Once u get numb to "pleasures"

Let's not forget the guy in these pics roped despite being one of the biggest Chads in the UK at one point. After a while, everything becomes meaningless. Just like how we don't recognise our own first world privileges every time we wake in the morning.
"biggest chads"

he is a bug eyed ethnic

without Allah life is meaningless
Soinds like some brag disguised as anhedonia. Yes, you get more numb if you get things more often if you get better looking. I myself found that certain things that meant everything to me now are more... meh. Yes it happens but improving looks is still worth it 1000000000%. It's better to be more numb to things you get, taht not getting them at all. And its better to beel somewhat bored, that be bored and treated worse by the world on top of that because of your looks level. Like some say, better cry in a ferrary than in some cheap junk.

My reasons to not have kids are more selfish and autistic tbh.

Didn't jesus get executed lmao

This was common knowledge before even knowing about blackpill

Don't live your life thinking about old age. Imagine wasting your life planning for old age and you die before reaching it, ultimate fail. Having kids in my experience (I mean seen in others irl) is the single most happiness nuking even in life. having kids will not only not fill a void, but turn your life into slavery. Everone I know who had kids instantly became some stressed out husk shadow of their former selves. Guys much younger than me look like my seniors after being parents, that shit also ages you hard. The most happy older people I know are ironically the ones that didn't go the family-kids life route.While everyone can feel lonely every now and then, it's still better than the abrupd-end-of-life that settling down does. I'm the same age as you so you can tell i'm not bullshitting on this one. Having kids (and in general starting the formal family lifestyle) is one of the most life ruining and freedom destroying things. I prefer to die alone and having lived like I wanted, that live all life chained just in hopes to have a better or less lonely death. Geez it even sounds retarded, to spend your life preparing for death, fuck that.
dn rd

but i also wouldnt have kids if my frame looked like this

Chad Problems, can't relate
you need unpredictability in life bro
Have a couple kids tbh

high t if all from different baby mommas
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I cannot bring a child into this world given the hell i went thru as a kid with a better looking brother. How could I ever morally bring a child into the world knowing all the blackpilled stuff I think of daily?
Even before your surgeries you were not bad looking and knowing what you know about looksmaxxing, if you had a son he would be in a much better position than the clueless normies out there.
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"biggest chads"

he is a bug eyed ethnic

without Allah life is meaningless

You're retarded. Look up Mike Thalassitis. He had the entire UK on strings.
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ever forget that every human relationship is transactional, someone likes you or likes your company because you provide SOME sort of value to theirs as well. The moment you stop bringing this value to the table it's OVER, you can be cut off so fucking fast your head will spin
totally agree, changes from your autistic threads. life is so brutal, that's why it's only a mean, not the goal of our existence
You're like talking about Mcdonald and PizzaHut to starving Somali kids. Faggot! I wish you were a 25 yo KHHTLPTV like me to know the unbearable pain I go through every day
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Why are you in this world?
If you don't do a methological doubt asking science, atheism, faith, theism, truth, reason, heart, factuality, and yourself, you are another ignorant that is happy to be ignorant, and never should you be depressed by the consequences of your acts.
I'm not refering to you particularly obviously.
But, the main issue in this world, is the ignorance, the ignorance.
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You're like talking about Mcdonald and PizzaHut to starving Somali kids. Faggot! I wish you were a 25 yo KHHTLPTV like me to know the unbearable pain I go through every day
is it really envy-able, or desirable to live the muh slayer life that he lives in ?
Let alone his own situation, in which he is an oldcel without any sense of life, keeping on with junk food, vidya, and used up meat to play with, would you, you be sincerely happy to be a slayer?
There is no point in slaying, for yourself first you'll never find conentement in it, it's just illusion of the passions, and will feel empty eventually, and regarding the others, it's always mentally ill girls - as much as the guys who fuck them -, that are into these apps, nothing valuable can come from it.
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doesn't deserve her even a bit, and it will also be a nightmare for the virgin woman.
you're right such pleasures are only for kind men like me and you
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is it really envy-able, or desirable to live the muh slayer life that he lives in ?
Let alone his own situation, in which he is an oldcel without any sense of life, keeping on with junk food, vidya, and used up meat to play with, would you, you be sincerely happy to be a slayer?
There is no point in slaying, for yourself first you'll never find conentement in it, it's just illusion of the passions, and will feel empty eventually, and regarding the others, it's always mentally ill girls - as much as the guys who fuck them -, that are into these apps, nothing valuable can come from it.

