Once u get numb to "pleasures"

734793 41e6b7969507dfff84dd34ed67e2797c
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6873
You are the typical nihilistic 21th century guy. You are also smart which makes you overthink things easily. If you want to become "happy" (or at least feel an sense of belonging) you have to dive into philosophy. Its the archetypical issue, the Will of humans. You think that you will be happy ones you get the things you want but it never happens. That why Buddihsm was invented, it tries to free the human from wanting so that he can become finally free.

But i guess Buddhism isnt your choice of religion so i advice you to read several books. Start out with Nietzsches thus spoke Zarathustra. Atferwards, read Evolas "Ride of the Tiger" to understand his approach on the issue of Gods death. And then read Viktor Frankls "Mans search for meaning". You are a smart guy, i believe in you.
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You need to get some irl Friends Amnesia that Will help for sure
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  • JFL
Reactions: Enfant terrible, Chadrapist, softlysoftly and 3 others
Brutal blackpill
LTR > Tinderlslaying after some time

Also jfl for not wanting kids you are degenerate emnesier. Your decision but your life will be pointless and you will off yourself soon if you dont get a family
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No matter what you get, you always want more. But if you get it all you know you have it all and the bad feelings will be less bad.
If you live how you think or others think you're supposed to live it reduces your suffering.

You still suffer no matter who you are but sexually, socially and/or financially successful people definitely suffer less.
The only reason you wouldn't suffer less if successful is hormonal/chemical imbalances.
  • +1
Reactions: Amnesia
You need to get some irl Friends Amnesia that Will help for sure
Yeah so like the other day Britney invited me over blah blah blah repeat x 365

Who has times for NT friendship in the decline of this country?
I will neve recover from readint this brutal thread, srsly gonna rope if I dont have a family in my 30s
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when u get numb to "pleasures" it's time to start doing real drugs
  • JFL
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LTR > Tinderlslaying after some time

Also jfl for not wanting kids you are degenerate emnesier. Your decision but your life will be pointless and you will off yourself soon if you dont get a family
Why would you want kids just to see them suffer, all his genes will be passed on but most definitely not his fillers, he is beyond fucked from how he knows the blackpill in every small social interaction.

I could only imagine how Amnesia would react to his wife treating the less attractive son subtly worse than the attractive one, it would be enough for me to file for a divorce.

Also who the fuck wants half their assets taken JFL get one of those surrogate mothers or move to another country.
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: NorwoodStyle, Chadrapist, Amnesia and 2 others
"Look at @Amnesia...

His goals are superficial aka women, most men set women as their goal which should never be the case, your goal should be something else and accept that women is just part of the out come or a bonus. He has a bad mentality because he only attracts superficial women and this is what happens with looks, cast a certain bait and you will catch a certain fish. Superficial people are attracted to superficial things and you will never find inner happiness or be satisfied with superficial women. Never.

I was in the same boat and to a certain extant still am but I've realised this, I was coping with "muh I'm looksmaxxing for myself and just have bdd" but in reality my goal was women, kinda like when women say "I wear make up for myself, not to for men". I need to detach myself from this cope." - Effortless
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Why would you want kids just to see them suffer, all his genes will be passed on but most definitely not his fillers, he is beyond fucked from how he knows the blackpill in every small social interaction.

I could only imagine how Amnesia would react to his wife treating the less attractive son subtly worse than the attractive one, it would be enough for me to file for a divorce.

Also who the fuck wants half their assets taken JFL get one of those surrogate mothers or move to another country.
They wont Im not a truecel, also since im blackpilled I know exactly how to raise them.

Treating the uglier one worse just kys, wrong wife then for sure

Humans want to share, no point in having it all alone
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it's really over.

In the last few days I banged teo girls from Tinder, it was just going thru motions. I was numb the whole time and bored even during sex. It was just another date, same old stories about my life, pre packaged funny charming stories, escalate to bed etc. Same type of foreplay, same dirty talk, all packaged not organic, just robotic. No pleasure at all, just thinking to myself that this is the pinnacle of being GL, total easy of access to pussy, yet I was getting nothing out of it.

