Once u get numb to "pleasures"



Mar 28, 2019
it's really over.

In the last few days I banged teo girls from Tinder, it was just going thru motions. I was numb the whole time and bored even during sex. It was just another date, same old stories about my life, pre packaged funny charming stories, escalate to bed etc. Same type of foreplay, same dirty talk, all packaged not organic, just robotic. No pleasure at all, just thinking to myself that this is the pinnacle of being GL, total easy of access to pussy, yet I was getting nothing out of it.

I decide to get my high another way that I have always been able to, junk food. I swing by the store on the way home from Tinder slut 2 and pick up my fav ice cream, chips, candy, pizza, and head home with a salivating mouth. As I dig into some ice cream, again, I feel pretty numb. Where is that sugar high I usually feel, I thought. Not there. I fire up my favorite video game and quit halfway thru the first game thinking this is a boring game I have been playing for the last 20 years.

The only GF I came close to loving I completely cut ALL ties absolutely just last week. She wanted kids and I didn't, we couldn't move past this difference and I couldnt hold it against her that she wanted to. After all she's in her late 20's and the clock is ticking. I wished her the best and told her she will have beautiful kids, just not with me. I cannot bring a child into this world given the hell i went thru as a kid with a better looking brother. How could I ever morally bring a child into the world knowing all the blackpilled stuff I think of daily?

I have been unable to obtain any pleasure or high from the typical ways I have been able to and now with the only decent girl I have known out of my life depression is crawling back. There really is no point to it all, even Jesus checked out at 33, just a year older than I am now, and I can see why he did.

I yearn for my childhood, platonic friendships with my male friends in middle school. Money and the huge stresses of life taken care of by suburban well off parents. No one caring about being cool or sex or girls or what's cool. The only thing we had to worry about was whos house we were sleeping over at this coming weekend and which new video game we were going to play first. Everything decays, people grow up, responsibilities take over, and friendships fade.

The blackpill is real, and I have witnessed it's effects first hand more than most will. People, not just women, will let you down and fuck you over even if they don't mean to. You can't ever rely on another person and even your parents don't love you unconditionally. Never forget that every human relationship is transactional, someone likes you or likes your company because you provide SOME sort of value to theirs as well. The moment you stop bringing this value to the table it's OVER, you can be cut off so fucking fast your head will spin.

There is no happy ending message to this thread, I can understand why people get married and/or have kids cause I have never felt so lonely in my life. A lot of that is my own doing, despite guys and girls wanting to be my friend or build a relationship with me I always push them away because of my insatiable need to be alone and recharge after socializing. Not to mention my dramatic ups and downs I go through from time to time with my own self image. I can become paralyzed from all social desires from one back look in the mirror. My mental sanity hinges on how my brain decides to perceive my face in the bathroom mirror or my reflection I might accidentally see in a puddle or department store wall mirror.

Getting married and having kids seems so bluepilled but it really does leave the question as to, how do you spend the latter decades of your life? Wtf is there to do from the age of like 35 onward? Short term relationship hopping? That's fucking retarded.A committed relationship with a woman, but no kids? Hookers? Suicide? Charity? Who knows, but what I do know is that if you don't actively make an effort to change your life direction you will easily find yourself 6 or 10 years down the road sill thinking "next year is the year I will change it all around." But that change never will come
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Nice novel
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Should of joined me and the boys in nofap

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dn rd

but find yourself a goal bro, you look drifted away
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  • JFL
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Reactions: watah, Toth's thot, Deleted member 5786 and 10 others
Seek help, you are deeply mentally ill.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 20820, n0rthface, CANI and 21 others
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Reactions: aspieSavage
it's really over.

In the last few days I banged teo girls from Tinder, it was just going thru motions. I was numb the whole time and bored even during sex. It was just another date, same old stories about my life, pre packaged funny charming stories, escalate to bed etc. Same type of foreplay, same dirty talk, all packaged not organic, just robotic. No pleasure at all, just thinking to myself that this is the pinnacle of being GL, total easy of access to pussy, yet I was getting nothing out of it.

I decide to get my high another way that I have always been able to, junk food. I swing by the store on the way home from Tinder slut 2 and pick up my fav ice cream, chips, candy, pizza, and head home with a salivating mouth. As I dig into some ice cream, again, I feel pretty numb. Where is that sugar high I usually feel, I thought. Not there. I fire up my favorite video game and quit halfway thru the first game thinking this is a boring game I have been playing for the last 20 years.

