Schery6 roped

Men fought to the death centuries and thousands of years ago when medical care was practically non existent and a simple cut could kill your ,

And now cause random internet strangers bullied you , you off yourself . I get ids a combo of being blackpilled. But still ultimately the other person has the hands of commiting the ultimate act of suicide

Our ancestors would cage at the pussified soyboys of today.

If one is a incel my opinion is they need to go out in a blaze of glory as a soldier. Being a warrior is a redemption arc for a ugly incel imo
It wasn't random internet strangers he was literally an autistic sub5 who was bullied by everyone at his high school how can you expect to be optimistic given allat
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Men fought to the death centuries and thousands of years ago when medical care was practically non existent and a simple cut could kill your ,

And now cause random internet strangers bullied you , you off yourself . I get ids a combo of being blackpilled. But still ultimately the other person has the hands of commiting the ultimate act of suicide

Our ancestors would cage at the pussified soyboys of today.

If one is a incel my opinion is they need to go out in a blaze of glory as a soldier. Being a warrior is a redemption arc for a ugly incel imo
its pretty complex in society when u dont have to struggle to survive, even being strong you can have intense suicidal feelings. really he is strong for being able to rope. id be scared as fuck
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The sad thing is that it's probably true. Reincarnation might be an indian cope
No its not. An all knowing god would be logical, a logical god isnt gonna punish u for killing urself due to being an incel

Edit; besides free will isnt real. Behavior is determined by genes. If u took a newborn bunny and cat, u could literally predict the behavior of the 2 animals, such as the cat will chase birds it sees. And no humans being conscious doesnt give them free will, thats literally why if u have autism u do certain behaviors, autism is a genetic thing and it causes autistic behaviors. So how could a god punish u when u r just what he programmed. Aka u wont get punished and god isnt even real
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Reactions: KingCartierrr23, SurgeryEnjoyer, Marsiere214 and 10 others
Imagine what feds will do now
I would ask mods to delete every post that offended him, just in case.
What if you offend him after his death? Like say Rip bozo lol! What a ugly fuck good thing he roped! Like imagine someone says it.
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Reactions:, Jamaldickjavontus, Deleted member 28541 and 9 others
You are a nice dude you were trying to give my giga truecel larp advice even though it was beyond over
i gotta be nice or else i cant be nice to myself... i was subhuman 2 years ago but i improved so im optmistic
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Reactions: rooman, poopoohead, rand anon and 1 other person
Hopefully the rest of you curries will be joining this shitskin in the afterlife.
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I <3 total human death
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Men fought to the death centuries and thousands of years ago when medical care was practically non existent and a simple cut could kill your ,

And now cause random internet strangers bullied you , you off yourself . I get ids a combo of being blackpilled. But still ultimately the other person has the hands of commiting the ultimate act of suicide

Our ancestors would cage at the pussified soyboys of today.

If one is a incel my opinion is they need to go out in a blaze of glory as a soldier. Being a warrior is a redemption arc for a ugly incel imo
Shut the fuck up....what you gonna do today,you fight up,you end up in jail for decades with niggers by yourside...the only thing you can do as subhuman is going ER or offing aint gonna get any better but only worse.....years of bulling and solitude left scars on this dude,he probably didnt want to end up as 40 years old virgin
  • +1
Reactions: KingCartierrr23, Marsiere214, Arcturus and 8 others
What if you offend him after his death? Like say Rip bozo lol! What a ugly fuck good thing he roped! Like imagine someone says it.
Feds will come to knock at your door
This forum is already monitored by them
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Feds will come to knock at your door
This forum is already monitored by them
What if i join the feds? Will they say "Yay new member all your sins are forgiven welcome!" Thats not the point right? Imagine someone goes to his grave digs it up and fucks his dead body that would be some crazy shit.
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Reactions: stevielake, Marsiere214, and 8 others
No its not. An all knowing god would be logical, a logical god isnt gonna punish u for killing urself due to being an incel
Technically yes, I agree. But according to the bible suicide is a bad sin, one of the worst
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Reactions: rooman, poopoohead and latincell95
its pretty complex in society when u dont have to struggle to survive, even being strong you can have intense suicidal feelings. really he is strong for being able to rope. id be scared as fuck
Roping is more strong then rotting but he should have gone er in gta tbh. Suicide is beta
Technically yes, I agree. But according to the bible suicide is a bad sin, one of the worst
Its not a bad sin. Its an unforgivable sin.
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Reactions: aesthetic beauty, Av0nr, Deleted member 24586 and 5 others
Technically yes, I agree. But according to the bible suicide is a bad sin, one of the worst
Well good thing that the bible is a fiction book
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Well fellas this website had a good run

