Rate me

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There’s someone out there for everybody.
Exceptions, also these girls are not landwhale tier, they have above average faces considering that they are overweight and the guys are not chads, they are just gymcelled normies

I cant even see her body well on that pic, also the dude i posted is better looking that him

Exceptions, also these girls are not landwhale tier, they have above average faces considering that they are overweight and the guys are not chads, they are just gymcelled normies

I cant even see her body well on that pic, also the dude i posted is better looking that him
There should be a landwhale foid for every fatcel, a deformed foid vor every deformed cel and so on
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5746, 6'4 looksmaxxxer and Scarface
Dye your hair with the colors of the rainbow and you'll look like a lesbian feminist :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685, Pendejo and LowTierNormie
Dye your hair with the colors of the rainbow and you'll look like a lesbian feminist :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Why in gods name are you doing this to your body?

Get on a diet and join a gym asap
  • +1
Reactions: LowTierNormie and Pendejo
Why in gods name are you doing this to your body?

Get on a diet and join a gym asap
Then after?
I had sex with a lesbian once. Kinda hot.
Dye your hair with the colors of the rainbow and you'll look like a lesbian feminist :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
And then?
I’ve been with 12 women and still lonely as hit.
There’s someone out there for everybody. Generic advice but still. Ready for people to call me a clown.
I’ve been with 12 women and still lonely as hit.
There’s someone out there for everybody. Generic advice but still. Ready for people to call me a clown.
lol, lose 120lbs then come back. You could look like a model under that fat.
Do I have any good features?
There should be a landwhale foid for every fatcel, a deformed foid vor every deformed cel and so on
Could I be a normie?

Exceptions, also these girls are not landwhale tier, they have above average faces considering that they are overweight and the guys are not chads, they are just gymcelled normies

I cant even see her body well on that pic, also the dude i posted is better looking that him
The girls I’ve been have cute faces and are obese. Still got hard over them.

Fat women have so much more SMV than men in general especially fat men.

If I can get laid anyone can get laid
Last edited:
Looks like your wearing make up.Also fatcel is volcel,come back when you have lost the weight.
6'2" obesecel trying to lose weight
How bad is my eye are and chin?
I can't rate your eye are and chin since it's covered by fat tissue.
don't waste your life, lose weight as fast as possible.
my advice is only eating chicken breast and begetables, so you will lose weight very fast
Your chin is nice, bro, i wish i had a chin like that, lol. maybe u have a good bones under all that fat, but you never know until you start losing weight and fat. Side profil is average, but if you lose fat, i think it'll be good!

right now 3-4. But once you start losing weight i think u can be 4.5-5 in the best case 5.5!
You mog me, man.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1464
Go to 10%BF and come back... seriously bro...
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Reactions: Deleted member 685, Deleted member 2227 and About2Rope
you seem to have good jaw, chin, brow ridge.
good potential, if it's not a fat illusion
no point right now man. you likely arent recessed behind that fat thats for sure
I T ' S O V E R

I T ' S O V E R
10/10 god made you how you are
you could actually look good if you lose weight come back when you have normal weight (you dont necessarily need to go down to 12) and we will rate you properly
I cannot rate you. You are so low I do not want to hurt your feelings. You are not truecel, you can get a girl even though you are fat and low testosterone and no chin.
However you should probably lose weight, hit the gym, and use steroids.
not gonna lie man I'd rate you a 3/10 at best
So, he is 3psl and i am 3,5



Obviously you are crazy
2019 10 09 01 57 06 033
disgusting forehead to face ratio, norwooding,philtrumcel and long midface

Do you really think that i am on the same level of the author 3D? You are crazy, no girls could say that, never

I am pretty boy, look my eyes zone, my face

I don't know if you are retard or simply gealous
I see a slayer underneath that fat
Do you really think that i am on the same level of the author 3D? You are crazy, no girls could say that, never

I am pretty boy, look my eyes zone, my face

I don't know if you are retard or simply gealous
you are not a prettyboy don't be ridiculous.
  • +1
Reactions: Ragazzoanonimo
you are not a prettyboy don't be ridiculous.

You are ridicolous, the sky is pink and the green is black

Come on, do you really think to be a better man if you have this behavior? Your are crazy, and ugly

Of course

Americans are the shit of European old generation
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5746 and Deleted member 2634
Lose weight ASAP, I can't rate you now.
Europeans are nothing but rude, arrogant, impolite islamophobic bastards.

That's crazy

We are islamophobic? Insane

You americans talk about tham like demons, but you go in their country, steal their petroleum, fuck their womans, and we are against islamic? Insane, ah, and talk me about 11/9/2001, who is guilty? And about OJ Simpson? You are the country of the shit.
  • +1
Reactions: GenericChad1444

That's crazy

We are islamophobic? Insane

You americans talk about tham like demons, but you go in their country, steal their petroleum, fuck their womans, and we are against islamic? Insane, ah, and talk me about 11/9/2001, who is guilty? And about OJ Simpson? You are the country of the shit.
Chill pastacel
  • JFL
Reactions: CopeAndRope
Chill pastacel
Fat nigga cel

Americans are ugly than europeans

Italians are god

You are 0

You think that a big jaw and a perfect hayrline is the only way to be beauty?


Ridicolous man, nogirls think that, you are top stupids
@Ragazzoanonimo can I rate you?

  • JFL
Reactions: Dicklet.4.3 and CopeAndRope
u dont mog him imo. hes just fat. but ur face so fucked. u cant rate urself my dude. even blackopscel probably thinks hes lachowski.

View attachment 130943
View attachment 130946
Ok, you are delirious man

Any single girl will take you crazy if you say that in real life

I whis you die, i think you are the best invidious man of all time

Fuck off and suck with all usa people son of a bitch
You are incredible. This site is incredible. Negate the evidence in an insane mode.
Screenshot 20191009 154907
Ok, you are delirious man

Any single girl will take you crazy if you say that in real life

I whis you die, i think you are the best invidious man of all time

Fuck off and suck with all usa people son of a bitch

did u tried tinder before? see yourself cuck
  • +1
Reactions: Ragazzoanonimo
did u tried tinder before? see yourself cuck
Do you really think i can't make a match? Do you really think that your stupids beauty standards are ok? Do you really see me ugly? I think you have mind problems my dear lonely ugly man, i mog you and every single shit american man son of a bitch

Italians are god to american fat shit big jaw monkey
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