Protestant totally dismantles and slaughters Black Hebrew Israelite works based salvationist anti Christians with the word of God.



Apr 22, 2024

Orthodox like @PrinceLuenLeoncur . Also are works based. Same thing. Same verse that Luther used to debunk Catholics too.

They add conditions to salvation. We gotta work work work.
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Orthodox like @PrinceLuenLeoncur . Also are works based. Same thing. Same verse that Luther used to debunk Catholics too.

They add conditions to salvation. We gotta work work work.

why dont portescucks come debate an orthodox? Or Catholic? Or any other sect of ancient church? He’ll jesus evn says “not eveybody who cries Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven” you idiot Protestants seem to think professing Christ is god makes you go to heaven no wonder even Mudslimes mock you idiots

Why do you protescucks debate heretical judiasing heterodox preaching sects like the memesters known as BHI?

Come what’s wrong?

Mt 7:21-23, Jn 5:29, Mt 6:15, Mt 18:35, Jas 2:13, Jas 5:9, Mt 12:31-32, Heb 10:26-27, Jas 1:21-25, Jas 2:21-26, Jas 2:14, Rom 2:5-10, Mt 10:33, etc. get fucked

I could name 50 or so more and go into analysis on each one to prove my point but anyone who actually knows scripture already knows what nonsense this is and how little effort it is worth spending to argue with it.

Sola Fide,Sola Scripture are heretical doctrines made in response to the heretical cult known as Roman Catholicism.
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why dont portescucks come debate an orthodox? Or Catholic? Or any other sect of ancient church? He’ll jesus evn says “not eveybody who cries Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven” you idiot Protestants seem to think professing Christ is god makes you go to heaven no wonder even Mudslimes mock you idiots

Why do you protescucks debate heretical judiasing heterodox preaching sects like the memesters known as BHI?

Come what’s wrong?

Mt 7:21-23, Jn 5:29, Mt 6:15, Mt 18:35, Jas 2:13, Jas 5:9, Mt 12:31-32, Heb 10:26-27, Jas 1:21-25, Jas 2:21-26, Jas 2:14, Rom 2:5-10, Mt 10:33, etc. get fucked

I could name 50 or so more and go into analysis on each one to prove my point but anyone who actually knows scripture already knows what nonsense this is and how little effort it is worth spending to argue with it.

Sola Fide,Sola Scripture are heretical doctrines made in response to the heretical cult known as Roman Catholicism.
Lmfao the same romans 4:5 Scripture used against the bhi cult can be used against orthodox.

You're all the same.

We are willing to debate anytime bucko.
why dont portescucks come debate an orthodox? Or Catholic? Or any other sect of ancient church? He’ll jesus evn says “not eveybody who cries Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven” you idiot Protestants seem to think professing Christ is god makes you go to heaven no wonder even Mudslimes mock you idiots

Why do you protescucks debate heretical judiasing heterodox preaching sects like the memesters known as BHI?

Come what’s wrong?

Mt 7:21-23, Jn 5:29, Mt 6:15, Mt 18:35, Jas 2:13, Jas 5:9, Mt 12:31-32, Heb 10:26-27, Jas 1:21-25, Jas 2:21-26, Jas 2:14, Rom 2:5-10, Mt 10:33, etc. get fucked

I could name 50 or so more and go into analysis on each one to prove my point but anyone who actually knows scripture already knows what nonsense this is and how little effort it is worth spending to argue with it.

Sola Fide,Sola Scripture are heretical doctrines made in response to the heretical cult known as Roman Catholicism.
Jesus said many will come to Him and boast in their works "haven't I done many good works?"

Yet they never believed in Jesus alone.

you add your works and conditions to salvagion. That's prob you guys.
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Orthodox like @PrinceLuenLeoncur . Also are works based. Same thing. Same verse that Luther used to debunk Catholics too.

They add conditions to salvation. We gotta work work work.

i’ve already debated and shown you how your point on romans 4:5 is wrong
Romans 4:5 literally say's HE who does NOT work but TRUSTS GOD who Justifies us the UNGODLY, our Faith is counted is righteousness.

ur a satanic troll literally twisting what it says. and no u didnt convert anybody ur making stuff up. if u converted anyone, then u converted them to a FALSE religion aka works based gospel.

I fed the homeless everytime i was in the city and said it's from JESUS. I knew I didn't need to to be justified before God.

Also you just proved my point to everyone reading.

"“For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say?"

Notice Abraham was justified and could boast BEFORE MEN. but NOT BEFORE GOD. Abraham's FAITH justified HIM before GOD.

