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First of all, I'd like to apologise for not keeping my word.
I said I would delete my account. I didn't.
I left this forum for a month and lived my life normally.
A lot happened. A LOT.
I can't expound on it in this thread, so I may make some more.
Here's what I've learned from clubbing, pulling foids and gymcelling for a month.
1. @decadouche57 and the other gymcellers here are actually right. Women need muscles, whereas girls only prefer them. If any foid could chose between you and a maesthetic version of you, they would 100% go for the maesthetic version of you.
It sounds obvious, and it is.
I'd say the ideal physique is Sam Dezz's.
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I mean look at this guy. No homo. Literally no girl in the entire world would ever reject him if he were 5'10 (but he's 5'7 JFL).
So, as yall know, I like to work smart, not hard.
That's why I'm hopping on SARMS (RAD-140).
@decadouche57 will call me a pussy and tell me to inject 500mg test instead. Is he right? maybe. But I have a gf and I don't want to have ED + prepubscent balls for 2 months.
Don't me get me wrong, my balls will shrink on RAD, but only 4 weeks in, and I can start my PCT (enclomephine) on my 5th week.
As to hair loss, if I do suffer from it, I'll stop my cycle ASAP.
2. Maesthetic > Prettyboy > Masc RTT
this will always be true for foids aged 16-24.
3. Strong chadlite is all you need to pull 99.9% of foids your age.
I have so many anecdotes and brag stories to prove this. But I figured I shouldn't tell those anymore. They're cringe and useless.
So, if you're a strong (not physically strong) chadlite, then start focusing on getting the foids you want to get, not the foids you can get.
4. "Two steps forward, one step back" is always the way to go when pulling a girl.
This htb+ girl I got with on NYE is obsessed with me. She cheated on her boyfriend with me JFL. We had to hide behind a cement wall just outside the house so that no one could see us.
As she lives in France and I study in the UK, we have to snap a lot.
I say I am busy, and only send her snaps late at night, while she keeps snapping me throughout the day. The reason she doesn't get bored of me is that when I send her snaps, I send many of them and I make very explicit comments, making my intentions clear.
So every night I'd make 2 steps forward by giving her some validation and talking about wanting to be in a relationship with her, and I'd take 1 step back during the day by ignoring her.
There are thousands of other ways of doing this.
This french quote is completely true too: "run from me and I'll chase after you, chase after me and I'll run from you".
It's the push and pull technique.
Give the foid a lot of validation, then all of a sudden, stop giving her any. She will go crazy. You all know these techniques but never apply them. This is a reminder for you to put them to use!
5. Foids crave sex.
They are desperate for it and love sexual innuendoes.
However, they only crave sex with chad.
So only make sexual jokes with gl foids if you're chadlite. It may pass if you're htn but you need to be careful.
2 HQNP virgin Lebanese stacylites I met on a bus at 3AM asked me to show them my abs and wanted to touch them JFL. They asked me if I wanted to come back to their place for "afters", but unfortunately I was omw to see my girlfriend who wanted dick.
Enough bragging for today + they were drunk anyway.
6. If you don't wear tinted BB cream, you're not even trying.
Seriously, shut the fuck up and log off this forum if you aren't.
Y'all say that makeup can increase a foids PSL by up to 2 points. Then why don't you do it yourselves you fucking morons.
Enough said. I wear Erborian Super BB "Doré". I also apply Erborian CC Cream "Doré" when I have visible hyperpigmentations.
This does not make you look gay. FOIDS WILL NEVER CALL YOU OUT FOR THIS.
Stand out in winter when all these cumskins have ass-white skin while you're out there with your sexy olive tanned skin!!!
7. Bleu de Chanel Parfum (not EDP or EDT, but Parfum) is literally sex spray.
Every foid who's smelled me has revelled in my odour and told me how nice I smell.
However, not having any perfume is not penalising.
8. Ashwagandha is legit for increasing T levels.
Pair with Zinc and Vitamin D (preferrably from the sun).
This is water ik, but I'm sure 95% of you don't have ashwagandha supplements you fucktards.
9. I say this once again. If you're not taking 80mg Furosemide before going to the club, then you're purposely decreasing your chances of getting girls.
10. Being assertive with women is necessary.
Never ask a foid where she wants to eat. Never ask a foid if she wants to go somewhere with you.
If you must ask the foid a question, make it a simple yes/no question. Nothing else.
If you have to brag, then do it subtly:
Don't say "So many girls are in my dms".
Instead say "Let me show you some weird dm i got". Take your phone out and accidentally show the foid all your dms.
