

This Too Shall Pass
Oct 9, 2019
Recent thread by @Tyrionlannistercel as well as conversations with @PrettyBoyMaxxing inspired this. I'm bored as all fuck, so here goes my first legitimate high effort thread. In this thread I'm going to lay out to the best of my ability what I think a PSL rating should actually mean and why I think this offered interpretation of it would be the most useful. I'll also explain what I think IRL and SMV means, which I don't think will be too controversial but a brief description of them will be useful in cementing why PSL makes the most sense when considered this way. It's important to note that I don't consider this to be a definitive guide, which is why I didn't select the [GUIDE] tag, instead I intend this to be a useful basis for conversation with other intelligent users. I hope this actually gets modified.
Without further ado let's get right into it.
The PSL Scale
There's some controversy as to whether the PSL scale should start at 0 or 1. I fall into the former camp. The most common rebuttal to my comrades and I on this is that a 0 PSL would never actually exist - I have two points here. First, I think something very similar could be said about a PSL 8. Second, I would contend that a PSL 0 could at least theoretically exist if you consider it to be someone with literally no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Similarly, a PSL 8 would have absolutely no flaws. Also, including a PSL 0 makes the math work out a lot cleaner, so that's also a big incentive.
The other thing to mention before describing the actual scale itself is what the PSL scale should actually be describing. In my opinion, it should describe only a person's facial aesthetics. It shouldn't be affected by a subject's height, physique, or most controversially, their phenotype and coloration. It should however consider skin quality. I debated on whether to include Norwood level or not but tbh I think PSL should consider Norwood level as it affects how your face is perceived.
I'll give picture examples of PSL here, but for the sake of my own argument I'm only going to use whites. That's also just easiest as many more examples exist and they are less controversial.

At this level someone would have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. If you were making a Pros and Cons list on this person's face you would be unable to put anything in the Pros column. I think probably no one belongs here in practicality except for the severely deformed.

I think it would be fair to say that the above (Elephant Man) is a zero PSL. Any attempt to find a positive feature here would be splitting hairs. Everything is a neg by default because he doesn't even have a recognizable human face. Burn victims also go here, or that dude who got kicked in the head by a horse and his eye swelled to like 10 times its original size, etc.

At this level we have extremely ugly but still recognizably human people. These are probably people that most would consider completely undateable, but not all. Prerequisite to be at this level is no halos - you either have all failos or mostly failos and some neutral qualities. You probably also have a few severe failos. However, this tier should not include the severely deformed, those should go into PSL 0.

The above might be an example of a PSL 1 person. Most people would consider this guy undateable just by his face alone. At best, his eye area and lower third are neutral qualities, meanwhile his teeth are a severe failo. Ears, hairline, nose, and skin are failos as well.

Here actual (not perceived or imagined, but actual) below average people belong. These people would probably not have much dating success by our standards but would be able to have romantic relationships given they lowered their standards enough. No severe failos exist here, except for high bodyfat percentage, but the feature-mix will typically be mostly failos and neutrals with one halo at most, and usually not a halo in a critical area, like eye area or lower third. Many examples abound here of course, the variability kind of opens up at this PSL. Below I'll post three pictures of what I would consider PSL 2s.

Hopefully the above images showcase some of the variety of PSL 2s. Note the second image wouldn't be a PSL 2 anymore if he either shaved his head or got a hair transplant (which he later did). Anyway the point is that these are decidedly below-average people, the key here is even a normie would agree they're definitely below average facially.

Now this is the point in the scale where I think we're going to get controversial. I've posted this opinion before, I think the average person hovers somewhere around a PSL 3 to a PSL 3.5. I'll talk more about this later, but suffice to say I think PSLers tend to drastically overrate the average person and forget about the literal sea of bad-looking people dragging that average down.
In this tier you have no severe failos, although you are probably overweight or have that skinny nerd look. You do however, have at least a couple failos if not more, and you will have no more than two halos, and you won't have a haloed eye area and a haloed lower third at the same time. More than likely you'll have neither.

Its likely that most people would consider people like these to be below-average to some degree, although few would say they're outright ugly. However, that is exactly where I think the actual average person lies statistically speaking. Right there, in the thoroughly unimpressive, not completely hideous to look at but also not remotely attractive zone. (This is from a normie's point of view.) At this PSL, you have a decent enough foundation to potentially boost your SMV through other means to the point where you can secure a mate anyway. Ed Sheeran is a great example of this, so is Bezos. This should be lifefuel for you cels who place yourselves here. Will you sufficiently boost your SMV through fame or fortune though? Probably not, but the opportunity is there.

This is where most people tend to place the average, at either 4 or 4.5 PSL. They do this for the simple reason that depending on which floor you choose the number bisects the scale, which I think is pretty silly logic, but I digress. I come into a sort of shadow of agreement with you all though, because this is where I think most people perceive the average to be. By that I mean this is probably the image that comes up in a PSLer's head when he hears the word "average". Most people in this range will think of themselves as slightly above average or describe themselves that way, but deep in their hearts they know they're average unless they are delusional.
Here you may have a significant halo, such as a good eye area or good lower third. You will also not have any severe failos. However, you may very well have a few failos here that you just can't overcome with your halos, or something else throwing you off that just can't bring your halos together. However, at this stage you're basically a normie and you have a decent foundation to have romantic success, although you're gonna have to fucking work for it.

As a fun exercise, think about why Vin Diesel might edge out Jeff Bezos even though at a superficial glance they have a very similar appearance. Also, I think the vast majority of users here will probably fall between 3.5 and 4.5. Most of your guys' pics that I've seen or that you've PM'd me, I would put you in this range. Its probably fairly unusual that any user gets above or below that, this might very well represent the first standard deviation window on the PSL distribution. Most people in the 4-5 category would have a decent amount of normies willing to call them good-looking. They have a solid foundation to SMV max or receive other halos that go into their IRL score. They may or may not have a good PSLmaxxing base.
As a side note, Grant Gustin is probably the best looking out of this bunch and Diesel the worst, at least PSL wise. Grant is a 4.5+, but I wouldn't put him at a 5.
At this point we are reaching the stage where you no longer have any failos at all. You probably also have a few halos, you might even have an eye area halo and a lower third halo simultaneously. However, something is still limiting you. Maybe you have something that would usually be considered a failo on other men, but somehow on you, it just works - however it still isn't ideal. Men who can rock Norwooding levels fall here. The Rock is a good example, although he is non-white and therefore excluded from the image examples in this mock guide. Or maybe the thing limiting you is a mysterious "lack of harmony". However, regardless, nearly all NT people and most PSLers will probably agree, you're a good looking guy.

At this level you even have the potential to become somewhat of a sex symbol if you can SMVmaxx hard enough.

