The biggest proof that religion was man-made in order to control and enslave you (Islam and Christianity DEBUNKED)

okay how about how a baby is formed islam gets that correct form start to finsh
There are much better proofs for the veracity of Islam, like the prophecies of the beloved (alayhi a salat wa salam) of the conquests of what are today many nuslims lands, the prophecies on the future world (especially when compared with Nostradamus and other so called precise prophets who can't even reach the sandal of the Chosen One). And many other matters which would be almost impossible to enumerate, just take a look at the arguments for God existence. These arguments in some cases are directly surahs from Al Qur'an like the description of the Necessary Existence by the Contingency Argument which is literally Surat Al Ikhlas (Independent, Eternal, Incomparable, One)

For example just these days i was researching on Islam and the ancient Egypt, fascinating subject: The Bible calls the ruler of Egypt in both the time of Yusif/Joseph (alayhi a salam) and at the time of Moses (alayhi a salam) "Pharaoh", and the Qur'an without any sort of previous necessity calls the ruler of Egypt at the time of Yusuf "King" while the one of Musa stills as "Pharaoh". And this is something every historian would agree with, that at the time of Yusuf the ruler of Egypt was called King.

There are even more subtle evidences on Egyptology.
Primary source material from the Pyramid Texts indicates that a common motif in Ancient Egypt was the personification of the heavens and the Earth. In particular, when pharaohs died, the heavens and the Earth would be depicted as weeping for them, as indicated in the following ‘utterance’:

‘The sky weeps for thee; the earth trembles for thee’ (Utterance 553: 221)

This motif, although not in the Old Testament and other Jewish sources, can be found in the Qur'an.

Allah states in Al Qur'an about the Pharaoh of Musa (alayhi a salam) after his death the next (interpretation of the meaning): ‘Neither the heaven nor the Earth wept over them, nor was their fate delayed’

Really nice subject.
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There are much better proofs for the veracity of Islam, like the prophecies of the beloved (alayhi a salat wa salam) of the conquests of what are today many nuslims lands, the prophecies on the future world (especially when compared with Nostradamus and other so called precise prophets who can't even reach the sandal of the Chosen One). And many other matters which would be almost impossible to enumerate, just take a look at the arguments for God existence. These arguments in some cases are directly surahs from Al Qur'an like the description of the Necessary Existence by the Contingency Argument which is literally Surat Al Ikhlas (Independent, Eternal, Incomparable, One)

For example just these days i was researching on Islam and the ancient Egypt, fascinating subject: The Bible calls the ruler of Egypt in both the time of Yusif/Joseph (alayhi a salam) and at the time of Moses (alayhi a salam) "Pharaoh", and the Qur'an without any sort of previous necessity calls the ruler of Egypt at the time of Yusuf "King" while the one of Musa stills as "Pharaoh". And this is something every historian would agree with, that at the time of Yusuf the ruler of Egypt was called King.

There are even more subtle evidences on Egyptology.
Primary source material from the Pyramid Texts indicates that a common motif in Ancient Egypt was the personification of the heavens and the Earth. In particular, when pharaohs died, the heavens and the Earth would be depicted as weeping for them, as indicated in the following ‘utterance’:

‘The sky weeps for thee; the earth trembles for thee’ (Utterance 553: 221)

This motif, although not in the Old Testament and other Jewish sources, can be found in the Qur'an.

Allah states in Al Qur'an about the Pharaoh of Musa (alayhi a salam) after his death the next (interpretation of the meaning): ‘Neither the heaven nor the Earth wept over them, nor was their fate delayed’

Really nice subject.
yes u forget to mention the Rosetta Stone
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U also forget how the islam get the money they use right while the bible get the money the eyptions used wrong and that the whole time the quran was relilved the egyptian hieroglyphics and currency they used was not know before or after islam it was only recent years when the Rosetta Stone was found that we know this
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U also forget how the islam get the money they use right while the bible get the money the eyptions used wrong and that the whole time the quran was relilved the egyptian hieroglyphics and currency they used was not know before or after islam it was only recent years when the Rosetta Stone was found that we know this
Yes, you mean the Dirham/Dinar distinction, true.
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But yet people wanna beilve that atoms came out of no where and theres no higher power

like come on man u can do better then that atleast beilve there is a creation commands going up with a higher power being an independant while everythink ever made is an idenpenadnt

Islam get right how old the unvi is
damm poffff

its like they were never there
But yet people wanna beilve that atoms came out of no where and theres no higher power

like come on man u can do better then that atleast beilve there is a creation commands going up with a higher power being an independant while everythink ever made is an idenpenadnt

Islam get right how old the unvi is
I believe in a higher power but not religion. It doesn't have to be atheism if not religion
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Baldingman1998
Humans have instincts to do both good and evil. Since we evolved to live in tribes, morality was needed to work together but lack of morality towards those outside the tribe was needed to destroy rival tribes and creatures competing for the same resources.
There's no such thing as good and evil. It's just logic and instincts.
First post you make that isn't total bullshit. Although you take it from Sv3rage it still makes sense. One thing tho, humans naturally have "morals" or at the very least empathy. (Atleast most humans do). That can be seen as our natural social trait and not because of religion.