The only GF I came close to loving I completely cut ALL ties absolutely just last week. She wanted kids and I didn't, we couldn't move past this difference and I couldnt hold it against her that she wanted to. After all she's in her late 20's and the clock is ticking. I wished her the best and told her she will have beautiful kids, just not with me. I cannot bring a child into this world given the hell i went thru as a kid with a better looking brother. How could I ever morally bring a child into the world knowing all the blackpilled stuff I think of daily?

I have been unable to obtain any pleasure or high from the typical ways I have been able to and now with the only decent girl I have known out of my life depression is crawling back. There really is no point to it all, even Jesus checked out at 33, just a year older than I am now, and I can see why he did.

I yearn for my childhood, platonic friendships with my male friends in middle school. Money and the huge stresses of life taken care of by suburban well off parents. No one caring about being cool or sex or girls or what's cool. The only thing we had to worry about was whos house we were sleeping over at this coming weekend and which new video game we were going to play first. Everything decays, people grow up, responsibilities take over, and friendships fade.

The blackpill is real, and I have witnessed it's effects first hand more than most will. People, not just women, will let you down and fuck you over even if they don't mean to. You can't ever rely on another person and even your parents don't love you unconditionally. Never forget that every human relationship is transactional, someone likes you or likes your company because you provide SOME sort of value to theirs as well. The moment you stop bringing this value to the table it's OVER, you can be cut off so fucking fast your head will spin.

There is no happy ending message to this thread, I can understand why people get married and/or have kids cause I have never felt so lonely in my life. A lot of that is my own doing, despite guys and girls wanting to be my friend or build a relationship with me I always push them away because of my insatiable need to be alone and recharge after socializing. Not to mention my dramatic ups and downs I go through from time to time with my own self image. I can become paralyzed from all social desires from one back look in the mirror. My mental sanity hinges on how my brain decides to perceive my face in the bathroom mirror or my reflection I might accidentally see in a puddle or department store wall mirror.

Getting married and having kids seems so bluepilled but it really does leave the question as to, how do you spend the latter decades of your life? Wtf is there to do from the age of like 35 onward? Short term relationship hopping? That's fucking retarded.A committed relationship with a woman, but no kids? Hookers? Suicide? Charity? Who knows, but what I do know is that if you don't actively make an effort to change your life direction you will easily find yourself 6 or 10 years down the road sill thinking "next year is the year I will change it all around." But that change never will come
stfu bro
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Reactions: Deleted member 4464
You need fillers for your mental health
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  • JFL
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this what happens when u make ur entire life surrounding mindlessly sleeping with sloots
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 12611, Deleted member 6310, MilfLover69 and 34 others
it's really over.

I yearn for my childhood, platonic friendships with my male friends in middle school. Money and the huge stresses of life taken care of by suburban well off parents. No one caring about being cool or sex or girls or what's cool. The only thing we had to worry about was whos house we were sleeping over at this coming weekend and which new video game we were going to play first. Everything decays, people grow up, responsibilities take over, and friendships fade

I think maybe because you did not experience a lot of sex when you were younger has caused your problems

This led to finding the blackpill, and now you are unable to accept reality and move past it

Not having important milestones leads to this sort of thinking, and you are chasing something you will never have
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  • JFL
Reactions: RoundHouse, Back Alley Boy, Jamal2222 and 3 others
People, not just women, will let you down and fuck you over even if they don't mean to. You can't ever rely on another person and even your parents don't love you unconditionally. Never forget that every human relationship is transactional, someone likes you or likes your company because you provide SOME sort of value to theirs as well. The moment you stop bringing this value to the table it's OVER, you can be cut off so fucking fast your head will spin.
I actually said the same thing a few days ago (but they will read your thread cause of you, ofcourse), youre right
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Reactions: Toth's thot, everythingisacope, Chadrapist and 5 others
time to inject h buddy boyo
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Fuck, depressed amnesia is hitting. bluepilled advice but u seriously need to pick up a hobby or two, revolving ur life around girls is not doing u any good. A close friend is very important as well
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Reactions: underwaterpipedreams, Deleted member 9344, Effortless and 2 others
idk, call me bluepilled idc, but for me having an offspring and trying to raise him/her best I possibly could is my main goal and as I'm getting older, this urge is getting stronger

the only problem is with who to breed nowadays
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Reactions: n0rthface, Deleted member 6310, MilfLover69 and 17 others
boo hoo nigga
  • JFL
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That is the effect of life in the developed world, mostly the west. Most people do not realize how easy we have everything in life. We could have ended up on some gore video in South America or blown up by ISIS in Arabia. The west has made everything easy, whereas before, Men had a purpose in life. If you did not become the best man you could be during those harsh times, you died.

