Redpill is Bluepill / Doesn't Exist

And stop acting like anything you learnt in your shitty university degree wouldn't be accessible with a quick google search. You don't have any "top secret" information on performance enhancing drugs.

What I got from this:

"If you're not Chad, don't go to college kids, just rot like fungus in a range of incel communities all day, so you have no opportunity to meet girls and never face rejection. That way you can be a bitter little fucktard Black Pill thinking insignificant loser that talks about shit he has no clue on. What is the point in a degree now a days any way? All the information is out there on Google, even though we never Google it and can never truly distinguish between what is pseudo science and what is actual".

The new trendy cool: Not going to college. Anything that is basically rebellious because that is seen as anti-establishment and against the system. When really you guys are the biggest cucks in the system as a hole. Consumers. It's just that you're so caught-up in it all, trying to find cheap short-cut instant and efficient ways to success, that you can't see it. I suggest taking a step back.
The redpill, and redpilled philosophy, was made by bluepilled men. Not only is 99% of it bullshit, but it actually misleads men into fucking terrible situations.

Pickup artistry, gymcelling, etc.

They get away with doing this, by cherry picking rare examples, or CHADS who do the things they talk about.

"Chad picked up a girl at the bar!!! , pick up artistry works!"

"CHAD is white, so I got a chance too!"

"This CHAD is buff, let's gym cell and become weight rats for pussy hahahh" JFL AT THIS VIDEO BTW THE FUCKING MOG @ 18:15

"This CHAD had cool clothes so let's become hype beasts and get ZERO pussy"

"I gotta be an alpha male"

See what I mean? This false correlation is the antithesis of the red pill.

Rather than the TRUTH, any self improvement CHAD does will increase his SMV dramatically. This is reverse for the plebian incel species.

Often, most of the people who preach this, are CHADS. Posting bullshit youtube videos on the red pill, to sell their PUA Course.

Bullshit videos like this, is why you have so many fucking normies doing this bullshit. It's fucking comedy.

Slaving away at the gym, while stacy gets railed by chad, who goes to the same gym as you, but smaller.

Going to a nightclub and buying girls drinks, but getting NOTHING. Chad walks in, and instantly gets sexual attention and grinding.


Every time I see this shit I want to fucking scream

Extremely based, OP.
Good articulation of this cringe philosophy
  • +1
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High IQ thread

Remember, "You are the prize."
Mirin north atlandid pheno
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard
doing a cycle or two to get to your genetic limit and then staying natty and maintaining the gains is the way to go imo.
This is the plan. Do you think 19/20 year old is too early? Thinking of a test only cycle in September. I am not even interested in "muh shredded 6pack" I just wanna look big in clothes while still being somewhat lean.
What I got from this:

"If you're not Chad, don't go to college kids, just rot like fungus in a range of incel communities all day, so you have no opportunity to meet girls and never face rejection. That way you can be a bitter little fucktard Black Pill thinking insignificant loser that talks about shit he has no clue on. What is the point in a degree now a days any way? All the information is out there on Google, even though we never Google it and can never truly distinguish between what is pseudo science and what is actual".

The new trendy cool: Not going to college. Anything that is basically rebellious because that is seen as anti-establishment and against the system. When really you guys are the biggest cucks in the system as a hole. Consumers. It's just that you're so caught-up in it all, trying to find cheap short-cut instant and efficient ways to success, that you can't see it. I suggest taking a step back.

Bold words coming from a person who has been in incel forums for 540 hours.

Hes saying that your degree is shitty, not degrees in general. Sports science is a joke. You can get a bachelors in sports science in 2 years lol.

The fact that the only thing you took away from his reply was that degrees are bad, proves me you have subhuman IQ.
  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard and androgenic
This is the plan. Do you think 19/20 year old is too early? Thinking of a test only cycle in September. I am not even interested in "muh shredded 6pack" I just wanna look big in clothes while still being somewhat lean.
I am 20 atm, I think it is too early. Although it is really tempting to do a test cycle, i won't do it till i am at least 25.
At 19/20 (check your blood levels to be sure) you should have enough testosterone to make decent gains. I would wait till 25, when you have already reached your natural test peak and it starts declining, also less risk of fucking up your hormones the closer you are to >25 years, my main goal is longevity and quality of life. If you do not care about your future well being that much, jump on gear asap.
Also do not forget about pct and doing regular bloodwork.
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and Edgar
The biggest thing you must remember when entering threads like these is the majority of posters, I would say close to about 85% of posters on here, hold beliefs/views which almost always in-line with one thing. You wanna know what it is? Pleasing their emotions/desires. It's the best way they believe they can live with themselves, by lying to themselves. They aren't interested in looking through the lens of being as objective as they can be.

