Protestant totally dismantles and slaughters Black Hebrew Israelite works based salvationist anti Christians with the word of God.

Damn it feels good to be an atheist and not care about this cultist nonsense
Ah I have been waiting for the “MUH SIZE” argument

@SecularIslamist @yeeyeeslayer youd be shocked but Catholics and protcucks love using this argument then I shut them down with “if size means anything then I guess islams true as its the fastest growing religion :feelshmm::feelshmm: time to take Shahada Habibi” then they start backtracking.

Fucking pathetic. Orientals are not Eastern Orthodox they are their own seperate sects that are just colloquially termed “Oreintal” but in reality all of them are their own seperate thing what’s your point? You also realise orientals considered Catholics and Protestants schismatics and ask any other denomination what the worst one is and we all unanimously agree it’s PROTESTANTISM :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: you guys are the biggest memes look at your nations your Protestant women are whores I fuck your women and tell them their sect is gay and subhuman and they still drink my cum. avg protestcuck doesn't even know their own religion hence why Muslims bully you soy boyz.

The early church and the fathers all practiced the same traditions that the current Orthodox Church follows why else do you think I converted to EO 3 months ago you idiot? Because this is the only church that the ancient saints and founders and apostles would see and join if they were to be revived. Yes you need all of those things you still haven’t answered why we don’t need those things. You Protestants don’t even fast and many of you don’t even know what Pasha and Lent is as I said Protestantism is a watered down modernist Christian movement that’s only 20% Christian 80% modern secular faggotry

I call all Christian’s “brothers” what’s your point? I also don’t think you understand how EO patriarchates work the Greek and Russian orthodox are under different patriarchates but both are in communion for example. So your point makes no sense we are just decentralised but it prevents Catholics problems and protescuck issues that’s why we are the true church

Converted 3 months ago. Enough said.:lul:
the irony is Protestants have attempted to try coin the term “Christian” and just refer to Roman Catholics as “Catholics” instead of Christian

Ask an Protestant what they are they will say “I’m a Christian not a Catholic” despite the fact that Ignatius (saint bishop who coined the term “Christian”) was an Eastern Orthodox adherent Christian as Protestantism never existed back then. Ironically Roman Catholics in spite of their own heretical beliefs and adages to the traditions of the church they are more “Christian” than Protestants
Ignatius didn't coin the term Christian. The Bible did in two places they were called Christians and referred to themselves as such. :lul:
Yes the Germanic Anglo-Saxon anti-Christian liberal west was built on Protestantism. That was my point all along but you're just too illiterate to even comprehend written language.
You aren't an honest man. Every orthodox and catholic I met on social media is legit a nazi and white supremacist. :lul:
Ignatius didn't coin the term Christian. The Bible did in two places they were called Christians and referred to themselves as such. :lul:
I made a blunder the term “Catholic” was founded by ignatius

The term “CHRISTIANS” from Greek “Χριστιανούς”(Christianos) was coined by Saint EVODIUS, the second Bishop of Antioch, who succeeded Saint Peter and was the predecessor of Saint Ignatius of Antioch who also coined the term “CATHOLIC” dated 107 AD

The fact is your wrong :ROFLMAO::feelshmm: thanks for proving you know nothing and that your sola scriptura is a meme as you guys get information from saints and founding fathers who you dismiss in your protescuckism
You don’t need read the whole thing just that paragraph I tagged u in lol. 😂 saying these Catholics and prots use the Islamic argument of “We biggest so we bestest” lol
Nope. We are speaking about CHRISTIANITY. Idc about size of other religions nice strawman it shows your desperate position.

When worldwide people think of Jesus's religion and church they think of Protestants or catholic.

So according to you God failed.

Because none of your bishops or anybody evangelizes or is known.
I made a blunder the term “Catholic” was founded by ignatius

The term “CHRISTIANS” from Greek “Χριστιανούς”(Christianos) was coined by Saint EVODIUS, the second Bishop of Antioch, who succeeded Saint Peter and was the predecessor of Saint Ignatius of Antioch who also coined the term “CATHOLIC” dated 107 AD

The fact is your wrong :ROFLMAO::feelshmm: thanks for proving you know nothing and that your sola scriptura is a meme as you guys get information from saints and founding fathers who you dismiss in your protescuckism
So according to you is only Eastern Orthodox people saved?
So according to you is only Eastern Orthodox people saved?
I never said we are the only ones saved I haven’t got the duristiction to say that but I can say only EO are not in heresy I don’t consider other nicinenan Christian’s as heretics in full but I belive you all have heresies that lead you all away from gods true plan somewhat. But I belive Jesus has mercy and grace even to ecumenical Christian’s as long as they don’t do outright blasphemy like JW or Mormons or Unitarians etc

