SAM-E Dosage



Face, Height, Frame, Dick
Oct 15, 2019
Where is the recommended dosage? I dont wanna overdose and die jfl?

@Strike_Poseidon @JustTrynaGrow @Alexanderr @ghkid2019 @SpiritualCel @SoyGune
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1000 mg or something
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I took 1600mg bc i have 400mg pills, Extra Chromome dose is 1500mg
i don't know what the side effects of this are but i would watch out overdosing.
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It’s 2000mg.
Where is the recommended dosage? I dont wanna overdose and die jfl?

@Strike_Poseidon @JustTrynaGrow @Alexanderr @ghkid2019 @SpiritualCel @SoyGune
Be careful though, increasing your DNA methylation too much would increase your chance of developing cancer cells.
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Where is the recommended dosage? I dont wanna overdose and die jfl?

@Strike_Poseidon @JustTrynaGrow @Alexanderr @ghkid2019 @SpiritualCel @SoyGune
From what I read atleast 1500mg. It’s expensive as shit tho I have some here rn just waiting for hgh. I guess try to go with 800mg if you’re a poorcel like me (even with my ewhoring empire)
Where is the recommended dosage? I dont wanna overdose and die jfl?

@Strike_Poseidon @JustTrynaGrow @Alexanderr @ghkid2019 @SpiritualCel @SoyGune
2000mg eod no food for 2 hours before and after swallowing.
OP didn't you just make some threads saying heightmaxxing was cope?
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  • JFL
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Where is the recommended dosage? I dont wanna overdose and die jfl?

@Strike_Poseidon @JustTrynaGrow @Alexanderr @ghkid2019 @SpiritualCel @SoyGune
you can't DIE from taking too much SAM-e well I guess you can in the long term as a crucial balance of it is needed since your gonna be combining HGH with this and too much methylation by itself will cause tumor growth, just stick to the recommendation 2000mg
From what I read atleast 1500mg. It’s expensive as shit tho I have some here rn just waiting for hgh. I guess try to go with 800mg if you’re a poorcel like me (even with my ewhoring empire)
sigh....... HGH copers never learn you can spend 100's of dollars on HGH accelerating your height velocity to the height limit that was determined before you were even born but you can't afford to spend barely 100 a month for the things that will make you keep growing after your DNA limit, take it or leave it. Stop believing only HGH will help you, barely any significant results have been shown on this forum. Pubertymaxxer for example only grew a cm from it after 6 months of your so called super physiological dosage, you idiots NEVER learn
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you can't DIE from taking too much SAM-e well I guess you can in the long term as a crucial balance of it is needed since your gonna be combining HGH with this and too much methylation by itself will cause tumor growth, just stick to the recommendation 2000mg

sigh....... HGH copers never learn you can spend 100's of dollars on HGH accelerating your height velocity to the height limit that was determined before you were even born but you can't afford to spend barely 100 a month for the things that will make you keep growing after your DNA limit, take it or leave it. Stop believing only HGH will help you, barely any significant results have been shown on this forum. Pubertymaxxer for example only grew a cm from it after 6 months of your so called super physiological dosage, you idiots NEVER learn
HGH works, just very, very, inefficiently after like 15 or 16. If you have the money to shell, there's no problem, even if you get barely any height. If you're broke then it might be better off to use that money for something else.
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  • +1
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HGH works, just very, very, inefficiently after like 15 or 16. If you have the money to shell, there's no problem, even if you get barely any height. If you're broke then it might be better off to use that money for something else.
your the same guy who critiqued the living fuck out of me back in my first thread, why are you replying to that message if I just told you why all growth factors don't work as efficiently as you age? Have you researched anything on growth plate senescence, or are you just gonna make a retarded statement without elaborating? There is a reason why HGH isn't as efficient for some people after age 15-16 but you haven't explained why, when I explain why nobody bothers to read my posts properly, there is a finite proliferative capacity on the chondrocytes, why? Loss of DNA methylation, estrogen. is not what causes your growth plates to fuse , super physiological estrogen given to kids with still actively proliferating chondrocytes took YEARS to close, whereas far older people who lacked the estrogen receptor who got given estrogen their plates fused very promptly. All estrogen will do is make you reach your DNA limit more quickly, NOT stunt your growth.
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your the same guy who critiqued the living fuck out of me back in my first thread, why are you replying to that message if I just told you why all growth factors don't work as efficiently as you age? Have you researched anything on growth plate senescence, or are you just gonna make a retarded statement without elaborating? There is a reason why HGH isn't as efficient for some people after age 15-16 but you haven't explained why, when I explain why nobody bothers to read my posts properly, there is a finite proliferative capacity on the chondrocytes, why? Loss of DNA methylation, estrogen. is not what causes your growth plates to fuse , super physiological estrogen given to kids with still actively proliferating chondrocytes took YEARS to close, whereas far older people who lacked the estrogen receptor who got given estrogen their plates fused very promptly. All estrogen will do is make you reach your DNA limit more quickly, NOT stunt your growth.