Just like Romans 4:5 and the Entire Gospel. Not of works. Bye loser kys.
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i’ve already debated and shown you how your point on romans 4:5 is wrong
You gotta be a troll. You're not like @PrinceLuenLeoncur . He's at least not trolling. Did you watch the video?
Be glad that Protestant true Christian didn't run into you and debate. You can't hide behind your keyboard.
i’ve already debated and shown you how your point on romans 4:5 is wrong
Says he that worketh not. Means no work but believes on Jesus. We are saved and righteous.

You rely on your works and rags so you don't really believe in God for salvation. You gonna burn prob. Idk if you will but I worry about you.

That's what the Protestant Saif also to them.

You guys rely on your works. It's bad you need to stop kid.
Says he that worketh not. Means no work but believes on Jesus. We are saved and righteous.

You rely on your works and rags so you don't really believe in God for salvation. You gonna burn prob. Idk if you will but I worry about you.

That's what the Protestant Saif also to them.

You guys rely on your works. It's bad you need to stop kid.
works in the hebrew means what is done

do you believe someone who is a pornstar and that bows down to baal is saved by faith alone?

your religion is crazy
works in the hebrew means what is done

do you believe someone who is a pornstar and that bows down to baal is saved by faith alone?

your religion is crazy
LOL dude I'm saving this for Twitter. Your one satanic lying argument just backfired and proves you're a desperate liar.


This further proves to me you ppl are actually false and not about what the Bible says. WOW!
both are protestant fake Christians

only the Orthodox and the Catholics can even be considered Christian
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LOL dude I'm saving this for Twitter. Your one satanic lying argument just backfired and proves you're a desperate liar.


This further proves to me you ppl are actually false and not about what the Bible says. WOW!
my point still stands, ἔργοις means deeds or actions
Lmfao the same romans 4:5 Scripture used against the bhi cult can be used against orthodox.

You're all the same.

We are willing to debate anytime bucko.
He can’t use any Hong to debunk us…. Every evidence points to faith and works not faith alone because scripture and the church fathers decree this is the case. You protescucks don’t even have an epistemological basis to even trust the bible that’s what’s hilarous about you buffoons
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both are protestant fake Christians

only the Orthodox and the Catholics can even be considered Christian
Protestants are just Muslims who follow the bible instead of Quran both are braindead
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my point still stands, ἔργοις means deeds or actions
It says to the one who worketh not but Pistis meaning believes, He is saved.

You tried saying hebrew now you go to greek and use the wrong word and the entire verse cuts you up. You're not Christian and I never met a worse orthodox debater. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::lul::lul:
I know greek fluently.

He can’t use any Hong to debunk us…. Every evidence points to faith and works not faith alone because scripture and the church fathers decree this is the case. You protescucks don’t even have an epistemological basis to even trust the bible that’s what’s hilarous about you buffoons
both are protestant fake Christians

only the Orthodox and the Catholics can even be considered Christian
Wrong you're all the same as those black hebrew israelites because they also claim its not faith alone but works.

And that black Protestant brother cut them up with one verse and the same happen to you guys. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::lul::lul::lul:
It says to the one who worketh not but Pistis meaning believes, He is saved.

You tried saying hebrew now you go to greek and use the wrong word and the entire verse cuts you up. You're not Christian and I never met a worse orthodox debater. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::lul::lul:
I know greek fluently.
can you answer my question

do you believe someone who is a pornstar and that bows down to baal is saved by faith alone?

im a fairly new believer i converted in around november
It says to the one who worketh not but Pistis meaning believes, He is saved.

You tried saying hebrew now you go to greek and use the wrong word and the entire verse cuts you up. You're not Christian and I never met a worse orthodox debater. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::lul::lul:
I know greek fluently.

Wrong you're all the same as those black hebrew israelites because they also claim its not faith alone but works.

And that black Protestant brother cut them up with one verse and the same happen to you guys. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::lul::lul::lul:
The church fathers followed the same faith as me you brainlet imbecile you prota are an 15th century invention learn your place you arrogant prick protescuck
The church fathers followed the same faith as me you brainlet imbecile you prota are an 15th century invention learn your place you arrogant prick protescuck
Church fathers are mere men who contradicted eachother and themselves all the time and taught similar to luther.
Church fathers are mere men who contradicted eachother and themselves all the time and taught similar to luther.
they were the “mear” men who canonised the bible you dickhead protescucks use for your “sola Scriptura” :feelsuhh::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

this fact alone destroys Protestantism as your very own bible relied on the opinion of the church fathers
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they were the “mear” men who canonised the bible you dickhead protescucks use for your “sola Scriptura” :feelsuhh::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