At this level, you definitely have no failos and your appearance is striking. You are very good looking. You're at the point where you can begin to coast through life on your looks to some degree, and even you know that you're a cut above the pack. If you posted your pic here, PSLers would probably line up to suck your dick. You more than likely have no issues getting a desirable mate, and you probably have both a lower third halo and an eye area halo, as well as many other positives like good skin and hair.

Note that Henry Cavill belongs here even with slight recession (I purposely chose a pic where his hairline looks decent). When Henry Cavill gets to his more obvious Norwoods, he falls to a PSL 5.5. My personal opinion is that Norwooding isn't really a failo until Norwood 2. However, NW0 is a halo.

At this level you are model tier. You are one of the most beautiful men on Earth, top 1% easily. You can be pretty confident that you will mog everyone wherever you go. You have both a lower third and an eye area halo. In addition you have a NW0 halo or at least an NW1. Your skin quality is excellent. Your nose shape, fantastic. Basically almost everything is on point.

Lastly we arrive at the opposite problem of PSL 0. We made an attempt at defining complete imperfection - now how do we define perfection? What image do we choose? Who do we use as an example? Is there a perfect man out there? A Jesus of PSL, so to speak?
Some of you might be offended that some of the examples I used for the PSL 7 - 7.9999999...... category weren't instead placed here. Some of you might still think a PSL 8 doesn't exist. What I will say on that is that I probably agree with you in practicality, however, we can easily define one in theory. It would simply be someone with no flaws, no possible way to detectably improve. (Please keep your autistic reductio ad absurdum arguments out of here, we're not going to count pores or anything). We could probably take a PSL 7, morph him a bit, add a couple tweaks, and claim the pic is a PSL 8. However, for the time being, I'll use this opportunity to pay tribute to my personal favorite PSL figure, even though I don't truly think he's a PSL 8:

Shine on you brilliant star.
This concludes my breakdown of a new PSL scale. Feel free to stop reading here and comment on the scale. Below, I have a few quick discussions on some key topics.

Discussion on the Average, Distribution, and Conversion Factor
Many of you may be saying, "Okay Lord Norwood, nice headcanon you tryhard narcy, but why not just say the average is 4, assume a normal distribution, and be done with it?" Well, the reason why is because I think that defeats the entire point of PSL. The reason why PSL exists is to try and provide a rigorous definition of attractiveness. Setting that definition on the average would effectively make it worthless. Then you really could not have absolutes - saying there was a PSL 8 would make no sense, just like it doesn't make sense to say that someone has a "maximum IQ". You could only talk in percentiles, and today's PSL 4 might be tomorrow's PSL 3 or PSL 5. We also have no solid way of actually taking an average, which makes basing it on an average retarded. We only have a "sense" of what the average is. Metrics which do simply score you in relation to the overall population can actually take huge amounts of data to justify that method - like for example IQ scores.
Of course, this way of doing things means the conversion to an IRL score would be tricky. Under the old mentality, an average PSL is 4, and the conversion factor to an IRL rating is 1.25. Voila. Kind of begs the question, why even use a PSL score...but I digress. Under this system there is no set in stone conversion factor. This is because in my opinion, PSL and IRL are attempting to describe different, yet related things. So instead of converting PSL to IRL, instead PSL should be taken into consideration when finding IRL.
What is an IRL Rating?
Your IRL rating is a measure of your visual attractiveness that considers qualities other than just your face. This includes your height, your race, your phenotype, your coloration (like for example what color your eyes and hair are) how good of a body you have, your proportions, wrist size, hand size, everything a person would see if you strolled up to them in the street - not considering your clothes. Because face is so important, we have an entire score dedicated just to your face - this is your PSL. Your PSL is then a major component of your IRL rating, however, your IRL can still have massive swings. As an extreme example, consider a PSL 6 Indian who is 5'5 and dark as all hell. To make matters worse, he's also a complete framelet. Now consider a 5 PSL white who is 6 foot. Obviously, the tall white is going to have a much higher IRL score.
This is a score where I think it makes sense to simply base it off the average, because that's how I think normies think of it. Again, it doesn't make a ton of sense to cap it at an arbitrary value like 10 - but whatever, let's just do so anyway, and for the nerdcels out there let's mathematically justify it by saying that your IRL score approaches 10 as you approach a higher and higher percentile score.
The average IRL rating is 5/10. We run into perception problems here again that we were trying to avoid earlier for PSL, but let's just say that this represents sexually viable people. So a 1/10 is an ugly fuck, but maybe he could still potentially mate with someone. You want to be a 7+.
What is SMV?
Your SMV, or your sexual market value, takes all possible factors that would attract a mate into account. As such, it is the closet we can get to your actual, real-life performance in mating outside of, you know, actually performing. It goes beyond just visual. However, we can sum it up as looks, money, and status. This takes the IRL rating (which includes the PSL rating) and then also considers your fashion sense, your status, how much money you make, what type of job you have, etc. etc.
This will change based on location. SMV is always relative, never absolute. An Indian's SMV is very different in India then it is in the West. As another example, if a blonde-haired white man went to Asia, he would see his SMV increase significantly. SMV is also rarely actually quantified. It's usually expressed in relative terms "high", "low", "higher than this", "lower than that", etc.
For the vast majority of you this is where your bread will get buttered. This is the meat and potatoes. The reason why is because you theoretically can inflate your money and status near-infinitely. The same isn't true for your looks unless you have an excellent looksmaxxing base. Deathniks, manlets, framelets, sub 4s, SMVmaxxing is where you should live, eat and breathe.

That's all. Hopefully someone actually reads this shit. I put a decent amount of work into it.
@PrettyBoyMaxxing @cocainecowboy @FatJattMofo @OwlGod @AleksVs @Lorsss @Sergeant @CopeAndRope @Short Ugly and Brown @Tyrionlannistercel @CupOfCoffee @Blackout.xl @Mayorga @Deliciadecu @6'4 looksmaxxxer @Slayer @Titbot @everyone


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Reactions: hattrick, volcelfatcel, Looks234 and 61 others
Reading it now. I think you could picked better exemples for psl 1, 2 and 3 tbh you can’t compare oldcels with non-oldcels
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Reactions: CursedOne, Deleted member 10602, Deleted member 6531 and 7 others
very high quality thread. good job op
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I am psl 0 according to his standards.
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Reactions: Vampirecel, potentialhabit1, Deleted member 6577 and 8 others
Extremely high IQ. Strong first high effort post.

I need to PM u

Edit: one of the guys listed as PSL 2 is PSL 4 imo.
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  • +1
Reactions: Warlow, BigBoy, OOGABOOGA and 5 others
Agree for the most part. However I will say that for an IRL rating you can break it up as follows:

IRL rating of face alone, and IRL rating overall.

