middle Easterners, and Mediterraneans did. Mongols also killed women right after raping them, they didn't completely eradicate certain European cities and villages (100% of the population) and kill 10% of the entire world population and massacre over 25% of the population of certain European countries for nothing. The Mongols raped and massacred entire populations if they didn't surrender, men, women, and children, and for the cities or nations which surrendered early on, they usually brought civilization to and treated fairly and didn't rape at all. If, however, resistance had to be overcome, wholesale slaughter or at least enslavement invariably resulted, sparing only those whose special skills or abilities were considered useful. In the case of voluntary surrender, tribesmen or soldiers were often incorporated into the Mongol forces and treated as federates. The greater the resistance, the greater the retribution. And you do know you can have offspring WITHOUT raping them right? You are actually mentally retarded JFL. You claim Europeans raped everyone who conquered them and never got raped by those which conquered them. By conquer, I mean completely subjugate and make them tributary vassals, or even massacring 25% of their populations or completely wiping out European cities and villages. There was much more Eastern European countries conquered by the Mongols than those not conquered, and by conquered I mean COMPLETELY subjugated and vassalized, forced to do everything the Mongols told them.

Apparently NOBODY raped the Europeans according to you, even though they got completely cucked and fucked by multiple other races and civilizations and were completely at their mercy multiple times throughout history, but no, they never got raped and they raped all their conquerors. If you really think they raped everyone who has conquered them MULTIPLE times (and who also NEVER got conquered by them), and you think some samples which may very well be taken from a very small specific sample size to convince me like you tried to convince me of Genghis Khan's lineage with 5 unrelated bodies as an example, you are truly mentally disabled. You haven't shown how any of the genetic sources you've shown me are truly valid or encompassing and you haven't shown me how it's replicated in "every study" whatsoever. NOBODY thinks that Europeans raped Mongols but you lmfao, just like how you're the ONLY one who thinks Southeast Asians are the palest peoples and lighter skinned than East Asians, and how you're the ONLY one who thinks females are darker skinned than males and that being pale is a masculine trait. You argue ALL of the above relentlessly too, even when everyone else and multiple valid sources completely disagree with you. Even if you search up "did Europeans rape Mongols" on Google, the results all return Mongols raping Europeans. You are dead wrong, face that fact.

You are coping extremely hard with pretty much everything you say. I've shown clear evidence and you're in huge denial. Europe and North America are both much lower population and much less homogenous than East Asia and their populations are still dropping like flies. White people are the ONLY race set to become a minority in their own countries (which are still decreasing in population in general compared to other countries), and that's an extremely common talking point of white supremacists. Ignoring the other East Asian countries which don't matter, China is the biggest and oldest and most populated civilization along with India. It has lasted for thousands of years since the beginnings of civilization and has stood strong for all of history. It literally put a one child law to stifle population growth for 25 years recently. Even if their population dwindles for certain periods, China will go right back and start increasing it population again like it has throughout all of history whenever its population dwindled. The Chinese are the LEAST likely race to ever go extinct and everyone agrees with this. China is the most likely country to last til the end of time along with India. China and other East Asian countries are much, MUCH more homogenous than any western country, and all western countries are becoming increasingly less homogenous. Other East Asian countries don't matter as much and are basically offshoots of China and will be vassalized and incorporated in China once China decides to annex them and fix their population issues. Let me copy paste something from another one of my posts real quick.

North Africans, Middle Easterners, and Mediterraneans were all dominant powers throughout history, but all of them have severely fallen from grace. The dominance of the white Anglos and Nordics over the world is brief and a result of lucky early modernization and mass industrialization, and they will soon go extinct. They were behind everyone else, specifically the Middle East and East Asia and South Asia, for 99% of history until the past few centuries. They were uncivilized and living in mud huts for thousands of years, subjugated and enslaved by both Middle Easterners and Mediterraneans. Contrast them to the Middle Easterners, who were beacons of civilization for most of history. They enslaved both black and white people by the millions for thousands of years and traded them in a huge international slave trading network. They mass spread their religions all across the known world, which can still be seen with how widespread Christianity is today. The Middle East was ahead of Europe for 99% of history, but they got completely cucked these past few centuries with countries relegated to complete war torn poverty ridden shitholes. They're a complete shadow of their former selves just like the Europeans are going to be, falling behind other races like East Asians in many aspects and becoming a minority in their own countries.

