Rate my roiding stack! (ROIDCELS GTFIH!!)



Nov 25, 2023
I’ll be 17 when starting, Test E 250mg per week, registration:EOD, will run for 20 weeks total.

HCG, 1500IU per week for first 20 weeks, then, PCT for 6 weeks at 3000 and last (7th) week at 2000.

Will be bulking ofc, give me recs on what to change/add. My main goal is to minimize side effects of the test and maintain fertility.


@anthony111553 @Eli @WishIwasChico @kebab @Goth @marek937 @Nick.Harte @JCaesar
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Also ordering Arimidex in case I need it
Need the chemicals to fight and kill @the BULL
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Holy moly your gonna grow tits without AI
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That's enough hcg to be a base on its own nigga just wait to add hcg until 12 weeks at a higher dose while reducing your test incrementally
Test E 250mg per wee
That’s wayyyyy too low. Why shut down your test production for a dose that is barely supra levels???

Do 500mg that is literally the norm for a first cycle
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That's enough hcg to be a base on its own nigga just wait to add hcg until 12 weeks at a higher dose while reducing your test incrementally
can i run 500 base registered once a week till week 12? I don’t want my balls to shrink at all while on cycle
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If you’re using test use a kickstarter oral like dbol. Test e takes like 3/4 weeks to kick in
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can i run 500 base registered once a week till week 12? I don’t want my balls to shrink at all while on cycle
Bro 250 is fucking stupid that is legit a trt dose you are shutting yourself down for no reason
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Idk cause @kebab told me it’s enough.


hcg also increases test quickly and i don’t want to fuck my liver.
Just do 20mg dbol 10 before workout and 10 at night and you won’t fuck your liver jfl
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Take AI long before you get sides

You have natty and exogenous production of test from hcg and test, ur gonna have a shit ton of test which is why I'd just lower hcg and do a sarm or something selective

Test 200mg + osta 12 weeks

Test 150mg + hcg 2000iu 2 weeks

Test 100mg + hcg 2250iu 2 weeks

Pct + hcg 3000iu until end of pct

You can run like 750iu per week on cycle to keep your balls alive but if you're gonna pct and use so much hcg anyway I wouldn't be so concerned about keeping it active for the whole cycle

It's also way more expensive than test. Hcg on test is better for actual trt users.
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@socialcel dont listen to that faggot roidhead.
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is it needed? i don’t want to rush the results if that’s what it’s for.

test e takes like 3 weeks to kick in properly so most user a oral kickstarter
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Idk cause @kebab told me it’s enough.


hcg also increases test quickly and i don’t want to fuck my liver.
Use a sarm, spiking test so high causes infinitely more sides than a sarm, especially given you're not doing sarm only

Test base, sarm, and light hcg on cycle if you're concerned about your balls,

Then high hcg + pct while descending test dose.
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Take AI long before you get sides

You have natty and exogenous production of test from hcg and test, ur gonna have a shit ton of test which is why I'd just lower hcg and do a sarm or something selective

Test 200mg + osta 12 weeks

Test 150mg + hcg 2000iu 2 weeks

Test 100mg + hcg 2250iu 2 weeks

Pct + hcg 3000iu until end of pct

You can run like 750iu per week on cycle to keep your balls alive but if you're gonna pct and use so much hcg anyway I wouldn't be so concerned about keeping it active for the whole cycle

It's also way more expensive than test. Hcg on test is better for actual trt users.
Okay got it, I’ll just use 2x500 IU on cycle then, would that be good?

And do I need another pct compound or is increasing hcg enough?

Price isn’t really a concern tbh, I’ll probably cut on Tirzepatide
Use a sarm, spiking test so high causes infinitely more sides than a sarm, especially given you're not doing sarm only

Test base, sarm, and light hcg on cycle if you're concerned about your balls,

Then high hcg + pct while descending test dose.
Sarms are dogshit just use an oral like dbol or anavar not a shitty sarm wtf
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Okay got it, I’ll just use 2x500 IU on cycle then, would that be good?

And do I need another pct compound or is increasing hcg enough?