12. Always tell foids you're a busy guy.
When you're snapping a foid, cut the convo short everytime because you "have something to do". It could be anything. Foids love important, driven, busy men.
Nothing is more unattractive than a guy who watches Netflix or who is on his phone all day.
Go to the gym at 6am and snap foids when you're there. THEY WILL DROOL FOR YOU.
13. Foids think of you a lot more than you think... only if you're htn+.
Your validation for them is important.
Imagine a girl who is 95th percentile (1 in 20). Even if she isn't your oneitis, you'd still love to get her attention and would love for her to have a crush on you.
The same applies to men. If you're htn+ (1 in 20 minimum, aka hottest dude in your class), then most foids would want your attention validation and probably wouldnt mind making out with you in the club.
Don't expect to get stacylites though. Every stacylite knows a chadlite they want to get with. Plus, as they are the centre of attention of guys + girls, they can't be seen downgrading for a htn.
This is why stacylites will hardly ever get with HTN (brutal).
14. If the first word that comes to mind to people when they have to describe you isn't "hot/gl/sexy/attractive", then it's over.
You have to be known for your looks. That must be the first thing people notice about you.
If girls don't get shy around you when they meet you for the first time, then it never started for you.
Ask the slayers on this forum. The first thing that comes to a foid's mind when meeting chadlite+ is how gl they are.
15. Make your intentions clear straight away if you are below chadlite.
Chadlite+ is allowed to be mysterious for a bit longer.
16. Oxytocin, serotonin, and their effects are real.
If you take a foids virginity and give her an orgasm, she will be obsessed with you for the rest of her life.
17. Be smart, quick-witted and cultivated.
Water. But every girl loves an intelligent man.
My girl giggles cus of how impressed she is when I do quick mental maths (vedic techniques).
Being very knowledgeable in one or multiple fields is so fucking hot too. You should see the look on my gf's face when I tell her shit like "your friend is one orbital box osteotomy away from pulling her crush".
"the reason your leg hurts is probably because of muscular hypertrophy in your quadriceps femoris".
18. 95% of foids are ambitionless and laze on their phone or netflix all day.
That's why they want exotic, important, ambitious guys to brighten up their life.
Be that guy.
19. Low sodium diet is legit to fight against facial bloat.
Not the best way, but it works.
Suddenly cutting down on sodium (eg. 2000mg/day for 5 days then cutting down to 400mg on day 6) would give better results on day 7 than if you were continuously on a low-sodium (<=500mg/day) diet.
20. Eye contact should be enough to tell if a girl is into you.
Fuck the body language and all that. If you aren't making her smile/giggle with sensual eye contact then she's not turned on by you.
21. Cheek-sucking, permajutting, permasquinting, permafrowning are all legit softmaxxes you must work on and maintain at all times.
Could literally ascend you by 1 PSL if you don't look autistic while doing them.
22. Lose your virginity ASAP.
It is stopping you from becoming a slayer.
Get your first lay as soon as you can, the next one will come soon after.
Your behaviour will also change for the best. You will be more mature when compared to your friends, and your SMV will increase.
23. If you aren't wearing lifts, shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up. You're deliberately refusing a 2 inch height increase because "muh it may ruin my posture" SHUT THE FUCK UP.
It won't.
"muh people will notice" most insoles have layers to them. Start with one inch, then add the second a few week slater.
"muh what if I'm at the girls house and I have to take my shoes off" if you're at her house, then you've won already. Also, you can get sock-lifts.
24. Never tell a girl you have a crush on her.
If she's actually into you, you'd know it by now. Come on. We've all had an ugly girl crush on us, right? How obvious was it? It was SO OBVIOUS that it was awkward.
If your oneitis isn't doing all she can to get close and talk to you, if she doesn't follow you on IG and like your pics, if you don't have eye contact every time you walk past each other in the corridor, if foids from her friend group don't turn their heads to look at you when they're talking or giggling, if she doesn't look at you when you raise your hand and talk in class, if she doesn't look at you in the eyes or smile a lot when talking to you, then SHE ISN'T INTO YOU!!!
25. Take action.
You've read this whole thread and most likely haven't even considered looking into any of the things I have mentioned.
Log off and never log back on. You're a fucking waste. You're never getting you're oneitis.
You will be like 90% of guys and marry a ltb-mtb and have sex once a month, if she feels like it.
I think that's enough for my first thread in 2023.
Take action. Spend and waste your money on looksmaxxing, it comes back at Christmas and on your birthday anyway kiddos.
good shit buddy boyo. May Lord Gandy bless you with a stacywife