Schery6 roped

its some kind of elaborated larp
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I don’t think the articles are fake.
Yea bro it's totally larp

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View attachment 2250305

View attachment 2250308
Never seen this guy before but he walked in front of a train? Fuck that’s brutal
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Reactions: RAMU KAKA, rooman, horizontallytall and 9 others
South american Living in Australia. Doesnt seen legit
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If this is real, rest in piece.
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Over for this forum if his suicide is blamed on this
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Reactions: Marsiere214, zyMOGenic, and 21 others
Between Leon "posting CP" The Leanmaxxer and 2 guys roping, the feds are gonna have @Master's ass for this one.

Rest in peace.
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Reactions: Marsiere214, ShowerMaxxing, mike oxlong and 28 others
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"Hi my 16 year old son took his life on June 2 on the train tracks in Baldwin park. He suffered so much from depression, and bullying from being autistic. This caused him so much pain. I tried everything I could. We went to therapy, doctors put him on multiple medications. He was seeing caregivers and every system that could help him, but it wasn’t enough.
He was always made fun of at school for how he looked, dressed and talked. We pleaded with the school district to allow him to be homeschool, it’s what he wanted, what we wanted, and ultimately could have made the difference. They didn’t allow it and it led to the worst possible outcome. The day it happened he called me saying he was sorry and that he was too ugly for the world and it just broke me! I tried to get the police to look for him but by the time they found him it was too late.
As a family we are disappointed at the lack of safety precautions being put in place by the Baldwin Park train station. It should not have been this easy for a 16 year old boy to lose his life, this could happen to anyone.

We plead for your support, anything helps, we wish we didn’t have to do this or ask for your support today. We wish we could see him again. Please help us say goodbye to Diego properly and in the way he deserves"

I seriously hope this is a fake thing made by some autist here, if this guy has been really hitten by a train it is a fate even worse than roping
It's probably real considering they got 16,000 dollars in donations
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Reactions: Marsiere214, rooman, aBetterMii and 3 others
Yeah at first i thought it was too but
1) he never posted these pics
2) there are real money donations
Just wonder how ekil find out it
I saw this on discord

428F1B97 0453 4806 BDD6 FFE02FACF3F1

Idk if it’s true 100% but he was 16 I think which matches, the image looks like him, and the description of him being upset about being ugly and that he was autistic matches
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He roped six days ago and that was 6 days ago
Hypergamy claims another victim. If only one of these stuck up whores gave our boy a chance .
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It's probably real considering they got 16,000 dollars in donations
Sadly it probably is, don't want to imagine if his parents find about this website, apparently june 2 is the last time he was online
I saw this on discord

View attachment 2250377

Idk if it’s true 100% but he was 16 I think which matches, the image looks like him, and the description of him being upset about being ugly and that he was autistic matches
Hope god doesn't punish him for suicide
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  • WTF
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Reactions: rooman, BoredPrince, alriodai and 4 others
Sadly it probably is, don't want to imagine if his parents find about this website, apparently june 2 is the last time he was online

Hope god doesn't punish him for suicide
Police will investigate it. It will be over soon
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He had a gf apparently, at least he got smth.
he said his girlfriend didnt want to have sex with him and they broke up

so he didnt get much. the only reason she said yes is probably she was young
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Reactions: niranjan, KingCartierrr23, Marsiere214 and 7 others
is this the first user on this site to rope in such a violent way? This shit might change .org
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Reactions: zyMOGenic, RAMU KAKA, rooman and 10 others
Just like you think?
Yeah, even on lookism i dont think anyone roped. This might be the first confirmed case of someone roping.
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Reactions: aesthetic beauty, Deleted member 28541, rooman and 8 others
is this the first user on this site to rope in such a violent way? This shit might change .org
@Lone Wolf Tried to rope but failed, was on the news in New Zealand.
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is this the first user on this site to rope in such a violent way? This shit might change .org
its brutal i can imagine his body being destroyed by the train

what other users have been quasi-confirmed to rope?
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Reactions: Fforsaken_11 and It'snotover
Cuz he was in my opinion a low tier LTN. People called him subhuman
The blackpill is brutal tbh. And he was rated appropriately . Some people can't cope .

The blackpill fucks with me but because I know the end times are coming I am holding out in the hopes of going ER in the coming world war 3 in GTA.

