Slavic men are the best looking, the cope needs to stop


Deleted member 39692

Aug 15, 2023
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how long will the cope muh slavs are ugly go on?
even random dalits @St.TikTokcel found on tinder mog hard
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He's a self-hating Pole cause no Anglo-Saxon Aryan gives a fuck about Slavs
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He's a self-hating Pole cause no Anglo-Saxon Aryan gives a fuck about Slavs
I figured. Every slav hater is a ugly slav themselves. Must be tough knowing that you have a background in which you had potential to be a giga mogger and you ended up ugly. Similar story like @Debetro many such cases
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I figured. Every slav hater is a ugly slav themselves. Must be tough knowing that you have a background in which you had potential to be a giga mogger and you ended up ugly. Similar story like @Debetro many such cases
I mean I agree with his point about EEs being worse looking than Nordics on avg (as a Latvian), but his dedication to the subject is not normal
I mean I agree with his point about EEs being worse looking than Nordics on avg (as a Latvian), but his dedication to the subject is not normal
on avg maybe because you rarely find softmaxxed people here especially if you arent in some west slav country while nordics are giga softmaxxed but the best looking men are slav EASILY
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We are blue eyes aryans,bro
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On average Slavic men may not be super attractive, largely due to how ruggedly masculine they are and lack of any care for their looks. But I always find top tier Slavic men to absolutely mog top tier Brits, Nordic, etc
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  • Hmm...
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When a slav is born god flips a coin
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on avg maybe because you rarely find softmaxxed people here especially if you arent in some west slav country while nordics are giga softmaxxed but the best looking men are slav EASILY
It’s because brachycephalic features are more common in EE
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This guy is talking about it’s not “ethnicity” it’s about looks, whilst buying the anti-Slavic bait unironically shitposting, “Slavs are the best looking” pmsl, then post photos of people instead of himself then when he gets doxxed he’s stereotypically ugly and Slavic thus proving my point about Slavs being ugly.

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Go to any social media platform and you will find thousands of thousands of better looking people, people of all phenotypes and colours, except slavs. They are in the same tier as south indians and australian aboriginals. I will not bother of proving such an obvious point, think of the best looking men you ever seen and surpriZe surpriZe not a single is slav. Compare hollywood celebrities to slavic celebrities and you will realize slavic celebrities don't even look human let alone white.

The slavpill is cruel. You are nothing but an identityless mix of jewish, arab, gypsy and mongolian blood. Your face will always look weird and non NT, as will your body. You are either a 75 IQ braindead snownigger or a 130 IQ autistic recessed fuck. You will never pass as a white anglo or german. God damn slavceldom is one of the biggest death sentences possible.”

You slavcels make unironic shitpost claiming to mog x country for shitpost reactions, because you find it funny to self-deprecatively compare yourself to us beautiful Nordic chads, and we have been voted the most attractive people in Europe.

  1. Sweden - 60%
  2. Brazil - 41%
  3. Denmark - 40%
  4. Italy - 37%
  5. Portugal - 35%
  6. Argentina - 32%
  7. Norway - 27%
  8. Spain - 25%
  9. USA - 24%
  10. Canada - 23%
  11. Australia - 22%
  12. United Kingdom 20%
  13. 12 = Germany - 20%
  14. 14 Korea - 18%
  15. China - 17%
  16. Japan - 15%
  17. India - 11%
  18. Ireland- 9%
  19. 18 = Russia 9%
  20. Poland - 7%
Swedish, my people voted the most beautiful,

Slavs, Polaks, Russians, voted the least beautiful, the ugliest

Your people @worldmog



You keep switching from your position I think from self-acknowledgment that Slavs are ugly, then to body dysmorphic incel worshipping of “muh one Slavic prettyboy chadlite” deflection, you don’t look like any of the minority of attractive Slavic men, who don’t unironically match up with the national stereotype being that your nationality consistently, generationally, produces ogre, gigahideous, brute, lower class subhuman goblin ogres.

Non-biased, non-shit post, users on this forum have already created gigastacy, tinder fishes, and have swiped through hundreds of slavogrees, on tinder, so it’s my “muh Slavs are ugly cherrypickmax bait shitpost” we sift through, hundreds, hundreds, of stereotypically ugly Slavs and these are the best looking Slavs, you have to offer jfl.