The red pill philosophy has never once suggested your genetics don't constrict how much game you can have, it just encourages you to accept the cards you've been deal and make the most of it in the best way you can. It is no different to black pill, only doesn't cater for the people who are just plain ugly and will never be attractive to women, no matter what they do.

What's sad is normal looking guys are resorting to black pill and living their every moment through it and just calling themselves unlucky.

Someone who is truly black pill doesn't sit there all day moaning and making excuses for their shit tier genetics, they accept it and move on with life. But you'll find the vast majority of black pill fanatics don't do this. They just develop homosexuality for Chads and feel sorry for themselves, continually convincing themselves they can't lead the life they want to live due to the way they look. As if getting women is the only way to happiness and every moment must be happiness, because "look, Chad doesn't have to face the same adversity, why should we?" rofl

We are not equal as a society. Accept it and move on.

Blue pill and red pill are crocks of shit but I replace it with stages to the black pill instead

The blue pill black pill (probably the largest % of black pillers)
Red pill black pill
and vantablack pill (ultimate end game 5+yr rotting and existing as a walking nuclear black pill atomic bomb)

black blue pill is guys saying looks are literally all that matter, friends are useless, slaying the only pastime that matters in life, kys if ur not chad etc whilst they still post daily and exist, live life etc. Or they do this and rot, avoiding existence entirely, only chasing dopamine highs and fighting against anyone who attacks their belief system

vantablack pill is giving zero fucks about your existence but knowing how society functions as a whole and doing everything in your power to overcome the hurdles of life to enjoy the perspective of your own body but not having any attachment to it since this is all grounded in ego and your ego dies with your body when you pass away.

The reason I say most here are blue pill about their black pill is 90% of users here are over a 3.5/low tier normie and with hard enough work, could improve to a decent point or if they can't, they can at least move on with life and pursue other things. Life is extremely strange when you think about it so getting so caught up on one aspect of existence is just cringe tbh.

Most people here are just excusecels who want to play life on tutorial mode instead of putting in the work required to get a few surgeries and live outside of their comfort zone. They're shielding their ego with the black pill instead of bathing in the uncomfortable nature of reality on a daily basis through exposure to the real world and having NO EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT to what they see. It just is what it is.
This is the plan. Do you think 19/20 year old is too early? Thinking of a test only cycle in September. I am not even interested in "muh shredded 6pack" I just wanna look big in clothes while still being somewhat lean.

Read my last post in this thread. Yes it is. Way too early. Build your foundation organically beforehand.

Post your current physique. Everyone wants to look good with clothes on and nobody is debating you can't and will just get a pretty boy 6 pac. Unless your genetics are super shit there is no reason to jump ahead of yourself. Crawl before you can walk.

^^^ How unimpressive is his body? It's no quick-fix. Believe me.
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  • +1
Reactions: Edgar
I believed that until summer 2019. Then I was rejected by 200+ girls with utter disgust and no mercy. This went on for 1 month. Then I became mentally ill and discovered this forum.

Lol and it is your new coping mechanism for your current fucked situation, which is only a temporary solution. If you don't face your issue(s) now you'll simply do so when the time is worse.

Good on you. Keep spending your time in here with others who make you feel like you're "not alone in this dark world"
Have never once said steroids are bad.

I just find it amusing that you and others are promoting it being some sort of efficient way to looksmax for an ugly mother fucker to up his level of attractiveness. When for me it is a pussy way out of facing adversity square on like a man, which takes me to your comments about; "wasting my prime because I didn't juice". Look at all the body builders out there, even those who juice and you'll find they don't even start hitting their peak before their late 20s and early 30s.