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Reactions: Jamaldickjavontus, BigBoy, rooman and 8 others
Shut the fuck up....what you gonna do today,you fight up,you end up in jail for decades with niggers by yourside...the only thing you can do as subhuman is going ER or offing aint gonna get any better but only worse.....years of bulling and solitude left scars on this dude,he probably didnt want to end up as 40 years old virgin
Retard going to war means you can kill legally lmao. It's the whole point, a legal way to go er.

Also he did get laid just his gf refused to let him hit anymore
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Reactions: poopoohead
Yay new member all your sins are forgiven welcome
Lifefuel, master will have to give you his ass to thank you for saving the boat.

Imagine someone goes to his grave digs it up and fucks his dead body that would be some crazy shit.
Most of the guys that are obsessed with jbs would be capable of that
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Reactions: BearBoy
As i said before forum users are indirectly murderers
He was only 16, He wasnt even mature enough yesterday i saw the thread of 15 yr old guy posted cp, this shows they r not mature enough why isnt there any age restriction on this site

A month ago i saw a post by an 11 year old, still some people were bullying him on the thread
I know its not the intention of people to bully them they just wanna sound cool and gain reps but these kids dont understand and they take these things seriously
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Reactions: TheTakeoverHasBegun, incel194012940, Lonenely sigma and 25 others
Lifefuel, master will have to give you his gay ass to thank you for life

Most of the guys that are obsessed with jbs would be capable of that
I think you would be capable of something like that you mentally ill faggot
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Reactions: Jamaldickjavontus, Deleted member 28541, Deleted member 20399 and 1 other person
As i said before forum users are indirectly murderers
He was only 16, He wasnt even mature enough yesterday i saw the thread of 15 yr old guy posted cp, this shows they r not mature enough why isnt there any age restriction on this site

A month ago i saw a post by an 11 year old, still some people were bullying him on the thread
I know its not the intention of people to bully them they just wanna sound cool and gain reps but these kids dont understand and they take these things seriously
Some of you guys want to play God though and know that unlike other Internet trolling the blackpill has a lot of truth in it but as we know real life isn't tinder , meaning their is nuances when it comes to height and race. If your short or not white ( except in location optimized places ) you stick to real life via social circle and can do cold approach

A lot of users are attention deprived and prey on users insecurities to release their own anger for being subhuman.

So when it comes to rate me people should be more mindful as the user is coming in already depressed and insecure

It's not like race bait threads where irs directed in general. And even those tbh people don't have to take literally as phenos are important

Good looking ethnics and Asians and Hispanics are their . Whites and other schizos larping as white just troll ethnics that way with those threads lol.
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20230609 073133

@IMOGYOU well,i guess he took your advice
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Wasted his free elliot rodger ticket and from his point of view he is most probably going to be reborn as a being even less smart than a human and will lead yet another shitty life.
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Reactions: AscensionMan98, rooman, poopoohead and 1 other person
Brutal. He literally did.
Roping would have been a better death, getting hitted by a train is 100 times worse, imagine his body
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Reactions: Arcturus, BigBoy, rooman and 5 others
Roping would have been a better death, getting hitted by a train is 100 times worse, imagine his body
yeah fuck its like in those gore videos... brutal
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Reactions: rooman and It'snotover
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: rooman and It'snotover
Did he die instantly?
theres a lot of possible scenarios. it would be horrible if he didnt die almost instantly. i wonder if he felt regret after he was struck if it was delayed
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the fate of all rotters in the site if u stay here any longer
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Reactions: Skywalker, Deleted member 1901, rooman and 6 others
so long, diego. may you respawn in india as a 2psl truecel again
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Reactions: Deleted member 25534, stevielake, and 12 others
Bonobo nigger finds out that his words have consequences.
Calling the Toronto police rn hoping they'll catch a black-barbie-doll-faced filthy nigger running around the poop filled streets of toronto wearing a chef's apron and works at a warehouse.
Enjoy raping white guys in jail though.
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Reactions: HOLYFUARK, stevielake, fug and 23 others
Whoever replied to his thread has blood on their hands.
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Reactions: ronald_98,, Av0nr and 13 others
just read the gofundme and it's tremendously sad

whoever made fun of him should seriously regret it & we should prob be nicer to people on here who make threads like he did

i feel like we think everyone is trolling when some people are actually serious
  • +1
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Reactions: aesthetic beauty, Deleted member 8365, Jamaldickjavontus and 11 others
As i said before forum users are indirectly murderers
He was only 16, He wasnt even mature enough yesterday i saw the thread of 15 yr old guy posted cp, this shows they r not mature enough why isnt there any age restriction on this site