I decide to get my high another way that I have always been able to, junk food. I swing by the store on the way home from Tinder slut 2 and pick up my fav ice cream, chips, candy, pizza, and head home with a salivating mouth. As I dig into some ice cream, again, I feel pretty numb. Where is that sugar high I usually feel, I thought. Not there. I fire up my favorite video game and quit halfway thru the first game thinking this is a boring game I have been playing for the last 20 years.

The only GF I came close to loving I completely cut ALL ties absolutely just last week. She wanted kids and I didn't, we couldn't move past this difference and I couldnt hold it against her that she wanted to. After all she's in her late 20's and the clock is ticking. I wished her the best and told her she will have beautiful kids, just not with me. I cannot bring a child into this world given the hell i went thru as a kid with a better looking brother. How could I ever morally bring a child into the world knowing all the blackpilled stuff I think of daily?

I have been unable to obtain any pleasure or high from the typical ways I have been able to and now with the only decent girl I have known out of my life depression is crawling back. There really is no point to it all, even Jesus checked out at 33, just a year older than I am now, and I can see why he did.

I yearn for my childhood, platonic friendships with my male friends in middle school. Money and the huge stresses of life taken care of by suburban well off parents. No one caring about being cool or sex or girls or what's cool. The only thing we had to worry about was whos house we were sleeping over at this coming weekend and which new video game we were going to play first. Everything decays, people grow up, responsibilities take over, and friendships fade.

The blackpill is real, and I have witnessed it's effects first hand more than most will. People, not just women, will let you down and fuck you over even if they don't mean to. You can't ever rely on another person and even your parents don't love you unconditionally. Never forget that every human relationship is transactional, someone likes you or likes your company because you provide SOME sort of value to theirs as well. The moment you stop bringing this value to the table it's OVER, you can be cut off so fucking fast your head will spin.

There is no happy ending message to this thread, I can understand why people get married and/or have kids cause I have never felt so lonely in my life. A lot of that is my own doing, despite guys and girls wanting to be my friend or build a relationship with me I always push them away because of my insatiable need to be alone and recharge after socializing. Not to mention my dramatic ups and downs I go through from time to time with my own self image. I can become paralyzed from all social desires from one back look in the mirror. My mental sanity hinges on how my brain decides to perceive my face in the bathroom mirror or my reflection I might accidentally see in a puddle or department store wall mirror.

Getting married and having kids seems so bluepilled but it really does leave the question as to, how do you spend the latter decades of your life? Wtf is there to do from the age of like 35 onward? Short term relationship hopping? That's fucking retarded.A committed relationship with a woman, but no kids? Hookers? Suicide? Charity? Who knows, but what I do know is that if you don't actively make an effort to change your life direction you will easily find yourself 6 or 10 years down the road sill thinking "next year is the year I will change it all around." But that change never will come
This man has suffered for your inquiries
just start drugmaxxing already
Should’ve participated in NNN
take vitamin s
  • JFL
Reactions: The Bleach Pill
dont listen to all the breeder retards
having kids is one of the most immoral things a human can do
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  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: watah, Deleted member 6310, JMax and 6 others
dont listen to all the breeder retards
having kids is one of the most immoral things a human can do

Having kids can give you a sense of purpose in life.

This is what @Amnesia is going through, having no sense of purpose. You do not understand until you are in his shoes because grass is always greener on the other side.
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Have you tried banging 15yr olds, it gets my cock harder ngl and the risk makes it hotter tbh tbh
  • JFL
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Cincinatti Seasection
A sexual act when the guy is giving it, but not getting enough pleasureso he cuts open her abdomen with a small knife and whacks off inside.
guy 1: that sick perv gave allice a cincinatti seasection
guy 2: ewwwww! thats gross!

by chill_bro_27 February 21, 2009
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 3073
"Look at @Amnesia...

