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The Tribe
Jul 14, 2019
If the other thread is right it's over tbh

Also you guys think my hairline is receding?

I'm trying to gain weight right now via gym.



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how old r u?

you desperately need a HT to get your hairline set lower if possible then you would be a 6/10

atm your like a 4-4.5/10 simply cus of that hairline

you looked really good 6 years ago
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how old r u?

you desperately need a HT to get your hairline set lower if possible then you would be a 6/10

atm your like a 4-4.5/10 simply cus of that hairline

you looked really good 6 years ago
26 right now, yeah I'm thinking of HT tbh and probably taking topical fin, but you think my hairline is getting lower?
Also what do you think happened since those 6 years that makes me look worse?
26 right now, yeah I'm thinking of HT tbh and probably taking topical fin, but you think my hairline is getting lower?

no idea, im not too wel versed in the hairloss deparment mainly cus im not norwooding atm so i dont do research on tht crap

try wearing a weave or something man lol and shave, you will be a 6/10 again.

also hop on roids but tht'll fck ur hair more but w,e, HT is your only option at this point or a hair system, anything else is cope. fin will delay the inevitable
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no idea, im not too wel versed in the hairloss deparment mainly cus im not norwooding atm so i dont do research on tht crap

try wearing a weave or something man lol and shave, you will be a 6/10 again.

also hop on roids but tht'll fck ur hair more but w,e, HT is your only option at this point or a hair system, anything else is cope. fin will delay the inevitable
I'm just gonna go natural weightlifting right now tbh, especially that it'll fuck up with my hair more. I'm already open to getting a HT I think that would help a ton, I'm kind of unsure how much my hairline has receded over the years. I know it has receded, but I'm not sure if it's just not that much or a lot. Which means, if it has receded a lot: I go on fin and do the transplant, if it hasn't receded: I'll do the transplant and just keep doing them if my hair recedes very slightly overtime.

By hair system you mean fake hair or products to go on your hair?
Your looks declined with age
Maybe its the beard + high body fat
Lose weight asap+ clean shave tbh
Your looks declined with age
Maybe its the beard + high body fat
Lose weight asap+ clean shave tbh
I'm borderline underweight af man, 6'3'' 148lbs on the newest pics I need to gain weight if anything rather than lose weight while keeping same bf%.

But yeah I do think my face looks more bloated but I have no idea why, maybe it really is just the beard maybe I have higher bf% than before and just gained fat weight. No muscles.

You think it could be mouth breathing and incorrect swallowing hypertrophied the wrong muscles in my face and that's what it is?

I'll post an update video clean shaven.
Also I think my hairline receding slightly and even more unevenly has effected my looks a lot as well.
get buccal and perioral lipectomies to get MM hollow cheeks
get buccal and perioral lipectomies to get MM hollow cheeks
I feel like this is a better route than getting a jaw implant like someone else suggested, but at the same time wouldn't a jaw implant probably give me hollow cheeks anyways?
I feel like this is a better route than getting a jaw implant like someone else suggested, but at the same time wouldn't a jaw implant probably give me hollow cheeks anyways?

no, most jaw implants just make your face look more bloated and wide (mostly silicone ones) if you don't have hollow cheeks already
no, most jaw implants just make your face look more bloated and wide (mostly silicone ones) if you don't have hollow cheeks already
So the steps to take would be to get rid of the fat first than see if implants are necessary? Titanium jaw implants don't make your face look bloated and wide? Do these fat removals have the possibility of making your face look weird?
So the steps to take would be to get rid of the fat first than see if implants are necessary? Titanium jaw implants don't make your face look bloated and wide? Do these fat removals have the possibility of making your face look weird?

not sure about titanium, they are fairly new and we don't have many frontal before and after pictures of them, there is one and it looks pretty good

silicone is just known for producing very bad results, looking unnatural or bloated. Fat removals have a chance of making you look too gaunt when you're older but I wouldn't worry much about it as you can just fat graft or put filler in those areas if it happens. Your jaw seems pretty narrow but normal, so I think jaw implants would give you more of a stand out look than NPC.
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not sure about titanium, they are fairly new and we don't have many frontal before and after pictures of them, there is one and it looks pretty good
View attachment 89741

silicone is just known for producing very bad results, looking unnatural or bloated. Fat removals have a chance of making you look too gaunt when you're older but I wouldn't worry much about it as you can just fat graft or put filler in those areas if it happens. Your jaw seems pretty narrow but normal, so I think jaw implants would give you more of a stand out look than NPC.
Thanks a lot of this info man, I'm not well verse at all in surgeries. So what kind of jaw implants would be good for me if silicone is not good? How much are they?

The jaw implants would need to give me more lateral and vertical projection? My palate / mouth is pretty small I think that may effect harmony or is that something not to worry about.
Thanks a lot of this info man, I'm not well verse at all in surgeries. So what kind of jaw implants would be good for me if silicone is not good? How much are they?

The jaw implants would need to give me more lateral and vertical projection? My palate / mouth is pretty small I think that may effect harmony or is that something not to worry about.

Titanium are about $4k but they're only available in Europe atm and yeah they can give you lateral and vertical projection
Titanium are about $4k but they're only available in Europe atm and yeah they can give you lateral and vertical projection
I probably need a good morph of a good photo of me to see what kind of projection I need tbh I'm not sure exactly what's possible with jaw implants. I do agree with the fat removals tho to help get that side line thing.
I probably need a good morph of a good photo of me to see what kind of projection I need tbh I'm not sure exactly what's possible with jaw implants. I do agree with the fat removals tho to help get that side line thing.

Screen Shot 2019 08 01 at 80836 PM

did a quick morph with neck training, HT and jaw implants
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View attachment 89752
did a quick morph with neck training, HT and jaw implants
Thanks a lot for the morph man

The morphed jaw implants seems realistically ache viable, you think the correct path is fat removal first or jaw implants first?
I wish I pulled out of crypto when I had 50k worth of crypto, I wouldn't have to worry about somehow funding this man
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Thanks a lot for the morph man

The morphed jaw implants seems realistically ache viable, you think the correct path is fat removal first or jaw implants first?

I'd do whatever is most convenient first, doesn't really matter you can't reach full potential until you have both procedures together
I'd do whatever is most convenient first, doesn't really matter you can't reach full potential until you have both procedures together
The fat removal would be like 5k each right and for custom jaw implants 4k, but people will obviously tell that you got a jaw implant but idgaf tbh
The fat removal would be like 5k each right and for custom jaw implants 4k, but people will obviously tell that you got a jaw implant but idgaf tbh

you will ascend and leave your incel social circle behind to hang out with Chad's it will be okay if the incels notice
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you will ascend and leave your incel social circle behind to hang out with Chad's it will be okay if the incels notice
HOPE bro hope this is my only hope not even kidding I'm too non-nt for anything else, I need to get a fucking good ass job and save up for this right now
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6/10 with hair
U have giga aspie vibes even more aspie than me somehow
above average but only by a small bit
If the other thread is right it's over tbh

Also you guys think my hairline is receding?

I'm trying to gain weight right now via gym.

You seriously need some "Game" if you want to start slaying like me bro.

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