Every race dominates and falls but East Asians who stay consistently near or at the top for all of history, and China and India are the two biggest and oldest civilizations that are still standing tall today and will likely last for all of history. China will stay consistent like it has throughout all of history, and with mass globalization, modernization, modern technology, and the communication and access to other countries it has today that it never had in the past, it will hold that position at the top for all time. China intentionally put a one child law to prevent overpopulation for 25 years while India is growing and growing in population with no end in sight. East Asians and Indians have a much bigger population and are much more homogenous than any western country. The Jews have fucked Western and Northern Europeans over. Whites are getting swarmed and bred out by ethnics in their own countries at an astounding rate, and their economy and influence over the world is quickly dwindling compared to say China (which is also neocolonizing Africa, which is growing extremely quickly in population due to China's aid). Just look at the population projections per continent from now until 2100, and look at Europe and North America compared to other continents. That counts all immigrants and ethnics and mixed mutts too, so imagine how it is for pure whites who are becoming minorities in their own countries. Asia's population is also growing quick btw, it's just getting lower in terms of percentage because the niggers are breeding like rabbits given the aid of China. And it's not only population that Europeans are getting surpassed in, it's everything else as well.





i see nothing here to disprove what ive said.
my opinion is based on reality. if mongols truly raped euros you would have genetic proof, you dont. My opinion is backed by all mainstream anthropologists. I think you just cant take it.
Btw, there is proof of mongols raping people who live in modern day kazakhstan. The Ydna lineages are massively replaced there. There is none in europe. Its clear as day to anyone with a working brain where the raping stopped...
Rumors don't make appear little 10 years old white daughters out of thin air
View attachment 2091896
View attachment 2091897
But that's okay, I hope the dude will be good step-dad and raise another man's kids. It's not a bad thing.
BLACKPINK's Lisa never knew her biological Asian father and was raised by a White man after her mom's second marriage.
It's the same here, but the chance that Lauren's daughter will be one of the most famous pop stars of the next generation is a huge hill to surpass, AMWFbros

''According to Ilyo Shinmun, there were, in fact, no articles mentioning any pregnancy. The news outlet revealed that the biggest article surrounding Katy Louise Saunders was one involving a home burglary while Katy Louise Saunders was away. The news of the burglary was reportedly picked up by many major news outlets across Europe, proving that if Katy Louise Saunders had been pregnant, it would most likely have been reported.

The actor’s acquaintance then revealed that the child in the picture was, in fact, the niece of Katy Louise Saunders.''

it's not her child.
Bitch is somewhat average looking herself... They're looksmatched.
A meme competition in itself. You don't see White men bragging about Derek Chauvin's Asian wife (who was also average looking) winning a meme beauty pageant. If it was Miss Universe or something I'd give it credit, but normies already credit the worst of WMAF for it for spawning dozens of beautiful daughters

she's good looking and fits the asian beauty standards, you're just a yellowfeverfag
i see nothing here to disprove what ive said.
my opinion is based on reality. if mongols truly raped euros you would have genetic proof, you dont. My opinion is backed by all mainstream anthropologists. I think you just cant take it.
Btw, there is proof of mongols raping people who live in modern day kazakhstan. The Ydna lineages are massively replaced there. There is none in europe. Its clear as day to anyone with a working brain where the raping stopped...

If what you're saying is true, then like I said, I assume the Mongols massacred all of the women they raped and left alone the populations which surrendered early on like they always have done. I did show you a source where it said they went across multiple European villages raping and killing all the men, women, and children.
If what you're saying is true, then like I said, I assume the Mongols massacred all of the women they raped and left alone the populations which surrendered early on like they always have done. I did show you a source where it said they went across multiple European villages raping and killing all the men, women, and children.
why didnt the same thing happen in kazakhstan
she's good looking and fits the asian beauty standards, you're just a yellowfeverfag
Alright, here you go queen
Img 1 1677409808993
i'm not asian lol just bored.

i'm not saying every zoomer is jumping on asian cock, merely saying it happens more among zoomers than it did for milennials

the average age of marriage is 28 for foids and 30 for moids, so again, you're still seeing mostly milennial generation's marriage habits.

also you have to consider, most chinks in usa are of southeast asian descend, the ones strictly wanting korean dick travel to south korea

did the number of foids in korea increase? definitely:
most foids who visit korea are other east asians, westerners are less than 10%. do you have country specific data?
most foids who visit korea are other east asians, westerners are less than 10%. do you have country specific data?
i don't tbh, but a lot of anectodes say they see more or an even amount of amwf among young people compared to wmaf.
why didnt the same thing happen in kazakhstan

The Kazakhs and the Mongols intermixed with each otherwithout any rape. They lived extremely close to each other from the beginning. Multilingual written sources indicate that the empire of Genghis Khan was largely founded on the basis of the Turkic tribes of Central Asia, part of which were the steppes of Kazakhstan. Both ethnicities were part of the same nomadic empires and were quite close for centuries.