Only Eastern Orthodoxy is legit and yes Fun fact both Ignatuis and Evocus were of the ANTIOCHINE patriarchate church which falls under Eastern Orthodox and that’s my specific Patriarchate :feelshmm::feelshmm:
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I never said we are the only ones saved I haven’t got the duristiction to say that but I can say only EO are not in heresy I don’t consider other nicinenan Christian’s as heretics in full but I belive you all have heresies that lead you all away from gods true plan somewhat.

Only Eastern Orthodoxy is legit and yes Fun fact both Ignatuis and Evocus were of the ANTIOCHINE church which falls under Eastern Orthodox and that’s my church :feelshmm::feelshmm:
Aren't you a black man?

You realize you're basically saying God's True Church is only made up of eastern European white men and the tiny tiny tiny joy even one percent black convert anomaly.
Aren't you a black man?

You realize you're basically saying God's True Church is only made up of eastern European white men and the tiny tiny tiny joy even one percent black convert anomaly.
It’s not race specific and even if so how does this detract from the truth?. And yes I am saying the only true unaltered church is the Eastern Orthodox one with 0 heresies

Most whites and ethncis and blacks are Protestants and Catholics due to colonialism but like me many will find out the truth and become EO
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It’s not race specific and even if so how does this detract from the truth?. And yes I am saying the only true unaltered church is the Eastern Orthodox one with 0 heresies

Most whites and ethncis and blacks are Protestants and Catholics due to colonialism but like me many will find out the truth and become EO
They will huh? :ROFLMAO::lul: is that why millions are converting to pure Christianity worldwide and not orthodoxy
It’s not race specific and even if so how does this detract from the truth?. And yes I am saying the only true unaltered church is the Eastern Orthodox one with 0 heresies

Most whites and ethncis and blacks are Protestants and Catholics due to colonialism but like me many will find out the truth and become EO
Orthodox priests claim salvation didn't occur on the cross. That Jesus didn't pay our penalty for sin.

They deny penal substitution
It’s not race specific and even if so how does this detract from the truth?. And yes I am saying the only true unaltered church is the Eastern Orthodox one with 0 heresies

Most whites and ethncis and blacks are Protestants and Catholics due to colonialism but like me many will find out the truth and become EO
I have close ones who are eastern orthodox. Most people aren't into theology and just love Jesus.

But when you dwell into theology of orthodoxy you see errors like works+faith and what faith means.

Faith IS mere belief and trusting.

The Bible does use the term belief and faith in the same sentences interchangeably and without works.

This is why even bhi attack faith alone so does everyone.

Secondly, penal substitution is rejected by Orthodox priests when the Bible claims its the Truth.
I have close ones who are eastern orthodox. Most people aren't into theology and just love Jesus.

But when you dwell into theology of orthodoxy you see errors like works+faith and what faith means.

Faith IS mere belief and trusting.

The Bible does use the term belief and faith in the same sentences interchangeably and without works.

This is why even bhi attack faith alone so does everyone.

Secondly, penal substitution is rejected by Orthodox priests when the Bible claims its the Truth.
No that’s not an error idiot :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

That’s your spiritual retardation flagging up again. Why is it every other sect acknowledges faith and WORKS other than protescucks every saint every founding father agrees with us but you retard think you know shit go kill yourself dickhead

Even your romans is a failure and the “works is addressing Jewish converts forcing gentiles to do the “works” of the Jews like Circumcision etc. that’s the entire point of romans even Paul mentions this in Romans 2 but you protcucks are bible perverts like Muslims and take verses out of context like idiots
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No that’s not an error idiot :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

That’s your spiritual retardation flagging up again. Why is it every other sect acknowledges faith and WORKS other than protescucks every saint every founding father agrees with us but you retard think you know shit go kill yourself dickhead

Even your romans is a failure and the “works is addressing Jewish converts forcing gentiles to do the “works” of the Jews like Circumcision etc. that’s the entire point of romans even Paul mentions this in Romans 2 but you protcucks are bible perverts like Muslims and take verses out of context like idiots
Lmfao so you pick and choose what Paul means by works of the law.

"It's just the ceremonial laws bro trust me!"

Nah he says work in general. And it's not just romans that says no works.