The latter IRL rating is where race, height, frame, etc. come into play. The former would basically just be a PSL rating (based on face alone) with the mere difference being it is out of 10 as opposed to out of 8. So, then, quite simply, IRL rating of face alone for some p PSL rating = (p/8) x 10.

So IRL rating of face alone isn’t really that interesting I guess, it’s basically just a PSL rating scaled to 10 as opposed to being scaled to 8. The IRL rating overall is what’s interesting.
  • +1
Reactions: mikeock and LordNorwood
Reading it now. I think you could picked better exemples for psl 1, 2 and 3 tbh you can’t compare oldcels with non-oldcels
Go ahead and offer some up if you want, I am eager to discuss this with you guys. I will say I did take being old into account as a PSL dropper due to Norwood level and skin quality.
Extremely high IQ. Strong first high effort post.

I need to PM u
Thanks bro, feel free to PM me for sure
I am making my own Psl scale with a few guys on looksmaxxing. Hope I finish it and publish it.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 4106 and LordNorwood
Agree for the most part. However I will say that for an IRL rating you can break it up as follows:

IRL rating of face alone, and IRL rating overall.

The latter IRL rating is where race, height, frame, etc. come into play. The former would basically just be a PSL rating (based on face alone) with the mere difference being it is out of 10 as opposed to out of 8. So, then, quite simply, IRL rating of face alone for some p PSL rating = (p/8) x 10.

So IRL rating of face alone isn’t really that interesting I guess, it’s basically just a PSL rating scaled to 10 as opposed to being scaled to 8. The IRL rating overall is what’s interesting.
Completely agreed, except that I don't think a simple conversion factor applies here. For example, competing PSLs in the 6+ range means the difference between IRL ratings of 8,9, and 10, all else being equal.
  • +1
Reactions: ArabIncel
And so this just goes to show that a PSL rating isn’t all that interesting by itself. A guy can be 8 PSL but might be 4’8” in height, for example. What’s interesting and what matters is the IRL rating overall.
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood
Go ahead and offer some up if you want, I am eager to discuss this with you guys. I will say I did take being old into account as a PSL dropper due to Norwood level and skin quality.

Thanks bro, feel free to PM me for sure
PM’d u
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Reactions: LordNorwood
Dont give me false hope boyo. Based on your scale, I'm a PSL 4.5 - 5.5
  • So Sad
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I’ve given this example before and I’ll give it again. The guy below is around a 5.5/8 PSL or equivalently a ~7/10 IRL (on the face). He’s a Chadpreetlite almost. However due to his race (South Indian) and coloring he’s completely screwed (my tinder experiments on him prove just how screwed he is; he does as good as a 4 PSL white guy does on Tinder — which is pretty shit).

This is why a PSL rating by itself means nothing. While this guy is a 5.5 PSL or ~7 IRL on the face, his “overall” IRL rating is a 5/10 MAX.


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I’ve given this example before and I’ll give it again. The guy below is around a 5.5/8 PSL or equivalently a ~7/10 IRL (on the face). He’s a Chadpreetlite almost. However due to his race (South Indian) and coloring he’s completely screwed (my tinder experiments on him prove just how screwed he is; he does as good as a 4 PSL white guy does on Tinder — which is pretty shit).

This is why a PSL rating by itself means nothing. While this guy is a 5.5 PSL or ~7 IRL on the face, his “overall” IRL rating is a 5/10 MAX.
His irl rating is the same as a 4/10 balding white Man
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: fogdart, Over and LordNorwood
His irl rating is the same as a 4/10 balding white Man

lol exactly. But you do agree with me that objectively he’s a 5.5 PSL right?
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood
A real PSL 8

IMG 20191211 063055
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Reactions: Lolcel, Gonners, Zygos4Life and 3 others
Recent thread by @Tyrionlannistercel as well as conversations with @PrettyBoyMaxxing inspired this. I'm bored as all fuck, so here goes my first legitimate high effort thread. In this thread I'm going to lay out to the best of my ability what I think a PSL rating should actually mean and why I think this offered interpretation of it would be the most useful. I'll also explain what I think IRL and SMV means, which I don't think will be too controversial but a brief description of them will be useful in cementing why PSL makes the most sense when considered this way. It's important to note that I don't consider this to be a definitive guide, which is why I didn't select the [GUIDE] tag, instead I intend this to be a useful basis for conversation with other intelligent users. I hope this actually gets modified.
Without further ado let's get right into it.
The PSL Scale
There's some controversy as to whether the PSL scale should start at 0 or 1. I fall into the former camp. The most common rebuttal to my comrades and I on this is that a 0 PSL would never actually exist - I have two points here. First, I think something very similar could be said about a PSL 8. Second, I would contend that a PSL 0 could at least theoretically exist if you consider it to be someone with literally no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Similarly, a PSL 8 would have absolutely no flaws. Also, including a PSL 0 makes the math work out a lot cleaner, so that's also a big incentive.
The other thing to mention before describing the actual scale itself is what the PSL scale should actually be describing. In my opinion, it should describe only a person's facial aesthetics. It shouldn't be affected by a subject's height, physique, or most controversially, their phenotype and coloration. It should however consider skin quality. I debated on whether to include Norwood level or not but tbh I think PSL should consider Norwood level as it affects how your face is perceived.
I'll give picture examples of PSL here, but for the sake of my own argument I'm only going to use whites. That's also just easiest as many more examples exist and they are less controversial.

At this level someone would have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. If you were making a Pros and Cons list on this person's face you would be unable to put anything in the Pros column. I think probably no one belongs here in practicality except for the severely deformed.

I think it would be fair to say that the above (Elephant Man) is a zero PSL. Any attempt to find a positive feature here would be splitting hairs. Everything is a neg by default because he doesn't even have a recognizable human face. Burn victims also go here, or that dude who got kicked in the head by a horse and his eye swelled to like 10 times its original size, etc.

At this level we have extremely ugly but still recognizably human people. These are probably people that most would consider completely undateable, but not all. Prerequisite to be at this level is no halos - you either have all failos or mostly failos and some neutral qualities. You probably also have a few severe failos. However, this tier should not include the severely deformed, those should go into PSL 0.

The above might be an example of a PSL 1 person. Most people would consider this guy undateable just by his face alone. At best, his eye area and lower third are neutral qualities, meanwhile his teeth are a severe failo. Ears, hairline, nose, and skin are failos as well.

Here actual (not perceived or imagined, but actual) below average people belong. These people would probably not have much dating success by our standards but would be able to have romantic relationships given they lowered their standards enough. No severe failos exist here, except for high bodyfat percentage, but the feature-mix will typically be mostly failos and neutrals with one halo at most, and usually not a halo in a critical area, like eye area or lower third. Many examples abound here of course, the variability kind of opens up at this PSL. Below I'll post three pictures of what I would consider PSL 2s.
View attachment 190617

Hopefully the above images showcase some of the variety of PSL 2s. Note the second image wouldn't be a PSL 2 anymore if he either shaved his head or got a hair transplant (which he later did). Anyway the point is that these are decidedly below-average people, the key here is even a normie would agree they're definitely below average facially.