Women had no choice but to find these men, and to top it all off, it was a kill or be killed world. Meaning your town was pillaged, you were killed, your women raped, and children sold to slavery. It was a time where men built empires and legacies that we still read about today, even though they happened thousands of years before our existence in this universe. Being so privileged and living in this comfortable promiscuous society has led us to live for nothing. Ask yourself, what truly is your existence? Why are you in this world? To browse this forum all day? Play video games all day? Work a meaningless life? Chase pussy? Bitch about how life gave you bad genes?

It is important to realize we have all been programmed since our childhood, how we view life, our morals etc. Each one of us has a story, no matter how extraordinary or ordinary it may seem. We must take a step back and analyze what we would want to do with our lives, what path we would like to take. We only have one lifetime to achieve this all. That is why things such as video games are so addictive to young men, it gives us things to strive for, but it is all virtual and extremely unhealthy.

I get your point, @Amnesia, but how we view our own life and the goals we would like to achieve in this short span of life is something every man should think about every day. Better to live a life that has purpose and meaning than to die with regret.

Sorry for my rambling; it is 3 am. Feel free to PM me if you would like to talk more OP. Not worth killing yourself over this shit world.

P.S only edgy children would think topics like this are "pussy". We're men, keep eating your Doritos kid,
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  • JFL
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Reactions: CANI, MilfLover69, justshowerbro and 28 others
oh ok bro thanks for the enlightment
meth you fucking pussy
  • JFL
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Reactions: n0rthface, Chadrapist, Deleted member 7753 and 5 others
it's really over.

In the last few days I banged teo girls from Tinder, it was just going thru motions. I was numb the whole time and bored even during sex. It was just another date, same old stories about my life, pre packaged funny charming stories, escalate to bed etc. Same type of foreplay, same dirty talk, all packaged not organic, just robotic. No pleasure at all, just thinking to myself that this is the pinnacle of being GL, total easy of access to pussy, yet I was getting nothing out of it.

I decide to get my high another way that I have always been able to, junk food. I swing by the store on the way home from Tinder slut 2 and pick up my fav ice cream, chips, candy, pizza, and head home with a salivating mouth. As I dig into some ice cream, again, I feel pretty numb. Where is that sugar high I usually feel, I thought. Not there. I fire up my favorite video game and quit halfway thru the first game thinking this is a boring game I have been playing for the last 20 years.

The only GF I came close to loving I completely cut ALL ties absolutely just last week. She wanted kids and I didn't, we couldn't move past this difference and I couldnt hold it against her that she wanted to. After all she's in her late 20's and the clock is ticking. I wished her the best and told her she will have beautiful kids, just not with me. I cannot bring a child into this world given the hell i went thru as a kid with a better looking brother. How could I ever morally bring a child into the world knowing all the blackpilled stuff I think of daily?

I have been unable to obtain any pleasure or high from the typical ways I have been able to and now with the only decent girl I have known out of my life depression is crawling back. There really is no point to it all, even Jesus checked out at 33, just a year older than I am now, and I can see why he did.

I yearn for my childhood, platonic friendships with my male friends in middle school. Money and the huge stresses of life taken care of by suburban well off parents. No one caring about being cool or sex or girls or what's cool. The only thing we had to worry about was whos house we were sleeping over at this coming weekend and which new video game we were going to play first. Everything decays, people grow up, responsibilities take over, and friendships fade.

The blackpill is real, and I have witnessed it's effects first hand more than most will. People, not just women, will let you down and fuck you over even if they don't mean to. You can't ever rely on another person and even your parents don't love you unconditionally. Never forget that every human relationship is transactional, someone likes you or likes your company because you provide SOME sort of value to theirs as well. The moment you stop bringing this value to the table it's OVER, you can be cut off so fucking fast your head will spin.

There is no happy ending message to this thread, I can understand why people get married and/or have kids cause I have never felt so lonely in my life. A lot of that is my own doing, despite guys and girls wanting to be my friend or build a relationship with me I always push them away because of my insatiable need to be alone and recharge after socializing. Not to mention my dramatic ups and downs I go through from time to time with my own self image. I can become paralyzed from all social desires from one back look in the mirror. My mental sanity hinges on how my brain decides to perceive my face in the bathroom mirror or my reflection I might accidentally see in a puddle or department store wall mirror.

