Starting to think day game is the only way

yes but i need a visible Jaw man.
The bare minimum for me is jaw surgery and rhino. I can live with ignoring other hardmaxxes including LL [i'm 5,7]. But the deformed shape, and massive size of my nose, the state of muh jaw are ropefuel.

Actually LL might be required too if I intend to stay in the U.K . Guys are tall here. I went back to school collect my gcse and a level certs, and got brutally heightmogged, facemogged, existencemogged the whole walk,. :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree:
I've had surgery as a 6'4" slim guy and it hasn't improved my situation one bit, I did better when I was obese and uglier actually.
I've had surgery as a 6'4" slim guy and it hasn't improved my situation one bit, I did better when I was obese and uglier actually.
perhaps your personality became corrupted from spending time around our bleak talks on incel forums Lol.

I can't imagine your personality stayed the same, your looks dramatically improved and now you're not doing better with friends, workmates, schoolmates, family, girlfriends, or even the fucking cashier at a store.

Are you just trying to give me ropefuel and convince me its hopeless jfl :feelsrope:

what did you hardmaxx
perhaps your personality became corrupted from spending time around our bleak talks on incel forums Lol.

I can't imagine your personality stayed the same, your looks dramatically improved and now you're not doing better with friends, workmates, schoolmates, family, girlfriends, or even the fucking cashier at a store.

Are you just trying to give me ropefuel and convince me its hopeless jfl :feelsrope:

what did you hardmaxx
All i can say is this. You must come to terms with the fact that you more than likely will be alone for the rest of your life, especially if you're 22+. I'm close to finishing this stage. At the moment I'm coping by spending thousands on surgery. So far, it hasn't changed a THING.
perhaps your personality became corrupted from spending time around our bleak talks on incel forums Lol.

I can't imagine your personality stayed the same, your looks dramatically improved and now you're not doing better with friends, workmates, schoolmates, family, girlfriends, or even the fucking cashier at a store.

Are you just trying to give me ropefuel and convince me its hopeless jfl :feelsrope:

what did you hardmaxx
I've been at odds with this community since day one. I'm quite popular in this community. My videos are spread around a lot years after their conception.
All i can say is this. You must come to terms with the fact that you more than likely will be alone for the rest of your life, especially if you're 22+. I'm close to finishing this stage. At the moment I'm coping by spending thousands on surgery. So far, it hasn't changed a THING.
i just turned 21 :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:

But im not naturally low inhib. I was very popular and well respected until a number of years ago, when the end of puberty fucked me, became ugly af the natural feedback loop between anyone's Social personality and people's treatment wore away my courage over many long years.

I can't speak on you until I know your baseline face and the exact looksmax path you chose. Beyond that you[and me] need to be able to talk to people. work on removing cowardice if thats you're problem I think that and humourlessness[caused by being surrounded in bleak despair for so long in our cases probably] are the two worst personality problems

and finally,
since ur 6,4 and apparently decent looking [i assume u are after surgery, i've not seen u]
you can have success on online.
height and face completely define online potential

Like bruh... when I make a make an obvious sexual borderline fetishlike advance when im talking(phone/facetime) or texting [ngl i need to work on my talking. I became mute in my teenage years due to abused dog syndrome jfl]
i had rare STACIES, hot girls, mid girls, redhead roasties, BUILT SHANIQUAS calling me cute , fierce etc and telling me they would let me insert my sheesh kebab in them as a deformed 5,7 pajeet who lives in the middle of nowhere in a a mudhut village in pakistan (that last part was a joke for one or two girls, i generally hide my paki identity )JFL :feelskek:.


But only when I jut my jaw out

skinmaxx and fraud my height to 5,9 irl [with lifts], and 6,1 online and thats what CONFIRMED MY FAITH IN BLACKPILL.
all my experience agrees with blackpill. If I behave the way I do without jutting or good facial posturing, I ALWAYS get gaslighted and told to stop being "disgusting" or ignored. :feelskek::feelskek:

I keep my voice, personality, conversational style and subject selection the same, but literally JUTTING MAKES SUCH A BIG DIFFERENCE and also camera angle frauding. I angle it to shorten my midface a bit. Then it looks almost perfect. (still have to avoid highlighting myjew nose and no camera angle for my recessed maxilla sigh)

This world is so VAIN MAN

side note.
The general Idea I NOW have of what many, maybe most (i still need to keep examining this) are looking for is this :
  • JFL
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i just turned 21 :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:

But im not naturally low inhib. I was very popular and well respected until a number of years ago, when the end of puberty fucked me, became ugly af the natural feedback loop between anyone's Social personality and people's treatment wore away my courage over many long years.