Now this is the point in the scale where I think we're going to get controversial. I've posted this opinion before, I think the average person hovers somewhere around a PSL 3 to a PSL 3.5. I'll talk more about this later, but suffice to say I think PSLers tend to drastically overrate the average person and forget about the literal sea of bad-looking people dragging that average down.
In this tier you have no severe failos, although you are probably overweight or have that skinny nerd look. You do however, have at least a couple failos if not more, and you will have no more than two halos, and you won't have a haloed eye area and a haloed lower third at the same time. More than likely you'll have neither.

Its likely that most people would consider people like these to be below-average to some degree, although few would say they're outright ugly. However, that is exactly where I think the actual average person lies statistically speaking. Right there, in the thoroughly unimpressive, not completely hideous to look at but also not remotely attractive zone. (This is from a normie's point of view.) At this PSL, you have a decent enough foundation to potentially boost your SMV through other means to the point where you can secure a mate anyway. Ed Sheeran is a great example of this, so is Bezos. This should be lifefuel for you cels who place yourselves here. Will you sufficiently boost your SMV through fame or fortune though? Probably not, but the opportunity is there.

This is where most people tend to place the average, at either 4 or 4.5 PSL. They do this for the simple reason that depending on which floor you choose the number bisects the scale, which I think is pretty silly logic, but I digress. I come into a sort of shadow of agreement with you all though, because this is where I think most people perceive the average to be. By that I mean this is probably the image that comes up in a PSLer's head when he hears the word "average". Most people in this range will think of themselves as slightly above average or describe themselves that way, but deep in their hearts they know they're average unless they are delusional.
Here you may have a significant halo, such as a good eye area or good lower third. You will also not have any severe failos. However, you may very well have a few failos here that you just can't overcome with your halos, or something else throwing you off that just can't bring your halos together. However, at this stage you're basically a normie and you have a decent foundation to have romantic success, although you're gonna have to fucking work for it.

As a fun exercise, think about why Vin Diesel might edge out Jeff Bezos even though at a superficial glance they have a very similar appearance. Also, I think the vast majority of users here will probably fall between 3.5 and 4.5. Most of your guys' pics that I've seen or that you've PM'd me, I would put you in this range. Its probably fairly unusual that any user gets above or below that, this might very well represent the first standard deviation window on the PSL distribution. Most people in the 4-5 category would have a decent amount of normies willing to call them good-looking. They have a solid foundation to SMV max or receive other halos that go into their IRL score. They may or may not have a good PSLmaxxing base.
As a side note, Grant Gustin is probably the best looking out of this bunch and Diesel the worst, at least PSL wise. Grant is a 4.5+, but I wouldn't put him at a 5.
At this point we are reaching the stage where you no longer have any failos at all. You probably also have a few halos, you might even have an eye area halo and a lower third halo simultaneously. However, something is still limiting you. Maybe you have something that would usually be considered a failo on other men, but somehow on you, it just works - however it still isn't ideal. Men who can rock Norwooding levels fall here. The Rock is a good example, although he is non-white and therefore excluded from the image examples in this mock guide. Or maybe the thing limiting you is a mysterious "lack of harmony". However, regardless, nearly all NT people and most PSLers will probably agree, you're a good looking guy.

At this level you even have the potential to become somewhat of a sex symbol if you can SMVmaxx hard enough.

At this level, you definitely have no failos and your appearance is striking. You are very good looking. You're at the point where you can begin to coast through life on your looks to some degree, and even you know that you're a cut above the pack. If you posted your pic here, PSLers would probably line up to suck your dick. You more than likely have no issues getting a desirable mate, and you probably have both a lower third halo and an eye area halo, as well as many other positives like good skin and hair.
View attachment 190644
Note that Henry Cavill belongs here even with slight recession (I purposely chose a pic where his hairline looks decent). When Henry Cavill gets to his more obvious Norwoods, he falls to a PSL 5.5. My personal opinion is that Norwooding isn't really a failo until Norwood 2. However, NW0 is a halo.

At this level you are model tier. You are one of the most beautiful men on Earth, top 1% easily. You can be pretty confident that you will mog everyone wherever you go. You have both a lower third and an eye area halo. In addition you have a NW0 halo or at least an NW1. Your skin quality is excellent. Your nose shape, fantastic. Basically almost everything is on point.
View attachment 190648

Lastly we arrive at the opposite problem of PSL 0. We made an attempt at defining complete imperfection - now how do we define perfection? What image do we choose? Who do we use as an example? Is there a perfect man out there? A Jesus of PSL, so to speak?
Some of you might be offended that some of the examples I used for the PSL 7 - 7.9999999...... category weren't instead placed here. Some of you might still think a PSL 8 doesn't exist. What I will say on that is that I probably agree with you in practicality, however, we can easily define one in theory. It would simply be someone with no flaws, no possible way to detectably improve. (Please keep your autistic reductio ad absurdum arguments out of here, we're not going to count pores or anything). We could probably take a PSL 7, morph him a bit, add a couple tweaks, and claim the pic is a PSL 8. However, for the time being, I'll use this opportunity to pay tribute to my personal favorite PSL figure, even though I don't truly think he's a PSL 8:

Shine on you brilliant star.
This concludes my breakdown of a new PSL scale. Feel free to stop reading here and comment on the scale. Below, I have a few quick discussions on some key topics.

