Sarms will probably become mainstream within 5 years from now



Sep 3, 2018
Pioneers like Tony Hugh have been running a multitude of experiments and studies with sarms and more and more data is being found very quickly. I definitely see sarms becoming mainstream in the average gym bro audience within 5 years for sure. Not only are they way more accessible to people, they also have a way better risk:benefit ratio for the most part than AAS do if taken correctly (most sarms at least, not including S23 with completely shuts you down and S4 which gives nighttime blindness)

If you are considering enhancing your physique but don't want to make the immediate leap to anabolic androgenic steroids yet, sarms are a great option dedsrs.

A website which has literally EVERYTHING to know about sarms (WHICH CITES ITS SOURCES OF INFORMATION) is

Highly recommend visiting if you are looking into taking sarms.
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No sarms for your face
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  • Ugh..
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Yes, I've been considering this really hard, thanks for this post!
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No sarms for your face
Not only does Ostarine increase muscle mass and strength, it increases tendon strength, ligament health, bone density and encourages collagen turn-over

Fucking retard.
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  • JFL
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Does 500 mg test e mog any SARM stack?
Does 500 mg test e mog any SARM stack?
yes bro

but you dont need that just to get a good enough muscular lean physique that caps attractiveness to women
Why not just take substances aka steroids that have been studied for many years, you know the side effects, better results. Sarms is a crap shoot when it comes to side effects and id say even results
What do you use?
ive used lgd-4033 and rad140 (separately) for bulking and ostarine and s4 for cutting. i have only been training for a year and a half (only using sarms since march this year) and i have a pretty fkn good physique (obviously genetics play a part but sarms give a more than good enough advantage to a natural lifter)
Why not just take substances aka steroids that have been studied for many years, you know the side effects, better results. Sarms is a crap shoot when it comes to side effects and id say even results
you didnt even read my thread jfl. website i linked has the most comprehensive articles on each and every sarm with all the research cited. ive made great results on sarms and so have many others without getting much side effects at all.
ive used lgd-4033 and rad140 (separately) for bulking and ostarine and s4 for cutting. i have only been training for a year and a half (only using sarms since march this year) and i have a pretty fkn good physique (obviously genetics play a part but sarms give a more than good enough advantage to a natural lifter)
I have 1 lgd vial but I'm waiting to use it with test e. I hope I'll get some gains from that
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I have 1 lgd vial but I'm waiting to use it with test e. I hope I'll get some gains from that
thats a good stack, sarms truly shine when stacked with a testosterone base
What's the worst possible drawback from taking sarms
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probably crashing your estrogen and fucking up your hdl/ldl
Damn, I have a family history of cholesterol problems and blood test results came back saying my ldl is too high despite watching my food intake
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Damn, I have a family history of cholesterol problems and blood test results came back saying my ldl is too high despite watching my food intake
yeah but its not gonna be any worse than what steroids would do lol. up to u what u put in ur body bro

this isnt a sarm but its a research chemical usually put in the same category as sarms are, its called cardarine and has a positive effect on your cholesterol levels

Preclinical Primate Model
A preclinical trial was conducted on obese rhesus monkeys, as they have a lipid profile that closely matches humans.

Cardarine increased HDL cholesterol, lowered LDL cholesterol, and reduced serum insulin levels

Taken from
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Need steroid source for Europe. DM me xxx
@ZyzzReincarnate @Lorsss @jefferson Respect to you guys for running human trials. When there will be enough data, given that sarms don't fuck you up terribly, only then I'll consider taking them.
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@ZyzzReincarnate @Lorsss @jefferson Respect to you guys for running human trials. When there will be enough data, given that sarms don't fuck you up terribly, only then I'll consider taking them.
give the website i linked in the thread a quick read on whatever sarms you are interested in. all known data on sarms is on there and research cited
give the website i linked in the thread a quick read on whatever sarms you are interested in. all known data on sarms is on there and research cited
I'm a really risk-averse person and I don't want to be open to the possibility of side effects. I'm 6'2 and I look pretty great in clothes and I'm not that desperate for additional gains at this point. I'm focusing purely on strength at this point.
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Im considering just saying fuck it and hopping on tren, but im not sure.
lgd-4033 seems like the best reward:risk ratio. I just started it a few days ago, 10mg daily of the injectable version.

Yk-11 especially injectable version seems really powerful though. Ryan russo did a crazy 4 week transformation on it and tony huge and them got crazy results too.
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lgd-4033 seems like the best reward:risk ratio. I just started it a few days ago, 10mg daily of the injectable version.

Yk-11 especially injectable version seems really powerful though. Ryan russo did a crazy 4 week transformation on it and tony huge and them got crazy results too.
yeah ive heard great things about magnalone.
@ZyzzReincarnate who invented sarms? are there new one being invented?
What's the worst possible drawback from taking sarms

low T after cycle is normal and you will need a PCT.
furthermore I experienced:
- headache in the first 2 days of cycle
- painful muscle cramps
- low blood pressure that made me have 2 collapses in the last weeks of the cycle
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low T after cycle is normal and you will need a PCT.
furthermore I experienced:
- headache in the first 2 days of cycle
- painful muscle cramps
- low blood pressure that made me have 2 collapses in the last weeks of the cycle
Mad ting
low T after cycle is normal and you will need a PCT.
furthermore I experienced:
- headache in the first 2 days of cycle
- painful muscle cramps
- low blood pressure that made me have 2 collapses in the last weeks of the cycle
damn nigga that hasnt happened to me. what were u on and what dosage?
15mg of ostarine
Jfl i have no clue how that happened to u. ostarine is like the most mild sarm and ur dosage was low too
will start my ostarine and mk677 cycle next week (alrdy onmk) if you want i can post my experience if cycle is over (gonna do 10 or 12 weeks).
I dont need PCT for osta right?
SARMs and GHSs will probably become illegal before they go mainstream, like it is here in Jewmania

JFL if you think the (((Government))) will allow you to live life as anything but a good goyim
my government is too busy in increasing taxes, welcoming immigrants and giving women privileges, so I think they won't ban SARMs in near future
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  • JFL
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Don't know what sarms are, but i'm interested.
Are they legal to buy in teh UK? (since steroids are)
Any links to buy from? I need to get in better shape
Do you think It's bad if I wanna start training immediately with SARMS?

So instead of training natty for let's say 1 year and then start taking substances I just immediately start training enhanced.

I've been considering Ligandrol but like I said I don't know if It's wise to just start not natty.

If I remember correctly @lorss said that when he was training natty for 2 years he had no gains and they only started showing when he began using SARMS.
Don't know what sarms are, but i'm interested.
Are they legal to buy in teh UK? (since steroids are)
Any links to buy from? I need to get in better shape
UK is probably the best place to get them if you are from Europe, just use google.
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Not only does Ostarine increase muscle mass and strength, it increases tendon strength, ligament health, bone density and encourages collagen turn-over

Fucking retard.
Don't destroy sirgey like that

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