this fact alone destroys Protestantism as your very own bible relied on the opinion of the church fathers
Come on respond with an actual argument :feelshmm: @noobs see how these protescucks croak when confronted with the truth of how their entire dogma and worldview are contradictory
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Come on respond with an actual argument :feelshmm: @noobs see how these protescucks croak when confronted with the truth of how their entire dogma and worldview are contradictory
Dude I'm just too lazy to respond at your ridiculous statement notice you got slaughtered with romans 4;5 so did your buddy @noobs . But now you wanna pretend that didn't happen and you somehow got me :ROFLMAO:
Come on respond with an actual argument :feelshmm: @noobs see how these protescucks croak when confronted with the truth of how their entire dogma and worldview are contradictory
Too lazy I'm about to go out this is a joke lol
Come on respond with an actual argument :feelshmm: @noobs see how these protescucks croak when confronted with the truth of how their entire dogma and worldview are contradictory
Ok fine fine I'll respond. Who put the Bible together? The early church inspired by the Holy Spirit long before your modern orthodox bs.

Same Bible that condemns your works based new orthodox denom!
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Ok fine fine I'll respond. Who put the Bible together? The early church inspired by the Holy Spirit long before your modern orthodox bs.

Same Bible that condemns your works based new orthodox denom!
every christian has the holy spirit its not unique to just the early church leaders
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Ok fine fine I'll respond. Who put the Bible together? The early church inspired by the Holy Spirit long before your modern orthodox bs.

Same Bible that condemns your works based new orthodox denom!
Are you retarded? :feelstastyman::feelsuhh:

Yes they did guided by the Holy Ghost and guess what…. Idiot, Jesus said the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail against the church and you prot cucks ignored this and still rebelled. So you essentially pick and choose what parts of the church fathers arguments and points you like and disregard others. Also the church fathers dictated how to interpret scripture but that’s another thing you Protcucks ignore with your heretical Sola Scrip nonsense

So you ignore the men who founded the church and cannonicised the bible 🤣😂 then claim to follow and perfectly interpret the books they compiled for you without listening to what they have to say regarding the church and biblical interpretation :dafuckfeels::hnghn:
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Are you retarded? :feelstastyman::feelsuhh:

Yes they did guided by the Holy Ghost and guess what…. Idiot, Jesus said the gates of hell wouldn’t prevail against the church and you prot cucks ignored this and still rebelled. So you essentially pick and choose what parts of the church fathers arguments and points you like and disregard others. Also the church fathers dictated how to interpret scripture but that’s another thing you Protcucks ignore with your heretical Sola Scrip nonsense

So you ignore the men who founded the church and cannonicised the bible 🤣😂 then claim to follow and perfectly interpret the books they compiled for you without listening to what they have to say regarding the church and biblical interpretation :dafuckfeels::hnghn:
The men who founded the church was Jesus. One Man.

And the early church was Protestant not cuck orthodox :ROFLMAO:
The men who founded the church was Jesus. One Man.

And the early church was Protestant not cuck orthodox :ROFLMAO:
How was the early church Protestant? When they had liturgy, altar, sacraments, a temple, feast days and fasting days such as lent, priesthood, Eucharist with leaven bread and wine, saint veneration and icons.

Please explain where this is found within Protestantism? Thank you

Jesus is the head of the church…. And the church founding fathers are the administrators of the church on earth and that church is the thing prorestcucks such as yourself reject to be a part of :hnghn::forcedsmile:

Now are you beginning to see why I consider you lot on par with Muslims for being brainlets. You Protestants are essentially calling Jesus a liar and saying the bible has no credibility if you won’t listen to the church which is guided by the Holy Spirit on all matters and ecumenical councils led by the emperor of Byzantium and the church founding fathers (saints)

Protestantism is watered down Christianity which is why protestants know the least about Christianity than any other sect :ROFLMAO: Protestants are generally biblically illiterate on scripture and Christian tradition
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Wrong you're all the same as those black hebrew israelites because they also claim its not faith alone but works.

And that black Protestant brother cut them up with one verse and the same happen to you guys. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::lul::lul::lul:
Protestants aren't Christians lmao. It's a collection of a thousand sects from the KKK to the Mormons. 🤡
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How was the early church Protestant? When they had liturgy, altar, sacraments, a temple, feast days and fasting days such as lent, priesthood, Eucharist with leaven bread and wine, saint veneration and icons.