So what should we do in ur opinion?
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is it really envy-able, or desirable to live the muh slayer life that he lives in ?
Let alone his own situation, in which he is an oldcel without any sense of life, keeping on with junk food, vidya, and used up meat to play with, would you, you be sincerely happy to be a slayer?
There is no point in slaying, for yourself first you'll never find conentement in it, it's just illusion of the passions, and will feel empty eventually, and regarding the others, it's always mentally ill girls - as much as the guys who fuck them -, that are into these apps, nothing valuable can come from it.
I don't want to be a slayer. I just want to be gl enough to find a girl that won't cheat on me and will love me not for what I have but for what I am. Every pleasure has its limits. You cannot enjoy the same thing for ever, it's human nature to want new things. BUT being a KHHTV in your mid twenties is 100 worse than his case. Only a truecel will understand me.
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I don't want to be a slayer. I just want to be gl enough to find a girl that won't cheat on me and will love me not for what I have but for what I am. Every pleasure has its limits. You cannot enjoy the same thing for ever, it's human nature to want new things. BUT being a KHHTV in your mid twenties is 100 worse than his case. Only a truecel will understand me.
Well, i'm not per say a truecel but i can understand you.
A girl that will love you for who you are, won't look for a lookstrehold in that regard to do it. Sure we'r also animals and need to find the individual a bit non repulsive, but a girl that is aiming for the looks mostly or only, won't give you what you'r aiming for.
Ascend, sure, i won't deny that we have to content our animal instincts, but, the issue is how and where you look for it : Virgins girls exist, and you should look for where to find them.
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Well, i'm not per say a truecel but i can understand you.
A girl that will love you for who you are, won't look for a lookstrehold in that regard to do it. Sure we'r also animals and need to find the individual a bit non repulsive, but a girl that is aiming for the looks mostly or only, won't give you what you'r aiming for.
Ascend, sure, i won't deny that we have to content our animal instincts, but, the issue is how and where you look for it : Virgins girls exist, and you should look for where to find them.
Thanks for these kind words Mr. Stoicpiller I really appreciate them
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Ideally, in an ideal world, getting married in an early age - both same age, like let's say below or low end of 20s - to never experience emptiness and sadness of beeing alone. And, if both are virgins, and faithful - as in prevailing faith over nature so won't cheat on, divorce "rape", or anything of that matter - is what really changes a man.
In our world ?
Depends on what you aim for : If you want happiness you should aim for rather non dating apps girls, that are very similar to you sensitivity wise, beeing virgin is a plus biologically wise - less prone to think of her others bfs, or to not be able to pair bound.
Unironically, ascending is good for halo effect, and to aim for such girl given you'r gl enough and decent in the others aspects of life, not for slaying that will only make you more sad.
I hope it does make sense.

You add having a pasión to that and Is ideal life, unfortunately Virgin girls are less and less common every year, even the religious ones are spoiled
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You add having a pasión to that and Is ideal life, unfortunately Virgin girls are less and less common every year, even the religious ones are spoiled
Yes they are too. Logically wise, it's better to aim for outside the west were the influence of modernism is less important in that regard.
But, we should also learn to see the good in the other one, as in if she is really a good beeing, she can repent, and be a better partner than any other. At the end of the day, this life is temporal, and is a hardship that is used to test us. We have to accept it.
Yes they are too. Logically wise, it's better to aim for outside the west were the influence of modernism is less important in that regard.
But, we should also learn to see the good in the other one, as in if she is really a good beeing, she can repent, and be a better partner than any other. At the end of the day, this life is temporal, and is a hardship that is used to test us. We have to accept it.