The best looking Slavs found on tinder pmsl jfl

Anyways. These guys will claim that their slavic shithole is filled with moggers, but then when they see foreign men slaying there they will claim it is some BS theory like "JBE", when in reality it's just that the local men are ugly.

Let the coping commence.

The best looking Slavs found on tinder pmsl jfl

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This is the ugly upturn Borreby-Slavic subhuman retard you’re claiming is good looking, yet you incel uglyrot Slavic schizo conspiratorially presuming I must be Slavic, how fucking dare you insinuate such a disgusting assertion/false reasoning, low iq, Slavic circuitous horseshit illogical brainrot, that I must be Slavic, because I triggered your low-self esteem Slavic self-esteem by proving statistics, evidence, that Slavs are an abomination of ugly.

Really 1 and half years Slavcel rotting on here @worldmog that’s the best looking Slav you have managed to find. Fucking ugly abomination of a race, how many Slavs, were killed through, communism, Nazism, Cold War, the other minnow Slavic genocides, you subhumans still ended up having the ugliest Shittest genes in Europe pmsl.

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Now we will post the average Slav found through tinder searches.

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I could go on for hours posting the shit I saw on Warsaw. You don't see moggers there. 50 swipes in some western capital and you see the same amount of moggers as you see in 500 swipes in Polska.

Then my men on tinder jfl the mogging the brutally, Slavs, cannot be compared as being the same race, when comparing physical attractiveness, even in anthropology you were deemed to be the least desirable.

lol @ the retard claiming there’s any Slavic men that mog, Nordic or British elite Anglo-Normans

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anyway grouping all European ethnicities together,

All these populations are better looking than you

Mediterranean Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, Portuguese, southern French near the Italian boarder,

Celtic/ Irish, Scots, welsh, Brittany, northern Spain, southern Germany, southern Austria, western England, parts of Switzerland

Germanic, English, Dutch, Belgium, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Icelandic, German, Austrians, Swiss.

Slavs, Bulgarians, Serbians, Slovenians, Slovakians, Russians, Polish, ukranians, Montenegrins, Romanians, Belorussian,

they all have the ugliest man, and the highest Slavic DNA, wake up you Slavcel retard and take the Slavpill that you’re the ugliest in Europe for a reason.

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It’s been proven by data statistically for years in Europe now that Slavic men are the ugliest male populations.

It’s well known that Slavic women includes southern Slavs routinely mentioning how ugly you guys are, on a daily basis.

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Thank god I’m not Slavic like you @worldmog you ugly Slavic cunt, I know you wish you were attractive, and any other European ethnicity.
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Versus the average Swede jfl. The brutality and mogging

The Slavpill is cruel I can’t understand it because I don’t live the daily experience you live @worldmog which is waking up everyday knowing statistically through multiple dating polls and surveys that you come from the ugliest, worse, genetics in Europe, that behind that screen 100% you’re a ugly Slav, shitpost rotting, permavirgin, giga hideous slavogremaxxing, deformed Slavic maxilla recessing, subhuman, that in nationalities of women in Europe they choose to date you’re dead last. Even your own women find you the ugliest, just hang yourself.


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Accept the Slavpill before you end up killing yourself by trying to surgerymaxx away intergenerational years of genetic deformities, inbreeding, alcoholism, depression, fucking ugly recessed chin, ogre genetics,

you can’t escape slavceldom

Embrace that your race is renowned for being ugly @worldmog

You will never be Scandinavian you will never ascend or looksmaxx you’re limited by ugly Slavic genes which programmed your race to be the ugliest, even niggers are more attractive than Slavs


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Northern/Western Euro men = Hungarians = Baltic > Polish, Czech men > Balkan men > Eastern Slavs = Southwestern Slavs
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Why u post 0,0000001% chads? Post average everyday slavs
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Northern/Western Euro men = Hungarians = Baltic > Polish, Czech men > Balkan men > Eastern Slavs = Southwestern Slavs

