Post Your looksmaxxing plan 22

google says it increase muscle power. is it like testosterone lite?
I found bromantane helped alot with my lifts. It raises dopamine and lowers prolactin. Might have an indirect effect on T
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I found bromantane helped alot with my lifts. It raises dopamine and lowers prolactin. Might have an indirect effect on T
any sides for u? also ppl say u need to take L-Tyrosine with it, whatever it is
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Not true. Show source plz
Sexual behaviour
Methanolic root extract of WS were orally administered at dose 3000 mg/kg/day of 7 days in rats. Their sexual behaviour was evaluated 7 days prior to treatment, day 3 and 7 of treatment, and day 7, 14 and 30 post-treatment by pairing each male with a receptive female. The WS root extract induced a marked impairment in libido, sexual performance, sexual vigour, and penile erectile dysfunction. These effects were partly reversible on cessation of treatment. This antimasculine effect was not due to changes in testosterone levels but attributed to hyperprolactinemic, GABAergic, serotonergic or sedative activities of the extract. WS roots may be detrimental to male sexual competence (52).

Right before the conclusion.

If you want to find anecdotes of the link between ED, anhedonia and ashwagandha then do a simple google search and you’ll find hundreds of anecdotes from people who experienced a loss of pleasure, ability to get aroused and erect after supplementing ashwagandha.

I never said it doesn’t help raise T levels, it does. But it has pretty bad side effects which aren’t discussed.

For context, WS = Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)
Sexual behaviour
Methanolic root extract of WS were orally administered at dose 3000 mg/kg/day of 7 days in rats. Their sexual behaviour was evaluated 7 days prior to treatment, day 3 and 7 of treatment, and day 7, 14 and 30 post-treatment by pairing each male with a receptive female. The WS root extract induced a marked impairment in libido, sexual performance, sexual vigour, and penile erectile dysfunction. These effects were partly reversible on cessation of treatment. This antimasculine effect was not due to changes in testosterone levels but attributed to hyperprolactinemic, GABAergic, serotonergic or sedative activities of the extract. WS roots may be detrimental to male sexual competence (52).

Right before the conclusion.

If you want to find anecdotes of the link between ED, anhedonia and ashwagandha then do a simple google search and you’ll find hundreds of anecdotes from people who experienced a loss of pleasure, ability to get aroused and erect after supplementing ashwagandha.

I never said it doesn’t help raise T levels, it does. But it has pretty bad side effects which aren’t discussed.

For context, WS = Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)
The main theory is that ashwagandha causes desensitisation of the 5HT1A autoreceptor in the same way SSRI’s do, and that’s why the PSSD like effects are alike.
Sexual behaviour
Methanolic root extract of WS were orally administered at dose 3000 mg/kg/day of 7 days in rats. Their sexual behaviour was evaluated 7 days prior to treatment, day 3 and 7 of treatment, and day 7, 14 and 30 post-treatment by pairing each male with a receptive female. The WS root extract induced a marked impairment in libido, sexual performance, sexual vigour, and penile erectile dysfunction. These effects were partly reversible on cessation of treatment. This antimasculine effect was not due to changes in testosterone levels but attributed to hyperprolactinemic, GABAergic, serotonergic or sedative activities of the extract. WS roots may be detrimental to male sexual competence (52).

Right before the conclusion.

If you want to find anecdotes of the link between ED, anhedonia and ashwagandha then do a simple google search and you’ll find hundreds of anecdotes from people who experienced a loss of pleasure, ability to get aroused and erect after supplementing ashwagandha.

I never said it doesn’t help raise T levels, it does. But it has pretty bad side effects which aren’t discussed.

For context, WS = Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)
I. Ilayperuma, W.D. Ratnasooriya, T.R. Weerasooriya. Effect of Withania somnifera root extract on the sexual behaviour of male rats. Asian J. Androl. 4(4): 295-298 (2002).

You’ll find more here.
Sexual behaviour
Methanolic root extract of WS were orally administered at dose 3000 mg/kg/day of 7 days in rats. Their sexual behaviour was evaluated 7 days prior to treatment, day 3 and 7 of treatment, and day 7, 14 and 30 post-treatment by pairing each male with a receptive female. The WS root extract induced a marked impairment in libido, sexual performance, sexual vigour, and penile erectile dysfunction. These effects were partly reversible on cessation of treatment. This antimasculine effect was not due to changes in testosterone levels but attributed to hyperprolactinemic, GABAergic, serotonergic or sedative activities of the extract. WS roots may be detrimental to male sexual competence (52).