Price isn’t really a concern tbh, I’ll probably cut on Tirzepatide
Eh if you run hcg the whole time you could get away with just peaking your hcg dose to pct

But yes you really should pct as well. This is your test level for life, don't fuck around
Use a sarm, spiking test so high causes infinitely more sides than a sarm, especially given you're not doing sarm only
How about just low dose hcg (500 or 1000, which one would be better?), I don’t want to fuck my liver and if that means a little less results, I’m fine with it.

Eh if you run hcg the whole time you could get away with just peaking your hcg dose to pct

But yes you really should pct as well. This is your test level for life, don't fuck around
Got it, so what should I add on top of hcg, Nolva, Clomid or smth else?
Sarms are dogshit just use an oral like dbol or anavar not a shitty sarm wtf
I just don't know much about other orals tbh I'm sure that's fine

I don't agree with 500 test tho it'll causes excessive sides when he could just add an oral
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How about just low dose hcg (500 or 1000, which one would be better?), I don’t want to fuck my liver and if that means a little less results, I’m fine with it.

Got it, so what should I add on top of hcg, Nolva, Clomid or smth else?
Clomid + hcg 3000iu for 3-4 weeks should be solid

And I said 750iu earlier I'd go with that

If you wanna push the test higher get aromasin or arimidex and use it from the start

I used to take it solo and boosted my test and my E was never too low

But most of all I'd be concerned about hair at a higher dose

I'd say temporary strain on your liver is better than hairloss, spiking all that T, preventing it from turning into E, will leave the remainder to become DHT

anavar or a high tier sarm like lgd, dbol seems to bloat you and have blood pressure sides so idk but a hairsafe oral + test + low dose hcg seems better than 500 test
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I'd say temporary strain on your liver is better than hairloss, spiking all that T, preventing it from turning into E, will leave the remainder to become DHT
We’ll see I guess, I can get a hair transplant tho but not a new liver. lol

anavar or a high tier sarm like lgd, dbol seems to bloat you and have blood pressure sides
I won’t do any orals, 0 chance tbh.

oral + test + low dose hcg seems better than 500 test
How about 250 test and low dose hcg with arimidex if needed? I want to keep my first cycle simple and I’m also doing it for facial bones (20 weeks)
We’ll see I guess, I can get a hair transplant tho but not a new liver. lol

I won’t do any orals, 0 chance tbh.

How about 250 test and low dose hcg with arimidex if needed? I want to keep my first cycle simple and I’m also doing it for facial bones (20 weeks)
If ur doing it for facial bones hgh is a must my boy

I can dm my results from hgh on my face I was 17-19 so still time to grow but hgh will move the needle in this regard
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Are you aware that 250mg Test E is closer to TRT dosage they give to old men?

Let's say your test level is currently in normal range of like 700, raising it a a very high range with 250mg won't really produce much results since you were already in a heathy range initially.

500mg is standard for a reason, so I don't know what genius insights made you deviate by choosing 250mg

@WishIwasChico @NoReedemingFeature Talk some more sense into this guy
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Are you aware that 250mg Test E is closer to TRT dosage they give to old men?

Let's say your test level is currently in normal range of like 700, raising it a a very high range with 250mg won't really produce much results since you were already in a heathy range initially.

500mg is standard for a reason, so I don't know what genius insights made you deviate by choosing 250mg

@WishIwasChico @NoReedemingFeature Talk some more sense into this guy
alright, @kebab told me 250 is enough but i guess not then
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alright, @kebab told me 250 is enough but i guess not then

Bro, don't just throw him under the bus like that wtf

Also, @kebab what's your reasoning?
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i wanted to do 500 but he convinced me of 250 tho

Is he your bf since you both have the same PFP of a gay athlete?

But if he's just your friend, then who needs enemies when you're being setup with those types of terrible advice
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alright, @kebab told me 250 is enough but i guess not then

Bro, don't just throw him under the bus like that wtf

Also, @kebab what's your reasoning?
250mg is already a supraphysiological dose, this is the first cycle of a 17yo lol. He ll see gains 250. People that say « muh 500 or you leave gains on the table » « ur already shutting ur production down might aswell do 500 » are the same ones that take 1g and still look like the BULL. Hes not trying to compete lol. Average man produces like 20-80mg of T per week, 250 will already have a crazy inpact. Even mpmd recommends 250 for your first cycle.
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Is he your bf since you both have the same PFP of a gay athlete?