Yes, I agree, Czech, Croats, are the only decent looking male populations Slavs

Hungarians are extremely good looking they’re genetically closest to Austrians, thus are a mix or Celtic-Germanic-Slavic, but mainly Germanic.
  • +1
Reactions: MikołajPolesUgliest
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Accept the Slavpill before you end up killing yourself by trying to surgerymaxx away intergenerational years of genetic deformities, inbreeding, alcoholism, depression, fucking ugly recessed chin, ogre genetics,

you can’t escape slavceldom

Embrace that your race is renowned for being ugly @worldmog

You will never be Scandinavian you will never ascend or looksmaxx you’re limited by ugly Slavic genes which programmed your race to be the ugliest, even niggers are more attractive than Slavs
as a slav, incorrect
But I always find top tier Slavic men to absolutely mog top tier Brits, Nordic, etc
This just in: Prime Gandy and prime Hexum "absolutely mogged" by some hockey player with good hair
  • JFL
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Reactions: MikołajPolesUgliest and Deleted member 50702
lol @ the retard claiming there’s any Slavic men that mog, Nordic or British elite Anglo-Normans
Outside of bad takes on blue eyes and diet, this might be the most laughably wrong statement I have ever seen on org, and there are a lot of bad takes here.
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Found the Slavic coper



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You cherry picked and still didn't manage to make a good case for this pheno to be "the most attractive".
Its fucking over for me as a slav , those niggers are yapping that slavic men are masculine and i come out looking like this
Good appeal to 13 year old foids though prob
(cant even trannymaxx since im 6ft+)


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Average Anglo Saxon prettyboy on TikTok, Slavs cannot compete

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Reactions: MikołajPolesUgliest
  1. Sweden - 60%
  2. Brazil - 41%
  3. Denmark - 40%
  4. Italy - 37%
  5. Portugal - 35%
  6. Argentina - 32%
  7. Norway - 27%
  8. Spain - 25%
  9. USA - 24%
  10. Canada - 23%
  11. Australia - 22%
  12. United Kingdom 20%
  13. 12 = Germany - 20%
  14. 14 Korea - 18%
  15. China - 17%
  16. Japan - 15%
  17. India - 11%
  18. Ireland- 9%
  19. 18 = Russia 9%
  20. Poland - 7%
Quote from me “my ancestry is” (Norwegian-Swedish)

Slavic men are the ugliest in europe.

Let’s group all the ethnic groups.

Mediterranean, southern French, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, Spanish, all better looking than you.

Germanic, Icelandic, English, German, Austrian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, all better looking than you.

Celtic, Irish, Scottish, welsh, northern France, northern Spain, southern Germany, Austria, all better looking than you.

Slavs, poles, Russians, ukranians, Slovenians, Slovakians, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Serbians, Croatians, all ugly as fuck.

Literally the only good looking Slavic population are Czechs who are 40% Germanic on average thus proving my point

Ugliest men in europe

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This is where I got your fellow ugly Slavic countrymen photo from

Lmao this is where slavcels rot.

My hatred for Slavs, is all statistical based, imagine being so mentally ill, you think only Slavs mention how ugly Slavs, are no it’s all women from Europe, constantly mention how brutish, ugly low iq, subhuman, dysgenic deformed, unattractively ugly you guys are.

Here in Sweden we can instanteously tell who’s Slavic or who’s not, you guys don’t have thick, bright blonde hair, like we do, your skin isn’t as healthy as ours, you guys are always balding deformed goblin ogres, with horribly long ugly noses, IMG 2269

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This is what he looks like, it’s funny how the only people for women and men who think Slavs aren’t actually ugly and good looking are Slavs, whilst everybody thinks you’re ugly, and even Indians, Turks, niggers are considered better looking than you.

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Ignored permanently forever associating me with your disgusting race, I thank god everyday I was born Nordic the most beautiful people in the world, where as you have to cherrypick maxx, whilst ignoring the countless evidence, and countless hundreds, thousand of photos, the ugly horrendous shittier, subhumanly unatttactively, ugly men that you genetically belong too.

Users on this forum have already set up tinder and set up stacyfishes, hundreds of swipes, the best looking Slavs, any population as I mentioned here mogs them, even ugly people in Sweden are more attractive than the Slavs, you ugly Slavcel incels post on here all day.