I think thats why orb left the west tbh, even being white and gl he knew girls here are fucked in the head
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I think thats why orb left the west tbh, even being white and gl he knew girls here are fucked in the head
People act like modernity, illusion of total free will, is the best thing that never happened.
We are the richest, yet the most depressed.
We walk into a earth without purpose, meaning, empty inside and outside, and try to find temporal cope that are looks, sex, money, power, popularity, none never lasted nor will.
I mean, it's really brutal how most people don't even see this as obvious it is.
The rural dude - lets say of the 18th century - , faithful, that lived in autarky, with his virgin wife, and close to the nature, has nothing to envy from us, ever, in fact we have to envy him. He is happy, we aren't.
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People act like modernity, illusion of total free will, is the best thing that never happened.
We are the richest, yet the most depressed.
We walk into a earth without purpose, meaning, empty inside and outside, and try to find temporal cope that are looks, sex, money, power, popularity, none never lasted nor will.
I mean, it's really brutal how most people don't even see this as obvious it is.
The rural dude - lets say of the 18th century - , faithful, that lived in autarky, with his virgin wife, and close to the nature, has nothing to envy from us, ever, in fact we have to envy him. He is happy, we aren't.

I do agree with traditionalism, the degeneracy has created a society of self obsessed people, the thing is that if u dont play the looks and status carrer u are going to get left behind, no wife, no money to cover ur necessities, loneliness is brutal. I dont want to play this game but i have to.
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lol at having muh existential crisis at fucking 32 lmao
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  • Hmm...
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I do agree with traditionalism, the degeneracy has created a society of self obsessed people, the thing is that if u dont play the looks and status carrer u are going to get left behind, no wife, no money to cover ur necessities, loneliness is brutal. I dont want to play this game but i have to.
this is true... At least for the beginning in where you need to have the money, the look, and the family.
Then you can ideally move on to try to have passive income and live closer to the nature, in autarky.
Play the game to have enough ressources, then play another game, more worthful.
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this is true... At least for the beginning in where you need to have the money, the look, and the family.
Then you can ideally move on to try to have passive income and live closer to the nature, in autarky.
Play the game to have enough ressources, then play another game, more worthful.

Cant ignore my natural instincts, it is what it is
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Cant ignore my natural instincts, it is what it is
i can't blame anybody that can't control his passions, we'r all humans, and weak and so am i.
Eventually it's all about finding contentement.
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it's really over.

In the last few days I banged teo girls from Tinder, it was just going thru motions. I was numb the whole time and bored even during sex. It was just another date, same old stories about my life, pre packaged funny charming stories, escalate to bed etc. Same type of foreplay, same dirty talk, all packaged not organic, just robotic. No pleasure at all, just thinking to myself that this is the pinnacle of being GL, total easy of access to pussy, yet I was getting nothing out of it.

I decide to get my high another way that I have always been able to, junk food. I swing by the store on the way home from Tinder slut 2 and pick up my fav ice cream, chips, candy, pizza, and head home with a salivating mouth. As I dig into some ice cream, again, I feel pretty numb. Where is that sugar high I usually feel, I thought. Not there. I fire up my favorite video game and quit halfway thru the first game thinking this is a boring game I have been playing for the last 20 years.

The only GF I came close to loving I completely cut ALL ties absolutely just last week. She wanted kids and I didn't, we couldn't move past this difference and I couldnt hold it against her that she wanted to. After all she's in her late 20's and the clock is ticking. I wished her the best and told her she will have beautiful kids, just not with me. I cannot bring a child into this world given the hell i went thru as a kid with a better looking brother. How could I ever morally bring a child into the world knowing all the blackpilled stuff I think of daily?

I have been unable to obtain any pleasure or high from the typical ways I have been able to and now with the only decent girl I have known out of my life depression is crawling back. There really is no point to it all, even Jesus checked out at 33, just a year older than I am now, and I can see why he did.

I yearn for my childhood, platonic friendships with my male friends in middle school. Money and the huge stresses of life taken care of by suburban well off parents. No one caring about being cool or sex or girls or what's cool. The only thing we had to worry about was whos house we were sleeping over at this coming weekend and which new video game we were going to play first. Everything decays, people grow up, responsibilities take over, and friendships fade.

The blackpill is real, and I have witnessed it's effects first hand more than most will. People, not just women, will let you down and fuck you over even if they don't mean to. You can't ever rely on another person and even your parents don't love you unconditionally. Never forget that every human relationship is transactional, someone likes you or likes your company because you provide SOME sort of value to theirs as well. The moment you stop bringing this value to the table it's OVER, you can be cut off so fucking fast your head will spin.