My issue mainly is with you encouraging fucking teenagers and guys in their young 20s to get on the gear, like it's a cool rebellious norm thing like getting a tattoo for instance. It disgusts me. Nothing against PEDs, everything against lazy cunts who think it is a magic-pill. It is ok though, because people that roid and can't train accordingly will just bloat the fuck up in areas they were never able to train properly and look ridiculous anyway. So I look forward to seeing a generation of youth with disproportionate bodies.

PS: You won't get the legs you want from steroid usage (See Zyzz) and trust me, with the slim-fit pants that puffy gen Z wears now a days, I guarantee you will look ridiculous. If you're going to roid, wait till you've developed a little and build your foundation is my suggestion. You're not David Laid with a YouTube channel.
Finally, some smart words from you.

It defnitely is a efficient looksmax, if youre not retarded and make a decent plan and do your own research.

When for me it is a pussy way out of facing adversity square on like a man.
Bluepill mentality

My issue mainly is with you encouraging fucking teenagers and guys in their young 20s to get on the gear, like it's a cool rebellious norm thing like getting a tattoo for instance. It disgusts me.
Who said it is cool? It just works, you can't deny the results if you do it in a well researched way.

Nothing against PEDs, everything against lazy cunts who think it is a magic-pill. It is ok though, because people that roid and can't train accordingly will just bloat the fuck up in areas they were never able to train properly and look ridiculous anyway. So I look forward to seeing a generation of youth with disproportionate bodies.
I even said that you need to know what youre doing for them to be effective. IMO if someone fucks their bodies up because they didn't do enough research it is their and only their own fault.

PS: You won't get the legs you want from steroid usage (See Zyzz) and trust me, with the slim-fit pants that puffy gen Z wears now a days, I guarantee you will look ridiculous. If you're going to roid, wait till you've developed a little and build your foundation is my suggestion. You're not David Laid with a YouTube channel.
How out of touch are you? Who tf wears those gay skinny jeans.
But the smartest thing you have said in here is that you should wait untill you develop before hopping on roids. Then again, if a person does not care abou their long term health, they should hop on roids asap.
The biggest irony I find is the biggest idiotic term used around this joint is the word "cope".

Yet every single one of these sort of threads is one person who has a method of coping by believing something and needing others to approve his ethos as legit. He is subliminally saying; "JOIN ME - WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER, SUBHUMANS"

Artificial reality, where like minded people group together and support each others' ideologies/delusions/desires, in order to make them seem/feel/appear more real.
  • +1
Reactions: Pinhead
Read my last post in this thread. Yes it is. Way too early. Build your foundation organically beforehand.

Post your current physique. Everyone wants to look good with clothes on and nobody is debating you can't and will just get a pretty boy 6 pac. Unless your genetics are super shit there is no reason to jump ahead of yourself. Crawl before you can walk.

^^^ How unimpressive is his body? It's no quick-fix. Believe me.

He still got gains fast, which is the main point. In the video the literal quote is "you just get the gains faster".
He could have gotten that physique @ 18, if he trained from 15 years old, but he has it now.

Crawl before you can walk.
Whats up with you and virtue signalling?
The redpill, and redpilled philosophy, was made by bluepilled men. Not only is 99% of it bullshit, but it actually misleads men into fucking terrible situations.

Pickup artistry, gymcelling, etc.

They get away with doing this, by cherry picking rare examples, or CHADS who do the things they talk about.

"Chad picked up a girl at the bar!!! , pick up artistry works!"

"CHAD is white, so I got a chance too!"

"This CHAD is buff, let's gym cell and become weight rats for pussy hahahh" JFL AT THIS VIDEO BTW THE FUCKING MOG @ 18:15

"This CHAD had cool clothes so let's become hype beasts and get ZERO pussy"

"I gotta be an alpha male"

See what I mean? This false correlation is the antithesis of the red pill.

Rather than the TRUTH, any self improvement CHAD does will increase his SMV dramatically. This is reverse for the plebian incel species.

Often, most of the people who preach this, are CHADS. Posting bullshit youtube videos on the red pill, to sell their PUA Course.

Bullshit videos like this, is why you have so many fucking normies doing this bullshit. It's fucking comedy.

Slaving away at the gym, while stacy gets railed by chad, who goes to the same gym as you, but smaller.

Going to a nightclub and buying girls drinks, but getting NOTHING. Chad walks in, and instantly gets sexual attention and grinding.