Discussion on the Average, Distribution, and Conversion Factor
Many of you may be saying, "Okay Lord Norwood, nice headcanon you tryhard narcy, but why not just say the average is 4, assume a normal distribution, and be done with it?" Well, the reason why is because I think that defeats the entire point of PSL. The reason why PSL exists is to try and provide a rigorous definition of attractiveness. Setting that definition on the average would effectively make it worthless. Then you really could not have absolutes - saying there was a PSL 8 would make no sense, just like it doesn't make sense to say that someone has a "maximum IQ". You could only talk in percentiles, and today's PSL 4 might be tomorrow's PSL 3 or PSL 5. We also have no solid way of actually taking an average, which makes basing it on an average retarded. We only have a "sense" of what the average is. Metrics which do simply score you in relation to the overall population can actually take huge amounts of data to justify that method - like for example IQ scores.
Of course, this way of doing things means the conversion to an IRL score would be tricky. Under the old mentality, an average PSL is 4, and the conversion factor to an IRL rating is 1.25. Voila. Kind of begs the question, why even use a PSL score...but I digress. Under this system there is no set in stone conversion factor. This is because in my opinion, PSL and IRL are attempting to describe different, yet related things. So instead of converting PSL to IRL, instead PSL should be taken into consideration when finding IRL.
What is an IRL Rating?
Your IRL rating is a measure of your visual attractiveness that considers qualities other than just your face. This includes your height, your race, your phenotype, your coloration (like for example what color your eyes and hair are) how good of a body you have, your proportions, wrist size, hand size, everything a person would see if you strolled up to them in the street - not considering your clothes. Because face is so important, we have an entire score dedicated just to your face - this is your PSL. Your PSL is then a major component of your IRL rating, however, your IRL can still have massive swings. As an extreme example, consider a PSL 6 Indian who is 5'5 and dark as all hell. To make matters worse, he's also a complete framelet. Now consider a 5 PSL white who is 6 foot. Obviously, the tall white is going to have a much higher IRL score.
This is a score where I think it makes sense to simply base it off the average, because that's how I think normies think of it. Again, it doesn't make a ton of sense to cap it at an arbitrary value like 10 - but whatever, let's just do so anyway, and for the nerdcels out there let's mathematically justify it by saying that your IRL score approaches 10 as you approach a higher and higher percentile score.
The average IRL rating is 5/10. We run into perception problems here again that we were trying to avoid earlier for PSL, but let's just say that this represents sexually viable people. So a 1/10 is an ugly fuck, but maybe he could still potentially mate with someone. You want to be a 7+.
What is SMV?
Your SMV, or your sexual market value, takes all possible factors that would attract a mate into account. As such, it is the closet we can get to your actual, real-life performance in mating outside of, you know, actually performing. It goes beyond just visual. However, we can sum it up as looks, money, and status. This takes the IRL rating (which includes the PSL rating) and then also considers your fashion sense, your status, how much money you make, what type of job you have, etc. etc.
This will change based on location. SMV is always relative, never absolute. An Indian's SMV is very different in India then it is in the West. As another example, if a blonde-haired white man went to Asia, he would see his SMV increase significantly. SMV is also rarely actually quantified. It's usually expressed in relative terms "high", "low", "higher than this", "lower than that", etc.
For the vast majority of you this is where your bread will get buttered. This is the meat and potatoes. The reason why is because you theoretically can inflate your money and status near-infinitely. The same isn't true for your looks unless you have an excellent looksmaxxing base. Deathniks, manlets, framelets, sub 4s, SMVmaxxing is where you should live, eat and breathe.

That's all. Hopefully someone actually reads this shit. I put a decent amount of work into it.
@PrettyBoyMaxxing @cocainecowboy @FatJattMofo @OwlGod @AleksVs @Lorsss @Sergeant @CopeAndRope @Short Ugly and Brown @Tyrionlannistercel @CupOfCoffee @Blackout.xl @Mayorga @Deliciadecu @6'4 looksmaxxxer @Slayer @Titbot @everyone
Top 5 users, that 130+ IQ is shinning like the fucking sun! Wish I could write something like this. . . . . Read the ENTIRE thing (and I got mentioned by a big member :cool:)!
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  • Love it
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@cocainecowboy this one is for you. see how race is excluded, etc. of course this just shows that a PSL rating is pointless in and of itself. so to that extent you’re right about it being pointless.
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Recent thread by @Tyrionlannistercel as well as conversations with @PrettyBoyMaxxing inspired this. I'm bored as all fuck, so here goes my first legitimate high effort thread. In this thread I'm going to lay out to the best of my ability what I think a PSL rating should actually mean and why I think this offered interpretation of it would be the most useful. I'll also explain what I think IRL and SMV means, which I don't think will be too controversial but a brief description of them will be useful in cementing why PSL makes the most sense when considered this way. It's important to note that I don't consider this to be a definitive guide, which is why I didn't select the [GUIDE] tag, instead I intend this to be a useful basis for conversation with other intelligent users. I hope this actually gets modified.
Without further ado let's get right into it.
The PSL Scale
There's some controversy as to whether the PSL scale should start at 0 or 1. I fall into the former camp. The most common rebuttal to my comrades and I on this is that a 0 PSL would never actually exist - I have two points here. First, I think something very similar could be said about a PSL 8. Second, I would contend that a PSL 0 could at least theoretically exist if you consider it to be someone with literally no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Similarly, a PSL 8 would have absolutely no flaws. Also, including a PSL 0 makes the math work out a lot cleaner, so that's also a big incentive.
The other thing to mention before describing the actual scale itself is what the PSL scale should actually be describing. In my opinion, it should describe only a person's facial aesthetics. It shouldn't be affected by a subject's height, physique, or most controversially, their phenotype and coloration. It should however consider skin quality. I debated on whether to include Norwood level or not but tbh I think PSL should consider Norwood level as it affects how your face is perceived.
I'll give picture examples of PSL here, but for the sake of my own argument I'm only going to use whites. That's also just easiest as many more examples exist and they are less controversial.

At this level someone would have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. If you were making a Pros and Cons list on this person's face you would be unable to put anything in the Pros column. I think probably no one belongs here in practicality except for the severely deformed.

I think it would be fair to say that the above (Elephant Man) is a zero PSL. Any attempt to find a positive feature here would be splitting hairs. Everything is a neg by default because he doesn't even have a recognizable human face. Burn victims also go here, or that dude who got kicked in the head by a horse and his eye swelled to like 10 times its original size, etc.

At this level we have extremely ugly but still recognizably human people. These are probably people that most would consider completely undateable, but not all. Prerequisite to be at this level is no halos - you either have all failos or mostly failos and some neutral qualities. You probably also have a few severe failos. However, this tier should not include the severely deformed, those should go into PSL 0.

The above might be an example of a PSL 1 person. Most people would consider this guy undateable just by his face alone. At best, his eye area and lower third are neutral qualities, meanwhile his teeth are a severe failo. Ears, hairline, nose, and skin are failos as well.

Here actual (not perceived or imagined, but actual) below average people belong. These people would probably not have much dating success by our standards but would be able to have romantic relationships given they lowered their standards enough. No severe failos exist here, except for high bodyfat percentage, but the feature-mix will typically be mostly failos and neutrals with one halo at most, and usually not a halo in a critical area, like eye area or lower third. Many examples abound here of course, the variability kind of opens up at this PSL. Below I'll post three pictures of what I would consider PSL 2s.
View attachment 190617

Hopefully the above images showcase some of the variety of PSL 2s. Note the second image wouldn't be a PSL 2 anymore if he either shaved his head or got a hair transplant (which he later did). Anyway the point is that these are decidedly below-average people, the key here is even a normie would agree they're definitely below average facially.