Please explain where this is found within Protestantism? Thank you

Jesus is the head of the church…. And the church founding fathers are the administrators of the church on earth and that church is the thing prorestcucks such as yourself reject to be a part of :hnghn::forcedsmile:

Now are you beginning to see why I consider you lot on par with Muslims for being brainlets. You Protestants are essentially calling Jesus a liar and saying the bible has no credibility if you won’t listen to the church which is guided by the Holy Spirit on all matters and ecumenical councils led by the emperor of Byzantium and the church founding fathers (saints)

Protestantism is watered down Christianity which is why protestants know the least about Christianity than any other sect :ROFLMAO: Protestants are generally biblically illiterate on scripture and Christian tradition
If orthodoxy is the one true church then the Holy Spirit failed? Because all we see is the tiny tiny tiny tiny denomination of eastern orthodoxy that majority of people don't know about.

No evangelization for 1000 years and you're not even in Communion with Orientals.

I heard greek orthodox call then schismatics and vise versa.

You're the only one calling them brothers to claim a false sense of unity because you know it adds to our point that your church is a joke if you claim its the one only true church.

Protestants don't need all those things you mentioned. You think the early church had them?

They met in eachothers houses and broke bread to remember Jesus and sang songs and hymns which we do today.
Protestants aren't Christians lmao. It's a collection of a thousand sects from the KKK to the Mormons. 🤡
1000% false that's such a fraudulent analogy and claim and slander.

We never claim those people. By those standards then Orthodoxy is responsible for Catholics and Protestants since supposedly we come from you. Such bad logic.
1000% false that's such a fraudulent analogy and claim and slander.

We never claim those people. By those standards then Orthodoxy is responsible for Catholics and Protestants since supposedly we come from you. Such bad logic.
Protestants believe in crap such as salvation through faith alone aka you can do anything to anyone and it's ok if you "believe"

They have bastardized Christianity. Protestants are usually extremely right wing and racist going against all basic tenants of Christianity. Adolf Hitler himself considered Christianity tolerable only when it became "Germanized" aka protestant .

The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance. Without Christianity, we should not have had Islam. The Roman Empire, under Germanic influence, would have developed in the direction of world-domination, and humanity would not have extinguished fifteen centuries of civilisation at a single stroke.Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things.The result of the collapse of the Roman Empire was a night that lasted for centuries.

Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.

It's nonsense to fear that people will lose their modest ways of living. They should lose them—for that kind of modesty is the-enemy of all progress. In this matter we see things like the Americans—and not like the Spaniard, who would content himself with a few olives a day rather than work to have more. The Church has been able to profit by this conception of life. It proclaims that the poor in spirit—and the other poor, too—will go to heaven, whilst the rich will pay with eternal sufferings for the blessings of earthly existence. The Church is moved to say this by the tacit contract between the priests and the possessors, who joyfully leave the Church a little money so that it may go on encouraging the poor to grovel. But what a queer sort of Christianity they practise down there ! We must recognise, of course, that, amongst us, Christianity is coloured by Germanism. All the same, its doctrine signifies: "Pray and work!"

Whilst Roman society proved hostile to the new doctrine, Christianity in its pure state stirred the population to revolt. Rome was Bolshevised, and Bolshevism produced exactly the same results in Rome as later in Russia. It was only later, under the influence of the Germanic spirit, that Christianity gradually lost its openly Bolshevistic character.
It became, to a certain degree, tolerable.
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Protestants believe in crap such as salvation through faith alone aka you can do anything to anyone and it's ok if you "believe"

They have bastardized Christianity. Protestants are usually extremely right wing and racist going against all basic tenants of Christianity. Adolf Hitler himself considered Christianity tolerable only when it became "Germanized" aka protestant .

The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism practises a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them. In the ancient world, the relations between men and gods were founded on an instinctive respect. It was a world enlightened by the idea of tolerance. Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of love. Its key-note is intolerance. Without Christianity, we should not have had Islam. The Roman Empire, under Germanic influence, would have developed in the direction of world-domination, and humanity would not have extinguished fifteen centuries of civilisation at a single stroke.Let it not be said that Christianity brought man the life of the soul, for that evolution was in the natural order of things.The result of the collapse of the Roman Empire was a night that lasted for centuries.

Christianity is a rebellion against natural law, a protest against nature. Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.

It's nonsense to fear that people will lose their modest ways of living. They should lose them—for that kind of modesty is the-enemy of all progress. In this matter we see things like the Americans—and not like the Spaniard, who would content himself with a few olives a day rather than work to have more. The Church has been able to profit by this conception of life. It proclaims that the poor in spirit—and the other poor, too—will go to heaven, whilst the rich will pay with eternal sufferings for the blessings of earthly existence. The Church is moved to say this by the tacit contract between the priests and the possessors, who joyfully leave the Church a little money so that it may go on encouraging the poor to grovel. But what a queer sort of Christianity they practise down there ! We must recognise, of course, that, amongst us, Christianity is coloured by Germanism. All the same, its doctrine signifies: "Pray and work!"