We evolved to cooperate and care about each other to help each other survive
We didn't "evolve" to be like that weve always been like that. Evolution doesn't exist.
  • JFL
Reactions: Baldingman1998
We didn't "evolve" to be like that weve always been like that. Evolution doesn't exist.
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We were all born in sin
If there were no laws everyone would be stealing, killing, raping, etc.
If you read the New Testament of the bible you would realize it’s people explaining their experiences with god, and that a god exists.
The devil makes us sin by drugs, lust, and other crimes.
if you aren’t the type of person to do those kinds of things, he will attack you through your mind.
Which is why most people are on this site. There’s someone for everyone, no matter how gl or ugly you are, but also some people aren’t even ugly, and they’re on this site, downing themselves, hating themselves, which eventually ends up to suicide, which is also a sin. Without moral rules/religion the world would have ended many years ago. All the religions connect/have the same structure.
shit thread
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We were all born in sin
If there were no laws everyone would be stealing, killing, raping, etc.
If you read the New Testament of the bible you would realize it’s people explaining their experiences with god, and that a god exists.
The devil makes us sin by drugs, lust, and other crimes.
if you aren’t the type of person to do those kinds of things, he will attack you through your mind.
Which is why most people are on this site. There’s someone for everyone, no matter how gl or ugly you are, but also some people aren’t even ugly, and they’re on this site, downing themselves, hating themselves, which eventually ends up to suicide, which is also a sin. Without moral rules/religion the world would have ended many years ago. All the religions connect/have the same structure.
Society is man made. Society is slavery. In society you are either a slave or s ruler. Morals only apply to the slaves made to control them easier.
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We didn't "evolve" to be like that weve always been like that. Evolution doesn't exist.
If evolution dousnt exist why are there different races?
this is how

"I believe in a higher power but not religion. It doesn't have to be atheism if not religion"
Atheism is the lack of belief in a God (so obviously religion as well).

I never claimed to be atheist. I believe in God but not religion
God doesnt comdomen slavery its the people of the past who twist their bible to fit there gain

as when u look at the quran its never been changed
and if u do reasrch on the struce of it u will be amazed its hard to explain but just look online about the struecher of the quran and how it was reavled through versus that when all combianed made a complex pattern
Allah is great, subhanallah
Atheism is the lack of belief in a God (so obviously religion as well).

I never claimed to be atheist. I believe in God but not religion
nice logic man so theres a god but no religion so ur saying us humans made up the idea of god all the stories and witness of the time of prohet jusus and prophet muhammad are all fake them stories and the people and command line which is in detail of who the prohet talked to all fake the battle the prohets said was gonna happen and then did which is learnt in todays history class are all fake?
nice logic man so theres a god but no religion so ur saying us humans made up the idea of god all the stories and witness of the time of prohet jusus and prophet muhammad are all fake them stories and the people and command line which is in detail of who the prohet talked to all fake the battle the prohets said was gonna happen and then did which is learnt in todays history class are all fake?
Yes exactly
  • JFL
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Yes, as they should
Ur an incel plz u dont know what ur talking about ur an extremsist that doesnt

Do u know in the prohets time they had gay people and the prhoet repsected their right
so why are u saying stuff like that when it isnt islam
  • JFL
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Proof? I'm actually married with a child, I just know where women stand in society unlike you, you castrated donkey
deulstion is outter this world
silly banana
  • JFL
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First of all... It's 2021 ffs :forcedsmile:... there are people out there who still believe in religion :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Religions have moral code/laws

They tell you what's good and bad...

Morals are completely man-made and go against nature and our instincts

If they didn't want us to do bad things why would they give us those instincts to do the bad things in the first place.

When a lion kills a dear or a human in a tribe rapes a girl they don't think "was that the moral thing to do? :soy:" do they ever stop themselves from doing something that would give them pleasure because it's "morally bad? :soy:"

Tldr: Morals are extremely destructive towards yourself and are subjective, therefore they don't exist, just like religion.

Btw, there's this youtuber called Chunkz who's famous in the UK and he sometimes made music but he STOPPED MAKING MUSIC BECAUSE HIS RELIGION SAYS ITS BAD :lul::lul::lul: what fucking retarded logic is that? Doing something that gives you pleasure, happiness and money just because a man-made text says it's a bad thing to do? Wtf...
Says the dude who apparently is a critical thinker and yet disproves evolution.
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First of all... It's 2021 ffs :forcedsmile:... there are people out there who still believe in religion :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Religions have moral code/laws

They tell you what's good and bad...

Morals are completely man-made and go against nature and our instincts

If they didn't want us to do bad things why would they give us those instincts to do the bad things in the first place.

When a lion kills a dear or a human in a tribe rapes a girl they don't think "was that the moral thing to do? :soy:" do they ever stop themselves from doing something that would give them pleasure because it's "morally bad? :soy:"

Tldr: Morals are extremely destructive towards yourself and are subjective, therefore they don't exist, just like religion.

Btw, there's this youtuber called Chunkz who's famous in the UK and he sometimes made music but he STOPPED MAKING MUSIC BECAUSE HIS RELIGION SAYS ITS BAD :lul::lul::lul: what fucking retarded logic is that? Doing something that gives you pleasure, happiness and money just because a man-made text says it's a bad thing to do? Wtf...
Doing heroine gives you pleasure, so we should just do heroine to cope with our inceldon :feelsuhh:
Wow this thread would be groundbreaking in the 1600s
  • JFL
  • WTF
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You dont belive in evolution and you dont belive in any religon you have just dropped all explantion of why life is the way it is today
Doing heroine gives you pleasure, so we should just do heroine to cope with our inceldon :feelsuhh:
It doesn't though. Also it's man-made anyway.
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Forbidding music
Full coverings for women.
The extreme social separation between men and women (see Afghanistan for example)
The harsh capital punishments like cutting off a hand for theft or executions for other "crimes"

I'm not saying it would be necessarily bad, but it doesn't seem like an ideal environment for a nation to thrive in.

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