Now this is the point in the scale where I think we're going to get controversial. I've posted this opinion before, I think the average person hovers somewhere around a PSL 3 to a PSL 3.5. I'll talk more about this later, but suffice to say I think PSLers tend to drastically overrate the average person and forget about the literal sea of bad-looking people dragging that average down.
In this tier you have no severe failos, although you are probably overweight or have that skinny nerd look. You do however, have at least a couple failos if not more, and you will have no more than two halos, and you won't have a haloed eye area and a haloed lower third at the same time. More than likely you'll have neither.

Its likely that most people would consider people like these to be below-average to some degree, although few would say they're outright ugly. However, that is exactly where I think the actual average person lies statistically speaking. Right there, in the thoroughly unimpressive, not completely hideous to look at but also not remotely attractive zone. (This is from a normie's point of view.) At this PSL, you have a decent enough foundation to potentially boost your SMV through other means to the point where you can secure a mate anyway. Ed Sheeran is a great example of this, so is Bezos. This should be lifefuel for you cels who place yourselves here. Will you sufficiently boost your SMV through fame or fortune though? Probably not, but the opportunity is there.

This is where most people tend to place the average, at either 4 or 4.5 PSL. They do this for the simple reason that depending on which floor you choose the number bisects the scale, which I think is pretty silly logic, but I digress. I come into a sort of shadow of agreement with you all though, because this is where I think most people perceive the average to be. By that I mean this is probably the image that comes up in a PSLer's head when he hears the word "average". Most people in this range will think of themselves as slightly above average or describe themselves that way, but deep in their hearts they know they're average unless they are delusional.
Here you may have a significant halo, such as a good eye area or good lower third. You will also not have any severe failos. However, you may very well have a few failos here that you just can't overcome with your halos, or something else throwing you off that just can't bring your halos together. However, at this stage you're basically a normie and you have a decent foundation to have romantic success, although you're gonna have to fucking work for it.

As a fun exercise, think about why Vin Diesel might edge out Jeff Bezos even though at a superficial glance they have a very similar appearance. Also, I think the vast majority of users here will probably fall between 3.5 and 4.5. Most of your guys' pics that I've seen or that you've PM'd me, I would put you in this range. Its probably fairly unusual that any user gets above or below that, this might very well represent the first standard deviation window on the PSL distribution. Most people in the 4-5 category would have a decent amount of normies willing to call them good-looking. They have a solid foundation to SMV max or receive other halos that go into their IRL score. They may or may not have a good PSLmaxxing base.
As a side note, Grant Gustin is probably the best looking out of this bunch and Diesel the worst, at least PSL wise. Grant is a 4.5+, but I wouldn't put him at a 5.
At this point we are reaching the stage where you no longer have any failos at all. You probably also have a few halos, you might even have an eye area halo and a lower third halo simultaneously. However, something is still limiting you. Maybe you have something that would usually be considered a failo on other men, but somehow on you, it just works - however it still isn't ideal. Men who can rock Norwooding levels fall here. The Rock is a good example, although he is non-white and therefore excluded from the image examples in this mock guide. Or maybe the thing limiting you is a mysterious "lack of harmony". However, regardless, nearly all NT people and most PSLers will probably agree, you're a good looking guy.

At this level you even have the potential to become somewhat of a sex symbol if you can SMVmaxx hard enough.

At this level, you definitely have no failos and your appearance is striking. You are very good looking. You're at the point where you can begin to coast through life on your looks to some degree, and even you know that you're a cut above the pack. If you posted your pic here, PSLers would probably line up to suck your dick. You more than likely have no issues getting a desirable mate, and you probably have both a lower third halo and an eye area halo, as well as many other positives like good skin and hair.
View attachment 190644
Note that Henry Cavill belongs here even with slight recession (I purposely chose a pic where his hairline looks decent). When Henry Cavill gets to his more obvious Norwoods, he falls to a PSL 5.5. My personal opinion is that Norwooding isn't really a failo until Norwood 2. However, NW0 is a halo.

At this level you are model tier. You are one of the most beautiful men on Earth, top 1% easily. You can be pretty confident that you will mog everyone wherever you go. You have both a lower third and an eye area halo. In addition you have a NW0 halo or at least an NW1. Your skin quality is excellent. Your nose shape, fantastic. Basically almost everything is on point.
View attachment 190648

Lastly we arrive at the opposite problem of PSL 0. We made an attempt at defining complete imperfection - now how do we define perfection? What image do we choose? Who do we use as an example? Is there a perfect man out there? A Jesus of PSL, so to speak?
Some of you might be offended that some of the examples I used for the PSL 7 - 7.9999999...... category weren't instead placed here. Some of you might still think a PSL 8 doesn't exist. What I will say on that is that I probably agree with you in practicality, however, we can easily define one in theory. It would simply be someone with no flaws, no possible way to detectably improve. (Please keep your autistic reductio ad absurdum arguments out of here, we're not going to count pores or anything). We could probably take a PSL 7, morph him a bit, add a couple tweaks, and claim the pic is a PSL 8. However, for the time being, I'll use this opportunity to pay tribute to my personal favorite PSL figure, even though I don't truly think he's a PSL 8:

Shine on you brilliant star.
This concludes my breakdown of a new PSL scale. Feel free to stop reading here and comment on the scale. Below, I have a few quick discussions on some key topics.