But if he's just your friend, then who needs enemies when you're being setup with those types of terrible advice
Just take 0.5g of roids as first cycle, bro.
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shut down your test production for a dose that is barely supra levels
If he has elite genetics and has 1000ng/dl of T, thats 70mg of T per week. 250 test E is about 180 test without the esther. Thats already almost 2.5x natural production IF he has elite levels already. « Barely supra » lol.
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If he has elite genetics and has 1000ng/dl of T, thats 70mg of T per week. 250 test E is about 180 test without the esther. Thats already almost 2.5x natural production IF he has elite levels already. « Barely supra » lol.
Ye but why shut yourself down is the argument most people say for just 250 a week. That’s a trt for a lot of people.

Just do 500 jfl it’s not stupidly high and you will get good gains.
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250mg is already a supraphysiological dose, this is the first cycle of a 17yo lol. He ll see gains 250. People that say « muh 500 or you leave gains on the table » « ur already shutting ur production down might aswell do 500 » are the same ones that take 1g and still look like the BULL. Hes not trying to compete lol. Average man produces like 20-80mg of T per week, 250 will already have a crazy inpact. Even mpmd recommends 250 for your first cycle.

Rather than sharing opinions, let's work with scientific data.

50mg - 150mg translates to 500 - 1197 test [source]

So we can both agree that 150mg would be too low, correct? (Since it only raises him up to the high threshold of normal range?)

Well what about 250mg?

250mg would put him in the test level somewhere in the high one-thousands since you can see from the data above that 50mg led to 500 Test whereas 150mg didn't lead to 1500, but only to 1197, implying a non-linear return.

Therefore 250mg would likely double his natural test level, which will certainly lead to gains, but 500mg would be a different tier of gains.

So, to conclude, if @socialcel wants some nice gains then he should go for 250mg, but if he wants some top-tier gains he should go for 500mg.

Would you agree?
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Ye but why shut yourself down is the argument most people say for just 250 a week. That’s a trt for a lot of people.

Just do 500 jfl it’s not stupidly high and you will get good gains.
because its a FIRST cycle bro. you need to see how your body responds to test. 500vs250 isnt twice the gains, higher your dosage , less potential muscle growth from each dosage increment cuz Myostatin will increase regardless to inhibit you from gaining too much muscle from androgens.
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Rather than sharing opinions, let's work with scientific data.

50mg - 150mg translates to 500 - 1197 test [source]

So we can both agree that 150mg would be too low, correct? (Since it only raises him up to the high threshold of normal range?)

Well what about 250mg?

250mg would put him in the test level somewhere in the high one-thousands since you can see from the data above that 50mg led to 500 Test whereas 150mg didn't lead to 1500, but only to 1197, implying a non-linear return.

Therefore 250mg would likely double his natural test level, which will certainly lead to gains, but 500mg would be a different tier of gains.

So, to conclude, if @socialcel wants some nice gains then he should go for 250mg, but if he wants some top-tier gains he should go for 500mg.

Would you agree?
Yes. But I believe that taking a conservative/ safer approach for a first cycle is better as he can observe how his body reacts to test.
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Yes. But I believe that taking a conservative/ safer approach for a first cycle is better as he can observe how his body reacts to test.
Why does he not any to begin with jfl
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Don’t listen to @kebab @socialcel take high doses of tren and become a .org monster. It will fuck you mentally so you go ER on @the BULL
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Don’t listen to @kebab @socialcel take high doses of tren and become a .org monster. It will fuck you mentally so you go ER on @the BULL
I need to take supraphysiological amounts of estrogen to be on the same level as @the BULL

3893215 IMG 9850

My HighT HAPA mogger face
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he can observe how his body reacts to test.
@WishIwasChico @PROMETHEUS this is what i was thinking too. If around week 8-10 the results aren’t as great as I want them to be I could just up it to 500 a week, no?
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also can i achieve bouncer physique in a 20 week cycle? i have 6’3 frame already i just need the mass
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@WishIwasChico @PROMETHEUS this is what i was thinking too. If around week 8-10 the results aren’t as great as I want them to be I could just up it to 500 a week, no?
Ye it is sensible bhai and if you want to take slow and sensible approach then do it you will still get good gains
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also can i achieve bouncer physique in a 20 week cycle? i have 6’3 frame already i just need the mass
Probs not on just 250mg of test e ngl you can’t have the best of both worlds jfl
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