Whilst Roman society proved hostile to the new doctrine, Christianity in its pure state stirred the population to revolt. Rome was Bolshevised, and Bolshevism produced exactly the same results in Rome as later in Russia. It was only later, under the influence of the Germanic spirit, that Christianity gradually lost its openly Bolshevistic character.
It became, to a certain degree, tolerable.
Nothing of Hitlers quote talks about Protestanism. America and the UK was built on Protestanism.

Hitler shook hands with Pope's and literally 99% of Orthodox and Catholics online are literal Nazis who simp for Hitler and are trad white nationalist.

You shot yourself in the foot with that one man.

That's insane.
Nothing of Hitlers quote talks about Protestanism. America and the UK was built on Protestanism.

Hitler shook hands with Pope's and literally 99% of Orthodox and Catholics online are literal Nazis who simp for Hitler and are trad white nationalist.

You shot yourself in the foot with that one man.

That's insane.
Yes the Germanic Anglo-Saxon anti-Christian liberal west was built on Protestantism. That was my point all along but you're just too illiterate to even comprehend written language.
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If orthodoxy is the one true church then the Holy Spirit failed? Because all we see is the tiny tiny tiny tiny denomination of eastern orthodoxy that majority of people don't know about.

No evangelization for 1000 years and you're not even in Communion with Orientals.

I heard greek orthodox call then schismatics and vise versa.

You're the only one calling them brothers to claim a false sense of unity because you know it adds to our point that your church is a joke if you claim its the one only true church.

Protestants don't need all those things you mentioned. You think the early church had them?

They met in eachothers houses and broke bread to remember Jesus and sang songs and hymns which we do today.
Ah I have been waiting for the “MUH SIZE” argument

@SecularIslamist @yeeyeeslayer youd be shocked but Catholics and protcucks love using this argument then I shut them down with “if size means anything then I guess islams true as its the fastest growing religion :feelshmm::feelshmm: time to take Shahada Habibi” then they start backtracking.

Fucking pathetic. Orientals are not Eastern Orthodox they are their own seperate sects that are just colloquially termed “Oreintal” but in reality all of them are their own seperate thing what’s your point? You also realise orientals considered Catholics and Protestants schismatics and ask any other denomination what the worst one is and we all unanimously agree it’s PROTESTANTISM :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: you guys are the biggest memes look at your nations your Protestant women are whores I fuck your women and tell them their sect is gay and subhuman and they still drink my cum. avg protestcuck doesn't even know their own religion hence why Muslims bully you soy boyz.

The early church and the fathers all practiced the same traditions that the current Orthodox Church follows why else do you think I converted to EO 3 months ago you idiot? Because this is the only church that the ancient saints and founders and apostles would see and join if they were to be revived. Yes you need all of those things you still haven’t answered why we don’t need those things. You Protestants don’t even fast and many of you don’t even know what Pasha and Lent is as I said Protestantism is a watered down modernist Christian movement that’s only 20% Christian 80% modern secular faggotry

I call all Christian’s “brothers” what’s your point? I also don’t think you understand how EO patriarchates work the Greek and Russian orthodox are under different patriarchates but both are in communion for example. So your point makes no sense we are just decentralised but it prevents Catholics problems and protescuck issues that’s why we are the true church
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Ah I have been waiting for the “MUH SIZE” argument

@SecularIslamist @yeeyeeslayer youd be shocked but Catholics and protcucks love using this argument then I shut them down with “if size means anything then I guess islams true as its the fastest growing religion :feelshmm::feelshmm: time to take Shahada Habibi” then they start backtracking.

Fucking pathetic. Orientals are not Eastern Orthodox they are their own seperate sects that are just colloquially termed “Oreintal” but in reality all of them are their own seperate thing what’s your point? You also realise orientals considered Catholics and Protestants schismatics and ask any other denomination what the worst one is and we all unanimously agree it’s PROTESTANTISM :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: you guys are the biggest memes look at your nations your Protestant women are whores I fuck your women and tell them their sect is gay and subhuman and they still drink my cum. avg protestcuck doesn't even know their own religion hence why Muslims bully you soy boyz.