This is one thing that none of you can ever answer even my orthodox dad laughed and said I am right.

Is any Free Gift worked for to keep or maintain? No.

That's it.
No that’s not an error idiot :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

That’s your spiritual retardation flagging up again. Why is it every other sect acknowledges faith and WORKS other than protescucks every saint every founding father agrees with us but you retard think you know shit go kill yourself dickhead

Even your romans is a failure and the “works is addressing Jewish converts forcing gentiles to do the “works” of the Jews like Circumcision etc. that’s the entire point of romans even Paul mentions this in Romans 2 but you protcucks are bible perverts like Muslims and take verses out of context like idiots
Notice the hostility. You all attack the pure free grace gospel of trusting in Jesus alone.

For instance I and others like Luther gave stuff to homeless people to honor God.

We know it don't save us or contribute to salvation and faith but we do it anyway and God gets the glory.

That's beautiful.

Not adding satanic conditions to salvation like our own works.

You disrespect Jesus and His finished work on the cross. Only that saves us and pleases God.
Notice the hostility. You all attack the pure free grace gospel of trusting in Jesus alone.

For instance I and others like Luther gave stuff to homeless people to honor God.

We know it don't save us or contribute to salvation and faith but we do it anyway and God gets the glory.

That's beautiful.

Not adding satanic conditions to salvation like our own works.

You disrespect Jesus and His finished work on the cross. Only that saves us and pleases God.
Yes I attack you the same way the handful of bishops attacked the arians during the council to defend Christianity from heresy. They were aggresive bold and uncompromising that’s how I am to you.

I’ll call out your heretical nonsense and put it in its place and tell you to go fuck yourself and your Sola Fide nonsense

When we says “works” we mean becoming more Christlike and being led by the holy sporit to sin less and be better people :hnghn::hnghn::hnghn: that’s what we mean. Faith without works is dead. For example you love your mum, how does the world or your mum know this? Simple you show her you love her by treating her with love. Same applies here with god and Jesus, you show you love him by adhering to his tenants as a Christian that’s why Jesus says “Not all who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven” if faith was all we needed then all who proclaim this would enter but there’s a reason why this isn’t the case.

You disrespect Christianity, the saints, founding fathers, Jesus and the BIBLE for being a butcher of scripture a heretic for throwing away tradition and spitting on Jesus and calling him a liar. You Protestants are basically Muslims that follow the bible instead of the Quran, both of you idiots take verses out of context, the “works” in romans is ABOUT THE JUDIAZING CONVERTS WHO WBATED TO USE THE CEREMONIAL AND CIVIC LAW OF MOSES ON GENTILE CHRISTIANS THATS THE WHOLE POINT THATS WHAT WORKS REFERS TO AS IN GETTING CIRCUMCISED NOT EATING PORK ETC YOU SILLY PROTESCUCKS EVEN MARTIN LURHER WANTED TITUS REMOVED FROM THE PROTESCUCK BIBLE BECAUSE IT CONTRADICTS PROTESTANTISM. I CAN SAY WITH CONFIDENCE MARTIN LUTHWR IS IN HELL BURNING ETERNALLY FOR LEADING MANH ASTRAY FUCK HIM
  • Ugh..
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Yes I attack you the same way the handful of bishops attacked the arians during the council to defend Christianity from heresy. They were aggresive bold and uncompromising that’s how I am to you.

I’ll call out your heretical nonsense and put it in its place and tell you to go fuck yourself and your Sola Fide nonsense

When we says “works” we mean becoming more Christlike and being led by the holy sporit to sin less and be better people :hnghn::hnghn::hnghn: that’s what we mean. Faith without works is dead. For example you love your mum, how does the world or your mum know this? Simple you show her you love her by treating her with love. Same applies here with god and Jesus, you show you love him by adhering to his tenants as a Christian that’s why Jesus says “Not all who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven” if faith was all we needed then all who proclaim this would enter but there’s a reason why this isn’t the case.