Getting married and having kids seems so bluepilled but it really does leave the question as to, how do you spend the latter decades of your life? Wtf is there to do from the age of like 35 onward? Short term relationship hopping? That's fucking retarded.A committed relationship with a woman, but no kids? Hookers? Suicide? Charity? Who knows, but what I do know is that if you don't actively make an effort to change your life direction you will easily find yourself 6 or 10 years down the road sill thinking "next year is the year I will change it all around." But that change never will come
I can't relate as im only a youngster right now, but what I do know is that having kids is the ONLY purpose there is to life. It is THE most fulfilling thing you can do as a human. I fully recommend it to you, just as getting out of the city and buying a quiet house somewhere nice. This is the ''natural'' way of living for humans so to speak, you will drop all cortisol and actually appreciate everything about life again. There is no inherent purpose of life, so you will have to create this for yourself. I do know that having a LTR is one of the most important things to general hapiness there is, you will NEVER feel lonely again and actually create a goal for yourself: keeping the LTR and living together. I can tell you from experience (I was 15 when meeting her --> now almost 20) that my LTR was the thing that kept me from being a depressed retard and actually gave me hope.

Look at it this way: you have more potential than almost anybody on this board/IRL to create the happiness we all seek, by finding a cute 25 y/o girl and having 2 kids+. You only have to put yourself out there, good luck :)
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  • JFL
Reactions: Inquisiting_Vitiate, Deleted member 6310, alex569 and 5 others
I don't really have much in terms of experience or unique opinion I want/care to share with these types of posts but it's always a welcome read knowing about how others are going through life and their perspective on what they've been through.
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Reactions: Amnesia and Deleted member 10569
You're gl enough (lol) for red pill advice to apply to you. Find a purpose. Sleeping with tinder hoes isn't one. Hobbies too
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Reactions: Jamal2222
I cried
Sending thoughts & prayers
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rope fuel

waiting on sodium nitrite package
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Reactions: SkinjobCatastrophe
idk, call me bluepilled idc, but for me having an offspring and trying to raise him/her best I possibly could is my main goal and as I'm getting older, this urge is getting stronger

the only problem is with who to breed nowadays


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Thongbreh we tie op in the corner n cockslep his fec
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Reactions: sytyl, Deleted member 6538 and Ritalincel
I guess its over bro. No meaning to life other than to have fun if ur not religious. Find something that makes you happy then continue then repeat
  • +1
Reactions: Amnesia, ToursOverBoyo2020 and Deleted member 6217
Thongbreh we tie op in the corner n cockslep his fec
wish i cud fit my protein mecros with one chicken brest like him
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 5634, Deleted member 4464 and Tony
Maybe I am wrong but I feel like you will be sad and depressed for a while maybe a month or two but then you will bang some really hot chick and enjoy it and then maybe you will feel better for a while. Seems like it goes that way.
Start going to church,serious,find a nice church girl with morals,not one from tinder.
You'll be fine
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Inquisiting_Vitiate, Amnesia and Jamal2222
my nigga you're just going through a 30-something life crisis u gonna be fine
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Basically he is making patrick batemanmaxxing guys.
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Reactions: nonserviam, owlofathena and Deleted member 4464
Keep larping faggot
  • JFL
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Reactions: BigBoy, Deleted member 7776 and Deleted member 5634
You literally are a depressed Patrick Bateman, you need to leave your house more and lifemaxx
Inject T faggot
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Reactions: Sikkunt23 and Deleted member 4464
Damn i am so afraid the same thing happening to me down the line, what happened to you is called "desensitization" in other words your brain got so used to the pleasurable activities you do it can not get the same dopamine hit from them it used to, addicts go through the same thing at some point so what they do is they increase the dose until they die but the real solution is to momentarily quit instant gratification for long term satisfaction (if you can) .

Slaying has made you so used to girls and sex that they dont mean anything to you anymore, killing any prospects of LTR for you for the future since girls "dont feel the same anymore" i am sorry bro you fell for the low IQ "slayer" meme, we only have 1 brain and we should preserve it and it's chemicals, jfl at wasting your dopamine and oxytocin stores on random girls.
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you need a virgin wife asap
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  • JFL
Reactions: BigBoy, Jamal2222, Deleted member 3043 and 2 others
This is it. Blackpill has come full circle.
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Reactions: BigBoy, Deleted member 3073, Mongrelcel and 1 other person
jfl, You look like a woman I saw on reddit, complaining of depression for not being able to connect with others.
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Reactions: BigBoy
it's really over.