''According to Ilyo Shinmun, there were, in fact, no articles mentioning any pregnancy. The news outlet revealed that the biggest article surrounding Katy Louise Saunders was one involving a home burglary while Katy Louise Saunders was away. The news of the burglary was reportedly picked up by many major news outlets across Europe, proving that if Katy Louise Saunders had been pregnant, it would most likely have been reported.

The actor’s acquaintance then revealed that the child in the picture was, in fact, the niece of Katy Louise Saunders.''

it's not her child.
on the other hand, a lot of seamaxxers are raising sea husband's kids for real, or getting cucked when they get out of the ocuntry.
on the other hand, a lot of seamaxxers are raising sea husband's kids for real, or getting cucked when they get out of the ocuntry.
Most "SEA-maxxers" are boomers and have already white kids of their own. Outside of maybe a few exceptions and younger sexpats who target SEA countries often don't even want to settle down, they just go there to party and fuck monkey pussy.
And besides, SEA monkey women are already plagued by the "Asian nanny" stereotype by raising white kids themselves, so at the end both complete each others
The Kazakhs and the Mongols intermixed with each otherwithout any rape. They lived extremely close to each other from the beginning. Multilingual written sources indicate that the empire of Genghis Khan was largely founded on the basis of the Turkic tribes of Central Asia, part of which were the steppes of Kazakhstan. Both ethnicities were part of the same nomadic empires and were quite close for centuries.
your source doesnt say anything about mongols raping europeans

"In 13th century Eurasia, the slaughter of men and rape of women by invaders was so thorough that today 8 percent of men in the former Mongol Empire possess DNA from Genghis Khan's lineage."

Your source admits that him leaving his lineage is the proof of rape. Fine, but what theyre describing is nowhere to be found in europe, suggesting that the rape in eurasia happened in asia, not europe.

The other link is a blog, not a source. Although if what it's saying is true, its vague and doesnt tell me anything. In any case, mongols barely ever raped anyone in europe and their rape cant compare to what the europeans did in the eurasian steppes


its interesting how in the early medieval there was a spike in indo european Ydna (R1), but an east asian spike in maternal dna (A, B, C, D)
Yes, this is based on a few burials, but its consistent with other studies. Plus its actual genetic proof.

@chinksupremacy since im getting tired of this, ill leave my closing note here - Mongols most likely raped some europeans, but its not mass rape and its not what i would consider one ethnicity raping another. I skimmed through some hungarian historical sources and they all say mongols massacred hungarians but didnt change the ethnic composition. What youre describing as rape isnt mass scale, what im describing is population wide and is hardcoded into people's genetic composition in central asia forever.

Also, this didnt happen in china and the chinese always repelled and destroyed any indo european invadors, mongols and other north asians didnt.
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Today I found some kind of fashion designer, Su Park (100k followers on Instagram). She's by every single standard extremely attractiveh. She facially mogs 80% of Kpop whores with half the makeup they use.
She fits well around the Stacies
View attachment 2091587
And stands out adorably around the roasties
View attachment 2091588
Even when wearing the brown chimp niggerish makeup that Asian-American women wear to make themselves look more "ethnic", she's still hot with it
View attachment 2091600
That's until I found the unbelievable
She was blessed with ever since she was a child
View attachment 2091590
Just look at the difference between her and her sister. Already as little girls, she had a small nose, plumpy lips, an adorable doll face, small forehead, while her sister was doomed into nobodyness by having a fat potato nose, no lips, huge forehead. Even in the pic she looks blackpilled while Su is already posing like a doll.
Biggest irony of them all?
Their younger brother looks incredibly subhuman, worse than the ugly sister. Ricecel phenotype to a T
View attachment 2091594
It can, if you're an Asian male
View attachment 2091596
Daddy's girl indeed, and a huge slut too.
White man's whore and BWC-only
View attachment 2091597
View attachment 2091598View attachment 2091599
She's only ever dated and been in relationships with French Chads and Gigachads. The last one being a 6'8 blonde olympic swimmer
View attachment 2091606View attachment 2091608
View attachment 2091609
However this swimmer went into legal trouble as he allegedly had sex with an underage girl.