The reason why HGH is more inefficient as you near the end of growth is because the growth plate gets smaller and smaller as you age. It is a continuum, it doesn't just go from wide open to closed in a day. It is a slow process that shrinks the growth plate. If you have less of that growth plate then you will grow less in general, which makes HGH would be more effective during the period where your growth plate is huge compared to late adolescents when the growth plate is getting very small.

Estrogen is a big factor in causing the growth spurt actually, when you are young. It's a double edged sword. It causes the big growth spurt, as well as causes the ultimate nail on the coffin of growth (physis closure). Some people get way too much testosterone as well which ultimately turns into estrogen so they'll be growing fast then woop they get stunted because of their high test (converts to estrogen).

You're right that there's no solid rule that estrogen stunts your growth, it helps growth early on and it also ends growth later on.
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The reason why HGH is more inefficient as you near the end of growth is because the growth plate gets smaller and smaller as you age. It is a continuum, it doesn't just go from wide open to closed in a day. It is a slow process that shrinks the growth plate. If you have less of that growth plate then you will grow less in general, which makes HGH would be more effective during the period where your growth plate is huge compared to late adolescents when the growth plate is getting very small.

Estrogen is a big factor in causing the growth spurt actually, when you are young. It's a double edged sword. It causes the big growth spurt, as well as causes the ultimate nail on the coffin of growth (physis closure). Some people get way too much testosterone as well which ultimately turns into estrogen so they'll be growing fast then woop they get stunted because of their high test (converts to estrogen).

You're right that there's no solid rule that estrogen stunts your growth, it helps growth early on and it also ends growth later on.
so tell me why does the growth plate height decrease with age?
You're right that there's no solid rule that estrogen stunts your growth, it helps growth early on and it also ends growth later on.
So its best to hop on armoasin at tanner stage 4/5?
look at the fucking comment section THEY'RE ALL GIANTS
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so tell me why does the growth plate height decrease with age?
first of all, lol at that site. It has some decent info, but it's trying to sell you something.
"We have discovered a herbal & Homeopathy preparation called as Grow Plex. This medicine contains herbal and homeopathic components which remove metabolic blocks in the body stopping growth on individual. This is completely safe and without any side effects. This can be used alone or in combination with other medicines (Allopathic etc) and it has not shown any interaction with other medicines. Further, our panel of skilled and expert doctors handles slow growth cases associated with hormonal, hypo-thyroidism, , nutritional; problems etc. We have seen excellent results in these cases also." -directly from that site

I don't think it's good to read a site that sells homeopathic medicine used to prey on short adults that are hopeful and copeing that they can still grow. It's obviously trying to sell people a miracle pill.

To answer your question:
The growth plate height decreases by age because increasing levels of estrogen essentially causes increase apoptosis (death) of chondrocytes which were the "cartiliage like" and would-be bone that young people have that mediates growth. Eventually the rate of chondrocyte death rate is high enough that the genesis of the chondrocytes is not enough and this is essentially when your epiphysis plate "closes".


So its best to hop on armoasin at tanner stage 4/5?
I would say hop onto an AI right after your single major natural growth spurt (which would occur somewhere around age 12-14). After the spurt hop onto aromasin/letrozole/arimidex asap. Don't fuck with your hormones before that. I probably wouldn't even recommend using GH before this time period, unless you actually have a deficiency since 99% of people grow fine and do get a significant growth spurt at this period and are just naturally smaller or bigger.
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  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
So does this Sam-e stuff actually help? Anyone tried it?
you can't DIE from taking too much SAM-e well I guess you can in the long term as a crucial balance of it is needed since your gonna be combining HGH with this and too much methylation by itself will cause tumor growth, just stick to the recommendation 2000mg

Is it good on its own or do you need HGH with it?
first of all, lol at that site. It has some decent info, but it's trying to sell you something.
"We have discovered a herbal & Homeopathy preparation called as Grow Plex. This medicine contains herbal and homeopathic components which remove metabolic blocks in the body stopping growth on individual. This is completely safe and without any side effects. This can be used alone or in combination with other medicines (Allopathic etc) and it has not shown any interaction with other medicines. Further, our panel of skilled and expert doctors handles slow growth cases associated with hormonal, hypo-thyroidism, , nutritional; problems etc. We have seen excellent results in these cases also." -directly from that site

I don't think it's good to read a site that sells homeopathic medicine used to prey on short adults that are hopeful and copeing that they can still grow. It's obviously trying to sell people a miracle pill.