Right before the conclusion.

If you want to find anecdotes of the link between ED, anhedonia and ashwagandha then do a simple google search and you’ll find hundreds of anecdotes from people who experienced a loss of pleasure, ability to get aroused and erect after supplementing ashwagandha.

I never said it doesn’t help raise T levels, it does. But it has pretty bad side effects which aren’t discussed.

For context, WS = Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)
Non scholarly sources:

Sexual behaviour
Methanolic root extract of WS were orally administered at dose 3000 mg/kg/day of 7 days in rats. Their sexual behaviour was evaluated 7 days prior to treatment, day 3 and 7 of treatment, and day 7, 14 and 30 post-treatment by pairing each male with a receptive female. The WS root extract induced a marked impairment in libido, sexual performance, sexual vigour, and penile erectile dysfunction. These effects were partly reversible on cessation of treatment. This antimasculine effect was not due to changes in testosterone levels but attributed to hyperprolactinemic, GABAergic, serotonergic or sedative activities of the extract. WS roots may be detrimental to male sexual competence (52).

Right before the conclusion.

If you want to find anecdotes of the link between ED, anhedonia and ashwagandha then do a simple google search and you’ll find hundreds of anecdotes from people who experienced a loss of pleasure, ability to get aroused and erect after supplementing ashwagandha.

I never said it doesn’t help raise T levels, it does. But it has pretty bad side effects which aren’t discussed.

For context, WS = Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)
Many people take ashwaghanda and report an increase in sex drive and libido (including myself). Also according to healthline ashwaghanda is safe to use, you should also cycle with it. That’s the best way to use it
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For this year 2022 I'm just going to be doing gym-maxxing, I'm trying to get decently muscular with a defined six-pack, I'm skinny-fat at the moment and any other looksmaxx is pointless if you're out of shape
Orb decomp.
A surgery to get rid of nct (canthoplasty?)
I already have a good size chin, but get something to increase it’s length because from my side it looks like my chins up swung, it should be even or slightly below mandible.
Weight loss+gymcelling.
Skincare, beta carotene, and that shit for red undertones+ retin a and moisturizer.

Won’t be able to get the surgery for a few years.
Isotretinoin and then after that Retin-A (Retin-A already arrived), gym, losing body fat. Hardmaxxes not needed
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  • Ugh..
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- Enhanced gymmaxxing (Aspiring bodybuilder).
- MT2.
- Teeth whitening.
- Skincare.
- Minoxidil for a thick AF beard.
- Brain maxxing and general self improvement.
fin, this time a lower dose, 1mg broke my dick a bit.
continued scar treatment
leaning more (currently 14/15%)

if i had more money and time:
upper eyelid surgery
hair transplant
tear trough implants
laser for dark circles

can't touch roids ever sadly as both an acnecel and norwoodcel. it just ain't worth it for me. I will have to settle for natty looking physique.
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i will have an Orbital box osteotomy with bilateral tripod osteotomies to double my facial height to width ratio and increase my palpebral fissure lenght and a 12 mm quandrangular modified Lefort 3 as described by Dr. Sinn with a 10 mm Lefort I with 5 degrees of countreclockwise rotation and a mandibular BSSO with 1 inch of advancement and chin wing osteotomy to create a hyper ant face which was discovered by Dr. Sailer who i can not afford to go to. Throw in an Almond eye surgery Dr. Taban style, meaning with lateral canthoplexy, lower lid retraction surgery and orbital decompression. Make me an aggressive wraparound jaw implant with exactly these specifications: 15 mm of lateral jaw angle augmentation with 6 mm horizontal augmentation to my ramus.
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Non scholarly sources:

You planning on running MT2 anytime?

I’m gonna
fin, this time a lower dose, 1mg broke my dick a bit.
continued scar treatment
leaning more (currently 14/15%)

if i had more money and time:
upper eyelid surgery
hair transplant
tear trough implants
laser for dark circles

can't touch roids ever sadly as both an acnecel and norwoodcel. it just ain't worth it for me. I will have to settle for natty looking physique.
Was the ED from fin permanent?
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Finasteride for hair
Gym for frame
Beta carotene for colouring
Ashwagandha for lower cortisol
Hard mewing sometimes
Mouth tape
Vitamin d
Eyelid pulling