Purely a coincidence? No.
Here she's holding the white passing hapa baby of her friend
View attachment 2091614
Her friend
View attachment 2091616
It's incredible, and nobody documented this until now.

You just know she's been blessed with good looks, wealth and social leverage and yet she a huge cumslut for White men.
And IF she settles down for a non-white Chad, especially an Asian one, it's where you know she has found a betabux to provide her.

All white men that get hot Asian girls should die

They are for me
your source doesnt say anything about mongols raping europeans

"In 13th century Eurasia, the slaughter of men and rape of women by invaders was so thorough that today 8 percent of men in the former Mongol Empire possess DNA from Genghis Khan's lineage."

Your source admits that him leaving his lineage is the proof of rape. Fine, but what theyre describing is nowhere to be found in europe, suggesting that the rape in eurasia happened in asia, not europe.

The other link is a blog, not a source. Although if what it's saying is true, its vague and doesnt tell me anything. In any case, mongols barely ever raped anyone in europe and their rape cant compare to what the europeans did in the eurasian steppes


its interesting how in the early medieval there was a spike in indo european Ydna (R1), but an east asian spike in maternal dna (A, B, C, D)
Yes, this is based on a few burials, but its consistent with other studies. Plus its actual genetic proof.

@chinksupremacy since im getting tired of this, ill leave my closing note here - Mongols most likely raped some europeans, but its not mass rape and its not what i would consider one ethnicity raping another. I skimmed through some hungarian historical sources and they all say mongols massacred hungarians but didnt change the ethnic composition. What youre describing as rape isnt mass scale, what im describing is population wide and is hardcoded into people's genetic composition in central asia forever.

Also, this didnt happen in china and the chinese always repelled and destroyed any indo european invadors, mongols and other north asians didnt.

I'm getting bored of this too, but there are misconceptions.

You might be right about the Mongols not leaving a genetic lineage, but even they didn't, the Mongols almost definitely killed thousands times (number might be an exaggeration but you get the idea) more Europeans than the other way around and very likely raped their women before murdering them. For those who surrendered early on, the Mongols never murdered or raped, while for those who didn't, they both murdered and raped (every single man, woman, and children in many instances), so they couldn't leave a noticeable genetic lineage. Genghis Khan left his own genetic lineage but I don't see any source claiming the other Mongols left theirs, so Genghis Khan likely specifically raped women himself rather than other Mongols and his small genetic legacy would be negligible. I doubt there is much Mongol YDNA in southern China either, because the Mongols massacred most of the population after raping them just like they massacred most of the European population after raping them. You said the rape wasn't mass scale, but given how the Mongols conquered and subjugated the vast majority of Russia and Eastern Europe, wiped out over 25% of certain Eastern European countries, and completely eradicated 100% of certain Eastern European populations, I'm pretty sure the murder was mass scale and they very likely raped before murdering.

I also don't trust those genetic sources, especially "based on a few burials" as you say. Nothing I can find points to the Europeans raping Mongols on Google, and if I search it up all the results pop up of Mongols raping Europeans instead. Also, you can reproduce without raping.
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I also don't trust those genetic sources, especially "based on a few burials" as you say. Nothing I can find points to the Europeans raping Mongols on Google, and if I search it up all the results pop up of Mongols raping Europeans instead. Also, you can reproduce without raping.
why not, though? theyre way more trustworthy than whatever random encyclopedias will tell you

You dont find anything on google about it because its obscure anthropology knowledge and its an implication of genetic testing, not a described event. Haplogroups are in fact THE most reliable testing out there. Autosomal dna is mostly random garbage
Also europeans replacing mongol male lineages happened before mongols, for thousands of years, not at the time of the mongol invasions.

Ydna is the best way to determine which males got replaced and their women impregnated by invaders. For example, we know in japan the imperial family were jomon male + yayoi female based on Ydna.
why not, though? theyre way more trustworthy than whatever random encyclopedias will tell you

You dont find anything on google about it because its obscure anthropology knowledge and its an implication of genetic testing, not a described event. Haplogroups are in fact THE most reliable testing out there. Autosomal dna is mostly random garbage
Also europeans replacing mongol male lineages happened before mongols, for thousands of years, not at the time of the mongol invasions.

