REMINDER most woman are ugly as fuck without frauding and need to be humbled

Women are Jewish pysop to control men.
That’s why as a guy you SHOULD do the same. Not wearing a ton of makeup to look like a girl but just wear somm BB/CC Cream, concealer, clear mascara, dye your brows/lashes, fraud/photoshop your pics on dating apps etc…

Dumb people will think thats gay but we dont care. You do that in order to get more women, thats definetly not gay

Stop private yourself from reaching your full potential in the name of « masculinity » of some bullshit like this. Live in the real world. Everyone frauds, lies to boost their SMV so do the same. Play with the same cards, there is no rules and only the results matters.
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Maybe if she wasn't grinning like an autist in the 2nd
This should actually be pinned fr
This is one of the most commonly understood facts that has a incredibly large impact on society but no one really talks about it

The whole discourse around “I see so many attractive women but never any attractive men.” Can be chalked up to pretty much every woman you see on the street drastically altering their facial appearance with makeup specifically in ways that are meant to enhance attractiveness while men are walking around with their actual face.

Like you said it also contributes highly to these women’s overblown and undeserved egos.

Makeup is really terrible for society but it benefits women so much to lie blatantly about their appearance that we aren’t allowed to talk about it. Yet if a man so much as stretches the truth about some aspect of himself to attract women, women will make up terms like “rape by deception” and force the law to punish it.
There is a positive to this. You can actually get a woman who's hot with her makeup face that is actually valued lower. At the end of the day, a woman sense of value in the marketplace is usually based on their real face, unless they're delusional.
View attachment 3043374View attachment 3043376

This is the kind of foid you so called "blackpilled" folk simp for and post about calling them stacies and what not. Anyways ban makeup for fucks sake. Please just ban makeup entirely, that will fix most foids fucking insane high levels of ego. Next time you see a bitch acting up throw a glass of water on her bitch brain face, that'll put the slut in her place.
A shame we got water proof make up now for a while.

And yes these stupid foids wearing their fake up and acting all narcy .
Foids should act insanely insecure with fakeup, but instead, what do they do? They get egotistical and think they're too good for you. Fucking amazing.
Everyone knows that women fraud with makeup in order to increase their attractiveness by atleast two points higher than they naturally are. A below average woman becomes a high tier becky. A becky becomes a stacylite. And a high tier becky can become a stacy.

It's just that the vast majority of men are such slaves to our sexual urges due to the amount of testosterone in us, that the majority of us are too afraid to call women out on their frauding, cause we are afraid that holding women accountable for their actions, will reduce our chance of getting laid.

This is why chads usually are the most outspoken and based when it comes to calling out women. Chads know that no matter what they say about women, at the end of the day they are apart of the small minority of genuinely sexually/physically attractive men and so there will always be women out there who want to sleep with regardless of what he says, because of his looks.
The first lesson simps should learn is that calling out foids won't "decrease" their chances of getting laid. Getting laid is entirely the result of a female validating your looks.
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On the rare occassion you see a foid IRL without make-up and she looks pretty good, it's truly a sight to behold because you just know if she looks good without make-up, she's an absolute fogger with fake-up. 95% of foids are just shit tier without fake-up though, it is what it is. ban that shit.
I think I've found the one, she's still MTB without makeup. With good makeup she's HTB. But I'm already on the friendzone...
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swarms of beckies throwing themselves at the chadlite VS the stacylite that wants her looksmatch

Yeah it’s fucked Chad will get distracted by easy pussy and miss out on true love

Or he won’t, Chads can get lucky like that
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Yeah it’s fucked Chad will get distracted by easy pussy and miss out on true love

Or he won’t, Chads can get lucky like that
many chads can outright refuse.
View attachment 3043374View attachment 3043376

This is the kind of foid you so called "blackpilled" folk simp for and post about calling them stacies and what not. Anyways ban makeup for fucks sake. Please just ban makeup entirely, that will fix most foids fucking insane high levels of ego. Next time you see a bitch acting up throw a glass of water on her bitch brain face, that'll put the slut in her place.
Shes barely mtb w out makeup
refuses easy pussy
Yeah I’ve met a few

A lot of them also don’t realize exactly how much pussy they can be getting though

A lot of Chads out there are wasting their genetic gifts because they are naive
  • +1
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Yeah I’ve met a few

A lot of them also don’t realize exactly how much pussy they can be getting though

A lot of Chads out there are wasting their genetic gifts because they are naive
would you say chads are more likely to run through all the foids or is that usually for some frat HTN
they're standardcels right? Or just strict parents
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would you say chads are more likely to run through all the foids or is that usually for some frat HTN
they're standardcels right? Or just strict parents
Some frat HTN probably and purely because they are more likely to realize the opportunity in front of them. The biggest slayers I know aren’t chads but HTN’s

One of the dudes I used to work with was 6’4 and handsome as hell and we compared Tinders one day and he matched with basically every chick I matched with + more and had way more chicks messaging him but he ended up getting into an LTR the next year and has been in one ever since. He could have ran through 30 women a month if he wanted to but he bought into idea of the true love and that’s all she wrote.