Every time I see this shit I want to fucking scream

lol that 2nd video with JBW isnt enough- if i was that woman in colombia id also reject the shit out of that degen. I mean that disgusting slimy dude that looks like a fkn soy lord of faggots with his abomination like hair style has the audacity to think that he is such an incredible pua and approach all these women. Tbh that boneless fag looks like a fkn creep the way he acts and so on. Smth about him is giga disgusting and repulsive.

because of bluepilled faggot Cucks like him who approach and annoy women non stop without getting green light Or any signals from them to approach, is what damages the image of many other non retarded men Who actually only approach after some sort of green light from foids. Fuck this disgusting creature.
  • +1
Reactions: Highrise and HighIQcel
Don't say that, it's red pill dude!!!! Rofl.

I've realised what it is. These obsessed with black pill cucks are looking from an outside perspective at Chads and weighing up what they have and what they don't have and seeing that the vast majority of them don't have any game.

What these clowns don't realise is they simply only use game when required and keep it ready. Females make it easy for them yes and they mostly don't need to use it, but when they do, they do and they can and women can subliminally sense this.

If these guys looked like Chads they would be lost at sea with how to be around chicks and would find it difficult, until trial and error would help them develop a little game. So the notion that you can be this beta cuck and just have women stare at you and think you're masculine while you do nothing but stand there, is utter lazy fantasy. This is the most abstract idea of anything out there and as we know ideas often play out differently to reality.

Chads looks give them a bedrock to work from and a way of choosing what personality they want to roll with, granted its not being a cuck, it will be fine for them.

Fuck is game when I can my some whore suck my cock when I want. That's just called being attractive.

The biggest irony I find is the biggest idiotic term used around this joint is the word "cope".

Yet every single one of these sort of threads is one person who has a method of coping by believing something and needing others to approve his ethos as legit.

Artificial reality, where like minded people group together and support each others' ideology/delusion/desires, in order to make them seem/feel/appear more real.

I don't need your approval.

I've cucked buff guys before, in front of them. It's really funny at a party, when they try to dance with them, but get denied. You can see the look in their eyes.

It's also crazy because, anyone who's even ascended at all, knows this to be true.

It's normies and people who haven't looksmaxed, and choose red pill cope, who are truly delusional.
  • +1
Reactions: Highrise
Bold words coming from a person who has been in incel forums for 540 hours.

Hes saying that your degree is shitty, not degrees in general. Sports science is a joke. You can get a bachelors in sports science in 2 years lol.

The fact that the only thing you took away from his reply was that degrees are bad, proves me you have subhuman IQ.

I won't rise to your young and dumb ignorance and rather show you what people who went to a sports university in the UK like myself had to say.


Sports Science.
Hes saying that your degree is shitty, not degrees in general. Sports science is a joke. You can get a bachelors in sports science in 2 years lol.

See the part where he talks about how most "small-minded" people think it's easy and a joke because they are simpletons who associate the word sport with "leisure" and "fun"? Beginning to open your eyes as to just how shallow your thought-process is in general now when it comes to just about everything yeah?

See here's the difference between someone who's done shit and someone who merely thinks about shit.

You live inside your own head boy. FREE-YOURSELF!

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Fuck is game when I can my some whore suck my cock when I want. That's just called being attractive.

I don't need your approval.

I've cucked buff guys before, in front of them. It's really funny at a party, when they try to dance with them, but get denied. You can see the look in their eyes.

It's also crazy because, anyone who's even ascended at all, knows this to be true.

It's normies and people who haven't looksmaxed, and choose red pill cope, who are truly delusional.

Your entire personality is a meshed together bunch of stupid bullshit you've studied about how women won't want you for your looks. Think about that for a second?! Hey?
Your entire personality is a meshed together bunch of stupid bullshit you've studied about how women won't want you for your looks. Think about that for a second?! Hey?

No you dickhead, I'm telling you that you wrong. That is like a micro factor of my life that just happens now. I've done most of the work, I really don't need to try anymore.

I can focus on my career, have more fun, etc. Life is way better when you have some solid foundation. And everything comes easier.

It's like bliss.
See the part where he talks about how most "small-minded" people think it's easy and a joke simply because they are simpletons who associate the word "sport" with "leisure" and "fun"? Beginning to see just how shallow your thought-process is in general when it comes to just about everything aren't ya?