There is no happy ending message to this thread, I can understand why people get married and/or have kids cause I have never felt so lonely in my life. A lot of that is my own doing, despite guys and girls wanting to be my friend or build a relationship with me I always push them away because of my insatiable need to be alone and recharge after socializing. Not to mention my dramatic ups and downs I go through from time to time with my own self image. I can become paralyzed from all social desires from one back look in the mirror. My mental sanity hinges on how my brain decides to perceive my face in the bathroom mirror or my reflection I might accidentally see in a puddle or department store wall mirror.

Getting married and having kids seems so bluepilled but it really does leave the question as to, how do you spend the latter decades of your life? Wtf is there to do from the age of like 35 onward? Short term relationship hopping? That's fucking retarded.A committed relationship with a woman, but no kids? Hookers? Suicide? Charity? Who knows, but what I do know is that if you don't actively make an effort to change your life direction you will easily find yourself 6 or 10 years down the road sill thinking "next year is the year I will change it all around." But that change never will come
What a shitpost why nobody posted „op is a faggot”?
it's really over.

In the last few days I banged teo girls from Tinder, it was just going thru motions. I was numb the whole time and bored even during sex. It was just another date, same old stories about my life, pre packaged funny charming stories, escalate to bed etc. Same type of foreplay, same dirty talk, all packaged not organic, just robotic. No pleasure at all, just thinking to myself that this is the pinnacle of being GL, total easy of access to pussy, yet I was getting nothing out of it.

I decide to get my high another way that I have always been able to, junk food. I swing by the store on the way home from Tinder slut 2 and pick up my fav ice cream, chips, candy, pizza, and head home with a salivating mouth. As I dig into some ice cream, again, I feel pretty numb. Where is that sugar high I usually feel, I thought. Not there. I fire up my favorite video game and quit halfway thru the first game thinking this is a boring game I have been playing for the last 20 years.

The only GF I came close to loving I completely cut ALL ties absolutely just last week. She wanted kids and I didn't, we couldn't move past this difference and I couldnt hold it against her that she wanted to. After all she's in her late 20's and the clock is ticking. I wished her the best and told her she will have beautiful kids, just not with me. I cannot bring a child into this world given the hell i went thru as a kid with a better looking brother. How could I ever morally bring a child into the world knowing all the blackpilled stuff I think of daily?

I have been unable to obtain any pleasure or high from the typical ways I have been able to and now with the only decent girl I have known out of my life depression is crawling back. There really is no point to it all, even Jesus checked out at 33, just a year older than I am now, and I can see why he did.

I yearn for my childhood, platonic friendships with my male friends in middle school. Money and the huge stresses of life taken care of by suburban well off parents. No one caring about being cool or sex or girls or what's cool. The only thing we had to worry about was whos house we were sleeping over at this coming weekend and which new video game we were going to play first. Everything decays, people grow up, responsibilities take over, and friendships fade.

The blackpill is real, and I have witnessed it's effects first hand more than most will. People, not just women, will let you down and fuck you over even if they don't mean to. You can't ever rely on another person and even your parents don't love you unconditionally. Never forget that every human relationship is transactional, someone likes you or likes your company because you provide SOME sort of value to theirs as well. The moment you stop bringing this value to the table it's OVER, you can be cut off so fucking fast your head will spin.

There is no happy ending message to this thread, I can understand why people get married and/or have kids cause I have never felt so lonely in my life. A lot of that is my own doing, despite guys and girls wanting to be my friend or build a relationship with me I always push them away because of my insatiable need to be alone and recharge after socializing. Not to mention my dramatic ups and downs I go through from time to time with my own self image. I can become paralyzed from all social desires from one back look in the mirror. My mental sanity hinges on how my brain decides to perceive my face in the bathroom mirror or my reflection I might accidentally see in a puddle or department store wall mirror.