You disrespect Christianity, the saints, founding fathers, Jesus and the BIBLE for being a butcher of scripture a heretic for throwing away tradition and spitting on Jesus and calling him a liar. You Protestants are basically Muslims that follow the bible instead of the Quran, both of you idiots take verses out of context, the “works” in romans is ABOUT THE JUDIAZING CONVERTS WHO WBATED TO USE THE CEREMONIAL AND CIVIC LAW OF MOSES ON GENTILE CHRISTIANS THATS THE WHOLE POINT THATS WHAT WORKS REFERS TO AS IN GETTING CIRCUMCISED NOT EATING PORK ETC YOU SILLY PROTESCUCKS EVEN MARTIN LURHER WANTED TITUS REMOVED FROM THE PROTESCUCK BIBLE BECAUSE IT CONTRADICTS PROTESTANTISM. I CAN SAY WITH CONFIDENCE MARTIN LUTHWR IS IN HELL BURNING ETERNALLY FOR LEADING MANH ASTRAY FUCK HIM
You are a dumb fuck man. Fuck off you make me mad.

I just told you I and Luther both love God and willingly give money to poor and want to help him I even gave money to an orthodox church out of love for God and to please Him and respect.

But all God wants is our faith in His SON. The WORK JESUS did on the cross.

The only WORK singular JESUS said we must do to be saved is BELIEVE.

You stupid arrogant dickhead.

John 6:28-29

Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
Yes I attack you the same way the handful of bishops attacked the arians during the council to defend Christianity from heresy. They were aggresive bold and uncompromising that’s how I am to you.

I’ll call out your heretical nonsense and put it in its place and tell you to go fuck yourself and your Sola Fide nonsense

When we says “works” we mean becoming more Christlike and being led by the holy sporit to sin less and be better people :hnghn::hnghn::hnghn: that’s what we mean. Faith without works is dead. For example you love your mum, how does the world or your mum know this? Simple you show her you love her by treating her with love. Same applies here with god and Jesus, you show you love him by adhering to his tenants as a Christian that’s why Jesus says “Not all who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven” if faith was all we needed then all who proclaim this would enter but there’s a reason why this isn’t the case.

You disrespect Christianity, the saints, founding fathers, Jesus and the BIBLE for being a butcher of scripture a heretic for throwing away tradition and spitting on Jesus and calling him a liar. You Protestants are basically Muslims that follow the bible instead of the Quran, both of you idiots take verses out of context, the “works” in romans is ABOUT THE JUDIAZING CONVERTS WHO WBATED TO USE THE CEREMONIAL AND CIVIC LAW OF MOSES ON GENTILE CHRISTIANS THATS THE WHOLE POINT THATS WHAT WORKS REFERS TO AS IN GETTING CIRCUMCISED NOT EATING PORK ETC YOU SILLY PROTESCUCKS EVEN MARTIN LURHER WANTED TITUS REMOVED FROM THE PROTESCUCK BIBLE BECAUSE IT CONTRADICTS PROTESTANTISM. I CAN SAY WITH CONFIDENCE MARTIN LUTHWR IS IN HELL BURNING ETERNALLY FOR LEADING MANH ASTRAY FUCK HIM
You fucking demon cock sucker you are zo annoying you arrogant hateful works based bastard!
Yes I attack you the same way the handful of bishops attacked the arians during the council to defend Christianity from heresy. They were aggresive bold and uncompromising that’s how I am to you.

I’ll call out your heretical nonsense and put it in its place and tell you to go fuck yourself and your Sola Fide nonsense

When we says “works” we mean becoming more Christlike and being led by the holy sporit to sin less and be better people :hnghn::hnghn::hnghn: that’s what we mean. Faith without works is dead. For example you love your mum, how does the world or your mum know this? Simple you show her you love her by treating her with love. Same applies here with god and Jesus, you show you love him by adhering to his tenants as a Christian that’s why Jesus says “Not all who say Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven” if faith was all we needed then all who proclaim this would enter but there’s a reason why this isn’t the case.

You disrespect Christianity, the saints, founding fathers, Jesus and the BIBLE for being a butcher of scripture a heretic for throwing away tradition and spitting on Jesus and calling him a liar. You Protestants are basically Muslims that follow the bible instead of the Quran, both of you idiots take verses out of context, the “works” in romans is ABOUT THE JUDIAZING CONVERTS WHO WBATED TO USE THE CEREMONIAL AND CIVIC LAW OF MOSES ON GENTILE CHRISTIANS THATS THE WHOLE POINT THATS WHAT WORKS REFERS TO AS IN GETTING CIRCUMCISED NOT EATING PORK ETC YOU SILLY PROTESCUCKS EVEN MARTIN LURHER WANTED TITUS REMOVED FROM THE PROTESCUCK BIBLE BECAUSE IT CONTRADICTS PROTESTANTISM. I CAN SAY WITH CONFIDENCE MARTIN LUTHWR IS IN HELL BURNING ETERNALLY FOR LEADING MANH ASTRAY FUCK HIM
It says WORKS you dumb fuck. Works.