Also there are just more HTN’s out there to be slaying. If every man HTN or Chad has an equal propensity to end up with either a slayer mentality (ie: the desire to fuck tons of random women) or a bluepill one, there are just going to be more HTN’s out there who end up as slayers than Chads simply due to the fact they both have the potential to slay but in terms of sheer numbers, more HTN’s exist. HTN’s are also more likely to turn slaying into an identity and the pursuit of women into a serious pastime than Chad is.
Some frat HTN probably and purely because they are more likely to realize the opportunity in front of them. The biggest slayers I know aren’t chads but HTN’s
oh wow, this aligns with my observations well. Especially those in frats or sports. A HTN is basically an IRL chad and women would throw themselves at a HTN at any given opportunity IRL if he's very NT and in sports
You know their body counts, the biggest slayers?
I'm not sure if it's physiognomy but I do observe Chads prefer to be in LTRs (with the exception of very masc or giga prettyboy types but IDK)
One of the dudes I used to work with was 6’4 and handsome as hell
chadlite or chad, race?
and we compared Tinders one day and he matched with basically every chick I matched with + more and had way more chicks messaging him
what were they saying to him?
but he ended up getting into an LTR the next year and has been in one ever since.
That's nice of him, what looks level was this foid and how did they meet?
He could have ran through 30 women a month if he wanted to but he bought into idea of the true love and that’s all she wrote.
they seem to be like that
Also there are just more HTN’s out there to be slaying. If every man HTN or Chad has an equal propensity to end up with either a slayer mentality (ie: the desire to fuck tons of random women) or a bluepill one, there are just going to be more HTN’s out there who end up as slayers than Chads simply due to the fact they both have the potential to slay but in terms of sheer numbers, more HTN’s exist. HTN’s are also more likely to turn slaying into an identity and the pursuit of women into a serious pastime than Chad is.
because they aren't as facially GL and need a coping mechanism
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would you say chads are more likely to run through all the foids or is that usually for some frat HTN
they're standardcels right? Or just strict parents
The thing is, when Chad does decide to run through all the foids, he will have drastically more success and ease with doing it than the HTN but I just don’t think most Chads are as likely to get obsessed with slaying unless they are in environments that promote it like a frat.

You watch channels like this and you see a bunch of HTN’s telling their slay stories or obviously doing well with women. There are chads too but the average slayer in these videos is HTN.
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chadlite or chad, race?
Chadlite facially but IRL Chad in terms of appeal
what were they saying to him?
A lot of comments about his height and how he doesn’t seem real

That's nice of him, what looks level was this foid and how did they meet?
His girl literally looks like a female version of him it’s kind of uncanny. She’s a Stacylite and they met on Tinder

because they aren't as facially GL and need a coping mechanism
Probably but it’s also just they spent more time in deprivation and so they realize the value more

Sometimes you don’t know what you have until it’s gone and many Chads never lacked access to women enough to really value it
  • +1
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The thing is, when Chad does decide to run through all the foids, he will have drastically more success and ease with doing it than the HTN but I just don’t think most Chads are as likely to get obsessed with slaying unless they are in environments that promote it like a frat.

You watch channels like this and you see a bunch of HTN’s telling their slay stories or obviously doing well with women. There are chads too but the average slayer in these videos is HTN.

I didn't find a single Chad in the video + it seems mostly black guys + other videos
Chadlite facially but IRL Chad in terms of appeal

A lot of comments about his height and how he doesn’t seem real

His girl literally looks like a female version of him it’s kind of uncanny. She’s a Stacylite and they met on Tinder

Probably but it’s also just they spent more time in deprivation and so they realize the value more

Sometimes you don’t know what you have until it’s gone and many Chads never lacked access to women enough to really value it
So in other words he was just very picky and only wanted a stacylite or a stacy
is she blonde?
I didn't find a single Chad in the video + it seems mostly black guys + other videos
that’s my point, tons of those guys are slaying

There are videos with white guys telling slay stories even Asian guys but I don’t want to search through their videos looking for them, they interview people randomly throughout the videos if you watch a few you’ll inevitably run into them
So in other words he was just very picky and only wanted a stacylite or a stacy
is she blonde?
No, I think the main factor here was that they have almost identical faces

She isn’t blonde

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