Ydna is the best way to determine which males got replaced and their women impregnated by invaders. For example, we know in japan the imperial family were jomon male + yayoi female based on Ydna.

I simply don't trust small scale genetic studies, especially since new wider scale and more accurate genetic studies often completely disprove the smaller scale ones. Like in this thread here.

Here's some sources for the Mongol massacres of Europe by the way.

"Colin McEvedy (Atlas of World Population History, 1978) estimates the population of European Russia dropped from 7.5 million prior to the invasion to 7 million after it.[17] Historians estimate that up to half of Hungary's population of two million were victims of the Mongol invasion of Europe.[18]"




"The Mongols invaded central Europe with three armies. One army defeated an alliance which included forces from the fragmented Poland and members of various Christian military orders, led by Henry II the Pious, Duke of Silesia at Legnica. A second army crossed the Carpathian mountains and a third followed the Danube. The armies re-grouped and crushed Hungary in 1241, defeating the Hungarian army at the Battle of Mohi on April 11, 1241. A devastating Mongol invasion killed half of Hungary's population.[1] The armies swept the plains of Hungary over the summer and in the spring of 1242, regained impetus and extended their control into Austria and Dalmatia as well as invading Moravia. The Great Khan died, and all the "Princes of the Blood" (of Genghis Khan) went back to Mongolia to elect the new Khan."

"The Mongols now systematically occupied the Great Hungarian Plains, as well as the slopes of the northern Carpathian Mountains, and Transylvania. Where they found local resistance, they mercilessly killed the population. Where the people did not offer any resistance, they forced the men into servitude in the Mongol army and the women and children were killed or carried off. Still, tens of thousands avoided Mongol domination by taking refuge behind the walls of the few fortresses or by hiding in the huge, jungle-like forests or the large marshes alongside the rivers. The Mongols, instead of leaving already defenseless and helpless peoples behind and continuing their campaign through Pannonia to Western Europe, spent the entire summer and fall securing and "pacifying" the occupied territories. Then, during the winter, contrary to the traditional strategy of the nomadic armies which started campaigns only in springtime, they crossed the Danube and continued their systematic occupation including Pannonia. They eventually reached the Austrian borders and the Adriatic shores in Dalmatia."

Look at the bold. It shows that even when the people didn't offer any local resistance, the women and children were often still killed or carried off. The women were likely raped and murdered or carried off and taken as concubines elsewhere just like the MENA did to European women. That's very likely the reason why they might not have left a genetic legacy. The Mongols didn't leave any survivors after rape.
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I simply don't trust small scale genetic studies, especially since new wider scale and more accurate genetic studies often completely disprove the smaller scale ones. Like in this thread here.
but some of the ones i posted had hundreds of samples and they all replicate each other. You cant consistently replicate the same result if that result is irrelevant due to small sample size (which isnt always small in this case)

the ones about NW china and central asia both had more than 400 each. your study about polynesians had a 1000 in total. same shit
I simply don't trust small scale genetic studies, especially since new wider scale and more accurate genetic studies often completely disprove the smaller scale ones. Like in this thread here.

Here's some sources for the Mongol massacres of Europe by the way.

"Colin McEvedy (Atlas of World Population History, 1978) estimates the population of European Russia dropped from 7.5 million prior to the invasion to 7 million after it.[17] Historians estimate that up to half of Hungary's population of two million were victims of the Mongol invasion of Europe.[18]"

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"The Mongols invaded central Europe with three armies. One army defeated an alliance which included forces from the fragmented Poland and members of various Christian military orders, led by Henry II the Pious, Duke of Silesia at Legnica. A second army crossed the Carpathian mountains and a third followed the Danube. The armies re-grouped and crushed Hungary in 1241, defeating the Hungarian army at the Battle of Mohi on April 11, 1241. A devastating Mongol invasion killed half of Hungary's population.[1] The armies swept the plains of Hungary over the summer and in the spring of 1242, regained impetus and extended their control into Austria and Dalmatia as well as invading Moravia. The Great Khan died, and all the "Princes of the Blood" (of Genghis Khan) went back to Mongolia to elect the new Khan."