In the last few days I banged teo girls from Tinder, it was just going thru motions. I was numb the whole time and bored even during sex. It was just another date, same old stories about my life, pre packaged funny charming stories, escalate to bed etc. Same type of foreplay, same dirty talk, all packaged not organic, just robotic. No pleasure at all, just thinking to myself that this is the pinnacle of being GL, total easy of access to pussy, yet I was getting nothing out of it.

I decide to get my high another way that I have always been able to, junk food. I swing by the store on the way home from Tinder slut 2 and pick up my fav ice cream, chips, candy, pizza, and head home with a salivating mouth. As I dig into some ice cream, again, I feel pretty numb. Where is that sugar high I usually feel, I thought. Not there. I fire up my favorite video game and quit halfway thru the first game thinking this is a boring game I have been playing for the last 20 years.

The only GF I came close to loving I completely cut ALL ties absolutely just last week. She wanted kids and I didn't, we couldn't move past this difference and I couldnt hold it against her that she wanted to. After all she's in her late 20's and the clock is ticking. I wished her the best and told her she will have beautiful kids, just not with me. I cannot bring a child into this world given the hell i went thru as a kid with a better looking brother. How could I ever morally bring a child into the world knowing all the blackpilled stuff I think of daily?

I have been unable to obtain any pleasure or high from the typical ways I have been able to and now with the only decent girl I have known out of my life depression is crawling back. There really is no point to it all, even Jesus checked out at 33, just a year older than I am now, and I can see why he did.

I yearn for my childhood, platonic friendships with my male friends in middle school. Money and the huge stresses of life taken care of by suburban well off parents. No one caring about being cool or sex or girls or what's cool. The only thing we had to worry about was whos house we were sleeping over at this coming weekend and which new video game we were going to play first. Everything decays, people grow up, responsibilities take over, and friendships fade.

The blackpill is real, and I have witnessed it's effects first hand more than most will. People, not just women, will let you down and fuck you over even if they don't mean to. You can't ever rely on another person and even your parents don't love you unconditionally. Never forget that every human relationship is transactional, someone likes you or likes your company because you provide SOME sort of value to theirs as well. The moment you stop bringing this value to the table it's OVER, you can be cut off so fucking fast your head will spin.

There is no happy ending message to this thread, I can understand why people get married and/or have kids cause I have never felt so lonely in my life. A lot of that is my own doing, despite guys and girls wanting to be my friend or build a relationship with me I always push them away because of my insatiable need to be alone and recharge after socializing. Not to mention my dramatic ups and downs I go through from time to time with my own self image. I can become paralyzed from all social desires from one back look in the mirror. My mental sanity hinges on how my brain decides to perceive my face in the bathroom mirror or my reflection I might accidentally see in a puddle or department store wall mirror.

Getting married and having kids seems so bluepilled but it really does leave the question as to, how do you spend the latter decades of your life? Wtf is there to do from the age of like 35 onward? Short term relationship hopping? That's fucking retarded.A committed relationship with a woman, but no kids? Hookers? Suicide? Charity? Who knows, but what I do know is that if you don't actively make an effort to change your life direction you will easily find yourself 6 or 10 years down the road sill thinking "next year is the year I will change it all around." But that change never will come
Hey @Amnesia i Dn read loo Haha you wrote all this and i dn
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  • JFL
Reactions: Amnesia and Deleted member 6217
"hey losers, its me chad again, to tell you how i fucked ten girls in just a few days(mirin humblebrag), but since I have friend my dopamine receptors I didnt feel shit!"

unironically stop for some time(a few days to a week), things you enjoy doing get boring if you do them literally everyday or even numerous times everyday
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 6402, Chadrapist, 5'8manlet and 9 others
It is what it is bro, sometimes there's just not a happy ending for us. Sometimes we just have to accept our fate. I hope you can find a decent girl again, if not then it might be a wrap. What can you do, you know?
  • +1
Reactions: Effortless
There is more to life than just mindlessly fucking sluts my friend. 100% find new hobbies and things you enjoy
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Reactions: DidntRead, Enfant terrible, Chadrapist and 6 others
Do u have pets
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Amnesia and Chadrapist
"hey losers, its me chad again, to tell you how i fucked ten girls in just a few days(mirin humblebrag), but since I have friend my dopamine receptors I didnt feel shit!"
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 4430 and Deleted member 4464

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