See here's the difference between someone who's done shit and someone who merely thinks about shit.

You live inside your own head boy. FREE-YOURSELF!

View attachment 464907
I don't think its easy because i am a simpleton or "small minded". I have a couple of friends who went to sports science and a couple who went to sports academy, the common denominator between them is that they're not STEM smart and are good at sports.

I think its easy because it is. My uncle (who is 75 and has a doctorate in mech engineering, had do get bachelors in sports science for work reasons) said it was a joke degree compared to engineering and he often talked to me about what he learned there and showed me his whole curriculum. It is basically pre-med and post high school biology with sports related courses added in. Same thing with my friends who went to sports sciences.

You're calling me shallow, but you're the one assuming wild shit about people who disagree with you.
I feel like you need a reality check.
I don't think its easy because i am a simpleton or "small minded". I have a couple of friends who went to sports science and a couple who went to sports academy, the common denominator between them is that they're not STEM smart and are good at sports.

You have to be of an at least reasonable level of intelligence to study the degree that I did. I sincerely tell you that. (Would say upper average IQ)

You're right on the part about being sporty. As I was good at sport and had one in-particular I flourished in.


I think its easy because it is. My uncle (who is 75 and has a doctorate in mech engineering, had do get bachelors in sports science for work reasons) said it was a joke degree compared to engineering and he often talked to me about what he learned there and showed me his whole curriculum. It is basically pre-med and post high school biology with sports related courses added in. Same thing with my friends who went to sports sciences.

You're calling me shallow, but you're the one assuming wild shit about people who disagree with you.
I feel like you need a reality check.

Here's the key you're not engaging with and why I truly believe one of the core skills Gen Z kids lack is the ability to think "critically".

I find it staggering how simple-minded you're being, no offence, but you'll see exactly why i say this in a sec.

Your uncle is 75 which makes him older than the oldest baby-boomer and rather someone from the "silent generation" and when he had to get his bachelors in sports science for work reasons way back in the 1960s or 1970s, the curriculum would obviously have been completely different.

Not only that! But what your uncle specifically said (which you didn't add flavour to) was; "it was a joke degree compared to engineered". Compared to engineering, right? Which is not judging it on it's own merits.

Next, you put claim to it now being some sort of top-up layman's biology course LOL with a couple of sporting add-ons. As someone who spent 3 years studying it I have to say you are an ignorant joke.

LOL here's the first thing. Are you even aware of how much science in sport has evolved and developed since your bloody uncle took his shitty crash-course way back in the 60s and 70s where research/studies were still in it's infant stages?

Stuff such as the biomechanics in sport, motor performance and learning, skill acquisition, psychology in sport, nutrition, technology in sport. These were either not what he learned about or were in their infant stages of even being known-about the time! String technology in tennis for instance is nothing like it was in your uncles day of the 60s and 70s where they used wooden frames and crappy strings.


Truth is you're blindly ignorant mate and your lowest common denominator retarded way of thinking only further demonstrates: "The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence" - Charles Bukowski.
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No you dickhead, I'm telling you that you wrong. That is like a micro factor of my life that just happens now. I've done most of the work, I really don't need to try anymore.

I can focus on my career, have more fun, etc. Life is way better when you have some solid foundation. And everything comes easier.

It's like bliss.

your looksmaxxing sounded like cope tbh, doubt it improved you much. Just a fakecel as always.
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel
Whats up with you and virtue signalling?

Lol oh shut the fuck up.

You and your bum-chum are pretty-much fucking edgy teens brought up in a religiously conservative household and want to rebel against your parents as adults by being pompous know it all degenerates. Complete fuck-tards.
  • JFL
Reactions: Sikkunt23
Redpill has some relevance if your not subhuman i.e. over 3psl
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6908
Redpill has some relevance if your not subhuman i.e. over 3psl


Black Pill was created for those with both ugly parents who's genetic recombination didn't work.

Don't force it onto people with a base to work-from and fuck off. We won't join you "in this together" lol.

Go create an "incel-lives matter" movement or something when the next Elliot Rodgers incident happens. (Even if he wasn't ugly & rather aspies)
  • +1
Reactions: Introvertednarc, bladeeout and THEMOGEE
your looksmaxxing sounded like cope tbh, doubt it improved you much. Just a fakecel as always.