"The Mongols now systematically occupied the Great Hungarian Plains, as well as the slopes of the northern Carpathian Mountains, and Transylvania. Where they found local resistance, they mercilessly killed the population. Where the people did not offer any resistance, they forced the men into servitude in the Mongol army and the women and children were killed or carried off. Still, tens of thousands avoided Mongol domination by taking refuge behind the walls of the few fortresses or by hiding in the huge, jungle-like forests or the large marshes alongside the rivers. The Mongols, instead of leaving already defenseless and helpless peoples behind and continuing their campaign through Pannonia to Western Europe, spent the entire summer and fall securing and "pacifying" the occupied territories. Then, during the winter, contrary to the traditional strategy of the nomadic armies which started campaigns only in springtime, they crossed the Danube and continued their systematic occupation including Pannonia. They eventually reached the Austrian borders and the Adriatic shores in Dalmatia."

Look at the bold. It shows that even when the people didn't offer any local resistance, the women and children were often still killed or carried off. The women were likely raped and murdered or carried off and taken as concubines elsewhere just like the MENA did to European women. That's very likely the reason why they might not have left a genetic legacy. The Mongols didn't leave any survivors after rape.
Judging by how easy it is for the white man to get your women it looks like Asian women don't believe in chink supremacy.
Judging by how easy it is for the white man to get your women it looks like Asian women don't believe in chink supremacy.

It’s not easy at all for the white man to get hot Asian women who only go for Asian Changs, exceptions don’t disprove the norm. Regardless, Asian men aren’t as whipped and leashed by their women as white men are so we don’t really consider their opinions either way.
Just accept the fact that me and the other cumskins are going to creamie all your best quality fetite asian females, while you will jerk off in the corner looking at our balls clapping her tight pussy. Her moaning will haunt you, for the rest of your worthless shithole abyss life.

Speaking of the mongols you mentioned,
the only way for the asian man to get white pussy was to rape, and kill their men.


We cumskins barly put any effort into attracting the asian woman, because they flout automatically to us.
We dont need to be wealthy,
We don't need to be above average in:
- Height
- Face
We don't need that shit, simply because

Continue writting these essays in this autistic forum, while we will book a plane to SEA.
  • +1
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White beckies mog tbh
Just accept the fact that me and the other cumskins are going to creamie all your best quality fetite asian females, while you will jerk off in the corner looking at our balls clapping her tight pussy. Her moaning will haunt you, for the rest of your worthless shithole abyss life.

Speaking of the mongols you mentioned,
the only way for the asian man to get white pussy was to rape, and kill their men.


We cumskins barly put any effort into attracting the asian woman, because they flout automatically to us.
We dont need to be wealthy,
We don't need to be above average in:
- Height
- Face
We don't need that shit, simply because

Continue writting these essays in this autistic forum, while we will book a plane to SEA.

None of you get "best quality petite asian females" you said yourself lmfao, you genetic dead end subhumans go to SEA to betabuxx for an ugly dark jungle SEAmonkey. Even the white Chads I see are with subhuman or low Becky Asian girls. The best looking Asian Stacies only go for Asian men while you genetically inferior cumcucks betabuxx like the useless little cucked faggots you are. WMAF betabuxx much more than AMWF according to all statistics and it isn't even close, all that for an ugly deformed jungle SEAmonkey while Changs and other races bust their loads in your best prime women and speed up the extinction of your shit tier race while you jerk off helplessly in a corner like the submissive little cucks you are. The best looking Changs mog Chads of every other race. Your race is going extinct in all your own countries from all your women getting cucked and fucked by ethnics while all of you watch helplessly and welcome us all to fuck them like the submissive little cucked faggots you are, you are the only race set to become a minority in your own countries while East Asians are rising up in every conceivable aspect. Nothing will stop Chinese and Korean men from cumming and dumping our loads into your Eastern European cumsluts as we please while your men are helpless to do anything but jerk off in a corner like helpless little cucks, we completely cuck you worldwide at a much higher rate and our divorce rates are much lower everywhere because your cumwhores just can't get enough of our genetically superior seed. Everything I said above is proven in my quote here.