Future hardmaxes:
Jaw implant (100% gonna get)
Bimax ( probably not too invasive for me as im already htn)
Leg lengthening femur - probably when im richer in mid 20s
Still messy top but trying medium sides. I use oil now which makes my hair sleeker and softer, before that medium sides didn’t suit me as hair is too thick.
What oil? I have the same issue where my sides grow out instead of down
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What oil? I have the same issue where my sides grow out instead of down
Argan oil, helps a lot with our hair type where it grows outwards.
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Argan oil, helps a lot with our hair type where it grows outwards.
This is gonna be fucking great for my hair up top too. Whenever its like 2-3 cm its impossible to style without gel cuz its so thick (even after using thinning scissors)
  • +1
Reactions: JamesHowlett
This is gonna be fucking great for my hair up top too. Whenever its like 2-3 cm its impossible to style without gel cuz its so thick (even after using thinning scissors)
Well there you go 😉
0) I dropped fin and topical minox as I dont need it
1) Bimax surgery in 5 months
2) after bimax is healed minox pills for better brows and lashes
3) after fully healed test cycle to become high t low inhib slayer and lose virginity
4) rhino end of this year or Early 2023

1- leanmaxxing, currently at 120 kg and my goal is to drop to 70-60 kg
2- scarmaxxing, injuring myself above the eyes to get scar halo
3- collagenmaxxing (dermarolling)
3- minox for brows
4- a10 contact lenses
5- curly hair perm
6- hair dye (light brown)
7- gymcelling for ottermode body

1- Jaw and cheekbone fillers
2- belpharoplasty
3- canthoplasty
4- philtrum reduction (lip lift)
5- LL
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  • JFL
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2) rhinoplasty after (maybe i do it before im not sure)
rhino before bimax is retarded, as bimax always changes your nose a bit. stick to your plan
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Hitting the gym getting some muscle
Improving my collagen and hair
Eyebrows and NTmaxxing
Doing SARPE this summer. Gunna try to maintain as much weight as I can so I don't come out of recovery looking like a little bitch. I guess until than just gymmax until bimax 2023 and maybe I'll do revision rhino and fix other failos when sweeping is gone.
castor oil for eyebrows and lashes
teeth whitening
hairgrowthratemaxxing with almond/argan oil etc.
no porn, kegelmaxxing and mentalmaxxing for lasting longer :forcedsmile:
studying for exams to get in a better uni (careermaxxing)

NTmaxxing and moneymaxxing during summer
rhino if I can make enough money AND can't lose virginity till the end of summer
gymmaxxing (framemaxxing, neckmaxxing, strength, creatine)- doing a cut for 2 months then lean bulk for the remainder of the year maybe
minoxidil for eyebrows - started February, results should be visible by July
latisse for eyelashes - bought from all day chemist, should come next week or sooner
beta-carotene for skin - started since february
ashwagandha - taking everynight for testosterone and sleep
growing hair back out - had to trim because of split ends
saving up for surgery
med school in july - financial returns in 10 years or so jfl
1. Leanmaxxing (counting calories, watching shit food intake)
2. White strips for teeth
3. Skin cleansers
4. If leanmaxxing works to a degree, submental lipo consultation with hyoid bone x-ray
5. Lipo 2023
My maxxing protocol:

Minoxidil Dermarolling

Akimbo sleeve tats
Nipple Piercings
Owen Grey body scars + tat stack


Light Blue Colored Contact Lenses

Die Eyebrows Darker
Hair Transplant (im norwood 0.5-1)

Platformer Shoes
Heightened Insoles

Mastic Gum

Pheremone Testosterone Soap
Blue De Chanel
Tom Ford Oudh Wood

Drink 3L Water Daily
Beta Carotene Macrodosing
Hyaluronic Acid

Crest 3D White Strips

Neck Bridges, etc
Neck training regimen
Finasteride for hair
Gym for frame
Beta carotene for colouring
Ashwagandha for lower cortisol
Hard mewing sometimes
Mouth tape
Vitamin d
Eyelid pulling

Future hardmaxes:
Jaw implant (100% gonna get)
Bimax ( probably not too invasive for me as im already htn)
Leg lengthening femur - probably when im richer in mid 20s
Vit D for skin? Asked derma doctor IRL about this and they basically said it's cope.
My maxxing protocol:

Minoxidil Dermarolling

Akimbo sleeve tats
Nipple Piercings
Owen Grey body scars + tat stack


Light Blue Colored Contact Lenses

Die Eyebrows Darker
Hair Transplant (im norwood 0.5-1)