His goals are superficial aka women, most men set women as their goal which should never be the case, your goal should be something else and accept that women is just part of the out come or a bonus. He has a bad mentality because he only attracts superficial women and this is what happens with looks, cast a certain bait and you will catch a certain fish. Superficial people are attracted to superficial things and you will never find inner happiness or be satisfied with superficial women. Never.

I was in the same boat and to a certain extant still am but I've realised this, I was coping with "muh I'm looksmaxxing for myself and just have bdd" but in reality my goal was women, kinda like when women say "I wear make up for myself, not to for men". I need to detach myself from this cope." - Effortless
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idk, call me bluepilled idc, but for me having an offspring and trying to raise him/her best I possibly could is my main goal and as I'm getting older, this urge is getting stronger
This. I do not believe that someone like ME can ever have a long lasting marriage like many people jfl but I see myself having kids.

@Amnesia why is the fact that you're so blackpilled an impediment to having a child and not actually a life fuel? Cuz you'd know exactly how to max him to the max potential, and that would already he enough for a decent life.
  • +1
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idk, call me bluepilled idc, but for me having an offspring and trying to raise him/her best I possibly could is my main goal and as I'm getting older, this urge is getting stronger
This. I do not believe that someone like ME can ever have a long lasting marriage like many people jfl but I see myself having kids.

@Amnesia why is the fact that you're so blackpilled an impediment to having a child and not actually a life fuel? Cuz you'd know exactly how to max him to the max potential, and that would already he enough for a decent life.
Thanks for sharing, bro.

Now just an idea; dopamine fast. Eventually you will start to feel more of the childlike feelings rather than being numb to the pleasures.

Have you tried meditation? If not then you're missing out ALOT.
didn't read it all but i know it is indeed the truth over
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That is the effect of life in the developed world, mostly the west. Most people do not realize how easy we have everything in life. We could have ended up on some gore video in South America or blown up by ISIS in Arabia. The west has made everything easy, whereas before, Men had a purpose in life. If you did not become the best man you could be during those harsh times, you died.

Women had no choice but to find these men, and to top it all off, it was a kill or be killed world. Meaning your town was pillaged, you were killed, your women raped, and children sold to slavery. It was a time where men built empires and legacies that we still read about today, even though they happened thousands of years before our existence in this universe. Being so privileged and living in this comfortable promiscuous society has led us to live for nothing. Ask yourself, what truly is your existence? Why are you in this world? To browse this forum all day? Play video games all day? Work a meaningless life? Chase pussy? Bitch about how life gave you bad genes?

It is important to realize we have all been programmed since our childhood, how we view life, our morals etc. Each one of us has a story, no matter how extraordinary or ordinary it may seem. We must take a step back and analyze what we would want to do with our lives, what path we would like to take. We only have one lifetime to achieve this all. That is why things such as video games are so addictive to young men, it gives us things to strive for, but it is all virtual and extremely unhealthy.

I get your point, @Amnesia, but how we view our own life and the goals we would like to achieve in this short span of life is something every man should think about every day. Better to live a life that has purpose and meaning than to die with regret.

Sorry for my rambling; it is 3 am. Feel free to PM me if you would like to talk more OP. Not worth killing yourself over this shit world.

P.S only edgy children would think topics like this are "pussy". We're men, keep eating your Doritos kid,

Is this just Amnesia's Alt and he's Tyler Durdenmaxxing?
i am cucked but not cucked enough to feel bad for chad
pay for my LL and then ill feel bad boyo
  • JFL
Reactions: tyronelite
You are the typical nihilistic 21th century guy. You are also smart which makes you overthink things easily. If you want to become "happy" (or at least feel an sense of belonging) you have to dive into philosophy. Its the archetypical issue, the Will of humans. You think that you will be happy ones you get the things you want but it never happens. That why Buddihsm was invented, it tries to free the human from wanting so that he can become finally free.