I would stomp the skulls your entire worthless pigskin family and shatter them into millions of tiny little pieces and stomp their disgusting little subhuman brains out into a gooey pink paste. I'd force your pigskin stunted runt of a father to helplessly jerk off in a corner while your white whore mom chokes her disgusting recessed maxilla on my big Chinese cock just like your female ancestors did to my Mongoloid ancestors after we raped and slaughtered their entire families, you filthy rape baby leftover mutt. Then I'd force your dad to brutally rape you like all mentally ill incestual cumskin spergs love to do while you watch helplessly like the little baby bitch you are, then I'd carve out all his organs slowly and painfully and force feed them to you while your mom watches in glee as I eliminate her disgusting spawn and its subhuman father and make both of them suffer. Then I'd make your mom brutally torture you with extensive lingchi, slicing you slowly and painfully to death piece by piece while you scream in pain and beg for mercy like the helpless little baby faggot you are. Then I'd implant my genetically superior Asian seed into her, the Ubermensch sperm she begs for to replace the inferior disgusting worthless genetics of your worthless little cucked faggot pigskin subhuman father that I brutally tortured to death. Your nearing extinction race is genetically inferior to mine in every conceivable aspect and the gap is only getting bigger and bigger at an astounding rate. Your entire bloodline is worth less than the disgusting dog shit under my boots that I scrape off with utter contempt, your fucking place under your Asian master you disgusting little pigskin faggot. Look at the type of shit you post and your post ratio, you are a complete genetic dead end autistic KHHV shitstain subhuman who will never amount to anything in your entire worthless disgusting shithole life and will die broken, lonely, and unloved.
Last edited:
Just accept the fact that me and the other cumskins are going to creamie all your best quality fetite asian females, while you will jerk off in the corner looking at our balls clapping her tight pussy. Her moaning will haunt you, for the rest of your worthless shithole abyss life.

Speaking of the mongols you mentioned,
the only way for the asian man to get white pussy was to rape, and kill their men.


We cumskins barly put any effort into attracting the asian woman, because they flout automatically to us.
We dont need to be wealthy,
We don't need to be above average in:
- Height
- Face
We don't need that shit, simply because

Continue writting these essays in this autistic forum, while we will book a plane to SEA.


Screenshot 2023 02 26 103419

No amount of Predeterminism cuck studies will change the fact that your shit tier race is going extinct from getting bred out by ethnics in your own countries and the fact that regardless of race, you are a complete genetic dead end autistic KHHV shitstain subhuman who will never amount to anything in your entire worthless disgusting shithole life and will die completely broken, lonely, and unloved.
  • JFL
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View attachment 2092334

View attachment 2092336

No amount of Predeterminism cuck studies will change the fact that your shit tier race is going extinct from getting bred out by ethnics in your own countries and the fact that regardless of race, you are a complete genetic dead end autistic KHHV shitstain subhuman who will never amount to anything in your entire worthless disgusting shithole life and will die completely broken, lonely, and unloved.

insane how butthurt you got when I pull the curtents back, and showed you the real world.
the real world where your culture is literary painting themselves white, just to look more like us.

Asian girls would rather be treated like shit by poor white MTN, than good by a rich changlite.
  • +1
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insane how butthurt you got when I pull the curtents back, and showed you the real world.
the real world where your culture is literary painting themselves white, just to look more like us.

Asian girls would rather be treated like shit by poor white MTN, than good by a rich changlite.


I copy and pasted half of the entire first comment lmfao. Searching up Predeterminism posts like an abused rat won't change the facts. I've showed clear evidence of why you're completely incorrect. Average Asian is sub par but Asian Changs mog every other race as seen in the videos I sent. I also showed how WMAF betabuxx much more than AMWF and AMAF are the lowest divorce rates by far, so it's more like the other way around.

Wait until the asian genes kick in 💀 It'll fuck him up.
That kid is a she, not a he.
And at that stage, the Asian genes already kicked in.
I've observed hundreds of hapa kids, and I can tell when one is going to be white passing or not.
Hapas aren't like mulattos where at some point their skin color changes drastically at 10 years old
Top tier Asian girl fogged by Beckies @anoright @cloUder

Asian genetics are Brootal
nah asian girls have the highest smv because of fetishes
its korea. surgery is NT there. U will have incel kids if u breed w her
its korea. surgery is NT there. U will have incel kids if u breed w her
She looked the exact same as a kid. She had the same small nose, same lips, same little pointy chin.
And it's clear she lucked out on the genetic lottery, unlike her siblings.
Incels and Chads, Beckies and Stacies are basically just that, a genetic lottery
She’s saving her sons from her brother’s nightmarish fate
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Screenshot 20231127 141438

Buh buh muh gook insectoids :lul:

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  • JFL
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My brother has an asian gf lol 😂

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