I can't speak on you until I know your baseline face and the exact looksmax path you chose. Beyond that you[and me] need to be able to talk to people. work on removing cowardice if thats you're problem I think that and humourlessness[caused by being surrounded in bleak despair for so long in our cases probably] are the two worst personality problems

and finally,
since ur 6,4 and apparently decent looking [i assume u are after surgery, i've not seen u]
you can have success on online.
height and face completely define online potential

Like bruh... when I make a make an obvious sexual borderline fetishlike advance when im talking(phone/facetime) or texting [ngl i need to work on my talking. I became mute in my teenage years due to abused dog syndrome jfl]
i had rare STACIES, hot girls, mid girls, redhead roasties, BUILT SHANIQUAS calling me cute , fierce etc and telling me they would let me insert my sheesh kebab in them as a deformed 5,7 pajeet who lives in the middle of nowhere in a a mudhut village in pakistan (that last part was a joke for one or two girls, i generally hide my paki identity )JFL :feelskek:.

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But only when I jut my jaw out
View attachment 2448734
skinmaxx and fraud my height to 5,9 irl [with lifts], and 6,1 online and thats what CONFIRMED MY FAITH IN BLACKPILL.
all my experience agrees with blackpill. If I behave the way I do without jutting or good facial posturing, I ALWAYS get gaslighted and told to stop being "disgusting" or ignored. :feelskek::feelskek:

I keep my voice, personality, conversational style and subject selection the same, but literally JUTTING MAKES SUCH A BIG DIFFERENCE and also camera angle frauding. I angle it to shorten my midface a bit. Then it looks almost perfect. (still have to avoid highlighting myjew nose and no camera angle for my recessed maxilla sigh)

This world is so VAIN MAN

side note.
The general Idea I NOW have of what many, maybe most (i still need to keep examining this) are looking for is this :
You have the dark skin privilege and media representation. Being a white man in 2023 is suifuel. We are the lowest status and looked down upon now a days, especially low status white men like myself. Your post confirms this. I am genetically superior to you and I've never had that kind of response you've had from woman.
  • JFL
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A lot of you are gonna think this is a LARP but whatever

I was speaking to some foid I slayed a few years ago. She is probably the biggest fogger from my slay count

5'10 green eyed stacylite-stacy. I can send her pic through PM if anyone is interested

Anyway, she was telling me about a new FWB that she has, so I asked how they met

Apparently she was at the train station waiting for her train home after work

As the train approached, she locked eyes with some guy, who then approached her immediately

He invited her for a drink right there and then. So she didn't get on the train and instead went to a bar with this guy. Apparently they didn't even drink alcohol, just water. Once finished she went over to his house and fucked him

Completely sober

By this point I had to stop and ask her to show me a pic of this guy. I wanted to know who this utter fucking chad is that he can just approach a girl like this and have her in his bed 2 hours later while completely sober in broad daylight

He was an average height, ethnic looking Albanian dog with NW2 hairline, non gymcelled

View attachment 2425227

I legit couldn't believe my eyes. I wish I had saved the pic

How can a man of that caliber pull this off? Literally how?

Maybe @New Poster was right all along

How can I ask her to send me his pic again without looking like a freak. I wanna post it on here so bad
Send pic
I became mute in my teenage years due to abused dog syndrome jfl]
I don't suffer from this. When ever a woman is available to me, I either message them or approach IRL.
You have the dark skin privilege and media representation. Being a white man in 2023 is suifuel. We are the lowest status and looked down upon now a days, especially low status white men like myself. Your post confirms this. I am genetically superior to you and I've never had that kind of response you've had from woman.
you make being a dark Pajeet male sound like an advantage jfl genetically superior my ass you have 2IQ . We have THE WORST reputation no contest. Meanwhile white men are generally seen as tall, gl, sophisticated, highIQ, wealthy etc etc :feelsuhh:

Cultural stuff like dark skin propaganda DO matter, but they can never defeat the instinct of biology developed and honed over BILLIONS OF YEARS and mainly rooted in VISUAL STIMULUS [Our primary method of information intake]. And im doubtful if it even applies to us indo pak dudes. Im pretty sure its a perk specific to tall gl black dudes.

now firstly:
I really don't think you've tried taking the direct route. Talk to a girl for a bit, and deftly transition into straight LUSTING after her in the most raw fantasy, preferably one you yourself like. (you can select words better that way lol).

if thats not working, then cater to their general Fantasy of being "chosen" by a powerful european chad to be his princess.
[ I found this is a very common theme in popular women's romance novels ]
Although i wouldn't even know where to begin with executing that. It sounds like way higher stress.

/...and as for the rest of u being genetically superior: ..Lol i may be a deformed manlet pajeet but Im a Super Pajeet. I bet im way stronger than u. All my physical abilities are damn good. i was always one of the strongest and fastest(100m) in school/university/sixth form. but obviously, I lost to the one half black kid in the school [and the fucker did it barefoot and with no deliberate training. Also, prior to that ive only ever lost to just ONE white guy in the 100m, he later joined NFL Academy which sounds impressive but I dunno how hard that is to enter ]

Do you go to clubs?
  • JFL
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A lot of you are gonna think this is a LARP but whatever

I was speaking to some foid I slayed a few years ago. She is probably the biggest fogger from my slay count

5'10 green eyed stacylite-stacy. I can send her pic through PM if anyone is interested

Anyway, she was telling me about a new FWB that she has, so I asked how they met

Apparently she was at the train station waiting for her train home after work

As the train approached, she locked eyes with some guy, who then approached her immediately

He invited her for a drink right there and then. So she didn't get on the train and instead went to a bar with this guy. Apparently they didn't even drink alcohol, just water. Once finished she went over to his house and fucked him

Completely sober

By this point I had to stop and ask her to show me a pic of this guy. I wanted to know who this utter fucking chad is that he can just approach a girl like this and have her in his bed 2 hours later while completely sober in broad daylight

He was an average height, ethnic looking Albanian dog with NW2 hairline, non gymcelled

View attachment 2425227

I legit couldn't believe my eyes. I wish I had saved the pic

How can a man of that caliber pull this off? Literally how?

Maybe @New Poster was right all along

How can I ask her to send me his pic again without looking like a freak. I wanna post it on here so bad

tales, foids don't lock eyes with subhuman dogs, let alone stacies.
This is the answer.
@6ft4 Bumping this shit
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im starting to think this thread is shit
obviously someone above 70 iq that doesnt believe your shit tales u make up while bored is shit to you. Keep living in a fantasy
lmao whatever helps you cope
You also got approached and told everyone will stare at you, at 5ft8 height in Croatia. Mirin this situation that happened
It was some random ugly guy in the club why do you think that's so unrealistic? I've had way more outlandish shit happen to me over the past 10 years

And 5'9 with airmaxs, not 5'8. I face frame and physique mogged everyone in there
  • JFL
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@ambi I've met with 9 PSLers irl, you don't think one would've exposed me by now?
  • JFL
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It was some random ugly guy in the club why do you think that's so unrealistic? I've had way more outlandish shit happen to me over the past 10 years

And 5'9 with airmaxs, not 5'8. I face frame and physique mogged everyone in there
I mean i have to give props where it’s due, you are a very creative guy. Unfortunately when you start to live irl instead of fantasy it will disappoint you
  • JFL
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I mean i have to give props where it’s due, you are a very creative guy. Unfortunately when you start to live irl instead of fantasy it will disappoint you
Lol okay bro
@ambi I've met with 9 PSLers irl, you don't think one would've exposed me by now?
Why would they? I could meet with several i consider friends and if i were larping none of them would say shit, since when u meet someone you are probably in good relationship with them LMFAO. What a shitty try at a good point
Why would they? I could meet with several i consider friends and if i were larping none of them would say shit, since when u meet someone you are probably in good relationship with them LMFAO. What a shitty try at a good point
Whatever man believe what you want
  • JFL
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