Fakecel kk. I started young. That's why I don't have to get 100 surgeries. Maybe if you started young you wouldn't have to do that to ascend but ok.

"As always"

Who are you?

Black Pill was created for those with both ugly parents who's genetic recombination didn't work.

Don't force it onto people with a base to work-from and fuck off. We won't join you "in this together" lol.

Go create an "incel-lives matter" movement or something when the next Elliot Rodgers incident happens. (Even if he wasn't ugly & rather aspies)

Imagine being this much of an loser, that you refuse to accept reality.
Redpill being bs cope is true if and only if you have subhuman looks

Which most of you dont

So quit coping and learn start learning some neurotypical behaviour. Also you can improve your PSL rating quite a lot through gym (+muscle -fat improves anyones looks) so I have no idea why that part especially is always so maligned on here

No if your face is not 6PSL tier minimum, nothing will save you. At 5PSL you are "allowed" to breed.
Imagine being this much of an loser, that you refuse to accept reality.

I accept reality, but understand that I am not at the brunt of it and so don't need to attach myself to some pill ideology created a couple of years ago by ugly fucks starring at their computer screen with nerd-neck.

It is like a feminist movement, but for men. Ever wondered why the majority of feminists are ugly? It won't blow-up though and help them, as no-one makes excuses for men. This will stay an online underground subculture. So you're just gonna have to do what you say and face YOUR reality. Surgery or rope.
  • WTF
  • JFL
Reactions: Sikkunt23 and Deleted member 5583
Redpill has some relevance if your not subhuman i.e. over 3psl
Itprolly had, a decade or more ago, when every single women didnt have the ability to summon a chadlite at her place within 25 mins of time, by using one of many dating apps.

in todays age, redpill almost completely becomes blepill. The time learning “game” etc. is better spent just looksmaxing and surgerymaxxing and approaching when you have a clear greenlight. Unless youre conpletely autistic person that cant even talk about trivial shit like weather, food, clothes etc. you dont need fkn “game”.

imagine an uneducated drug dealer, who is cery low iq,didnt even finish high school, but is very nt and looks like meeks in the same room as a 5.7/10 guy that has the best “game” and knows ecery psychological trick for foids in the book, who had 2000 pua lessons and read 3500 books about how to act confident etc. Who do you think the foid goes with?

truth of the matter is- if yourenot attractive enough, all your game, knowledge, skills etc. are worth dog shit in the dating market. There are hundreds if not thousands of proof examples, like that asian manlet pua guy on yt, who might get hugs or even kisses from foids on the streets, but theyd never consider smashing him.
  • +1
Reactions: Deathrasher42 and THEMOGEE
Fakecel kk. I started young. That's why I don't have to get 100 surgeries. Maybe if you started young you wouldn't have to do that to ascend but ok.

"As always"

Who are you?

Doing the things you listed would be minimal improvements at the age you stated so like I said, fakecel

JoinedDec 30, 2019
I accept reality, but understand that I am not at the brunt of it and so don't need to attach myself to some pill ideology created a couple of years ago by ugly fucks starring at their computer screen with nerd-neck.

It is like a feminist movement, but for men. Ever wondered why the majority of feminists are ugly? It won't blow-up though and help them, as no-one makes excuses for men. This will stay an online movement. So you're just gonna have to do what you say and face YOUR reality. Surgery or rope.

Buddy you are so wrong it's not even funny.

The blackpill "is" reality. It's how woman actually function. You could code a program based on these principles, and literally make an outcome predictor. It would be 100% right every time.

I highly doubt you talk to woman you you'll never know.
  • +1
Reactions: Introvertednarc
Protien Bulking for Hgh, Mewing, Oxidative stress reduction, skincare routines, cool sculpting my bodyfat away, etc.