A month ago i saw a post by an 11 year old, still some people were bullying him on the thread
I know its not the intention of people to bully them they just wanna sound cool and gain reps but these kids dont understand and they take these things seriously
These guys think it's over at 16 or 11 years old wtf?!? There life hasn't even begun yet. They have no self-awareness at all.

When I hear people rope and I compare my situation to them I realise my mindset is much more hardened than them. This, despite the fact I'm very high inhib.

As people age they just stop giving a fuck about how others/the world views them tbh.
  • +1
Reactions: Erik-Hexum, SurgeryEnjoyer, aesthetic beauty and 23 others
These guys think it's over at 16 or 11 years old wtf?!? There life hasn't even begun yet. They have no self-awareness at all.

When I hear people rope and I compare my situation to them I realise my mindset is much more hardened than them. This, despite the fact I'm very high inhib.

As people age they just stop giving a fuck about how others/the world views them tbh.
True i too was insecure 2 years before but as the days pass it becomes easy to accept
  • +1
Reactions: Fforsaken_11 and SecularIslamist
just read the gofundme and it's tremendously sad

whoever made fun of him should seriously regret it & we should prob be nicer to people on here who make threads like he did

i feel like we think everyone is trolling when some people are actually serious
Many more have roped that we don't know of, as well as a few ER's.

We just assumed it was a nothing burger as in the past as attention seeking users realized " I am going to rope " treads garnered massive replies and comments with some either trying to push them go ER and in a blaze of glory in GTA, or advise them to go through, or nicer people saying to not do it.
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Reactions: aesthetic beauty, Skywalker and Deleted member 28541
Fuck off
Reminder to never comment on mentally ill greycels' threads
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These guys think it's over at 16 or 11 years old wtf?!? There life hasn't even begun yet. They have no self-awareness at all.

When I hear people rope and I compare my situation to them I realise my mindset is much more hardened than them. This, despite the fact I'm very high inhib.

As people age they just stop giving a fuck about how others/the world views them tbh.
I learnt about the blackpill roughly that age. I was enormously depressed but wanted to prove them wrong. And while I did technically succeed I saw the blackpill still and it has eaten away at me since then
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Reactions: Jamaldickjavontus, BigBoy, rooman and 4 others
@Schery6 thoughts on this thread?
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Hes scamming niggas
Official Police report shows they responded to him. Users suggested he should visit gandy, and he did.

Ironic that users here hate women for being so picky on looks when they themselves will bully to death some guy who happened to not look good.
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Reactions: TheTakeoverHasBegun, aesthetic beauty, stevielake and 18 others
Police will investigate it. It will be over soon
why. anyone can call u a subhuman or worse things in the internet and you can suicide lol
He never would’ve had children being so subhuman.

So really he just died sadly
Old school lookism net would be cheering at the fact that

A) A ethnic died . While hispanics are not seen as the classic ethnic they would still fall in the category as a ethnic death as they have many similarities to ethnics
B) Lookism would celebrate that fact that his subhuman genetics cannot be passed anymore

I saw a few celebration threads when users were purported to have visited gandy. Their was some serious psychos their
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Reactions: bug_eye_blackcel, aesthetic beauty, Arcturus and 10 others
why. anyone can call u a subhuman or worse things in the internet and you can suicide lol
no one is gonna get in trouble lol. Even real bullying rarely gets charges in the event victim commits suicide
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Reactions: Arcturus, rooman, alriodai and 2 others
3422615 3402472 WORSTIMAGEEVER

I would’ve wrote something about how he should’ve held on or maybe he could’ve ascended but honestly? Nah. He was truecel through and through. Eternal nothingness mogs going through life looking as that. I just hope it was quick and painless.
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Reactions: stevielake, PointOfNoReturn, SurgeryEnjoyer and 13 others

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