To answer your question:
The growth plate height decreases by age because increasing levels of estrogen essentially causes increase apoptosis (death) of chondrocytes which were the "cartiliage like" and would-be bone that young people have that mediates growth. Eventually the rate of chondrocyte death rate is high enough that the genesis of the chondrocytes is not enough and this is essentially when your epiphysis plate "closes".


I would say hop onto an AI right after your single major natural growth spurt (which would occur somewhere around age 12-14). After the spurt hop onto aromasin/letrozole/arimidex asap. Don't fuck with your hormones before that. I probably wouldn't even recommend using GH before this time period, unless you actually have a deficiency since 99% of people grow fine and do get a significant growth spurt at this period and are just naturally smaller or bigger.
The very idea of homeopathic just shows you that it is not a magical pill
Where is the recommended dosage? I dont wanna overdose and die jfl?

@Strike_Poseidon @JustTrynaGrow @Alexanderr @ghkid2019 @SpiritualCel @SoyGune
Why are you taking SAM-e?
you can't DIE from taking too much SAM-e well I guess you can in the long term as a crucial balance of it is needed since your gonna be combining HGH with this and too much methylation by itself will cause tumor growth, just stick to the recommendation 2000mg

sigh....... HGH copers never learn you can spend 100's of dollars on HGH accelerating your height velocity to the height limit that was determined before you were even born but you can't afford to spend barely 100 a month for the things that will make you keep growing after your DNA limit, take it or leave it. Stop believing only HGH will help you, barely any significant results have been shown on this forum. Pubertymaxxer for example only grew a cm from it after 6 months of your so called super physiological dosage, you idiots NEVER learn
You can die from taking too much SAM-e. You can die from drinking too much water. But this isn't even like that. You can overdose on SAM-e and it'd make for a pretty horrific death.
Why are you taking SAM-e?

You can die from taking too much SAM-e. You can die from drinking too much water. But this isn't even like that. You can overdose on SAM-e and it'd make for a pretty horrific death.
Also extrachromasome wrote so much misinformation in his height thread especially about SAM-e
Why are you taking SAM-e?

You can die from taking too much SAM-e. You can die from drinking too much water. But this isn't even like that. You can overdose on SAM-e and it'd make for a pretty horrific death.

Also extrachromasome wrote so much misinformation in his height thread especially about SAM-e
what misinformation did he write in his thread? he was quoting directly from scientific articles as well as
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what misinformation did he write in his thread? he was quoting directly from scientific articles
When he said a loss of DNA methylation causes you to stop growing and fixing hypomethylation specifically with SAM-e would make you grow taller; that's just not true at all.
When he said a loss of DNA methylation causes you to stop growing and fixing hypomethylation specifically with SAM-e would make you grow taller; that's just not true at all.
elaborate on why you think this, the study did show loss of DNA methylation caused chondrocyte cells to become more senescent but I'll let you elaborate first
Because hypermethylation doesn't make you grow taller and it can lead to a lot of real problems
like i said before elaborate with studies and quote directly from them
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like i said before elaborate with studies and quote directly from them
Elaborate from the wikipedia page you posted. I've read it before. But I don't know what you're trying to say with it.

There's no studies on the internet that prove that heightmaxing is bullshit just like there's no studies that the easter bunny isn't real.
you idiot i was talking about the tumor growth of excessive methylation, have you even read this study at all?
What tumors are you talking about now?
Elaborate from the wikipedia page you posted. I've read it before. But I don't know what you're trying to say with it.