The early church and the fathers all practiced the same traditions that the current Orthodox Church follows why else do you think I converted to EO 3 months ago you idiot? Because this is the only church that the ancient saints and founders and apostles would see and join if they were to be revived. Yes you need all of those things you still haven’t answered why we don’t need those things. You Protestants don’t even fast and many of you don’t even know what Pasha and Lent is as I said Protestantism is a watered down modernist Christian movement that’s only 20% Christian 80% modern secular faggotry

I call all Christian’s “brothers” what’s your point? I also don’t think you understand how EO patriarchates work the Greek and Russian orthodox are under different patriarchates but both are in communion for example. So your point makes no sense we are just decentralised but it prevents Catholics problems and protescuck issues that’s why we are the true church

Will read as a podcast after gym session
Will read as a podcast after gym session
You don’t need read the whole thing just that paragraph I tagged u in lol. 😂 saying these Catholics and prots use the Islamic argument of “We biggest so we bestest” lol
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You don’t need read the whole thing just that paragraph I tagged u in lol. 😂 saying these Catholics and prots use the Islamic argument of “We biggest so we bestest” lol
Yeah it means nothing. Numbers mean fuck all when quality is so shite. Still, I guess in terms of practicing faith Islam wins out. But even though it's the 'muh fastest growing', some Muslim cucks are the fastest at secularising.
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Yeah it means nothing. Numbers mean fuck all when quality is so shite. Still, I guess in terms of practicing faith Islam wins out. But even though it's the 'muh fastest growing', some Muslim cucks are the fastest at secularising.
Depends on what you mean by “practicing” I mean nowhere in the bible does it say you MUST go to church

But yeah I’d say the avg Muslim is a higher quality devotee than the avg western Christian but this is variant on location ofc as the UK is a liberal secular atheist country so they aren’t a good example. I mean you even think thag Christian’s should belive the bibles the literal word of god… no we don’t belive in that lol 😂this is an example of Muslims projecting their beliefs on Christian’s even though we don’t belive the same thing.

But you’ll find Catholics and profs using MUH NUMBAS as proof of their sect being the truth lol, I also see Muslims mention MUH FATSEST GROWING as proof lool
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Depends on what you mean by “practicing” I mean nowhere in the bible does it say you MUST go to church

But yeah I’d say the avg Muslim is a higher quality devotee than the avg western Christian but this is variant on location ofc as the UK is a liberal secular atheist country so they aren’t a good example. I mean you even think thag Christian’s should belive the bibles the literal word of god… no we don’t belive in that lol 😂this is an example of Muslims projecting their beliefs on Christian’s even though we don’t belive the same thing.

But you’ll find Catholics and profs using MUH NUMBAS as proof of their sect being the truth lol, I also see Muslims mention MUH FATSEST GROWING as proof lool
Dont tell me you believe most Christians are practicing. I'm not projecting my beliefs about what Muslims should do onto Christians and comparing. It's a given that secularism grew in the (protestant) Christian world and some Christians have no problem with it. Communism also grew in the eastern world so Orthodoxy got a taste of anti-religion too. This not had an impact on faith but practice to. Most Christians are Christian in name only. They have wear cross necklaces and even a tattoo. Pray to god before a football match. Celebrate (secular) Chrismas. That's it. They are hardly going to church.

Also where is @i_love_roosters when you need him JFL?

Muslims have resisted secularisation (so far) and religion plays a large part of their daily life, culture and politics. Sure not everyone orays 5x a day (I struggle as well). A considerable amount do though. There are outliers of course (Central Asia, Bosnia, Turkey, Albania). But picture from Somalia, to Nigeria, Indonesia to Chechnya looks fine.
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Dont tell me you believe most Christians are practicing. I'm not projecting my beliefs about what Muslims should do onto Christians and comparing. It's a given that secularism grew in the (protestant) Christian world and some Christians have no problem with it. Communism also grew in the eastern world so Orthodoxy got a taste of anti-religion too. This not had an impact on faith but practice to. Most Christians are Christian in name only. They have wear cross necklaces and even a tattoo. Pray to god before a football match. Celebrate (secular) Chrismas. That's it. They are hardly going to church.

Also where is @i_love_roosters when you need him JFL?