Discussion on the Average, Distribution, and Conversion Factor
Many of you may be saying, "Okay Lord Norwood, nice headcanon you tryhard narcy, but why not just say the average is 4, assume a normal distribution, and be done with it?" Well, the reason why is because I think that defeats the entire point of PSL. The reason why PSL exists is to try and provide a rigorous definition of attractiveness. Setting that definition on the average would effectively make it worthless. Then you really could not have absolutes - saying there was a PSL 8 would make no sense, just like it doesn't make sense to say that someone has a "maximum IQ". You could only talk in percentiles, and today's PSL 4 might be tomorrow's PSL 3 or PSL 5. We also have no solid way of actually taking an average, which makes basing it on an average retarded. We only have a "sense" of what the average is. Metrics which do simply score you in relation to the overall population can actually take huge amounts of data to justify that method - like for example IQ scores.
Of course, this way of doing things means the conversion to an IRL score would be tricky. Under the old mentality, an average PSL is 4, and the conversion factor to an IRL rating is 1.25. Voila. Kind of begs the question, why even use a PSL score...but I digress. Under this system there is no set in stone conversion factor. This is because in my opinion, PSL and IRL are attempting to describe different, yet related things. So instead of converting PSL to IRL, instead PSL should be taken into consideration when finding IRL.
What is an IRL Rating?
Your IRL rating is a measure of your visual attractiveness that considers qualities other than just your face. This includes your height, your race, your phenotype, your coloration (like for example what color your eyes and hair are) how good of a body you have, your proportions, wrist size, hand size, everything a person would see if you strolled up to them in the street - not considering your clothes. Because face is so important, we have an entire score dedicated just to your face - this is your PSL. Your PSL is then a major component of your IRL rating, however, your IRL can still have massive swings. As an extreme example, consider a PSL 6 Indian who is 5'5 and dark as all hell. To make matters worse, he's also a complete framelet. Now consider a 5 PSL white who is 6 foot. Obviously, the tall white is going to have a much higher IRL score.
This is a score where I think it makes sense to simply base it off the average, because that's how I think normies think of it. Again, it doesn't make a ton of sense to cap it at an arbitrary value like 10 - but whatever, let's just do so anyway, and for the nerdcels out there let's mathematically justify it by saying that your IRL score approaches 10 as you approach a higher and higher percentile score.
The average IRL rating is 5/10. We run into perception problems here again that we were trying to avoid earlier for PSL, but let's just say that this represents sexually viable people. So a 1/10 is an ugly fuck, but maybe he could still potentially mate with someone. You want to be a 7+.
What is SMV?
Your SMV, or your sexual market value, takes all possible factors that would attract a mate into account. As such, it is the closet we can get to your actual, real-life performance in mating outside of, you know, actually performing. It goes beyond just visual. However, we can sum it up as looks, money, and status. This takes the IRL rating (which includes the PSL rating) and then also considers your fashion sense, your status, how much money you make, what type of job you have, etc. etc.
This will change based on location. SMV is always relative, never absolute. An Indian's SMV is very different in India then it is in the West. As another example, if a blonde-haired white man went to Asia, he would see his SMV increase significantly. SMV is also rarely actually quantified. It's usually expressed in relative terms "high", "low", "higher than this", "lower than that", etc.
For the vast majority of you this is where your bread will get buttered. This is the meat and potatoes. The reason why is because you theoretically can inflate your money and status near-infinitely. The same isn't true for your looks unless you have an excellent looksmaxxing base. Deathniks, manlets, framelets, sub 4s, SMVmaxxing is where you should live, eat and breathe.

That's all. Hopefully someone actually reads this shit. I put a decent amount of work into it.
@PrettyBoyMaxxing @cocainecowboy @FatJattMofo @OwlGod @AleksVs @Lorsss @Sergeant @CopeAndRope @Short Ugly and Brown @Tyrionlannistercel @CupOfCoffee @Blackout.xl @Mayorga @Deliciadecu @6'4 looksmaxxxer @Slayer @Titbot @everyone
Dn r. Sticked.
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood
the rabbit hole goes deeper, theres subsets of your "looksmaxxing" performance aka SMV, attracting different types of women based on your dressing style, whether tatted or not and body fat levels. One can still get hot women while bloated, theyll just be thicker themselves usually.

youll need diff looks based on what youre trying to attract (obviously)

For North America only:

gym girls usually go for gym guys (usually white)
sex industry (cam girls/strippers/hookers/porn stars) usually go for drug dealer/ethnic degens
JBs usually go for white pretty boys
asians go for white males usually, no specialization required
latinas go for latinos of all kinds and white men (sometimes blacks)
models go for guys of avg build, but cleancut and accomplished
  • +1
Reactions: BigBoy, Deleted member 3202, Deleted member 1707 and 2 others
ill read it later mate im a lil slow atm cuz havent slept so my ADHD brain has no attention span for this

but in general i have to say i do not like these kind of "guides" tbh. just looking at pictures i already disagreed with like 5 things. but the overall sentiment is probably nice
  • +1
Reactions: Kade, Deleted member 2227 and LordNorwood
the rabbit hole goes deeper, theres subsets of your "looksmaxxing" performance aka SMV, attracting different types of women based on your dressing style, whether tatted or not and body fat levels. One can still get hot women while bloated, theyll just be thicker themselves usually.

youll need diff looks based on what youre trying to attract (obviously)

For North America only:

gym girls usually go for gym guys (usually white)
sex industry (cam girls/strippers/hookers/porn stars) usually go for drug dealer/ethnic degens
JBs usually go for white pretty boys
asians go for white males usually, no specialization required
latinas go for latinos of all kinds and white men (sometimes blacks)
models go for guys of avg build, but cleancut and accomplished
Agreed, there's a lot more to it and this just lays a foundation. When it comes to actually attracting women the overall formula is complex, but imo the cornerstone is status. All other things, including looks, are just status wearing a different face. Probably my most controversial opinion, but there it is.
ill read it later mate im a lil slow atm cuz havent slept so my ADHD brain has no attention span for this

but in general i have to say i do not like these kind of "guides" tbh. just looking at pictures i already disagreed with like 5 things. but the overall sentiment is probably nice
Fair enough. If and when you do read it, I'd really enjoy hashing out some of the finer points with you.
Blackpilled ratings below
Yeah I'd say this is much closer to the old scale, with your own personal opinion mixed in at higher PSL levels.
  • +1
Reactions: Averagecel
Dude your photos/examples are all over the place.

Like I literally see PSL 2, 3 and 4 categorized together.

Try again.
Dude your photos/examples are all over the place.

Like I literally see PSL 2, 3 and 4 categorized together.

Try again.
If you disagree, go into it with explanations. Regardless, the photos are the least important part of the guide. But I'm willing to bet everyone will have a slightly different interpretation on which photo belongs where, because we don't actually have rigorous guidelines.
If you disagree, go into it with explanations. Regardless, the photos are the least important part of the guide. But I'm willing to bet everyone will have a slightly different interpretation on which photo belongs where, because we don't actually have rigorous guidelines.

Fair enough bro
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood
This is a morph that comes when I search average male

Average male
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood
I’ve given this example before and I’ll give it again. The guy below is around a 5.5/8 PSL or equivalently a ~7/10 IRL (on the face). He’s a Chadpreetlite almost. However due to his race (South Indian) and coloring he’s completely screwed (my tinder experiments on him prove just how screwed he is; he does as good as a 4 PSL white guy does on Tinder — which is pretty shit).