Works. Works. You can't just pick and choose and change what works means to benefit your pharisee works based position cock suckered.
You aren't an honest man. Every orthodox and catholic I met on social media is legit a nazi and white supremacist. :lul:
Yet nazism and scientific racism are the ideologies of the Anglo-Saxon west. Spanish/Portuguese (catholic) run colonies ended up all mixed race. It was the protestant USA which still had race laws into the second half of the 20th century.
Yet nazism and scientific racism are the ideologies of the Anglo-Saxon west. Spanish/Portuguese (catholic) run colonies ended up all mixed race. It was the protestant USA which still had race laws into the second half of the 20th century.
Fucking liar it's all you Catholics and orthodogs post online it's all of you 99% of you and you wanna lie and say it's us Protestants who are millions of blacks and etgnixs?
Fucking liar it's all you Catholics and orthodogs post online it's all of you 99% of you and you wanna lie and say it's us Protestants who are millions of blacks and etgnixs?
The fuck are you even talking about? Posting online? Who cares what some anon posts online? The fact is that scientific racism is a Anglo-Germanic invention. Even Hitler who spoke with a southern accent and came from the catholic south did way better with the protestant voter than the catholic one. Protestantism is a complete joke, it's not even a single denomination. It can mean absolutely anything because it's not centralized and it's just a bunch of sects, many of whom are total loonies.

The fuck are you even talking about? Posting online? Who cares what some anon posts online? The fact is that scientific racism is a Anglo-Germanic invention. Even Hitler who spoke with a southern accent and came from the catholic south did way better with the protestant voter than the catholic one. Protestantism is a complete joke, it's not even a single denomination. It can mean absolutely anything because it's not centralized and it's just a bunch of sects, many of whom are total loonies.

View attachment 3017567

Nice cherrypicking and false bs. I don't even know what these videos prove btw?

You can't prove anything you said. And no it's not some random anonymous accounts. It's thousands upon thousands of users and channels and videos and comments of nazi orthodox and catholics lol:ROFLMAO::lul:(y)

You're all works based heretics.
The fuck are you even talking about? Posting online? Who cares what some anon posts online? The fact is that scientific racism is a Anglo-Germanic invention. Even Hitler who spoke with a southern accent and came from the catholic south did way better with the protestant voter than the catholic one. Protestantism is a complete joke, it's not even a single denomination. It can mean absolutely anything because it's not centralized and it's just a bunch of sects, many of whom are total loonies.

View attachment 3017567

The guy is right about Australia he's talking about Australian sodomites and shit. Now maybe he's too extreme but nice cherrypicking.

I can find hundreds of orthodox users and channels on Twitter and YouTube who are nazis and racist prob.
The guy is right about Australia he's talking about Australian sodomites and shit. Now maybe he's too extreme but nice cherrypicking.

I can find hundreds of orthodox users and channels on Twitter and YouTube who are nazis and racist prob.
Maybe some Angloid incels who really are influenced by the culture they grew up in (liberal protestant culture). I've never seen racism coming from the religious folk here in Europe. Your average European atheist is more of a racist. No wonder since modern liberal atheism has roots in Anglo Protestantism.
Maybe some Angloid incels who really are influenced by the culture they grew up in (liberal protestant culture). I've never seen racism coming from the religious folk here in Europe. Your average European atheist is more of a racist. No wonder since modern liberal atheism has roots in Anglo Protestantism.
You keep making false claims protestanism protestanism. None of it is true. Protestanism is filled with blacks and all ethnicities. Faith alone. We are all brothers and sisters.

It's your church that is full of white eastern Europeans and nazis online fuck off.

Relying on your own works. Either it's faith in Jesus alone or you claim Jesus didn't do the work for us on the cross. Disrespect satanic.
You keep making false claims protestanism protestanism. None of it is true. Protestanism is filled with blacks and all ethnicities. Faith alone. We are all brothers and sisters.

It's your church that is full of white eastern Europeans and nazis online fuck off.

Relying on your own works. Either it's faith in Jesus alone or you claim Jesus didn't do the work for us on the cross. Disrespect satanic.
given the fact Latin America is Catholic there is a lot more ethnics among Catholics than among Protestants
given the fact Latin America is Catholic there is a lot more ethnics among Catholics than among Protestants
Lmao. The most diverse denom is FAITH ALONE Christianity. Black. Hispanic. European. East Asian. Former Muslims, hindu, jews.

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