Platformer Shoes
Heightened Insoles

Mastic Gum

Pheremone Testosterone Soap
Blue De Chanel
Tom Ford Oudh Wood

Drink 3L Water Daily
Beta Carotene Macrodosing
Hyaluronic Acid

Crest 3D White Strips

Neck Bridges, etc
Neck training regimen
how effective is dickmaxxing and what results can you expect? also which bathmate do you have?
Post SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction. I know of other obscure supplements/compounds but I don’t really endorse anything that doesn’t benefit me. So just the ones I talk about seem to work for me. Bromantane, cistanche
I also have good effects on those and really bad on ashwagandha (stopped after 3 days cause I started getting a bit of anhedonia)

I also tried tongkat ali but cistanche and bromantane seem the best for me
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I also have good effects on those and really bad on ashwagandha (stopped after 3 days cause I started getting a bit of anhedonia)

I also tried tongkat ali but cistanche and bromantane seem the best for me
Yes, I'm the exact same. Tried TKA, Cistanche and Bromantane (and much much more shit over the past 3 years). Only things I've continued taking are Cistanche and Bromantane
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make my eye area more prettyboy and high trust with transvestite surgery
Yes, I'm the exact same. Tried TKA, Cistanche and Bromantane (and much much more shit over the past 3 years). Only things I've continued taking are Cistanche and Bromantane
We probably have similar biochemistry, anything else that worked for you? I also tried a lot of compounds

Phenibut/baclofen for anxiety, high fiber diet (no to few carbs, lots of fruit, meat and some fish here and there).
Sodium butyrate gave me tons of happiness but was only for a few days.

Didn't try anything new but do you have something for like confidence/anxiety
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We probably have similar biochemistry, anything else that worked for you? I also tried a lot of compounds

Phenibut/baclofen for anxiety, high fiber diet (no to few carbs, lots of fruit, meat and some fish here and there).
Sodium butyrate gave me tons of happiness but was only for a few days.

Didn't try anything new but do you have something for like confidence/anxiety
I was so addicted to Phenibut years back that I'd take tablespoons of Phenibut FAA out of a 1KG tub multiple times per day. Also have experience with baclofen. But haven't taken either for atleast 4 years. I'm on lyrica for anxiety.

Those GABA-B agonists were the most addictive substances I ever took and it got out of control. I'm glad there wasn't any withdrawals and I could keep away from them because they were dangerous to me. Definitely made me feel good, but didn't help me.
how effective is dickmaxxing and what results can you expect? also which bathmate do you have?
i built up to doing 100 kegels daily, subjective improvements in longevity and boner strength

I have the Bathmate Hydromax and Hydro Extreme

i follow that dickmaxxing guide from good looking loser - so he says prognosis is 1 inch in girth 1 inch in length with a year of applied dedication
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i built up to doing 100 kegels daily, subjective improvements in longevity and boner strength

I have the Bathmate Hydromax and Hydro Extreme

i follow that dickmaxxing guide from good looking loser - so he says prognosis is 1 inch in girth 1 inch in length with a year of applied dedication
it's expensive?
  • +1
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i built up to doing 100 kegels daily, subjective improvements in longevity and boner strength

I have the Bathmate Hydromax and Hydro Extreme

i follow that dickmaxxing guide from good looking loser - so he says prognosis is 1 inch in girth 1 inch in length with a year of applied dedication
care to share the link how much did you gain?
I see all copes on here. Jfl at natural teeth whitening and other shit which don't work like castor oil for eyelashes/eyebrews, any heightmaxxed method, chewing, tanning (the biggest softlooksmin ever) and mt2 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
damn bro how the fuck r u virgin?? autism

anyway my plan:

1) bimax + chinwing in half a year probably
2) rhinoplasty after (maybe i do it before im not sure)
3) gymmaxxing/leaning down till then (thinking about Roids but not sure)
4) tattoo and hairstyle maxxing

next year or so i will try to fix my eyes, canthoplasty or under eye implants. need to research. need to get everything done im an oldcel
real looksmax ways rather than idiotic, harmful and broscience methods like I've mentioned above
Whiten teeth
MT2 in the summer
Maybe gyno surgery end of year

Currently on accutane, and have been cutting for almost 6 weeks.

accutane worked. First time being acne free since 12 years old.

I leanmaxxed but ended up looking like a child tbh so I started lean bulking.

And I might still do MT2, depends if my skin is very sun sensitive.
2) fraxel laser/tca cross/ subcision, skinmaxx in general
3) growth serum for brows and lashes
4) fix colourin by blasting MT2 and using dye
5) ccwr trimax
6) try framemaxx

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