Muslims have resisted secularisation (so far) and religion plays a large part of their daily life, culture and politics. Sure not everyone orays 5x a day (I struggle as well). A considerable amount do though. There are outliers of course (Central Asia, Bosnia, Turkey, Albania). But picture from Somalia, to Nigeria, Indonesia to Chechnya looks fine.
communism didnt grow in orthodoxy, communism was grown by jews

all the communist figures leaders and donators were jewish

like trotsky, lenin, stalin, engels, rothschild, warburg, j.p. morgan, jacob schiff, kuhn, loeb and co.

these people and companies were all jewish and formed the ussr

they killed the entire russian orthodox royal family
communism didnt grow in orthodoxy, communism was grown by jews

all the communist figures leaders and donators were jewish

like trotsky, lenin, stalin, engels, rothschild, warburg, j.p. morgan, jacob schiff, kuhn, loeb and co.

these people and companies were all jewish and formed the ussr

they killed the entire russian orthodox royal family
That's not my point. They still ruled over eastern orthodox people.
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Dont tell me you believe most Christians are practicing. I'm not projecting my beliefs about what Muslims should do onto Christians and comparing. It's a given that secularism grew in the (protestant) Christian world and some Christians have no problem with it. Communism also grew in the eastern world so Orthodoxy got a taste of anti-religion too. This not had an impact on faith but practice to. Most Christians are Christian in name only. They have wear cross necklaces and even a tattoo. Pray to god before a football match. Celebrate (secular) Chrismas. That's it. They are hardly going to church.

Also where is @i_love_roosters when you need him JFL?

Muslims have resisted secularisation (so far) and religion plays a large part of their daily life, culture and politics. Sure not everyone orays 5x a day (I struggle as well). A considerable amount do though. There are outliers of course (Central Asia, Bosnia, Turkey, Albania). But picture from Somalia, to Nigeria, Indonesia to Chechnya looks fine.
Yeah I mean I even said the avg Christian isn’t as devout as the avg Muslim in 2024 I agreed… but being a “practicing” Christian entails a differnt thing than a practicing Muslim. Islam is a religion that has laws which MUST be met (sharia). Christianity doesn’t have laws but instead traditions that you SHOULD do but are not necessarily going to damn you, and some sexts like Protestants don’t even have traditions lol, they don’t even fast or have Pasha or lent lmfao @ them protescucks. We rely on extrapolation to formulate our laws which is why our laws is more fluid than Islam and why ours can be used in any time period any place whislt Islam well…. Yeah not really gonna work for example Greenland doesn’t have sun go down so Ramadan fasting is cucked over there unless Muslims try to find a way around it which they have the point remains

The Soviets only controlled 4 orthodox nations… the Balkans were not soviet land so we were ok

Secularism has only evaded the Islamic world as much as it has due to technology and economic reasons, it’s the same reason why Latin America and Africa are far more pious than Europe because poorer nations tend to be more religious and more conservative. Tunisia Turkey Khazakstan Iran these are just examples of places where Islam isn’t taken that seriously proving my point.

But yeah I mean unlike Muslims Christians are not FORCED to go to our temple we can pray at home whenever we want our religion isn’t based on rigid laws like Islam that’s why I said what a Muslim would consider “practicing” Muslim is differnt to what a Christian would see as a practicing Christian
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. We rely on extrapolation to formulate our laws which is why our religion is more fluid than Islam
Ermmm so do we that's exactly what the shari'ah is about. The idea that's it's an inflexible set of rigid laws is orientalist thnlinking. Lots of Islamic rules are based in extrapolations entire methodologies and schools of thoughts have been dedicated to this. You'd be surprised even some of the so-called "literalist" and textual scripturalist schools of thoughts (zahiri) still had liberal doctrines (works of Ibn hazm I believe).
Secularism has only evaded the Islamic world as much as it has due to technology and economic reasons, it’s the same reason why Latin America and Africa are far more pious than Europe because poorer nations tend to be more religious and more conservative. Tunisia Turkey Khazakstan Iran these are just examples of places where Islam isn’t taken that seriously proving my point.

But yeah I mean unlike Muslims Christians are not FORCED to go to our temple we can pray at home whenever we want our religion isn’t based on rigid laws like Islam that’s why I said what a Muslim would consider “practicing” Muslim is differnt to what a Christian would see as a practicing Christian
I agree those countries are cucked. Nobody is forcing anyone to go mosques lmao. Who says this? You can pray at home. Only Friday prayers are in congregation. Even then, if you can't go you can do alternative at home if missed.
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Ermmm so do we that's exactly what the shari'ah is about. The idea that's it's an inflexible set of rigid laws is orientalist thnlinking. Lots of Islamic rules are based in extrapolations entire methodologies and schools of thoughts have been dedicated to this. You'd be surprised even some of the so-called "literalist" and textual scripturalist schools of thoughts (zahiri) still had liberal doctrines (works of Ibn hazm I believe).

I agree those countries are cucked. Nobody is forcing anyone to go mosques lmao. Who says this? You can pray at home. Only Friday prayers are in congregation. Even then, if you can't go you can do alternative at home if missed.
When I say mosques I mean you lot have a lot more rigid form of adherence than ours. As I said Islam is a legal and political system as well as a cultural and religious system. But I do like this aspect of Islam it makes and FORCES its adherents to be more pious.