Getting married and having kids seems so bluepilled but it really does leave the question as to, how do you spend the latter decades of your life? Wtf is there to do from the age of like 35 onward? Short term relationship hopping? That's fucking retarded.A committed relationship with a woman, but no kids? Hookers? Suicide? Charity? Who knows, but what I do know is that if you don't actively make an effort to change your life direction you will easily find yourself 6 or 10 years down the road sill thinking "next year is the year I will change it all around." But that change never will come
I’m no where near as GL as you, but I can relate 100% to what you said. I get absolutely no pleasure from sex yet I still feel like shit when I don’t get it. Can also relate to the mental sanity of looking at myself in the mirror. Some days I feel confident, and then other days I just want to actually die. I would love to just stop obsessing over my looks but I fucking can’t.
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I’m no where near as GL as you, but I can relate 100% to what you said. I get absolutely no pleasure from sex yet I still feel like shit when I don’t get it. Can also relate to the mental sanity of looking at myself in the mirror. Some days I feel confident, and then other days I just want to actually die. I would love to just stop obsessing over my looks but I fucking can’t.
dunno if u saw this thread, but u might also like reading thru it.

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Reactions: underwaterpipedreams
another amazing thread, hope life gets better for you

Amensia, Belief, knowledge and mindset create a worldview. The worldview in which you envelop your life with causes you to be unhappy. You deny yourself that which is natural and thus you deny your humanity. A human without humanity is like a dog without a bone, destined to feel a longing for something that is missing. You have created a worldview where you can not have happiness. You have done this by polluting your mind with half truths such as the blackpill and antinatalism.
Society is indeed sick and the symptom of its sickness can be seen far and wide, and make no mistake you are affected deeply by this disease. My advice to you.
Leave the bay area. Go spend some time in nature or in someplace very rural. You need a change of location to help you change your mindset. I would advise traveling to a place where humans still live natural lives, like the Mongolian Steppe and living there for a year.
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i already feel this way at 20 its over for me
absolutely nothing is fun anymore
0 copes left
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You're retarded. Look up Mike Thalassitis. He had the entire UK on strings.
ha ha he is a high tier normie statusmaxxed

jfl @ that fake tan

i never heard of him till he died i heard of tommy fury tho even tho i didnt watch that shitty degen lover island he is a legit chad
My goal is to to look good to get GL privilege kek. I’ve gained some bonus cash while working with my father years ago and he’d ponder while mildly shocked on how I got someone to just give me a very well paid tip. It’s because it’s all about the looks. Congratulations fellow blackpillers you have hacked the social aspect of human nature, we are cancerous beings with more than half the population living lies, how much have we been lied to in history and what else are they hiding from us?
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My goal is to to look good to get GL privilege kek. I’ve gained some bonus cash while working with my father years ago and he’d ponder while mildly shocked on how I got someone to just give me a very well paid tip. It’s because it’s all about the looks. Congratulations fellow blackpillers you have hacked the social aspect of human nature, we are cancerous beings with more than half the population living lies, how much have we been lied to in history and what else are they hiding from us?

Strong post, bolded is one of the main reasons I can't have kids. I am such a shitty person in so many ways experiencing so much pain and suffering knowing everything I do. This world is shitty af with so much cruelty and horrors experienced on a daily basis by so many. People at the top are evil sociopaths and you are born to work most your life for what?

I have never seen any real convincing arguments from pro natalists that don't boil down to selfish reasons to the parents. Muh passing genes on, muh giving YOU purpose in life, well what about that poor human you just brought into this world to experience all the blackpill truths that you are aware of

I will never subject someone to that, I will never have kids.
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May I ask; what do you believe happens after death?
well what about that poor human you just brought into this world to experience all the blackpill truths that you are aware of
Are you talking about blackpills regarding looks only or also blackpills about other things, like who controls the world and such?
Iam happy doing the things i love tbh.
Get a fucking hobby.
Iam happy doing the things i love tbh.
Get a fucking hobby.
get a hobby theory
everything is bleak and boring when you view the world in the way we do
just be confident bro equivalent
  • +1
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May I ask; what do you believe happens after death?

We are judged by God and sent to heaven or hell for eternity depending if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior

I am saying this seriously
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We are judged by God and sent to heaven or hell for eternity depending if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior

I am saying this seriously

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@kjsbdfiusdf @HeavenAdmιn @streege, wish you luck in life broskis
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We are judged by God and sent to heaven or hell for eternity depending if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal savior

I am saying this seriously
why are you hanging around this place then?

also did you see my post where i said corona vaccine is mark of the beast?
even Jesus checked out at 33, just a year older than I am now, and I can see why he did.
did this nigga just compare himself to Jesus
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