Protein bulkin for hgh - flat out cope, would be part of your genetic coding to benefit from this in the first place
Mewing - moderate benefit at best from 16+
Oxidative stress reduction, skincare combo = could be reasonably legit if your skin sucked but this could exist at 16 or 25 or 30
Cool sculpting where exactly? unless it's your face this would be minimal improvement at best

Itprolly had, a decade or more ago, when every single women didnt have the ability to summon a chadlite at her place within 25 mins of time, by using one of many dating apps.

in todays age, redpill almost completely becomes blepill. The time learning “game” etc. is better spent just looksmaxing and surgerymaxxing and approaching when you have a clear greenlight. Unless youre conpletely autistic person that cant even talk about trivial shit like weather, food, clothes etc. you dont need fkn “game”.

imagine an uneducated drug dealer, who is cery low iq,didnt even finish high school, but is very nt and looks like meeks in the same room as a 5.7/10 guy that has the best “game” and knows ecery psychological trick for foids in the book, who had 2000 pua lessons and read 3500 books about how to act confident etc. Who do you think the foid goes with?

truth of the matter is- if yourenot attractive enough, all your game, knowledge, skills etc. are worth dog shit in the dating market. There are hundreds if not thousands of proof examples, like that asian manlet pua guy on yt, who might get hugs or even kisses from foids on the streets, but theyd never consider smashing him.

I must be Chadlite then

Doing the things you listed would be minimal improvements at the age you stated so like I said, fakecel

JoinedDec 30, 2019

No buddy.

I had braces since 14, so when I started mewing, I had

Coolsculpting is extremely effective, especially at a young age. It's how I went from 240 to 170

Protien bulking for HGH is like 200G per day. That's how much I drank and ate a day. I am 6'4 now, I am 18. Since 16.

Mewing works when you are young.

It's like you're uneducated on the topics you are trying to use against me or something hmmmmmm
Buddy you are so wrong it's not even funny.

The blackpill "is" reality. It's how woman actually function. You could code a program based on these principles, and literally make an outcome predictor. It would be 100% right every time.

Repeat the post I made yesterday.


^ This is what Red Pill really means. Not the shit Black Pill defeatist losers who realise they can't afford such an overwhelming amount of surgery which could go wrong say it means. 137 IQ dumbass.

I highly doubt you talk to woman you you'll never know.

Oh yes, ^ a man talking from experience here ROFL
No buddy.

I had braces since 14, so when I started mewing, I had

Coolsculpting is extremely effective, especially at a young age. It's how I went from 240 to 170

Protien bulking for HGH is like 200G per day. That's how much I drank and ate a day. I am 6'4 now, I am 18. Since 16.

Mewing works when you are young.

It's like you're uneducated on the topics you are trying to use against me or something hmmmmmm

Right so eating protein made you 6'4 :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

coolsculpting aka mimicking weight loss, an easy looksmax for a dumb fuck who's a fakecel

Braces counter the effects of mewing, so if you had your braces on at 14 they likely came off at 16

all I see are the ramblings of a fakecel nutcase
Right so eating protein made you 6'4 :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

coolsculpting aka mimicking weight loss, an easy looksmax for a dumb fuck who's a fakecel

Braces counter the effects of mewing, so if you had your braces on at 14 they likely came off at 16

all I see are the ramblings of a fakecel nutcase

He's 130+ IQ bro. Don't debate with him man. He's too based. Too intelligent to be swayed by his desires/emotions. He is just Mr Objective.
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He's 130+ IQ bro. Don't debate with him man. He's too based. Too intelligent to be swayed by his desires/emotions. He is just Mr Objective.

Just one of those arrogant MFers who have the base to look good, go around with their narcy personality and get their dick sucked by average foids so they spam looks are all that matter

seen it 10x before
Protein bulkin for hgh - flat out cope, would be part of your genetic coding to benefit from this in the first place
Mewing - moderate benefit at best from 16+
Oxidative stress reduction, skincare combo = could be reasonably legit if your skin sucked but this could exist at 16 or 25 or 30
Cool sculpting where exactly? unless it's your face this would be minimal improvement at best

Right so eating protein made you 6'4 :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:

coolsculpting aka mimicking weight loss, an easy looksmax for a dumb fuck who's a fakecel

Braces counter the effects of mewing, so if you had your braces on at 14 they likely came off at 16

all I see are the ramblings of a fakecel nutcase

Yes. It did. I am not lying.

You're also a dumbass, braces don't permanently change a face, that's why you need a retainer. The reason it worked for me, was because I immediately started when I got them out.

Go back to your cage
Just one of those arrogant MFers who have the base to look good, go around with their narcy personality and get their dick sucked by average foids so they spam looks are all that matter

seen it 10x before

Does he look good? LOL would never have guessed it based on the way he is coming across tbh
Repeat the post I made yesterday.