But i guess Buddhism isnt your choice of religion so i advice you to read several books. Start out with Nietzsches thus spoke Zarathustra. Atferwards, read Evolas "Ride of the Tiger" to understand his approach on the issue of Gods death. And then read Viktor Frankls "Mans search for meaning". You are a smart guy, i believe in you.
Beyond epistemology and metaphysics, philosophy is just guys expressing their opinions in grandios ways
I think maybe because you did not experience a lot of sex when you were younger has caused your problems

This led to finding the blackpill, and now you are unable to accept reality and move past it

Not having important milestones leads to this sort of thinking, and you are chasing something you will never have
teen love pill strikes again.
Cincinatti Seasection
A sexual act when the guy is giving it, but not getting enough pleasureso he cuts open her abdomen with a small knife and whacks off inside.
guy 1: that sick perv gave allice a cincinatti seasection
guy 2: ewwwww! thats gross!

by chill_bro_27 February 21, 2009
@cocainecowboy jfl at this .
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 2486
Having kids can give you a sense of purpose in life.

This is what @Amnesia is going through, having no sense of purpose. You do not understand until you are in his shoes because grass is always greener on the other side.
just bring kids into this horrible world against their will to cope with being an old fart theory
  • JFL
Reactions: Effortless
It's time to check out
Let's not forget the guy in these pics roped despite being one of the biggest Chads in the UK at one point. After a while, everything becomes meaningless. Just like how we don't recognise our own first world privileges every time we wake in the morning.


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  • +1
Reactions: JMax, gaymidget, Effortless and 1 other person
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 4430
Yeah same here

U will spent rest of the time by gymcelling, playing video games, looksmaxing and short terms hookups probably

Maybe u will find another sense of life, good luck ( some found budhism, enviromentalistic stuff, yoga etc..)

How your average normies spend life? Most of them spend it wagecucking for sub 3 rostie paying aliments , being obese and bald, with a mortgage and live for friday soccer and highpoint of the day is a beer in front of the tv

Option A is better for me
  • +1
Reactions: gaymidget, Amnesia, Deleted member 7776 and 2 others
"What I do know is that if you don't actively make an effort to change your life's direction you will easily find yourself 6 or 10 years down the road still thinking "next year is the year I will change it all around." But that change never will come." - Amnesia
So @Amnesia messes up the dating market by pumping and dumping random ass foids from tinder and is getting rich from daytrading, but is now depressed/suicidal. How many foids has he turned into "chad onry" bitches? A couple hundred? He turns the women bad, every woman he dumped is gonna be a entitled dead brain and a pain in the ass for everyone else to handle.
Making tons of money from daytrading? Who is that going to help?
Everything amnesia is doing is detrimental for everyone else, he is a parasite. Now if he offs himself in a year or two, that is great news.
  • +1
Reactions: Timelessbrah
tales from the basement
platonic friendships with my male friends in middle school
What do you mean platonic friendships?
You wanted friends with benefis?
chad has his dopamine recptors fucked nothing new go meditate or some shit bro
  • +1
Reactions: Amnesia and GreenHat500
Don’t sweat it bro you’re one trip to taban away from real happiness!
  • JFL
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Reactions: gaymidget, Deleted member 5048 and Amnesia
You might need some therapy bro.
My only goal at life is becoming a musician, women and family is a huge cope, you cant stick to such a thing, you cant be dependent on other people to be happy
Sounds like you have to start injecting T.
If you keep your hedonistic ways you are going to end being fucked in the ass by trannies.
it's really over.

In the last few days I banged teo girls from Tinder, it was just going thru motions. I was numb the whole time and bored even during sex. It was just another date, same old stories about my life, pre packaged funny charming stories, escalate to bed etc. Same type of foreplay, same dirty talk, all packaged not organic, just robotic. No pleasure at all, just thinking to myself that this is the pinnacle of being GL, total easy of access to pussy, yet I was getting nothing out of it.