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  1. Sweden - 60%
  2. Brazil - 41%
  3. Denmark - 40%
  4. Italy - 37%
  5. Portugal - 35%
  6. Argentina - 32%
  7. Norway - 27%
  8. Spain - 25%
  9. USA - 24%
  10. Canada - 23%
  11. Australia - 22%
  12. United Kingdom 20%
  13. 12 = Germany - 20%
  14. 14 Korea - 18%
  15. China - 17%
  16. Japan - 15%
  17. India - 11%
  18. Ireland- 9%
  19. 18 = Russia 9%
  20. Poland - 7%
LIAR. You took these stats from the article in this thread

The article :
In the article they write :
"18. Russia - 9%
18 = United Kingdom"

You write :
"United Kingdom 20%
12 = Germany - 20%
14 Korea - 18%
China - 17%
Japan - 15%
India - 11%
Ireland- 9%
18 = Russia 9%"

You bumped UK by like 11 %. They re literally at the level of Russia in the real stats.

I encourage everyone to disregard anything you say since you have been proven to maliciously change information.
You re probably a ugly british peasant that thinks he s some anglo saxon conqueror mogger. You got beat up at your local drunktard subhuman bar by a polish ogre and now have a gripe against them.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39692
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  1. Sweden - 60%
  2. Brazil - 41%
  3. Denmark - 40%
  4. Italy - 37%
  5. Portugal - 35%
  6. Argentina - 32%
  7. Norway - 27%
  8. Spain - 25%
  9. USA - 24%
  10. Canada - 23%
  11. Australia - 22%
  12. United Kingdom 20%
  13. 12 = Germany - 20%
  14. 14 Korea - 18%
  15. China - 17%
  16. Japan - 15%
  17. India - 11%
  18. Ireland- 9%
  19. 18 = Russia 9%
  20. Poland - 7%
where is india jfl
Cherrypicked examples. Average Slav is ugly af
  • Hmm...
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Reactions: MikołajPolesUgliest and Deleted member 39692
  1. Sweden - 60%
  2. Brazil - 41%
  3. Denmark - 40%
  4. Italy - 37%
  5. Portugal - 35%
  6. Argentina - 32%
  7. Norway - 27%
  8. Spain - 25%
  9. USA - 24%
  10. Canada - 23%
  11. Australia - 22%
  12. United Kingdom 20%
  13. 12 = Germany - 20%
  14. 14 Korea - 18%
  15. China - 17%
  16. Japan - 15%
  17. India - 11%
  18. Ireland- 9%
  19. 18 = Russia 9%
  20. Poland - 7%
You re using the same changed stats as the other guy. Maybe you re an alt ?
  • +1
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He's a self-hating Pole cause no Anglo-Saxon Aryan gives a fuck about Slavs
on polish incel forum every slavcel is obsessed with being muh untermensch in comparison with meds and westernoids
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39692
He's a self-hating Pole cause no Anglo-Saxon Aryan gives a fuck about Slavs
He did change stats to raise the ranking of uk men though so Idk.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39692
on polish incel forum every slavcel is obsessed with being muh untermensch in comparison with meds and westernoids
@russiancelreturns what do u rate stepanov?
LIAR. You took these stats from the article in this thread

The article :
In the article they write :
"18. Russia - 9%
18 = United Kingdom"

You write :
"United Kingdom 20%
12 = Germany - 20%
14 Korea - 18%
China - 17%
Japan - 15%
India - 11%
Ireland- 9%
18 = Russia 9%"

You bumped UK by like 11 %. They re literally at the level of Russia in the real stats.