There's no studies on the internet that prove that heightmaxing is bullshit just like there's no studies that the easter bunny isn't real.
what the fuck? are you trying to compare easter bunny to heightmaxxing?
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It's not possible to compare 2 fantasies against eachother.
idiot... nothing but broscience with people like you
It's not possible to compare 2 fantasies against eachother.
start researching senescence and learning about methyl donors like SAM-dependent methylation and how they can keep your chondrocytes proliferating for a very long time, and how your programmed senescence can be changed with the SAM-e and folic acid to protect DNA from damage as for estrogen's direct impact on cell apoptosis I still need to research into that, however, we are looking into making ourselves taller than our DNA limit yes? Not how to achieve our DNA limit faster with estrogen @ghkid2019 ? Start doing research into it like me, this experiment was done on the old grow tall forum very much proven back on that site, but now I need to reignite the theory back on this site and it'll be proven soon with the people starting to take it properly
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Ok estrogen accelarates height velocity and it also induces cell aptosis, HOWEVER the fact that @ghkid2019 is only mentioning estrogen to be the problem is beyond retarded, GH/IGF-1 still ages bone so does DHT, men who completely lacked a functional estrogen receptor even though they were in their 30's and had the bone age of 14-15 year olds, their bones still matured to that bone without any estrogen effects in their body at all, sure it is far less than their chronolgical age but coming to the conclusion that estrogen is the reason why all of you stopped growing is not practice. Do more research than just that: this video will help you to understand. Senesence happens first, then fusion happens, estrogen can't do anything if their chondrocytes are still actively proliferating, it can't induce apoptosis until their cell cycles are complete
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Ok estrogen accelarates height velocity and it also induces cell aptosis, HOWEVER the fact that @ghkid2019 is only mentioning estrogen to be the problem is beyond retarded, GH/IGF-1 still ages bone so does DHT, men who completely lacked a functional estrogen receptor even though they were in their 30's and had the bone age of 14-15 year olds, their bones still matured to that bone without any estrogen effects in their body at all, sure it is far less than their chronolgical age but coming to the conclusion that estrogen is the reason why all of you stopped growing is not practice. Do more research than just that: this video will help you to understand. Senesence happens first, then fusion happens, estrogen can't do anything if their chondrocytes are still actively proliferating, it can't induce apoptosis until their cell cycles are complete

obviously estrogen isnt the only reason, but its a big reason. is that enough?

i dont even think you understand what homeopathic medicine (psuedoscience) is, this conversation is closed.
obviously estrogen isnt the only reason, but its a big reason. is that enough?

i dont even think you understand what homeopathic medicine (psuedoscience) is, this conversation is closed.
good boy, no you called it a magical solution, it wasn't, they treated short kids and tried increasing height in adults through their spine and they have videos of height progression
good boy, no you called it a magical solution, it wasn't, they treated short kids and tried increasing height in adults through their spine and they have videos of height progression

i mean i don't doubt that you can grow a little bit through your spine, but i also dont doubt that site had their self-interest in mind when publishing those types of articles that claim you can grow after growth plate closed, to sell their own products. mostly these products are usually bs, and if this wasn't then it was probably just glucosamine meant to maintain morning height
good boy, no you called it a magical solution, it wasn't, they treated short kids and tried increasing height in adults through their spine and they have videos of height progression
i dont think we disagree on much, its clear youre pretty knowledgeable and put in your research, maybe we have slight disagreement in opinions but overall we seem to agree on the general topics
i mean i don't doubt that you can grow a little bit through your spine, but i also dont doubt that site had their self-interest in mind when publishing those types of articles that claim you can grow after growth plate closed, to sell their own products. mostly these products are usually bs, and if this wasn't then it was probably just glucosamine meant to maintain morning height

i dont think we disagree on much, its clear youre pretty knowledgeable and put in your research, maybe we have slight disagreement in opinions but overall we seem to agree on the general topics
So is it worth to buy SAMe nerds? I cant understand shit
no for you, you have to inject genetics it is beyond over for you
So is it worth to buy SAMe nerds? I cant understand shit
jk get on it immediately, take 2000 mg enteric coated tablet, and on empty stomach 2 hours before and taking the SAM-e dose, combine folic acid with it as well as bare minimum if you want your DNA to have additional protection in case of a bit of hypermethylation
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no for you, you have to inject genetics it is beyond over for you

jk get on it immediately, take 2000 mg enteric coated tablet, and on empty stomach 2 hours before and taking the SAM-e dose, combine folic acid with it as well as bare minimum if you want your DNA to have additional protection in case of a bit of hypermethylation
additional gh or ai to that?
It's not possible to compare 2 fantasies against eachother.

that one was good, ngl.
and tbh he has a point, @Strike_Poseidon heightmaxxing is overall a massive cope, in the sense that even if you do grow, it's at the expense of raping your bank account, and for what? a cm or two of height?
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View attachment 366905
that one was good, ngl.
and tbh he has a point, @Strike_Poseidon heightmaxxing is overall a massive cope, in the sense that even if you do grow, it's at the expense of raping your bank account, and for what? a cm or two of height?
study biochemistry man, height growth is not rocket science
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study biochemistry man, height growth is not rocket science
it really is though, we still don't know much at all about it.
keep castrating yourself though, for maybe an inch at best.

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