I decide to get my high another way that I have always been able to, junk food. I swing by the store on the way home from Tinder slut 2 and pick up my fav ice cream, chips, candy, pizza, and head home with a salivating mouth. As I dig into some ice cream, again, I feel pretty numb. Where is that sugar high I usually feel, I thought. Not there. I fire up my favorite video game and quit halfway thru the first game thinking this is a boring game I have been playing for the last 20 years.
Soinds like some brag disguised as anhedonia. Yes, you get more numb if you get things more often if you get better looking. I myself found that certain things that meant everything to me now are more... meh. Yes it happens but improving looks is still worth it 1000000000%. It's better to be more numb to things you get, taht not getting them at all. And its better to beel somewhat bored, that be bored and treated worse by the world on top of that because of your looks level. Like some say, better cry in a ferrary than in some cheap junk.

The only GF I came close to loving I completely cut ALL ties absolutely just last week. She wanted kids and I didn't, we couldn't move past this difference and I couldnt hold it against her that she wanted to. After all she's in her late 20's and the clock is ticking. I wished her the best and told her she will have beautiful kids, just not with me. I cannot bring a child into this world given the hell i went thru as a kid with a better looking brother. How could I ever morally bring a child into the world knowing all the blackpilled stuff I think of daily?
My reasons to not have kids are more selfish and autistic tbh.

I have been unable to obtain any pleasure or high from the typical ways I have been able to and now with the only decent girl I have known out of my life depression is crawling back. There really is no point to it all, even Jesus checked out at 33, just a year older than I am now, and I can see why he did.
Didn't jesus get executed lmao

I yearn for my childhood, platonic friendships with my male friends in middle school. Money and the huge stresses of life taken care of by suburban well off parents. No one caring about being cool or sex or girls or what's cool. The only thing we had to worry about was whos house we were sleeping over at this coming weekend and which new video game we were going to play first. Everything decays, people grow up, responsibilities take over, and friendships fade.

The blackpill is real, and I have witnessed it's effects first hand more than most will. People, not just women, will let you down and fuck you over even if they don't mean to. You can't ever rely on another person and even your parents don't love you unconditionally. Never forget that every human relationship is transactional, someone likes you or likes your company because you provide SOME sort of value to theirs as well. The moment you stop bringing this value to the table it's OVER, you can be cut off so fucking fast your head will spin.
This was common knowledge before even knowing about blackpill

There is no happy ending message to this thread, I can understand why people get married and/or have kids cause I have never felt so lonely in my life. A lot of that is my own doing, despite guys and girls wanting to be my friend or build a relationship with me I always push them away because of my insatiable need to be alone and recharge after socializing. Not to mention my dramatic ups and downs I go through from time to time with my own self image. I can become paralyzed from all social desires from one back look in the mirror. My mental sanity hinges on how my brain decides to perceive my face in the bathroom mirror or my reflection I might accidentally see in a puddle or department store wall mirror.

Getting married and having kids seems so bluepilled but it really does leave the question as to, how do you spend the latter decades of your life? Wtf is there to do from the age of like 35 onward? Short term relationship hopping? That's fucking retarded.A committed relationship with a woman, but no kids? Hookers? Suicide? Charity? Who knows, but what I do know is that if you don't actively make an effort to change your life direction you will easily find yourself 6 or 10 years down the road sill thinking "next year is the year I will change it all around." But that change never will come

Don't live your life thinking about old age. Imagine wasting your life planning for old age and you die before reaching it, ultimate fail. Having kids in my experience (I mean seen in others irl) is the single most happiness nuking even in life. having kids will not only not fill a void, but turn your life into slavery. Everone I know who had kids instantly became some stressed out husk shadow of their former selves. Guys much younger than me look like my seniors after being parents, that shit also ages you hard. The most happy older people I know are ironically the ones that didn't go the family-kids life route.While everyone can feel lonely every now and then, it's still better than the abrupd-end-of-life that settling down does. I'm the same age as you so you can tell i'm not bullshitting on this one. Having kids (and in general starting the formal family lifestyle) is one of the most life ruining and freedom destroying things. I prefer to die alone and having lived like I wanted, that live all life chained just in hopes to have a better or less lonely death. Geez it even sounds retarded, to spend your life preparing for death, fuck that.
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another amnesia essay i didnt read
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