Without a functioning civilization I can do whatever 🤣😂
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Reactions: SurgeryEnjoyer, aesthetic beauty, OnAir and 7 others
he said his girlfriend didnt want to have sex with him and they broke up

so he didnt get much. the only reason she said yes is probably she was young
Fuck it's brutal, it's better to be rejected than to stay in a relationship without sex, they said he was bullied too so I can't blame him for wanting to put an end to it
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Reactions: niranjan, aesthetic beauty, ronald_98 and 3 others
its brutal i can imagine his body being destroyed by the train

what other users have been quasi-confirmed to rope?
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  • Hmm...
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Reactions: rooman, Deleted member 23558, It'snotover and 1 other person
He didn't take anyone with him even in doom after being bullied so much....pure soul tbh :hnghn:
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Reactions: TheTakeoverHasBegun, RAMU KAKA, Deleted member 28541 and 6 others
we need to private the forum we cant have vulnerable people joining. ive been through horrendous bullying before too but im strong so i didnt rope we cant have 16 yos who are mentally ill join
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Reactions: zeshama, ronald_98, zyMOGenic and 12 others
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Reactions: Deleted member 21735, rooman, OGJBSLAYER and 5 others
He didn't take anyone with him even in doom after being bullied so much....pure soul tbh :hnghn:
for real. i wouldnt blame him for going er on the bullies, but he only killed himself.

he demonstrates that incels can be peaceful (besdies to himself)
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Reactions: SurgeryEnjoyer, ronald_98, rooman and 2 others
Fucking hell

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Reactions: ronald_98, latincell95, Splinter901 and 2 others
Sadly it probably is, don't want to imagine if his parents find about this website, apparently june 2 is the last time he was online

Hope god doesn't punish him for suicide
Oh he will God was ready for this all. He will get hot lava poured into his ass
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Reactions: zyMOGenic, Jamaldickjavontus, rooman and 6 others
How did you find that
Oh he will God was ready for this all. He will get hot lava poured into his ass
The sad thing is that it's probably true. Reincarnation might be an indian cope
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Reactions: JohnBaza, Kmscurry, ShowerMaxxing and 12 others
He didn't take anyone with him even in doom after being bullied so much....pure soul tbh :hnghn:
Blud probably thought to himself "I will reincarnate as the anti christ and show them!" Rip.
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Reactions: zyMOGenic
The story adds up, considering he shared his location here and the place of death is in a ghetto part of LA.
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Rest in eternal peace @Schery6
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Reactions: ascension, rooman, latincell95 and 5 others
yall are toxic as shit
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Reactions: TheTakeoverHasBegun, Marsiere214, aesthetic beauty and 21 others
The story adds up, considering he shared his location here and the place of death is in a ghetto part of LA.
everyting adds up. 99.99% chance its true. RIP. absolutely brutal and sad
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Reactions: Deleted member 28541, rooman, poopoohead and 1 other person
everyting adds up. 99.99% chance its true. RIP. absolutely brutal and sad
Imagine what feds will do now
I would ask mods to delete every post that offended him, just in case.
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Reactions: zyMOGenic, Deleted member 26410, rooman and 3 others
damn, i failed my mission to be an optimist i didnt even give him constructive criticism on his threads
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Reactions: zyMOGenic, rooman, horizontallytall and 6 others
we need to private the forum we cant have vulnerable people joining. ive been through horrendous bullying before too but im strong so i didnt rope we cant have 16 yos who are mentally ill join
Men fought to the death centuries and thousands of years ago when medical care was practically non existent and a simple cut could kill your ,

And now cause random internet strangers bullied you , you off yourself . I get ids a combo of being blackpilled. But still ultimately the other person has the hands of commiting the ultimate act of suicide

Our ancestors would cage at the pussified soyboys of today.

If one is a incel my opinion is they need to go out in a blaze of glory as a soldier. Being a warrior is a redemption arc for a ugly incel imo
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Reactions: niranjan, TsarTsar444, zyMOGenic and 15 others
damn, i failed my mission to be an optimist i didnt even give him constructive criticism on his threads
You are a nice dude you were trying to give my giga truecel larp advice even though it was beyond over

you have very narrow palate and bad teeth, upper thirds look mtn. lose bloat and haircut if not balding, just do basic for now, crewcut, buzzcut.
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