Slaying is the best cure to stop hating women

Bro, can I DM you?
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women are good people
you dont know what misogyny means. calling a certain girl a slut isnt le misogyny. hating all women and wanting nothing to do with them is misogyny which no popular male or chadlite/chad is
theyre both misoginy just 1 is worse
Like many of you, I consumed PUA content, redpill content, bluepill content, and all types of other dating related videos under Covid 19. This content has in hindsight fried my brain and I can safely say that it’s for the worse.

I used to slay very little (pre Covid) compared to what I do now, but I was way happier in life. Up until Christmas 2023 I hated women with all my heart, because my mind got painted shitstained colours due to the media I was consuming.

It has taken a long time and if it wasn’t for slaying different hoes I don’t think I would’ve realised most women aren’t as bad as the media and subsequently the content I consume make them out to be.
This forum is without a doubt a radical community, so be mindful not to spend too much time here. Women in the real world aren’t as ruthless as basement dwellers want for them to be.
Bro got loads of pussy and it changed his world view for the better.

If this isn't a villain arc gone right, idk what is.

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Bro got loads of pussy and it changed his world view for the better.

If this isn't a villain arc gone right, idk what is.

I think the majority of users for whatever reason pedestalized women at some point, and when they realised women were flawed they hated them way more than they should’ve and became radicalised. Unless ascending you would always have this resentment tbh.
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honestly, I dont see a reason to collectively hate women at all.
cels only hate the jb-25 year old stacies that dont give their pussy to their subhuman ass
I legit was given lectures by frat chads online on why i should be respectful to females and that my hratddd for them “needs therapy”. I told them i hope they’re mothers get raped.
You didn’t tell them that bro 💀
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It exposed u to their whore nature and made me despise them. Even looking at the reels they like bugs me out cuz i cant stand these deathnik sluts
This fucker too dumb to realize people who hate women do cuz they cant get no pussy lmao
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I mean, this is utter nonsense. Women in the real world are responsible for initiating >80% of divorces.

They’re ultimately responsible for ~65% of men in the 18-30 cohort being sexless.

They’re responsible for the corporate world strongly preferring them for hiring purposes and also for promotions.

They’re responsible for most marriages being completely sexless.

They’re responsible for the ever increasing single motherhood rates and raising criminals and idiot children.

So on and so forth. Women are absolutely responsible for much of what plagues our social fabric, albeit it has ultimately all been rubber stamped by men considering that men are the only people who have the power to implement any changes. In sum, I hope it all crumbles to ashes.
Fuck Women
Fuck Jews
Fuck niggers

Cope retard thread plus u don’t slay.
HAHAHAHAHHA, bro i hope this was a joke that's the funniest thing i've ever head. Misogynistic Jock chad/tyrone who gets hella bitches is one of the longest running tropes.
You have a Disney brain this isn’t the case in real life. :lul: :lul: Most of them are women worshippers in some extent lol
You have a Disney brain this isn’t the case in real life. :lul: :lul: Most of them are women worshippers in some extent lol
"some extent" just means lying to get pussy
"some extent" just means lying to get pussy
No lol. Most of them aren’t ur stereotypical Disney movie ogre who muhhh treats women bad and nice guys are treated bad. Cope it’s just looks + nt pal look at PrettyBoys who are probably the truest chads really.
No lol. Most of them aren’t ur stereotypical Disney movie ogre who muhhh treats women bad and nice guys are treated bad. Cope it’s just looks + nt pal look at PrettyBoys who are probably the truest chads really.
well it sort of depends on what you consider sexist, a lot of prettyboys have been canceleed for being "Sexist" i don't hate women but i do think they are inferior. Literally just calling a girl a bitch or cunt is considered sexist
well it sort of depends on what you consider sexist, a lot of prettyboys have been canceleed for being "Sexist"
Rare but it’s just cherry-picked things they said a while back and primarily landwhales or undesirable degenerates who tend to do that.
i don't hate women but i do think they are inferior. Literally just calling a girl a bitch or cunt is considered sexist
Rare but it’s just cherry-picked things they said a while back and primarily landwhales or undesirable degenerates who tend to do that.

well Amnesia is a chad and seems to hate women, but since he's ascended and blackpilled he probably know what he can get away with. Also he wasn't a chad in his teen years so that might lead to the negative view of women. Like how rich people don't really have a negative view of rich people unless they grew up poor.
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acknowledging and laughing at foid inferiority isn't "hating", lol at normies always project their seething rage and inferiority complex on the blackpilled. if anything we are more capable of loving foids because we actually understand their nature and acknowledge their weaknesses and can assess them based on their own standards.

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