View attachment 465008

^ This is what Red Pill really means. Not the shit Black Pill defeatist losers who realise they can't afford such an overwhelming amount of surgery which could go wrong say it means. 137 IQ dumbass.

Oh yes, ^ a man talking from experience here ROFL

What Red Pill really means dumbass.
Yes. It did. I am not lying.

You're also a dumbass, braces don't permanently change a face, that's why you need a retainer. The reason it worked for me, was because I immediately started when I got them out.

Go back to your cage

So you're 6'4 because of protein, and guys here who also had a high protein pubertal diet are 5'8 because of what? it's mainly genetics, you did absolutely fuck all to looksmax like I said

Retainer prevents any beneficial effects of mewing take place since it resets the mouth every time you put it in

nice try tho, fakecel
Here's the key you're not engaging with and why I truly believe one of the core skills Gen Z kids lack is the ability to think "critically".

I find it staggering how simple-minded you're being, no offence, but you'll see exactly why i say this in a sec.
I am pretty sure, I have enough critical thinking based on my job and degree.

Your uncle is 75 which makes him older than the oldest baby-boomer and rather someone from the "silent generation" and when he had to get his bachelors in sports science for work reasons way back in the 1960s or 1970s, the curriculum would obviously have been completely different.
I forgot to add that he started the degree when he was 71, which was 4 years ago.
I wanted to mention him, because even at 71 he said it was easy, he legitimately graduated top of his class.
Also why are you not talking about my friends I mentioned, who are currently doing/finished their sports science degree?

Not only that! But what your uncle specifically said (which you didn't add flavour to) was; "it was a joke degree compared to engineered". Compared to engineering, right? Which is not judging it on it's own merits.

I am not talking about their own merits, I am talking about the difficulty of the degree. Sure, both degrees have their own uses, but a heavy STEM degree is objectively harder and more useful than sports science.

Next, you put claim to it now being some sort of top-up layman's biology course LOL with a couple of sporting add-ons. As someone who spent 3 years studying it I have to say you are an ignorant joke.
No shit, its not layman's biology, but, from what Ive seen, its nothing compared to what you get after pre-med

LOL here's the first thing. Are you even aware of how much science in sport has evolved and developed since your bloody uncle took his shitty crash-course way back in the 60s and 70s where research/studies were still in it's infant stages?

I am well aware of how much science has evolved, I am a comp sci/physics double major... My uncle took the course in the past 5 years, but its my fault for not mentioning that. Also, it wasn't a crash course, it was a full fledged sports sci bachelor.

Stuff such as the biomechanics in sport, motor performance and learning, skill acquisition, psychology in sport, nutrition, technology in sport. These were either not what he learned about or were in their infant stages of even being known-about the time! String technology in tennis for instance is nothing like it was in your uncles day of the 60s and 70s where they used wooden frames and crappy strings.
You're proving my point, its not hard science, what you were learning, sure you can describe biomechanics, but im sure as fuck you can't explain and calculate the mechanical forces of those biomechanics on an above basic level.

You mention string technology in tennis, but how is that related to sports science other than that the strings are used to play sports??
I am positive you didn't have material sciences in your degree which means you can't explain what about the material gives it those properties and calculate tier forces/qualities.

Truth is you're blindly ignorant mate and your lowest common denominator retarded way of thinking only further demonstrates: "The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence" - Charles Bukowski.
Idk, man, i didn't boast about muh above average iq like you did...

There is a huge difference between blind confidence and confidence based on objective data.
Does he look good? LOL would never have guessed it based on the way he is coming across tbh

I'm assuming he does but I have no idea

often you get the ramblings of a schizophrenic narcissist who claim to be gigaslayers but often times it's just a guy with one or two good traits who otherwise looks normal and slay average looking women
So you're 6'4 because of protein, and guys here who also had a high protein pubertal diet are 5'8 because of what? it's mainly genetics, you did absolutely fuck all to looksmax like I said

Retainer prevents any beneficial effects of mewing take place since it resets the mouth every time you put it in

nice try tho, fakecel

I never wore a retainer, that's what I'm saying. I literally started mewing at 16, with a 12yrold like facial tenderness

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