I encourage everyone to disregard anything you say since you have been proven to maliciously change information.
You re probably a ugly british peasant that thinks he s some anglo saxon conqueror mogger. You got beat up at your local drunktard subhuman bar by a polish ogre and now have a gripe against them.
he is swedish and thinks swedes are aryan and best looking despite sweden being 50% indian
  • JFL
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top 5%. He frauds in many pics. I see similar looking guys to him, sometimes
what is that in terms of like HTN, Chadlite, Chad etc…
If you see guys like him im assuming chadlite or htn, chad is rare
what is that in terms of like HTN, Chadlite, Chad etc…
If you see guys like him im assuming chadlite or htn, chad is rare
HTN is top 84th, chadlite's like top 3rd, chad is <1st centile so I assume Stepanov is a low chadlite
HTN is top 84th, chadlite's like top 3rd, chad is <1st centile so I assume Stepanov is a low chadlite
if htn is top 15% what would mtn and ltn be then? other 75% is a lot for just 2 mtn and ltn


This retard has got brachycephaly

  1. Sweden - 60%
  2. Brazil - 41%
  3. Denmark - 40%
  4. Italy - 37%
  5. Portugal - 35%
  6. Argentina - 32%
  7. Norway - 27%
  8. Spain - 25%
  9. USA - 24%
  10. Canada - 23%
  11. Australia - 22%
  12. United Kingdom 20%
  13. 12 = Germany - 20%
  14. 14 Korea - 18%
  15. China - 17%
  16. Japan - 15%
  17. India - 11%
  18. Ireland- 9%
  19. 18 = Russia 9%
  20. Poland - 7%
Quote from me “my ancestry is” (Norwegian-Swedish)

Slavic men are the ugliest in europe.

Let’s group all the ethnic groups.

Mediterranean, southern French, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, Spanish, all better looking than you.

Germanic, Icelandic, English, German, Austrian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, all better looking than you.

Celtic, Irish, Scottish, welsh, northern France, northern Spain, southern Germany, Austria, all better looking than you.

Slavs, poles, Russians, ukranians, Slovenians, Slovakians, Belarusians, Bulgarians, Serbians, Croatians, all ugly as fuck.


Keep crying you deformed skull, Slavic retard

My nationality is the best looking SWEDISH and yours is the ugliest polish, Russian, Ugliest


Imagine being such a mentally ill ugly Slavic retard, being the ugliest in Europe, having the ugliest men, with the ugliest phenotype,

I took all the stats from the website, I found all the photos on you ugly Slavic retards, on this forum, I’m not responsible for every female on beautiful.people com choosing your people dead last and the least atttactive you schizophrenic Slavic retard.

You’re the one on an alt lmao, your deformed abnormally small brachycephalic Slavic skull can’t accept that you Slavs are the ugliest in Europe.

What a weirdo, I didn’t vote Slavs to be the ugliest, it was women on dating polls, from beautiful, you think I forged information to make you feel bad for being ugly and Slavic @Miniskull literally the most unhinged person ever, you think I forged statistics to put my group number 1 as well.

Here’s more statistics that other Europeans and tourists when they go to your shithole Slavic, heroin, junkie country THAT THE VOTE YOU THE UGLIEST

In which of the following countries do you find the local people most attractive?​

IMG 2385

Poland dead last with Russian for ugliest men.

Yeah bro I made up these statistics @Miniskull

Mentally ill ugly retard

So glad I’m Swedish and not SLAVIC LIKE YOU.

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Ugliest men in Europe keep crying UGLY CUCK

Indian men, chinks, niggers are better looking than Slavic men 😂
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@Miniskull I’m literally a foreign exchange student in Poland I agree with @MikołajPolesUgliest polish men are indeed the ugliest.

I agree with the statistics that shows them as being the least attractive but they’re above Indians and Chinese just about lol but yeah definitely ugliest
@Miniskull Only the male Russian and Polish applicants fared worse than British men

The 15 ugliest nationalities in the world! (photos)​

1. Poland


You’d be surprised to learn how many quietly-Polish people there are in Hollywood at the moment. There’s Kristen Bell, the internet’s soul mate and a walking “best of” Polish features. Then there’s John Krasinski, who even a 19th century Confederacy general would admit is as cute as they come. And finally, there’s Martha-mother-effin-Stewart, née Kostyra, who in her salad days (or before them?) was an absolutely gorgeous model for Chanel.
Kristen and Martha, it turns out, are safe — Polish women didn’t register in the most rejected nationalities. But sorry Polish men, only 9% of you made the internet’s biggest beauty pageant.

I’m Swedish. Don’t know why you’re coming after British people when they outperform you statistically ugly retard @Miniskull

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