This is why a PSL rating by itself means nothing. While this guy is a 5.5 PSL or ~7 IRL on the face, his “overall” IRL rating is a 5/10 MAX.
if youve actually seen the video of this guy on the australian gameshow, youll realise the host and audience wanted to suck his dick. In b4 currycope, im just giving observations
  • +1
Reactions: Warlow and ArabIncel
if youve actually seen the video of this guy on the australian gameshow, youll realise the host and audience wanted to suck his dick. In b4 currycope, im just giving observations

I know that part yeah. But try a Tinder experiment on him. I ran a fresh one on him in my area (near Toronto, Canada). In 24 hours he only got 6 likes (meaning only 6 women swiped right on him) and he only matched with 4 of them. They were ALL 3-3.5 PSL btw. That seems to prove he’s a lost case in the eyes of most women or else the results would be great.
  • +1
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I know that part yeah. But try a Tinder experiment on him. I ran a fresh one on him in my area (near Toronto, Canada). In 24 hours he only got 6 likes (meaning only 6 women swiped right on him) and he only matched with 4 of them. They were ALL 3-3.5 PSL btw. That seems to prove he’s a lost case in the eyes of most women or else the results would be great.
Actually fair enough
I know that part yeah. But try a Tinder experiment on him. I ran a fresh one on him in my area (near Toronto, Canada). In 24 hours he only got 6 likes (meaning only 6 women swiped right on him) and he only matched with 4 of them. They were ALL 3-3.5 PSL btw. That seems to prove he’s a lost case in the eyes of most women or else the results would be great.
Tinder seems a lot like this site tbh - brutal and you will get all your flaws picked apart. Reason why I think is because a woman could find literally ten other men immediately on there with a better (x) than you to try and hit up. So for this dude, because dark skin is definitely a failo, a woman could just trash this dude and then pick out a white looking dude who looks just as good PSL wise. That's what happens when a market is swung heavily in the favor of one of the buying parties.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2846
Actually fair enough

Out of curiosity how do you do on Tinder? Also do actually run one on him in your area, would be interested in knowing results (just use the first three pics below I guess if you do run it). Use them in this order.
Tinder seems a lot like this site tbh - brutal and you will get all your flaws picked apart. Reason why I think is because a woman could find literally ten other men immediately on there with a better (x) than you to try and hit up. So for this dude, because dark skin is definitely a failo, a woman could just trash this dude and then pick out a white looking dude who looks just as good PSL wise. That's what happens when a market is swung heavily in the favor of one of the buying parties.

Lol that is true. Like for example look at some of these other pics of him. Women would run in the other direction on Tinder when seeing this due to coloring. They won’t even bother registering his face properly instant left swipe after one look at color


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  • +1
Reactions: EthnicelAscension and LordNorwood
Could we get some examples of Failos and Halos to help with the idea?
He’s 5.25-5.5 PSL but not a single woman checks him out IRL I can guarantee that.
strong contribution from LordBro, don't have anything to add tbh, except that imo Prince William is not above PSL5
  • +1
Reactions: LordNorwood
Could we get some examples of Failos and Halos to help with the idea?
You'll pick them up while lurking tbh. It would be pretty convoluted to put together a ton of examples. Out of the pics posted, Chico and Ballou are great examples of halo'd eye areas, the first pic in "PSL 2" is a great example of a failo eye area. Henry Cavill might be the best example of a lower third halo, but everyone PSL 6+ has a good lower third. Last pic in "PSL 3" is a great example of a lower third failo imo, the chin is too small compared to the rest of his face. Last pic in PSL 2 is failo'd for his ultralong midface. Second pic in PSL2 is failo'd by his fucking disaster zone of a scalp. Bezos's brutal asymmetry is failo. Gustin IMO has a mild narrow-palate failo holding him back from being a much higher PSL, but it isn't a severe failo.
strong contribution from LordBro, don't have anything to add tbh, except that imo Prince William is not above PSL5
I may have fallen prey to my preference for blonde hair on men ngl (no homo)
  • +1
Reactions: EthnicelAscension and athnico
Rating is cope, not sure why you guys still care to rate
  • +1
Reactions: Looks234, Deleted member 2227 and LordNorwood
I am making my own Psl scale with a few guys on looksmaxxing. Hope I finish it and publish it.

Losing your time
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Deleted member 1100 and john2
Yeah on further searching this was only made by averaging 32 male faces together. Ridiculously small sample size.
Not really, a composite of 32 faces is enough to determine averageness (bear in mind I didn't say average) of a phenotype

Regarding your post, I remember having an autistic fixation on the ratings but as time passed psl made me realize beauty is actually more subjective than it seems (not bluepilled subjective obviously).

In an ideal world we would get a supercomputer to draw the ideal male and female and compare that face to the given subject. That way ratings are standardized and objective. But you've also seen it firsthand, one man's 7.5 is another man's 6. We all grew with different experiences and phenotypes and have had different childhood crushes which all mold the bias when we rate faces. One solution to this is to introduce variance. I know that females have a much higher variance than males do (at least when males rate, I'll assume the opposite is true). As a ballpark number it could be say, +- 1. A problem to this however is that there's almost no variance from average and below. Ugly is damn ugly no matter who you are.

I think we should just measure attractiveness (not aesthetics) with clusterings. This is also what @Deliciadecu in a post suggested. You'll notice it is the most natural to users here. What the fuck does a psl 5.75 have over a psl5.5 for instance.

Low tier normie
Average normie
High tier normie

Tldr attention from females is all that matters.
Also jfl at how psl scale keep changing.

At one point is out of 10, then 9 and now it's 8.
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If was 5.5 PSL
And my failos were:
Dark eye color
Weak Eyebrows
Slightly Long Nose
Unimpressive lower third?(neither failo nor halo)
Shitty scraggly facial hair
Awful hairstyle
I fixed:
Nose length with a fake up technique
Trimmed facial hair to stubble with slightly more hair 'mass' around my chin
Eyebrowmaxxed my face
I will fix:
Eye color with contact lenses
What can i theoretically improve my PSL to?

Also: Very insightful thread, it seems to me that average PSL probably is around 3.5, I'm just wondering how much can softmaxxing raise a person's PSL both in general and in my case.

Sorry to sound like a faggot with this post.
ill read it later mate im a lil slow atm cuz havent slept so my ADHD brain has no attention span for this

but in general i have to say i do not like these kind of "guides" tbh. just looking at pictures i already disagreed with like 5 things. but the overall sentiment is probably nice
Mr. Ashild Ringhus Facesitting Alliance high iqcel who also has adhd. Will be waiting for your input
Input regarding this psl thread in general*
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Reactions: LordNorwood
Fuck off retard
Read everything. Good thread
But I disagree that phenos and coloring shouldn’t be taken into consideration. Of course they should
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Reactions: Looks234, Lolcel, Deleted member 6531 and 2 others
the rabbit hole goes deeper, theres subsets of your "looksmaxxing" performance aka SMV, attracting different types of women based on your dressing style, whether tatted or not and body fat levels. One can still get hot women while bloated, theyll just be thicker themselves usually.

youll need diff looks based on what youre trying to attract (obviously)

For North America only:

gym girls usually go for gym guys (usually white)
sex industry (cam girls/strippers/hookers/porn stars) usually go for drug dealer/ethnic degens
JBs usually go for white pretty boys
asians go for white males usually, no specialization required
latinas go for latinos of all kinds and white men (sometimes blacks)
models go for guys of avg build, but cleancut and accomplished
How do I attract curvy (not fatties) girls?
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