I wasn’t aware of the more liberal school of Islam but I’m parroting what I’m jeering from speakers corner tbh and I forgot the video I saw it in regarding the legal system differences between Christianity and Islam and why ours is more fluid and fit for any time period and location as opposed to Islam which is place and time specific to a degree which needs tweaking by other sources

Personally us Christian’s don’t HAVE to pray at a select time BUT it is advised you should pray to build your relationship with god and speak to him. We don’t have to recite verses (I do) but usually prayers from the heart are better and more advised it makes each prayer special and a genuine convo between a father and son
When I say mosques I mean you lot have a lot more rigid form of adherence than ours. As I said Islam is a legal and political system as well as a cultural and religious system. But I do like this aspect of Islam it makes and FORCES its adherents to be more pious.
Again I don't think think the force element is there. The idea of having correct intention 'niyyah' is crucial to acts of faith. Being forced to pray might be doing the bare minimum on the surface. I would say parents do (and should) force children to inculcate the habit. Unfortunately it never was in me coz my parents couldn't afford to send me to the mosque after moving houses.

I wasn’t aware of the more liberal school of Islam but I’m parroting what I’m jeering from speakers corner tbh and I forgot the video I saw it in regarding the legal system differences between Christianity and Islam and why ours is more fluid and fit for any time period and location as opposed to Islam which is place and time specific to a degree which needs tweaking by other sources
Oh the Zahiris aren't a liberal school lmao - the complete opposite. They make Wahhabis look like liberals. I was just pointing out they still extrapolate from texts.

The idea you have about the legalistic aspects of Islam seems to be conflated with Salafi understandings. The role of ijtihad' was crucial in development in Islamic history and that's exactly what it was for. Ensuring the shari'ah was fit for purpose for different contexts, time periods and cultures.
Personally us Christian’s don’t HAVE to pray at a select time BUT it is advised you should pray to build your relationship with god and speak to him. We don’t have to recite verses (I do) but usually prayers from the heart are better and more advised it makes each prayer special and a genuine convo between a father and son
That makes it easier to practice but from my perspective bar is so low and in this day and age where secular forces are pervasive need a stronger religious force and prevalence in your life.
This is why I think Islam is the last stand for religion.
  • JFL
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Again I don't think think the force element is there. The idea of having correct intention 'niyyah' is crucial to acts of faith. Being forced to pray might be doing the bare minimum on the surface. I would say parents do (and should) force children to inculcate the habit. Unfortunately it never was in me coz my parents couldn't afford to send me to the mosque after moving houses.

Oh the Zahiris aren't a liberal school lmao - the complete opposite. They make Wahhabis look like liberals. I was just pointing out they still extrapolate from texts.

The idea you have about the legalistic aspects of Islam seems to be conflated with Salafi understandings. The role of ijtihad' was crucial in development in Islamic history and that's exactly what it was for. Ensuring the shari'ah was fit for purpose for different contexts, time periods and cultures.

That makes it easier to practice but from my perspective bar is so low and in this day and age where secular forces are pervasive need a stronger religious force and prevalence in your life.
This is why I think Islam is the last stand for religion.
JFL a group more strict than Wahabbis exists

Yeah I agree with the bar being too low. I think the far right push may see religion adherence come back far stricter and brutal ironically. Esp for Christianity as Muslims still have a lot more better strict adhering examples to pull from than Christian’s who have to look to Africa and LATAM for examples LOL.

well Judaism and Christianity even Hinduism still exist it’s only because you live in the west you think it’s over for Judaism and Christianity but outside of the west we are doing just fine, tbh it’s the Protestant denominations that are the liberals, Catholics and Orthodox and oriental groups are secular and uncompromising esp the Orthodox both eastern and orientals we openly profess how we kept our faith pure despite being under Islamic rule and soviet domination with 0 changes.

Islam’s the last hope in the west though I agree and that’s why I call for jihad on the western nations they need it
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cringe at nigger illiteracy
Protestants aren't Christians lmao. It's a collection of a thousand sects from the KKK to the Mormons. 🤡
the irony is Protestants have attempted to try coin the term “Christian” and just refer to Roman Catholics as “Catholics” instead of Christian

Ask an Protestant what they are they will say “I’m a Christian not a Catholic” despite the fact that Ignatius (saint bishop who coined the term “Christian”) was an Eastern Orthodox adherent Christian as Protestantism never existed back then. Ironically Roman Catholics in spite of their own heretical beliefs and adages to the traditions of the church they are more “Christian” than Protestants

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